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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (May 7, 1909)
i A A A tfk stk AAA AAA A A. A Ai St. Helens Bakery All Kinds Of Cakes, Pies, Bread E. J. Boyle, Prop. V) Box 63. 'Phone 262. GENERAL CONTRACTOR RAINIER. ORE. iiiuatcs given on ftU kind of lluiUUng Construction. Re-inforced Concrete, Cement Sidewalks Solicit Business Anywiion kappoose I)NTiH'f-l)f. Kambo will lie hi St. Ilnleiis, tit the St. Helens uAk f -$! r mnl Saturday of mepured to (Wall kinds of denial work. A Jf S 0 1' X ' K ,M K S 1' Having putl'llBlted till! interest of lame. Unit, ill liarl A Muikle. we ui.l, t u. nuiiiHe to our friends ami patron, llml the buniiii u will be continued under the mime of Jn., Muck Id & him. u,i.i l ib piilroiiiige "I the public, assuring tlieui ol courteous trtriitiiic tit Hilil lowest price, tiimllly considered, Kcpectltilly, jnn, aiuiki,!', & (SON. t'O.ITHAt'TO KS NOTICE Hid Will lilt rii'itiua.1 l.u tl.u signed until Jiimi Unfit, lur llm eoii mriii'tion nf u Kcliimi iniiii ju dm, n. .11,1 witiiiiina County, Oregon. Hnliool llllliKH thill Irf of mil, riMt.ti u.i.l I iNiuiii.tii iiuUMh limxmiitiim'iit 2U4H, A bond ill I(HH) will bit requited. Tim iMiiinl r (hTVCS the llktllt l.i ftJi-t liny mid itll bids I'linih mill .iv iicin.M, ciiii I seen lit h.iiim ., On, derk, IV. (', tVimd, I leer Island, Die. .G. Wikstrom & 5ons Manufacturer of and Dealer In ROUGH AND DRESSED LUHBER CEDAR POSTS AND POLES Dry Kiln and I'lmilng Mill In Oregon LEW DAYIES & CO. We hii'n wurnl the agency for Columbia County for the celebrated Indian Motor Cycle 'Columbia Bicycle Crescent Hicycle Rambler Hicycle Hicvcle Sundries and Re pairs. WARRKN, ORK. I How RAINIER Town I Treats Knockers m CyS r. Down in Kainier Town the Boosters Knocked a Knocker down. Sore-he hit the iloor-lheydrowned his roar there are no more. Boosters sinj;in--checrs are ringing Rainier forward goes. Never slumping, ever jumping, How the City grows. Room for you, if you're true Come to Rainier too. No knockers will hereafter be permitted within the city limits and the people in the country have no use for them. At a recent meeting of the Boasters' Club one capitalist subscribed $-.o for publicity purposes Hood River Apple Growers are investing ex tensively in land in the neighborhood ot Rai nier, They know their business, lake a pointer from them. 15i' industries are cou:g to R -iaic. NOW is the time for the wire mini toiuve.t. tor full particulars apply to Secretary Rainier Boosters Club RAINIER, OREGON 9 LOCAL Basel all at the park Sunday. St. Helen, again.! I'oitliiiiU. Tim new uniform, have urriveil anil they me dandies. Yankton (ir.-iiiKe will lve an ke cream ikx:Ih1 at tlie hall to-ninrrow Saturday night. All are cordially invited, i'.minet Steven, and Walter G. l'om eroy, ol Scttj)00e Here iiiiki.-k tlie bin! lien. vioitoM to the county teat this week. Mr. A. H. Giuliani, of ClaUkanie, i Columbia Comity' wile rejiretciitutive on the federal grand jury, Mr. Katlierine (Irahuin, of Portland, vinited wiih Mr.. Ilolnuin last week, II . N. Cade wa. arre.te.l on Monday liml, charKrd with trepas. Cade live, clone to the baseball Kroini'ln, and the ball team, by perminiion of the council, built a fence on a portion of the street. Cade protested to the council Hifiiinut lhi, and, on hi petition beiiiK innored, tore tlie fence down. The boy. rebuilt it and Mr. Cade nuniit tore it down. He wa. then arretted. Hit attorney., Menn. I'illurd & Day. demurred to the complaint on the ground ihut it tliar'-d two nejia ratcaflrriM!. Argument on the demur rer wn heard laitt s fn .duy and it wa overruled. The ( it t for trial to morrow. Hob 8m,h Scveial choice farms. Wiu M. Ko. V e pay fiitereit on 1 ime lieposilK. Coi.inniiA Cot.'STV IUnk. Win. Slavcim, of Poriland, formerly of Warrcu, ln.t now a carpenter and con tractor in the metropoli, made an auto visit to St, Helen, last Wednesday. Henry I)oerr.of Clats.kanie,wabrouKht to St Helens on Weilncsdav by Deputy Sheriff Sutherland for examination as to his sanity. JJoerr is a l.lacksuiith by trade ami nil excellent mechanic, but lately he bi been drinking rather heav ily and is troubled with the delusion that his life is being attempted by some per sons who inject poisoned spray into the room he occupies. Lost Have you lost the pleasure of restful feet? Then come in and et a pair ol up-to-date comfortable spring shoes at Wellington's. II, HiTiclcrnon, formerly Clerk of Co lumbia County and resident ol St. Helens, but now of St. Johns, was a pas-ener on the morning train Sunday for Mayjjer. Circuit Court meets next Tuesday. May llth, with Judge Campliell of Oregon (Jit v on the bench, and a larae docket to be handled. This will 1 Judge t amp Mi's first term here and naturally he will be at a temporary disadvantage ax com pared with his predecessor, whose inti mate knowledge of the people and of the territory was of great service In enabling him to arrive at correct conclusions. The old safe in the store of as. Muckle Son is a pioneer in the business history of the State, It is of the Lily pattern and was brought around the Horn from New York in 1H&7 by Charles Dodd, an earlj -day implement dealer of Portland f t outer door ha been blown open s--v -rtl times, but no burglar has yet been able lo penetrate l.s inner recese, and it took an expert mechanic ten hours to accomplish that feat. After a useful ca reer of over half a cantury it is still quite a ways from the scrap heap. The County Grange for Columbia Coun ty, otherwise knonn as Pomona, met at Clatskanie on Saturday last, and, though the notice of the meeting was very short nearly all of tlie subordinate granges were represented. The reports presented show that the order is in a flourishing condition throughout the county and is growing steadily. A class of six was ini tiated in the l'omona degree. There was no evening session and the time and place of holding the next Pomona was left to the decision of the Executive Committee, who will see that due notice is given thiough the press. Nkw St'KiNr. Stvi.ks The pick of the shoe world's productions, gathered for your own choosing. Get that pair to day at Wellington's. Three brothers bv the name of Reach engaged in a fraternal scrap while in their fishing boats just in front of the city last Monday. The big brother appeared to be the augrescor and the two smaller one combined against him, and finally suc ceeded in clubbing him into submission It looked to the spectators as if there was going to be a case for the coroner. They : were arrested but relrased without trial, j I )n the same day an old fellow from the : Kidgefield became intoxica'ed witli the i beaut v of our rapidh growing city, or : some of the stuff that makes a jack rabbit : pit in a bulldog's eye, and was ciuitc forcibly, though not grai-elully, conduct ! ed lo our rnpidlv-liecouii g popular cal-1 aboose. You bet hi-key makes a lively ton. II we can only increase the busi ness sutbCH-ntly this I'il ole town will be as "lively" as the violent ward in the ; Salem bug hvuse; but it's tough on the ones at borne, who iloo t get any 01 me SPRING SHOES NATURE Is dressed up these days and you will feel better if you are begin with your feet we are specialists at dressing them, and have the finest assortment in town. STYLE QUALITY FIT LOW PRICES Come in and take a look at the niftiest line of Ox blood Oxfords you ever saw. Blacks and tans that are classy. They can't be beat. They've got all the latest frills. The Oxbloods at $375- J. H. Wellington Virgil Powell, ol Pittsburg, visited I hi", nor much ol anything else. Houiton the latter part of last week on his way to Portland, to enter the employ of the Chapman Timber Co. Tlie St. Helens ball team was defeated by a 10 lo T score in a poorly played game with the Kiiiiiier !iys on the local dia mond last Tunday. Our boys were badly handicapped by the aliseucc of their bat tery, Campliell and Austin, who.through some sad mishap, missel the train at Ku gene that was to have brought them to tnis place. The Rainier bov have a strong team and play good ball, but the locals hope to have a UiuVrcnl s ol y to tell next time they meet. There was an attendance of about Arrang menu Are ou us'tig Peacock Floor? No? Dont wonder von look ane feel ba'l. I've sold a good many lous of it in St. Helens. M. C. GRAY A dray fur heavy hauiing har.l n pur-cha-ed by M. F. Ha.en, whose advertise ment will probably appear in a subse quenl iue of Ibis paper. Mrs. K. V. Conyers, of Clatskanie, wife ol Columbia County's representa tive. is unite seriously sick. Dr. Arthur Moire, of Portland, was called in consul tation last. Saturday. A t-mpcrance league has been organ ized at Houiton with twenty-live charter WALKOVER will be made hereafter to exclu !e liipior j members. Sixteen ot this number are and rieer rrom me grounus ami no tr" httie or vulvar language will lie allowed. Skwimj M.u'hink foe Sale A good machine for fU. Inquire at this office . See ns about fire insurance. Do it sow before the drouth begin. . Cou'mbia Cousin? Bask. yonng men ami ooy. in- winiii-u fe- n vour word and honor to abstain from a',1 intoxicating liquor. The dues are five cenrs pr moui h. Everyone over ten vears of age mav lieeome a member bv taking ti e obligation. All temperance people in Houiton and neighboring towns are invited to join. 1)kowm-1 AT Rki bks Mrs. Margaret i The St. Ik-lens bakery is added to the Vount, wife of Scott Yount. of Keubcii. MiSft rapidlv growing list of advertisers Wiis out fishing on some logs 01 the Co- j ibis week and Mr. lloyle is prepared to lumbia river Tuesday evening j it bclnre j demonstrate toall investigators the abso dark. Mr. Yount wps milking the cow. I iulc cleanliness of his products. He is and when hi. wife did not return he went j experienced baker and will furnish as to look (or her. but his search was una as KOW jmstry. cakes and bread as can vailing, as no trace of her could lie found. ; i. procured at any establislnnr nt in the Wcduculay moinini; Messrs Coll ns and ' metropolis. Give' him a trial and if he liailcv we e coumig down the Cowlitz : makes good boost for him and all other and. when they entered '.he Columbia ' Wotthy home institutions, thrv found the 'body tloatiug in the river : and towed it across to Kainier. Frank; Fot'Nii A shoe that fits the foot, at a H SherwI, countv coroner, was at ! price that fits the pocketbook. Call at once n.iufieil, and, as he had no jurisdic- VVellins:ton's. tton. Immediately telephoned Dr. Bird ot j Xlic eomicil, at its meetinji last Mon Kelso, The doctor camo over and de- J )av ni!lt appointed W.A.Harris city cn!cd an inquest was not necessary, ami ; ,reasur4r to till the vacancy caused by declared it accidental drowning The ; h T.,iKIlation of Jos. W. Day. Nxly is now at Sherwood's undertaking j patlors at Ramier and will be embalmed j j wjsi, vou would try Buckeye extracts, lor sliipment. Mr Ycuut arrived on the , xiiey are'strictlv high grade. Call for down train and stated that they came , faulple bottle, from Oklahotni alxiut a year ago and hsd j j. c. GRAY, St. Helens. iK-ugiit a smalt ranch at Reuben and gone into the chick n business. .Mrs.! Wall Pa nt in thirty colors. Varnishes, Vomit is a woman 4:! vears of age and j Stains and Oils. Floor Paint m seven weighed over pounds. Mr. Vount is ( colors. Boat I's'nt in ten colors. Euain heartbroken over the sad aflair, and, with cls, Linoleum, Dressing. Brushes, e'c.t his m-uhbors, had tiecn patrolling and M. C. GRAY, St. Helens papplmg along the river all night. The , house and two b,dy will I shipped home. ; ,( new and t,je ,o$ afe very Mr.J. W. LeCare. of Salem, is visiimg ; psiraiile, having a beautiful view of the his son, Mr. Harry I,e Bare, of this city, j, iver Apply to A. L. Stone, Columbia , .1 . i . i County Bark, St. Helens. The district convention of the Order of j I'.eUkahs was held at Houiton Wcdnes-j WANTED To borrow iflLViOon im dav aitenioon and evening. j proved farm property for three years at Farl Perrv, of Houiton. went to Port- 8 per cent hor further particulars ap tai i 1 theS of the monll. to learn the ply at the Mist olfi.-e. St. Helens, Or. business of a marble cutter. YOUR FEET .Are two of the best friends you have. You know this; yet, do j-ou treat them as you should and as the- have a right to expect ? You dou't if you impose on them with cheap, ill-ntting shoes. Put on a pair of WALK - OVE'iTSHCSS And make them happy. In fact the Man in the Moon is the o-ily one who won't eventually wear WALK OVER Shoes, and he can't help it. Prices $3.50, $4.00, $4.50, $5.00 WE ARU SOLE AQEXTS WHITE & ANDERSON Houiton. Oregon rj rfa The charter committee appointed by the common council held its first meet ! ing Friday evening and made cousidcr- ! able progress iu drafting a document 1 suited t.) the wants of a growing com- uiunity. Ten stvtions of the old charter j were discussed and chauges made to r lirinir it un to date and to conform with the present State laws. The committee meets again this (Friday) evening, at 8 o'clock, at the ollice of the Columbia Countv Abstract and Trust Company. There will 1 Catholic services at tlie Odd Fellows' hall in Houiton on xne third Suudv iu May, Rev. 1-atlier eervis otlicinting. Mrs. Charles Ranier, wife of Captain Ranier of the steamer cUowstoue, is visiting in St . Helens while her husband nakes the trip to t aiuornia aim Mr. D. J. returue 1 Monday to his business in Salem, alter a tew (lays visit in St. Heleus, Mrs. M. S. Haien returned last Tuesday to Portland after n week a Tistt m t, Heleus. Puack l'OR SAbK Twelve acres in Houltoti. nearly all cleareu, wuu goou orchanl aud Iwrries the rest is Cedar 'ence posts for sale at 4e each. U. S. DHSfHX, St. Helens. t K. Ml LI, Kit ATTORNUY-AT-LAW Kt. lleletm, Oregon HYSICIAN & SURGFON PR " H. f.m,, W GET VHAT WE GET ffljN . if Miinriwi. it u nut uui i UUVt'lH itiniiui;ni" -- ft top prices, but you can satisfy ycnutsolf ibH,hWlyatanytjH,o imr HHiiMHi hinn nt vnuv H I 1 1 . -iir l iw to us. V nto 8jrflr a o us now for- coops, tngs, etc. 8 RIITIIERN OREGON COMHISSIOH CO. UKl'OK T OV TH K CON'DlflOX OF THE I'OLl'MHU COl X I V BASK At St. Helens, iu the State of Oregon at the close of business April 28th, HKt'J, IlKSOl RCKS Loans and discounts fcWtWO I!j Overdrafts, seetifed and t uf .d '3 87 r.ollds, ouritie, etc 807!)-' 04 Hanking house, furniture ami fixtures "289 37 Due from hanks not reserve bunks 40000 00 Due irotii " approved reserve kinks 7S040 60 Checks and other cash items. . 5U4 01 Cash on hand 1050.9 30 Expenses 705 48 Ladies' and Children's TRIMMED HATS In All Shapes Summer wear for infants. Ladies' ready made wash dresses just received in laUst styles. A select line oi Waists aud Summer Goods of every description. All the latest styles in blacks and tan shoes and stockings H. MORGUS ST. HELENS rjA. A A. mV a ji ji. ji. a a a.- a A summer Kates fcastt iu bav. " ii.. i A good ten-room House, gooti oaru auu A goou leu-room uuic, Kv,. . chicken house and other outbuilding. Household furniture ami turui imple ments go with the place if deaired. Do not fail to investigate this. See I, D. V hr.KS, ai'il-lm Houiton, Oregon The new addition to the St. Helens Hotel is completed and the only fault that can he found with it Is that it is not large enough. With the old building there will tie eighty rooms and certainly very few cilica in Oregon outside of the metropolis can boast of so commodious and well furnished a gest house. All ii,. nuttua nre nrovided with hot and cold water and there is a bath room on each floor. The furniture Is metal and rugs lit IIKtMl hmtand of carpets, thus improv ing the sanitary conditions. The dining room is beautiful spacious, handsomely finished and well liglitcd, nnd will com fortnbly1 seat V-fi persons. Under the elll cient management of Mr. and Mrs. Ja. ob George it will become one ol St. Helens Total 1204810 01 lilAIUI.lTlKS Capital stock paid in 112000 00 Individual deposits subject to check 178275 07 Demand re-rtitVates of deposit 10;'.4I 98 Time certificate of deposit . . 1H8 00 ToUvl 1204816 01 State of Oregon I. 6S County of Columbia ( I, Win, M. Eoss, Cashier ot the alwve named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of tuv knowledge and belief. WM. if, EOSS, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 4th day of May, 1900. J. W. DAY, Notary Public COltRECT-Attest Martin White 4ameB Dftrt Edwin Eoss Directors. Make money bv saving when yon get your furniture, that means go to Wellington'. During the Season 1909 via the Oregon Railroad & Navigation Co. OREGON SHORT LINE AND UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD from Portland, Seattle, Spokane, Tacoma, Walla Walla and all points on the O. R. & N. line. To OMAHA and Return - - - $60.00 To KANSAS CITY and Return - $60.00 To ST. LOUIS and Return - - $67.50 To CHICAGO and Retnrn - - $72.50 and to other principal cities iu the East, Middle West and South Correspondingly low tares. ON SALE JUNE 2, 3 ; JULY 2, 3 ; AUGUST II, 12. To Denyer and return - - - - $55.00 ON SALE MAY 17, JULY 1, AUGUST 11 Going transit limit 10 days from date of sale, final return limit Oct 31. These tickets present -ome very attractive featu es in the way ol stop over privileges, and choice of routes; thereby enabling passengers to make side triis to many interesting points enroute. Routing on the return trip through California may be had at a slight advance over the rates quoted, Full particulars, slleeping car reservations and tickets will be furnished by any O. R. Sc N. local agent, or Wst. McMURRAY, General Passenger Agent. Portland Orkgon WON. tf 1 13 w best adverUNDMBU, T UlNI 'oitnaoif. J HVSICIAN He SURGEON