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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 26, 1909)
THE OREGON rm Vol XXVIII St Helen, Oregon, Feb. 26, 1909. No. 13. MIS COLUMBIA COUNTY BANK DOES A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS PRINOIPAL CORRESPONDENTS t First National Dank, Portland. Ore. n S. National Hank, - . Portland, Ore. Uavovkk National Hank, . New York Officers Win. M. Ross, President mid Cashier; Kdwiu Ross, Vice President; A. L. Stone, Assistant Cashier. Directors Wm. M. Uohs, M. White, James Dart, Edwin Ross. We Will m 3 3 3 3 land 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 LOAN Yon money. RENT You a lock Hox. SELL You real estate or farm SURVEY Your lots or land. INSURE Your buildings. MAKE Your abstracts. SELL Your property. DO Your notarial work. LOAN Your money. COLUniSIA COUNTY ABSTRACT AND TRUST COMPANY , MO CK. lt I l t wiuiuiuuiuiUiUJUJUiUiuiuiuatiuiUiUiuiuiu ma r JOB PRINTING 16 OUR BUSINESS WE liavo the hot and moat ' V fully equipped Job Print ing Offlfe in Columbia County And we are prepared to do all kinds of Printing on short notice and at most reasonable prices A TRIAL Will CONVINCE OREGON WST i 1 I! I DART & MUCKLE Carry a Complete Stock of the Best in General Merchandise at Loweat Prices Consistent with Quality. Country Produce Bought and Sold. When in Need of Groceries, Dry Goods, Hardware, Boots or Shoes We Solicit Your Patronage and Afr wre You Courteous Treatment n T. HELENS. ORBOON III Iff tif IU Iff. ? 333E33333ts33EK HOULTON LIVERY AND FEED STABLE Good Livery Rigi at Reasonable Rates. L.H. COMBS, IVof - " Houlton-St. Helens riacK. Summer. Trade A Specialty. iu afternoon. LOCAL Mr. mil Mm. I). W It a i.. ruoved Irilo their newlv cimn1ril r-.l. deuce. Ikjctltr and Mr. f,.l ..... J D.l..!u . ..... H.i..nicM wi naiuicv, visited with Doctor and Mr. II. R. Cliff U.t week, Mm. J. II. Collin, wll. t .., iMrrititcHlriit, paid the MUt office it pleasant viit IhkI Saturday. M. K lUcn ha started plumbing rtlulili.litiirnl in II. Margin' building oti Columbia street. Mr. Nellie llurkhnut. nf I'nrtlulul . I. vi.iling ' Mr. I Ilnre. Mr. mill Mr. ('. I) Cilann li.i muved into their new residence. Mr. J. I) IVrrv Uii. mn r.vr Knn.luu nd Monday visitor to bin relative In tint city. Mr. Arthur Ketel visited bia ii-lntive in .St. Ilclrua lint Sunday. lie it in the employ of V, C. Ilrown, a Portland arcbi- tecl. Mis I.uln George hail a three days vuil ilh her parents this week, return ing to lirr school at Quiucy la.t Monday i(bt. 11oknTo the wife of C. T. Prcscutt, on Sunday lust, a girl, IH Ciiaxck Mrt. I. C.Sclicll, the jiu!ar landlady of the "Schell House," at ScHjipooar, liai leased that r.talili.hment to a nephew, Mr. Tom St hell of Montreal, Canada, who now hut control, Mrs, frhell U moving to I'i'ril.iiiil where she bat pmchased prop erty and will lake much needed teat. Sin exprrscc much gratitude to the travelling public for their liberal patrou aiiettnd hopes they will coutinue to favor Hie "Sthcll House" when visiting Scap p xtie. Mr. and Mt. Ceo. Am strong, recent ly of kappuotr, have moved to Charlcs Uio, Wliii;ti'i. Mr. Armstrong it working m the mvy yard at Ureuiertou. To I'liu-mii'V Marshal Quick wa cifciilatinir Ihia acek oiiionif the resi- IriiU of St, llelrm for the purpose of 4'crla.iimK how many electric light mil be takeu in due the St. llcient Mill Company decide to light the city. It i understood to tie the intention 01 the company to put in a plant (or thit pur pose provided mil. i lent patronage can I wvurcd lo Justify a ch an invotuient, Mr August Kelel, who broke lii leg 'v lulling from a aui dl building about ibrre iinm'lia ago, ha'. far rccovcreil .hrt he u Mr to walk with a cane, and '. t MHin hi ai good condition aaever. IVl. r lUiiirlnun. aged .ilKut 23 year, ai inUnlly killed at t' e Ingtia Lbr t'i.' flume at Inglia, Oregon. He wni wurking at the foot of the flume and Iji I r.l to notice a large timber coming Ion 11 Some of hit companion gave a wuruing rry, but he did not get out of Ihr ay in tune and wat atiurk ill the head and hit tku II crushed. Coroner' examination found that it wat purely iccidcnlid and no Impictl waa held. In teruient at ( cemetery. Sunday, l'tb When ou give vour painting contract to illiamt you know Uiat you will get the lt )ob that can lie done for he pot- mety giiitrantcet tatiafaction UiiltJk Mncklc't ttore wat entered by bnrglnrt but Saturday niitht and about me hundred dollar worth of merchan livlntrii. The thieve cHected an en trance by culling a ectin out of the ftiKir, which Utet on post, there being olmlv of room for men to go under It. No trace ha yet been aecurcd of Ihc robber, who wero prolmbly transient and took their booty to the other aide of river. Mm. Sloeum, Oraud Chief of the Pythian Sister of Oregon, paid Ava Temple an olliciul viit last Thursday night and v.a hospitably entertained. There was an Initiation and the liranti Chief complimented the local temple iiK.n their gixwl work, saying it wat the beat she had tccil during her tour of in spection. Alter ailourument banquet wit served. The delicatessen talc conducted by ibe ladle tuild of the Epicopal Church at Masonic Hull lt Saturday wa a great .iiccess, everything contributed by the ludiet beiun readily sold, and 110 wouiler, as the pi ice were very reason able and the eatable imply delicious. Notick ok Auction Sauk On or about April 1st there will beau midlou le at George Grant' livery .table at Seappoosc, Oregon. All partle. having stock or anjlhiug for sale can ht the same wtlh me at any Ume le(ore March lOlh.sotlmt it rnu be duly advertised. Tivc percent commission charged on all mht' CKORCH GRANT, j.2l( Si'appooe, Oregon. It,,; HAKtiUN-lly Antone KUi. New irooni houne, wilh huge hall and bucinet,mdtwo lot Jor tale cheap. Corner lot 1 clear of building, aud i ex cellent business Xtx-tio . House i well .dumbed and ba city water. 1 ,., ... ...1.1 -i.i. the houe. Thl it the Will "e " , 0. best chance to teciire; proterty in 8 . Helens. Price will mriuuoc u". application o Antoue Klli. St. Helen., If. VAU nlk run hlKf'S" - nl Itulre of Vish, when procurable, t George't meat mwk.t, St. A Kink Buii.ihno Mr. Cu. Muckle hut let the contract to Carter & Davit, of Kelto, for the construction of three story brick building, the cott of which when completed will be In the neighbor hood of 123,000. It will be by all odd the best commercial building in Colum bia County, and very few equal to It can be found in any of the .mall communi ties of the Hlate. It reflect great credit on Mr. Muckle' enterprise and faith in hi home city. The dimeiiMon of the mniii store will be ,'!2(I0, and there will be two smaller ttore room, one 2040 and one 20kZ2. The second and third floor will be divided into office aud three room tuites. There will be twelve three room tuites and three single rooms. The rooms will contain every modern convenience, and the .tore room, will lie eutiie front of plate glass. Verily St. Helena is going tome. The building will be completed before July lit. We cannot publish a correspondence received from Mr, John Backus this week, aud, as it will appear in the Rainier Re view, v.c must decline to publish it at secoud baud neat acek. Lack of space is the reason, but we may comment on it later. Fish Law B. K. Hillt bury, of Maygcr, waa brought before Justice Watkint last Saturday on infor mation furnished by Deputy Game War den Green, charging him with having in hi possession sturgeon under fonr feet in length. lie pleaded guilty and was fined 3) aud costs. Mr. Hillsbury is the barlicr and butcher at Maygex and had uo financial interest in the fish, which he had never teen, having ordered them for relative who detired them for pack ing. The Game Warden wat satisfied with the fine a hi main desire i to compel obedience to the law. For Kxchasor Strictly modern buugalow up lo date in etery respect. Loailed at 3761 Hobart Block, Lo An geles, California. Well worth $2500. mortgage 1 1 100, Oct. tO, W. Want logged oft land tuitable (or fruit aud al falfa. Adilres H. J. Brown, Box 140, Caleaico, Imperial County, Cat. Rev. Breck will hold services in the F.piacopa! Church next Sunday evening at 7.15. E. I. Ballagh Spent a couple of day this week on Pugct Sound. Of I.OCAI. ISTKRKST The Supreme Court ol the United State ha decided tlmt "concurrent jurUdictiou" of the Columbia River means that both Wash ington. and Oregon caueuforce their tlsli taws auywhere on the river provided the law are identical, but neither State can punish for an act not in violation of the laws of the other State, unless the act is committed where the prosecutor has ex clusive jurisdiction. For instance, the law providing there hll be no salmon fish ing within a mile of the mouth of Lewis River ia void unlets Washington passes an identical law. Honors for Mr, Convkrs The- Sa leui Statesman ays: "K. W. Conyer. of Columbia County, the oldest member of the'house, on invitation of the Speak er, Saturday night delivered a bort speech to the members, recounting tome interesting history of Oregon and her politics, Conyer wa a member of the first legislative assembly and during the course of bis speech, mentioned the fact that he had had the honor of voting for C. N. McArthur'a grandfather for I'ni- tfd State Senator, aud for Mc.Vrlhur himself a peaker of the present house. Following Conyer' speech a resolution highly praising Mr. Conyer for hi. ser vices wa passed. Want Thkir TkaCHBR Notwith standing the fact tint Mr. C. E. Lake, primary teacher ol the ankton cbool, fell down on theory an 1 practice in the teacher' examination, he ha given e cellent satisfaction to the patrons and pupil and they have petitioned the school superintendent to permit him to complete hi term. Mr. S. Saulser cir eulated a petition thi week and secured nearly 200 igner endorsing Mr. Lake very highly, and it will be a grest dit appointment to them if he is not allowed to continue. They consider him a good au instructor a they have ever had. Mr. and Mr. Wui. Beaver, of Warren, paid the Mist olhce a pleasant visit last Wednesday. A number ol the business uieu of the city met at the court house Wednesday evening to listen to Wo report ot tue water committee. The meeting passed a resolution calling upon the council to ap point a couimlttea to prepare a new char, ir to be submitted to the people for their approval, thit being considered necessary preliminary to bonding the city for water purpotet. J. B. Godfrey will raise the price of all of hit St. Helena lotion March t from 100to$l25. Uetter buy this week. WM. M. ROSS, Agent. '" For Sai,K Several choice farm. Wtu.. M. Hoss, A maw meeting wa held Injhe,. Ma. tonic Hall lat Wedneday night for the purpose of organizing a ball team. M. B. MiUcr wa elected mauager audra cqa. mittee appointed to druw up by-lawt for an athletic association. It will be organ ized in the form of a ttock company and everybody in St. Helen it expected to buy a few tharet. Mrt. J. B. Godfrey aud Mra. Cora Lancraft, of Portland, are tpending MVtral week at their home in thit city. I OPPORTUNITIES AT RAINIER Everybody Hates A Knocker But when Opportunity Knocks, Open Wide the Door! WHERE RIVER AND RAIL MEET is a safe place for investment. RAINIER now has a large monthly payroll which is bound to increase steadily. RAINIER is the outlet for what is to be one of the finest farming sections in the Northwest. The removal of the tim ber is being followed by the improving ot the land. RAINIER City Lots are now the cheapest to be had anywhere in a pros perous city ot about 2000 inhabitants. Secure a share in Rainiers prosperity before it is too late to buy in at the pre sent low valuations. On property which I control liberal terms will be given. L. S. THOMAS Sgon A Great Projkct R. S. Magruder, mauager of the Columbia County Agri cultural Company, was in St. Helens Wednesday lor the purpose of filing for record fifty document covering several thousand acres of swamp land, in the neighborhood of Clatskauie. The com pany now owns ten thousand acres of land in a body, which they propose to begin reclaiming in a few months by the Construction of levees, ditches and dams. for which purpose a fleet of dredges is i now being built, the cost of which, when completed, will be about 75," 00 . The company expect to expend on de velopment work about f 100,000. Mrs. A, II. George went to Portland Wednesday for a weeks visit with rel atives. Mr. Walter Cox, of Taft, Montana, Mrs, Alice Davis and Mrt. James Cox and daughter Lavelle, of Portland, were over Suuday visitors wilh Mr. and Mrs. R.Cox. Why do so many peoplu buy Peacock flour? Becau-e they want it. Why do they? Be cause its the best. Wheie do thev get itr At Gray's, in St. Helens. It out sells any other flour In the coun try 4 to I. You can get your money back every time and we wont be disagreeable about it either, if what you get at Uray 'a don't suit you. M. C. GRAY, St. Helen, Ore. Horsks .For Saw A fine pan of earring horse for tale at George Grant' livery etable; aleo 3 i-4 Mitchell wagon, nearly new, and 2 set double harness. GEORGE W. CRANT, 212tf Scappoose, Oregon Dentist Dr. Rambo will be in St. Helen, at the St. Helen Hotel Friday and Saturday of each week, prepared to do all kind ot dental work, RAINIER Rainier is on the eve of a city election. A number of amendment will come be fore the votar; for the improvement of the street. The big taxpayers and the business men in general are in favor of tiie.e improvements, and there is no doubt that tlev will carry, and the com ing priti will tee Rainier one of the busiest cities in the Slate. A complete sewer system will be put in tlii spring. Water, Commercial and Union streets, the three principal gireets of the city, will be graded and macadamized, new sidewalks put in, and Rainier will as sume its place among the leading cities of the State. Rainier has no indebted ness of any kind except for the new water system, and that is already pay ing its own way. In another year the witter system will be a big moneymaker and when Uw above mentioned improve ments are in property that is now being sold for 11,000 will be worth 1500. Judge Blanchard, who went to San Francisco ten days ago, returned home Tuesday eveuing looking hale and hearty. He say the city looks good to him. Mr. Blanchard will begin the erection of a building on a small tract of water front which he retained when he sold his in terests here. This building wilt ouly be used for storage purposes, as he sajs he will not go into business aguiu. Mr. Blanchard will divide his time between Rainier and Portland in future, and take a well eained rest from business activity. Ills time in future will be devoted to his real estate holdings iu thi State, California and Washington, aud as this will practically take care of itself it will simply be au outing for him to look after it. Judge Blauchard came to this city many years be Tore most of us were born and knows not only every foot of the Columbia river country but most ot the State as well, and when he becomes rem iniscent his remarkable memory con jure up many instructive and amusing incidents in which he played a part. At tome future time we will give some inci dents that will be of interest to the public. De Witt's Carbolized Witch Hazel Salve, the original, is good for anything when a talve Is needed, and is especially good for piles. Sold by A. J. Doming and Seappoote druggist. The Secret or Long lit A scientist has discovered one secret of long life. His method deals with the blood. But long ago million of Americans bad proved Electric Bit teis prolongs life and make it worth living. It puritiies, enriches and vital izes the blood, rebuilds wasted nerve cells, imparts life and tone to the en tire system. Its a godsend to weak, sick and debilitated people. "'Kidney trouble had blighted my life for months," writes W. M. Sherman, of Cushing, Me., ' but Electric Bitten cured entirely." Only 50c at Houlton, Deer Island and Warren dealers. The fifth judicial district is to have two judges hereafter, and it is said the new appointee will come from Columbia or Clatsop county. A. Columbia connty pays by far ;the greater portion of the State taxes it is manifestly ,just that the new judge be appointed from this county; but if the appointing power insists on giving us a Clatsop judge, what's the matter with John Smith? He is a Dem ocrat, but that should cut no ice in the appointment of a judge.- He it able and honest and would consider nothing but justice and the law in rendering his decision.. Takes Up At my plac near Ver nonia, on Jan. 25th, 1909, one spotted cow about six years old, and one calf about six months old Owner can hare same by paying for feed and ad. W. PRINGLE. Soldier Balks Death Plot It sseuied to J. A. Stone, a civil war veteran of Kemp, Tex., that a plot existed between a desperate lung trouble and the grave to cause bis death. "I contracted a stubborn cold ," he writes "that developed a cough that ttock to me for years in spite of all remedies. My weight ran down to 130 poondt.Tben I began to use Dr. King's New Discovery which restored my health completely, I now weigh 178 pounds." For lever Colds, obstinate Conghs, Hemorrhages, Asthma and to prevent Pneumonia it's unrivaled. 60a and $ I. Trial bottle free. Guaranteed by Houlton, Deer Island and Warr. n dealers. Foa Saw City Lot. WM. M. ROSS.