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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 1, 1907)
MAYOR OF SUNBURY Says Pc-ru-na Is a Good Med kin. Hon. C. C. Brook, mayor of Sun bury, Ohio, also attorney for Farmers' bank and Sun bury Building and Loan Co.. write: "I have the utmost con6denee in the virtue of Feruna. It is a great medl cine. I haw used it and I haw known many of my friends who have obtained beneficial results from it use, i e Mt araise Penine loo MfWy." rim, rrm HON. a C. BROOKS. J There are a host of potty ailments which are the direct result of the weath er. This ia more true of the excessive heat of maimer and the intense cold of winter, but it is partly true of all sea ion of the year. Whether it be a cold or a cough, ca tarrh of the head or bowel complaint, whether the liver be affected or the kidneys, the cause is very liable to be the same. The weather slightly deranges the mucous membranes of the organs and the result is some functional disease. Pemna baa become a standby in thoto- anas of heme for minor ailments of this sort. Ask your Drunist for Tree Peruna Al manac for 1907. Ko Caaaa tor Arraaat. "GeorM," said Mrs. McSqulllop ber llete lord, who waa tooting- bit shins before the fire. "I auppoat you get the credit for sweeping the snow off our front walk." "I reckon 1 do, Cynthy," responded """a- Salem. Monday. January "And you know you don't do a lick ' nioril,1 nai D0n presented In the Senate upon declared them elected. Mulke Of It You know 1 do It myself." asking l'ongrts to compel railroad to serves until Mstvli 4, iW7, and Ilourne flit rvfhr 1 tbUIHat It I ra attitT ' ull . nn.l ivrant 1 ha annf t in rttl . '-'PROCEEDINGS OF OREGON LEGISLATURE Monday, January 23. I yesterday' lection in the two house S A ma-' waa read and President llninea tnere- Hl miliar. "I'm sure I don't know what be saw la ber. Her face is decidedly plain." "Yes, but the figure she has makes up for all that" "Figure? She's positively scrawny; she hasn't any figure." "You're wrong there. She has six figures and the first one's a fire.'' Philadelphia Press. PUTS CURED M S TO 14 DAYS. FAZO OINTMENT U guaranteed to tan anj cm of ichlnf, blind, bieediugor protruding yliaa ia to M dart or money rcfandedjOc doubt about that" "Well, what sort of think you are?" "I'm a blamed small specimen of a man. Cynthia," aald George, still reoely toasting bis shins. "I bare no doubt I am meaner aud mora con temp tlble than you think. Lord, lore you. Cynthy, you can't get luto any argu ment with me on that pronation. I'm the lasiest, good for notbtngest onerlest man In the neighborhood. If It wssu't that I'r got such a good wife, I'd go and blow my worthless brains out. Sup per ready yet, dear?" Philadelphia Index. Majeatr al a &ml Km. The officer, who had coma in a closed carriage to take the man of tb nous to tb detention hospital, was informed that there would b som difficult; in per suading him to go. "What's the trouble?" he asked. "II says he i the caliph of Bagdad, acJ he doesn't hare to go anywhere un ites h chooses. He ssrs be s going to stsy right here. 1 can fix that, all right," th officer ssid. Entering th room, he walked np to him and extended bis band. Haroun al Rascbil, he said, with a genial smile, "bow are you, old boy' Who art you, alar? haughtily de manded th other. "Don't you know m? I am the ab- koond of Swat. I bav com to tak you oat for a ride. Come with me. "Tour highness outranks me. I will go. Stala Book. inc stains may be removed from a book by applying with a camel's hair pencil a small quantity of oxalic acid diluted with water and then using blot ting paper, two applications will re move all traces of the Ink. To remove grease spots lay powdered pipeclay each aide of the spot and presa with an iron aa hot as the paper will bear with out scorching. Sometimes grease spots msy be removed from paper or cloth by laying a piece of blotting paper ou them and then pressing the blotting paper with a hat Iron. The heat melts the grease, and the blo'tlng paper ab sorbs It sell their innd grants. The sentiment sil Year from that daU . l . i u ; .1.... ........ 1.. . oi in i,r(iBintuiv Mlt uv wlv a man do you lie with congress. 1 nere is a witie uiuurvuc uviwreu the valuation placed on the Oregon City Tuesday, January 22. Salem, Jan. 22. Both houses of the l,.,-k bv the owners and Federal olH-, legislature in tt'Mtmte session until) rials. The former estimnte the value elected Jonathan llourne. Jr., I'nitod at about Sl.fttHURH) and the latter at States senator for the long term am shout 310.000. Should the Legislature Fred y. Mulkev foi the shoit term decide to acquire this property it isj The vote on Mulkev was unanimous probable the matter will have to be settled in the courts. Among the ucw House bills today were: KstaMiahiiig union high school in !.. I.. ....... ...lull ..' II.., . Ill tv v.ov n i ,,,- ..- ... V..V 'Ht.utA nrnunl t-.t.,.l f.r Kim TIlFiv representatives, Keynolits, Kixlger ami lis JH'tiieitiier, ot .Marion, reiusvu i aup I triota fnim two or mora euntiiruoua dis- 1" IWume. Iluwe men expiuinci iri,.t I tluit they did not pledge theiiiaolvtn Appropriating 1100.000 fur veterans and also that their conidituolits gave of Indian War, ISoS-Stt, and members plurality against him. Four scimtois of Ninth hVgimcnt, Oregon militia, 1 llouth of Ijtne, likvctH-k of tirnnt, Mil while actually m service, for use and , j,,, ( Linn-Marion and Whealdon of risk of their horsos, at per diem of 1, 1 Vaeo. voUM aintinst IVirne. The senator gave much the same roanon as the tepreaentativM for not favoring and appraised value of every animal I that was killed or rendered unfit for 1 service. I Authorizing Governor, Secretary of i State nn.l Mate Treasurer, composing Hoard of Public Building Commission ers, to procure site iv purcnase or eon- ion, and const mot building for state printing plant, and appropriating therefor. provide for Placing Mate Printer on fat salary f .lttmiirnit funds for purchase of supplies and equipment of ofiice. Appropriating tor deepening and improving harbor and channel in Tillamook Kay, and authorizing Gov ernor to appoint commission of five per sons to ucrvise its expenditure. ror rehwation of Mate Peaf Mute School, and approiiriating 14,000. Creating Crook County into the First Central Oregon Agricultural Pistrirt, hol.ling of an annual din trii-t fair at Prineville, and appropriat ing 1.000 and printing to amount of WoO therefor. Appropriating lii.OOO for mainte nance and .supiwrt of Central Oregon State Normal School. St. Ttto1 tMK and all Werrona DiaaMB prmanaeUy etirvd D7 lr- a.lia' ffrvas iiaxir. Mad tat FBKE SI trial bo(U and imua. bt. Jt. U. Uiae, La, SU Aicb su, rkllaO RlSht. Little Boy Are not all the words used to be found In th dictionary. papa? "No, my child ; new words are coined every day." "And what la the last word, papa?" "I don't know, dear. Ask your mother, abe always has the last word." Translated for Transatlantic Tale from Le Hire. Thursday, January 24. Salem, Jan. 24. Both house this afternoon adjourned until Mondav. This is largely due to the state printer being unable to secure enough composi tors to turn out the work on time and will allow him time to catch up. The two houses this morning met in joint assembly and listened to an ad dress bv Mr Bryan. A bill was introduced in the senate permitting capital punishment for tob bers who are captured armed with dan gerous weapons Bourne. The vote stood: Mulkev House, 60; senate, 87. Bourne Mouse, 57 senate, 23. No progress lias so far been made in either hoiuie on the railroads bills that commission, reciprocal maximum rates, taxation of gruea receipts, etc. Theee subjects have hardly been hoard of vet in the senate, and only one bill baa appeared there relating to them. This is the bill ot Senator Johnson, of llvnton providing for reciproixtl demurrage and prohibiting rebates and discrimination but omitting the com mine ion. In the house, however, a number of bills have been introduced. A joint memorial was introduced in the Semite thia morning by Senator Mulit asking ooiigresa to comcl tl owners of tho Oregon A California Railroad company to still its grant kinds at the price stipulated in the grunt. llio resolution was referred to Uie com mittee on resolutions. By unanimous vote the senate adopt' ed a memorial asking congress to re move all tariffs on raw jute or jute bags. Thia move will quite likely tend to defeat any effort to establish a jute null at the state penitentiary By combining two resolutions the senate sought to eliminate one junkt ing trip. Hesolutiona had been intro ducod for the appointment of a com mittee to confer with a committee from Washington on the subject of fisheries and another committee to Confer on puotnge. ine senate committee on Saddeo Reform. . "Ton usually give yonr husband a box of cigars for Christmas, don't you?" Ten. But I'll have to think of something else this year." "How Is that?" "Why, I told blm I was going to do my Christmas shopping tomorrow and be spoke right np and aald be had con cluded to give up smoking." Cleve land Plain Dealer. Bills were aigo introduced in the resolutions provided that one commit tee snouiu oe provided ror tne two pur poetn. Italy has more extended boos Indus trie than any other country. AWFUL ATTACKS OF PAIN. A Most Dreadful Case of Kiiney Trouble and How It Was Cured. Thomas N. McCullough, 321 South Weber St., Colorado Springs, Colo., says: "For twelve or fifteen years I wus suffering fre quent attacks of pain in the back and kidneys that lasted for three weeks at a time. I WAiild In V'dLi turn in bed- The a terrible condition, at times a complete stoppage occurring. I began with Dean's Kidney Pills, and soon felt better. Keeping on, I found complete freedom from kidney trouble. The cure has been permanent; I owe my good health to Doan's Kidney Pills." Sold by all dealers, 60 cents a box. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. suit -4.-41 nrine was in Throughly Reliable. If ever here ws s'reliable and safe reme dy it is tnjit old and famous porous r laster A lie ck'. It has been in u-e for sixty y-ars, ana is as p p ilar to-aay as ever, and we uouui it tnt re is a civilized eomm nity on the face of ibe globe w ere this wonuer- lui pain reliever cann t be louncl. In the lrcti n of the ingndients nd in their man ufacture the eixatcst are is taken to kwn each piaster up to the highest stande d of exc Hence, and so pure and simple are the ingredients mat even a cam c:m ue tnera Alicocks are thenmnal and eenmi e no otis plasters and are sold by PruggisU in every pan oi me civiuzeo worio. A Direct Appeal. A story Is told of a New Tork car conductor. who had once been In the ministry, kud who retained some of his former ways of speech in his new calling. lie had been at the front of the car collecting fares, and when he returned to bis platform a well-disposed person told him that a man had boarded the car at Houston street and bad found a place Inside. The conductor steeped Inside the doorway, and ran bis mild gaze up and down the car, but could not be sure which of the tightly-packed passengers was the late arrival. Will the gentleman who got on at Houston street please rise?" he asked calmly. The gentleman rose Involuntarily. and with a bow and a "Thank your the conductor collected bis fare. senate creating the county of North Grant and create a railroad commission to be appointed by the governor. In the house new measures included the appointment of a commisttion to in vestigate the fire insurance business and one providing that each county shall be a judicial district and provid ing for a prtecuting attorney for each county. The bill providing for publication of Big Timber Deal M.d Public. Altany An agreement made in 1!M1 , whereby the Oregon A California mil road is to Hcllabout 16,000 acres of Linn county timber land to Jennings Ilrvw , of IV-troit, Mich., has just been record ed here. The contract calls for the sale of IH,7i9.44 acn-B lying in towmdiliw 10 notice or all est rays was pasaed by the n1 11. soutli, range 2 east, at $11 .60 house. The senate bill fixing the Linn-' P' acre, payments to be made a-i fid Lane bouniUiry was also passed by the 1 '""a: Novemlier 15, l'.Hll, l!8,0W..1K: house. Four bHIg were passed by the senate. Ihey provide: ror holding meetings of state textbook commission in May instead ot July; raising fees of jurors from f 2 to $3 per day; fixing salaries n Douglas county; to turn unexpended .school funds hack into the county school fund instead of the general fund. every year thereafter a payment of $18,088.80. The land embraced in this deal is a part of the railroad grants ami is covered by splendid timber. PORTLAND MARKETS. Fruits Apples, common to choice, 50S,75c per box; choice to fancy, $10;. 2.60: pears, 1(3,1.60. Vegetable Turnip, INai.SS per sac; carrots, i if; 1.2.5 per sack; beets, ; 1 .2.VS)1 .60 per sack ; honterifclish, 7 ijfa An rie rwttirwl u ........ .4.. ....., ft i ' Wednesday, January 23 Salem, Or., Jan. 23. There are pending in both houses an unusually large number of lien bills and in a ma jority of cases the advantages that will follow their enactment are conferred pound: cabUige, 2S.C per rxmnd: muli- uprjn the laboring man who performs . flower, 2.50 per doten ; celery, 3.50 work and who, under the present stat- (5.4 per crate ; pumpkins, 2c per pound : soiiasn, per rjound : Htirouts. 8c n end of trouble in getting wlmt is his pound. Bad Blood la the caus of all humors, eruptions, bolls, pimples, n-rofulou ore,eciem or iall rheum, as well as of rheuma tism, catarrh and other trouble. Tha greatest blood remedy for all tbeaa troubles, provnl by It uneijualcd record ol cures, i Hood's Sarsaparllla In usual lluuld form or In chocolatfd ublets known aa 8aratab 100 doses it. Safeir. At th crowded downtown ei.iner th frlghtrniKl pedestrians wer n'urrying out ot th way of afreet car, autonobliea, d lOery waous, and policemea on horse back. "tloah !" xclalmed th window washer, looking down on thoin from bis perch on th narrow led of a llflecnih story wlu dow. "I'm glad 1 alu'l lu that crowd I" Chicago Tribuu. Motkan will And Mr. WlnstoWs floolhlai Syrup lb Oral rsiacdv to UMlorthirhUdrva luring lb IMthlng pailud. Got Ilia ! Mlaed. What bss kept you out so late?" sternly asked Mrs. (layman. "Been s sitting up aim a dying rr ma. nr dear, answertu nr autH-iionai wu-sort. That won't do this lime, ' ah rejoin ed "Tb old year has been rtmid Tral days, to my certain knowledge." Dafa Cannot II Cured t loral apiltrallons aa thsy rannot h lh dinrawd i-uriiitti ol in ear. 1 i,ai U uuljr una way lururettva.nvM. and lhat i hr euiniiui tunal rn,tlwi. Iwaiurt u t au .1 ly an In Itain.d e.duitn wf the utui-iu lining ct tit Kmuchlau Tul. W hn ihlalotia islnOantpd m nava a ruiul'lfti H.und or liniiarlrri hear. n. and whrn It is vniiratt t'af, afiteu ! thv mult, aud unieia tha Iunainn)atHu ran i latat, out and this lut r t.i ail to its ttoruial wti'tltlon, hearing will ba di-Rtro)4 tofawr; uin . i-ass out oi irn ara raiiBvti ir i alarm, wbl.-h lanuihtns but au Innaiuad coadllWn ui Uitf-inui-out mriarvs. w wltt sir on liuhdrel Poltart fur an ca ot lranirM o-au.r.1 j catarrh i that ran tint Im rurrd bj Hall's t'aiarih t ur. baod lor circular!. Ire. r t. i iimi a in., igiio,o. Hold by nruln. ;.v. Uaila lamlly l lili ar lh bftt. Mlatakaa Kaalllr. j "IIow can you call yourself a Chrts- i tlan." demanded the aanctlmonloua Mr. j "If yon play golf on tb Sub- j bath?" But I don't." replied the mild man. j What! How dr you ay you ' don't play golf, when this very mlu ute " "I say I don't call mraelf a Chris tian. My name's IsaacaU-lu." -t'blla- lelphla rresa. Bl Tb lac Blaadad talvatUMlat. slvatloa Army bid fair to be come an arlatocratle body. Major Mary Murray, who supervise th military and tiaral league of I he Halvatlonlata, Is a daughter of the lata J'" Mur my. K. c. II . and Limit. Col. Mliuil Held, who reivnlly married Coiimila loner Booth Tucker, I a daughter of a former acting governor of Bombay. The w.iiinlasloner himself resigned a Judgeship III India, with all the wealth ml special iHialtlon attacheil to It, to devote hliumlf to Balvalloo Army work. Lmly Rnrah Hladen I a UalvalhHilaf. and the cmititea dowager of Tea field Is a uiemlN'r of the auxiliary of the army. Two daughter of Mr. Onslow, late niciiibcr of parliament for (lulld ford, have together steadily risen In (lie rank. Intimately eoutiwted with the work lu Australasia I the Hon. Mr. Hlrd, wife of the former prim minister of Tasmania. Rhe la said to I a ardent as any ftnlvnllon Army Inks In dlsimslng of th "War Cry." The daughter of the late Lady Ualt. if.i of th lli'iili'iinnt governor of Ontario, Is working In Catisda. Ana wvr. TO MC A tOtO ONt OAV laia I.AXATIVk MtuMO WflM.Mt TablrU Hrulii ralund auwaj it It talU In cura. K. W UHOVK'S inaiuta u on aach box. c. . j Id l.lhl Mlatary. Capt. Kldd was burying hi trraiur. "U s batiar than putting It la suburban Iota." ha chuckled. "Th aione; will alaaya b lliar." Kully aware, too. that th authorities couldn't rob him of It by ui and i clal ManiMita, b aatlaned hltnralf that no Bisddleaom reiwrtar waa aoalng around In th nalshborhood and batonk him If fiu to th long, low, rakish craft that lay walling for bna two cable' length from abor. For Lung Troubles Aver' Cherry Pectoral cer. Inly cures coughs, colds, bronchltls.consumpdon. And It certainly itrengiheni weak throats and weak lungs. There can be no mistake about this. You know It Is true. And your own doctor will say ao. " Mr llllla Wy a lantt.1 eatk I ihi a.rilii I af .t kul la ..ln ."ol I 1,1.4 Aret'i I'heri. -...l f, V "' nihl k kaiier. a,. a. .km.uI! milll ka perlaelli waU,"-. haaTaVT araiL. Aiwa, III. ' 1 iaui. 3 lit-J O ifsru,, At iers aMMaauMwraea af 9 ttteWAHUA. WI.U. a tit vioot Keep lh bowwla rular with Ayer filie nd thue hetn recover. uowAim r. nrRTtm .. lwlvill I ajotalia pnailtu. a.nMi i.utj. Si. 0 arnili mmiu. kir w.',a ha banal liaaa. Aaaaear arl I1m,i I Slan. ll... I -l.l i o..i,l. all.M, v ilol. aania tvaia M.llln nviutt. .n aee'icwihHi. wM.tr4 aa t m. rework ulUiled, UaianiMWI laHauu a MAKE NO MISTAKE tOWEJbj IHW-l lJiajuM . OILED CLOTHING will give you com pieto protection and long service You cejvt &Iford to buy any other Every garment guaranteed Th txtX 4lrr sS FRUIT TRttS, VINtS, PLANTS BERKSHIRE SWINF. tRMr.d SHORTHORN CATTlf. Rr,u,d) BARRtD AND WHITE ROCKS PACIflC MJRMRV CO. t alaUniwa fra. IfMmtat, Or CROPS NEVER FAIL t it r HiimIi walls, 4tn( hrv ;,M -att il Vttr t (NrMFer mtw fttr vlf v )tL Uxk aUv are iu tuf , tf rlb iftj tmiltl, ewttlof tt irk M 4 sj 4 Dor In tHw tiuii, r I . 0 Imftiai ihefMi Ovii, IWH.Hi' ft kfeJrt ltUra4 nr (Mia. K-V ueitmiM m f , H ti ! Wot lu iu MtS - H rMMllV Ml f eaiiw. 4 eNluM ttx Jm . )US Sk riJ tir M fttt (ft I'-! Iqllrs, t. i , MOOHfc H At tAf KlflHrANf HI A HI I VMS- S4 AufcstuM IttsillfSa RHEUMATISM AMD NEURALGIA I j 1 IF ST JACOBS OIL The Proved Remedy (or Over SO Year. Price S3 sad SO YOU ifiouia you aaul lu buy or aall Kiii-lly rwntrmtor lhat In, an.l Mil kiiul. til Mimiia SlK-k. and "ttL iltal ar ll.r inarh.l. Six wrlta or ir I r. i. cAtuittn co. tit AMadM BUla f 1laW, Oniaa Man, tor ot Cortland i-k Kii-hanaa bl Anwlt RUBBER STAMPS V. do not tata nnl.ra and rartdlamr Rnbrit 'il', faia, Kin. W manulactui Our own eooda. our Muiti..iit i. u.a im,i ml w.t in. iry ran buy. M tit Iwlay foi au "Kulibar fciaiup taiai.u. THE Urwm-KODSON CO, PorUand, Oracon P.N. U N. S OT J 1 VI,M wrtllai taad..rtlaarBlaa I " ml.. l I . j Jerrys Seeds prov tlirlr worth at barvrat tun. Aftrrovrr fifty yratsof surer, thrr are truauurrl the htt ami surrtt by carrful Slantri enrvvitirr. Your ralrr arlla thrm. IM1 Set! Aaoaal fire on rcut. av raeav ta-, ..ik ITS 'SllS MULEHEAM BORAX rttre mum . 1000 jo muu. If AM BONAA tm Ik Naaw. rra 4 Oain. fntMNawH, X Villa Tram Horat fr .ata al ail rlralpra. aan,f! att.l ri.i,nlr I'lrtur in rilr., krvrita .,,.1 .Ui-t; nam, ratiltt Cl Bar. C., OaklaarJ. tat. Germany has barred oat American po tatoes and ail kinds of American preserv ed meat. SKIN DISEASES HUMORS IN THE BLOOD When the Llood is pure, fresh and healthy, the akin will be soft, smooth nd free from blemishes, but when some acid humor takes root in the circu lation its presence is manifested by a skin eruption or disease These rumors get lnio me Diooa, generally because of an inactive or sluggish condition of the members of the body whose duty it is to collect and carry off the waste and refuse matter of the system. This unhealthy matter is left to sour and ferment and soon the circulation bprr,mM harA ;(t, poison. The blood begins to throw off the humors and acids throurh th "n,v n irl.Mld - I , 1. - -1 - . . ' --o ' I XI riue, when he d'X not luse out alto gether. It lias lieen dliwverel that all lino officers of the 0. . G. have been chosen in violation to the state con stitution. Representative Jai'kson lias prepared a bill to remedy the defect. I lie bill providing that lurors mav be kept together in civil actions has the honor of beint; the first to utss the house. The senate passed the bill agreerl upon by Ine ami Linn fixing the bounilary between those counties. Governor Chamberlain sent a mes sage to both houses txiay asking more money for the Jamestown expition. I A total of IV bills have txn intro duced relating to rnwls and highways. I Johnson's ni(nure providinir for ioint iuiprovenient by county and state is the iriotit important. I Twenty-four new measure were read for the first time in the house todav. Th makes a total of 237. Among the if) bills in the senate were two Ijy Jfctiley amending the di rect primary law. One provides for party conventions before the primary election ami the other makes statement No. 1 pledge apply to party candidates j pores and glands of the skin, producing Eczema, Acne, Tetter. Psoriasis. tori I"'" enjPt'ons,t); various kinds. Eczema appears, tisually with a slight redness of the skm followed by pustules from which there " " "'' "u' .t , "? anu ,orms a crust. t"e itching is intense. ""ny Uiebacfc, breast, face, arms and legs, though other parts E-Tmi Y f- a- Jn lcUcr.the 8ki" dries, cracks and bleeds; the acid in the blood dries up the natural oils of the skin, which are intended to keep it soft and pliant, causing a dry, feverish condition and giving it a hard, leathery appearance. Acne makes its appearance on the face in the I Buffered with Eczema for forty iorm. of P!mPle! and black heads, while 2!IV.a.d ?iaid.flnd othl?, ? rsonasl3 comes in scaly patches on differ-ZZZSU?nLTtll-.W. ?nt Part? ? hC body' One of the worst in ana burntnjj: puatule would lorms -oi Skin trouble is Salt Rheum- Villntl thaM flnark, ; t . . . . . - w vw ii i:iVrif1T nf r.f 1- Al 1 " wa a fc UU1UI ll H till H 1? Ill HI'H II Onions Oregon. 11..'15 rwr htin- nrpi Potatoes Oregon Iljirlatnks, fancy, i.-utai..Hi; common, ifrj.r. Wheat Club, CHc; bluratem, 70c; vaney, ow,c; rel, eiic. Oats No. 1 white, $2S; groy, 12 Ilarley Feed, $22 per ton; brewing, iz-t; roiieri, si'-(a,24.)U. Kye AK4Ah prr cwt. Corn Whole, 20; cracked, 27 pet Hay timothy, No. 1, 14fS 15fierton; Kastfrn Oregon timothy, 17f3,18; clover, 9; cheat, $9; grain nay, fWmlU; alfalla, 114 Butter Fancy creamery, 3035c ptr pounn. Butter Fat First grade cream, .Kk: per pound ; second grade (Team, 2c less per pound. r.ggs uregon runcn, 3.Ks30c per dozen . Poultry Average old hens, 13(3,140 per pound; mixed chickens, 12r,13c; spring, U(ijU ; old rortors,H4lle; dressed chickens, lr,17c; turkeys, live, 17 17i'c; turkeys, drowsed, choice, 20(?22c; geese, live, 10l2c; ducks, 14(n15c. Wal Irescl, 8 Wr3,9- mr nound. I3eef Dressed bulls, 2(5,30 per pound ; The election of Mulkey and Bourne as cows, 425c; country stwrs, bCjbc. form from there flowed United IStatea senators was confirmed tolay in joint session of the two houses as the law requires. Tlie journal of Dairymen to Co-Operate. Arago The larie creamery, the prop erty of Kobert Tyrrell, at this place, has lK;en leased to 12 dairymen of this ne'ghhorliood. They will run it on the co-operative plan. Ollicers were elwrted as follows: Manager, K. 8. Tyrrell; secretary and treasurer, Hchroeder. Other ollicers will be Mutton Dressed, fancy, 8(5,8 ner pound; ordinary, fi(5,7c. Pork Dressed, 65,8c per pound. tb ki I. n ,cratc h,d off Bomelln-'S causing baldness. Poison Oak elected later. This large creamery is of beef. I oaerei aVonf Ta the V- lv als0 fsagreeable types ol skin m a ricii nairy ing (iistrict. but has fjeen toaw rear i wa auiietea, but wbeal used H. 8. S. I found a per feet ours. Ther ha never been say return of the trouble. L t O.K. EVANS, Stockman, ITob. disease. The humor producing the trouble practically idle the rmst two years lies aormant in the blood through the Winter to break out and torment the sufferer with the return of Spring. The best treatment for all skin diseases ia S. S. S. It neutralizes the acids and removes the humors so that the skin instead of being irritated and diseased, is nourished by a aujjpiy ui jresn, neaitny blood. External Milk from .iiXJ cows has been nromtaod for the Wmiiig s.-a;n. and more ia In sight. Buy Horses for O, N. O. Oregon City Dr. W. E. Curl!, of this place, who is captain and assislant surgeon of Oregon National guard, and who is also attached to the botU-ry of the Light Artillery, expect to have a resolution introduced at the present session of the legislature asking for an appropriation of .r),(MX) with which to purchase 50 horses for tho um of the hattory of the Light Artillery in its an nual summer march. Adjutant Finzer, of the National Guard, in his annual report, has recommended the purchase of the animals. PURELY VEGETABE Will Plan Reapportionment. Salem As a solution to the nroblem of rearranging the legislative represent ation of the ronrrtiea nf trio aiui U..w.. app ications of salves, washes, lotions, etc., resentatlve Jewell today Introduced In while they soothe the itching caused by the house a resolution providing for the skin affections, can never cure the trouble appointment of a committee of seven to Savings Bank for Abany. Albany Albany is to have another bank. According to articles of incor poration filed with the countv clerk , here, the Linn County Havings bank will lie opened'hnre as norm as a loca- because thev do not reach the Mrwf ? 5 i WLT. 7a . . """"" i'i''i cunnimuje oi seven to tion can be socure.1. The Inwrporabirs f onoireacn i ncbl ood. b. S. S. goes down mtq the circulation report to the house a reapportionment 'of the new tank are II 8 Mvers F v Son c tpartl.Cie t0leitt ttlatte1r and torei tne blood to it bill. Kepresentatlve Wwhtar tie, o , Myere, and M I Mye'r , al Tof km SoToo ?VeT " l y,h already introdueid. Francisco, who wm.Mltart biauj cen- Aimny now nas two oanks. but th a J MViWC UC9JIC , 8. S. is lor sale at all first class drug stores, THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, GA. will be Its first savings bank. B m m ln ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft B ft ft ft ft ft ft ft The Spencer Seedless Apple A MARVEL IN APPLE CULTURE h the Orange. Greatest Discovery since the Seedless Endorsed by Leading Horticulturists where. every thing rapidly adopted by all progressive Apple Growers. Plant now and be in on the First Market. No seeds, no core, no waste; rich red color; commercial size; good shipper; excellent flavor; splendid keeper; a market leader; no bloom, frost proof. For booklet and ments to agents. WRITE TODAY particulars. Splendid induce-' The Spencer Seedless Apple Co. MAIN OFFICE 414 American Natlona. Bank Bldg., Everett, Wash. " l ft ft Si 81 51 5 51 . si 21 5 31 51 3 SI 31 51 ftftftftftftftft