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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (July 8, 1910)
ROIMD TOVi IluuNiti) TO Diuth Ctmrlca, the I u font ,onof Mr. and Mri. I', M. Thorp, wnn burned to tleuth lmt Turaday afternoon at about 2:0. With ul Utile alitor be was plajdi"K I" co b"rn' Tl1 KlrI vlleotly liml inatcl.ei, and la wmie way set lire to n.nhav. An loon a tne lire wm ut- iho volunteer deD-rtineiit not the apparatus up Hie bluff a. .pcrtlly wulb e and aavea ma ueairucuoo Lh...uilllniM. Mr. aud Mra. Thorn h..lnir been told by the older child that the baby lo tba hay, did their atmoit to get n, ow win udbim io art .nythlug of It nl the belle! now U that It on lu the manger. After the Art we. mUlued an eager March wai made aud the bodyioon found It wee burled at Warren cemetery on la.t. R.v. Aea Blwth conducting a abort aer- vice. Thie ! the econd child Mr. and Mra. Thorp have loet durin the pant year, and tlietieopleofSt Helen, deeply tyupathiM with them iu their great mi.fortutit'i. Can't vou tave a little bit of that a. a t. i . money you wm gi nei ween, iimeitiru and to dlaicin with a funeral Ce.tlfic.tM of Depoilt craa 4 pe' Kdltor llalJev. of n. ,..,".. Citidn IXiiNOS-MarrlaKe llceoie hve been i'ued during the Mi.t wenk to R.chel A. Nlcholeand Uroy Mayfield, LMia II. Johoton and Claud K-tbborn. I Colvlo and Robert Ma.ary. Dorothy Treacott and Jauiea Hemleraon, umnoiic in. . Mnrriaue certificate, have been filed fur Una It. John.ton and Claud Katbboru, thecereui' ny being performed by Judge Part at the court liouw on July 2nd. 11m for the marriage of Rachel A. Nicholt to I.troy Mayfield, Juatice Conper Whitney of Scpikk,. performing the ceremony nu Julj itw You get a reward of merit poiiting a part of your wage, lumhia County flank pay bout it. for tic- The Co- it. Atk Cti'iTAt. STota; IIaihkih-At the quarterly meeting of the Hoard of Di rector of the Columbia County I!aiik, bcll at the cloae of bualora. June tlOih. the capilal atra-k of the Mlik wa rained toti'i.lHH). Till. i. all paid up, not inciely tubetrilicd. The bank waa .tartcd In Ifcctuibcr r.K,- and It la lherclire a little IheoMeM and decidedly the Urgent financial Imtltullon iu the county. It hit hern a factor in the growth of the community and It. influence for good luii brcn felt and appreciated. There ban I never r cn a uay, even aunng me panic, when drpoaitorcouM not get money lo tranwt bulneai. and tbl. fact ;ha greatly utrengtliened it. .landing Ihrougltout t olumbU County, A. ule a. a Uoverumeut llond and I twice iirofitable. Thle i. what a de- wiit at the Columbia County Hank prove lo be. Time Certili a'c of will draw 4 per cent. We wll attention to the water notice puliliihc.l iu tliis muc. The Board tru.t. that all ron.unior will be careful in their uae of the water, a. otherwlae there Uli.ble to tie a .l.ortageduritig the hot weather. Before the middle of Augutt a...ew .upp.y win m avauauio au.i there will l an abundance for all pur- rw it. , ii. uolllnganeail u. v. Ulatrici wpcnuicimeni, win preacn at tne .m.b. 1.. t' a 0 1 -.1 Church iu Bt. Helen., net Hunday at II a. oi. and administer the Hai-rameut of the Lord'. Bupper. r.. ... . . I tiaMsiiau huom tOR KRMT-Appiy i iuii omce. The Mi.t learn, of the marriage of Mii. Dorothy PreKott to Mr. Jamea Henderson of Houlton. heartiest congraliitation.. The ceremony took place in PoraUnd lii.t Saturday nd Mr. and Mm. Hendcnon returned Borne on Tuesday. Mr. and Mr.. P. M. Thorp ami family ih to express their heart felt thank, to me people of St. Helen, ami eupcoially to the uipmlicr. of the fire denartment for their generou. assistance during their recent mi.fortune. Gladly, ficcly and courteously the Columbia County Hunk will explalu netrsy.tcm of Time Certificate, of De- potil. 1 hey draw 4 per cent. Immick to KfRAK HitRa -lion. Grant 3 Dlmick. of Oreiron Cltv. County Ju'lreof Clackaina. and Candidate for Governor will apeak at Morgu.' Hull on Saturday Kvening, July VJth. Among other subject, he will dlacurt the Direct Primary, County and State Goveninwnt. The matter of taxation will be gone over irom beginning to end, and ewy lax I)er who doe. not attend will le a 'oner. Mr. Dimlcx is a speaker well ac ii.intcd with the .ubject. which he take "p, and will undoubtedly handle 'hem iu excellent .bane. Keep on Having and the funded Mpital of jour saving year.: of the years you hove earned, will take up life'. oaruen for you aud you'll not have to n'lt at oil. The Columbia County nk will cxplalu thl. Ask. In formation free. Is your money work in ir for you? It ill if vim nut it in the Columbia County Hunk. Time Certificates of De posit draw 4 per cent. I.0ST Somewhere between the.kating 'Ink nml tho courthouse, a chain and 'ockct. Finder will receive .uitnble fward by returning it to the St, Helena """g Store. The St. Helen. Volunteer Fire De triment held their regular monthly meo,l"K last Wednesday night, and the tendance allowed that an interc.t i. tain? taltlMl Al.. IT. Nn t hail a Practice drill Thuriiday, while the boy. jo the Cliemical were taking le.BOii. Wediiesdav, - The Ladipa am a-ii nf m t? Church of St. Helen, will meet with ,,rs' Allen, Wednesday July 13th. "UA M, CR0U8B Sec. TimUhr Land For Sai.k Kb nr.w or W. tan. r 9 - tin ,.. t8tf VVM. M. BOSS blood, yearling Jeney bull for TPjJ. Larsoq, At It wwilngUrtTuU, nlghtthe Ut,Cuu,.cl,c,,1)lctlt,10I)llin,()0(io(1 rliU & Ooodrich, ol I'ortl,,.,,!, for our 'w City I. Tim i.ii .mi .... . . il.. i. , . " Bin im oil "',7,,o""0i. .trcct from tl.e Wiurcli, nml will I ory "uwiure, iiuu-ml ,J tlir I'M Ha ill frut in tended, on 1C rlrHt ,.-, ,,,. . ,. , , ... .C kOUIItll Gliaillbcn, tKlllCB Ci.lllt. rim. I... I CoimiMirciiil Clul). i Inn,,. ,.,, ... . .. J cwrltiient, mil another for the oi '-"'""""ion. Tlio entire tr.n n,.,,. wl he ted ai ,.i. ....i . . 'rK0t and convenient one in h,. eotinty. The bulldlnit will probably be iwu m aoout uirce moatlu.' Our old friend from Itnlnier Corr tier Frank 8herwood, who li aiwtyi very fond of playing jok.a on all hl frlenda, wai the fall guy In great ahane taut Saturday, He received word to hurry to Scnimooaa ami .... U cornie. and took the fir-t train for t tho dry town ,, ii. . ... t(m he wan Intercepted by'a telegram informing him that hl Hervlwe were not required us th i I . I""' unu IV bered up mimdniitly to almw hIkhm of "Bun" nc-i-ouii,aiil..l tli r..n,i,m,... i.,. to (hie plac. whon th,.y ,,ye, ball here a couple of weeka xo and he certainly ,,0wh bv th. ri. .. locality lht the right aplrit prevail. I q hg ncinhborlmml u auction aa one rontaliilii K much natural wealth, and apeak, of our ball team in the hlKheat term, of prale-uld that the vlHltlng nine wax Recorded fair treatment, and even went no far iih to prnlee the umpire. At Home future dull. Ili. l.u'i.t l.ll i... .it. .... ... .. . - " " , . nip will bo n n enjoyable one. I H. Hulherford and family apent the Fourth In Ht. Jolnm, making the trip to that plare In their mitnmobllc. Wilbur Mmkle made a trip to Italn- lr In hi. auto hud Saturday, but he aay. Never hkiiIii." A. far tin fjoblc he aya the roada are very fair, but beyond there they are next to InipaB aable. lie Kent bin mnrhlne buck to 8t. Helen, on one of the boat.. Mr. and Mra. W. C, Van DithhI, of Portland, .pent the Fourth at the real- deuce of the editor. Uo ee the fire department tiluy ball Sunday. The game in for the benefit of the St Helen, band. Kunilav. How Cmiinaiiv No. j v(i iimt No. 2 Rn,i tlle chemical. All proceed, go to the baud. Hhrvicks at Hoiii.ton M. IC. Oiu'KCii Sunday achuol IO a in. i'rcacliiug every aecoud ami fourth Suuduy at ll a in I'rayer meeting every Thursday evetiing I ut Hp. iu. Krnr.t M. Hniitli, pa.tor Cant I'oh Sai.k Dump cart in first Ictaiu comlllioti, and one net .ingle hnrn ea, Ixith for t'M. A laigiiin fur any- one living ou a farm. Inijuire at the Mi.t office For Kalk A good Smith-Premier Typewriter. A largiu. Columbia County Abatracl Co. m AcUK RASC to LKWKKiri, rfl(M d(llry fUcl, Iut)(llre ,t ,he Mut .. B . , . i. .nrh r, ui horte r Ill(.uiie it lhli office 1 Lot for Sale, with two mail building. jukt e.t of the Wlrele. Telegraph Ita lian 1r m I'M). Ann v to Mr.. C. E. . lWon. Warwn. Ore. Ie4tf Horsniioi.D Firsitl'rr for Sai.k Knough to furnl.h a five room house. A bargain. Inquire of II. E. Bennett, Mile.' cottage, opposite II. P. Walkin.. The City Shoeing Hhop ha. been en largo, twenty feet in length and I. now running two fires. If you dont buy Devoe Paint., you dont get the best. A complete line at Oerdc., Oa.l. Park Camnho Fruit For Sale Home canned. Ten cents per quart. Wm. HKUZIR. Bachelor Hat. Sitwmo MaCiiink for Salk Inquire ynnu, oil., varnish, nail., shelf hard ., -ivw. and bolls all kind, of builder', material at the .tore of Jus. Muckle & Sou. For Salic One bay maro, aged six, weight 1.100 lbs. Guaranteed wund. Price 1R 0. J. Jasper, Peer isiano, Oregon. jiw-mpu Crram Skparator Sai.r-Do Laval. in first class condition, cheap. Capacity 5(10 pounds. Inquire U.S. Pspain, St. Helen.. Ten horse engine and two boilers for sale cheap. Impure ot j.,viw, Wurren, Oregon. Launch For Salk 30 foot boat, 8 foot beam, equipped with 12 horse 2 cylinder Fay & Howen engine. Boat .ud engine In good condition and cost over r-IWO. Well worth $ 1000. Goes at JHOO if taken at once. Impure at the Mi.t office. IIoksrH Fok SaLK Light and heavy horse, for .ale at the Scappoose Livery Stable. Mrs. I). J. Switzcr returned Tuesday evening from a visit to her husband at White Salmon. Mr. and Mrs, L. B. Rutherford .pent Monday and Tuesday visiting in St. Johns. For SALR-One Jersey cow and one thoroughbred Jersey bull. Inquire of J, E. Smith, Mlllen ranch, Yankton, Or. Call For Bid. For City Hall Notice Is horebvglvon that scaled bids for the construction of a City Hall in the City of St. Helen, will be received up to 12 m. noon, Monday, June 2,th. Plan, and apeoifloation. can be Ken at the Mist office, mid Rt the Cilice of Good rich A Goodrich, architects, Portland, Oregon. The Common Council of the City of St. Helena reserves the right to reject any nnd all bid.. Mail bid. to ! Rncoraer. oir. iioi"i gdMOAJUa JUDGES AND CLERKS Appointed by th. County Court of Co lumbia County. The County Court ycstcr.liiy complc ted the auluctioii of the following juduei cierKe, to have charge of the prl "y mm tfn ml i.lectlona tl,ln yer in viir rep pective pruu ucli: Aplary-J ,,(!,.: Geo. CBiTlgan, J. It II end lee, W, I l!ron, Clerks: A. 0. " I """'h, J 'Mini., j. i.. u hi, h. Til. .b.. .1I llMUWi.M 1..1 1. I.. 1 ' ..' . .n7 V. " juugea: lia 1'arc ler, v i mV Boaln. Clerk.; Q. fcrlcliiion, VVm. Inglee, VVilber Moir.. wiawicuiile-Judge.: W. A. Hull, A. l O. Ilolknap, 0. C. Walkey, W. G Howauon. Night iloard-J. i.lxe. : Dun ... 1..UU1I...1II, j.rauK umilter, C. A. tt .11' Z-llman, Wui. T Ir.,.- T.I I . .' . . Geo. .. ..".! ju"ee: l'rea ahhhh, .ucrrill. IV, K. Clark. (Merlin Olm. A. Merrill, II. C Wood, Jan.c. Oaitteu. (ii.l.l-Jmlye.: T. (5. WalU, (i. 0 Fowler. K L. (Mrit. i...i,u. i n..u baiiui. It. L. Kenncv. t. W. .Imrlnnr noiiKon juugea; CliB.. (irabuiu, A. wr, .ywen AiioerHon. i.ii.t-ic 11. i! -iHr, r., M. Faxon, W. J. Mcllinger, ftiarsiiiiinil Jud(e.: W. B. Colvin, . ou. n. urauam, inme. A. Yoilllir l-leiks: .las. 1'. Grnlmin, Murk F.lllott, III. 1M, J'.IHUll, Mist Jud!i: Liljel, J. A. Jim, John Wallace. Clerks: Win. II. ltoe. L. II. lVtoivon, E L. McCauley Mietk's-.linlrf..: .1. B. )0an. O. K. Wonderly, W. I). Flue. Clerks: Cieo. r. Moei k, I. H. Kc,V, L. K. (Julker. Italnler Juilges: A. L, Clark, It. N. Iivitlace, W. M. 1'crrv, Clerks: .1. A. Schunesi-n.Chus. A. Silva.Ueo. W. Vo gul. Oak Point Judges: H. L. Payne, J"hii lleiiiriikBon, J. O. Kimnar.on. ('leiks: Fred Fl.,hier, C. L. Morse, n in, Koberls. hi'iippoose Jiidiri-n: W. K. Steven. T. A, Cloniiiirer, Geo. W. (irant. Clerk: J. I). McKav, M. .1. Kliglerl, A. Ilitugn rand. Night lion id Judge-: J. li, Welt. J. 11. Diimau, G. W. It iinev. Clerk: Gimt LanJfe, C. Whitney, A. I) lloladay. HI. Hidenit Judges: R. Cox, A. King, C. W. Hmersoii. Clerks: J, W. D.iy, A. J. Iteming, J. W Allen. Vernonia Judges: JiuUon Weed, W. I'riogle, K. K. Niekereon. Clerk: J. M. Donuld, F. II. Mill, J. K. Dallas. Warivn Judes: Kiilph Hazen, Hen ry Laisen, Join: rarr. Clerks: W. J. Fulltrton, N. F. IlHker, Albert Free man . RAINIER CELEBRATES Tlie Fourth of July celebration' for Columbia County was certainly held at HalnliT thin year, and that the fact wits duly appreciated was shown by the large crowd that attended. Start Iiik with a baseball (tame Saturday, July 2nd, the celebration was one per-pi-timl round of j h-amire until the "Home, ir'-'i-t Home" waltz was played at the maud ball In tho K. of P. hall on Tuesday iilnht, making it just what ailvertlKcd, four days of the bes fan that has been even In many a day Kverythltig was under the persona supervision of men. hers of the Rainiei Volunteer Klre De artment, and thai hustling orgaulzatir l kept the ball f rollliiH In a way tin. would please thf niOKt exacting. Satur.'.iy'g program In eluded a ball feume, o, n air band con cert nnd n dance In t!. Knights' hall Sunday th lay's fesi vltlea Btarted with . banU concert ir. the morning, followed by a log rollln,: contest, and more music by Rainiei ! Columbia Concert band. This band is nn Insti tution of which our neighboring city has Just cause to be proud, nnd It la to bn hoped that the hand to be organized at this place will be supported and made into the excellent Institution that It Is. In the afternoon the Rainier team defeated the Greenfield Blues, of Portland, by a score of 5 to 4 In a game that ran 10 Innings and was full of fast work. Launch races nnd music took up the time until the evening's minstrel entertainment. MONDAY, JULY 4TH. Was the big day and nbout half the population of the upper end of the county went down to boost the celebra tion. Shortly nfler the arrival of the train the grand Btreet parade was held. Tho address of welcome was delivered by L. S. Thomas, and any one bearing It could not but feel that tho citizens of Rainier were glad to sfe them and wanted to show everybody a good time. Mrs. Jack Appleton, of Deer Island, read the Declaration of Inde pendence. Mrs. Appleton is one or tne most talented renders In this part of the country, and her part of the pro gram was given close attention. The oration of tho day was delivered by lion firnnt H. Dlmick. of Oregon iHty, nnd was one of the best we ever had the privilege of listening to. air. uim- U k Is a fluent tamer, anu nns me at tention of his audience nt all times. At 12 everybody lmrtooK or tne oar- bocued meat, and here is a good place o sny that It was realty excellent. innu w 1 ( oil )t tills suiieiiiem uu !mv iiint it Is Imnosslble. and that bar becued meat Is never eaten because it Is aod, hut only because it is tne Fourth of July. This time is tne ex ...mtinn. A number of the visual sports were Indulged in, after which came the BALL GAME. It was awful ns viewed by a resi dent of St. Helens. Rainier has a good nine and it Is our nonest opinion mm. tho game would have went their way oven had they played their local team, . n..,l.,r.r Tidy tinm llllt tlllll WOUIll I1UI BllimiJ- ft. Ue went to Portland nnd secured the services of Tom aeaion, oi i.ra Const Leaguers, and Roy Willett, of tho Vernon nine. A nice sociable lit tle Job to put up on us when we went down to help mtiko their celebration a success and with the same nine we have been playing nil season. The bovs protested and should have abso lutely refused to go on the field. But the slaughter was Btnrted and when tho sad tale was all told Rainier hnd 13 runs to a lonesome one aeoured by our boys in the first inning. After tho game the festive greasy pig and tho lean, long greasy pole contributed to the day's fun also a pie-eating con test, etc. The program on Tuesday was about the game as Monday's, except that the Clatskanse team took part the ball game, which ended in an eight to six ue liiJTinron iriLVti'''"- UNCLAIMED LETTERS Following Is u lint of the unclaimed letters and curds at. the St. Helens, Oregon, poHtofflco July Ilrd, 1910: Let ters for L. W. Heard, Vado llalch, Gui;t ISaiifsuuml, Ming iteiilrlce Collins, W. H. Collins, Martin KhiIhoii, W. .1. Lewis, F.AV. Mct.'llney, J. H. InrtiiHt, C. II. Tucker, X.m Carrie Wuger. Postal cards for Lrnest Darugar, Miss Jennie Green, Hnry Ifenrirlckson. AV. J. Lewis Will Larson, Mrs. CallHtiu Lingo, Arny jvicintyre, Steve Phillips, llret Stone, Krnest Tucker, S. A. Tucker. Ernett Tucker, H. Wlnneuberg, Lloyd Whipple. Letters not claimed by the 19th will be sent to the dead letter office. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. Notice 1. hereby given that J. B, God frey, administrator of the estate of Florence 15. Godfrey, deceased, ba. filed his final account and report In the matter of said estate, in the Coun ty Court of Columbia County, Oregon, and that said Court has fixed Saturday, July 23rd, at one o'clock p. m d. tl,,. time and the County Court room In St. Helens (Oregon) as the place for the hearing of objections, If any, to said report and account and tho final settle ment of said estate. Dated at St. Helens, Oregon, Juno 18th, 1910. J. B. GODFREY, Administrator. Guardian's Sale In the County Court of the Stale of Oregon, in and lor Columbia Oounty. In the loader of the cuardianship of Irene Marsehnll, a minor; NOTICH is hereby tfiven that by vir tue of an order of the County Court of he Mate of Oregon for the County t.f .hliiuibu, made and entered on the 2otli duynf April, 1010. in the matter of the gnardiatishipof Irene Marsehall, a minor, the umleriogned as the goardun of the estate of (aid minor, m ill on the 12th day of August. 1010, nt the hour of 2 in the afternoon of said day, at the front door of ti e court house in V,e City ot Ht. llelon, Oregon, sell at pub ic auction, for cash in hand, the fal lowing ile.MTilx'il real estate belonging paid minor, situate in the County of 'olnmbia. Ktiite of Oregon, to-wit:- The Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Jnatter of Section lwenty-two, lon- hip Five, North or Knlige lliree, West f the Willamette Meridian, subject, however, to the dower right of Julia tNttlczuk, wiiois the mother and only heir and next of kin of said minor. JULIA WALCZVK. K. MILLKIt As guardian of said M Attv. for Guardian Minor. Fiist publication July 8, 1910: last pub lication July 29, I!U0. BIDS WANTED . Bids will be received by the Directors of School District No. 37 for turning the school bouse one quarter around, build ing 8-luch concrete wall and placing building thereon, and painting building iuside and outside. The dimensions of he bouse are 24x42. All bids 'must be received by 10 o'clock p. m. July 18, 1010. F. M. DANIELS, Chairman. E. S. DANIELS, Clerk, Goble, Ore. Notice of Sale of Real Estate. In the County Court of the State of Ore gon, for Columbia County. In the matter of the cstnte and Gnardian ehip of Carl F. Gtistafson, an insane person . Notice is hereby given that In pursu ance of and by virtue of ft license duly Issued nnd tuado bv tba County Court of the State of Oregon, fir Columbia Comity, on the 18th dav of June, 1010, in tlie inatter of the estate ami guardian ship of Carl K. liustafson, an Insane person, authorizing, licensing and em powering the guardian thereof to sell all the rca1 property of said estate at private sale.tbenndersigned, the guardian of said estate, will, from and after Satuidny, the 30th dav ol July, 1010, sell at private sale to the highest bidder, for cash in U. S. gold coin, ten per cent to he paid on acceptance of bid and balance on confirmation of snle by this court, all the rivtlit, title, interest and estate of the estate of the said Carl F. Gtistafson, an insane person, in and to the follow ing described real property, to-wit : The northeast quarter of Section Twen ty (20).Townsliip Six ((1) north of Range Four West of the Williamette Meridian in Columbia County, Oregon, containing 100 aoies. ' All bids to be directed to the under signed in care of Pillard & Doy, St. Hel ons, Oregon. Dated at -St. Helens, Oregon; June 30th, 1910. MATILDA C. JOHNSON, Guardian of the person and estate of Carl F. GttBtaison, an insane person. Date of first publication hereof July 1st, 1010. PLEASE 4tr. '" ovewell Who tog rap hen , IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON, FOR COLUM DIA COUNTY NOTICE" OF FINAL ACCOUNT. In the matter of the estate of John Uorchler, deceased. Notice is hereby given thut tho un dersigned, Kxecutor of the estate of John Uorchler, deceased, has filed In tho County Court of Columbia County State of Oregon, his final account as such Executor of said estate, 'and that Monday, tho yoth day of July, 1910, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. in., has been fixed by said Court as the time and the Court room of said Court as the place tor hearing all objections to said final report and account and the settlement thereof. JOHN J. BANZEIt, Executor ot the Estate of John Borchler, deceased. J. B. McDEVITT, Attorney for Ex. ecutor and Estate. FlrBt publication June it, 1910. Last publication July 30, 1910. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT In I lie Matter of KMale ol John Murphy, de rt'Hurt : Notice I hereby irlven that the A'lminUtra I tor'nllunl arcoutit In Hie mutter ol the KMttH ni!o nt tlic County Clrk. Columbia County. Or- ctrnu, May ur,fh, lull), ami lloiiornble jam? Iiurt, County Jnitae of loiiil county, hs nxed Sfttimliiy, June 2, 1910. nt 10 o'clock a. in., t the Court Hour. Colnmbia County, Oreiroii, the tune nnd t'lace for hearing objections to nam a al account. 11 uny, auo me iwoieineni thereof. All Demon whom.'ocver are dlreete.l to tile written objection to nairl llual Account, if biiv, or any imnieuiiir item mcreoi, on or i-eiore Krliluy. Cie 'iM dny ot June, 1UIC, nt 10 o'clock a. m. of nalil day. UKOHOR J, PKKKlSSi. AilminiMirutor, a1ilteHS .105 lwl Building, 1'ortlfltiil, Oregon. Klr.l publication May 27, 1010.. LukI publication Julie 21, 1K10. Notice to Creditors In tho Count ly Court of the Slate of Orejron, lor ior ColumbiA Countv. In the matter of the estate of George Blott, (ieeeaei. Notice Is hereby Riveu by tho uuderhiancd. the iilmi!)iitrttlor of the estate ol Oeore lilott. uYceiiMctl, lo thecreil'tor of, and all per. son" hnvliiK claims ugiifm-l puhl etale, to pre Kont them with the proper vouchers within nix month irom the dat of Ibis notice to the "aid RilmluU.rator, at the law ofllec of billard & liar, at St. Helens, Columbia County, Oregon, the Mime heinK the place for tho transaction of of the buMueHM of aiil efctHte. Uateil June :inl, l'JIU. VICTOR O. BI.OTT, Administrator of the estate of George Blott, iltoeafceil. Notice) to Creditors Noltee I her, by i;lven that the nrnlerstaned Iioh hren apitoinu-n' by the County Court of the state of Oregon ailmiiiiiitrator of the estate of C, W. Johnson. i!cceael. All person having claims niriilusi fiiiil estate are reiulrel U, pre wnl them lo me, properly veriiieil as ri quired by law. at my oilice In Bt. Helens. Oregon, within flix mouth from the ihite hereof. M. K. WILI.KR. Administrator of the estate of C. W. Johnson, ilecense't. Datu of tlrst publication Aptl 15th, 1910. Notice of Sale. In the County Court, of the State of Oregon, for Columbia County. In the matter of the estate of Theodore J. Kekemnn. 1eeeHed. Notice, i hereby given that by virtue of an '-onler milo ou! entered by the atKJve entitled court In the above entitled matter. I will on and after the Istti !av of June, I'.UO, otter tor sale mid will poll al privatcale. to Uie persons oil, rinif the highest price, for cash, nil of the ri''ht. title and estate of the deceased, Theodore J. Kckerson. of, In and to blocks sixiy-four and sixty live, of the city of til. Helena, iu said county and state. J. B. GODFREY. Administrator of the estate ol Theodore J. Kckerson, decease. Notice of Final Account. In the County Court of the State of Oregon or Columbia County. In themattcrof the Estate of Lucinda Blan- chard, deceased VJOT1CK IS HKKEIIY GIVEN that E. E. i.1 oulck ho illeil his final account as execu tor of the Estate of I.uciuda Blauchard. do ceased, lu the County Court of the Slate of Ore gon for Columbia County, and the judge of said court ha appointed Saturday, the 16th day of ; July, l'JIO. at the hour of 10 o clock a. m. as the ! time, at the court room of said court In the city of St. Helen, Columbia County. Oregon, for the hearing ol objections to such flnsl account aud the settlement thereof. E. E. QUICK, Executor of the Estate of Lucinda Blanchard, doeeased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the County Court of the State of Oregon fo the comity of Columbia. In the Matter of the Estate of Rachel E. Link, deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of Rachel E Link, deceased, are hereby noti fied to present the same wlthlu six month? from the date hereof at the oilice of John F. Ix Ban, No. J.'l Mohawk Building, Portland, Ore gon, duly verilied according to laty. This publication Is made by virtue of the ap pointment of the undersigned as administrator of the Estate of Rachel E. Link, deceased, in the County Court of the Slate of Oregon, for the County of Columbia. Date of first publication June 21. W10. WILLIAM M. I.ISK. Administrator of the Estate of Rachel E. Link, deceased. SUMMONS la the Circuit Court of the State of Oregcn for Columbia CciiMv: W. C. Nicholas, plaintiff, vs. W. A. Harris, I. M. Harris aud A. Keuzi, defendants. To A. Ken.l. defendant above name: In the name of the State of Oregon yon are hereby remiired lo appear and answer the com plaint Hied herein on or before fix weeks from June 17, l'.do. the date of the first publica tion hereof, anil if vou fail so to answer the pluintiil will uppl) to the court for the rcliel demanded i.i his complaint, which is to quiet Ms title to tho tract or tracts of land in said county describe I us tho E ti, ol the SK l of sec i and the s 'j of the H of the 8W ot sec tl, Int a u r 4 w ol the Willamette moridian. Tills sutnmtSns Is published by order of Hon. J. It. Ctunpliell, Judge of said court, made on the 0th dav of June, 1010. GRAHAM & CLEETON AND 11. B. NICHOLAS. Atmrnejs tor l'lalmln. . MILLER ATTORNEY-AT-LAW St. Helens, Oregon J-JR. EDWIN ROSS, PHYSICIAN & SURGFN 8T. IIRLKNS ; : OREHC VANCOUVER Washington, Property, to exchange for Small Farm. Splendid quarter block, tiro houses fn excellent condition, bnnging income oi !f55 per mouth, located on valuable cor ner, eh so lo Main Street; value $8,500. Will trade for small farm, suitable fur nice home, value lo be about $3,000. Owner will take mortgage on property for difference. Address Western Real Estate nnd Brokerage Co., 3rd floor Mul key Block, cor. Second end Morrison Streets, Portland, Oregon. NOTE WILL BC T THE ST. HELErtti HOTEL, ROOM 17. rtEj4RLY EVERY DY IMTIL SL P. Al, v !m.!kJJ S m&RrflflXlCP ' GRANT B. DIMICK T I Candidate for the Republican Primary nomination for Gov ernor of Oregon. WILL M org us' HALL St. Helens SATURDAY July 16th At 8. p. m- Mr. Dimick is an . advocate of the right of the voters to nominate as well as elect their own candidates. Ev ery voter interested in Good Government is requested to be present. Ladies are especially invited. flAIOVERroi j We Sell Them BECAUSE we d because we lat they are. BECAUSE they 8 Die, periect htting, 2$ BECAUSE they ffa the end." m $3.50.. - $4.00. m WHITE & m HOULTON, ORE. ns YTnnnrffn'nTrflTrnTr FINE STATIONERY For PARTICULAR People We Are Confident of Our Abilityjto Please You. v A NEW SLINE OF FOUNTAIN PENS From'One Dollar to Fire ' I Carge fssorftnent of fPost (Bards Deming's Drug Store, st.helens, or. w .1.; i ... mil, i. -"t'Aji1 " SPEAK AT a know what they are, j ) know that you know i I are stylish, camforta- IVj ana LA are "the cheapest m rJJH Mgj - .$4.50.J5.00 ANDERSON it k Kuan m x kw v vm - ...........aH