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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 8, 1907)
OREGON nn -11. 0 YttL. XXIV. HT. HELENS, OltEfJON, FRIDAY, FEIUlUAllY 8, 1907. NO. 9. THE MIS Proposed Oregon Tax Law i j (ItullttllUlxJ bum iHlwwk) III- mUI Ins a linn w i , I'rlorlty F.nwl ot sals.) Hii'llnn 2H. All taxes which may Isr hereafter lawfully Imposed, charged, or levied iiih-ii tti property, (minding taxes " Hr.iml prosily charged up. , on real property prtvl.l.. In the . .iilii section, shall nnil limy sre ,.n,hy declared to I a lien upon such real pn"j ,ro" " """" day on whlt'li the warrant nullirliii( the collection ' '1' tw' "I"1 pmiierly U Issued, and '"' "d Um time Ui said "I"1 Phonal properly urn cUrgnl upon real prop irtv, uiilil they should I li'l. M uii- til the ml" l vw,t'1 m tl, P,,r" (.ltM.r iipiM wiln for mu ll taxes. Much lifim ilinll Include all costs, JsnallUw, charges, nnil expenses mi. of slid con rt ntittt "'! '"' "'deli by the proyla hum l law shall svrue, attach, or be im.,!c. liens shall havs priority to and shall I fully lM '.! satisfied More env and every judgment, mort, or other lien or (mm wlutto. ever, except Ihe '"I ',,r ,,iUi'.iifiil year ; mid every ecrtitlcale nl delinquency, sale for taxes, or tram for of properly under ux judgment sale, whether void or Ineffectual for my other puipsw or not, provldi-d (lily that ihe coiiaidoratton required hy lu ' nlmll have len id l.icrelor, nlmll U deemed to assign I" md vwl in the holder, purvhaaer, or transferee Ihe ltn herein prescribed. .it tt ( iuhn . r4i..a IllK. M rtiinsv. clit'l til"-" (! Mwpily. ! lo uhrtlluw u. (i.l.mrin lr" " t I" " I il.. mil itn u fiiiK.i ul in itx i r ii (r'lifiK'I'nuiro Hiimim-ii or notU.) Hrrilun :I9. Any inn fur the piiutloti of tlirr ywiw from tl.e Urol ,iut. .if (Inliii-iuciiiy f ny Us liii liidixl iii ivrtilicnUt of d(illinUi'iiry llm hold rt uf ntii'li wrllllrtit limy chuimj i"i iiiiii to ht Mrvrd on I lie ownor of (lie pri'i-nrty dcwrili"! In llw twlirtf!, iM.tifviiiK the owner llwt Iib will p'ly Ui ttt clft uil roiirt of the cuunly In liii'li it'h pnMity ia iitunlol fur ft (I.-.T.O fnm'itiiK the lii'ii m,nliit tl ,f,, rty mciiti'Hie.1 iu fli cvrlilk-t. lh'Ii miiiimon ilwll niiitnln I . Tlie title at Hie court, the dw rriitliili of the protirrty, ftiid the name i.( tlm owner of the hvl title thereof iu llm Mine erre of reeonl, if Kiiimn, the imuio of the holder uf the OTtirtinle, the dule thereof, and the liiKiilid for which It iwilleil, the ymr or year for the drlliHUeiil taire f..r whleh it waa heued, Uie amount ol all inn-e paid for prior or aulewxpieiil ymm, and the rale of interna on eaid aiiiouiit. X, A direction lo the owner of the leiwt title d the piowrly aa the ealiie aH r of record, if known, and of any older jierwin or pentotm who may haxe eome iiitenwl In or lien or claim Um the irorty, and whom Ihe holder of mid (vrtiilcaie may dealie Ui make ct-hli-iilniit, fuminoiiiiiK him to npHr within aintv Uiva after aervice of aum- liMin. or notice, eseluelve of Ihe day of aervl.e. and defend Ihe action or iwy the amount due; and, when aervice t n. ml" hy iiiihlication, a direction a alnrtnld aunimonlnii him lo appeal within ni'ty dnya alter the date of the liret imhllcatlou clinive of the day of laid llrel iiuhlica- l. nn, mid drl.'iid the action or ay the amount due. 3. A notice thai, III cne of failure to do en, a decree) will le rendered fore- rl.euitf the lien of audi lasee and cieun amtinnt the land and premleee named 4. A miiiiinoiia nlmll lie anlwrilanl t.y the holder of the eertillcate of delin oueiifv. or hv Home one In Ida hehalf, and reaidlnii within the etale of Ore- Kim, and upon whom all proceea and pM'rii in tluj prn"eelinn may le eerved with the Muinn liirce and fleet as if er- omillv mrvnl on the holder of eaid cvrtillcnln ullhin thin etnto. ft. A copy of anid Hiimnumt nhall lie delivered to the las collector. Jiienv after, when any owner of real property or Nmoii iiitcreeted therein iiwkH lu re deem iw nrovlde.1 in till act, the tax II unci r In iii the amount of emt n-eriim Iii forecliMlntt nald ivrtill- I ctiHla tut a part of the rvdeiiintlon to lie paid. Tim pmcredinK prnviiled hy Ihla art 4ur tin, fnri-cliiMiirn ol all certiltcatea of di'llnciiieiioy laauvd pumuant to thia acl ahull li miiiinionceil within is yearn from the dnt?i ol the orluinal delin ipmiii-y, ami not altetwardn. (Service of aummona.) Ho liiin 40. Hiimmona shall he aerV' ed and returnml in the aame mimnor an in h civil action Is served in the ciicuit Court. e e e e e ( Intended iMirapni may pay Ixiforo cs (Hiltioll III lllHHl.) Heetlon 43. Any peraon ownlnn an lnterent In landa or lota npon which Ih,i,m.,..iii I iliu'nw Iii nrnviHl. as pro vided In this act. may, In pemon or by iiL'iit. miv the tusoi. anneeanionta, 'n altle", intercut, and coals dun thureoit Ui the Ins collcK-torof the county In which the same are situated at any . time Imlore the esectitlon of the deed. and for the amount so paid lie L ". ' Hanwlaai a Baak. "Here's a story about now automo tile lunik that has Just been started la New York." "I wonder how much of run de positor guts for his money CleTe Isnd l'lnln Dealer. Conlldeutlal Advlier Benstor, bow inch did your campaign coat your Hrnatur Lotamun It waa pretty ss puimlva this time, Ulnsgold. It coat m - onu dny'a lucouie and two or three nights sleep. have s lift) on the proierty llahlu for tnn, lowctmuientii, ieiialtliw, iiiterent, and cimiM (lr which JinlKiiimilis prityisl; and the person or authority who .hull collect or receive Dm aame shall kIvu a receipt for such Hiymeiit, i.r haue to such jieraoii a curtiliiaU) showltiK such iwynivnt. (Appeal hood -I'moodum ) HiH'tluti 47. At)iKnls from the Dual order, juila-menl, and dn-ree of the court limy he taken to the supreme court hy kIvIiik notice thereof orally In open ii imt at the time of Out rendition of the Judgment, decree or final order, or hy k I v i 1 1 if written notice thereof at any time williln thirty days after the rendition ol nuKl onliir, hut not there after. The liiutiuer ol lukiiiK and per- feclinu apia-als to the miiireine court and the proceed intra thereon, and the determination and iIihiu1 then-ol, hall ciiif..riii to and Imi noverueil hy the ntatulea (or takiii ap)eals ill eiuit aide caiiKee, eiivpt in So fur aa this act may otherwise provide Itut no aplwal shall lie allowed the defendant from any (u'Ik'hciiI. decree, or flnat order lor the sale ol hind or lots for tnm, and no htmd i veil on aiieiil shall oiemte as a sujieriiedcna, unh-fS the de fendant tukiiiK mu li apM-al rlmll, with in the lime allowixl williln which to lile an undertakinK on apH-al, aluo de il with the county clrlk an amount nl money eiiial to the amount ol the IndKmetit ami route reudereil In such rauae hv the circuit court. II. In e of an apiieol, such liiilitiiient, decree, and final order Ihi allirmed, in whole or in part, the niii-rcmc court shall direct that the amount depiied with the county clerk as aforewid, or to much thereof aa may Ixt neciinmry, lie creilit- ed upon the linlijiiieiil so rendered, and etecutioii nluill iwoie for the I mini ice of said Judgment, lUiinaues and Coti. ThereiiiHiii It shall l the duty ol such county ch rk lo aptdy no much ol th amount dcinwilwl with him as a(oniiiil aa lutll 1 tieceewiry to aatlnfy the amount ol Ihe iudu'iiient. decree, and linal older. 11, uikiii a linal hearitiir, udifiiH'iit .hall lw refuae.1 for the sale d the land or lota lor the Uses, penal- lee, Intt-rewt, and osits, or any part hereof, in aaid proceed inn, thecoun y clerk sliall pay over tothesirty who hull have made audi ilepit. or ins eiially aulhoriml aaent or represents ive. the amount ol the detvlt, ami In miv event .hall so refund so much thereof as .hall renin in after the snti.laclion ol the ludKinrnt, intercut, a -id coets mmiiml the land or lots In n-eix-ct to which inch depuait alutll have been made. (Holder of ccttiflcaU must pay latcs Forfeiture.) Section 4H. Kvery piirchaaer of rt-rti llmte ol delinquency shall, hefoie hmnlvlns fur liidiiment and dwri-e of r.,r- iMiire. nav all taxes uiai nave ac erue.1 on the proerty included In said ccrtillinte elm tlie laaiuim-eoi sam cer tificate, and any prior taxes tluit may remain due Slid unpaid on bhki proper tv. 11 any purchaser of dellmiuent cer lillcales shall sutler n sulnciuent lax to lHiuno delni.Ueiit, slid a ulsusplenl .-.-ri I catu ol Ue inuuency w i.nuo on ihe same property includeil lu his Ct-r lillcale, such tlrt purchaser shall lor felt Ids rihta thereunih r to the suh i.Mineiit tmrchiiHcr. and such sulieei ....nt. Ktin luiMir ahall. at the time of ohlaliiliiK his ivrtllknte of dcliniiieiicy inleem said llmt rertlllcate ol Uelin meiicv outstanding thereon to the Uat t siiid redemption, and the amount so paid In redemption shall Iwconie a part ( siihl ul.eiiicni ivniiicie oi oeon- (pieticy, ami uraw interest st too m.e ol llttenn ier cent per annum from the late of payment. Nnt liomor oi a cer- ticitlo ( (leliliipiency ieriiiniinit a enu-.(iui-nt eertillcate to issue on the sanio pro)erty snail, on nonce irom uu m. .11. l,.r. aiiiremh-r said eertlcate ol dillniiieiicy on payment lolilmoiine ntlnMintioit money nam ny tne siinse- (iicnt purtdiaser. 1'iovlded, that this section ahull not apply U counties or municlpnlitii'M. a e s (Publication as costs.) Section f2. I .t case sny person shall i.. mimiHillcd to iiuliliHli a notice in . " . . I I ..!. newspspcr umler mo provmiona oi nun act, then, neiure any ixthoh wu uj have a rl(tnt to reileeui inu minis or un (nun sale shall be permitted to redeem, he shall pay hi the olHecr who by law In authorise! to toceivo aucn rwunnir the amount Paid for pub llHliinir such notice, for the use of the person eoinpolh"! to Pl,1,lish such tlce, as afotesaid. test five dollars. (AsslKtinieiit hy owner.) Hecllon (10. Certillcutes (it delin itienc,v sluill be aKslttnithle In law, and ii assignment thereof shall vest in tlie assignee or his lcnl representative all lie riiiht and title, of tlie original pur- hasei . (Tuxes void six years sltor delinipien- cy.) Section (10. All taxes heretofore or hereafter levied hy any county, city, town, school district, district, rsirt or oilier municipal taxiiiK BKency or district of the state of Oregon, after the expiration of six ycui. from the time hen such taxes are dwlilKiueiit, shall be void: Provided tluit this section shall not he construed ss affectinir any ik-ht at'iitilrtsl under or by virtue of the issuance ol a certificate ol ueltmpieiicy provided for in this act. Men creditor may siy tax.) Section 07. Any person who lias a en by inortuaite, or otherwise, upon any land on which the taxes have not wen Haul may pay or redeem men taxi snd the interest end clisr-i hereon; and the receipt of the person ilhoriccd lo receive such tax or re- emption money shall constitute an ad itional lien on such land to the mount therein specillcd, and the In terest and char sks thereon; and tne mount so id, snd the Interest snd 'laritea thereon, i-liall le rolleciioie with, aa part of. and In the same man ner as the amount secured by tho origi nal lien. Ill 1 1", KClloa IU4, funded 1. iltirluilt rcilriitt'liuH.. Payment of tax by oeeuiaut or tenant .) Section K. When any tax on any real estate sliall have lieen paid by or ol lifted from any occupant or tenant hen there is some other ja-rson wno, hy agreement or otherwise, ought to nav such tax. or any part thereof, sucn occupant or tenant shall l entitle-1 to recover by action the amount, wnicn iich peraou should have paw, w" m- erestl hereon; or ho may retain tlis atimo out of any rent due or accruing rom him lo such person lor real oataie un which such tax Is so paid. (B. a C. Comp.. uon II4J, no tbnt.) NEWS OF THE WEEK In a Condensed Form lor Busy Readers. Our HAPPENINGS OF TWO CONTINENTS K Resume of th Last Important but Not Lata InUrastlng Evenf of the Past Week. (Fees.) Section Ml. 1. The lax collector .I..H oon the lasimiico of a cetUllcate of ilnllnouiincv. collect fifty cents. For making a deed, U) inciuue not uiuio tliiin ten tracU or lots, Including all services rendered, IncludliiK hB and postiiiR notices, three dollars. 3. The county clerk shall, upon filing applica tion for judgment, and for all services rendered to and ineliidlnn Judgments, collect two dollars. 4. The clerk of tho court shall collect irom cacn con testant at the lime of llllnit sucli con- ( Helical ing section.) Section 7. That chapters 6, 6, and 7, ol title XXX of the Codes and Stat utes of Oregon, compiled snd annotated by Hon. Charles It. Itellinger and Wit- I lull! W. Cotton; and sections , o, o, 7, M, , 10, 11, and 12 ol an act ap proved liecembcr 24, 1U03, and found upon ik'e 4 et aenuitur of the General I. w of the Snectal M8ion OI iww: ami an act enlithil "An act to amend siH tlon 3iMiH ol Itellinger and Cotton's Aiini.liitcd tVsles Slid Statutes ol Ortf goi," approved February 12, 1903; and an act entitled "an act io ki at enlitlwl "An act to amend section 30l8 ol llellinger and lotion s Anno li...l Cmlea and Statutes of Oregon, apnt oved February 12, 103, and to do- . .. I r an an nttierwiicv." apnroveu it- cwinlwr 24. 103 and ctmptcis; 7, 63 145, 1.1(1, 102, and 183 of the Lcncral ljLut Orciroit. 1!K5; and an act flltd In tlie olllce of the secrolsry of slate IVeemlwr 24. 1U03. entitled "An act to amend suction 3122 ol llellinger ana I Vll.wi'n AniiiitntiHl Code and MaliUcS f i,....,,n " ml an act entilleo An .! in inieiul sect on JWI 01 mo vu nd Statutes ol Oregon, aa annotatci i... i'i,uri,. it. ltnl n ircr and William VV. Cotton, and giving the apportion inent or revenues tor uie rutio ainong the several counties, snd defining the method or protXHxIini? in making tne ... 1.-.,. state apportionment," approveu rcu- r.i..rv "4. 11MI3: and all oilier acia aim parts of acta auiemuitory or any oi trie acts and sections alwvo set loim, anu all acts and sirts of ads in conflict t,.,r' I i. lie and t 10 Slime nereov nie renealcd: Provided that the repeal of . . . . ... I . .. .. .1 Ululnlna SIH'llon ilimil Ol IIIP ico n '" ol Oregon, cimipiliHl and annotated ny Hon. Charles It. llellinger and William vv r..n..n. nlmll not affect tho dupli cute thereof, section 3374 of said Codes and Statutes of Oregon, as the same is ..I...I 1, mi net annroved reoruary M iiin:t. and found upon IKC 214 of the (ienerul I41WS of Oregon, 1003. (SiivinK cluuse.) Section 80. That, notwithstanding .,vil,lnir to th contrary In this act contained, all laws heretofore In force un, eiuil.lniiiMl In force and effect until all things and acts in and tbont the as acsemeiit, apiHiitionmcnt and levy o: tuxes upon tlie basis of ownership o prowityon tho first day of March 10117 mid the asscsJiiient, apportion inent, levy, and collection of taxes, and priHewllngS incident inereto, nmoe u .........nceil nrlor to Mun h 1, 11)07, ex .,) ,w Kinx-iileil in section 65 of thii act, have been fully and duly done and performed as fully as If this act had nvr hin emicted. but the taxes levied on the bnsis of ownership of property on the first day of March, 1A07, Bhall Iw. .v.lleetcd aa herein provided. This art sliall not lie construed to inhibit or take away tho power ol counties, incur immtMl cities or towns, school district, ...i .tutrteia. noitaor other municipal corporations or agencies to levy such mte or amount of general or special taxes as now or heretofore by law they may lie permitted or required to levy Much Same. Tlis American I supposo you never heard a geuulne ludlau war wuoup. did you? The Englishman No; but I'vs board onis of yur college yolls. On Ulaoordant Not. RurToa Wralx-Tlis Ides of jour claim In' to lie overworked, ye durnod old hobo I Tuftold Knutt I sm ovorworked, b'goshl Fifty times a day I hey to ex nliiln how It Is that I don't lit no e.n ployinent when the country Is jlsl rueulu' vsr wit' prosuorlty. TO PROTECT SALMON. The king of Biam i to visit the Unit ed States. An explosion of gsaoline started a 100,000 fire In Chicago. China is to resuscitate Its navy. Ten million dollars is to be provided yearly lor the woik. Fruit men of Southern California are tailing their troubles to the Interstate Commerce commission. A snowsllde at Monarch mountain, Coin., buried three houses. At least a hmen lives were lost in the slide. In Northern Montana the tempers. turn Is reported 60 Udow xero, the cold' est in 27 years. All railroad tralllc is la standstill. . Seven miners met death In a wreck f a ttsil train on the Chicago & North- estcrn near the corporation lim.U 01 lies Moines, Iowa. Seven persons were injured, some of Item perhaps fatally, by a flre in a Sew York rag stoic. The people were all asleep when the flre broke out. The Willamette and Columbia river valleys are experiencing the highest . . m r a t. water In several yeais. me t. it. S. railway is having much trouble with lu tracks. The third explosion in West Virginia mines in two weeks has just occurred. In Uie last disaster between 25 and 35 men were entombed and rescue is lou M ful on account of (a1. Senator Culloin says "war talk is boah." Oregon and Washington Legislative Committees Roach Agrsement. Portland. Feb. 6. By agreement 1- tween the lawmakers ' of Oregon and Washington, reached at a concurrent committee conference held in this city, bills will be introduced within a few days in the Oregon and Washington legislatures recommending inai no sal mon fishing lie allowed on the Colum bia river between 6 o clock p. m. Hat unlay to 8 p. in. Sunday, during the summer open season, w hich 11 is plan ned will extend Irom April zu to Au gust 20. Tlie bills will shorten the present open season five days in April and five days in August. ' The proposed bills will make tne closed season from March 15 to April 20 and from August 20 lo September 10. The present law makes the closed seasons from March 15 to April 15 and frm August 25 to September 10. The lengthening of the closed season and abolishing Sunday fishing are the principal features of the measure agreed upon by the members of the concurrent committee from the Oregon and Wash ington legislatures, appointed to frame a bill to be passed by the law makers of the two states for the protection of Columbia river salmon. One of the principal objects of a later committee which this committee re commended will 1 the attempt to de vise a plan to make a fishway around Celilo falls, so Unit Uie salmon can easily get into the upper Columbia. IN THE NATIONAL HALLS OF CONGRESS Monday, February 4. 'division of time and the paternal ad- Washington, Feb. 4 .The senate oc-! vice of the speaker to allow the chair- cupted the first two hours of ita session The president has given $100 to the Chinese famine fund. SHOWS PROSPEROUS YEAR. Olliver has formed a strong syndicate to dig the Panama canal. Heavy losses will he sustsined by Montana stockmen, as feed is scarce, California Japanese oppose exclusion and have sent a lawyer to Washington The United States mint at New Or- leans is coining $1,000,000 fortheMex ican government. llimdreihi of cattle are dying from exhaustion snd cold In Uie Salmon rlv er, Idaho, country. Chicago is exerieiicing a little of rim winter weather tliat has Been sweeping tlie states further west. llimhes. of New lork, is keeping his campaign pledge and having nothing to do with the bosses. A tmlnload of Omaha manufacturers and jobbers w ill visit the Pacific North- wwt earlv in the spring in an enon 10 secure trade. The Navy department lias figures howing that a first-class battleship can In hnilt cheaper hv a private company ilmn in the irovernment yards. The difference is about $350,000. - The Thaw jury is now complete. Light earthquake shocks continue to be felt at Kingston. Kussia will borrow $25,000,000 to feed her famine sufferers. Another terrible blixrard is sweeping Montana and British Columbia. The governor of Caracas has been murdered by adherents of President Homes. A 2-cent passenger fare bill has been favorably reported in the Missouri leg islature. The entire appearance of the Solomon islands in the South sea lias been changed by an earthquake. Tim nresldent and Admiral Kvans have approved the action ol Davis in the Kingston affair. A bill has been introduced in the Illinois legislature providing Uie death penalty for burglars and highway rob bers. The Periodical Publishers' associa tion of America has determined to fight the proposed change in second class mail regulations. Another blixxnrd has swept North Dakota. The Chinese government is arresting many reformeis. A slight earthquake Bhock is report ed from Greenville, 111. The French cabinet is in danger of a split on the church question. Internal Commerce for 1806 Broke All Previous Records. Washington, Feb. 5 .The movement of internal commerce during the past year exceeded tliat for any previous one in the history ol the country, according to a statement just issued by the bureau of statistics of the department ol loru' merce and Labor. Livestock receipts at the seven pn . , ... flea mary markets aggregates v,iti,v-j head, exceeding those ot uie previous year by more than 150,000. Shipments ol nackimr house products from I hi cago, except canned meats and dressed hoirs. show irains as compared wiui those ot eiUier of the two immediate preceding years. Of these products during Uie year, the aggregate ship- mcl.ta were 67,775,SUO pounds; canneo meats, 117,6H8,650 pounds; cureo 304.fi42.049 pounds; dressed beef. 1.308.072.285; dressed hogs, 13 170,300 pounds; hides, ,lo,o-u pounds; lard, 421,914,520 pounds, and pork, 30,581,200 pounds, making a total of 2,"8,016,443 pounds, being Avr 100.000.000 rounds in excess ol Uie previous year. The tota irrain receipts at 10 inter ior Drimarv markets were 798,521 885 bushels, an increase of 250 000 ovre 1905. The tota movement em braced: Wheat, 243,735,058 bushels corn. 242.722.716 bushels; oats, 233, 300,339 bushels; barley, 69,469,290 himhel. and rve. 9.294.282 bushels. The receipts of grain at six Atlantic and Gulf ports aggregate 21,biii,wo bushels, an increase ol 14,ouo,uw ousu els. Shipments of anthracite coal from Eastern producing districts aggregated 55,647,296 tons, a preceptiDie uecreate tolay in perfecting Uie house bill per itting the government to take an ap peal on points of law In certain crlm- nal cases. The lull ts intended 10 ,-ach cases similar to that against the meat packers. The bill was laid aside to permit further discussion of Carter's resolu tion aimed at the recent order ol the secretary of the interior preventing the issuance ol land patent to cntrymen until after an examination on the ground by a special agent, lleyburn continued the remarks he began several lays ago and Newlands followed in de- tense ol the secretary. liacon made a brie! statement in tended to show that Beveridge bad been n error regarding the operation of the child labor law in Georgia. Washimrton. Feb. 4. The house passed a numlier of important bills to- lay, including the Mccnmper service pension bill, the omnibus lighthouse hill and the omniuus revenue cuiier bill. The omnibus lighthouse bill car ries a total apropriation of $1,598,500 for the nghthouse establishment and an additional sum of $195,000 for addi tional light keepers. The house, by a vote ol 10 to 6o, con curred in the senate amendments to the urgent deficiency bill, loaning the Jamestown exposition $1,000,000 and safeguarding the loan by a lien on the irrosa receipts, Bills providing lor the protection 01 mine in Alaska and authorizing a re fund of certain taxes continued nnder the revenue actof 1898 were also passed ON WAR FOOTING. Wash Louie and the deepening of the Missis sippi river from St. Louis to the Gulf to 14 feet. Clark, of Missouri, delivered a char acteristic speech on behalf of the Mis sissippi river project. Others who die cussed the bill were: Rodenborg, of Illinois, Rainey, of Illinois, Crupacker, of Indiana, Madden, of Illinois, Graff, Hurry Orders Sent Out from Ington to Militii. Springfield, 111., Feb. 5. Recruits are wanted iin a hurry for the Illinois National guard and within a week ten days the rosters of nearly every nimnanv in the state infantry, artillery cavalry and signal corps alike, will lie thrown open lor emergency enlistments, nlHiwrs and nrivates meanwhile carry- i,m nn it still hunt for eiubrvonic sol diers. This stir in the state soldiery is tl rmlt of a ireneral order from the Wa department at Washington. Whether the order tears greater significance than ita face shows has not been dis closed by the Washington authorities hut Uie militia and assemblymen are quick to connect the order at this time with the agitstion over me japanew question and its possibilities. The readjustment applies to every state that has a National Guard. Smuggling in Chinese. im t.u T Vnti ft Returning 1 . i I (K.V., , , , from a triu of investigation at Mexican cated at .Nome and rairrjanss ports and along the border between the United smites anu Mexico, .univuii Braun stated today that he had found extensive, thoroughly organised and wholesale schemes for smuggling Chi nese into the X'nited States. The in vontimitinn was taken for the personal information of President Roosevelt. Oregon' Fata la In Doubt, Mr. Braun declined to give details as Washington, Jan. 30. Repairs to to his conclusions and discoveries, lie the battleship Oregon are held up be- did state, however, that one remedy cause of shortage of money. The house would be to have mounted line riders, naval committee has agreed to report a special bill appropriating $1,000,000 May Excavate Herculaneum. to put the new turret on the Oregon and Rome, Feb. 5. E. II. Oerton, the Massachusetts and make other import Biitish ambassador, has interested the ant alterations which will modernize Roosevelt savs that if tho several , Italian government In lavor 01 tne plan both ships, it uiis diii passes, too u el ites w ill not abolish child labor Uie of Charles Waldstein, professor of fine partmeiit will utilize iart of its general m.i im. must ' arts. King's college, Cambridge, for the fund to complete repairs to the Oregon, nation miiei """'.?. , ' , ,.:, , ii,,,. r.-r will r about Il.250.000. -M KJ nea, lA hBVn PXIH VUlilUll V trntnii. vj v. - , . v sv " ' ' been smuggled across the Canadlau Waldstein are being studied. Saturday, February 2. Washington, Feb. 2. Two hours were spent today by the house on the rivers and harbors appropriation bill, Deeches against the measure being made by Hepburn, Clark of Missouri and Kiefer. Impressive eulogies were delivered on the late Senaator Gorman of Maryland. Out of respect to the memory of the late Representative Flack, whose death was announced, the bouse at 4 :05 adjourned until Monday Washington, Feb. 2. The senate de voted most of the day to the reading of the Indian appropriation bill for the adoption of committee amendments. Several bills authorizing tne construc tion of bridges and one exending the terms of leasee in the Yellowstone Na tional Park were passed. After a brief executive session the senate adjourned at 3:30 o'clock out of respect to the memory of the late Representative Flack, of New ork. man of the committee of the whole (Currier, of New Hampshire) to con trol the general debate, the debate was begun by Burton, of Ohio, chairman of the rivers and haibors committee. Speeches were made by Bartholdt, of Missouri, and others. In providing for the completion 01 new projects, a radical aepanare is made in the bill from former methods. . It lias been thought best," Burton re marked, "to undertake no new Im provement unless the whole amount re quired for its completion is appropri ated or authorized." Washington, Jan. 31. Rsyner's ad dress on the expansion of executive prerogatives, Senator Lodge's brief re ply and an extended discussion of the administration of public land laws by lleyburn constituted the day's proceed ings in the senate. lleyburn continued bis criticism 01 the special order of the secretary of the interior which forbids the issuance ot patents to laud nntil after an exam ination ol the ground oy a special agent. lleyburn asserted that the creation of forest reserves had raised the price of wood for fuel In his state 75 per cent and the price of lumber generally from $2 to $5 a thousand feet. He said 18,000,000 acres of land in Idaho had been converted into forest reserves. He could make no explana tion of the policy being pursued unless it was "greed of power." Wednesday, January 30. Washington, Jan. 30. Besides fix ing Fbcruary 20 aa the day to vote on the declaration that Senator Reed Smoot, of Utah, is not enUtled to his seat, passing a bill appropriating $2, 000,000 to confine Uie Colorado river to its banks and another placing the management of the Panama railway under Uie Isthmian Canal commission, the senate today listened to an extended speech by Carter, of Montana, in criti cism of the secretary of the Interior and another by lleyburn to Uie same end. The recent order of the secretary pre venting the issuance of patents to pub-' lie land until after an examination on the ground by a special agent, was Uie subject of the criticism and many sen ators from Western states by casual in terruptions showed their approval of the sentiments expressed. Washington, Jan. 30. The house today completed the agricultural appro priation bill after adopting sundry amendments. The feature was a speech made with a view to justification of the meat Inspection law by Wadsworth, of New York, who retired from congress at Uie close of Uie session. He took Uie president seriously to task for his letter of last summer in severe criticism of the bill. The diplomatic and consular appro priation bill was sent to conference, Uie managers on Uie part of the house being Cousins, of Iowa, C. B. Landia, of In diana, and Howard, of Georgia. The river and harbor appropriation diii, carrying $84,000,000 in round numbers, was tatken np, no time being agreed upon for the close of the general debate. The consideration of Uie rivers and harbors bill was begun in the house to day. In view of the importance of the measure, carrying nearly $84,000,000, there was a very large proportion of Uie members present and there were indi cations of a batths royal over numerous projects which failed to secure favorable consideration in committee. Friday, February 1. Washington. Feb. 1. Senators paid tribute today to Uie memory ot the late Senator Arthur Pue Gorman, ot alary land. All business for Uie day was suspended at 2:30 o'clock, according to a special order, and eulogies were ue livered expressing the profound sorrow and regret of the senate at the death of the Maryland senator. Previous to this order many Dins 01 minor Importance were passed, includ ing one fixing the salaries of city mail- carriers, making the first year's salary $600, with an annual increase or $100 until a marimum salary of $1,200 has been reached. Another bill passed in creases the pension of all Indian war survivors from $8 to $10 per month. There are now 5,000 survivois of these wars. Washington, Feb. 1 .Appropriations for rivers and harbors again occupied the attention 01 tne nouse touay. me'. . Mn ,,,.:-, mnat . , , ... IU1B1 IlllllUlllliawui. speeches again dealt largely with ie i of the dav in the house, and, as usual, proposed canal irom cnicago to ..' jm, i,(L-i ,k th Tuesday, January 29. Washington, Jan. 29. The agricul- when the amendment striking out the free distribution of seeds was reported, the members from the farming districts outvoted tVose from Uie cities, revers ing a ruling of the chair by a vote of 136 to 85, and restored Uie paragraph, as lias been Uie lawfo years. Washington, Jan. 29. The senate session today began with a lecture from of Illinois, Shackelford, of Missouri, Hale, who contended uiai too mucn Chandler, of Mississippi, Mation, 01 talking and not enougn wora was ucuig Pennsylvania and Garrett, of Tennessee, done. He had particular reference to Bills were passed fixing the bounda- his inability to secure the passage of ries of land adjoining the Coeur d'Alene the diplomatic and consular and fortl- reservation in Idaho, and creating two fications appropriation bills, which dditional land districts in Alaska, lo- were on the calendar, isetore me ses sion ended, the two measures nad Deen ilisorjied of. Beveridge concluded his Thursday, January 31 three-day speech on his child-labor bill. II nets Allen. "It's true," said Uncls Allen Sparks, "thnt a roH by ny other earns would smell as swset, but It isn't tho same way with an old cheese. You can shoot a lit tle green nnlut Into It and pass It o! for Roquefort." In l.lualdatloa. Scott (showing ring) I'd hnte to lose it. It's a dlmuond of the first ra ter. Mott You snld just now youd soaked It three times. Boston Trsn-crliU boundary into eastern states. More than half tho flow of the Colo rado river has been turned hack into Uio old channel and it is believed it will swiii be entirely under control. I ..niuiimiin Kiul has received assurances that the application and plan of Pro fessor Waldstein are King Victor Kimvnuel has accepted the honorary presidency of the committee on excavations. Washington, Jan. 31 .The river and His argument today was devoted to Uie harbor appropriation bill occupied prac-: constitutional powers of congress to pro ticallyall of the time of the house to- hibit interstate commerce in child day. After a short colloquy over the made goods. Alaska Camp Out of Food. Seattle, Jan. 30. On January 12, the Rush received a telegram from Act ing Governor Distin, of Alaska, saying that the condition of the little mining camp of Yakataga Beach was critical. The Rush immediately put out with a supply of provision sufficient to last the village for at lead five monlhs. 8he arrived off Yakataga Beach on the 14th in a heavy gale. They found twenty five men, nine women and six children just at the last of their provisions, and it the Rush had not come, starvation was inevitable. There course. is some opposition to this Sauitra Storm In Kansas Kansas Citv. Feb. 5. The severest ask that the oath be adminstered to Mr inter is raging througn wuisey, Navy May Relieve Famine. Washington, Jan. 29. Represent, tive Humphrey today laid before the Navy department a novel plan for re lieving the fuel famine lan the North west, particularly in Washington. He If Mr. Mulkey's credentials foundth the navy has at its coaling sta- Mulkey at Washington. Washington, Jun. 30. When the senate meets at noon tomorrow, Senator Fulton will present the credentials of Senators Bourne and Bourne, and will Rinaldo M. Hall, of Portland, was :.i.... n. !...-; 11. . rvuiut CIIIWII fraiwiiil ui v..o " I ..,., f l,M u-illh.F is nn Admen's league at ita Spokane meet-. Ing- f u., at. nr nniF mm. uii at once enter upon his duties , 1 uin w.i,w...v...v , - - ... .1 .. . , . !.. u : in U..1.A. nl H,n orniuwl nml llourne will not lane tne onw imiui roucy noiuera 01 .011.1 rnmcaw ... , .....- 7 e . . ... Mll,v srrlved too lute contract the Trans-Atlantio Fire Insurance com-1 snow suii inn ng. ui.veu oy u . w . - . 1 . . . . to tha of tbe Norlh, All trains are marked mio. smiit 10 w m mi " . " . . . 1 1 Ani vs... ... ,i inh isfonri, with are approved, new... i ' i V.. " L3iV nH ntW d- iuri 1 iv iiu iiiiiiixjvi- ou mi - until liveries are being regularly made under lie suggests that all mis pany will get but 25 per cent on settlo- wind. moot. from 45 minutes to six hours. , the senate at all. I west