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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 4, 1907)
54 All Humors Am Impart matter which tbe akin, liver. kidneys ml otuer organs cannot take ear at without help. Pimple, boll, eorema and other erup- tJoua, loss of appetite, that tired reeling. billons turn, Ot of Indigestion, dull bead. arbes and many other trouble art due to them. They an removed by Hood's Sarsaparilla la oiual liquid form or to chocolated tablets known u SarSZtab. 100does$l. Heat. "Step up and take your medicine!" Twaa I'ncle Sam tkarapoke It. And bow the tobacco trust will plea Put that In it pipe and amok It. Ta Ltaatt. "There" a limit V Iwrythtng." aald Canldy, "Fr Instance, some mlu don't know how to drink. Now, whin I've bad enough I atop." "To be hur!" replied Casey. Whin ye'r had what ye call enough ye're toe helpless to raise yer arm." Toll delphla Press. Mather will sod Mr. Wlnilow"s Soothlm Wrap t erst remear w nss loemsircmwrej luriag in inuui perron. Cawte off Tfmt. "I Mr. Blirgins a good rolf player' "No." answered Mia Cheyenne, "I happened t be sufficiently near to hear hi languac when he made a bad stroke. He may be an expert player, but he i net a rood one." tVaskingtoa Star. Ita Oatee Approach). "Th way to a aan'a heart U threoga hi stoma cfc. "Tea, my dear, bat his teeth have, soma- thine to do with It A girl friend of mine nc loat a promising young man by fie- lag klm a cat of cherry pie of her own aaakinf. sh n&d left the seeds in It." at. Tittur Beaee eao an Wrrreae Pin mi in leMiienllr cowl ha Vr. KIM'I Ufa bunt. Kan4 , FHKK Hi Mai bottle and liM.Iitllimu Area ai.rmfcn. A fresHerl. "There'll be bread riot In this coun try yet," grow led the cross boarder. "Do yon think bread will ever be o ware as to cause that?" queried the landlady. I referred to the quality," returned the boarder, permitting a slab to fall with ominous thud on the table. Phil adelphia Ledger. rrtTllece. Japaa waa aaked If It considered the re sacs of American craft la the Pacini objectionable. "Nat altogether." it responded, pleaa aatly : w accord you freedom to run all the boata aeeeaaary between Saa Fran- daco and Oakland.' With a grateful heart Uncle Sam real- bud that the threatened trouble waa not to Tenroate. Philadelphia edger. Habitual Constipation May ! permanently overcomelty proper pvrsonat Pffuris wan ine assistance ol the one trulv benerirtol lavnfive wmedy, Syrup oj figs and Uutrojbenno, wmyii enauics une IQ orm regular habits daily so that assistance to na- tune may oe graauauy aisponsedviiin token no longer needed as the best o remedteshen required, are to assist nature and not to supplant trie nutur at Junctions, whicK must dencncl ulti mately upon proper nourishment, proper efforts, and right living generally. .Xsjfet iti beneficial effects, qImS vuy wc yeiiutiitr 1 inanutacturvii by th CALIFORNIA Pig Syrup Co. oniy SOLO BY ALL LEADING JDRUCd Sib wis nze only, regular price sue fe ttotue. IRRIGATED LAKD IN WASHINGTON The Wenatchee Valley Irrigated Ap ple Orchards are paying 1500 to f 1500 per acre this year. Cascade Orchards. one mile from Leavenworth, is now on ale. Get particulars free Irom H. C. Peters, 022 Alaska Bldg., Seattle ENGRAVING Write Us PLATES rOR PRINTING HICKS-CHATTEN Portland Oregon iDOMMOf THE "WET WEATHER COMFORT AND PROTECTION afforded by a ' Sucker? Clean -Light ruraoie Guaranteed Waterproof 390 Everywhere m J - Im' V Bmv F ra3giK usiiiESS collegl vn'tTi I TENTH AND MORRISON STREETS PORTLAND, OfttOON A. P. ARMSTRONG, IX. B., PRINCIPAL Quality Is our motto. W educate for aneeeea, and Mod each student to a position whea com aetant many mare calls for help thaa w eao net. Individual instruetioa insure rapid pro--reai. All modem methods of bookkeeping an tenant; ales rapid eakulationa, eorreBpondeiiee, soma ere lal law, office work, ate. Chert tar ie or shorthand eaiiy. rapid, lea-ibla. Beautiful catalogue, business forma and penmanship free. I f. N.U. N. 40-er Dial SK writing So sdvarttsan please rap". COLLEGE BRCKDfcNS WORK. Additional (r'cuirural Speclalltla Are , , doed at C.-rva'.lla. Acrlcullu e it beta given more promitence litis j ear at thoOiegwa Ag ricultural college. There lot been a re-oryaiiisation ot the work and addi tional agricultural epevUlitta haveben added to the faculty. There will now be tour men instead of two devoting their time exclusively to livestock, dairying, field crops ami poultry It a hoped to a.'d still further to the agri cultural sUS at the college so Uiat the Oregon Institution my tally meet the demands of the fat men of the slate for competent direction along agricultural lines. ' ' Dr. James Withyeorube, in ad Ut'on to bia duties as director of the experi ment station, will hare rhsrre of the animal husbandry work of the college and station. Professor F. L. Kent, heretofore assistant agriculturist, has been made proleeeor of dairying and will give his rail time to that snbjet't. Prufessor tl. L. eVudder. of the Agri- ealtural rollejre of Hansa. has been se lected to fill the new chair of sgron. omy, and his work will oe along the line of neid erring ami ratio macninery. Prole or Sitthler is a grailuate ot th Illinois college ot agi ieuiture, and after leaving college spent some time in the employ of the United Slates depart ment cf agriculture, his work taking him Into neatly every agricultural re gion ot the Wet. In California he made an extensive study of irrigation and soil cultivation. Professor Scudder will be of great assistance to the farm ers of th state as well as to the students In the class room. For the new department ot poultry busbar d James lryJen waa selected. The poultry industry is a great wealth producer in this state, and the cnlleae proposes tc aid in its development by the dissemination ot information on better methods and iu the investigation of problem connected with poultry keeping. Frolc&Kir Drjileu comes from the Utah Agrk-uliuial colli gewhete his experimental work was so successful as to bting the Utah station international recognition fcr its poultry work. He! spent some time at the Montana station in establishing a poultry department, and ftom there went to New York state to start a poultry farm for the Cyphers Incubator company, returned to the Utah station last year npou being offer ed superior inducements. He believe there is room for great development ol poultry husbandly in Oregon. THE STATE FAIR. Exhibits, While Creditable, Did Not Do State Jus ice. The Oregon State fair was a credit able showing ot the products of the state. The county exhibits, thongh not as numerous as they should have been, showed a great profusion of pro ducts ot the highest excellence. The people of the state don't halt sppreci ate the state and its marve oua re sources. It is doubtful if any other county in any other state ot the Union could show such a great variety of pro ducts oi sucn high quality as any one of the county exhibits at the Salem fair. Ibe Agricultural college exhibit a an educator. The exhibit ftom the Eastern Oregon experiment station was amost striking s towing ol the agricul tural resources of that section. The livestock exhibit on the whole wss worthy of the state. The draft and coach borers n ale a splendid showing. A good showing was made by dairy cat tle, but b irdly enough of dairy pro ducts. Of beef animati the txhibit was not as large aa It shouli be, hat some fine animals were shown. The swine exhibit was most creditable. The sheep exhibit waa good, bat many of the sheep were not in show condi tion. The poollry building was well patronised and the exhibit wat fairly good. The almost entire absence of farm machinery was noticeable. A strong exhibit of farm machinery should be a feature of every good fair. Willametta Valley' Reputation. Th Willamette valley has reputa tion all over our country as one of the most productive regions in the world. That reputation seems to bsve been based on past achievements rather than on its present day farming. This is not true of all sections of the valley, bat as a whole the valley is not produc ing one-half of what it might easily produce by the same expenditure of labor. With a soil of great native fertility and with a climate salted to the high est production, it would look as thongh there were no excuse for a crop of wheat yielding less than thirty bueheU an acre, and the writer has teen a yield or less man nireen buthels. The trouble Is that the Willamette valley has been farmed for fifty years wuu nine or no enort made to give back to the soil the fertility that years of successive cropping has taken away. ma more clover and alfalfa been grnwn. the Willamette valley mieht till be the wonder and admiration of the world. While a crop of wheat or other grains leaves the soil poorer, a erop of clover or alfalfa actually leaves It richer. This lesson does not seem to have been well learned in the "Fam ous Willamette Valley." PALMY SHEEP DAYS ARE OVER. Great Flecks Near Elleniburg a Thing of th Past. Sheep raising in the Yakima section Is undergoing important changes, due to conditions which have arisen in the last 10 years. While it til continues sheep growers is materially decreasing. The ranges are being gradually dimin - j W ,' eaa4 w UUBUItTaT Ul ished by the reclamation service and bv the forest reserve policy of the govern ment, which is eliminating much of the range from public nee. J. C. Lloyd, an extensive sheep grower of this county, estimates that not rrore than 25,000 Iambs will be shipped to Eastern markets this year from th country between Ellensburg and Pasco, whereas 6ve years ago over 200,000 head were shipped yearly. This is partly due, hon ever, he tavs. to the fact that more lambs are now shipped to the coast than few years man. al though the total shipments there this year, ha thinks, will no't exceed 60,000 ins range is being so -diminished, said Mr. Lloyd, " nat Bona but those who own their land ran afford to tale sheep in any quantities. Much of the tortner range is being converted into good farming land through irrigation, and the forest reserve policy ot the itovernmeut Is shutting th sheep ralset out of a large part ot th range. 1 should say that th elimination of this Innd by the government ha out down the number ot sheep on that land by aa much as 25 per cent. "The sheep in this section are being raised a much for mutton now as for wool, and there is a greater demand for good mutton than titer used to be,. The price, too, has advanced, which make it a profitable burinesa to pur sue." Oregon Irrigation Congret. Th flrt Irrigation congress ot Oregon was held at U rente Pass on September 10 and 11. At the close ot the section a permanent organisation wat affected, with Pr, Withyoonibo, ot the Oregon Agricultural college, at president: Mr. C W. Mallett, of Vale, Oregon, as vice president, and Mr. O. 8. Blanc hard, ot Grants Pars, aa secretary. It la pro posed to hold am nil meetings to dis cos Irrigation and forestry problt A committee waa sppoluted to confer ith the committee ot the Forestry as sociation with a view to merging th two rrganixationa. It was felt that ir rigation and f. reotr) bad interest in common. Much good should come from this organisation. Wattern Apple Beat. The official report of the department f Agriculture on the condition ot th apple crop on September 1 tally con Arms rarlier estimates of a poor apple crop throughout the United Slate. The avttage condition is reported as $4.7 per cent. Few if any of the states have an average crop. Th Pacific states -how op best California 75 per cent. Oregon 70 per cent, Washington 88 per eeut. The Middle itates are the poor- oat, the loweet cf all being Kansas, hich is S per tent, and Missouri, which is 0 1 er cent. The repoit is good advertisement for Oregon and Washington. It will serve to direct further attention to this territory as favorable apple country. Th contract baa been let for the construction of a college barn at the Oregon Agricultural college. This will be one of the moat complete barns at any ot the college, and will help the livestock and dairy work greatly. Farmers might help solve the freight car shortage by keeping more poultry. feeding the grain to the chickens and send the eggs to market by express or team. Deroflea. "Dear," said the wife, "I really dont believe you would marry again If yon were to hfce me." "Oh, I m devoted enough," replied the husband, "but there are others." "I wasn't thinking of that," she plied sweetly, "but that I don't know another woman who would have you." Philadelphia Ledger. Rest Pfcltoeaphr. "A real philosopher," said Uncle Eben, "kin alius find sumpin' to be glad about I used to know a man dat found a heap o' satisfaction In bis wooden leg, 'cause it IeP him dat much less room foh de rheumatism." Wash ington Star. Hot Eaeearasta. "I have made up my mind," aald Mr. Tlmmld, "that I shall speak to your rather soon. "Yes," replied the der girl, "father said be thought you would and be also said If yon truly loved me you'd take oat an accident-Insurance policy la my ravor. 1'hlladelphla Press, Com Wlthaat Sarlaar. Conan Doyle had Just notified Sherlock Holme of hi approaching marriage. "Of course,'' h amid, "I need not tell roa that I have selected you aa my best man. Th position naturally belong to you. "Quite ao," assented Sherlock Holmes, absent mindedly shooting a charge of doo into his left arm. Hat ar faka. A member of th proletariat was ad mitted. "Sir," ssld be, "the waif has been at my door for months." "Pooh, pooh, my good man," responded the fat capitalist. "Suck is not th na ture of th wolf. Too kav evidently been reading unscrupulous literature.' I'hiladelpbia Bulletin- The Wmr at It. uusDana touring the spat) I sup pose I am never to bare my way about anything? Wife Of course yon are. Ton can nave yonr way when It Is the same at a-y way, but wben our ways are differ ent I Intend to have my way. Aa .AjTaatace. "There Is one thing to be said In fa. vor of a boy going to a circus with his father," remarked the Observer of Events and Things; "he don't have to crawl tinder the tent" lookers Statesman. Homm Left. "A college education," declared the enthusiastic mother, "brings out all Hint is good In a boy." "Yes," retorted William's father, "and in Bill's case I wish a little of It could nave stayed In." Cleveland I'reetL He sal Ska. "flow beautiful this landscape is by moonlight I I think I could be happy for ever amid eucb surroundings. "Th lurroundtng are not altogether to my liking, Mr. Bpoonamor. Pleas I take year arm away." Proper itaaa foe Theaa, "Yes, sir," remarked the self-mad man, "brains com In ahead every time." "Of course they come In a head," re joined the cynical person. "I never! beard of any on with brains In big feet" - - - . . Bferae Oat .Ova It. Ezrs Winrow I never ses th Ilk or that storekeeper la Cannitr Mills. II in't ever got what yew call fer, but al ways oners "something jest as good. Silas Stubble Buns In bis nature, Ezry. Why, even when his country call ed fer him durln' th rebellion be sent a substitute, b'goibj Puck. Does Your Heart Beat Yes. -100,000 times each dty. Does it send out good blood or bad blood? You know, for good blood Is good health; bad blood, bad health. And you know precisely what to take for bad Mood Ay era Sarsaparilla. Doctors have endorsed it for 60 years. Om fmoneM rani of W HionS It UimrUH hvvr. TliU eriHt.xa ooittlMittt. IMtn,Hi ubttMr lire Ui)i Abaer! title lit tMmfct, lnu4 f alit rMtev4 fnHN the fcwly 4allr u nmtire iwvmtal. Km, Uie btJ WIU AJM'1 1IH. ill! plllk All V.UVI. A Mat u . O. lr" o., lewtU, MMtuAMtiuere mt ' f BAH VlOO. yers Atu e ciiw. Vttm HKTOtAL. . tor ttlai. Last summer a well-known profeor with hi family went to a small side resort on the New Jersey coast aud boarded with a farmer. This year be wrote to the farmer, and In his let ter he said! "There are several mat tors I should like changed If I board at your bouse again, V do not Ilk your servant Jan and we.thluk a pig sty so near the bouse Is not sanitary, The farmer replied. "Jane Is went and we ain't bad no hog alnca you went last August - Mow ta Make raraltara relish. To muke a furniture polish use on ounce of brown beeswax, one-half ounce ot white wax, one-hntf ounce ot castlle twin, one-half pint of turpentine and one-half pint of water, fibred the brown and white was Into a jar two pouud jam jar will do), add tbe turpentine and let It stand on th store until dissolved. Shred the eoan and kit It boll la tb water until quite dis solved. Allow to cool, then pour Into tbe jar and ntlrr all the Ingredleuta to gether. When cold. It will be a thick cream and must be kept air tight For eld furniture tbls produce a deep, glowing polish quite different from any other, and it does not fluger mark. Face Abaat CatTea. Coffee originally came from the Is land ot Mocha, when In the year 1610 coffee trees were transported to Hol land. Tbla article of diet was first scientifically cultivated at Surinam by the Dutch In 171S. Though coffee was not known either to the Greeks or Ro mans, It waa used ss a beverage by tbe Persians In early time. The first oof fee bouse of which there I any record was opened In Constantinople la 1311 and coffee was first brought to Franc In 11X12 by Tbevenct, the famous trav eler. Doeaa't lafereat Tkeas. 'No," an Id Miss Prim, with virtuous Indignation, "I nerer danra, Wben man ask. 'May I have tbla dance with your It's the same as if he should say, 'May I bug your" "Ah ! I see," replied Miss Knoi, "and so tbe men never ask you to dans. Philadelphia Press. is Othe Eaplaaaltoa. Mr. Strong Do you bellev ia hyp- noli am T Mr. Ilenpeck I'm married, ain't 17 Somervill Journal. Th Dea Frleaate. Glsdrs When are you going te fore close on Gerald 7 Esmeralda To foreclose? What do yon mean? Gladys I saw you aitting In tb eon ervatory last night, and you seemed to hare a lean on him. Chicago Trlbon. A Caala See ret. 'Yon can slwsys tell the peopl who are unhappy from the look of their faces," said tbe tired woman, "but If you look out Into the court of a morn ing yon never can tell wblcb dog It Is that bas cried sll night and kept you awake.' New York Press. Oraaseo. Tbls Is the West Indian wsy of pre paring orange for th table: Peel tbe orsnges, taking off ss much white skin aa possible; then slice them off all round as you would sn apple, regard- less of tbs sections. This leave the seed, tough, stringy ceatrsl part and most of the Inner skin together and Is a 'much less tedious process than re moving the skin by sections. Use a very sharp knife, so as to msk clean cot aud not crush the fruit Passible Eiplaaalloa. Trsveler Why is It that Manila, under Amerlcao occupation, la cleaner and more wholesome thaa many of your American cities New York, for example? unci earn na tnoroueh as similated Manila. Us hasn't assimilated ew Xork yet game Gae la ft. "Gracious," exclaimed tbe first coun try boarder, "see how muddy flint water is tbe cows are drinking. Why, It Is postlvely thick.'' "Yes," replied tbe other, "perhaps the milk won't be so thin for a couple C day now." Philadelphia Press. - - --. .. . t. Mica Axle Grease, lengthens th life of th wagon saves horse power, time and tem per. Best lubricant in th world contain powdered mica which forms a smooth. bard coating; on axle, and reduces friction. If yon want your outfit to last and earn money swblle )t huts grease tb axles with Mica Axle Grease. tTANDARO OIL COHPAXT i. II Tomb ol William HcKlnley Given by tbe People. VAST CROWDS M ATTENDANlE P, a. dent t llvarg Addrl-M y Othr Not bl Parion PretW Monum.ot Cost 000,000. Cantm. 0.. Oct. 1. To th nny iiiAiimni hia evenu r. li kit have taknn place in Canton since her meat dlstln iiiahl and beloved son. William Mc Kliiley, first entered Into the public l"e of the naiion, miutt be added one other, the' dedication ol th final ivtting pise of the martyred ttresidenl and Mrs. MO Kiuley with solemn and itnpresilvecer. emonlea yesterday aitetnoon. The occasion was uuui noiaui ny the maavnc of th president of the United BUten. by the governors of n it in lr of states, bv members ot the senate and house of reiiresentatlve lurtice of the United (Hate Huprem comtand eountltw other tiereon l prominence who were aolted per Mo tonally or In public lift with Mr KlnleV. Th most ttriklng feature ol the pro gram, asl.le from the presence Of so nianv men of wide prominence, was the great parade of military which pre ceded the formal dedication of th mausoleum. The thousands of tror In line included detachment of regular Irom nearly sll of th army posts In the Kant, Houth and Middle West, III 1 dition to the there wss a full retire. sentation ot the Ohio National Ouatd The wceaslon moved thMitgh the stieels lined with spectator, wh cheered the soldiers enlhiwinstirallv. The star and stripe floated I nun sll the public bnildings and btuineas hmis- e along the line ol mxrrh, and from hundred of private residence. The mausoleum ta set a hill in the picturesoue West lawn cemetery and it was hers that the exercise ol th day took place. Great attention had been paid to the care and comfort of th scores of distinguished persons who bad been Invited to witneat the exercise and to listen to the addrreaot President Roosevelt. The unveiling cete nonle were wit nessed by 3,000 persons from I've it ami and 1,000 more were seated in tb pub lie stan.1. It is estimated that 100, (MX) people from snrrounding town were also present. Two thousand reg. alar armj soldier and 1,000 Ohio mill tiamen protected President Kooeevell and other notable and kept the crood from breaking through tbe ropes. i ne tornD, hunt at a eol ol over 1400,000, ia the donation of over 1, 000.000 American to th memoir of William McKlnley. Court Grows Weary. Boise, O t 1. Federal 'Judge Whit- son, who is presiding at the trial ot United StA'e Kenatnr.W. K. Ilorah. not i fled the prosecution yentcrliy hi the case had reached th point where some teetmonviranrating the defendant on ttlal with the alleged Idaho land frand conspiracy mtiet be presented. ureat latitude bas tewn allowed yon," declared the court, "In the tire enlation of testimony hereon the prorn. 10 that the defendant would be con. nected with the alleged eonspirsey. not uiere is a lime when the court h i to control the order of proof, lw-vln nlng tomorrow morning, you will con fine your testimony to the defendant on tril." The attorney for the government. acting on this tnggestlon, raid they would offer in evidence today tli rtc ord of the county clerk's olllce showing inat score of timber deedt had been umitted to record at the lew e' of Senator Il .rsh. Judge Whitson notiflcatir.n to the prosecution csm at the conclusion ol the testimony ol the government's two moat important wlinneaeet. It irave an official intimation ol the status ol the esse against Senator Borah, which bo- came more significant when J'nawutur Rush stated tonight that the eneern. ment's case undoubtedly wonld he ef in cluded today. Want To Kill Roosvlt. Keokuk, Iowa, Oct. 1. John Gatolv an umbrella repslrer, wss arrested hers today on the chsrge ol threatening to shoot President Roosevelt when the (al ter arrive her tomorrow. (itly made the threat whll nsvlnu n . the Illinois end ol the brld IfM Aver tl.a Mississippi river Th bilue lender .1 once telephoned to the local police and the alleged anarchist was arreatr d when he roaclied this end nf the rlvse uu. Gately desired to kill the president It oi anown, and when taken into custody he would not give his reason. ' Makes Plagus 8lstsmnt. Han Francis -n. Oct. i n, n ni r.i.- ..',". ."'. !"' ",uri "i ine ;iiuriri nnaniLm ai..A and President William Ophult, ol the ,Kam ol health, this even- iranoii in following statement rols- vetoine biioonla plague situation.! friers have been so far 4H .rin.,i ei i ol plague In Han Prsnelsco since Ht May, ail but one ol them orlglnst log since August 11. The total num. her of deaths to date i 29. The work I eradicating the nlavun ia hin ecuted vigorously.; The g'tuailon it unchanged." 8end No British Fleet. London, Oct. 1. Rrnrt k rpearlng In the London nanAra inm f l. past week Irom Canadian -A .i.'T the British admiralty intended to re us. i i i i has at Ksqulmalt. H. inriuinog today offlaislg the sdmira tv said tw. -.1 tentlon either of nunmia. " , '. the fortification. ,t Eaqulrnalt, which were Uken over by the Canadian g,y fn?t,n olnlms'"K the strength of the British fleet in Paciflo wsterg. Japan Ar Admltt. Virufitiud, p n f .. ... ... ""i v., no J .-Mir W I- tred Uurler. premier of Canada l.. lnstnicte.1 Dr. Mnnrn. Iu "?f ' l M soetrtor at Vanconvsr. 7 cent order iasued by Dr. Munro .g.lnTt Japtnese coining from Honolulu. i J3Y IMPUHITIES IN THE BL00O Whenever a ton rcfnrw to 1el It W twiii tlio ttooj in ttt jm, taa healthy, a it shotihl be, but I t lnfcct4 with Hwmui genu. r.r k)M,"2 triuoU tulnt whlvh bat torntptcA aud polluted th clneuln tU.n. lh.9 JJJ tistudly OllctcJ wUU oUliwrct nr iwwi who havo tvaclu4 tr t m$ die Wl Tho vitality ot t! thxJ b4 tret.Sth f tht t.y.taw luivc nt,lr lrtin to decline, onl tha permit which LttVw cctumiUtetl m J' of aluccltu ntiJ IntM-tlve condltlan a the vyatcta, or mi liercAtitary taint which 1ms hitherto Vtn lieM lit check, now fore m outlet uu tho fwu, nn. tecs or other part the Tho p pw 4 ami wirj', WtVi ui rata Into Uio gurroundltij tlam nU It f' J chrolQ nnJ .(lllbfl( ulcer, fed and ltrr r51 vf ,n" 'l,"r1'1" " " " "tutifatcd. Nothluir Is mow tryit2 nnd dlsfiffrwittMa t!iati ft titotdjorM, nmt-hr:U!ne tot. Tk. tt tHnt it resist ordinary remccic and trcntmctit j li !..! h,. foriUBp clon: the twrao rjenii.trotiiicioK taricrrtm uicern u ixu it vl old pore, amt ciciHy 1 ,tn l th IrtwUt b Bit latmriud oJ Washes, sulws, nor Indeed nnythlng; clso, appliwt dlrettly to Uw ,, c7 d.jaiiyrwuticntnoo'il neither will rrmT ..j .... lwgmiopdwtfciroT Jnflp raoa waa a ni but it gunt-oa'a knlfu til rtk o a kstlnir cure. It .larweaboai l wad er.eulie4 taken i .. t. .!.. I m . Tbev all . ;;t".rVJ:iS rbftif r py clean. eoiieteiy "jr lt ?J Jn til tho llt4. In II, fl. 3. will U fotrnl .t'oVa. nlr: t irn ? twy U. elan of th U istia unctiinilkd liloyl ,'urifler on that 4,tl..u4H. -,,n. cwmw cot diwvtly into l!s clrculatlm, ..a Wttrlo0Bl. promptly clcnnnoi It ff lt poi.ons and PURELY VEGETABLE Tlicn the aoro bes'n11 to heal, new flcah 1 Inne4, all pair) , and inflammatiot leave, tho pWo acah over, nnd wbett S. a 8. h prUir4lho blood tag aore i pcrmatientlr cured. S. 8. S. la Ur Ml t All firet cJs drug itorts. Write lor our special bK.k m orei and ttleerg au 1 any other tucdk4 kdvfaa lroudcalre. Vonko no charge for tho Uwlt or ndvko. ' thc wirr sreemo ct Atlanta, ca Balk. Tb favorite anIsrg cl!rr nias Decided I bold a raalian i But a ualewsrd fate, 'lis ead ta rleie, Upset this iaaai worthy Intealioa. Tker sraaa't a hell uld koi4 than all A county roofed would bare saea taw small Aa spec fur th tur disss us lea. Philadelphia tdff. Shake lal Veae She Allati'a Fm 1 a-t 4 aw.l.r. It natas tlgk oe sboa laieaf It la a eaMai eaie it swastln. f S'leus end st. IliaJ. sfctra tt, nJ.l k all I'.-U'. rnr aw. 1((ai aay. aeesssllaa MM.', A4dlas Alia S. UlBulad, UHuj, .Now tula. Hie Kra ta falae. Th ard'Ot Cuiteo petriat bad raiwd aa army of seveaieea men saJ start ad resolution. "Hut what do you etpeet to achiere bf ttr asked oas of tb newspaper rorre epondenl. "Immortality P a earlslwfd. "txd jeu ever knar of one of em fir build er getting kiliedt Nt on year aui'-het!" Thereupon. In se J being ru la by the rmlire, be lonk kts deeoted bend and hiked for tbe Oieuatala fastoeaaea, llic ivillil Yul liiivei Altvava " 1 " " ml i jju'it-tt trt.B.j ir yum, mjt w u li-, h 14 - iut 111 n , . - T aa'i k'a.a. .a.- ... ' . . . . . . , J tiirr of Una. II. I leu lu-r, nnU ,n Ix-ru mode) uuilrr hi N?roiial tiHrvialon for ove-r U year. All.w no one, to derive yoil l In this. Counterfeit.. Imltssttotir mid w?. k ! . Etperrlmenit. noil riMiaticrr lbs licisitn of Chlldrcn-Lsprrlrmo galiit i:erlmrnt. a What is CASTORIA Cttntorila U n Imrwlea aiibatittitA for CoetoP V, IMre--i... r.,."..,ldaM,l0,h,nf rrwpo. It t lWnt, It V. JM".'.,,rr w!,u'" SrtUI nor lhcr rtio , -i? !' TJ ,U rleM. Jt dr-.troys V..rm ?- "i" ?1",''rl,,u",".r It curra Dlwrrbo-A and Hlii.t t ,,?,l.' U. ""'ta the. VhhI, lffiiltta tb Tub thliarcu'a l'ttniice-Ti, Jlotht r' Ji rlend. The Kind You Have Always Bought juax tue In Use For Over 30 Yeara. es aaaaaa eaaeae. e. am. eaasee, n Vsaa . 1 hvv a ILs la i.l?? Jnf ,b4,, arlia.. fur yanaf Men s4 tre. Aeere-llta as .,.'!"',? n,l"i'r. 1 'wiiall. A M.Mar.1 ami ell Male niartHls sail ef,.rl """ the flrl,,.i (..a h. l veara' trl" I miKUSS:iuat ' "aetra.wl .- J. I. Hill, M. B, M.c-pil in. fnnUki,' PORIUID, VSBU 7 Ths water Is sll drsullc pressure a 'ruainsd Pumpkin. Preferred Stock a?-- . . I n 1 -s r a&V-TE; n'n""I'Jit. Wheniliev.sveha.laeo.iJfr.Si-. Fr 'W.; wwuYWt I ... . ' nsvor - I !Ieil"h!r''Ji,.?n!;1'',t'-iriry. 'I taH L' IL. I i "sfpi.5 risvor (ituisurpaaanL ,12 7... ww a "".wialaialaSeaeies, W. L DOUCLAJ5 $3.00 & $3.00 SHOES TilK llf..u,., . ,",."U' WnassMMiuissiafa.. . t esllain tm,.-'' "'A' """. U . wanimn nf ih alh?. . wearing (uliiM. f the .I,, ,4 "r'"11'" rn.Urlsl. rureaeb .ail "'"'"rsaMlVaiiaa.rf "" !' Is Iia.kiai at.r be Sh ai IbjJ,,,.,., .."'" reesleeUieliUlaai mmru-i,, If I euiiki t,. . ,"V17JT""'""I'I' anw.l Ti anrl all "', 1"U U.,w arafuiT, w 1 !""'"" ' r ami "'r. "W llialf wou "ar v,"tk)ni 'llla,wl.r:v.r,r",f,," .t. . -'. -rv gf, wit!, tMto rhigter r.. . awjv tpcthtr Hon V.'fml4 tom bsl .i. . . t i. i.. . i . r Ibacur must i . - nnar tilnt. It rvt "vt U t jo Vtrry buttota oj the trouble ud ftarctt cnit every tnretim. pnnty ana cwun a cmpiri and hut In raw. S. H, S. chnge tho quality of liX Uutnl HO that Instead of feeding the dieae4 paita with iuipuritien, it nourishes t Irrltatetl. inflamed tlrsh with healthy blond MOW HP gL tl'imw .ira a t Canaw. ' il.... Umk, SI i , . l.ifj, a, "lt-'.l SaM l a Uis nnueatJ a.tlealtetan,, (.wlmarft. Kna.luww fcMiwal laiw i an. mi u, Gee Wo taswatl laaes mtitUt CHINESE test ts r ' DOCTOR as taafa Itta at a-a a... M i.iaml i ai a-a. aat km aaalak ) etaeeani, Peasaas a (Hat tta4 rle Cars Waaaal OaeaatnM. mt WaH la Aie at has M- aai,.,M I- I -f Uw,fc, la. 1-.. TaMaM $.mH- Mwav rrT tmrnrnf W-.a. aa 4 111 Fit. .Ve-a-s"" A SURE CANCER CURC tael aeealasal trass feMa. taaas-avf. he aaalttaHaaaa. ir Tm ir iri tnei iw-r htur. bfXais saa liatiuUHH a UOfVl,'t,TA1KI,N I'Mlttl -If sa eaaeaS wajt. attie saa aa,aam suae aaaeawa. , i!'o l 1. 1. 1 Mil tie . (W Haiw laella. riaaasstaalaastalsrae. liouirllt. hum lai.enaa .1..,.. sigtuttuA of Mm military JLa a cad em y snueesed nuth. I.-. from P..r..a.J s.... i. ... who ga, No more scoreMng. Canned Goods wrn the be.i of t ie rr..p I'e f. 7A esrcfnllvsef sti.l M'VX 1 k - l.rome.oi.ui.h.suU stock - M-a-Hr'A rOSVUISD.OaiSOS.S s a. j baesuaa 1,1 SrV ..r.M. nro'aKm.MHSS., Bl ballar m.V N C ''l' J"! ..' - " v . n A . Vl : A I 1 .r.-'tV,?.- md ml aw rll Im.II.II". IS"I nut iil h-UII elll llfU-) BtMinl'tMl sssB i l.u ...aiai.l I "Mr, WeJDwmfUtS-wf-vk4M-,