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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 14, 1906)
1 1 HAY FEVER MARTIAL LAW NOIY "Havtng uud Ptruxa for ccUrrk kayrvtr, can rtctmmrndtt to Jl tvAo kappr u t, iu u Sa,, t Km it,, Palma Is Cetermtned to Crash sw wonatrjui'ir. Harm . Smk. V.t. B lt.S54Jf.5i Six ' ' :y Cuban Rebellion. LIBERAL LEADERS ARE AKKESTEC MAY NOT SECURfc CHINESE. H.lp Dig MJBS MA MM tMJTU, 444 Cm Mound Street Colnmbtu, Ohio HAY fc'ER it endemic catarrn. It if caused by hn Irritating fob stance in lli atmcapher during lb 1st nmoet month. It' is general! tbe nth t that the pollen of certain weed nil flower it tbe catue of it Province of Plnar dal Rio. Havana and Santa Clara ara Scan of Worst Ditordera. Havana, Sept. 11. President Pal ma tonight isued a decree suspending all constitutional guarantee, with special reference to article 15, 17, 19. M, J3, i'4 and 27 ia tbe province o( Pinar dl Rio, Harana and Santa Clara. The law enlorcing public order, which i equivalent to martial law, aleo i pat in immediate effect in the threw prov ince named. A tupplemental decree ha been inn- ed suspending tbe decree of August 28 pardoning repentant rebel and order ing that all rebel be arretted and jailed. Both decree bar been communicat ed to all officer in the fleld. Coincident with the issuance of the decree, which followed tonight' de cision not to yield to the bmi de mands, tbe government ordered the ar- fon,lr' reet of practically every nrominent Lib eral. Alfredo Ziyea, preaideot of the! Lioerai party, and aeveral otbr Liber al leader have disappeared. Havana and Santa Clara province quie, but Santiago i reported un easy. American at Santiago etat tbat Oriental Not Anxiout to Panama Canal. New York, Sept. 10. Cbsrlett Yip Tin, the Pierpont Morgan of Cbiua, ii In thi country investigating tbe opera tloo of the American railroad systems He i an American! Chinaman, wbo i a financial and political power in China, having recently been created taotai by the emperor. Speaking of th plan to build the rnama canal with coolie labor, be aid today: "It I eaiy for yonr president to say tbe eolation or tn labor problem on the Panama canal may be met by the importation of Chineee coolie. It i quite another matter to get cooliee in any great number to woik on your great enterprise nnder the condition named. Neither my government nor my people are anxioua to further thit work. The government realiae tbat the cooliee woo'd not receive tbe eame consideration shown tbe laborer of other nationalities and th common people tbemeelve bav become thor oughly conversant with all tbe detail! of yonr eaclo.ioo law, of the climatic peril of Panama and of tbe bonding scheme affecting coolie laborer on the canal. I think I can sum np ibeir feel ing beat by saving that tbey will not belp boy $10,000 worth of Am rican prosperity at the expense of 1 worth ol Chinese labor and suffering. "If the United State must have la. borer' live to sacrifice wby not em ploy a few of the thousands of ether foreigner who are admitted to your thi port every year? We SEARCH GLOBE FOR RUMER. Maar Peril Are Kaeaeatma Ii Oalhrriea the . Proui Southern Mexico In toe north to Northern Paraguay lii tbe south; from the Atlantic un the east, right through the devious wanderlug of tlie many branches and trlbutnrle of the mighty Atuaiou aud ri'ht on, out to tbe Paclttc, ou the went ; through the mys terious, trackless sud utterly unknown sclltude of the Paraguayan and Ho Ilvlan Cbocot out Into Peru, the rub her hunters are at work on the plant and tree put ready to their uae by the bouuteout baud of nature. Where they go on their Journeys or precisely what they do, no white man know to thia day. or 1 ever likely to know, ys the Philadelphia Ledger. ens than a yenr ago I met with aud poke In Kitgllnh to an Italian mer chant In the wild of Xlatto (inweo, the uorthisteru province of Hratll, whose AtarTi I I . . '.v.- 11 ' f I V r ' . iw ry r-v n 7V OF ALL TOMICS The lucrcJicuts that enter into S. S. S. and tbe method of com. biuing and preparing them so that they build up and strengthen' every part of the ixnly, make it tnc greatest oi an louics. cs. . s. is uature'i retnedy PURELY VECITABLhu while it is restoring the lost tpr tite, overcoming that tired, run-down tceiing, ami oilier ainuenis common to Spring, wf,fci, warn us that it is neoessary to take a tonic, it is purifying the blood of all tx)isons and waste . 1 i 1 i . a 1 . I .. . .. 4 l ...... I 1 ......... . t . matters so that it can supply to me system me Biiengui mm iikiimsiiiiichi uccus tokceoit uuitns tnat are to lollow. know th vslue of our labor and intend to keep it at home as mocb as poeei Di. ' UNCLE SAM KEEPING WATCH. in pci feet condition during the depressing sntmuer iiuu Spring is the season wneu mosi every one needs a tonic. It is nature's time for capital city u Ave we,- journey from renewing and changing; and as everything be seat or gv.rertuneiit at Mo de Jane- puts OU HCW lite, tlie Sap t lSCS 111 VCgeiailOll, ro. for twenty years lie bad not heard nj, t j,aws out from jts witlter frecCS, ln sound of Euclisti vol.-e ami during , . c.:....' ..M ,, years rubber ha been flow- ail respoim iu u"K in through bis band, down the giant and punfv themselves, there is a great Kiver Paraguay, on iu way to the mar- change also takes place in our tMxIies. The .:V?1 w v:Jr!'"r..A?r! or blood endeavors to throw off the poisons and tion he kuowa little. accumulations winch nave toruieu m the To skip, in spirit, from the north- system, and been absorbed by it, from the east coaat of south America across the jnactive winter life, and calls ujxii every south Atlantic to tropical Africa, the . . .i i- ri om tbe t;oid co,t. the Zsmti. member to assist in the elimination. I he t'ganda and other part, i not a dif- system is often unequal to the struggle, the Bcutt uiHiertaklng. Hut here all Is anoetite PTOWS fickle, the energies irive wav. chauged. ami. Iiwtesd of having uotle .ii. l ,...! ,! .,.,.,1 foreat tm at his di-powl. the rub- V "i""13, uyi""KU' " c. - U-rbuuter dads himself dependent on QOW11 COliaitlon IS Hie rCSUK. Then the rxxiy must have assistauce it must be strengthened aud aided by a tonic, AN CtTOKT TO TULL THROUQlt THI DAY. I have used M. 8. 8, quite extensively and onhestnBM. rsoommend It as the beat blood purifier and tonto md I am a machinist by trade and at on time my aystsm wu so run down that by 10 o'olooa svsry day I would bseosi exhausted, and it was with th aratet effort thu 1 oould pull through the balanoe of the day. Hlnoe tkin. 8. t rt., however, all thla haa dlaappeared. lamastroa? vigorous man, abundantly able lo do my day'a work sir appstits has bn w hetted up so that I eaa eat anythm my aleep ta w..t and refreshing, and I know funhsr thai It hss punasd my blood and put It la Rood oomntion, ' oaunot apeak too highly of your great remedy, H H M 17 W. Uroad Ht Oolumbua, O. A. B, MONTOOMtRT, S1IK lOt'ND IT THE BK8T PPR1NO TONIO. Change of locality seem to tbe be I the only rational cure. The use of Per nra in Eteni Cuba to squelch Guerrera i wTr, i.tuiuiefce toe aervoue sys tern to resist tbe effect of th poison on emanation and sometimes carries th victim through the hay fever tea in eastern cooe, to squelch Goerrera is wh!n.t,n . , . groondless, a the sentiment of the peo- a w"hlDtOD- P'- 10 - Pl. there i. very hugely anti govrT- iJJ' T ment.. .though m yet not belligerexL lZ -LJ. son without an attack of tbe diM-ase. A large number of people rely npor Parana for this purpose. Those whr do not find it convenient to chrg their location to avoid Hay Fever won Id do well to give Pernna a trial. It has proven of priceless vale to many peo- He K irw. , . "I want to get some bird seed," aald ' the customer. ; "Don't try to plague me. smarty .'" " cried the new clerk from the country. "Birds grow from esjs, not seeds." The Catholic Standard and Times. Greatest Privilege f Cltlsrakls. Tbe right to homestead on the pub lic domain Is the greatest privilege of American citizenship, says Farming. Tbe right to homestead Is eo-existeot with citizenship. Every citizen over 21 year of age, every Immigrant who has aeclared bis or ber intention of be coming a citizen, every bead of a fam ily, male or female, even though under 81, may locate a tract not to exceed 180 acre and after Ave years' resi dence will receive absoluta titls thereto. Fr Grows That Intervention Alone Can Restore Peace. Washington, Sept. 10. Tbe State lose touch The feeling grow tnat tbe time wben there most be intervention is not far distant. I . L. , . , . ue uisarxenia mate any Deauasy in their movement opon Havana or mani feet any disposition to interfere with the vast American interest in tbe is land. Unci Sam will take a hand Official decline to disease the subject. Governor of Seidtice. Russia. Turn! The government will act promptly in Cannon on Terrorist. preventing filibustering eipeditione. c. B , , but it doe not want to send forte into .. ..ersfcurg, oep,. ii. Advice Cuba until that government has plain IrOm CSeidl TrIVrl nvina k. I 1 I . . .... . . . r. . k -----------"b " "" ly aemonsiraiea 10 me world tbat it is ogniing ana Dom- nnabl to cope with condition and u j WQ,cn ceMea Donl Properly protect foreign interests. Jiuuu, mat reeumea late On two ooculou 1 have used 8. 8. H. In th spring wit tine results. I eaa heartily recommend It aa atonioaad blood purtlter. I waa troubled with headaoha, Imtlgsstkra and Itvsr troublsa, whloh all disappeared nnder the use of H. B. rJ. Mr appetite, whlott waa poor, waa greallv bslped. I oan eat anything I want sow without fear of I. dlirtlon. and my blood has bees thoroughly oleaased of all Impurities and made rich and strong agala. A a toot and blood purtnsr It I all you olalra for It. 771 K. Malarlt.. Hprlagflld.O. MKH. O. WICOEL, A aispatcn from Mannn Ha states that two editor, fonr citv officials and several other Liberal have left that town to organise a rebel band. KILL OFF REDS. and S. S. S. is the ideal one. Heing made entirely from roots, herbs and barks, it does not disaereeabl v affect the system in any way as do most of the so-called tonics on the market which contain Potash or some other harmful mineral ingredient to derange the stomach and digestion, unfavorably affect the Uiwcls, or otherwise damage the health. S. S. S. tones up the stomach and digestion and assists in the assimilation of fotd; it rids the system of that always-tired, worn-out feeling, and imparts vigor and tone to every part of the body. It re establishes the healthy circulation of the blood, stimulates the sluggish organs, and calmi the unstrung nerves winch make one feel that he is on the verge of prostration. S. S. S. in the alternoon, apparently in conse quence of Governor Enselke'i demand tbat the Jewish and Polish populace deliver np to bim the member of the Jew leh belf Defense association. The ound refused tbis, preferring death in the open to a tarn surrender, and re- NEW SLATE FOR CABINET. Attorney General Moody Soon to Ad vance to Supreme Bench. Washington, Sept. 10. Political wiseacre wbo have been predictin A Csrlcaa 811k. 6!cily upplle a curious silk which 1 spun by the pdlna. a Mediterranean shell Bb which has a little tube at tbe end of Its tongue. Out of this tnbe, plder-fashlon, or sllkworm fssh lon. It spins a silk thread, with which It fastens Itself on any rock It fan cies. - Wben tbe puina moves Its silken cble remains behind. This cable, which 1 called byssus. tbe Sicilian fish ermen gather. Byssus weates Into the onest ana sblnlest of fabrics, but it It very rare and expensive Her Killlif Snll. "Whst's the reson you csn't collect that bill from that woman T stormed the proprietor of the collection sjency. fumeo m battle. Artillery waa again tbat Atorney General Moody would soon i'?Kg a lD tCUu' bDt " if Dot kn0WD nti" to P" og at tbe if the fighting itill continue. renort that he is to he . h. ,i Vh. ""T""""0 , oolln " detail. Bnpreme bench. Tbey now claim they U th Vnri at RaaiHlsvaa .m - 1 l I..... . . J , Z , 7 , , T ny insiae iniormation on what will tie absolutely forbid commnnication be done. Thi. i. the w.y tbey have it Ann i n rn n- b mil ------ er t i . . . . ... viitrviuueuia. me ior iDii year -.aieo rreas correepondent at War- W. H. Moody from attorney general -,. .IU1, ,mmlJ eoaeav- to supreme bench; C. J. KonaparU " wu7 Bkl lI-KfJO LOW 11 Ol I IrtiffYl ? Hanase maol . c ... . I " '' vsveai .ujcu iu gtivuiury KCO' retdlce, was obligei to give ud the era f: Rwrr. Vnn l i.. t. Petersburg to Savy department; Leslit M. Slaw to retire from the cabinet and roatmaater General Cortelvon to sue ceed him. snaky, clltublng. t latin vines for hla rubN'r supplies, vines which usurp ev ery luch of territory they can Invade, aud render a paiwage through the for ests a matter of great difficulty and some danger. These vines, known as "landolphiaa," of which tlvero are several siwles, are member of tbe natural order aocy-uax-te and are common to tbe whole f trupl.-al Africa. Tbey differ from the American tree. In tbat tbey nro- 'lui-e rubber Ir the renter of tlie stem. ss well ss from tbe cells underlvlne tbe Inner com Mum, but whst Quantity I m'vec 4n annerito anA rolicli (,r f.vul lti n.itliiie it.w on,! Iiu ach plant will produce there are no . ' . i ... l . . ' ... vul data to base an estimate upon. scivca wmi iia ueariy, uuugry an appetite m opniig as ill any omer sea.son. Although the landoipbta form the it acts more promptly ana gives oetter aua more lasting results man any other remedy. (lcbili. ficatioii of well as for toning up and helping the entire system. When you take your tonic this Snrinc do .iot experiment, but get the best the tonic with forty years of success behind it, and the one endorsed by the best people all over the country S, S, S.. THE GREATEST OF Alt act now eem to be a fashionable plant T0HI05. it is necessary at uus time, whcu the system is depleted ana weakened at every to cultivate a close aociatiouship point, that the right remedy be used one that is especially adapted to the condition, and with. It rew.ut.les the beres to some O C C r.rn,l ItoU f !,;. n,1.. Tf :.. ... t.- Jexree. but I. smaller, of aftergrowth. ell Tl r , i t. ' i "t i t and rwiuire a iittie ie rainfall to of iP"ng the system will be so built up and strengthened that the disagreeable affections of we season win not be telt as warmer weather comes on. THE SWIFT SPEOIFIO COMPANY, ATLANTA, OA, .,. !. ..... . .(... . . 1 aouie ol me Arncan ruuoer sup- ana is aosouueiy saie oecausc or us vegetaoie purity, uysjieptic, irritable, nen'ons. 1 ? " r ,lttd FP'e will find S. S. S. is just the medicine that is needed for the puri contribution to the ...m fr.,i ti. tne blood, which, from its diseased or impure condition, is causing their trouble, as funtumla or klcksla, of which there are two species, elastics and Afrlcanla. was worked to a considerable extent a C""''lr of a centurv but It tLie cuori ai miacigtil. At Eadgufciweka, 40 mile east of Warsaw, which is the site of the gnat Sysradow mill., condition, similar to those at Seidlc were witnessed. Th. soldier are said to have killed 40 per son.. Fnsetives from Seidlee reoort th.t Governor Engelke issued an ultimatum Steamer Leaves New York With Arm. WAR MUNITIONS FOR CUBA. leclariiig that he would bombard th. abole town unless the terrorist ur rendered. In consequence of the pillage j and destruction, tbe peasant are sul- iering ior lood and water. A telegram received here lata last oigbt from fieidlce, from a resident who succeeded in emailing it through tbe """""'I. "j iaai pillaging com- "This Is the seventh time you've been end 6tnrday night instead of San- officwl who was in for Palma's Troops. ew lork, Sept. 10. The Cuban government steamer Maria Herrera, which ha been loading arm and am munition at th foot of i'orty-eecond street, eootb Brooklyn, tbe past week, sanea to is evening, supposedly for Ha van. Tbe vessel's departure was un expected, aa Benor Aldemo, the Cuban after It" "You Just go round there and let ber beam on you once," replied tbe agent, "and you'll find the reason why '." Wholesale Catties;. "Tea, w used to sit out on the old day, and after a few minute firine in Warsaw street tbe soldier broke into ?in shops, became drunk and then en tered indiscriminately the apartment, of bouse of all clause, killing. nillr- wg ana committing under cover of the wall, the most heinous crimes. chart of her. said be would not leave New York before Tuesday or Wednesday. According to acting lodbuI General Antonio Alti miri, she was to ship 800 ton. of arms equipment and other munitions of war. At noon luxuriate. Turning to India, aud to Asia gener ally. !t will not be found tbat the con tinent Is rich In indigenous rubber- bearing plants. Tbe flous elastics, the Indian ruiber plant of the window ardetier, la found In Assam and Bur- ua and the federated Malay states, but Its produce Is of very Inferior quality. Certain climbers slso yield rubber, tbe tbree chief ones being the urceola. cborieriiorpua, and tbe Wllloughbla. The fact tbat Para aud other rubbers are being cultivated In India, etc.. Is sufficient proof of tbe poorness of tbe continent of Asia In iudigenous rubber bearing plants. t'eara rubber Is collected by stabbing the tree In a number of places clone together, snd as the Juice eludes It coagulates In tbe air, and Is rolled np Into balls by tbe collectors. It Is usually In a dirty state when It cornea to the market Tbe product of the Ileus elastics and the other Asiatic plsnta Is usually sim ply uu-tlrleil; the rubber from the former can be identified at a glance by IU peculiar red color. NU Prmix et Mia. "O, Hrot: siclslaed lb lottiy girl st th sunawr roM. "laa't lb nif lovely from her? !!' tit down la th bads ef thi aobl Sid bch sail tnjey U ." "I think. Nsllis." Mid Hr!d, "yon wilt Had th hl better a Ik etbr id. of th rrt." Thn. ahil ah ws Matinf aerwlf on th cpot imlicatad. h lioftred bh!at juit Ion enouxh to tak out fa. knife and rss hi own initial snd those af hit fast aummer girl from tb bark of tbt aobl old berrS. tinii srk.i (M todav scarce v nne.fnnrlh n( porch In tbe beautiful nnmWn.U!.. I. ' u ', """' OM wl1 P" Btrange to ay. Jack never believed he it placed at 100. Most of the corpses vinru a i accuseu mm or I "rv uiuuen in tne ruin, ol bouse. ooing. Ah, bow did you convince him. Killed by Pulsjanes. oear- Maoilr, Sept. 11. Lieutenant , - . wiu uim to i Licauwen, ol me millnmna imni. cut a notch In tbe Dorch each tlm. h. I waa killed lt v.. ' " "I :, -- ------) sis muss souio oi tsarauen. lie waa in command of a small detachment of B. E. took a kiss. "How did tbe scheme workr "Very well for while, but er by the end of the week there wasn't any porch left" scoat woos bivouac a attacked dor ng me nigtit by a band of shont inn ruiajanes. Lieutenant Treadwell was the only man bit. Troop ara in nnr. suit of tbe band. Sixty trooo and 40 Oil Bother Warship Eng'nes. Washington, Sept. 10. Tbe Louisi ana, designated a tbe "most mdoern battleship," which i now nnderimino her "shsking down" process, has been oblidged to steam slowly because oil get into tb boilers and causes trooble. T1.I. - I . . : . , . i .u.a luuuiuuu oi auairs nas nnictea a number of other vessels, aDd alterations nave oeen made in tbe machinery to obviate tbe difficulty. Tbe dynamo engint are ran the entire 24 hour, of tbe day, and are lubricated by a .pray o'l, which get mixed with the .team URANUS IS A VAST PLANET. '""" Ulataaee froa ta fcarta taae ll ta Laok Small. If t'rauua, which Is a atar of about the sixth magnitude, wer a planet like those little one called asteroids, which are being dlscoveretl by tbe dozen every yenr, it ct-um not have mu:b clnlm ujwn popular attention, but Uranus I really rrf P X tmf rar ans all Rwrnaa Ixs-av. II I 0 ruuMlr rurl br l.r. kl.a.'a .Vwra tU:ofr. Mart KUKK rttnai MII..M Uaaaua. lit. k. II. a i.s . 1.4, ail tna hi. l-siia.l-a lama far the braver. "I wat to complain of tb flour you sent me tbe other day." said Mr. New llwed, severely. The grocer assumed sn anxious eipreutlou, and Inquired what was the matter with It "It wa tough," replied tlie bouaekreper eecu Ingly. "My husband simply could not eat the biscuits I mad with It" Y.raalllltr. "Havsa't I a you before tone whrrT" aaktd tb ruatomsr st th lunch counter. "Too probably w m at so ox Iforroie vlllige," ssld th dusky waiter. "1 was one of tae Iiorrote. uh." How Aim . ntHTiiM lalvill 1 ol.wa4 Merr. vi. t i .nt.1. !-(. Mania S.H ei llt Mt na aeW-alla . lao.a.4 ptt ... Mlku l.arral liltaaM banal hat. HKAVK9 CUMOiMaspHiHa J". Cat lataaa, Caafka. StaMm ., aa aaa a4 taanaiaaa sauiai Mgavi owdiii nrare'Ma alll lk.K rrt. ia. at mUt aa. a aMll. UMrliaaa HMJ!lM DRMRDV CO . VT. PAI.1, Mm QUItmTCO.WiksWrVtwvaiuj,, CASOLtNC tNGINtS paaat lull, eiala4, I1SV All la 4 til las si l.Ml trtre. ill Ut caiai RtltRSON MACHINtRY COMPAMV Partlaaas, Orea, Egan Dramatic and Operatic School Uuon 1906 and 1907 Optu Sept. IS 1'repara for Iramatic and Operatls Stage and place Oraduate in i moo th. Forty Uradualr now with tr.velirg cmiinie. tiend for ('! logue. Eao Dramatic ani OperaUc School mm r ioah. riiwtfeiL (1w'i Tbl7 w orTr On Uundrtd DolUra lUwanl 1m lfcJb av. Tiir. tviiny ri,T ttuirii 1 m m. HM tv4 )V .! "mil rt t.rf humm in diet i hsMlll. wtyplllsl 9 " m n at tslf !-) Whltl )wkrjlruti .!, I MM A ltt MM ra ir. wnu'iHt vi-fn. irn a gigantic world, more than .Ixty time. KLLT.n'J'u','.."'" eu'"1 " ani arm l-a ra. aul taia llw ia aruoalrn. S. . iH k.. h. llatalit kam.ra. What Ha Taak. A certain thrift fn1iMn.i i. ,. hope of getting a gratuitous medical !n!U'"ry ttr?ck b?.d ?' Pnljne. that i. cent into tbe condenser. m,inln . 1.1 ,, . oar OHIO arariOU. killed nna m..A - " .cu.a,Aw vaauaiij oue uay 10 1 . , ... - ui iu. me rest cr the band eecaped. bis doctor : "I say, doctor, what do you do when yoa'v got a coldr "I cough," replied tb M. D., briefly. ; "Ah! 1 Quite o," summered the oth er; "but what do you take?" "I take advice," snspped the son of Esenlaplus; and the thrifty man took his leave. Modern Society. St. John Will Not Be Tried. Denter, Col., Sept. 11. Vincent 8t. John, Federation iesdtr, president of the Burke, Idaho, Miner' nnion, and ex preiident of th Tellnride Miner' union, will not have to stand trial tnr the murder of Beojsmin Bornbam, the business aassaasHMBMWMBaaaaBBBaaa For Coughs and Colds There is a remedy over sixty years old Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Of course you have heard of It.probably have used it. Once in the family, it stays; the one household remedv for coughs and hard colds on the chest. Ask yourdoctoraboutit. Arar'a Ubarrr Pectoral haa broiiaht meaafalr V;IT '. ". I bate lu r'",ral " laat attack, aa.d No tSuT WllT" V' vu Avav On r.n Ala auuulaolurara of 3 Sadcadabii I k tiers Ail VMOt Aywr'w lll increaaw th activity A Vf livw. ant thu. aid recover nmungler-Cnion miner, who St Aniline Dye Are Barred. Wa.hington, Sept. 10. Candy man nfacturer. all over the country are pro testing because th Agricultural depart ment ha determined to bar aniline dye in candies nnder the pure food law. These dye are nsed extensively in candie and th manufacturers inaiat that prohibition of them will hurt their Dr. Wiley maintain, other was killed iHaee will An .ll l .o a riot in Tellnride, Jol, S, 1901. pen.ive and n'tthVi .i". w unvts uyu Lr inn inr tn i m awi i i knKA.;u i. i i rmofthen0.':"1 ! hdl.r4tb,Mnin:d. hurtTul ... T . . - ieuuriae. lo tbe kidney ""ipj "eiig nas reacn ed the con.luaion that be ha. not uf ficient evidence to cjnvici. as larse as tbe enrth. Iu vast distance, about 1,700,000,01)0 miles from the earth. Is what causes It to look so small. Cranus has four moons, which re volve backward In their orbit that la to a7, tbey revolve from west to east around Urantia, while Uranu goes, Ilk lo dirU;". thi all the other planet, trom west to east feV's'l bruVu ' around the sun. It Is believed tbat ilaU'fall; fiilsi I. 1. IHK.NKir at CO Pwi T,.l.l n We. tb onderelaned. bat. koaan w ' i Cheney lor tb laat la yeaa, nd baiitt hlui vvriaciiy aonoraui in an uutlnee (rain no Rebels Shoot at Armored Trail Make Sultan Tak Medicine. Washington, Sept. 1. Ambawador Lei.hman expect to be received bv the in I , . If... R.t ii r . . an eanyoare. ine teriei o mseirin' 7. L. . " ptni,t today received a di.- arrival trH.. iVTti , "avaoa paten irom Irishman saying that tbe toUcUneffinr .nH g'D 'T0' "'"n " recovered from hi. illne.. disabled the fl at . Z,a KM V Bri fca.sdor. After bra?. T .en ot 7.?' fl" J" ih '"'K reprewntatives, rntli trf,,w" " believed the mltan can offer no Rn.lT eVrr,'lt,D,M ,hl' mornln' father f-awn for not permitting Mr! Rl at 11 'eLk7ir-eDU tDl"td M0 Uilbma 10 P"WDt " .credential. Keal at 11 o'clock thi. morning. Thev - "''" "o ironDieana later proceeded toward the Santa Clara river. Open Oklahoma Pasture. Waibington, Sept. 11. The commie- Reformed Spelling Illegal. Washington, Sept. 10. A local law yer declare that President Roosevelt', imple spelling order may prove ille gal. He say tbat over score of year. c lined ir, n.iT. " 7i . LD aeT g0 ngre.. passed a joint resolution, 'i"ed,t0 ,',r,t? ,eIed bii w th" lnd which becam law. recoenisln. Weh! S.Mn.t..J At. tf -v. . I ni:iZZ Z,-JZ?mA n"b"lged dictionary a the ' " "'a are BDOUl I eunnarfl In anvavnmant 800,000 acres. Moch interest Las been manifested ii, tbis trsct of land and spirited bidding i .nticlpated. Mrslerr So Dellino. and roi. ueiu says the earth has that Supreme court decision afterward a bl.. ,loIe ln " ceuter." affirmed tb act. Tb record, ar now A"' lru"P 'hat explains why tbe being examined. J world Is .uch a holijw mockery." uranu rotate backward In Its axis also. Moreover, tbe axis of that great, otrange globe lies In auch a direction that lu the course of Its year, which is equal to eighty-four of the eerrb's, the un shines almost perpendicularly Unit upon one pole and then upon the other. Measured by the terrestrial time standard .there are forty years of con- tant daylight, followed by forty years of unbroken night, around the poles of L'rnnus. And the sun rises In tbe west ana seta in the east there. Hut the sun looks very small when viewed from (.ranus only 1-400 as large aa It ap pears to the earth' Inhabitant. Htlll it sheds upon that planet 1,1500 times aa much light as the full moon sends to the earth, so that daylight upon Ura nu, while faint compared with the blaze of a terrestrial noonday, 1. nev ertheless a respectable kind of Illumination. Krerr taker. The Preacher And now, brethren, remember that we must all appear be fore that dread tribunal where all our mlsdeeils slum lie brought to light ine nearer ureal Hcott! I this muck-raking being taken up by the chru'bfs, too? Cleveland Leader. A Here Nona jr. 'He Isn't much of a traveler, Is be?" 'No, Indeed ; why, be can't tial a sin- le story of having almost been aboard train or a steiimer that wa suhae. juently wrecked." rhlladolohl ledger. ii,,... glei. Toledo. O. " uaii a aiarm i nri raten Interna l, act. virma ana wurout tur rnce 7. per twill. Ttiaiinlis lrc i are in ti. TTi viiitor from beyond th suburb bsd psid s cabman 80 ttnt for driving hla four blocks, snd tb artlat ! th. bamtnt, to whom he bsd submitted bit straw aat ror classing, occupied ten salo utss 1b she process sad charred bim 73 cents. "Doe It gtt say wors. young fllr," k asksd, "Iks furder I go downtown T Her Owe Tboaaht. "M-m ml" mused the doctor, with erlou face, "tbe glands of throat are coated " "Th lde!" gurgled Mis Woodhy. "StylUbly eosted, I hop." Philadel phia Pres. your MAKE EVERY DAY COUNT- no mfttfar hour , barj the weather tou cannot Afford to be without a TOWF.R'A WATERPROOF OILED SUIT ,0R SLICKER when i loot vnu Hlrv looK fbr thef AION OF THE FI5H ttats Dr. C. Gee Wo OKOERnil HOME IRE. I.E.! Tk a na,t,rr1 I'll aaaa tNain m rail. rm ka, aaa fea enraa aaotae aithaut eaara. tiu lat are te4 a la . Ma raia .ill. Sae atH.s.ital taw a. kat rente. b,la, aaraa a taaataMaa thai ara eallraia a feaoaa la atwjtral an. tar le lhi a.,anrr. i iwl Vbra.taU tka ua. narnuaM ran,..ii., n,ta 4.,t a.. "ar... af.,., 4 ,.MM,m .a, k.aaMlullr am la til.nai a. I,.a.iah MfclM u,,, ikeaa ri.wM,alm, narvauaaaa. a4,,Hia. a. .ae( B a. at,.; haa ku.rf.i. .... L .' ft" ' i an an eae htm aut at U,a rll, a ,. M aa4 taalata xajeiaai. toamii.rariuH ritaa. Ufm THE C. GEE WO CHIIESE MEOICIRE CO 11 t rim ., . r. (at. Marriaaa """ !'. PORIUNO, OUfGOM W. L7 DOUGLAS 3.50&3.00Shoe9 , , y 11 TMB WVORkO W.L.UOUgIlt4 0lllldgtllM. 8ICK FOR TEN YEARS. Constant Backache, Dropsy, and 8. vr Bladder Trouble. Frd W. U.rri, of Cheannt St., Jef. fer-on, Ohio, ay.: "For over ten year a sneered irom kidney disaaaa au tuira year my feet and hand, would wen nd remain puffed np for day. at a tlm. I learned to nave a constant back -". rinany j got u uau mat i was lsid np in bed with several doctor, in attendance. I thought mrely I ehanal mll.i.. . k... i 17. r. ""'" ano '" "oan Kidney Pil . -.i,.-I -a. .till n bed. Tb. J wa. so great tfa.t 1 kept on until I had taken stout ten boxes. Th. n.i . a cretion. becam natural and after year." of misery I wat cur.d. t i.... " ' a a It. iiscrvM i.W' gb.1, ,.h.ow 00 "ynptom. of Bold by all dealer. 1.0 . t... FoiUr-Milborn Co., Buffalo, N. V. would die. I 20 -Mule -Team BORAX J" "T" b'"n',H,, W00l'M' , . rmoroKlrrle, silk fova Si- ''.-for'w I earn Boras is unsurpassed. . ii ..... ... far I te na, a... a... CLASSIFIEDADVERTISIMG I .UIVlat.ini,,armlr II II, if I I 1-ihr!., II rr I ihoei sot, tvmmi ki in nw. an'a ahoaa Hull t!,l . Woman- in.. J1 Trad Directory aj .... name M AUaVeaaaa I. pal... . " fllAr ilaa .1.. aa Writ. t,Z02 fllKAM aKPAIlATOIiaJvlT -; p-r.iw it, (H, l, ttmmt vv.. altHito., Uniiaatl Oai. U D ..... aie lieiuamia a I .... r,""'eia, ante l r,l,, , mai-,r "ulal?.I "IT .0e-""e l-.l!om. -0""u "'!.' HM.wi..",-.""rr .... . iir ai't-oiin, ,., ... ruinaiin r.. rlie it,, ,,r ' i,;," re,,,,,,., ,,, , lerutt, .!, VS rile d.t 1 ?" I.aiirt a, n.,., ... . . : Si Art. Tr w. I ti,u.i. v .'.... Miaare as4 Clill.lran'i ah,, i, ,tyim, (II aud war a . ""y lhar tnakea. If t could tak you Into my irr factories at lirockton, Mas.,nd show you how carefully W.L, Douglas shoe at mine, you would then unaeraian- why they hold their shape, fit better, wear longer, and ar of gralr vaui than any other malt. Wherever you live, you eaa ofctale W. U Dotigla. ,ho... Hla nam ami eric la Hmmnt o Ih bnltmn, whkh pruletle yoa eelna( hi. prkat anil Interior ahoea. ra a ek your dealer lor W. L. Deegla swssS ?' I.n.?,, "P" hvln " . futiiaiw t u,i,t, ,,, miu mf Hf srattSi Wriu iar riluetrated C.lalu.ol I'sll "lyte- W. L, iMMjtltA, IMut. u, Utwckwa.M I. N. U. Ns. JT- 0 WUKH wrltln, to advertisers plea Uantlua till nauar.