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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 4, 1907)
1 LOCAL 5! Talk o Row., fame K. Brown, eaeuerlrt of Itakir Coir. wherwaacaiidldataj belort tlia lwublkai priuuriMlor the nomination hi Governor ol Oregon, wm blow!, up b,dauillMb wu tutoring Mitgitt . .... I- tl-L... -I,- 1... U.l. g ) SOUK IU V" - f , The crime wm vary altoUer lo list atrnt .I..H..U o( n-governor Stueneibtrg ol Idaho. Pfown vleltt. Columbia County during hi end mailt niauy (ritattt beie. . ' . Utstrt C. II. Kuglleb, Jr.. aud Joet,i Hull'!r, of IMr Itiand, were 8t. Helena Visitors to lh couuijr teat on juormar i... Mr. Knulieb, Mr., hat beta III lor m liut but to iiuMovlnif, and will noa be able to bt about gain. 11 Is out of tl county's beat esteemed pioneer, Md bM alwayi W M ectlvt, Industrious iih. which nwb coaipulior Mleoest nty distasteful to blttt. ji.;t I'o BUK I bavtj twenty ti itk obi pig for aula at ft.M each v. tihrrwood, flaetiolor'e Ut, Port flc. Warreu, Of. Wcbool begei but Motidav with in at Iteitauce of 78, wblch I eonaliltraUjr larger tbaa heretofore. There an Ian at pmrnl to take lb tenth grade and mora tit tHJHCtfd. timet Ktnneilv, Jr., ol Cobl. waa a visitor to lb county teat Mat Monday, tj tn arror but wee k wa bad Ator Ltwt credited wilb ilaciug valuation of j.Vl,oou per mil noon tb Northern l'e- riSe trackea-t. It abouia wave ,brn M5.000 par mil, which make quilt diAcRix, being two and on half time as much as tb tnllr aasetauutil a law mil ago. Klnard Uevenlua, agi4 jUtecn, a boui. Wat toy, wbo ba bc In lb eusUxly ol t Raappenft, of Inglla. waa Comiullleii to the custody of lh Buy and Girl Aid Suciaty but Saturday br Judge R. g. Haltan. i:inrd U not supposed tn U a vkloua boy, bat bit turtodun did not at Ibat b attandad tcbool, to tb Boeitty hat taken bint In cbarg la order that be but have, a cbanc to acquire a mat allocation. Fmt Cornell, arratd for tncorrigi bull, waa brought baton Judg llaltaa bat Saturday by tb officer of tb Boj tod Ciil Aid Social y. Mr. Auitlu Aaioa crd with lb boy and t ynmri bia wiltlogna to take cbarg of kioi, Ibrrcfor, tb cat wa poat:iood to dcvtlojHntoU . f Harry lUnllton, elafk of lb Impriat kotal, Cortland, wboa plcatani fvalart tn well known to many rvaidaoU of Col' in til County, waa In thl Mlgbhuibood btwrk for lb wrpoaofukloga few ibaU at th ducka, In company with hla i.j i ? - m.-).,.... trivM, jmmww IHIMWI ( It u mii thai not on dollar ha fau ttprndrd In lb part twalv ytar on tb road bvtwava tVar taland and lit. Helen. Wbtttwr thl I corttct or not, It la eartaiuly tro that lb road la that por tioa of thU dlrtrtct I in a abanwlul con ditio aud baa not rclrd th atualkia to alikh It la ntitld. It I not an au ataally bard pice of road to Improv aad uo work abotild certainly u prrwlad nwa It. Wixk upiMt tb nw road bttwrvn 8t. UtWat aud Iloullua bat bn comuinic td by blaatiflg away tb fao of tb bill aad waking a All ut lltla Kid (to -the Mat) of Mr. BaiWy' mldcnc. tb new roalt wit) b much bettor grade tban lb aid oar, id, at It will b a legal county road, tlia la won of tb dittrict can b)ixoded for tb pnrpoaarf keeping it la ConJliioB. ' W.J, I'ullerton, wbo to ably rtpreatot W Columbia County at tut Stale Fair, vtaiB town Monday laat. II rcporta bring bail quit a atrvnnout lira but la poo 'I of tlut fact Ibat Columbia County' nhibll attracted a grrat deal of altentlou aad t yoked Btoet favorable coniment. Our Iruila and vrgelaltlea, gralua and, grarari, wer uneicalltd by any county ttblbiUng, to far a quality wa concern' 4, tbougu of cour' w fell behind In quantity. Mr. Fnllvrton ha doublleaa brne.l a great deal In hi firat oipari., c at an etbibitor that would be of nloe to tb county abonld b gnln b (kottn. On handicap, at let, that b laUireil under, ahrtutd b rtnovd, and Ibat It tb lack of-deacripllvt pampblcla. II tb county court dor not feel Ilk falionUIng local printer or writer It ight kuiI to I'ort'and for tb work. At any rate w abonld liav detcrlptlv painfhlcta at tb fair and for general dlatrlbution. Tha tmivr ol till tcbool dUtrlct declilrd, at a meeting held at tb achool ui laat Saturday night, to add th tenth grad to th prnt court, prob b,T nectaiitatlng tb employment of additional Mr. William Rota dtocatedthUetcp and wlwn tb ot taken It waa fouudio b nntnlutou. Tliere are a number ol ) oung people wbo, by thl action, wilt I kept at home, in ld ol their parent being compelled to end thtui to Portland lor furtbtr duc. Don, aud It la thought tb fact that th tenth grade 1 taught her will rwult in Mctwloni to our population, at cUol fellitlte are tb firat thing dealrabl tat- r itKiuir after unmi comlna Into a w lucation. We believe th action I wly and wla and 'that tli benefit 'H fully companaat ut for tb ad dltlonat eiptna. Our people will b pleated to not that M. Kcnnlmrnrm ku ntllvned "v. Am Sleeih to tbla cbarg. II h 'n excellent aatlafactlon her, and y change would b rgrtbl, Tb "me niay b aald o' Re. W. 0. Pry, of Mlnler, who hat alto been returned to w patiorate to acceptably filled. 'rayed Prom uiy prenilae at Deer ano, a nark bay mar, wlgblng b 'rn ten and alevau hundred. Aiiyon vmg Informatlim a to hr where wiUpleaa notify m. s Hi I PEACOCK FLOUR 18 THE BEST If you dou't know tblt to be raot I will prove it to yon. You wood not ve0 buy a auuk until you r couvlnoed. M.O.ORAY, Yl . .. i mnwailllira lUlmrlant or th ir.uii,.. a. , . T, neiena ty'oiiiniercUl viuti ln'U at tb countv Ihl city laat Monday erenlnu-. -rfc- MttofofadrtUngMUka up. .,,.1 while mm herein f-vor of po.ttK.ning tb publlcatbn of a muh.IiM Idcrabl diacutaluu It waa aWd wllb It, and at the taui time to Vignroutly puth tb cunatruril.,. . aldewalk from iloullon to Hi. it.i.. along the line of the new road. Wbciber It i to bt a plank or crutbed rin k road will rolMlJy be decided at the i.e.) meeting ol tlie club, wblch Ukea place at lloulton, Munday ercnlng, October, 14. A couiniitte, contiatlnirof Maura R.Im and Terry, of lloulkm and Kdwio Rua and. It. Gu.llrty, of St. Helen., w.. appointed to Invtaligate and to ralu funda for tb conatruction of tb walk. air. Amierton, ol Wbit A Anderaon. wa annilletl to mrmUr.hlp. Andrew Karattl waa brouuht tn Si. Helena lat Monday aud on Tueadav anerooon wna examined by iK-puty trkl Attorney Powell, before Jutllce Watkina on charge ol attemptiutf to coniniit attaint Willi a danircrout wvatn upoo the peraon of Annie Karattl. bit wife, the complaint alleging that heap proecbed ber with knife, Baying "Now your going to get It." There wre tlx wllneawra in tb cate, which will probably coat in county a hundred du'lart. Karattl waa bound over to keep the peace, wbicb It will probably do until Be geta another aalnlull of vodka, when tit whole bUntcd family will be up here fain to tak pull at tb county' b-g Tb Rainier Laundry It a Columbia County InHltullon, paying out tliouaaudt of dollar every month in (hit toniity. It doe dood work . It price are re tun able. It aivet prontpracrtic Why not patronii It (iir tour laundry to Decker, at lb coolccllonery atore. Miat Crac Powell it attending the Holmea llutinrtt Collrgt In Portland. Oat er Bight "Out of tight, out of inlii.l."' It u old ylng which ipplie lth techtl foicv tore, burn or wound that' bw u rtaU-d wllb Uncklen't Arnica Falve. It'aoulol mind and out of rl tance. I 'l Ira too and ch Iblaim ditapi-ear under healing Influence. Uuarauieed ty lldruggitlt. 5o. HICUHEX I. M. I.lndtay retuntoil home doin a three weV yltit Willi old coiurailr tt Saratng. N. Y.,and Philadelphia. Pa. lb Hcliooner Irene arrived at the ibl Milling Co. dook at Hunter IVInt Saturday and will load with liea to.- Cai rn la. A V) ld.-d 3 rr;oI pumpkin for lb Holme CnnitigCo.,of Portland, in Monday. John Ulllrni, of Wett Portland, waa tiling with in thia vicinity on fumlnr. Kmll Wr vl!led Rainier Monday. R. Ileckar, tlenan fjr the Hammond aikiug Co , wa In tin Monday. Warner Kidman, of Medten, Utah, It tieiiitl- bit tl.UT, Mrt. K. U. Cliarchill Muuurlll, Oregon, Th u 'iir Nome City loaded tie t unler'ad.a-k at Ooble Monday. A ry pretty wedding wMwIeiiinlred on Tuetday evening hut at the church Uol.le when Mb llanna Uowen wa nalirdiu uunlage to OrVll IJnk, Ke. W. t!. Cox. tf Kalrtina. Wn., mciatlug Tilt bible waa taalefiilly dreated in white Ilk nmll.and rallied a beautiful bower bouquet Ol bride' li) a. 1 he bride waa attended by Mite Kthtd King, and Tba. Hauler w 11 ". im wim ' b-mqiiol waa caught ly Mia llelle Unk, th groom' ir. jiiiiu ImWly after th ceremony th bridal parly rtpalrcd to the Rcdmen't ball where it deliciom rep .l a served to II. K1ST Kveryboily la hauling In lblr winter ennpllet, and Juliiig irom me IniiiUd omer preting iur . ... winder. The K:t lb' dim pitlle l ' Saturday eveii iibuvliig tw-en out Ixt-e'i uy l,tl.r,-.lK-dll.l'..verlO,Ctmbu,lieU of gr..iil. T ) l' ' ' coiitcim mill, mud, gf rtl oau a..u """- - butg .tlboreJnl the mini'. The other nuchln Uneahed about ll.e aim ; iiinklng a total or w.uw -""" "' grain for ih upper Mimiem -.. j- AlWrtMmldlin baa told 1,1. Ileret in (be Beaver Cork thlu.le mill to K. iu'.non.olBtiXton d wl. .Ur , hr Swliaorlund, hit native country, In f lllkVI. Timber buyer art offering $IM lr M for Umber along the river. i"i enontirnglng- ACrliiiliil A Hack on an Uoffontlrt eliUtn la Menjly Si ... ah Nn-,: ; Itliy I" rreni. , following liver torpor I mn. .n into th Hver, pre rtgular iiouiroN The Olrty & Itchy atock of goodt waa illapoeed of Monday t0 mrnie party iu Portland, A public rule bad been ad Vi'rtlted and wa commenced Monday morning and continued until about two O'clock In tho afternoon, when It war topprd by the pnrtlei owning the goodt. Thtne who attended the dance Inat Saturday nUhta.y they were toakid In flue old atyle. It wile bad enough to pay a dollnr for a danc with a two-piece wiKiiraira, out wimn it came lo putting up dollar for two Iwo-blt meal tome of the boye thought they would fail lo corn again on the tame kind of a deal. It waa fi-ared for a time that the weeiern Cooperoir ConiDtnv Woul 1 tin forced to clone down on account of the lack of water, but the recent rain have luriilehwl a tuniily that will ntnUkl. laat them until the regular winter tup- piy oi nioitiur arrivet. Cbfirlri Gralmin returned laat Mon day from a trip to hit old home in Can ada, lie had not been the for thirty five year and of roiiine found every umig mucn ciiangou. Even the name Of bit old home town waa i-hanm.! While wy be traveled nearly 8,000 must. Syrup of White Pine and Tar, the old reliable cough remedy. For tale by A.J. Iteming, druggitt. Hl'XXUMH . Iu m (Itrrnll Vmrt ol the Htata of Oirjon. lor Auulv K. tiatlll I'laluilrr T. n Halt, Itrl.'ml.nt TnT. B llnll.iht tliure ntinetl ilrlvn'laiit: in in nameor (lit KwivoMiremin: Vmi art ttaiyby rniulml u, ir ami anawer lli eum- inaiui ami y,i u,a almr emlik-d ouri aiul rauw tn, ,,r Lcn n, Mntnr.i k.. , tn whii'to Ion mrrkt ulirr anh the il'aie i.'vit, hi, np bih iiuuiicaiitiu or lain ii'Hice, ml l( ,uu fall to mu alitir and auawar ihMi.uln. IU Pi.ljr ,,r the tellal .rayel l,,r iat hit r.'iiii,aui,f wwi i.,r a uwrrm, uiftauivinn the t.M.l ol nialnmonv now eiUilna u-ianu-t- abi ii,nrl itlaliiinrana lel tuilaut. ami lur nrh oilier ail lurthcr reiki ak lo Ihg cuiirt mm rntm aim jut Ihltniiiiuoni la ubH.hed liy order ot the Hun. U a. Italian )ii.Ilt ol I hi- Cminij nuirl, o.a.t- and eiiwrad on the IU day ol ni.muci irvi. UilalAlloN McOKVIT. Ai-nruevt lor flxliillR. rlr.1 nuhlliailua Sept. Jo, Iwn, lat iiubtieaUuu Nor. I !M7. WHITE & ANDERSON AGLNTS German - American Ins. Co. Of New York. . Leading Ame rican Company. NOTARY PUBLIC HOULTON, OREGON CUABDI AN'S 8ALE Notice la herube given that, to an order mada in the County Court lor Multnomah Countv, Oregon, on Sop temdar 23, 1 IH7. the undvrtigned iu tiuardian of the pi-rnon and estate ol Walter K. Kcoit, a minor, will, on and after Monday tli 88th day of October, 1U07. proceed to eel! at private iwle, and ontiiiu lo aeil unill the aame la uM at titW Cham'a-r olCoinmerijo Uliig., rort land, Ornion, all of the right, title and Inlerrat of the tild minor ill and to the follow ing deirileil real pioperty, ailnate in Columbia County, Oregon, to-wit: Tlie wet half of the eouth wett (inurlur ( t4') and the north eaat quarter (ne'i) of the south weal quarter () .I Section mimberetl thirty two (S2. in Townahip teven (7) North, of Range five (6) Wett of th Willamette Meridian. The term of mid tale are: To al pur chase price to l paid in Cash, Or one half cah down and the lemalning one half in lo or three yearly Instal ment, th payment of audi Instalment to be fe.-nr.-d by mor'ganeon Ibo prem--e. All siilea made tnbjett to conllriua tii.n by the above Court )Wd and lint published Sept. 27, m' ANNA SCOTI Gimrdlan of Waller F. Bcott, a minor. E. F. A V. B- Kib y. Attorneys. "NOTICE OF FINAL SETTlEMiNT. In the County Couit of the flat of Oregon, for Columbia County. In the mutter of the KuUte of John j. tjulnhiii, IVct-awd. ' Notice it hereby given that Margaret Nrt'letoii. the adminletratrix of the eatate ol John J. Qulnlan. deceaeel, ha i.a.1 ami nn-anntrd for settlement,. and tiled in sild Court, her Final Account . . . , . i.. i, n anlil aialntA! ul hi-r nuiiiiniini.i"ii : and that Saturday the 2(Hh day U October. IIK17, at one o'clock p. in. at the court room of anid couit. Inlhecour home In St. Helen., In said o mnty and .lute, bat been duly appoititedby tab Oitrt, for the aettlenientof raid account at which time and place anv heir, credib- .i.. n intereaieiT in raid e.rtc may iPIer and file bis objections uf and contett tin anmf. , 'l",.ei at Bt. Helena, Oregon, Septem ber!i7, m)7- KETTLETON. Administratrix of the Kst.teof John J, Qulnlan, ueceaeu. NOTICE TO CBEIUTOKS In the County Court of the 8tnle of Ore 1,1 " ... iSihimliin ennntv. Iu the matter of the Estate of James Muckle, Br., deceased. Notice is hereby given by the n ider Igntd. Executor of the estate of James ul x, . ,lPeoased. to the creditors 1 i In n...mia havin cliilms OlSllillSt .lid estate to present (hem with the i,,.ra. within six months P. ." ;i.,i..i nfi hia notice, lo Ihe Ex rrum i"v : i -..,nn i-n or. fit 1 if 'w , ""...'so. ii..i.,n. 1., mild Toinitv ami J,.".?:. Ilia'aamnhll HIT till) Hl0 for tllO Executor ot tlie Untitle ol James -.1.11 tit t1isiflitetl. America's Greatest Weekly Toledo Blade TOLEDO, OHIO Ilia Iiett Known Nea paper In the United States, UIBCUtiATION 180.000. POI'ULAU IN KVERY HC.VTB. in many reapecte the Toledo Blade la me tnott remarkable weekly newtpaper publitbed in the United (State. It U iiie omy newtpaper eapec ally edited for National circulation. It haa tt.l tv,. iirgeti circulation lor tn re year than any newtpaper in America. Further, more, it It the cheapest newspaper in the world, at will be explained to any person who will write ut for ternu. The Newt oi ine world to arranged that busy people can more easily comprehend, than by reading cumbersome columns of dailict. All current topic made plaid in each Issue by epecial editorial matter written from Inception down to date. The only paper published especially (or people who do or do not read daily new. papers, and vet thirst for plain (acta. That this kind of a newspaper ia popular. in iiiurcu or me ioci iiihi trie Weekly lllade IIOW hat over 180.000 vrarlv aul,. scribera, and ia circulated in alt parte of ll.s I..:.J ., i;. iT. ,vi, oiaici. in auuiuon 10 ine news, the Blade publishes short and a-rial stories, and many departments of matter suueu to every member ot the family. Only one dollar a year. write lor Iree specimen copy. -Addresa THE BLADE. Toledo. Ohio. The Blade and Mist $1.25 per year for a abort time. Take advantage of thl great offer. MUMJI0SS. Inlhe Circuit Court of the State of Or ez ut in and for the County of Col - nin bia. Charles H. Flick, plaintiff v Vera F. Flick, defendant To Vera F. Flex-k, defendant. Iu the name of tin; Kiate of Oregon, you are hereby summoned and reqiiirwi to appear in tho above entitled cause and ani r the comprint of the plaint iff in th above entitled suit on or before th" twenty-eighth day -of September, 11107, or judgment and decree for want of an answer thereof will be taken against yon In accordance with the prayer nf the complaint. The pmpo-e of lliia tuit is to obtnlo a decree of abso lute divorce in fitvor of Ihe plnfulifT gainst the defendant. Tim dale of the order of publication ol this summons ig Augtixt Mill 11)07 and the dale of the firat pnldication thereof U August Id. l'J07. UttEY KICHARDSON, Alli.rni v. fur IHainiilT I Auorui y lor I laintiir I SUMMONS. In the Cln-nlt Court of Ihe State of Oreaou, fortheCounir of cmiiuibla ThftmatU. Thumuauu, plelnlifl vs BirnailHte tt. Thmnron. defeuilaul. To Ihe above name! rtefendant: In the namvul Hie Kiatenf (ir?an, yon are hereby notlrled and reiiilrwi1 to appear herein on ur liefre the luth Uay of tcl. 1W7 loauxrer the complaint ill airaJnat vou In tho abort entllled court end eatiae. It you do not appear and anawer by thai dale Ihe plnlulll) will m-plv lo the noun fur a divorce Iroiu you mini geuera relief. Thle tiiumuna It rniblUhcd bv nnb-i of II .in oralile M. . llnitao, Jmlire ! Ihe l oiiuiv t'oiirt of Oregon t:ohlmlila -uili,l?. ina!lent rnaintwrMon tlie mini day or HopirmtM'r, 1907. illnx-llna the publication ol thlr a:nini.iin Iu ihe Oit-gon Nlat lor six eonn-cutlve weeka lie ginning on the tih day of Sep'eiiilier, U417. I be lime iireacnhed lu Ihe onier dlreetli.g inle pnti licatiiiii la lx week and the div i-n whb-h yoj mual appear hetelll la Ihe tliiv full.iwiLe the ex plratiou of lx weeks fmni Iba dnte ul Ihe ttrt niiniieaiioii neruoi, , ni.ipr.Ki u. uukkiiw, Attorney for flalnilO'. Notice for 1'uhllcatlon Peimnmrnt of lh InU-rlnr Ijutd Olhce at Portland, Oregon, September, U, IM. Knllce la herelir dvea that Alextnder Aesk. of Yaukton, Oregon, haa tiled notice ol hia In tention to make final eim initial tea proof In aiipnort of hia cliOot. vix: Homei-tead ICnlry No. l,'wu miide H.-M. . UKSl for the UK 8K'i Sec 21, Wi, SWii S-iJ NW '-i ' Sec '.T and NK ' KK l, of Hoe 'Mtnwiiahlpi north, Hauee t weal and that aald proof wl l be made helorn the Ki-Kiaierand Kecoivurat Portlaud. Oregou. 011 Oclober 'JI, !I7. llenamaslhe lollowlng witnesses to prove his eon.lntioua reaideuce iikmi auJ cullitatiou of the lanii, rn: titephen l.niiip.t. ol Vaniiton, Oregon: Robert Hi-kv. of Yanklou. On-eiui: Joseph fliiooiil. ot Yaiiklou, Orvgcui Leopold Dupout. of Yauk ton. Oregou. Register. Western Meat Martet Ed. Hafliger, Prop. 1 Carries a complete line of fresh and cured Our own brand kittle rendered lard alwaya on hand. Houlton Mm 'W "a. 4 ' - t'sc'.t s-s.' l!i WlUs I"',' WHITE & AN JM.OilLMii.lllllliSiigi-"'-'''"' "-"'J""' JjB. KDVm Rom, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON ST. HELENS, 1 OHK(1CO rR.H.B. CLIFF, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON T HELMS ORKdOH. JALDWIN & 8HERW00D UmokktaakkS and Emdalmkbs Hcarta (or funerals at alL points oil rivet ami ran. rnout at oi our ts pens. KAIMIEB, OKKOOi J)R. (J.UCL'HNIMOHAM Osteopathic Physician Conaulutlon fre t Parry's Row Hours 30 lo p. m. Houllon, Ore Steamer Iralda C. I. Hooghkirk. Matter. RAILROAD TIME. Iav Rainier riallvevMne Hiinil.rirnr Pnrf. A. M,. tli'iiariilla- from fii'li-iia at o'clork. Uulunilni, leavna l-ortlaud at 'i.'JU Y m., arriving as bt. llalena al : ii. Passengers ani Fast Fnijjit FOR PORTLAND DAILY I'OUTLAXD LANDING, TAYLOR 6T Columbia County Bank Docs General Banking Principal Correspondents First National Bank, Portland, Oregon. Hanover National Bank, New York. a Wm. M. Ross, Proprietor, ST. HELENS. ORE. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY FOR LIQUOR LICENSE To AM Pt-rwin Concerned, and to the lrrnl roteia now ai niallv rraiiltni III HcalrHa IT... rlnct. (,'iiltn-ibla coun:, uiale o Oregou, in pariitimar: Von anl each of j-ou will take niMice anil ron are horil.T nnllifled that I. F. A. Klarkwxll. nill on tlia Wh day of octntx-r, lun, apiily lo ihe jiunoraoi i ounir liui ol the Htale or llretftm CI ! In and (or the county of Co'.umbie. for a licence lo aeil mlrllnotia. Tlnoua ami mall linuuraand mn'i '"menie.1 elder Iu lesa quantiUe than one fMiou ,or , rlod ol olle rrjr-ae,pvon!Xi , rci4ipouae i reeiiiin. ,:oiinnbia vouiitv. Mate or Omnia: wlili-h apiillcailiiu will lie 'aupnurieil ant bkial mum ibe followina- netitlon. to-wit: Iu Ilia l ountr Cutiit the Stale of Oregon ,ur me i.(tiniy i iiiumuiM. In ihe mutter of the Application of T. A. Blacknell for a Mrenae n Sell apirltnoua, Vlu oua anil Malt l-iqunm an.l Kermcliletl 4'ider In Les.1, Quaniltles than One GmIIuu. at aiiuonae. In Mt-aiipooae 1'iecinct, Columbia County, State oi iirefc-on. PETITION. To the Ilonorablc County Court ol Columbia C-oonly. tiiate of Oregou; we, ine nnaersigue.1, eomprlting an artunl majority of the whole nmnber of legal votera of M,iapKXe Precinct. Columbia t'ouuly, stale of Oregon, and wbo now reatde lu and have actually reaided In said Sca,pnosc Preeincl for more than days Itnuiedlately preceding Ihe dateof (IgHlng, riling and presentation ot thia fietition. hereby ren(iectrnllv petition thia Honorable court to graal to r. A. Hlackvell a lit-epw to aetl aidrituiitlK. vluoua and malt 'iil-Hiraaud femieuted cider in less quantities man one aanou. at rcappoose iu scaniHMue nre- cincta Columbia Count) SjUle ol Oregon, for a pernio 01 line Tear. lien Klinlmll, Pele Blackvell, YYCPooJ.CH Fleulh. ieo V lest, Tom Callahan, Cinde Somer J II Klya, W U Ill-hop, V J Lvnian, W 8 Wiest II Mlllov, K T Oore. R A McKar. Dug Hct : loll, i lialch. F II Kammever J 'Whit. P I. I'haiicr, K, V Italcb, 1 J Morgun, John Ron. D K Freeman. K C Smith, Thoa (.'lonimrer, E Hag ey, FKAdama.O 1. Handle. 8 si Wiest. C. II. Tucker, l-ee Urinlngton, Juo rloerlg, K Kartell, (i C Rabltuky. K D McKar. T L llroder A 1) Monroe, H .Newman, J C Wirlb, A. Anderson, r W Oram. J Zciuist. Jultiii Shoeriburg, Carl Uranat. E Llina-et, L Muller, "J Kallaban. D. A. Sinllh. P IxinMgnont, ! L I.nnlgnont. M Man 1011. II Hlggott John Kiaenblale. (i IV William, Kd Crawford, Paul Pelcnwti, K M McC mncti v.lj ling.Oeo Grant, Frits Kammever. Pete' M agent 0 II Siereka, II Schmidt. J O McKay. A K Buck, Net man. W I, Boily. K E Morris, John Wiest. Ift-ltry Urecn, A II La men. H C Johnod. Bvmu W Brown. Ilarrv Hover, A M Wiest, Jc-s f-osa, (icn Calkins, 1 II liiuican. I. Ixing, W K Jones: F M Brauey. J M Kichardlnn, Jeo Howard. Hurl Bonnelt. Pat Cooper, J L Sanborn. J Johnson. W O Jens, M liachelder. W K Stevens, C Kabln akr. John Allyn, 13 II 'BlackweTl. B C Hon, G M Uibus, L Brown. B Han email, Y Wiest, Cbaa U Truxell, N 11111. meats. Try our houie cured bacon. UregOn Get our Prices FUENITUEE And be convinced that you can buy this class of goods at home right. For hick of space we can not display them; but we keep . Tables, Stands, Dressers, Chairs, Beds, Mattresses And Springs always on hand jWiaw.a.iiui.M.vrv.s tts H.HORGUS Carries a Complete Line' of Groceries , Dry Goods Hardware Crockery Flour and Feed Hay Notions Candies Stationery Fancy Goods In fact, everything usually kept in a first class General Merchandise btore. My prices will be found at reasonable as any store in Columbia County. Vtmr trade solicited. SUMMONS In llie Circuit Court of the Bute of Oregou for Cfiluinttta (Viuutr. HnLidaCbaraberlin r-lainllrr va Henry Chanibi-rlln Defendant To llxunr Chauiberl'n Ucfeudalit: ID the name of the Btate of Oiejron. you are hui-eby re quired n.aiiiiear and anawer Ihe complaint nlexl agruoat you iu me mnre ,iiniiii am. uu ij lore rrplny ine nri nay 01 nuTvmwr. r.u which is ix week from Hetitcinber JCIh 1MI7 the date nf the rlrat niblutaiion of thia uinmoiu. Aud If you fail to ao aur and an.wcr. tne plaintiff will apply to the court for ti.e relief preyed for iu the ompUtlul. 10 wit: That the marriniro coiurnct now exiatlns; bo- tween plsilnllrrand defendant lie dlaaolved. This iiimoiij la piibll.lic I puniuaut t- an order of toe Hon. Thoa. A. McHrlde, judge of Ihe alKjveentiilifd court, made and entered ou the Hth day of September 107. JVtlit Ul 1 11,11 li..i Attorney for Plaintiff. Dale of find p-ibllcatlou .-rnteinber 'Hilt; la.1 publication November Ul, 117. In the CircultConrt of the Slate nf Oregon In and fur the ;otmty of Colombia. Mary lioorc, l-laiuiiff . v" " Kfilhanlel Moore, Defendant - To Natbaniel lloore, defendant: Iu the name of the Htule "l Oregon, yon arc heiehv aiitinni-ned and reil'iired t' appear Jin th aliove cntilled eiiune and anawer tlie coin plaiut of the plaintiff In ll.e above entitled aoil 011 ur before the 3!ii diy of October. 1'.); orji:Umeut and decree for waul of an nnsver thereof will lie takeu aaliit you in accordance with tlie prarer of Ihe complain', the pur none of tbiViiiil Is to briu aiicoree ofabeidotc divorce in faror of the plaintiff oitHiuai the ile ietidant. ... The data of ihe order of pulilh alion of Hun nmuioiis is Kept. b. IM07. and the ilate of the firel pulilicaltoli thcrrs.f iascpt. 13, l'.tuT. tiKtV & IlIt'HAUI'SOS Atlorncis for i'tainliir. 0KUF.U In the County Court of the tMnie of Oregon or the Countv irf Mitltiiem:th In Ihe matter ol tlie (iuardianaiiip of Walter F, Scott, a minor. 11 appearing to Ibis Court from Ine p Ittiou this dar presented and liled by AunaScoir, Uie Onardiau ol ihe pennon and of the estate of Waller F.Scott, a minor, prsving for an or ler ol sale of certain real eelaie tiluate In Colum bia County and Stato-of Oregon, and more par licularlvdescrlbcil as follows, to wll: The west half (wV,) of Ihe south west quarter (SW'j) and tlie norm east iinarterfSK1) ol thesonlh west ipiailer(Sl'.)of Section uumln-reil thirty two (Si) In town.filp seven (7) North of ISansc live (5) W est of the illamille .Mernliail. oeioiieing ,n said ward, and that t is lor the lie! Intercut of said ward, and nece-sarr lhai. snch real ertate should lie sold. It in hereby ordered thai ihe next of klu of the ssid word, and all persons inlereled In the said etole, appear beiore this Court on tne .ud, day 01 sepieuiiKtr 1907, at s o cick'K a. 111. al tne conn room m this court in the city of Portland, lonnty 01 Mllllnomah, Oregou, Iheu and there to show cause whv an trder should not be granted fo, Iht sale of such estate, and it Is further ordered ihatacopr of this order lie published al lean once a week for four successive weeks before the said day of hearing in the "Oregon MiC'. a ncwspaner'of general circulation lu said Col umbia Conulv. and Mtiite of Oreeoo, published ouceawevkit M.Helens, tircgoii. Signed LION Kb It. W KltSTKH, Jlldue. Dated Ibis Hh day of AnKnst, 1?07 First pnWlcalion Aiwiikl 9. in7. OREGON SlI0R3rLlNE and uniow Pacific UNION DKPOT. Ir Leaves I Arrives. CHU'AIIO-PORTLANO i:15 A. Ml :'-' I. M SPECIAL lor lha Eai; Daily. Unity. via Huntington; -i. 1 SPOK A X K F L Y K K,! :! P. M. 8:00 A. M. lor Kastern Washing, Paul, j Daily. ton. Walla Walla, Lew-' isuin, Coeur d'Alene,! , tod Great Kortheruj! points. I; ATLANTIC KXI'KESS 8:151". M. 7"U A. M. lor the Kant via Hunt- j Daily. Dally, ingtoir M 1 Lower Columbia River. Steamer Hassalo leaves Portland daily, except Suuday. at:00p. m. Kaiuntay 10;00 p. m -r for Astoria aud way laudtngs. Keturuing leaves Astoria si s. m. aanv. a ... a a An a , 3UHUC... .Ha I-. Vnivai )enrral Passenger Agent. PORTLAND Or. when irt Need of DERSON Houlton, Oregon STATE BANK OF RAINIER, ORE. CAPITAL $35,000 Four per cent Interest paid on saving depoaita. Intereat compounded semi-annually, " March 1 and September 1. W. B. LOTTMAN, Cashier Collections Made : Draft Is tied 0t (V tjw Sallowness 1'ranrformed to Dusky Beauty A dark skin becomes fascinating; when delicately toft, underiprraj with the radiant plow which ini!i catetahealthy. active ikin. Kobcrf Ine keeps the skin refined in quality, keeps pores free from ch-p.r gveate and stimulates the tiny capd! .tries to contribute the colorw l k iu hai ins.:n blonde and brur.etteil;i.c. Robert ine it certain protect 'on against tan, sunburn and f.-cckles i jjc licl e. fore exposure to tun or wind. Spreads b'ke an imjurceptiMe sheen ofpauzroverskin fac- Inmilnr, shield stimulating and r riscrvina; a oclicale, lustrous beaut y. Jlr a frn wnftf it SUMMONS a the CirctiltConrt of the Stated Oregon, for IheCouutv of Columbia. Klia iJavis. piainiifT. vs Robert R. Davis, defendant To ilobeil K, Davis, ihe above named defend ant: In the uame ol tbeState nf Oreenn tow ara hereby rcciuired 10 anoear and answer to the complaint Bled against you In the above en titled suit on or teforetbe expiration of aig weeks from the dateof the first publication of this summons, to wlt: on or before the ash day of October. 1S07, and If yon fall lo so answer for want Ihereol the Plaintiff will apply to Iht Court for Ihe relief prayed torli, the complaint, to wit: fort vorce from the marriaee uiat- Ing ttween yon arid plaintiff. mu C7UU1IUOI1S ia puuiiMiea oy omer 01 Hon. Tnos. A. WcBrlde, Jodge of the Circuit ;onn 01 ine state omreton.fortheconnivoi 'oliitnbls. mnde on the lsth dor of July 1907. tlrectiiig that said tiubilcation b. made at U.ast once a week fur six consecutive weeks in the :eson wist, and tneoateor tbe first pnblica iou uflhls summons be made on the 13lh dav of September, lw. on.l that the Inst publics- lou oe mane ou llie -hii out ni Minooer I-. liStl dl IIII IIAKieHIN, Atinrncys for Plaiutifl J'. O. Address. Portland. O.-. limber land 5 01 Ice. (Timber Land Act Janet 1S78) Culled risies Land Office, Portland Oregon. AniiU, lt7. Nolbe is iierebv given that In comnllancci iviih the provisions of ihe eet of i:oiigres of iiit.i' i. t.v.ii entitieo - An act inr the sale of iinber!r.nil In the Slate nf California. Oreron. . Neviida nod WashiliKlini lerritorv." aa extend. -d lo nil Public liud Slates by act of August 4 lf.H. Kate M. Cauiernn of Porlland rounly of Multnomah state of Oregon has this dar filed in this oliice her sworn statement No. 7; 62. fop the no tcii use if ihe SK of section li in Town--iilp f:n. 4 North Range N'o. ft W'est and win oner p. to snow linn the land sought is more valuable for its timber or alone thaH lor agricultural purposes, and to establish her claim to anid l..n-t before Register and Receiver al Portland, Or . u 00 Thursday Ihe 7th day of November. PJ7 S'.ie names aa witnesses: J. t. I'.urke. chas. i.slKr,.e, Kd, Burke, and Jaa. Miller, ail of Portland, Oregon. Any and all per-ons claiming adversely Ihe ?irMivc-!eecii'Hil I inda are reqnestei io ale lliclr claims In tl. .1- office on or before said 7lU day ol November. IA-7. -U.l.KHXON 8 PRESSKR, . RcilUler. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION- IeiMirlmcnt of thelnterinr. Land iice at I'ertland, Oregon, Sc tcmLcr,T, iw;. Kotii-c is hereby given that Tell Sonl- of Ver nonla. Orc-jun. hns tiled notice of his Intention tomnke linn! live vear proof in anppnrt of hia claim. Tli: Homestead Kntry No. 1ll'i7moile Amrust .1, (e. for the NW1 , ol Section Ii. Town ship 4 north ranee 4 west, and that ssid proof will be made before the Kcgster and Receiver at Portland. Oregon on Oelotier 17. 1117. lie nnmes the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, Ibe hind vi: O. K. Jones, of Portland. Oregon: C A. Malm stcn i f Vernoula, ircgon: I. P. Spencer ol Vernocaa, Oregon: v, D. Hurt of Vernoula, Oregon. - ALGERNON 8. DRESSES. . Kegister .NOTICE OF SCHOOL INDESSITV . - SELECTION. f tilled Stoles Ijiii.1 Office, Portland. Oregon, August:!, 1W7. Notice Is hcrebv given that the State of Ore g n on April vm. nomleij for NW li of SK 'i of ix-ction T. 4 Ii Riff and tiled In this office a li?t of school indemnity selections tn wl.ich It selected said land: and (hat said lint Is ojien lo the public for Inspection. Any and all persons claiming adversely tho above dc-a-ribed land or any legul subdivision thereof or elaiuiing tbe same under the'minlng laws. -or desiring to show said land to be mora valuuble for mineral than for agricultural pur . poses, or Pi object to said selection for any legal reason, should file their claims or Ihe r aihda its of piotest or contest In this ofttoa on orbciore the UlNh dar of Oct. 1907 AU.L'RNON 8. DREgSER. Register. GEO. W. BIIIEB Receiver. NOTICE OK FINAL SETTLEMENT Tv'iitloe is twrcbr Riven by Ihe iinilew.eneii.M I'liHiiibtTiitor of tl.t esUto nf John B, Perrji tU-erAM'd, that hp hit IUel fit the oflice of Ihe Couiily Court of tohiH,h ('oHtiiy. StHt nf Or tK"ii. Iits tiiml i;tiitit unit tin.-.) ntort of ht' aUiiiiiiistratUm nrOii wUi t'HtHle. mul thnt the Hon. K. S. lluliitii. Ju'Jge nf fmiij Corirt. has i ntiinted Pafunlfty, ine 'iUt tltiy of Hcptctubcr, iwi, iu iu 0 ciot K m me lorouooa inereoi na too lime, ami the court loom of said Court in 1. Helena, dmrcm. us the vhC9 of hearinar n&Ui nvu:uit ami report: at which time ami plao anv rKTswm Iniervateti in mM estate may appear ami file objections In writ tun to ai1 account and report, or auv part of either of the fame. W. H. Fowell. attorney foradniinlstrator. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION iOcpartment of the Interior, Laud Otttce at Portland, Oregon, Aupust 17 1W7. -VotU'e is herobv irtven that tiut Strom nt Yankton. Orotron.hrut filed notice of hia luuin. Ihm to make final seven year proof In support of hi claim, via: Homestead Kntry No Is267 made Nov. Bo. for the w!4 of Section 2, Township 4 W, Hantie3 W. aud that aaid proof will be made before the KegiNter and Receiver at Portland, Oregon, on October S, 1907. - lie names tne toiiowiua; witnesses to prove hiaconlitiuou? reside uee upon, ana cultivation of. the laud, viz: titiKtav riaiulbera of Van k ton, Oregon, Carl Siiudburgof 1'orllHtut, O-exou, Joseph Nitch, of runiauu, Aiuvri ocnwurer oi i anaion ureKOU. ...... AJJUtl4.'SU . UKKhSKK. " . Renlster. SUMMONS n the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon in ana ittr in v.-iumjr ot voiumom U.O.Bullandt flaintifi VS - ' ;r Anna O. Relland, Defendant " To Anna O. Belland, defendant above named. IN tlie nan it) of th StaLt of OrMinm vmi a hereby retiulrsati tnappearand nnswer the cmi phtlut flltKl n train tit you in the atove eutitloti Orturt and unit by the loth day ol' October, IW7, ; tne same ocuur uie tune preixTitrea in the order ior publication of tho sunimon made and euloitMl herein bv the Hon. K. rt, Hattaii. Coun ty Judue, for Columbia t'ouuty, Oreicon, in Ihe Aiwem'tt oi rou. i . a. wcunue, Jtnig ot tne (..'jreuit t'ourt ftir and tu Columbia courtly Oru tron; and If you fail hi aticrtr aud answer mid mimimmn theriu for waul thereof plitfotilt" hen'-T will apply lo ihe nanu'd court fur (lift relief demanded in aatd comfdidnt. The relief demanded In anid oompbttnt Is for ai unler ami detiev tf the aliove tniiiicd court to dissolve th ntarrlniroeontruct now caUtina; lielwcen plaiuUll and dt-fendunt herein- uixl for siw other, further, dHTurent uud additional rn He t as the above court may uuein meet with tiuUy. Huh mnmwms is published bv order of tho Hon. K. A. Ht.ltt.Ut CitMiiiy Judpe for end in Columbia County, state uf Outrun, lu tbe absence of the Hon, T. A. McMride, Judce of the Ciivutt iNurl of tln Utute of Oretrnu ftir and in Columtna Countv, hh pur order of Court duly uutde and entered therein based nf ton the, altt davit of plaintilT tiled insiddsittt and court on the !, dnvf AntrtiMt, . H V.)l. Daieol llrxit pubUrHtlon AiiHUnt 80, 1907. JUuUiujJiUyuUvjlk IRWIN RRFPFRT.