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About La Grande morning observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1901-1904 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 16, 1904)
-jm!fmmmifmafimhimmmmm Millinery Op I SATUEDAY, The attention of the ladies of this city and county is called to the fact that I will hold my Annual Fall Millinery Opening Saturday, Sept. 17, and you are all invited to attend. You know that in the past I have shown the ver latestetyles and most beautiful creations in up-to-date millinery and this season I am able to not only keep up with my past record, but surpass it in many ways. The styles-this season are more beautiful and the prices re much lower. I cannot explain here all the new and beautiful designs, but respectfully invite you to call next Saturday and insptct them for your selves. You are judge. Mrs. I- R. ' Maeonio bulding on Beautiful Columbia v ' River Folder A passenger department of the Ore gon Railroad & Navigation Company has just issued a beautiful and costly panoramio folder entitled "The Col ombia Kiver, through the CaeoaJe Mountains, to the PaoiUo Oseuu." irom Arlington to Portland aud from Portland to the Pacific Ocean, every carve of the river and every point of interest are shown while Alt Hood Mt Adams, and Me St Helen?, po.po tually covered with anuw, stand out in there beauty. On the bank of the map is an interesting -story in detail of the trip from Huntington to Port-; land and from Portland to the ocean, j not overlooking ihe beaches and the ; San Frantisoo trip by ocean- A copy of this folder may be secured by toiid ; tng four cents in stamps to p.ty pontage to A L Craig, General Pasaeug'ir Agent of the Oregon "tailroad . fc navigaiiou Corupan Portland, Oragon, Hy 60, id-1 ing the address of some if lend in the East, and fear cents in pontage the I folder will be promptly mailed. Real estate Snap Two aore trect, seven blocks from center of La Grande. Good six room ed cottage lurniehed completely and well, if desired. Two barns, large ben hnnse and wire enclosed park over one ndred ohiokens, over IU0 bearitg fm it trees including nint-ii and siim- r apples, peais, prunes, peaches and several verities of unerries, one tboaeand, 500 strawberries twenty five shade trees, lawn, lloweis and large garden ready for" use, taree wella, two pumps, leu sharea in good water ditch, bouse insure t for titW for three years. Pan down. For particulars inquire at this office. Columbia Collegiate, 1-renamiory University and (jr.un- mar Graile ITPLI FOB HTAtmui Conrces. Bosnllng school tor yonug men A boys. Box 348 University Park Stdtion, Portland ' Oregon TU faJiOUS UTTLI rius Par aMi rellsf frcm 8lllour.. gtak Heaaaoha, Torpid Uvir, Ju dlea, IMulaeu, and all troublu tnt lag Irsaa aalnaottvaorilueeUii d- i' DVlt's LMIe Erly Rl" miiiii Tbeyaolarampllysnd nr "p Tkey are ae aalaiy thai H !'''" at aaaa laem. One to tve rtM laaaBve: lo or tour an )VBiillloctlvocihtr'o- paraly vetklo nd thwliini kiiailaaa Thay tonlo th ll"r HtlfARKD OKLV rt . O. DiWIh co..Ctioi;" r i Rv All -Pruciri urly-RisGre ARE YOU GOING TO ST. LOUIS If an, pnrdinse y-r fcM T','.';!. Choice of route" aoir.e or retnrnlnt BT PAUL. PKSVER. COLORADO 8rklN(i-, or I'I KHLO. For rate, call ou ynnr A -nt. Pte. of sale: ' I"-"-!" :'"' J"2"3 Am. "-9-1 1 8'f r-; 7 ' ;M""- For further Ir.fn'm -'mi I ''' A H McDonald til lUiThlid Bt , PortlanJ, Oie umihiih ening SEtT. 17 Forrest, Adams avenue. FARMERS ATTENTION I have purchased the SPO KANE CAFE aud it is my iu teution to make a special effort to please the farmers, In Older to do this I have decided to furnish a special meal Saturday of each week which I call the Ft r leers' Dinner. This meal will include all that the market afford? aud n ill be served in regular family style. This will be the best meal ever offered in La Grande for 25 cents. Wheu m the city cull at the Spokane (Jaie aud see exactly how good a nieiil you cun buy tor 25 cents. REMEMBER we pay cash for butter, eggs aud chickens. J F Johnson, 1 'eight Room House with Eleotrio liiiht and city water. F D Hal, ten Soi-onJ liund Store. City Scavenger Vaults, Cesspools and Wells Cleaned All work done by Scavengers N- N. Mason Phono 1841 Lu Urttude Or. Lods;e Directory. EAOLM9 La Uranoe Airie iy F O fc raecU every Kritlav nihl IU K ol . lall 8 . IM VUitlus brelheru InvlteU l- . t c luckweli, w h a. - yti. see- I'OKEMTEtW OF AMEHICA-Onnrt Mmd Maiioll, o 2i nitti i-at'ti Tue.lay 10 fclai b..M. Uroluerti are (iivilcd lo uttuutl, .1 ll..ui.Mr i:iom KaDner. U J Vaoderpoot, kt-c bcc. I (10 F-i.aOran.1e UmIb' No 16 ec-' L heir hall every rtt ui'lay umht Vl .1 ..-R It ni ..-I- eoitlial V tuvlUil lo all. Ii'l- j L Kineliail N 'i 11 E Coulidu, ner. A i'. .1 M.--Ln Gr.inle Lodge I . 41. meets every 1ft mil :frd Iatur i .;' oi e ii h litnnth . : ilhan.a Sec. ( I. lluflman VV. M, l'. nli lli.-ii ill Ilia Word. ' In il - vein nt . s:t Hie fiircia of Klw Vir:i"'i VI iiti.i.-U".! the Moorn nnd ir...i- i!iln out of Madrid li thl oniii.tlmi tliere Ik ii lec-nil Unit II" siirov " ".in wi-r nilii' of Alf-in" In --n i-hi--Eiil by Ihe anovs i In th-.--.nn'.iln I'iKiii'i of l-'ncnrrln mill v-i-r Ii rcf.iri' h ie In nrertiikhiK the nnilr ...i.v of tin- unny. wl-.leli linil nt down .-fo-i- M-s,ji iij. -Sshv." Ilii-y limnlred ,r ii-e kins "wlr-ri' ahull we rnmpy ln;,e 'he city." returned Alfonai. with n ii"f. belns nniirj- with then B.:,c,. ,,r their tiinllnina. They t'" the kin-j nt hia word, curried the wr.ll riil the next mornlne t!ie bannvr ni S-sjrovIn :i Mi.iitlnf from a turret nt the giue of (Iniulnlnlnra. Tai'l. "I..iura " !il S'.r. l iTcnaon. "Ihls l V!r. Kl'l'p:"-: r cf linrkiii'vili.'." the (own vli.rv I ii-hI to live lie's Hi' -,1'tr,' ..; f.-f 1-..: -i I "ii" I' l "'- hiir. i,e ! it ' ' I-'-'-:- ""' inn: 'fn r . I--! s.!-,v l'.i.--i t y' Mr l''!'.-i-i, - !. ' -V ii C,' -.r-:".' ! -r-o;.' it V r.v ii " i. ' - - t ti "':" Oi auule. ' I OU. lit t" m" foU. DUI but they're imder the dining room car STORM SWEEPS THE EAST COAST Ravag es the Atlantic Coast and Creates De- struction of Life (Observer Special) ' ic,w-a numner oi lives were lost, murh DroD.rtv was damno-crl and several ah ma were wrecker! in storm which ravaged the Altlantto,little- The win i and raid and thunder coast last n'ght and loday. and lightning were terrlffio, but little Tonight telewaphio reports say the! "ot,a,dam '8 was dons NineUen atorm hue aaantni.t th n,n frnm coal bargee went adrift in the bay, .the Can. dlan ooast south. Thagreat- ! a . i ... .1... ... c-i iusa ui me waa near Wilmington Del. Tug Israel W Durham, with a orowof six men, and four employes of the Amealoan Dredging oompany, I was swamprd intbe Delaware river daring the height ol the storm, Eiiht of ihe ten pe.-sons on the llit:e oraft were drowned. From lartber down the ooast Jacksonville ornnea . the MAY WHEAT HIGHER s (Observer Sueiial) Chicago, September 10. Snow in the Canadian rthwest. and the re. poited deoreaso of the tittl Russian crop being onnsptoaous : cr.u ed today the turning of the wheat mrket up wards. The olose whs arm with Dec ember at S2.15 .1.8 a 1.16 1-2. May closed at CL16 7-8 a 1.17, a gain of 7-8 cents aa compared with last night's final tlgur 8. , . JOSEPH BARTON SLIGHTLY INJURED Genernl Freight and Pusaenger A ent Jonenb Barton of the gumptrr Valley Ril,.y whiln riding over tbc line of the eitensioo of that road south of Tipti n yesterday morning met with a seriou accident. While .lie norse was jumpiog over a fall n tree toe ssa tie gir.n oroae, pucinnj; Mr. Barton to the ground the oonous- eion ditljcatlng uis le!t shoulder. Mr. - A. P. Goss, of Tipton who was wilh j him eecuied a r ganj got Mr. Barton lately to the railroad station at Tipton , in time to oatch the afternoon train to Baker Oi-y. On arrival here Dr. T. N. Snow set the the dislooated shoulder joint and lfclt tne patient io com lor table condition. Mr. Baiton will perhaps be ooufind to his home a week. Baker City Democratic. Making Land The new dredge ship, Oregon which b ib Jnet be n oomi'let d in Co -a Day, is now at the m.,utb of the Umpqua, wher she is engaged in nyklng and will enclose several thousand acres of rich river bottom lamia. After linish lug up a big conirart on the Umpqna and r-mlth river, rhe will proceed to the Sinslaw, where there ie rouob of the Mime kind of work to do, DRIFTING TOWARDS Many people who are neglecting symptoms of drifting towards Bright' s Disease, which is and Property. report that Ave men were drowned off Cha.leston. . . r New Turk Buffered comparatively snd tonlitht tta. atrews the Bh.trH frnm thA Itnt.tftr in l.h nsrrnwi. No lires "ore lost, hev-ral small vessels also :ent aBhoreat various P8rls rf ,h8 ooast near New York, A Bshing steamboat the J eph Chncb Green Port, N V s rack on Peaks uiu Dar tod"y ani w8 smashed to pieces. Tbeoaptainof the erew and Bai twenty-ore men weie saved.. : ANOTHER SALOON HELD UP Missoula, Moot, Sapt 10 -Three masked men m n held np the Gerretty saloon at Lotbrop, on the Uoeur d, Al-ne branoh or the Northern PaoiUo about 10 o'clock tonight, secured about $300 and rsi-ai-ed intoth- woods. The Gs-reity sa'oo i la looked near the railroad track. The lobbera en tere I by three d.Oereut lora, heavily armed, and took the place by stnrm They m de four omto-ners, ' who w -re standing at the hai, turn thoir laces to tie wall and b 'Id up their b inds and from these m-n they se cured $125 They then forced the b.irtender fo open the safe, and from this the,- secured about $200. Piano Tuner Have Prof. Hendricks tone your (ilano. It will p.y rna t do so. Tun ing and repairing ca-efully done. We kindly solicit your work .: Out S ' Prof. Hendrloks For Sale JerBey w Easy-Payments Attention Factoymen Allnie i employed by the Amnlga m.ljul Cnmi. I rt of flsa filn.a rsf t ha 1903 oampaim, deiring the.r old posi. tlorJ9 tm yvat and B thoa8 who have made application for work in ihe 1004 csmpiign will please report at the factory on Satnrd.y, Sept. 17tb, 1904 as positions will be asBianed on that date, for the dominv campaign. Amalgamated -agar f'o. , . by Cbaa. Woodhonse, Sapt. Wood Saw Having leased the Q W Allen steam wood saw, ( am prepared to promptly take oare of all orders entrusted to me. . w M Andis, Corner breenwood and Hill streets ; Phone 18G3 S 12-0 I HOUSE TO BENT The rronnr per son i an secure a lirst class residence 1 u good part of toun by inquiring of J N Wilson at his resident e on Birob street. 2t LOT ! ...b. inuei will pleas: leave - ' tins ollioe and get liberal ro wan. 2t. mmmmmmm stops Irregularities, strengthens the urinary organs and builds up the worn-out tissues of the kidneys so they will perform their functions properly. Healthy kidneys strain out the impurities from the blood as it passes through them. Diseased kidneys do not, and the poisonous waste matter is. carried by the-clrculatlon to every part of the body, causing dizziness, backache, stomach trouble, sluggish liver, irregular heart action, etc. If you have any signs of Kidney or. Bladder Trouble commence talcing FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE at once, as it will cure a slight disorder in a few days and prevent a fatal malady. It is pleasant to take and benefits the whole system. . How to Find Out. Yon can easily determine if your kidneys art out of order by setting aside for aa hours bottle of the urine pained upon arising. If upon examination jt (a cloudy or milky or has a brick-dust sediment or email particles float about in it, your kidneys are diaeaaed, and FOLEY'S K'DNEY CURB should be takes at I A T Bll.l,Droi;gist THE HALL OF FAME. Patrick Mabaney of Derby, Conn, in the course of thirty-two yean saved $5,200 on a salary never more than $1!) mouth. , Senator William A. Olark of Moo tana haa determined to harness the famous Shoshone falls of Idaho and put them at work. Austen Cbamnerlaln, new chancellor of the exchequer, la but. forty. Lord Randolph Churchill was three years younger when be assumed the same post."-. '.':.';.'..''. .. ". ';'' y'-.r John Butler of Rockland, Mass., though but sixty-live years old, is Jhe father of thlrty-uve children, the old est of whom is forty-five and youngest two years old. MHllctm Hunt, a Chicago merchant la said to have received the first truln load of freight sent to Chicago, lie la eighty-two and received bis con- dgnmect In 1848. Slguard Ibsen, a son of Henrlk Ib sen, the Norwegian poet and di n run tint, baa become chief of the Norn, glan delegation In the council of state sitting at Stockholm. . Mr. Mahuta. the Maori king, now a member of the New Zealand leglsia Uve council, has solemnly taken the teetotal pledge before commencing bis career as a statesman. Bveiyn wrcucn - nanonalble for the great craie for the picture post card, started business with a capital of $250 and now Is earning $100,000 a year. r- tl tV'"M "Iniilrt. with her hmth ' the Initial -U" PaaetutM OH flretl Cunqneror's Omw, From Marengo to Moscow was th visit to the Louisiana rurcnaae expo. .r'ufeheThrrtetta leons life, the one the greatest battls MttMIU ?Avmu Kailwav, which, on out of which he came with bla life, the urn,;)! its various routes and gated , ether the abyss which engulfed him wy, baa oeeu appropriately names Mr. J. M. Buckley, who Is a literary -i'lie World'! Knlr Moute." expert on coincidences, points out how Paeengu Irom the No-th west take -strangely the letter M played a part la the Muwoual rai'tnu traina Irom Den tbe life of the great conqueror. . m Pueblo wiiu thoohoio of cither Marboe was the first to recognise th BowgUlraot Ihrougb the Iwansaa City, genius of Napoleon at the Ecole Mill. ' Wtahlta, tort Seott aud Pieaaaut XJMlJl "o train, daily Irom Denver and Italy. Mortlor waB one of his first gen- Pueblo w 8ti ij, withou, 0hange, erals. Moreau betrayed him, and M -carrying all olaBsea ol modern equip rat was the Unit martyr to bis cause, mem, including electri'u lighted ooser Marie Louise partook of bis blgbesl vatlon parlor cafe dining cars. fen destinies. Mottemlch conquered bla, daily trains between .Kansas .Olty and on the lteld of diplomacy, - Six marshals Massena, Mortlor, Ma mont, Macdonald, Mrjrat and Money moni, Aiacaonaia, Murat ana Money and twcnty-aH of his generals of dirt stons bad names beginning with tht letter M. Mnrat, duke of Bassano, was tlx , counselor In whom he placed the grew eat confidence. Ills first great bat tie waa that of Montenotte; hie last was that of Mount Bt Jean. He gained the battles of Moscow, Montmlrall and Monterean. Then came the nsault of teuuu oi uuamoenain-s sjuuau Montmartre. Milan was the lint en "" aa foliowa : 'Uixteen years ago ,.., ,., t" r r ' when our drat child ws a oa y he waa 2m kTP . a Moscow rbe last 1 BubjBUI, to croupy spells ani we would which he entered. ' ' bo very uneasy auout hlin, We beao Be lost EfTPt through the blunder! usiugOhamiierlaln'a Coub Remedy in . of Menon and employed Mlollls to 1887, and finding it auutia reliable re make Plus VII. prisoner. Malet con. uiedy for noldsandor.iup we have never spired against him, afterward Mar twen wlihoui in the house aiuue that mont Ills ministers were Maret, Hon- taiivet and Mnlllen. Bla first eham berlaln waa Montesquieu. Den man Thompson recently ceieDrut ed the seventieth annlveraury of bla birth. Klmer Buffbnm Is starrlna; aa Shy ' lock In the "Merchant of Venice," ut der management of Fletcher and SUo nach. Ifrederlc Remington, the artist, as slated In the staging of "John Ernilna of the Yellowstone," now at the Man hattan theater, New York. . ' Herr Conrled announces Dec. 94 aa the date of the production of "Pamlfur at the Metropolitan Opera House, New York. Bepctltlona will be given Dec. 81, Jan. 7, 1-1 und !il. Konnrlo Guerrero, the Spantab panto mlmlat arrived In New York recen..y an the Kaiser Wllhelm der Grouse. She will present "Carmen" in pantomime at a Broadway theater. Ada Rohan baa Bled objections to th executors' accounts of the Augustln Daly estate Bhe baa aa well aucd for the recovery 'of 10,000, which she claims as arrears of salary. kidney trouble, hoping "it kidney trouble in one of 0. B. Burhans Testifies After Four Year. O. B. Burhans of Carilils Center, N. Y., writes t . .. "About four yaara ate I wnfe yon atatlof that I had baaa antlrtly an fad of a aavara bldnay troo!a by taking laas than two bottlaa of rolay Kidoay cura. it antiralr rila and aynptoma af bldnay hava arar bad a ratarn of I havo nrar bad a ralnrn of any Iaaro thai hava alapaM, and aartlly raaoasmand Polav'a bldnay or bladdar tronbla.1' Two Sizes. 60 Gent and $1.00. SOLO UD RECCMHENOEO BY ZZZZ In never send out a story tor pnbtice Don.' mid Dnllpntb. the realist, "wife, t put drat having slept oyer It." I "I don't believe I've ever read one ti ' Iwtn either without dolus the iiiii tula," re tu rued Hawloy. cl Conteat. . " -s . ' ' Blobbe la very proud of bit lineage, len't be? ; Slobbs Yes; he would rather hnve locestry than make a name for bliu-, self. Philadelphia IteooM. For Sale ;: Light bay buy t.atu uoatle). Work single, doable or sad lie. Niw pole buigi and new libt . hirnev cnipU-to. Inquire of Mrs Ewhltaiy, Whitney Housn, Adams Avenu j LOT The crown .off of a Knight Templar's emblem with setting of Qre small diamonds.' Flh.ler -vill please leave at J M Berry's slot receive reward. ' . . U - Peaches I nlvb to sy to n y lnt mil ano 'he publl that I bi ve a large crop of . peaobes this jear.f Our early Penoi es ; wi'l be lipe iu about week or 10 days from tbis tima we on sell you a more juicy better tlnvottd peaou anil oheap er than you can buy ibem ..after they have been shipped in 'ram other part Then when you pay for, H0 lbs yon gel 20 lbs good pound maa.urc, . r ... J R Kellogg, The World's hair Route Those anticioaliug an Eat urn ti.n, or Ht Louie. Write, or call on W. 0. Mo Bride, ! ""r"' hkoi", ui wi or detailed mlormatloo and Ulustratei , ) ;" ''' - ' " " ' ' '" ; Congrrtulaiions Mr John II Onllom, Editor of the tiarlanl. fexas. News, has written letter of conratuUtioua to the maiiu- lima, no uava ovo ouu ireu auu uv given it to all of them wltu good re. salts." for sale by all druggists. ' ' ' ghtful Route, Daylight Rido , Dizzy Crags, Deep Oitaous. A. Goldea Opportuaity Sea uature In all bar glorious! beauty, and tbeu the aome ol - man's handiwork.; The first is . found along the' line of the' Denver & R io Grande Railroad ; and t,lft latlnr at the gt Louig , . . v .,. . 1 j Worl,J ,Fulr- Your trip Wlllbe , one of pleasure make the most ol it. For information and illns trated literature write - W.O. McBRIDE, Gen. Agt. - PfrtlanH,Or!C'. ; will wear away,1 are its worst forms. otoppas tno brtib-duat oadlmaat ani dlaaaaa dlaappaarad. I ana glad lo any thai , any af thoaa ayalptoma dunna tha faur of Iboaa ayaaptoma during tha four X ana avldantly aurad loatay aurad, and Klda.y Care as aay ooa autartaa Broaa I lirnyiTaMltjarvJsLUiai i liiaaW'PslwKr IMialSllJIViull i ITrr i irliliiia iilly 1 1 1 n