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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 16, 1908)
9 HE OREGON i Vol. XXV St Helens, Oregon, Oct. 16, 1908. No. 46. MIST. .1! LOCAL 1 '4 r "V ; ' , . ; ' .fry, 7 J -'Sly 7 -mXrio School 3(oue at if)rer iJtlunrl KKIThMV Mwtfiwu Hon. W. R llln, t'oiiirrraatnan irmn tin tnairicr, k.ikr noimiin ll mcwiojr rvruiiiK L-, ihr i.ur ul the prraent I ainiit.ii , Ercl If"'" Republic.!! atatlilpolllt. illi( I" (,,B '"" ,Me l"Mn'' " .. i.mi iliiw nrcaent enloveil Mr gllla' aech anil eorte4 I'll" hearty fciulatlae, IIS contraaten lite coiiiimon B the country umlcr Ktiililunii rule l.i. i. .i ii mat mulpr Itriuiirrtitic rule. ,( (it I le'l HH toihh ir men wun Wvc iinvco tlieilifc ivw wiicn in mrr k VOl UtHrr nynim in ins- buitlty inwrnr . finwiiii.iiiiiiiiK lie !, til llm tnullfncit we Jwlirve Mr. Ill,' .n ll rouMl luowi prerili " Ll rrlitloii ui llifir auijr mwi um L ... . i ...k lm nnw on In mil tin m tk. Kruliltcn In t'iK' "" l? U-I..L...V.I..M trf(llti nl V. K l.Vv-r.liaiu rrlurncii rtH.Tiitlr IrcMtl Vl L, AUka, mlnlitlf itlrtrkl. lrrc llif Li.i.1. i.. (. Iwn wntkliltf. Hn limUL'lll tk fi.OU irommeir ciiro i -r. tliry Imve tlttfK. though ll ii i.l. .iiiit fafiitMl to work it. lie! l..,mf liculilutiiu;rttkril (mm ii,,,,,, ,...,. i:i i',jI ticket, will ml fccil niiiinl. He IH rrtiirn to tlifj,!,,., en,,,,, Culuuidi cmintv, all .. ,T , . f"" ? ITr.y. IU.I. Iloult..,,. S.,.Uy. i.e.. f . " , , llle ful. ....M ,ut.. 7..iup m. Ii.vit.tiun Krnrr.i. , v - rui B. w". Fein.a. lo- SvttitM.I Whll IiMmt T.r. the oM lMr. wrl.omcl. man ; K. K. Nlvkcrton, Ceo. W. Perry. Ih.l.le cuKh rem.-ly. 1'or Ml. by A.J. ... .,,.. , . kin ,,, ., j lUrve. lilenn V K . Tichcnor. J. N. i . i Kirc. jtiuii DcuiiBK, nnntut.!. . Wrllllll! ..IH. I Til- tnrv nnnrl ... rmil until Mr. l-.r W,l. r.1 V.rnoBi., i j . M f ., ,t . oiotar wi t 10.. m kltrr t the Mirt office Tuewuy. lie . . i I . 1 "c m"r. ca " .Jl fctm-lcct thli terw ol eourl . uir , n,..,." .n i.iBrtin l,irh Mitt llrlh Uiowrt. ol V.ukton, took I . , ...11 1,. taken nililer .ilvisemeut Dy Ihe court. I , sk.mok.w. I..t Turt.y. I ,"Kr" . ' 7 , i ioiirned until tomorrow (Sat- omnrl tnrv liiKtuu't. j mil jirolmbly be prcpareu to report. Inlict', niiic"i' snl toy" rulilwr 1 j Wrllinon., j K. c( 1. IxIk No 124, poid Avon No. W,. l,ie. Sr. ..M.rri..; ualvi.t. Tue "" It ucl thr mjili Here aiomiay on ineir l(HI)il(ll,c ,Hlmcr. includin( clam cuow war to l onuil'l. ir- ri"K' revtuuj ; iirr, collre, C11 . . I - U.....U i....Lr In HI not m rn mi wn "1 ci mm iu. IHtMl HATIC hl-KAKINO- rimi. M. A. Miller ami Hun. M. H.J. Mc.MIinter, ol CIRCUIT CORT. V. 1 l'luo. iunirer ol Ihe Columbia IRi Ifcxir Company, Rainier, wat . unity twt ruttor tbil week. II, .11 Prank J. T.vlor, former Hue llir I'lllU Judicial iH.lrict, waa among be to St. Helena during the Irea-nl term ol circuit court. AImSI team (Mm thlt idtict went tojloadliiK alml K'" ,,c 8l the deer apiwoM Unt Sunday to try lur with alriulil. but it Sceuia that hit m loaded i. a :. t , . la I. it ...... 1 1 Sipp,er. They rclurnni wnn n : ol alnttt .a giravtrdinarr K" ' !l waa ever jdaje-l In Iheao t. -..r. .1 Ilia flnUli t k! 10 tc 3 in LomlSt. Helena While the ICIC it tuned lalrly cly. It hal 10 ;ie.l on Mcouul ol the iHrkne at the i In I l the Mt eitth iuuiO. 1'ia lor uW at I.W tea :U. J. ; lUtlicUx I'lal. Ju.t lul all the achool teathcia ol ! end ol Ihe county relur.le I I'oul 'he intitule at Rniiiler In a g-!Hic launch : They mtde a vciy merry, though a hat unlay, rroafd. ' Mt..l in Ihe Warrrn di-lrlcl com-1 Lrucfl Uat londay with Mt 1 , inn, o Hudmn, princlruU M S'' cIuikc ollhe iMtcrmedlnie gmdea ami j ali.t Katie linker lit the I runwry cla-tmrt- fcicnt. There ia 110 thinner ol the Kliool ..iiw colliting on Ihe pupil 0 tenr. j 1 i.i.l iVi.rua oopiieil tin hia new 1 IniUlirr ahop laat Saturday in O D Kn'a new building. They aay ciupe ion ialhe lile ultrade. Imis AtlIN-Optlou have been tnkell hn over one thoiiaaild acre l i'i ' r LlLdilKiihontl ol Kt. Helena and In a V.ry lime the work ol priwpcctlng "lh llnlUwill twgln in a yateiiM' Ic Minuiier l.xleti imine the etent and value 01 our Iran ,l,-,..ii. Tlix firat work will lie on h 1W r.lacc. TtC IMtliea flntercaled have htiiilnc ol inplul and Pre Mtiaheil aa to lite quality w nd llm only tlonht helm ai to lu 1"- ly. .Should the teata prove mtlalnclory jtha nptiona will be cloned nnd wllliin a lew yrara there will be an Iron iudualry let SI, Helena. It la big propoaitiou iil probably will nut move ntpldly, but ll iv auic to come II Ihe ciiplluliid can ''lie aliowu." deer had kirVe 1 him. t.uin Ixmiaul Wellington'. I have fIl t'k deteriniiiii tmn I -lavipi lv the trade willl v irielv ol chni.e grterira, Ireah vrgruKc and Inula. Granite, and ipieeiia ware, f-ecda. ami oi!a. Motor gait'ilmc and N.tiilii-i, im I I hearlily i.itci ite your p.itionge. M. I'. liltAY. Im paint Mil l. ltititNuiTbe mill ol the Goblc jMilliiin Comimny, near Ketihen, " cn- thely conaiiiued by fire Iat nuntiny 'tnornlit.f ) mil. and two o'clock. the loaa being In the neighborhood ol H0.000. It la Intiiretl, bttl mo anioum il linuritnce It unknown. The uiill lutd ut been in 0rlion lor .bout one year, thniiuli It u... iiinmrlit It uimild anon re ' wne bQbitk. . Vi,ie " 'l,et,or,'1,lt eompany are Meaare. aniioru, in lHrt and Dnvhlroii, U ol Hood River. iThe cmi.e ol the lire U unknown. 1'uilciellai at Wvlliligtou'i iikn aud sandwiches, and . aiiiuker to wind up with. We pay interest n lime depoait. Coimu'iia County Bank. the gun for him. and he declara it intiat I Ti! vCiikk's Instititk The County have been loaded c!ear out betond the j Teacher' Institute wa held at Rainier ,nule. Hi lace look a though the! 011 Wcdnt-aday , Thurnlay and ''ioy ' HIM H. mill l j' 1 1. .......... . j . uli 1 were in attendance to have been a iiiit enjoyable and profitable educational euent. Hvcrv teacher in the county was preaent, witii th'ec exceptions, and pioiiiineiit educator from other part ol the Mali1, including State Superintend ent Ackcrman, contril 'ited to Ihe lund ol Intormation. The lo.-nl teacher, led liv I'rol Hvlaiidand the Mrhrwl boanl, did all ihey could to -. the meeting a ancceaa, even the jaiui'r (Mr. Guild) entering into 'ie spirit 0! the occasion. Kvery eion until every-hing in spick and, 1 shape. The liltk- girls ol the citv pie-eiitcd every tea . her with 0 buttonhole bouiptct at the close ol the institute, and the cilicns genernlly ex tendcil every potssible Iioiitiilitv. A list ol the teacher ol the county follow lira Itiirns, Lillian luixhiiry, Mrs. Bird Clark, Lena Harding, Iris Hibhurd, Lulu lieorgv, Thos. Hunter, Carrie liileitson, Ileniv I'. Green, Kiliel Weed, I'lorvnce Williams, Hthel It.imca, Amanda Chel ileliu, liiiinia Howaid, Kathcrine Kree man, t ttabetll llylnnd, Ida Colby, Ter esa llnrns, A. J. Ketcl, Lctia O. Itaker, Christine Wilson, Lilian Ingles, l'earl lllack, liradv Johnson. AdiiUeorge, Viola Sehuplmek, 'George Murphy, Gertrude Collins. Mary T. Green, Kern Johunon, Beitha Itarr. Ii. S. Faxon, Johanna Mag nilssen, l'annio Sharp, G W. Godwartl, Margaret CallUou. L. Mvrlle Miller, Al bertiina Meyers, Goldie Duncan, Mamie Ii -'.tuning. Kin I'ligeraio, r.iiwueui Neidigh, Lucy M. Mowell, Verna V. Tompkiti.tb II. Hvlund.-James Springer, O. ll. Weed, llcrtha Levison, Gerlrude Weed, Knsii Johnson, Violet. Bush, Lulu Smith, Lina S IJuick, Uxel Le Hue, Bessie L. Keed, Kate K. Ramie, Lehih Mel Ice, H. 0. Kctel, Iiliitabeth liitrly, I'.stclhi l'nrker, Lois Terry, Mr. Corn liietrick-, Sarah H. Morn, Minnie Washburn, Charley Lake, J. W. Allen, R, s. Hattnn nnd Mr. Holiday. WAN'THD Sl'CCKSS MAOA7.1SK re quires the services ol a man in St. Helen to look niter expiring subscriptions aud to secure new business by mean ol spec ial methods unusually cttcctive; position tK-riiiancnt; prefer one with experience, hut would consider any applicant with rood natural qiialillcaliotis ; salary l.f0 Tier day, with commissron option. AiH lies, with rercreuces, R. 0. l'eacock, Room 10'J, Success Magatiiie Bldg., New Vurk. The good cork h is been taken up nt Warren and a Tad and Club org tuia-'l H'"! ' Salunlav The lolloviing ollVcr were elected: John R.,a, president; John Holan. vice pres ided i A l'reeni.m, secielary; V. H. l.uud.'uea.iireri K. Baker. 1'. I' Lund and IC. 1'. Laraeii, eu-cutive com mitleo. The next meeting will be he'. .. tvrr.... l-ridav. Oct. ltlth. Turn 011. nnd make this movement one thai will be (ell. Kennedy' LnxiHiv ('""H11 s'ru" t,l',v'' the told out ol Hi" f.v'ii through its laxative principle by fit ! gentle iieti.m of tho I.oW.'Ih. Hdd by A J Pemii'it "'' Sc.i'W'"! v,v c" lKNTinT"l'r. Rauilx) will I in llonl ton I'ridav ami Saturday ol each week. Twenty yountf pigs lor sale. GK0. I'KKRV, Houllon. iMllor Mitchell, ol the Kalaina New, wa 11 caller Ul the Mist office Wednc ihty morning. p.m SAMl-A cholcn 20 acres on Bach- Kttsy term. Columbia County Bank. TiioKOiT.iniHito black Hiinorcn ben end pullet, i.-r Mle, lo Wymolh 1 Rock. .tJ. A. Wlk.trouV., Yuuktoti, Oregon. School Notice My regular office days, in St, Helciis, will be the firjt week in each lUontlt; I .hall be in on other day, but not rcgu- "' J.H.C0LlA County Sohool Supt, HS"ew Style.s, S"ov Idta.s An array of footwear that maintains our usnal standard of excellence, and fills your wants for nohby, stylish and high class Shoes PATRONS Can rest assured that no model . unless conforming absolutely in every jarticular to the aectptcn mode con find a place on our shelves. High Class Footwear If you Don't See What You Want AsU For It. SHOES The Fit and Style .They All Talk About. J. H. WELLINGTON. ST. HELENS - - OREGON COLUMBIA COUNTY BANK INCORPORATED DOES A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS: First National Bank, U. S- National Bank, Hanover National Bank, Portland. Ore Portland, Ore. New York Officers Win. M. Ross, President and Cashier; tdwin Ross, Vice President ; A. L. btone, Assistant casnier. Directors Win. M. Ross, M. White, James Dart, Edwin Ross. WARREN People now have the chance ot a lifetime to buy high grade shoes at a sreat reduction. Regular $2.50 values, and a bargain at that, now at, your choice - - $1.00 John Ross, Warren, Or. FARM FOR SALE Choice place of 75 acres for sale. Fifty acres in culivation Innd anrl rliree acres of fruit tiees in bearing. Situated 3 miles from Houlton.Nicely - . . 1 1 t ...ollc hnislicd seven room nouse, aimu&L new. xwu guuu wa.a. Fair barn, capacity about So tons of hay. Price $7,500, cash 1 4,ooo balance on time. J. A. WIKSTROM, Yankton. CEO. W. VOCEL $ REAL ESTATE, LOANS, INVESTMNTS, CITY AND FARM PROPERTY. Money to Loan at Reasonable Rates. I Rainier :-: Oregon 1 SCHOOL OFFICERS; The Flsk Teacher's Agency, of rottlaud, ia placing more teachers than ever. If you noetl hiRh ecbool grade, rural, com mercial, music or private teacher write or wire immediately nd you will receive prompt uttctitiin. 202 SWETLAND BUILDIMC i ft