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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 16, 1908)
The Oregon Mist Enteral at Um Postofhce at St. Helens, Oregon, m second-claaa mail matter, Issued Evgav Friday By K. H. FLAGG. BDtTOa AND PKONtlXTOK. SuBScmrnoN Ratks One yew ...,i 11.00 N mputn - -ou Advertising rate made known on appll ation. Legal notice 25 cent per line, County Official Paper . ClRCl'fT CornT OKMCKHS; Thomas A. McBrlde District Judg E. It. Tongue District Attornee Cot' NT v Orricis Jeine Dart, Judge St. Helere W. A. Harria, Clerk -M. Helena Martin White, Sheriff St. Ileleut 8. C. Tichenor, Comm'r Clatekanie H. West, Commissioner Scappoose K. K. quick, Treasurer ht. Helena A. T. Lawt, Assessor 8t. Iitlen J. H. Collins, School Supt Ctatakanie C. T. Preeeott, Purveyor 8t. lleleni trunk Sherwood. Coroner Rainier DEMOCRATIC BOASTS Our Democratic brethren are having their usual pre-election good time, pre dicting uocM for their party In No vember, notwithstanding the great pros perity with which the country has been tileesed under Republican administra tion. They deny, of course, that Re publican policies have anything to do with national prosperity, though they are prompt to ascribe any temporary reverse, soch as last year's financial flurry, to the shortcoming of the ad ministration. Even in Oregon the brethren are hopelul and are cbtimng, since the visit of John Sharp' Williams, the Democratic floor leader in Congress that Oregon is to the doubtful column . How will their boasts be answered, especially in Columbia County, on elec tion day? There is no pretense now of non-partisanship. Having fooled we k kneed liepubl cans into placing a Dem ons! In the State House and his oppon ents in postioos of trnst and power throughout the State, they have called in their skirmish lines and are ready to make the assault in force. There is nothing in the past history of Democracy to commend it to the voters of Oregon, and the only hope that party has of success is in the forgetfuloess of the people. Mr. Bryan isrunnlng away from his past record and does not dare discuss the lisoe he poshed to the front in former campaigns. Every predict ion of disaster ha proven to be false, so he seeks for votes by advocating meat ure bis follewer in the South will utterly repudiate should a Democratic Congress be elected. The Southern States are the plagne spo'.s of the labor world and the home of child labor and the prison contract system, and the senator from those States wonld promptly suppress an at tempt on the part of a President to dic tate to them legislation oppoted by their constituents. No such legislation was enacted while the Democracy was In power, nor have any of the statutes in favor of the laboring men been pro posed by Democratic leaders. It Mr. I liompera succeeds in delivering the labor vote to Mr. Bryan he will find that he has played the part of Delilah and thorn 8ampson of his strength. Here, in Columbia County, however, t e only question is as to tha size of the Republican nisjorily Our Democratic brother) place it at 250. If their claim is correct Oregon's vote is certainly in uonbt. It remains for Republicans to show them their error. Labor from now to election day to see that every Republican vote in the county is cast. ami lommuia county will snow a ma- juorty for Talt of from 750 to 1,000. This is the banner Republican county of the State, and we should do our best lo keep it so on national issues. COLUMBIA'S TIMBER Fidhm inn are the exact figure of nil timber in Col um hia Oou n ty , aa com pi led by tiiu aesor's office from the cruise made by M. U. Nrase. No forty estl mated at under 100,000 feel was cruised, and, a the t rules la generally low, it ! probable that the entire amount of tlm ber lu this county is chaw to ten billion feet. The heaviest timbered township in the coii'itv la 5 north, 3 west, which has nearly 700,000,000 feet on H.MOscrv. The total acreage cruised was 237.005 Board measure, 7.345.107,450. Lineal foot of piling 38,041.355. Total cruise, 7,383,808,800. The cruise is given by township and range; Township North Range t West. Fir 5.815,000 Cedar piling 10,900 Acreage 0) Township 5 North Range 1 West Fir 72,373.000 Hemlock 1. 1 43.000 Cedar 4,908.0ii0 Cedar piling SHWi'.D Fir piling r 3,800 Acreage 2,870 Township 3 North Range 2 West Fir 130.421 .550 Hemlock 210,0011 Cedar 3.40,000 Cellar piling 771,000 Fir piling i.tej.oi Acreage 7,220 Township 4 North Range 2 Went Fir 472.iWP.O00 Hemlock 1.883,000 Cedar.. it.vuo.uoo Ceilar piling 2.3Srt,llO Fir piling 2,320.233 Acreage 17,770 Township 6 North Range 2 Wett Fir 2a, Hemlock 1,532,000 Cedar 5.500,000 Cedar piling 800.350 Fir piling 828,200 Acreage 11,735 Towuihip A North Range 2 West " Fir 37S,700,ouo Hemlock , 47J.0UO Ceilar 2.0X11,0110 Ceilar piling 743,700 Fir piling l,80t,5"5 Acreage 10,015 Townthip 7, North Range 2 Wet Fir 127,420,000 Hemlock 1,306,0(10 Cedar .; 1,707,000 Cedar piling 1,011,000 Fir piling 24,000 Acreage 3,485 Township 4 North Range 3 Wrat rtr .037.075,000 Hemlock 4,075 ,0i)0 Cedar 26,427.01)0 Cedar piling 2,715,41 Fir piling , . . . 770.2. Acreage 18.04:1 township 5 North Range 3 West Fir 043,100,200 Hemlock 7,745,000 Cedar 9,817,000 Cedor piling 1.007,700 Fir piling 3,412.000 Acreage I7,jH0 Township 0 North Iltnge 3 West "ir 530.flu7.000 Hemlock 17,780,0011 Cedsr 3,5O7,0is. Cedar piling 40:,20 I'll'ng 1,032,550 Acreage . . 17, TA) Township 7 North Range 3 West 310,302,000 Hemlock 13,728.000 Cedr 6.005.000 ' Cedar piling 1,020,320 Kir riliug. ., 477,(10,) Acreage 07 Fir piling Acreage Township 8 North Range Fir Hemlock ., 033,480 10.523 Weal .. SJ.30n.000 Cedar ,wv tVditr idling wi-lW Klri.llitw Acreage .T0 Township 4 North Range 5 Wel ,'ir Wft.Att.OOO Hemlock 4.417.000 (Vdnr 13.Wi3.tXil) Cd..r piling 800.240 Fir riling S'"' A.-reg... I4.W Townlil. 3 North Rang 5 Fir 347.401 , llcn.Uk 12.531,000 Cedar 23,200.001) Cedar piling l.iktt.Wt) Fir pi lug 4A0,iai0 Acreage 10,14 Township (I North Range 3 Wl Fir 430.423.000. Hen.l.a 8.M3,txx)j Cedar I5.lft0.000 Ccdir piling 1,343,180 Fir piling 527.HU0 Acreage 15.2.) Towmdilp 7 North Range 3 West Fir 400,tiu;,0iaj Hemlock.. 80.402.000 Cellar 24.WW.ism Cedar piling 178.750 Fir piling KM.tttt) Acreag 11.304 The "retiring" ul Colonel Wllllaut F. j Stewsrl, the elite of Fort dranl Is on! of the greatest outrsgs imaginable, and rellocta no creilit upon the aditilnlslra lion of I'rnldnnt ltooaevelt In a short time he would have rvarhtd the age limit of service, but, prior to that event he would havs lawn entitled 10 pronto tuotion. It is 1UI11 that his haiilihment ... i -.. ...... ... . wiwuiiMi m iir iiiti purpose1 (J4 .'ti forritlif lilm n,il .J lti a.tnir bm.I k.N X) that did not suereeil. a so-called mull- ! lx cat board found that for the post thirty ' '' yrs be ha been a physical wreck, and j rfiiinni id iwrmn nun 10 irmontraU that he could endure any of th siitlur' aure tpsis preachbnl f.,r the army by the coomiali-r in chief. If Colonel Stewart was really in at poor a condi tion a the medical aspen sav, It certainly n t with the Intention of let tering hi pliyilral cuuditlon liiat he aligned to Fort (iranl. HOULTON LIVERY AND FEED P l.m. combs,, U1v 5.S Good Uvenr Rigt t ReatonabU Rates. Drummert Trad Specially.' a lloulton.8 e IfcHlltosi W fk J HeUa.shT sllrrnaor'S Fall Goods in Men, Womc: and Children's Wear. !3 Heaters and Cooking Stored AVall Paper and Paper. Roofirj Best adar Shingles $1.25 to $2 per Thorn-l Lawlessness at Scappoose Township 8 North Range 3 West Forty frandulent votes were found in the Ninth Precinct of the Fourth Ward in Ht. Louis. This is Mow the sversge in the other precincts investigated by the grand fury, but forty bogus votes lo a t-t. 7oui precinct would make s bigger total than Cowherd's plurality in the State. 20,306.000 4.075,000 2,130,000 48,200 500 Indiana has a fine chance to refute f the ides that it has beoome a politicall maverick. A man willing to run for office on a tainted nomination takf s a short cut to defeat snd oblivion. Fir Hemlock Cedar Cedar piling Fir piling Acreage Township 4 North Rane 4 West " 305,720,000 Hemlock 40XjO Ced"' 3,l!)5.0oo Cedar piling 011,100 Fir piling 102.000 Aeage 13155 Tow nship 5 North Range 4 West ' 470,438,000 Hemlock 2,008,000 Cedr 15,752,700 Cedar piling 1,022,400 ' P"ing 108,700 Acreage JrJ m Township fl North Range 4 West llr 477,222,000 Hemlock 14,105,000 J Cedar,, 13.287 nm Cedar piling J 1,473,050 " P'1'" 1.M1.100 A-reK 10,fl'.'5 Township 7 North Range 4 West "' .T08,0o7,000 Hemlock 11,843,000 Odar 0,700,000 Csdar piling 1,404,740 A short time ago tome men arrested at KcapMi charged with vi il!lon of the torsi option Isw Two of them were convict. I (Wore s juance of the x-if . nl fined, snd have pi-rle.l their case to tUt clrrmt court The Mist hai no prrj-idtce sginl then ss individiisis, nor any desire lo Influ ence public sentiment agsiuU them per sonally. It does desire, hovrr, to cU sttcntion lo the fact that violation of lw I still (wrslsl-il In by resident of 8cppmi product, aid It trust b people of that neighborhood will fight the good fight to a finish. No art of saloon keepers in ()ipg.,B did more 1., outrage public sentiment than JJ fc.ipnksHcroi. snd drfwit at it, H' in iue distinct triumnli for go-xl citisenship. Tliry defled lh Is in erery fsw.ihle wsy. They .,!,) ,, to minor, kept oiieii hunday. nmhlnl openly and did everything In their powsr to difgust tln-eut rilins. liven t) interceMlon of the wholoisle ilenUrt and brewers am IniUfhclent to lutture them to make a pretest of keeping with in the law Wln el.t on day csme they got what wst coming to llo-in, sml, ..... if!n wisp, 1 1117 wouh Juve sUomn.e.Motiievr.lict of th ,pl,, aMl.R.iiiiPirgu.Mutor the precinci But tbey hsd run things own wy for so long they conceive.) the ira ul uiey couiu overrule thewif tne j,,,,,, and viol.i, ii ilrjtl, Mjmu M-....H 1.. nnu .N.,r, h e 01 uie recent trials, hni llsK,, log of liquor la-en top,., ln K,ai,t. precinct, and it Is ...1,1 tlssai g.sMcillsens wm, oniu..i l.w enf.weemwit hsve mea threatened with peraon.l vcJ lence. BulBll such tlueata will ,P. u(u.rir lm. w II he backed by )uMlc muu when they do their Umy , Odumbi. County grand Juror, will i,!let upon presei.Utfon of rBan.,nnh9 proof 1 1, WIHl iIIWIill , K ... force the taw, If ecery , , urcement league will , organic, ,u ....... ... U) Ierrel IJ(lt Inh those either Hc,,,,, or where who seem to believe tl,y r, . finpt from pniiWiii,,,t. Huh ... a prevailed at tha 1 " ". . piKse Inst Huii.lay W V Mist and Ornnian II -0-- T., i "OREGON ! BUILDERS" Z Are you dolnir what you can to popu 5 your State? Z OHMiON NKKlHt rKOI'I.K-rSettler. honest Um, . u.rekanira. merchants, clerks, peopls atlk J stresig bands and a willing bean eapital ar ao t The Orecron M W JS i : Railroad & Navigation U .ANI. Southern Pacific Co.(LineiiOri :r dlstrlhiiiiim through evarr available "V of iiutnnng im-ga a e aendins otit tons of Oreeon llterstiirn to tbl you not help the gx! work big us the name and addresse of your f'te1'" w. 1 likely to m Interested In ltds Htatef tt's will pi J" lo lar the espenaa ol sending them mmiMlei ,BIW" lion sIkhH OKKdON and lis opportunities. COLONIST TICKETS ... to on -faB itKU and IK'TOHKH from I lis Mat lo d P Oregon. TImi fare from a few prinr'psl Cilia r From Denver... ,.f.10.0t) " Omaha 30.00 " Kansas City. 30.00 " Hi. Uuls. . , &3 60 " Chicago 88 00 From Iulll Cincinnati- C'leve'1"1'-' NrwY-rk. , 4t ' . , (rood judgm.,,, tv ZT,, L ' quitbsforgU.eyCVoubii: "Wl Tickets Can De Prepal- lfynwnl in bring a friend or relative W OjJjJ; depiMiit the proper aiooiint with any of out i The ticket wilt then be furnished by lel'grsi. Wm. McMurrar, General PaMt! Agent, Portland, Ore. Sjr J-" r-& ---B S SS j