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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (July 8, 1910)
ar. ' ana a - . Smith Wants Eggs We wll pay aa follow for flrat-claea pro line. 8hl by saunas. VEAL 100 Fork.... 120 Uvt Hena 160 Uvt Spring Chickens, lb 200 Eca 34 Addreaa FRANK L. SMITH MEAT Cft Tlhtln th Beet Trust" PORTLAND, OREGON WOBTH KNOWING. Th flpwer trad la London exceeds $400,000 a year. ! i Electric Ironi ar now used larRoly to glv th high flnlah to nn leather. Then Is only on sudden duath among woman to every eight among men. It la estimated that 150,000 portions In Germany earn their living in con nection wltb music Just under one-third of the total population of England and Wales Is under IS years or age. The standard of height In the Brit ish army la greater than In any other army In the world. Tobacco aeeds are ao minute that a thimbleful will furnish enough plants for an acre of ground. An elm tree arrives at perfection after a growth of 150 years, and a healthy one will endure for 600 years. It has been calculated that man who shaves regularly until he Is 80 yeara old has cut off about thirty-five (set of hair from hla face. Horses can hear sounds that are Im perceptible to human ears. For days previous to a great earthquake they ahow every symptom of abject fear. IMS SAMPLE DERBY. FELT, STRAW SI 90 HwUud, BlockMl euci ru.Mli ai.Ttinai.ai2S) Tl RaanMad, Willow tlaM Mad ad 1 Drad. CoTOrUa.olMIIUi Dyad. ComiJwUaattlM.. Unary. SI S ALDER ST- PORTLAND PIPE REPAIRING ataila aastsjsm aaj aiusuuva. mrm tain SMO RICHEL CO. KlaHSt TRY MURINE Wh;- EYE REMEDY win ia. u Heals' Farm, Me. 90s. Ule Tubal, Z5c $1.00. MODERN METHODS Semper FMella PARCRAWF SECRET SERVICE. A6ENCY Wa era prepared to undertake any legitimate detective work (both eivil and criminal) in all parte of tha Unltad Slat. Open Oar ana1 Night. tr.ralfU.3aA rVaac OSn. Una 326. ha, it Nan aelaW. rOtlUrtD. 0KUO1 Union Painless Dentists IMH 8at of Teeth , $5.00 Brtdre Work or Teeth without Platen 4 J 50 to $5 Cold Ooama SJ.SO to Si Porcelain Crown.. . . ." i.SO to 11.00 Gold or Porcelain Fiillnn $1.00 Up Silver Filuna-e 30c to 1. 00 Beat Plata Meile $7.50 No ehanrea for Palnleaa Extrarttnr. when other work fa dona. Ifi yeara' Ouarantee with all work. Hours. a. m. to p. m. mH Mormon Street. Alcohol, Tobacco, Cocaine, Morphine. Cigarette or Other DOPE HABITS CURED Positively and harmlessly in short time by the new Olconeia Method. Treat ment is not expensive or painful. You need not remain a slave to your habits, when a short stay at our Sanitarium will make you free. Address OLCONEIA CO., Arleta Station. Portland, Or. Drives away Flies, Mosquitoes and Gnats. It protects horses snd cattle from attacks of insects, enabling them to feed and sleep in peace. It prevents loss of weight and strength from worry caused by attacks of Insects, and from the irritation of their bitea and stings. There is a satisfaction in the relief it afTorda domestic animals from the scourge of maddening parasites and flies, besides the ( profit in returns. Horses ao more work on less feed and cows yield more and better milk when relieved from the frenzy Incited, by constantly fighting a swarm ol voracious, insatiable insects. Four sires, asc, 50c, 75c and Ask your merchant for it. UovT Chemical Co. Fortland, Oregon mm W THIS AD. FOR FREE PREMIUM LIST Pacific Coast Biscuit Company Portland Seattle Bpokan. Ask for Tbeir Goods and -"SAVE THESE 0 SWASTIKA END SEALS THEY ARE VALUABLE They Will Secure You Many Useful Articles Without Cost Its Painful Knd. The Inst of the Labrador ducks was about to die. "It Isn't the thins; of dylnn, In Itself," ftiinpiMl the duck, "that grinds met Irs the fact that while my race hsreny be comis extinct, the gaunt, ungainly worthless shltetioke will live on!" Unrhprrotl evun tiy the reflection thtt the onrrlon crow survived the dodo, the hapless bird breathed Its last DON'T WAIT TOO LONG . i ..s- jv - 1 Don't wait until the di gestive organs are almost beyond help: don't wait until the bowels have be come constipated and don't wait until the liver and kid neys have become weak and inactive; just take Hot tetter's Stomach Bitters at the very first sign of trou ble. It will save you lots of suffering because its results are certain. Try it today for Indigestion, Di arrhoea, Cramps, Malaria, Fever and Ague. Be sure to get Hostetters. Caaht. The lawyer for the defense found It necessary to weaken the testimony of the principal witness for the proaecu lion. "Mr. Bkybo." he said proceeding to cross-examine him, "did you ever live on the seacoastT" "Yes, sir," responded the witness; "I have lived half my life In a seaeoast town." "You are familiar, then, with salt water nshT" "Yes, sir." "Well, just as a matter of Informa tion, will you please tell me how a flounder swims whether horlxon tally or vertically?" "Why er " "That Is all, Mr. Skybo: you may stand asldo." Chicago Tribune. Sea-la- Iter Home. Hrgan I think Miss De Blank la very rudo! Jones What causes you to think that? t never thought her so. Megan I met her out for walk this afternoon and asked If I might sen her home. She said yes, I could see It from the top of the high schotl build ing, and that it wasn't necessary to go any farther. United Presbyterian. ASTHMA AND HAY FEVER are quickly relieved by Wyatt'e Asthma Kemrdy. Ask your druggist or send six cents postage for Kroe Sample to J. C. VVYATT. Druggist, VANCOUVER. WASHINGTON. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO. of Portland, Oron FURNISHES HELP FREE to tMiaovtas Main office, 12 North Second Ht, Main WTO; A M Laillra Dept. 2Uf.h Morrlaon St. Main ItaOi A M4 Phone or wire order at our expense. EXCLUSIVE OPTICIAN Pint eleum work tv risthiurtatbl price. Ptm mtamlnatkin anil perfectly fUtad KlaMim m km aa $2.00 No f.klne methods DR. a L. HAYNLS Suite 427, Marquam Building Fourth Flour Opposite Portland Hotel, Portland Ore. aaaa THAlii e. ISJAMEDICO , mil ABSOLUTELY CURES DR. WHITING'S REMEDIES MANI'rMCTf'rtKli HY NATIONAL MEDICINE CO., LTD. 422 Shelley Bile., Mo rtson SU, Rooms 3 and 4, For land, Or. I'hn. ,M-,r4i.,n ?HU 1. APPENDICITIS REM COT. Thn only known ciirit lor AnmniUrUn Wlthont th hII nf ittH kniftv Otvi ioiwi'ilittt rvllnf, nti (I cITin'I a ptriimimtU eurn iu short tltus). d.1 ''SPECIAL1 REMEDT. Vnr V(inn'ii m AllniRiiiti. l iiuioni of tha How In. A I -o ilntHUw. KM. ir nn4 lllwidr Tron lil... I hick r. '1 hi" Nnw HrU'iii II1 V ark ! m homo trmstmimi. Wri'w nr mil nnl wu will vtitlnla. JC Urns.1 trurtldiunt, only. A TRIP TO PORTLAND FREE CUT RATIS IN PAINLESS DENT1STBT Pnlnleat Kxtractloo Frea Silver Hllllnice ...Soo Gold Fllllnua .......IS 22 K.OoId Crowns .....SI Porcelnln Crowns S3 Molar Oold Crown. S4 liridKC Work, n K. Oold....S3 Inlay Fill.. Hur.Oold SI Very Nice Rubber Plate. ...S4 Beat Rubber Plnte on Karth 7 ALL THIS WOKK IS GUARANTBED. Don't throw your money away. A dollar aavad la twodnllara earned. Our ortirlnal reliable Modem PalnleM Methoda and our perfected office equip mant miven u. timnand your money. OSTON DENTISTS. 5th 9 Morrli.a. Partlaal EMranca 291 H Monlttin, oppuilw foMUhc and Mtw m rnnlc. Eatahll.hed In I'oril.nJ 10 yeari. Open anlil I and Sunetra until Hi ID, tor people wbo work. WE GROW HAIR Wa Cure all Scalp Dlneaaea. atop Falllnir Hair, Prevent ItaldnoHfi, Orffw Laillra' and Children's flair rapidly, aoft, fflnaay and bnantiful. W rurntah out of town people home treat ment Write ua today for question blank and particular. THE GARLOW HAIR GROWING CO. SPECIALISTS . 207-8 Roihchild Bulldlnt. fourth snd Wsahlnston Streets, PORTLAND, OREGON, Consultation Kroa, 8 tn ft. , rrr" aVTCHISOIf QLOBB SIOHTS. Tha hardest Job on aart;h Is apolo- Itslng. , - Tha greatest tragedy In tha Ufa of boy la rain on circus day. Every man engaged In lawsuit claim he was forced Into It. Occasionally you find an old widower wbo doesn't like the marrying Joke, A good way to fight the saloon la to make the home more ajTSMbls for men. Tha men hate enough other foolish notlona without oaring much for out glaaa dlsbea. As wa become older, we are about convinced that It la poaaibl to oatofc anyone In a Me. . Tha women aay that unless you art Tory careful, It la easy to get an ugly carpet on your floor. Thar I on thing aa agreeable man' enemies can always aay about aim: "II I politic" Now cornea an original sort of Re former, and aayi that prlcea are alga because of trading stamps! The stepmother aever lived wbo was misrepresented and abused as much as that word "entertain." What baa beoom of the old-fashioned man wbo attended a wedding and Insisted on kissing the brldeT Tha women aay nothing makes them quit so tlrad as for a man to tall them what a Devil he baa been. Would a bride rather bar a bait doaen beary allver spoons as a wed ding present than a dosen light silver apoona? An editor In a Kansas town sold out because he nvr received "aympathy' and "encouragement" H never 4a served either. As aoon aa a man's bat la taken from blm at a reception, b whispers to his wife: "How aoon can w get out of brr FASHION HINTS! Our sketch shows a somewhst eatreme but popular type of gown Just st pretent. Suit silks or sheer nisterisls sra best for thii.tyle, The hst Is one of the Ofisn tal turban sffsirs, the sole trimming lift ing s b' tterHy bow of velvet at the side bsck. TELL TALK EYIS. Black (dark brown) are the alga of a passionate ardor in love. Light brown or yellow denotes In- oonatancy; green, deceit or coquetry, Dark blue, or violet, denote great af fection and purity, but not very mucb Intellectuality. Clear, light blue, wltb calm, atesd fast glance, denote cheerfulness, good temper, constancy. Pale bluo, or ateel colored, with shift ing motion of the eyelid and pupils, denot deceltfulnesa and selfishness. Russet brown eyes, without yellow, denot an affectionate disposition, sweet and gentle, The darker the brown the more ardent tha passion. Blue, with greenish tints, are not ao strongly Indicative of these traits, but a alight propensity to greenish tint In the eyes of any color Is a sign of wla dom and courage. Oray, or greenish gray, wltb orange and blue shades and ever-varying tints, are tb most Intellectual, and are Indicative of tb Impulsive, 1m preaslonabl temperament the mix ture of the sanguine and bilious, which produces poetical and artistic natures. Eyes of no particular color (only some feeble shades of blue or gray, dull, expressionless, dead looking), be long to tb lymphatic temperament, and denote a listless, feeble dlsposl tion, and a cold, selfish nature. Prut leal Char II r. , "See the poor stray cat." "Why not toss him some meat?" "No; 1 believe In teaching others to help themselves. I will throw out some crumbs to attract tb birds and maybe the cat can catch one." Loul "111 Courier-Journal. Tfce Tarklah Draas, Tb darabouka, or Turkish drum. resembles a long vase, the bottom covered wltb parchment ' Mat Aitealahmeair. "Why don't you ladles thank a man wbo gives up bis seat In a - street cart" aaked the censorious parson. "As a rule, we can't," replied Miss Cayenne. "We're so surprised that it takes our breath away." Washlngtoo Star. ' ' . ' ' . VsiaspMtenl. "That's a On umbrella you ar car rying." Th-thank you." "For whatT" "For a-not claiming It" Cleve OXBKANT; JEAN VAUEA. Hlllloaalr Phllaathrnplat Wks Yeara Aao Was a Baaalt. Herr Charles May. of Berlin, may be termed the Jean Valjean of Germany Millionaire whose time and money were spent In doing good, author of re ligious books and altogether a splen did figure of Christian manhood. May was Just a few day ago branded by Jury as tha perpetrator of many vio lent crimes In southern Baton rooun tains forty long years ago, where he led a band of desperate brigands. May who 1 TO years old, collapsed and was put under guard to prevent his com mitting suicide. The charges were made by WUhelm Leblus, a trade union leader. May sued for libel. The Jury decided that Leblus bad proven tb allegations in a court at unar- lottenburg, a suburb of Berlin. . Not only was It proven that Herr May bad been a notorious bandit, but thsr Is no doubt but what hs Is tbe-author of a long series of cheap novels written many years ago In which be describes th deed he bad committed. Herr May I a splendid linguist, (peaking van Chinese and Choctaw. Wnthaea arm n4 Vra. WlnslnVa gnnttlla Syrup the Ik-it remear V) nssioi wsuanuuna suriu us MreuuiMj yerHw.. . ATIN08 OF SAGES. Mucb may b said on both ldo. fielding. Th heart will break, yet broken llv on. J, Q. Adams. Keeps a clean hearth and a clear Br for m. Tennyson. Integrity without knowledge Is weak and useless. Johnson. God helps them that help tbemselvsa. Bsnjamln Franklin. Bom rise by sin. and om by vir tue fall Shakespeare. Invention Is totally Independent of tb will. B. R. Haydon. How swift tha shuttle file that weave thy shroud! Young. No man know so well wber tb shoe plnohe as be wbo wear It, Lin coln. ' . Wber ther Is a mother fa tb jiettF matters spsed well. A. Broason Aleott. Tb bell never rings of Itself; unless som on handles or move It, It ia dumb. Plsutus. W begin to die as soon as w ar born, and th end 1 linked to Ui bu ttoning. Lucretius. a ra SVUI. V V-U, re rw--ww i. .nnwa eura wr POL "a. wfiu.,Mii.wtiieii( aril incw.1. Bold by all lirusxiau, J"ri aw.. JWt accept any ... ' . rwwrMa Auuraaa mieuB. uiouiwi, LM ntr, n, T, ... . lias t'aaae far liar. A missionary who waa making hi way through a backwoods region cam upon an old woman sitting outside cabin. He entered upon a religious talk and finally asked bar If she didn't know ther waa a day of Judgment coming. Wby, no," aald tb old lady; "I hadn't heard o' that Won't ther be mor than on dayr No, my friend; only on day," waa replied. Well, then, ah mused, "I don't reckon X can get to go for we've only got on mule, and Jobn always baa to go everywhere first." New York Sun. Tfca Orlala at It, Senator," said tls Interviewer, "It I rumored that you Intend to retire from politic." "Well, well," replied th senator. It s queer bow rumor start I sup pose this one grew out of the fact tbat I attended church wltb my wife last 'iimlsy." Catholic Standard and Time. flea. Weak. Wrarr. Water Ba-aa. Ili'll.-veJ uy Murine Kye Ueuiudy. Trv Murine Kir Your Kvu froublia. Ynu Will Like Murine, it Hoomra. utn at Tour I'rusaiaiN. write rur Kvm Hooka, n Murine Kye Kerned? Co., Chicago, Cartons Reaaedlea. In some parts of England one of the best cures for a swollen neck Is to draw a snake nine times across tha throat of the suffering one, after which the snaka Is killed and Its skin sewed In a silken bag and tightly sewed around the neck. Another way, almost as good, Is to put the live snake In a bottle, which 1 tightly corked and burled near the roots of a rosebush, and aa the helpless snake decays the swelling In the neck of th patient will disappear. MlaTht Hela Roaaa. "It's UD to vou to da somnthlna neip our Neighborhood Improvement AsSIM'ittttOll.'" 'I'm for It. I'll make mv rlsiia-htar st u nor piano." Cleveland Plain Deal- Keister's Ladies Tailoring College Cuttinjr, Fitting, Drafting, Design ing, Tailoring and Dressmaking taught. Strictly up-to-date In every style and fashion. Write for torms. '43 1-2 Eleventh St Pordui Oreioa REDUCE THE COST OF UVINQ; ""CRESCENT BAKING POWDER 25c FULL POUND NOVYtW.TIME or the rear to hare ar teeth out and : the rear to hare fcore oona. ForouC $'-;e patroaa a ial.h prat, a. brldaa work la aaa Paioa.i MaluCrean Js.C 22B'llnTM.3.6 tmmtl FlUbiM 1.0 dim Flllhtt ,6 awe mttar .n.i.. 5.00 "aw . riatoa I.OU sa w a win e.M o.ui... ....... cX ' Maai . unriiaa U W a., V """J. "."" annua Baar urrHoaa KMttaE??:!; Wise Dental Co. . INCORPORATCD PAlnISCa 1aMlae. dam-ae sssajS Mlntalldlst,ThMaWstnlr . r - MANY DYING IN CHICAGO HEAT Water In Lake Too Warm Afford Relief. to Building Ar Had Through and Through What Damagao to 60 Par Cent, Chicago With tha mercury up to 90 -uid no air tlrrlnr, Chicago bocam a great bakeoven. Flva person Wr killed by tn neat oawraay Drostratttd. Dogs were driven mad in th stroeu ana on a nuium r- sona. . Ther Is no prospect for , cooler weather for two days, nra I .M eenairlMl with SUffrerS aiiu iw" " " ' , seeking a bresth ot air. Th park, bathing beaches and every open a,. .wlt.rlnrr humanity. Resl- cviivmiii " . donee have now become tao thoroughly . . . l i , I 1.... ,I.M that neaioo uiruugn py mj '" -'a- no relief U to ab oouinea insiua kiallHaM A woman, whll balng Ukn to a hospital suffering rrom uniroaa ui U .n llllnnla trains had while awaiting train. Her body waa taken to th undertaker's Instead of tha hospital. A man wu stricken bv th sun whit working on a roof. H fell to th ground and dirt snorwy aiwr reaching a hoapital. Another Iman was Stricken by th heat and fell down an elevator shaft thro stories. , Of th many pros trs tod fully one hslf will di after Illness of mora or lea lingering degree. r tha flrat time tha water in th lako wa too warm for comfort to bath ers. This Is th surf water, xtna- Iner ahnnt AOO faat out. Thl itriD of hot water nullifies th faint breeses off tha lake. Th continued hot weather Is parch ing th grain crop of th Middle Wast and tha moat conservative expert in th field admit that all grain ia dam aged between 80 and 60 par cent every day without rain win increase thl ratio at a mucb faster rata. Whoar la rutin ir . fnrmrt tn rlmn on stalks no more than a foot high and th grain I badly shriveled at tnau SOUTHERN PACIFIC FINED. Eighteen .Casss of Rebating Coat 18,000 on Pleaa of Guilty. San Francisco Pie of guilt war entered by the Southern Pacific Rail road company to 18 count of the in dictment charging rebating and dis crimination in rate found by the Fed eral grand jury on information gath ered by the Interstate Commerce com mission, and fine aggregating $18, 000 were Imposed by United Sute Circuit Judg Van Fleet. The defendant were fined 19,000 for rebating on shipment of matting from Kobe. Japan, to point in the United State through this city, in connection with tb Pacific Mall Steamship com pany. On th charge of having given rebate to th California Pin Box A Lumber company on shipment from verdl, JNev., to Sacramento valley poinst, a Una of S8.000 wa imposed. and for concessions mad in th ahlp- ment or wool by Miller Lux, the fin waa . The settlement of these casea was agreed to by the government through Assistant Attorney General Kenyon, who instructed United State Attorney Devlin to concent to a fine of $1,000 on each of the 18 counts, distributed among th various indictment. T. R. to Help Lode Later. Boston Tha atatamant that fViuil Roosevelt will return to Massachusetts in th fall and take part in the Repub lican State convention la marla K CUn. ator Henry Cabot Ladm. Tha ana said : "There is no doubt that Colonel Roosevelt will Ulk later and may have something Important to say. I expect no win apeaic nere in tne campaign. He i interested In my success and in th success of Governor Draper aa welL Colonel Rooaevelt la a armulnrrul getter and hi Influence her is sura to o ne piui in the campaign." Cotton Mills Curtail Haavllw Boston Manv nf tism m. - - - j --. .".iuii luma of the United State are shut down unui juiy u for the purpose of cur tallinE Droduetlnn. Tha n.r...i. . - wiiui.uwa which closed employ about 100,000 utrorauves, ana inciuac tne majority of tha four-cor mills in Fall River, th 18 mill of tha Amuli... . vuipuraillHI of Manchester, N. H and numerous factories In North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia. The renewed curtailment agreed upon recently by the Cotton intaroata I. M. -- - khjt will auuut, iou.uuu operatlvea. Blow at U. S. Pia nnar. VanAenela A 1. 1 . j ' " n vauio U1S- rvcoiyea irom enor Kojaa. Ven- Aeilolan ta.lHl.. - ,. ' . wiiiww o In Which ha rr.nn.tul ek. a ir . . " - ---r--- u rarwaueia wj uie ran-Amerlcan confer ?!!,e,oW5i0.h k1" Buenos Ay,, July 9, had advocated in Chile a Latin American alliance against the United otatea. haa ..n-n . . . k '-, ..Tr ana excitement here. Foreign Minister Ms to has sent 7 , """"k w ne aeiegate ad monishing themfor their ctlon. Ontario Fnn.i. c - . v, uwaui, Wlnnlnnn- Manlt-k- B...L m ------j--a, -...uui xusn nres nave invaded tha im., n ,i 7 . ii ul invtin ana liB- otLta..,? -htrlet of .j . it "unurea or settler and railway man au. it . 0n . " "an uiem At Devlin ha n. ii .. - railroad .tat fSToSuSTSSi yUr"1' to"-Ha.were Unless rain comes, the timber in tha entire district will be burned" Striker Become Violent. GreATlRKliatfli Da mil m a miners' strike, was the scene of mora Cure Your Dandruff Why? Beciusc ItUannoylnc, .....j.. l.H mnatlV. bCCAUSC It almost Invariably leads to baldneit. Cure It, and aave your hair. Get more, too, at the same time. All easily done with Ayer's Hair Vigor, new i .....I fM-mul. - StOD thlS formation of dandruff I ; 3 erawla witk aaa ketlie r Skew It aa year Seeter ak h'laV aireat l. la.a aa aa Sa says iers Tb nw Ayer' Vleor wlllcertslnly do this work, because, first of all, it d. troys th terms which r th orlglnsi csusaof dsndruff. Hsvln glvaa this aid. natur completes the cur. Tb c'p is restored to a perfectly bealtby condition. Mas, eytaeJ. C. ayaf Os twsll. taaa.-- Shennan lar& Co. ESTABLISHED 40 YEARS SIXTH. AT MORRISON ST., PORTLAND, OR, ibbii l, ,,,,,, .. ........... a . t: thl Wellington Piano wa'ra selling for 1275 on aosf fuumtnb-Ci we re willing to let u o ti a vnn MiiOTnr, It will tell If i own story In of In your borne if you'll send j ts coupon. - Pleat tend me lull particulars conctrning Ms unusual Piano tiler. Nam. Tasaa Haw Oraatael Male . r Time was when Missouri claimed to bav mor mule than any other State or country In tb world. But now Missouri baa been forced by Texas Into second plsce. Of tb T.COO.OOO mule In tb world almost on tenth ar la Texaa, th Lone Star But having 701,- 600, valued at 199 each, Th total valu ot tb State's mulea was !, 491.000. Apparently th mul 1 spe cially adapted to th southern climate, for most of tb four footed ktckars ar to be found south or tb Ohio river. Tb Missouri nul la worth' mora than bl Ttas brother, $20 mora. Tb S44.000 mule In Missouri ar valuad at $119 each, or $40,93(.0OO for all of them. Georgia, which baa $39,936,000 worth of mule, 1 third on tb list Tennessee I fourth, wltb $35,670,000; Alabama la tilth, with $30,866,000 worth; North Carolina la seventh, wltb $24,797,000, but is closely pressed by Kentucky, wblcb haa mules valued at $34,426,000. Arkansas la ninth, wltb $23,435,000; South Carolina 1 tenia, wltb $22,762,000, and Louisiana Is eleventh, with $20,648,000. Gonotiuatlon "Par am aiaa years I aaVrrrd with cbraerle eaaatlpatlna a ad durta this time 1 ha to take sa ta)ectfam at arares water eaos rrery a hoars before I oauM haea aa action, aa aay bowela. Happily I IrM Gaacarata. aa teday lass a waa smb. Darta Ike aim years before I oar Caaoarsta I sugerad aatold re terry ertth lateraai atlea. Tkank, ba mm. t - a - .11 -w.- Uita amain. Yaa caa aaa this a behalf at '-"'"a w,r. av f, ramar, toaaaaa, Itv fnteaant PalataMa. Patent, Taate Ooad. Da Gand. Neeer Hleken. Weakaa or Gaiae. ', 10s. tea. SOa. Never aold In bulk. Tbacaa. elne unlet aumpd C C C Uaaeantaad aa aura ar your ownar naek. A rir Ortll. "What kept you ao lata at Mia fan. toryf "We were having a tire drill." , "Isn't that something newr "Nope: the boss waa trvlnar a rfr'ill It Into the beada of th men that If mey didn t Improve th elas of work they were turnlna out thav wnnM Bred." Hoiiaton Post - "A lady came into my store lately tr 3 ci!i J - 'IhavbeoaingNcwPfcxtU CaCz -in my apartment I want one now for my thete oil stoves -are wonderful. If only nt-V Corniort Ihaw are it. a -11 . s f -i -'--J wvua eu hati on. I poka aboUt my gtoV4) i w" 'end''d hey were astoo lahed. They thought that there wa SI! .. vnd from n oU Kovs, and that it heated a room juat like any other atova. I told them of my esperisnc, and on after another they got one, and now, not on of them would give her up for five times it coat,' " T)!,,"dhldthle had thought an oil atova wa all right for quickly heating milk for a baby, or boiling a w aka coffee quickly to thmorblng, but she never dreamed of using it for difficult at heavy cooking. Now she knows. 1.1 Wc'i'kirnTvt Yz: Ms raom lan heatei there la aa ;"?" ?u,l" boat, no dradaarw tathj altshSB whw ana ot thaas atovaa ia Med. Oil (SooIrStovsi aleh!t a-i.i? Cftlar TP with a ehelf ami .trr. U u b"?ht bhw 01 aaa a had with or without Cabinet, mdvrywhsT.,ltnotat to tha aaaroat Standard ur. d. c. Wit' Mavs rnur Math out am) plata anS lS" done, fo ontwrf-unrn WnmTSH and brWse work In one d MnrnJ " "5gt mSZ7 Pstnlaas Kxtrsetlon Prm when ikt!f mtirk la entered, (leiimilui. krm.lZ Low aiuah ru par. '"aera, a AM Were, f any Caere. tm flflsaiy Dr. B. E. Wright 3421 Waahlnjtoti St., Portland, Oro S asajaw saar m ss,hi itmiWlWf Q DAISY H-Y KILLER c- -ta, $2VL afa stsr , iaeua j """aj sri. iTTfii i i tmmt '. u 10 i W want you to try this Piano IN Y0C2 HOME FREE. W want you to try it t our ex perns ucuauav At tha end of thirty dsn lu rx ITSELF will convince you of th follovif aie, It' th best valu on earth forthepHoi (1276). It' MUSICALLY M MECHANlCALLv rlghtl - We know ther U so much real vainak AJdreu. - etlasaar Ualaa'a Saarar. A Buffalo youncster told tU t tbat hi alsUr had th me-." teacher sent blm bom sad t to stay ther until bis sister r . After b bad aklpped Joyfal i another boy bald up bl to ' aid: Tachr, Jimmy Dolu' what'a got tb measles I Omaha." ; .,. '. Hal Is HI Jaawteai, "Tha neat tliln In order i master of ceremonies; refarri lip of paper la his hand, is i "No, irt" savagely whit? leader of U band. "Not ar next thin I Hall Columbi Taking bl station, be ecer bl baton, and th noise of t burst forth- Chlcaj-o Trtbtii . Wke-e ska HIssm I "What make that parr ttof;v,':i. , " "Wall, mum," answered man. 1 a'poaa It's my f time I hear blm speak a ! make m so wild it z chance to loam a lot at i txebang. ., ;,'..;-: : ITCH CAN Cr laaahart raaak" REf.a.. ta SO eemt eana tmif. .''n.tin rt cxvj y Third antf hia. arm rnwf Vra- y I saaattaM a. - ' emi tfxiaii tv; i ew au aa tala ate. a -aaa . tbat .th roads "New Partes Uoe. " eay for keeping plates and feddt hJavae7make th. stove or - aa afoacy af lbs - v i Oil Company land Plata Dealer. "" a r. M. aaaaa.i i. i