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About La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959 | View Entire Issue (April 6, 1905)
CRESCENT GROCERIES AJBE GUARANTEED Thir mans your money back if yon are not atisfi-d. Crescent Spices, Croscent Tea, des cent, Baking Powder, Crescent Extracts. Fall line of Superior Crackers, best on earth. Remember e have our own delivery wagon : and insure prompt delivery. SEATTLE GROCERY CO. Masonic building, Adams Avenue ZUNDELL & LAWSON, Props. Oregon Produce Co 3 Phone 1761 La GrandcEOregon. Corner Jefferson Avenue and Greenwood Streets. Larjgeet Packing ' House APPLES ": 25c PER BTJSHEI,L Good No 2 apples at the packing house. Call and see them, they are as good aa those offered by peddlers A.B.C. STEAM LAUNDRY PHONE X85i La GranJe. ' Oregon. "7ATT Should come to our 1 -laundry X KJ VJ vrben in of anything from a pleasant smile to clean linen is our business NEED WASHING WE DO IT RIGHT 1 4$$$ 4t$$$$s$-$ CITY IB RE WE RY JULIUS ROESCH, Proprietor. Largest Brewiing Plant In Eastern Oregon Ask for La Grande Beer and get the Best LA GRANDE BEER IS MADE IN LA GRANDE AND SHOULD HAVE THh PkEFERENCE. (HlfrimilllltiWr 1 Hotel Sommef THE HOTEL gOMMER uD, Leges- ' j WE CATER TO COMMERCIAL --7 TRADE '-- --- -- - ' ROOMS WITH BATh ITliSTEAM HEATzEB All Modem Conveniences Best Dining Room Service in Eastern Oregon. j ' ; I A. I MORRIS, , Tres.iand Manager. j IL Grande Evening Observer rr lET BROS, Editor. Pr pa knitting industry. In .be year 1904 one hundred and fifty new establishments were install- ed; daring the decade from 1890 Entered at tba poet Office at La '' to 1800 there were but 125 new' uraade, Oregon, aa rjeoocd ciaae 1 Mali MatUr. Published daily except Sunday One year in advance.,, . ... $6 60 8ix months in advance. . . .3 50 Per month ....65c 8ingle copy 6c ADVEETIHIMO KATIES . . ! Diaplay Ad mm furnlsbad apoa application Local readlDf aotlcea lOe par Una flnrt uar- Uon,5aMr UMlbrMchanhteqaml - I Mob. . RaaolaUoai oTeoadolenoe, jo rer Una, Cards of thanka. le per Uae. Thursday, April" 6, 1905. HOSIERY AND KNIT GOODS It is well for commnnites that are ambitious to keep up with the times, to make some effort to aoauire information aa to what is going on in the country, In this fast moving age the com muuity or town that thinks the world is engaged about as it was a half century ago will find that it has taken a aide track posi tion and about all it can' do is stand and wonder at the anwi of the on moving column of progress j and chaff because it is being left behind. A half rentury ago the wo men carded the wool, cotton or flax, spun it, and then by hand with knitting needles that cost a fip (six and a quarter cents) patiently knit all the hosiery and knit goods that' the people used. There were then but 23, 191,876 people of all races in th U. ; 8. and, the patient mothers aud dutiful sisters made no complaint because of the task imposed upon them of knitting socks, mittens, and gloves for the nation. In 1900 the census takers made no note of the number of knitting niedles in the United States or the value of the socka. stockings, gloves and mittens knit by the women, for the reason that, hapily, for woman kind and to the honor of man kind that particular made of providing the people wit h un der ware had ceased. The census of 1900 did find 021 great big establishments wherein a capital of $81,860,604 were employed and 83,387 men women, boys and girls , were paid as wages a total 24,358,627 an annual average of" $292.92 per wage earner. . -Theft 921 hnJery and knit gondOaUb'.idhuieuU in 1!)00 id addition to the amount, $24. 358,627,, paid for wages, pur chased $51,071,859 worth of material that was used in mak ing products worth $95,482,566. Iu 1900 there were 75,693,734 people of all races in the United States and the per capita of the hosiery and knit goods used was $1.26. At this rate it will take but $25,000 to furnish the people of Union county a year. And at leaet $100,000 worth . to snpply the country that ran be supplied from Li Grande more conveniently aud clitaper than from any other point. There are now in Oregon but three knit goods establishments. viz. at Portland, Stayton and La Grande. These cannot pos sible supply our people. Wash ington has but one, and Cali fornia three, Idaho one. All the knit goods establishments on this coast are small concerns leaving the field practically opeu lor supplying two and a half mi.lious of people with their knit goods who will annually consume, at least - $3,000,000 worth of such stuff a vear People in other states are wak ening up to the profits in the knitting and hosiery plants add ed or 121 a year. It looks like a region that grows wool, has an abundance of power, either developed or awaiting develop ment with a prosperous popula tion ought- to make i s own gloves, stockings, soeks and un-derware. V. . . . i . For a Ymk Digestion Mo medielne can replace food bat Chamberlain a btomaon and Liver Tabtata will help you to dlgeit yoor 100a. it u not tba quantity 01 food taken that gtvee trengtb and vigor to the ayetem. bat the amount dlaeeted and aaalmilated. If troubled ith a weak direction, don't fa'.l to aire these Tabieta a trial Tnoasande have been I benefited by their nee. They only 1 eoat a Quarter. For aaJe br New! in , Drag km. , . Plans to Get Rich , are often (rostrated br andden break down, doe to dyapepaia or oonatlpation oraoenpana lake ut. King'e Mew Life PUls. Tbei take oat tba materiala wbicb are olofglng yonr euergiw. and giveyoa a new etart. Care headache and dlszineaa too. At Newlio Urog Co drag atom; 25o goa ran lead - . v- w 5 lbs Home rendered : lard Cash Sncriai Sal For the next fifteen days I will offer some special . cash puces on my cured meata and larda. ; I. have moved into t ie Geddes building, and am not prepared to carry a large stock in this line until I am again in my own build ing whush is now being , pre- fared with cold storage faoi ities. As I now need money I will sell 5 lbs buckets of lard for 65c,' 10 lbs buckets for $1.10 cash. For the present I am located just across the atreet from . my old stand . . 3 55c 5 lbs Home rendered . lard Cash HARRIS MEAT MARKET Phone 1601 MRS. H. W. LAUGHLIN, 5 e Teacher of vocal and piano MUSIC Graduate of Chicago Musical College Phone 1970 J ('e Brick furnished in any quanity or any : style. No contract too small or too I large. See samples of our pressed brick . GEO. KREIGER; La Grande Oregon. mm, OREGOA SalOIXTLlNli -o Union PAcinr No Hah Lake. Denver, YL No I S:jOpn Worth, Omaha, fcaa- SOam Na6 Luuia, Cbi- No 5 fc3a. in. aaoaua Kaat. . iMu m . Wo 1 ' ' . Portland, DaiUa. Pea- dleton. Walla AValla, t Ka1 duSrt P autta Tta gpokace Panlaad. Uallea, iVn- " dlatoo, UmatiUa. WaU ot lula, LawkUMTOoUax, Me Mimow, Wallace, W.r 46 p. m. nw, Hpokan aud other BX a B polata Mat and aorta vta Huokaae ( No. SI Ulaod City. ncal. Im- Dally blr and Con- HoU ct oe tKna at KIiB -m lb Baaday u-. lor point la Vk aW bSOmm klitm lowa. v vl -j, ..; " 'iwmii. wvwwa i uniaau aau tlaa rraMMoiarrgta, " KiaalOUBC.Aaeel. JJlllUliillU" - I I LJi i 1 if & Have You Seen 'Em? T'"r"" "i ."ilB'.'i.lU.ia&al 'Have you seen our new Bpring suits- Coals extra long, wide J rllara mid Innpla. h it Ife'MS k& I shapely shoulders, J w u-.-w'i a LU- , jm . it wide tronsers, wun an the late kinka in the cut and tailoring? If you have not seen them you're missing something. The Swcllest Suits of the Season are Here Single and double breated, in the new brown and gray mixtures, or in broken checks ai d stripes. Our spring suit display will certainly be a feast for the man who wishes ftyle and durability at a moderate cost, say $10 to $20. Our $15 suits ate-particular favorites. I ARM V OUTFITTERS ; a-- " ' AillilliiiAililiiliiiilHNtAitfi.itAlA, BROS THE FINEST EVER Tailored Turbans Dress Hats Cordays New Veilings Ombre Ribbons Pretty lace Collars Handsome Jetted Collars E M WELLMAN & CO - La Gtauide - Oregon ieeeee&wceeeeeeeftttee4 Notary Public . Insurance Money to Loan Representing the Equitable Savings & Loan Asso ciation of Portland, Or., the stronger, safest A most reliable institution on the Pacific coast, under State supervision. Loans made short or long time to suit. m. GRANT, Agent i City property for sale. ' aeaaseeaeeaeoedeeeteeaoaaaaeaanai'---" : 1- - a. REDUCTION SALE 0 We have nude np our minds to mII every roll of Wall Paper in our 'M SO , store before the next iprin stock arrives, and in order to insure a j complete clan-up we have cut the price re jardleu of former price 1 Wall Paper from 5 cents up 5 9) (0 5) e) ( i) We Want to clear the house before March ut as we expect a carload of Will Waper to a arrive on that date. We uve more Wall Paper khow on hand than all the other paper houses ! the county. There, fore you wiO hive a greater variety to select from. Our present stock b compute ! . Stackland & McLachlen : PAINTS 0IUS AND 61.ASS I (9 IT'S NOT TOO LATE TO ORDEi FRUIT TREES 1 have a good stock of shade trees, shrubs arid vines, also Americau Evermana fa ran;n. j , - - n -v. ".m iuc auu W1UU breaks, $5 per hundred. 40 ner tlinnaan t foul F1ff .tnolA.!.. n 1 . t . ' vmiio. varuanous, inree colors, 12 i. I'ouoie Jjaisies, Jatge, three colore, flowering panpies, all colors, per dozen 50c. w l - for Large LA GRANDE NURSERY Box 637 Or leave order at Thorn's Grocerv Store.