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About La Grande morning observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1901-1904 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 16, 1904)
' QUICK SERVICE , :v. in our restauraut does uot mean that the food is hastily or im properly prepared. Far from it. The utmost cure ia taken in the getting ready of all our eat ables, whether your bill is a dime or A dollar. Our . QUICK LUNCH means that you do not have to wait , unreasonably for your order to he filled. Therefore, j you may be sure you will be able to keep all appoiutments on time if you ' break fust, dine or sup with u. 1 MODEL RESTAURANT J. A. ARBUCKLE, Prop. SUMMERVILLE LIVERY W. I. Hunter & Sou have Leased the McKinzie 8'ables and are prepared to serve the publio in a first class" manner it reasonable rates . TRADE FOLLOWS THE PRICE That is why people come here for men's and by boys', shoes J tie J. Hi. Tilt line is our . spec ialty. Here is where price and quality are combined. OPEN DAY AND NIUHT We tell weekly Ileal , 1 tenets, uasn . '$4.50 c. w. Shoe Specialist PRESTON, DEPOT STREET Carpls, Window Shades, Curtain Poles aud Brass Rods. To exchange NEW CARPETS for your old ones. Call aud see our line of the latest patterns in Carpets and Linoleums. Bargains Universal Range. $40 00 Childs Bed aud mat tress $6 75 Good Fold ne Bed $3.25 Center Table, French Legs, a Bargain at $4.25 Trunks und Vulieej at Bargain Prices. Extra Val ues in a Rolled Edge Lounge. Big Bargains in Many Things. Remember we do Upholstering and all kinds , of Repair work. ' Carpets Cleaned and laid . H. B. Haien p F;D. Hasten 1 Highest Prices Puid for Second Hand Goods. - POPULATION OF STATE GROWS "tate Labor CommiMlooer 0, P. Hoff has compiled a table ol (be pop ulation of Oregoo giving tbe iooreaea ia each county from 1900 to 1901. His abowa tbat an Inereaae of 13 per cent has been enjoyed by tbe state since 1900 . , In 1900 I be population ol tbe atate' was 413,626 and according to Com tnissio ler H"ff it ia now 470,024, an Increase of 66 ,488. ' Among the oounties showing a de- orease in population sinjeiu 1900 are Carry, Gilliam, Barney, Lake, Lin- oo'n, Linn and Mai ion. Tbe table showing the pipulation of the several couotioa of tbe state and tbe total of the elate follows : County ' 1900 1904 Baker 15.6H7 X1.699 Benton 6,706 6,659 Claokamaa . 19,658 20,611 Clatsop 18766 14,145 Columbia 6 237 7,243 Coos .. . 10.324 11381 Crook 3,964 . 6,174 Curry 1,868 1,837 Douglaa Gilliam Grant. Harney Jaokaoa Josephine . Klamath Lake Lane Lloooln ' Linn . Malheur -Marion Morrow Multnomah Polk Sherman Tillarowk Umatilla ' Un ion Wallowa Wasoo "-.V; Waahingtio Wheeler ' Yamhill Tatil 14,666 . 3.J01 6,948' ! 8,698 13 698 7,617 3,970 8,847 19,604 8,676. 18 603 4.803 ' 87,713 4,151 103,167 9,923 8,477 4,471 18.046 ' 16,070 6,538 13,19fl 14.467 " 2,443 13420 16,066 - 8,657 8,489 8,458 16,762 8,684 4,361 ... 8807 : 22,204 8,468 17,799 6,028 87,408 4.408 130,044 10,248 8,598 4,627 19 60b - 16,718 6607 16,616 14 891 2 628 . 14.601 413,626 470,024 Advertised Letters m List of letters remaining in the United States post-office at LaGraude Oregon 'or tbe week endiug Sept. 15, 1904: L K Mainprise I Marshall Jobn Lsbine Mre A La Course Jaok Orooio Henry fiubsrtson & Co Aire Christina Bay MraMParman Joe M Robinson May Clark Mrs M L Colney G G Purman Jno. Pierce W G Phelps Annie Column Mrs P Sezter Carl Rogers Bell & Co A 1 Mulor "Win AUredge J B Connelly Clark Coulter Miss Drmie Allison Roy Oliver Hiram X Parks Walter Parker The above letters willbi held four teen days and then sent to the deal letter office. When oailiog please say that they were advertised. G. M. Riohey, Pos master WANTED Three good Mre. Anna James. seamstress , Sept 16 Position Wanted" Young man experienced in genera merchandise and bookkeeping desires position. Moderate salary. Refer. ences furnished. Address L FO box 607, city. 8 17 LA QME Opposite the Sommer House. One ot the best musical institutions In tbe 'State, Four rooms used for musical instruction, 15 grades of music taught. Depainient 1, 2 rooms ured tor tbe 3 first grades. Children at the age of 5 and older come one hour every day. Department 2, i rooms for grades 4 to 15 for pupils of all ages The lat est course beet praotioal musical in struction. M mi. al contests for med als every few weeks. . E PORTER DAY Principal MRS DAY, Assistant i ' " Furnished Room Centrally located corner of Washing, ton and 6th Streets. Known as Geo. Ball's lodging house. ... : WEATHER FORECAST Tomorrow fair, cooler tomorrow Y -VI'5. TUB TD1IMC . L- 1 - Ills, limmj : rvrr jno si uaat Dounu u:iu p m outline a'- No 5 West ' 8:6 p on time X For Sale ' - One good second, band . Kimball piano. . For Particulars enqtiiie of Mrs Ingle or Fbone 1727 Residence Cor. of 3rd K. . , " ACUTE RHEUMATISM Deep tearing or wrenching pains, occasioned , by getting wet through; worse when at rest, or on first moving the limbs and in cold or damp weath er, is cared quickly by Ballard's Snow Liniment. Oscar Oloson, Gibson City Illinois, writes, KeblGlS02: "A year ago I was troubled with a pain in my bark. It soon got so bad 1 could not bend over. One bottle of Ballard's Snow Liniment cured me." 25c, 60o, 1 00. . Sold by Newlin Drag Co. MAKES A CLEAN SWEEP There's nothing like doing, a thing thoroughly. Of all the Salves you ever heard of, -Buckieii's Arnica Halve is the best. .It sweeps away and cures Burns, Sores, Bruises, Cuts, Boils, Ulcers, Skin EruptionBAiiil Piles. It's only 20c and guaranteed to rive satisfaction by La Grande Drug Co., and Newlin Lrug IO., Druggist. No Hunting All persons are forbidden to hunt with firearms or dogs on my land un-J der pain of being proasecuted for tres pass. - (Sept 6 Not 7) Joseph Anson OR SALE Five room bouse in good residenoe portion of town . Will be sold oheap if sold at once. Inquire of H P Lewis or Wm. WorsWll, La Grande, Oregon. Oct 1 ELECTRIC FIXTURES All who are building new .r rebuilding tbeir home9, can neatly finish tbeir parlors, dining Tooras balls eto with a 1 to 6. light Electolere, at a reason able price, as we are in position to undersell auy fixture ia tbe Iolund Empire. We have at our office a complete stock of assorted styles of ceiling and wall fixtures of beautiful de signs and finish. Also Shades of r 11 designs. We conliallj invite the public to iuspect our stock even if you are not ready to buy. Office open from 7 a m to 8:30 p m. La Grande Light and Power Co. SOMMER HOUSE 'EH Syrington E a Ellis F O Deuhum do H Ellis Spokane, Wash Wm. Lit tan - do J A G.lberson St. Louis, Mo. Jno U Conrad Spokane, Wash Miss Duller Joseph, Or Mrs. C U Turley Portland, Or F J Moule C R Hanke K E Cowie do J P Newell . do W E Korsytbe Enterpri e, Or . Ernest Goddard Omha Bates . Chicago ut. Lunis Schlissengor uhatanoona, Tenn. WANTED: Work of any kind, coo -log preferred, by a young, able-bod id Chicago, III m"rrid man with good recommenda Elgin' Or tions, and is not afraid to work. Apply 'j. at this office. Furniture For Sale And house to rent apply to Mrs Shearer opposite Star Grocery North ol track. An FOR SALE Dairy oowa. Inquire at do tbe Grider farm, K F D No. 2, That the way to reach a man's heart is through his stomach. Try it by using Geddes Bros' canned fruits, delicious beraies, lettuce, on ions, and radishes, just fresh "from the garden. We are the first store the farmers call on and of course we get the choice of everything. We always have the fresh est eggs, butter, etc Special attention given to phone orders. . . Geddes Bros. '.i b :ir ' a id i 'I'll. ..T.i':,." ').(h !l !! : Mt' . 3 '''illlSlil! In The District Court of The United States lor The District of Oregon. HOTICK foil rUIII.ICATloM U. S. Itnd of&oe at Lm OrsA4. orrenn, Atu.m ia, im. Rotlcels hcrWf fivrn tbal tic tol'owlng named settler hJ) filed notice ff hta int.-tin tu make 6 .al nruuf In MUD rt.ol hie claim, end the, wld proof will ' ntte before trie Omnty . clerKor uminna ,ainir, irrti,a et '.naieton Ornrnn.anlMrpt. jO. IWI, ril H K IZ We. Jwl A HUDtoo, or MeeclM.a. Orefitn. for Uu hU li, j, and 6. Heo u. I u. I M, K. B M re nemet the followniff wlloeaeee to pro bis continuous rosldence Uioa aud cillllvejlun of (leprge'u, llilrard ar.d John To.l.1. boik ot well, of Elgin, in the county ol Union, Meaonam, uruson.aDu nmiui -. nianioo ana .inte nf Draffiin Itnnkrnnf Jame.ii liv boiii or Aiiiena. oreaon. , siaie oi uregon, iianarupt. In tbe matter of Mary M. Caldwell, bankrupt To tho Creditors of Mary M.' Cnld Notice cf lirst meeting of Creilltors. FOR RENT Furnlahed rooms for rent. Apply to Mrs. M A Adams, 1306 O street. Phone 663. Sept Hcglwer- NOTICB FOR PUBLICATION. Isolated Tnot Puhllo Landriala. Notice la taeroby alvcn that In pareuanoa ol Instructions from tlia Oom.nliuilonvr of the Ueneral Itnd orrlce, under authority veateu In him by Hectlon 24.U II. H, Kavlsed Htatule as amenueil bv Iheaot of (Vnarms approved Kobniary 2a, lml6, wo will piocued to olf r at publlORAle, al ten o'olock a. m., on the Wth Notloe ia hereby given, Thnt on the first day of September, 1004, the said Ma-y M. Cal lwoll was duly ailjndioated a Bankrupt, and thnt the l-irst Minting ol the Creditors will be bold at the officii ol 'ho tinleralgiioil, In LtUrnnde, Oregon, on Monday, Soplombor l'.itli, 1001, at ten o'olook iu the forenoon ot said day, at which time and place said creditors may attend, prove their claims. Blip ilnt a Trustee, examine kv of Heptember, ltH, al this nfiloe, tna too ttaiiKrupt, anil tranaajt a wit o n r K0VT.Wp'S5outtCT p-r" y 8 for. : Any and all peraonsclalmina nilvaraoly the said meeting Twenty fl . e oents must febov4leaorlbed ltnd aroadvlntHl lo lllo lliolr .Mnmn.,. ...l MnA olalma in tiuaomoaou or belore ttiauay aooea (....., dealanated w oommenceint-nt or said sale; otharwla Uielr rlUta will bo forfeited. batd AUUt8, MM. - K W Davis, ttntlater. A A lioberu, KeoaWer. IS THE UNITED SPATES DITBIUT COUKT FOR THE Uldl'KIOK " OF OBEGON. In the matter of) Notioe of first J. D. Kerr V Mei tingof ; Bankrupt. ) Ureditora. To the creditJrB ot J. O. Kerr, of La Urande, Onion uounty, Oregon, Bankrupt. Mjricu is nt.Kr.iii uivr.ii, mai on the Lltn dav ot sept ember, I'.Kll, the said J. D. Kerr, wa d ily adjudicate.) a Bankrupt, and tbat the First meeting o' the roilitnrs will be held at the olllce of the undersigned in La Oramic, Origou, on luoslay, September Uitb, ltK)l, at ten o'o.ork, in the foroi.oon, ol sniit .my, at which time and place said Croduois may aitend, prove thoir claims, appoint a Trustee, examine the itankruut, and trauaact such other business as may propo'ly come beiore aid meeting ! nty Ave cents must acimoaiiy ea.'boiiin Hied. Dat-iJ at La Kranao, uregon, Sept ember 15, 1U01 . V. a. lvannoe. ' Referee iu Baukruptcy. f1 OB SALE 8 acreB of land and hoUBe of 6 rooms t aorea In bearing orchard one acre in strawberries, stables for b horses and oat houses plenty of water 20 minuets wore from P O for partioulara oall at grocery store ot W MoKarlhoe. 9-1-10-1. HARD WALL PLASTER . Only ousts about 5c per yard more than common plaster, and worth many time? ovor. ADVANTAGES No danger of freezing as it can be used in zero weather Being flexible instead of brit tle R8 all sand mortors are it will deut like wood when struck or jainmed, instead of breaking Doors, windows, pipe holes, eto are easily oat through it It is a non conductor of elec tricity aud thus prevents short circuiting It adheres equally well to brick, stone or common lath It contains no acids nor chemicals to corrods It will not burn nor disintegrate by fire beiug a perfect protection for wood frame work It will under no condition pit or blister Parties having plastering to do should cousult me regarding this class of work" Estimates cheerfully giveu E. RE1SLAN0, Phone 371 iifcimim;:) : i i it : i: ' J 'Hill lilt. II OUR BACK ROOM Is open for your inspection. In fact we will be pleased to show you through our entire establishment. Everything is kept scrupulously neat and clean and we have no hesitency n showing the most fastidious how our meats are handled. We now have the latest improved sausage machine and san sell you sausage in all styles. Bock & Thomas CIMBEB LAND, ACT JUNE 3, 1B78 NOT1CB FOB PUBLICATION i U. S. Land OQloa, La Qronde, Uraoo. Auguit 6, luOl. 1 Notice la hereby (Ivan that .In compliance ltti tbe provisions of tbaaot o( Co sreaa ot tunes, Ufta. eulltled "An aat for tbe sale or Umber lands la the states of Callrorula, Oro on, Nevada, aud Washington Territory," as satended to all the Public leuid Slates by aot malllla. eTtata or Onaron. baa Qied la this oUlos her sworn atato- ol August 4. lavij Mary Doberty. uf Vlusou inenl No. Sloe,, for the purohaaa ol the eU oouuiy of tbls da: NOTICE-FOR PUBLICATION, Vtjk Lead OrOoe, La Orande, OrsennlT August I, law. . Notice a hereby jrlven thai Hie follosrtniv named settler has Bled notlee of hta lulenltou b.en.i nmnl In aiionort of his claim ud thai said prar will be made before the filter and lfe4 eer of the US Land Otnoe atLi Orande, Oregon, on Hept. ... mu, vis: B I NSIl. Klinn " Oliver, of Meeoham, oregoBTrorlhe N W HmHj. T I N. Ka tWII. iwmealhefolliwlng wltne to prove ai.l.nil.oims reeldanoe neon and miUlvatlon of aald land, vis: Haiouel Brysen, Junn HaauaT Uaorie Van Orsdall and Osoar V.n Oradaulaaiat alsaoUain. orsgon. v""" a w oaf la, Rsglstw. hfop- GUARDIAN'S SALE Hf virtue of an order and license made and entored by the Hon. County Courtot Union County State of (.'re son. on September Gth, 1004, in the matter ot the Ouardianehipol tbe per sona and estates of Ernest N Patty, Z lleairi.'B I'Btty, anl frank A Patty, minor heirs of Tbomna K Patty de ceased, aud wards of the uud. rsigne.1 tbeir guarJian, I will, from and aftor the aist day . f O.tober l'JOl, at my home No. ' H10 Adams Avenue, La Grande, Union County, Oregon, pro reed to sell at private sale the South ea t quarter ol Si eti ju 34 ol Township Three North of Binge 39 East ot the Willninetto' Morldan iu Union O.outy Oregon, for tbe benefit ot aaid helra nnJ their estate.. Terms nf sale, cash t ma In ban I. Zora E Pattv. are now on s xhiblllon and we w .u'd be ' Qnardlan of the peraons and estntos glad to have the ladles oall and eo! ol Ernest N Patty, Z Be itrioe Patty, hem. - .. Hn Laaghlla.J and Frank A Patty, Minors. D.tUl depieab Id, IDOL Oct 21 Dated at La Grande, Oiogon, (ember Gth, 1904. PSlvvhoe, Referee irJ Bankruptcy. (Bopt.7-9) 1 . uaiiy f 8 Millinery Exhibition Our rendy to wear nod pattern hat NVVkud fc.4sw!i cUoa iB In Towtublp No. 4lloutb, 1Udc No. S&p K. W. M. And wlU oQer proof to bow tbat the land toutfot ta mure Tamable for tu timber or lotietban forafiioniiural purpoaee, ud to w tab. 1Mb berolalm to Mid laud before the, UegUUirand Uecetver or tbls ottloe at La 3mnUe, Urroa,on Monday, the tith day of October. 1WM. lei Madden, of Pendleton Oregon; Joseph Uobertv. kiarney McLattshlln, ofVimon.urugun. Adv and all peieouB advemely tbe aboTo deacribed lands are requotted to Die their claim In lb la omoe on or before aid tb day ot October. 1M. E V Davla. Regleter. Script Script GIK-edsed forrMt reAerae, approved, an-' restialueil, rdy for iinmadiate uae any wbti. laowost prlcoa, K F. P. R. Riley t Chamber ot Commerce bldg. Hon land. Or. SEPTEMBE MEANS OYSTERS R R MY SHINES Are like the ''Smile that won't come off." 1 hey are put on right and stay riaht. I nae only wbitmore's paste au l guarantee that if after thirty days trial you null tnat it naa in any way way injured the leather I will present tbe customer with a (6 pair of shoes purchased at any store he may aeloot. 1( you desire really Brat olass work call and get a shine. Ladies work a specialty. Remember the place, Krt ley's Barber 8 nop, where everything is first class from the boot black up. JOB B. WILLIAMS. LOY Strvts t'.imany style you wish THE BARGAIN STORE HAIR POMPADOR FRONTS HAIR PIN3 SWITCHES RATS NEW COMBS SCHOOL CAPS Hat?, for A handsome liue of Tailor-made, Ready to wear Ladies, Misses and Children E M'Wellman & co Adams Avenue. Sacred Heart Academy La . Grande. Oregon. This well known institution, conducted by the Sisters ot St. I' rancie, affords excellent educational advantages. Music, draw ing and painting optional studies. t'roparina young ladles for the profess ion of teacnlnir a sueolaltv. Bosrdlne and day Bi'bool opens the drat Monday in September. For catalogue address Sister Superior. Aug 4. Oct 4 m Oregon SfiQjp.Ufa: item aSiwioNpAcijor NO. S B:W p. m. NO. B. 8:30 a. m. Salt Lake. ranM, V Worth, Omaha, Kansas Olty, St. LobIs, Chloato udsast. NO I. 5; 50 a m anally Time Behednl LA OKAKDB. rortlanil. Dalles. Pen-I uieut valla Walla, Dayton, PomeroT, lOoifaa, Moeoow.BpcJ tn j ill! Tla Hpo- Portland, nallea, Pen4 u.vwu vineiiiie. nan lnla,Lewlston,Oolrax Moscow, Wallace War oner, Bpoaaae and other point east and nurtn via npoaana. land CUT, JLIIeaL HUBday D'"fc "gfi". "Ill a m.wllh staee rnr nhlnu' NO. j,, NO S:5 p.m NO 1 9.05 p I NO t 8:30 a m fcaop Ocean Steamers between Portland and San Francisco every fivtj days B. C. MOORS, A(eet i I