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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (May 7, 1909)
The Oregon Mist Kntcrod at ths) Postoffice at St. Helens, Oregon, as second-class tunil mutter. SOBSCHIPTION RaTKS One year I1-' W months - -M Advertising rates made known on appll atlon, LeRal notices 25 cents per Hue. Issued Evkry Friday By E. H. FLAGG. Editor and Proprietor County Official Paper Circuit CoiTr Officers: Thorna A.'McBride Pistri, t J mis' E. B. Tonane uistricr ahoi u Cointv Omcnr.s Jam Hart. Ind-:e St. He'eis OT A Wr,i. nierk -t. llel ns Martin White, Sherd- M. He'en W. K. Tidwuor .CWin'r -lUtsfcame H. West, Conn?ietioner sfc-appw E. E. Quick, Treasurer St. Helens U. W.Clark, iawwr St. Helen J H (Viilins. School Sunt CUtskaiiw C. T. Prescott, Surveyor St. Helen? Trunk Sherwood. Coroner tUmur ORDINANCE NO. 78 Am Ordinance Entitled "An Ordi aac U Proride for Licensing sad Be(tlatlnr Bar Booms and Ilrinklas; Shops." The people of the City of St. Hele do ordain as fol'.ows: Section 1. No person shall ia thie city, directly or indirectly, in person or by another, sell, barter or deliver, or knowingly permit to be sold, bartered or delivered, for, or on his or their ac count, any spiritous, malt or vinous liquors, to be drank on the premises owned 07 him or theui, without Brat obtaining a license therefor. Section 2. Every person to whom license shall be-RranteJ uniler the pro visions ol this ojinance suait pav into the city treastuythe sum of six h judrei (tbOO.OO) per annum or a proportionate amount for a less period, for such licene to sell spiritous. malt and vinous liquors : provided that no licenss shall be issued for a less period than six months. Section 3 o license to sell spiritous, malt or vinous liquors shall be grantei except on the followinz on iitions : the person or per-ons or tir-n wisliiiu to apply for such license shall post notice in three of the most public place) in the city, stating that in thirty ,'dayj there after, he or they will apply to the com mon council of th City of St. Helen (or a license to sell spirituous, vinous and malt liquors in less quantities t'mn one gallon, within the limits of sai icitj, which notice must ba dated aud signed by the applicant. S'jcb person or per sons shall also at his owu expeuss and trouble obtain the signatures of a ni i jorjtyoi the whole number of leal voters in said city praying that said license may be granted; such le-.-al voters shall be actual residents of e.ud city of St. Helens and shall have at tuall resided within said citv fo,' the period of thirty days immediately pre-I ceding the date of signinj and filinj of j aoeh application and petition. SiK-h up plicant shall also, at the same time be files bis apulicuion, make and execute i to the Citv of St. Helens a bond in the j penal sum of one thousand (1000.ikj; . the pers .n, persons or firm in ahose; dollars, with two or more sufficient j aitae toe licen-e has been issued shall areties, to be sppioved by the Coin- ' be ld responsible f-r acts of his em toon Council, conditioned that he or ' p''oye r an one entrosted with the theywUl keep an orderly house and ; keys U his place of bu-iuiisi and shall, comply with all the requirements ol tbe subject to the s uiie Surs and penal ordinances of the City of St. Helens ties for the acts of such employes oi ' passed or to be passed "doring the wu-iotlier person eutrasted with toe ksyg ' tinuance of said license; that he will ( as he would be if he violated this ordi not permit any unlawful gamiug or ri j nance in person otoos conduct in or about his house or ; Section 13 The penalties hereiube placeof business; tht he will not open j fore provided i.i this oiinalice shall be or Dermit to he onened his nlai-e of hna-i iriess on the first day of the week, com monly called Sunday ; that he will not gire, sell or supply spirituous, vinous or malt liquors to miners or to habkual drunkards nor to any pers m at the time in a drunken or intoxicated con- dition; that he will not open or permit his place of business to he opened after twelve (12) O'clock midnight on each i and every day of the week except S in- i day, and that he will ke-p siid .Ia..-e ! closed from said time twelve (12) o'clock j midnight till five (5) o'clock a. in. ! Thereupon if there be no remonstrance1 signed and presented on or before the I day of the application by a greater : number of the legal voters of said city! possessing the same qualifications as the . signers of the petition, than the peti- ' tioners exhibit, the council may, iu its i discretion, grant license tr, the applicant : for not less than six months as herein- j before provide I. I Section 4. If any person or per, on? i shall barter, sell or dispose of, in any! manner, any spirituous, uiai' or vinous liquors within said city without first I having obtained n license thernfor as I herein provided, he shall be deemed ' guilty of a misdemeanor and up?n c.jti- ! viction thereof fhall be fined in a eum j not less than ten ($10.00) dollars nor j more than lifty (50.i 0) dollars, and the City Recorder is iven hereby juriidic-1 tion over any such offense. i Section 3. License to sell spirituous. , malt or vinoust liquors shall not be j granted to any woman, or to any minor, or to any person who shall permit women or girls or male minors t i fr.!- , quenthis or their place of business j either ss guests, servants, waiters, watt reeses, dancers, snivel,-, actors or musi- : ciant. j Section 6. The recorder shall nut is- , sue any license to uny person or linn j ajiitvl ordered to do s by the Commoii ; Ceuncil, which said order must nppesr I upon the minutes of .the council, unJTTo Means Issued under the, provisions ol j this ordinance shall be Msltfimbla or transferable. Section 7. Any keeper ol a barroom or drinking shop Who shall permit any breach ol peace or any disturbance 01 public oider or decorum, by noisy, not- i . i - ... .1 ...,t n 1 1,., trm Oil-', or uisorufriv rau . r.-. ines, or who shall sell or give any into icating liquor" to any person already In an intoxicated condition, or to any male person on er the a. ol twenty one years, or to any woman or girl, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, inn j upon conviction thereof shall W nnei not loss tnsn tflO.OO) dollars nor moie thau fifty l.VUH) dollars, or I imprisoned in the city jail not less than ten nor tuoie thau thiitV uuvs, and shall forfeit the license to such tarro.)iu or drinking shop. Section 0. Any keeper of a barroom oj drinking shop who shall permit any woman or girl or male minor 1 1 frequent his or their nlae of business, or who shall permit or employ any woman or girl or male minor to act as waiter or w;iilrj, or to sing or dance or piny as a;tor or actre. or perforin as musician or set ve in any other capacity whatso ever in such bartoom or drinking s!u)p or in auv room attached to or connected with ach biirroom or drinking shop, or who .hall (termit auv mintrel show or thettritAl pfrfcruunce, exhibition Or conceit to tnki pUoa theriMU or in 0 .i t. H. II ltd .WiiihlcuiltT of iuideiuuor ami " . nuon cvmviction therf shall be tked not lew than tea 1$10.1. dollars nor more than 6itv x.00) dollars or he impriwned in the city jail not less than Cv L5) nor more thau thirty days, am) Shall lor.'ejj the license to any such bar room or drinking hof- fection'J. Any k(.or cf any l'ir room or drinking abop. or any suipiuy therein, who shnll on the day of a tt--ti eral or a city election, he:d under the las of the S.ateor City, sell, supply or give aay or otherwi'e dispose of intos - icating liquors W ativ pers in during the voting hours of any aiMon, or; a lio shall open or cause to 1) epn"f his place ol tustne uurinK vouujj hours, shall 1 deemed guilty of a mis demeanor and upon couviction thetof j siiall be fined in any sum uot less than . tiun tiUy tsn i.flo.Wj uou.irs nor murr in un. T-Xl.wi UQllars or oe linprijueii in iuc :.,.l,,U...r.nliM l5l mure; cm fan "- i - - nor more titan twenty VW days, kuJ f iiail I orteil the license ti such bar or drtnin shop. SitinlO. A 'iy keeper ol any bar roomorunnsum u;JpUr .,, v theiein wno Siiail. 0:1 the lust day of the week, coiuoioniy i.sJle.1 Sunday, open or cause to t opened such Au s business, eith r by rear or front e:i - trance, 0' who permits any per-on oersons to auter such bar ro m or drius - . . . . . 1 . lug snop ur aa fvoiu -o 1 mcie with, sltall be a-iiitv iof a analemeanor and dniron co-ivictoa thereo hll be ,. .1 - n . ', -iiri ied in any sum not le?s ttiau ten iio( ,, mnni'min lifiv ioil.nt). dollar. -i and tweuiniuyfuiii noi iki mau u i(i( n, nr I'niui ti'll' ioO.OU. iloilar.-i and . . . shall forfeit the license to sncb bar room or drinking sliop. i.ii..n It i n v bcar-utr ff nnV hftF room w diinkiiiif sh ip or a ly employe tlierein wtu iiaii open or peraiu 10 uv opened liis place (i.f hUaioess after twelve, IS, o'clock uiidnigjUt or iatfcrt? five, 5, o clook a. in. of any day be deemel guilty of a miademeanor aiid upon conviction thereof shall be fineO in any sum not less than ten, I0 OO. dollars, nor more than fifty, S.jO.OO, dl - -'" and shall forfeit the license to such barroom or Urmltiiig wop. . ! Section 12. F r the iurp sa of ssr- taining who shall ' c liable for the vior latioa f th provisions of this ordinance exclusive of, and in addition to a ly c- ti jh that may b taken on the bond of any keeper of any bar room or drinking 1 shop within the city, and a enviction nnder this ordir.anee of a vi iation of any of its provisions by any person. i - tiaii i" no wise bs c jiistrne 1 as harring any action on the ktevi-r. eaid bind of sueli PERSONALLY CONDUCTED SEATTLE EXCURSION JULY 4th to 10th Enjoy all the' delights and wonders of the GREAT A. Y, P, EXPOSITION Under the auspices of the Knights of Pythias and the Boosters j and personally conducted and managed by W. C. cursion will be made in two drawing room Pullmans to be oc cupied from the time of leaving Rainier on the evening of July 4th until reaching home on Sat. July iotb, giving five full . days hi Seattle, without the worry and bother of securing hotel ac commodations at exorbitant prices. For your railroad fare and Pullman accommodations it will cost you only $22 for the Entire Week Act at once and avoid disappointment For full particulars and reservations see W. C Fry, at the Review Office, Rainier. Section 14. It shall ha the duty of the city marshal or other peace officer to institute proceedings for the prosecu tion of any person or persons whom ha has reasonable cause to believe li is vio lated any of the provisions ol this ordi nance ; provided that nothing In this section shall be construed to prevent any other person than the inar-hul or peace officer from instituting an notion for the violation ot this ordinance. Section 15. Whenever anv peraon or persons have been convicted of the vio lotion of any of the provisions of this O'diuatice lite recorder shall make out a transci iot ol this docket and submit It to the council at the next regular or special meeting of the Council, and the Council at such meeting shall pioceed to revoke the license of such OtlVn.lnr Mlin ro.Hiu.. Minn m iyt aim o VMt, RIlJ shail roqmr two tllllvl VOtO . ,, , . of Hit tnttultim prosit it to m revoke tni.h lini koiI jifiir an.'h rv,M-f i.t; stun ulciuj.s mi aiur uiti ivoiAitou oi nv lie ise the Coum-il sliftll n.)t, for . the ptnltxi of one yortr, ii;it the MIUO ivmni, iwronsor arm uocne to pou piritu his vinous or limit liquor within tilts City. Avi.oi 1.1 Thi nri.iiutiu' kIiiII Km. NhMlvt) 1st IM orqinrtme Hidll .ittO m law imnii'ihulflv ilii.m Iht ttiw proval of same by the rniuent of the Council, inasmuch aa thvr w urg.nt v ' r ' v t necity f r ht W tfr protection Of 1 1 e nioial wol are of tlie city :U i?rone s v . tv ..n ....... i or vinous Uo kus. at the time thi orvli- l " y" ' . nance Kims Into eflect, slirtll colitply with all the piovi-ious thereof in relation t the execution and furnishing of bond itlun ten, 10, days from sach date and . A f,,;i,ite to so comply therewith after j notice by tNe Kecorder for such period j of time, shall forfeit his license and he : sul . r,.j,;,i(l ,js j,r ruta of unearned li. e j ead tvst ani second iioic .Ipr 1 li, P '., i H ad th: id time April HHD. ! Appr.ivi d May 3, I'Ml. Passevl j a pill 27. l'.KX y y .mj.KU, j J. ij, (LiAliK. rrct-ldciit of Council 'ijy - - When in need ol second-hand buggies utMvv and liUt harness, or Uorr anil I wagons, tn.mirc at Ueonrc Grant's Liv w;,Sons. impure at Ueorgc , cry otrtoic. ... . l-OR S.NI.K Cltv Lots. WJ1 f. ROSS ' lon i 1,- l'1 acres adjoining the St. ! Helens itockTjuViv. (.rice 17; i-craTr. ch r(.si,,ence ,oU ,or fv) 0ne : third cash, balance in one and two years time. Call on nr address I). T. Oerdes, ; Oasis I'ark, M. IK-lens. alilti ! 9ylll), Hl '.'t-eaid Tar. the old : reliable couh remedy. Pur wit 4 J. 1 Oeminjf. ilni;,'i-t. hen vou Rive vour painlitiK contract to William vou kn w that vou will Bet the best job that can be done for he pos- ' lively guarantees satisfaction . " " i kiiauj.i.t.- U'mI inwll i a. . . - i Kuuvu S.i.cU'int In wtl i u. .;, . .1 i , j . mill co-ap or trade tut htm 9j Lumber Couiphiv. Houlton. Ore. I r . . jj : ' j ; j MONEY LOANED ' REAL ESTATE LONG TIME h'ASY PAYMKNTS RELIABLE REPRESENTATIVES WANTED The Jackson Loan & Trust Co. ; "j "S I'OH VcrrT' Tf' HOULTON LJVERY AND FEED STABLE C. H. COMUS, 'rpp Good Livery Ri'g; at Reasonable Rates. Drummers Trat'e Specialty. SUMMONS In the ettvult emir, of Hie KuuMf orciPHi. fur roliiuiMnt mm). IV vr Mrri'tiMt, t'l.thttilV v. utonU KM, Km) hint thrr Ituo.eiii.n, tunl Urh Umv l hrt HiiWr. ol lur uo unit ermiiinnly kmmi. M" iMrn. IVmii HtHHiT, ttrffittUiiU. Tt Anton! KtM. Krl KM Out hnmml), t Mario iHm-ilM'rt Hutn'i. hiih'mvi mul m utHUuly known h 1hiu IVhii Hmr.r; Iti tli n it mo ol lilt MhIi' o( it'-vyou vo t horvlv rtiiurotl to hVI,," ii?wr llio win; Itlftlllt tiUll ItKrtllM 'OM III lltO lltOV tMltttllM i. von rut) ko to nwtr tor umi( t hereof i-Uln hiiho on t iwton thw nim tiny m Mtty, mum Mrr uill nitnlv in tho court Mr ihmv tv.juni. ttih tliMl itlitinthf t the ow mr itu.1 nlUUM to that uMitfton of tho follow tim tloM'rtiwMl rnl i.iniiuirf v. aittmlit tn tin LNtiinlv it I'ttlillUlilst Mllii of On'WOII' lo-Wil: Htirlntnkf m litt Mwiiliwct cti.ncr of MH'ttou tuontv nix In touuMit,1 fonritttriu of ritiiiEo ttvo hH ol (ho Will intotto Mi'ihlistii . thrio o roil iiiiik north omhc lino toiMicu -cilm iwviity il mitt lwciitv-.n tn Hti rtM to itio cotner ot n two atiil olio hmW nciv lot ol Uibt, loitncil) oHiiott I'V John (4l.M; thrtuf Hi.l 4 t lotto; ttit mo north hIoh tltocust Itiio of ttll John IihIIm lot & V rhln, thcncotlno oit I.Hl foiK Ih tho kstmo mor or U. to ftcoitHln jh1 ml , ( . , t , v . , , ,t.u Huk(iom ilio uonuwot oomorof lit t o;ttIUiiK lioiuo of litif Hcivcnmii: llionctf cit-l , nHu mor r U-m totlio co ltle huoof the onhcl niurU-r of tho tnihoHl courier ol UMx HH.Uou lff(U,j -ix. nu,w mti u.n.uto ! !n "Hihoi cttruoi of tiw northonm tiNt'tor ( ' th tMitiicut niistilt'i' of mM HtH'tfoii Ittontr ; m thooco w.m nlonn th wmlli Kointimy lluo f UlfUM K)rH(Ul w roiu to tho t iM.nmtstry i "v 01 " w hi" uthtrt iurur of i Mvtiou twonl-l: thoiuHf m nut to tlm r'utlt i homittto V luii tif kul MVtloti linl-"in. lh'lt' hlow l.ijj Mt(q l(u IKt kmU to tho , af nlttMlfl Wlululintono humlrv.1 lOtlV :f UMl ltl ofio-hnlf Aero, looro Ol' U'Mi. , Tr.- ilitf,t IliU t.x i ....i.s-iv tut .mioii-u tntusi yo mt wLiZuVZ Mt Q you, IIIOl Ih iH'tticiuiilly on- lofni from j.crUiiii ntiv rUim ilito or iniorvt thoroin. ml Hint unrc'iilm which mv Ik cion.i. un i-Uimirt titir. n'. thm puiuinr Mrtrti t ou. it rimrf in you, o ritu ri HTnriTrtW '!' ' pnUhotl by orOVr of Th.m 'as McBrW. imuii. invli ai'irl H A. MtHrititv tiniL'st ill Lrwt uli uik'u ol (tin tiie ruulU'O Wti. 111., ,Uu. nl llu lrl luli)'.MIU'UOl tills IllmiUi. Da I. Al.'ll Kit tl . S.NU" Al M,l tJI IM. Alteruryt (or Uttillf7. SUMMONS hi the Circuit i'turt of iti Suie ot itrtrou tr Columbia County. IVlrojl Tul rouiiA.i, iiUmiirr. v. .utmilA K l. Km I kl'l (her hii.ivtttl ttT).t M.-rte iMrpi uoa Ijrit'er ihrrair u,l vilriiriiii j'o Altlonl ktl, KafI Kui (tirr htulmii'l). u Murle tKirvthea llu'r. inhrrnte aii.I vim ) tir,o.sly know hert rvMititml to stK-ar mi.t stnwr (lis roia j jlntni tllcl Hjrttit mmi lnthiiss 'PtiiU-l ! t rtiiH' on nr bvtorv the slut ilav ot My. lw. nut i If vull lull in lit mnuei lot until i1,iii ; I tirf U1 lilv t thr 'tmi fur ilt-rvv j1'h.jc- i ti it uiNi I'.ttuniii inn owner Miut utttirt t I ,' tho a'iM'vxim of the follow inif lU'wti'icd tvnl ' prot-vrtv. liutc lu Hit I'auutv it t'oluui'iU1 I mf.J ttsait .'filrou, lw W, t ' tu 'iiic m tilt uoiikrst! vu.iisi of thr MmthiMiJi'. tiiur of lit UwiLltw,-.t i.urr nil ' tmn twentv .t. i lowtuiuo tour norm M ! S!!.?:.:. t.Lr?' Hi. j rncii''e nnn iwtniiy nun muo one lourih r,Kl, i "rv. . " "" . i-tlMi 1111 Illli'H ilia tll c,u r ol .t CMlltlV'l 10 Ihe Mtutliea.l ,-uiurrol lli tivrt!itt,'l .tuitn-r tl a;.l .ri-llxii. lliru.-v nulla nto rl to lit, tr f Wulni.-lnK. rxn'alntin Willi, fi.tir n,i'l flit hiif urrvk. mImi c.i,tiini.ii-. ltl l toe luiHhuyt toltlrr of liv.. ..tulli-a ,i .1. . ' (IJ, I tp,, ,i, t.ilii Ivj.I loia uiiitUie'I ,ti" si i.i rv,U In liii .vuii.u Intr U'l,.,",'!! -i liu,ia lwIH-tlvi nik.l t lynly .It In m.;.i ttovu-Iilj' iMl't raiiii.'; thi'iit nousu U'y Mvp nw'.; UiiiPe wvt Ati hiiii'o,'.t Ivn'tiiy .(H'll 1I tilctuv 11 llttl tu,'.ily rH. Itif mi' ..ort.i iw.'iity rl v itrjrrn rt tlirrc htlit.lo'.l thiily I.,., (.'. 1 , ih' ii. r hurtii Itllt lv.i, vn-'t nr hufl.!rr-l t,-l l.f tir i.Ut'.-ltf Uglu j li'ti.'. . .iriiiiii h i , ionr ati.l 'l lu)i li. . r,-; --i .!.. oi' 'i' i" 'o' anl ;imir'v tw .1 J.e:!: M --iMxti .! tw " a.i'l (lilt iul all t to,.!! ,it lull jtTi'liitly tu ! i.iiii'-tl 1.1'in tt-)!i,iiu u, 1 itiiti iui .,r itn.r i ttien-la ui 1 111 u any .-Mi 1.1 r rich nui u jiiiii'ti 1 ;' niir ' "! '''". 1 tr , fUillWt rei nvir c.ia'a o .14 Oi-t-l 1 you a:i-i oacii ! jo-i. , , f. pui,i:,h, h, ' A M m l,-., ul inr IllOVtf' WCiO l I. ll(H l.l.'lil'Sir liHt. .11.1 Ulfll t-urwmriili Inmi i , ,,. ri,;.i,i i,, it.r ..(Tlioin " a M' Hh.Ii'. m l,-., ill inr -mil!..! court, tnii li- A;tii 'li. I'.wi Tor ittiii' of ll:r ,., .,.,;,. , ,,,,, ,,um, Vil,,. la,h i . yu,A,-y L, I .aii.!;,r. Jackson, Miss. Moulton-St. Helens Mack. Leaves lloullon ut 7 ;.'J0 to mrct Iralda, returning meets north bound A. A C. train, returning lo 5l. Helens after train leavrn, lenviiji; (heir in time U meet ll.lH irnin. 'M lias 4. It train aipl steamer Iralda in afternoon." Fry, The ex WATCH FOR (6mutr & Damn' Ait Houlton, Ore. Al t Contracts Taken. 4r E.A.CROUSE ! CONTRACTOR 6 BUILDER ESTIMATES FURNISHED Leave orders at residence oil IKuiUuii road, St Helens; or bv mail, MILK FOR SALE Orders for CRKAM In any quantity tilled prompt ly. Cleanliness guaranteed. Add tess J. A. HOLLADAY, St. Helen i i PLUMBING In all its branches. iuttc, in, Tiutnit!t Work, Haths and Tuilet iuM.illvd. LAUNCH SUPPLIL5 friHHl and I'roinjit at Reasonable r.a.ts M. 5. HAZI:N M '!!il - - - - - T T T w -w V -W- -V -W -V -W -W- -V ' CHICAGO STORE v n:v rmcisidH C'-mtakishn III t'lvM' tfl laur! Coal Oil, j,,-r j.l,,ri . l. n..!uir, p.-r K.illon Ot' thuiK chraprr in rt.; mo'irv pa'.rouic uic A tlr.,1 lor nil. A Complete t.irir ol Minci, i.r.rrirn. plonr .,, yvs i. A Complete lane ol luy IUio, nil km !., in, !ii.l:nK ami lrl, .Suit-. .,t, 4,l c.,,., an, I shir!4..(. I F. J. Baseel, Houlton, Or. ill L, ,, ,., ,,. iiUiisiUiUiUiii IOW I'ORTl.AMI DAILY STEAMER AMERICA leaves St HtlciH tl tnl A Arrin-i ut I'onh'iiil liilki A I.Mvfit Portland lit 2 :m I'. Arrjvi-a ht. I!c'!i-n. ut 6 ..'!) 1'. M. 11. M. M. V I ST. HELENS STEAM LAUNDRY Coptj Work Reasonable Rates Everything is t(JW , good working order at the new laundry and your work is solicited. A trial will convince you that you do not need to send your laundry away PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY Laundry Called For ;i'i,l iJelivered. ST, HELENS, ORE. j "S j- ' Wo.1 Itie, VI I i u 3 3 I 3 3': 3 3. 3 3 !( and , lllt to ,.tvr '.it tf a'.mrlit hvi 3 2 Are You (iQINO TO BUILD ? Investigate the fkrit of CONCRETi: HUILDIN(; HLOCKS ! t 1 llf Hi'w t i , ..v M( .hum .a 1 1 is lie :nit i D.intble Material for ! Woiks, Houses, Chinnievs I """u"ll""1Ji iil;uiicii t 1 K-ncing, Ftc, 'I'lnin- t r.(ir ckih-h.,, , 'it.;, iid win ,( ! flltall ! llijt- SANDI-L VVIUM MAMTACHiMLKS k'irrer fir-.-.r,,., SUMMONS, I II 11, l.l ' "I'l""'1 ' Olllllf. ' "" i..-.o,:.'';;;:r.;f:!:r '"..... iiimiiM,,.,, , ' ; ".,,rn.,,;"7-'"'" H l'i'i"'i'.'(" " ' ' ' ' ''-i ol M'l.'l'a'V'i'i''ii I. Hit. HIT .. Ml i . ' " I tlm ! I'lini iniMiMt, ,( U .,,M1.i,.)lJ, ,.- " ni ""V I'.'H ho.,,,,, ,,,,,1 .,".; ."" l'OirlJ i,r i'tij or , .,. ,; ,,,';; j.'i.i. -i ami (,, Hi.-, im.I,., ,.!,. , ,1,. '!""'' 1,1 " ' r ni ii.- in .,11,, , . oi!,iiuH auv 1, Hi. ,10. ....1 ' . 1 ,'o,iii',fv r.i;.'i,iir 1,1 ip .. .Iiriii, 1, . 7, . , ' '"i" ,,!,'', Mr:'"?,"' '"i- P. l.v ,,,,1,,, Mi-1 ' j,;1,;.: ! ,v "':,:'.'""."' ". V. a Hi" l,l .I'.v i,r a 1. .11 '"" '. on r.' -l I'MMI, a. 011 A 1 1 ';,), ,' I 'I (ilil.knl'.V viii'ii,! Altornsy tut t lalniiif. VXrXnu ""' wiU'r.'jr,1.'.'.'.; ""Hi, (Int., Ii,,;,, w.k.'rum tli iin'r ,,t 'i,"' '""iiu'ini , Hri fits llt-istimi r iiiiiuniiN linnilii, nJ ' n-i I,,' ,!; ,',','" '"'''"" I 'II ru In!' lotii,r.-i'r itinl miawnr . , ,,, , Ul m; ,,iir i(l ,,.,,; , t(l curt (or ti .i.ii.. i li , .'T',' 7' in..,..ii.', "'did di iimndiMii!. tin, roii.iiiliit lir- '; ' "- ii, , .,; !i:;v, J',',; ft''". "'. "" 1 : l-'..r a .'.osidvliiK Uio I'"111' o''i''v.'r'i ant I'liir.',',,''1 ""frl'ooiiy im ralalilig ltt-n ....... THE COLUMBIA COUNTY ABSTRACT AND TRUST CO. KlBhty acres nt youd litun-ff hind 4 miles from Unliiler at t no h'I acre. Hit" acres nf line Imul, all rnliii f '.".II ncrea fenced, Wauies rulliw.i! S pd, nun lait rrecli, nine trii,LC i ll.l.T lluiln,.., hlllils l.f Iwitltj J and fiulta, will si-ll all lr H, 7 part ol It H mtlrs from Kaliilrr I'lhe ll per acie ' 1'nile acreiol unimproved 1 nil Noiilh rVMpalet'ivek,3 mill.) J (flu'Hw, IHO.ikH) J ntandlhtf tluilur go tlh thrlnnd Thin la dill cheap, I'Mie. tHKI, J Hiik hundred slaty rii K(l(l, 4 land, all rollliin, a,tsl,l)in) Irn ( f llmU r ti tlm tdace a unit's 4 finm Kalnlvf. I'ritM 111 per sere. It acrra, all fenceil, Jt, Sl'tt-t ilcti.. Imiainw lirusli laiul. ' tiuil tirfS, part brurliiu, a,g, l'irir, go d housfi, vrrrli nil tlm I'l.icv, lo and one .n ttttlre (mm lliHiilnii; 1 In lie In .lnK, I'ftio lilO pail taah 7 W acers iiiiiiiipruvnl an, a imlr liulll Uolirli V ill wd all 2 i.r pail at UW r BUS. Uu ball raaii. . rssti ll.,.u l.ltll.M f,.l ..lM Ilk tl..,.l. T Plve intiiii house. U) UK), l Kind. il fruit and lirnlrs. trtcs f f,l ca.h. J 1 11 .Vers ol unimproved land i nouie kkI timb I, on Km a Crrrk ! '., 1111." lioiu Keawy achmit uim 4 pwioifice, ft Milles flolli ernvnia, Ml ci ill uttliiipmvr.) UmI I mlic fiuiu Ibnllloll. (.'. prr aert , J I he lVIr latich at Watrvn, I ? ne all c'eiti-.! and fniicnl, til J h"l" and haro, Jul frml Irrr. i,f all kind. All and ni J iiii'loiii.iit ga i(u ihe pii. 1 1'iico jiaati, 000 half rti i l'i arc luipluitHl tanvh at ! Vanktui, l.vio.1 tioliw and turn. $ All l.. k and farm toi.lliirolr, J fru.H.iai. J 1 ' 1 ; NOTICE OF FINAL SUTUMIMt i 1 wf ii nrl v( OtiA kit I rn'itO ' ':' ' ,..(' I mm ft'. hmf a)f .lt l S-T..I (.ISklUf ii IA I lutr liil i ,i fifil vif Itirmfl riir Utf Iki ii- All I li s...f ij l'lU. Hiss Ulii .(f l4 fctVK 'j i ' sal .f r i-i . Is a" ot llvay ir H e )r,-t;.i4 -ff of'(l..i w siL-f r hi it l- ' ' I ! 'Inc ar-ifrtH!!! liter-' NOTICE IOlOII0IJ ".' tin'. W'h .- , J tv , fa t ii t im .. f.M.'t wit, 4 r ' r 1 -. of i, arf ... si .( I" '; lifl. f, - t . 1, e i n t :i t "'.' .,-,: . I.. i( i IJlf. . r ,..'" , iW. t.. (mi t.iM 1 ' ; ' - IU " ;U, l " i' i,n t'l f bi I, m ji . t J'" k NQTICI Or PUIUCATION V t .v i Hf-Js-tj-r I'HII IXlal Oi fl lWIl U ' ',: Ui.. ii -nt HilUii . -H'i" 1 ' ' I il -r.M-ss its t(tn4 j3r.Vl. t-.f ( :(, uu U 0 i'Att i syci , -t-k 4 to nl )-t vly H ki ,fc ittie tti h I. n r!rt;,i Iftt hr triUaxfUf U fi 1 : .-f la tviw bt at ' fM(Hi r Ifviitla y .i t -,rr. Vs Jtt !). Jtfffrs'it'" tibl lax t''l;,'; ' ' ' li4 lltt MWt'. I' i- . Til tV .f..t.Wl . tn-l .1, ! Uiffj 'i I'fvri UHlM Ut llh.5 .;." t: f. a-r.,. (s.mi .fl, , WMt " '' " ' '" ' J f. V rf 4. tv, tWtc r- ' ' -'l iM ! I All ttn.t 4.1 fcIft, iKArsj U',H . - Vit- t Us ..UUmM. t.wtitti 'iff". Mr lil t - It: a; t; KOl . M !H I'-nii' d 1 at tl W kulabl.. i..i MiU f ,' ..lit M l-t( ft s .,-(fe,v ii mfttti1e , "n t'. iiir .1 him k ? iV(k -'1 lu t,ltim.a ."..sit U4 ' ' 'i'UiI.i -sietia-r Urwrn td, Ik f - .ia-r tlitri t-"(ju Af 1, ..V, . . ' 4 i-r I l ilr (.-,!-, StC't llltl H(', s .'.(. isitiw s i o Ifti ; v I oliih 1", U 1i.r. l. ,,,(U1 ) illl, t Ur'st ' r . ,,f it , . . II.:. it lttL 1 ))t flit l.fcltal tssaM tl.l Miii I, jj, ,--i tit Vni.tttr 1 njumiii. 'ii(nUi.t. j In 't'rttl.- lilt, n, ,1 l!f ttUrt fUfvnitilwl ( lu IMi iiftu.r .f tl. r(l u( frr'.ii J i '' lr fri.tiifril tn siiir tiil tsaiaw in ():! ssfc.i.,.. )vt l.itl.v U'U HHMlwl "a "u l!l l.i-l .U. ul II.. !.. inn'l in tlm .inVr ot 1'ittillwnllKM t all. I 11. , 1 jilli ,1a, al Mai t avl ;w ll oil fall lo iioiKni alol auMTir lilaltittfl li o lilt, t..r llwr ivllifl ilwiuaiflait iiiliUltll !Ub1 hrralll a.itlittl I.IU 1 Ina H ' tul a iln i, . .n....Un. Hi U.uil ..I unilawiif uoa llat!!l, l.vlnci 11 llir t.lnilllllt a. J.mrwU auit Lu ant I, nihi l awl lunUrl KIKl w 'U loon maf a,-cm (tii ami ,iitlarii9. th ! 'Uiiu na l aerivil ih.u iui tr ll"U llo iuol lot i-rl,l ,J au roliKill , (ck iii i. iirrui a Katr n-"i'l"iwr nl grlK lul UtmltU.ili, I ul.ll.licl III l ulu'iitua "iiii, i'ird-,11, iu otlitlaiii ill ail iirorr Ho- Him, 1, . Mi llii.lp, l lrrull U t; lun nu i onuifiiinir iiiuio im ihe tm.t lir Al'iil, li lu' Oiln ol Dial iitkiallMI llitisul U II" tli (U, ,; Afill. IwX tt.l V ( HIM I NI II. o( I'lalulia. Nm iii mail a. In Hit- Circuit Court f Hip Wale of Oft- won. for lio County nl (!ulumlU 11,(1. I Uin linn, tilnliiiitT, vs. Mmy llauiiltnii, ili'li'iidimt. To Mary J. Hamilton, dnfionlunt : In tlm 1'nmo nf ih Sum il l)lfKnni ymi urn timidiy iriiilud to nifiir unsai-r I -ss i-iiiiiplniiil Mini (auitittt VHU iiiTivn i it or tw forts Him i'Hh ifs.V l")'' '" 'im illinium, ami mr sihmi hk." ridlfl lis th Couit inny ilriun i,iiltnli ' Tlil "iin.iiiiiiis . Hrvud mih you "'X JOU HIIII IllH , lilt lit III , llll lor Slll'll Ol'"' .til.ll..i 1 .1 ..I alii. i"""" "..on lor n i;onr. ii'ivr nun - "r - l - rof tin, Hun. Thus. A. MclIrM. J'i" t ii.i..ii,ov iiii.i...i court, wtiicii Ufdlil' ia 1 llltl',1 Aliril 7 IIHHI. J. Kll,)l YATI'.f. Allorney lor 1'lttliiHlJv Date of flrit ptibllcatiun April 9, I. INT Or I. AND OK