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About La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959 | View Entire Issue (April 5, 1905)
W mm today WEATUEIl Tonight and Tomorrow fair Jo' 1 'S VOLUME IV LA GRANDE. UNION COUNTY. OREGON WEDNESDAY. APRIL 5. 1905 NUMBER 134 LA Emm t if CITY OWNERSHIP OF STREET RAILWAYS By Soripp New Association Chicago April 5 Mayor-elect, Ed . ward F Duon, within an hoar after be , wm aesundcf bis election, reaffirmed publicly, aid expressed hit conviction ; that mnnicipal ownerehipof tbee'reet railway would bo possible to Chicago inside two years. He aaid : ' Deal ing with a mayor of iron - will and a . friendly oouooil, trsotion interest will r cognize that it ia inef itable to take a fair prico for their property, aod give Ui municipal owneisbip in two years. This ii w: at 1 expect, but if they want fight, we will give it to -them in and oat ol court." On the other band, friends of the street railway co-operations express do) fear that municipal ownership can be carried out. Tbey rely opoa the council as a safe neutralising agent of any municipal ownership scheme brought forward, poioting out tnat practically the name men are in con trol of the present counoil as , bave always favored . tbe renewal of the franchises to the street car companies, but witb the provision for eventual pubho owners' ip MAY OPTION ; TAKES A JUMP (By Scrlpps News Association . Chlce o April ft The bull clique In May wheat is suppose to be headed by Gates people, a ad npset the equili brium la the wheat pit in tbe Board of j Trad today at noon,' by banging on tnat option in toe raoe 01 sinuia; prra sore from the shorts who are a' tempt ing to oov r. From opening at tl 14 today, May option joinped to fl 11 amid much' excitement. ; A reaction followed but the prloe Is steadying at 11.16, the short all the time jelling for mercy. TAKE MORE WELLS REELECTED MAYOR OF ST LOUIS TOWNS SOUTHERN PACIFIC ELECTS DIRECTORS Sortpps New Association Louisville, Ky , April 5. An an nual meeting of the stockholder of the Southern PaoiQo railway was held here today. One tiiillion, nine bun dred and seventr nine thousand, six hundred and eight shsres were repre sented. The following board of direct ors was elected : William D C'oinlah, George J Gould, II Harriman, Mar viu Hughett, A E Huntington, James H Hyde, Otto 11 Kahn, 0 H Mckay, D O Mills. IV H Pierce, Jacob Schiff, James 8pyr, James Stillman, Chaa U Tweed and l)avid Wilcox. . A Double. Handing ByBcripps News Association J " Nashville, Tenn. April 5 8ingiug "Old Time Religion" as the drop fell, Andrew Hibbhtt, James Schudder, two negroes, were banged today lu the jail yard. Schudder murdered bis three year old cripple son, and Hibbelt killed hi mother-in-law. Third Trial Resumed ' (By ScrlrpsNsws Association) New fork April 6 The third trial of Nan Patterson began here Monday before Recorder G off. According to .... - a m U T! trict Attorney offlc. Ibis morning John R Patterson, tb father of the cboras girl, wss oloseted with the. Grand Jury an boor and a half, sup posedly for the purpose of throwing light upon the author of the ' myster- i m l.'fUut'gned "H L" whion were toand among tbe effects of J Morgan Hinlth and wife at Oinolnoattl. Tokio Aprilft A report today from Manchuria says "Part of oar Chang- to foro drov the Rnssians , out of Tsulu bhu, two mile north of L'hsngtu Tbey also drov tbe enemy out of Sum lencheng, nine miles west of Tsulu Shu and occupied both place on April 3rd On April 4th they drov the Bus slans from Soumlaotzu and dispersed Ave hundred of the enemy's cavalry which was retreating north along the railway'.'. The tcrpido boat destroyer "Arare" was successfully launched at Kur today. ' "" Foreign Engineers By tk ripps New Association Washington April 5 .The Uuited States Government, through Secretary reft, has culled upon the Governments of France, Great Britain and Germany for each of them to recommend civil engineers .to serve" as a consulting board to the engineers of tbe Pan ma canal. DREAD DISEASE IN ! CHICAGO SCHOOL By Scrlpps News Association Ohicago April 6 The fashionable 8t. Even (ohool for girl, on Drexel Boulevard, is closed today, following the discovery that Miss May Blume teachei from fie York who died yes terday, wis a victim of tbe diead cere bro spinal meningitis. It is believed by the health authorities thst tbe youne woman contracted the disease in New York, where the epidemio ii razlog. It is feared that the students of the institution hsve been exposed Ambassador Leaves (Bv Scrlpps News Association) Paris, April 6 Ambassador iiv re left for t Petei eburg todsy. Two Burn To Death By Soripp News Association Cripple Creek April 6 William Davis and a man called "Dig Walsh burned to death today in a fire which destroyed the Wilson building. Heve ral other people had narrow escapes Medal For V Bravery ,. (By 8crlpps News Association). De Moines, April 5. The first Car nea'e medal to be awarded goes to Mis Lavlna Steele, receutly appoint d assistant state librarian, . Miss Steel saved tb life of George Hall, student of tb Stat University, who broke through th Ice. . T PA VPS Oirr WB 4TTOM Tokio Apt ii ft Wbil the ofBoial celebration ol tb victory of the Ja panese st Mukden baa been postponed until Monday on account of th rain, bulneu men and labor guilds held a brief procession which marched froni Hibya Paik to Uysno Park. At the palao the parade cheered the Emper or, the Cabinet aud the eommandsra of th army and navy. Exercises were held at Uyeno Perk, .' ' '? Killed in a Duel V Boripps News Assocatlon) , Berlin. April 5. In a pistol duel at Hazenhside Park todaj , Baron Kob ilneky fatally wonndsd Hrr Zeipllu, an angineer, who died two hour later In the hospl tal . Thl is tb first duel with a fatal termination, ' that bas occurred in Berlin in five year. Noted Turfman Dead Louisville April 6 Frank B Her. per, the breeder and turfmao, aod owner of several lamous - horses, diud t'ida) at Nantura aged 81 year. J 3E SPRINGTIME WEATHER (By 8oripp News Association ) St Louis April 5-Mayor Roll Wall democrat, re-lscted over Tally, re publican, by a plurality of 1342. Th democrats sleeted twenty six out ol forty nv oi th officiate balloted up on. Th repiblicao elected all but on ooanollmen; In th noun of dele gates, tb demooratea secured nineteen members and the repnblioans nine Resumes Inquiries : : (By Scrlpps News Association) Chicago, April 8 After a rest of thre days, the Federal Grand Jury, inv atigatlng tb paoklng Industry, resumed their Inquiries this morning. With the exception of Sunday adjourn ments, th Jury, will now proceed to th nd of th investigation, and will nwliakU Mill U Ma 1Kk six witnesses were called this morning. REBELS ELECT ( By Scrlpps New Association ) Berlin, April 6. Dispatches from St. Petersburg state that th rebellion ia spreading throughout ell the Caucusos. It Is repotted that ten thousand armed rebels have gathered in tb tnounains -and have elected a king. Eight thous and revolutionary wot k men of the Battoum and Baku portion of the country may Join this force. 8ix other contingents, numbering seven thousand are operating In different parts of th Caucasus. Military authorities es- press th opinion that it will take a. decade to folly paoify the Caucasus By Scrlpps News Association 8t Joseph Mich April 5 Members Washington April 6 Minister Pow- of th medical fratenity ar deeply ell at Haytl has reported to the state puzzled over the case of Miss , Mabel, department at Washington, that re- Rigney, who died last night from an ' volutloi is in full progress at Port Au affection of the heart. ' Prince, Mont Chrlsto PEACE IMPOSSIBLE 8t Petersburg, April 5-Th news paper, oveo vrsma, im an . tnsptrsa artlole attack tb attamptsof President RoMevelt at mediation, and says that at peace the present time is lmpossbls COMPLETE LOSSE13 Barbln April 6 Complete return received from 'Headquarter give th total Bnssian losses I killed, wound ed and taken prisoner, at the battle of Mukden, a one hundred and ssven thousand. -: r . tightened To Death Another Revolution 33 SUGG ESTS SPRINGTIME HAT No Woman in Union County can afford to select her Spring Hat without .having seen our Beautiful Line of Spring Millinery. EARTHQUAKE : 1 RUINS TOWN ' By Scrlpps Ne w Association. Lahore, India, April 6 A relief I party has been dispatched to Dhsrma- tal Ulll station, whloh was praotlcally destroyed by n earthquake, many of th inhabitant being burled in the ruins, which Include the entire native quarters . In the European quarter, nin were killed and most of the house wrecked. : Tb dead inolude Mr Robinson, wife of tb colonel com manding, her two daughters, Mr Hal derneas, Capt Muscroft and four mem bers of tb Iudlan Civil Servlo. Tbe utir population 1 homeless. OTHER TOWNS DAMAGED (Later) Beport. from Kashmir, Dalhausie. Dehrs,' Dnmpatrala, Ma lerkotla show great loss of life and im mense dsmage. Is Lahore th number I of natives killed has Increased to sev enty and ' many ar lojured. Many other towns report loss of life and gr at damage..' v'; : , False Pretences Emmatt, April 6 George Russell and Tom Russell, Jr , the latter being son of on of the village trustees. wer arrested her today obarged by O A Tolman with obtaining money under false pretences. It seems they induced I I Tolman to go on a noU for 1400, telling I him, according to Tolman' allegation, that they wonld have James Little and To:n Russell, Sr., sign tb note, Thl I they negleoted to do, aad Tolman was I compelled to pay the not. ' Th ac-i loused parties were taken to Caldwell - today for examination. . ;. The Leading Corset Ladies' Gloves New arrivals in Silk Lisle Thread aud Cotton Gloves v - . s Attractive goods at attractive prtcea Graphophcne Free Tbis will be a permanent fpntnrft of this store. Call and see how easy it is to obtain one absolutely free. Ladies Suits You are not living tip to your op portunities if you fail to look over oar line of suits, when in the mar ket, if for nothing more than to obtain ideas of the correct sty h e. You cannot help . but appreciate the workmanship style, material and the price. ' r- ' M I LlUJ N E1RY This has nlwBys beeu a stfo'if line with u, and tbe beauties we pre showing this Beason -will certainly appeal to your ta8te,aud the price to your economic judgment. 1 THE RAINBOW " STORE V jMMWiLil.llSBllJMISWSMHISS 1 lli.l,tfgtt,im RSJ Large Assortment at Small Prices 21 PRESIDENT SALUTED VanlU. I T. . April 5 Twelve ban I dred people turned out here to see the President as be passed through . to- I dav. Tb station was decked with I bunting .flags, a'hd tb President's saint was fired with the aid of anvils I and dynamit. TU President mado a I short stsech aud said that he expeot- led soonto see Indian Territory and I Oklahoma admitted to statehood. " CROWDS INCREASE - South McAllister I. T. April 6 Short stop were made by , th Presi J nt at Wagoner, Uoskagee and South McAllister. , He made brief remarks at each town, reiterating th hope ol Nisprrdy statehood for tbe territory. Tbe I crowds ar . increasing with each mile southward. - AUCTION AUCTION 2:30 arid 7:30 DAILY Must have money at once", will sell to the Highest Bidder my Entire Stock of Dhmonds Watches, Jewelery, Silverware and Cut Glass H. W. HEWITT. A.L. LOWENSTEIN. Auctioneer Ha worth Building, Adams Ave. aud Fir Street t r 5WTCV,n. Ti ". i i C a i :