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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 7, 1906)
THE OREGON VOL. XXIII. HT. HELENS, OltEUON, Fill DAY, 8EPTE3IJJEH 7, 1906. NO. 30. MIST. NEWS OF THE WEEK a Condensed form lor Busy Readers. In Our HAPPENINGS OF TWO CONTINENTS A Hesuin of the Important but Nul Las Interesting .vent of the Ptt Wk. Ciiiiiiiul charge ar to be mad agilnit rhlladelpbl bank director. emperor ol China baa pro rUiinxtl lit Intention ol (ranting fun.illullim, president Palme rfua to treat wllb Iht Cuban ftlwU and wanl do Asnsri tn Intervention. Tli Unlit between 0n nJ Nlson (I Ooldfleld, Nevada, was woa by th (.inner In the lurty-oond round on ..!. Tli rrnlier Rudun went agronud on OrrM llnd shortly elUr leaving He III. Hh pulled aft uninjured l high tid, Two in.knl man bUI up lb UUI Link ol IUInlr, Oregon, bJ alter binding III Mahler, rMKl with if leeo 12. WO end l,M In gold, putee ar to pursuit. KtMirt from th province indirat tint throughout Haasta gorl tt ol pillaging Mil IncendlarUm ettsls, fifliling twleeen tli peasantry nod poll.- occurring el many palnl. lit tli biennial election In Arkansas I .t slat nd count afliclat Ui ltuo ctuli r.rtd prectirelly everything, (if th 13A member of Hi legislator I ImuI 126 ol Uim will I ltuocraUi. ( Iiln ll adopting wot measure against lorlgnr. A bottle niege ! tfl t in I8M Iim juU own picked up in Heettl bar bur. Tropin b nervon prot ration Irom th continual itrlo to which li i ub JecUd. Japan I gelling oonldrbly worked up over tb killing ot Japeoeee eali by American. Trln hud ol Farley' lrlk break en n root to 8n r rancleeo bad to itrlk lor bllr lood Tli revolution In Cub It spreading fur nl wide, and th government tn ml. Id Intervention, probably by lb I'ntted Hut. Tb official ol th United Railways ol Han Francisco ha grl la In ar liltrailon ol the lrl ear etrlke pro vided tli men rlru to work In tli nieantim. Secretary Wilton. ltr Inspecting tbe packing boo In svrl ol lb lars rltlra. rlue to mtk concessions to tha buint. and it eppaan thai b ill.) not And thing a nlc a tbey might L. Ut hundred lawyer ar attending th meeting ol tb American liar " elation In Hi. Paul. Kin Fraticlero ha contracted lor tb bntl.lln ol 4.000 (mall bouM, to b Dnihd tin 11 week. It I MllmaUd bv th Panama canal r.,..,..u.i..n that i!fi 000.000 worth ol work can b don annually. four (Ireek laborer wr killed nd anothei latally Injured by blof Uack by Italtimor A Ohio train. Cbliiea ar planning lo eaUblltli rhaln ol nwppr In Canada wlln which lo couiUl tb 500 per caplt Ui. Tb city calr ol Chicago ha order ed tull begun agaiixt lour 01 um tt parking boute In thai city lor l ling abort weight !!. Preaident RooH ba cabled to ii k. ihrotmli th Ainarlcan nliilaier. bit conirratnlatloni on lb opening ol th cable lo Iceland. Ti. Hnt Parkin comoanr. which I. !( tn aialliah an Itument park lint ulant In Portland, will lo build lu own car and laniHhlp dock II th Htandard Oil company I re quired to glv bond lor IU appearand In all tiia Initlntmanta aulllltt it at til tin rat that ba been rqulrd In tb lint indictment, it will bav to put up a bond ol IM60.0OO Th A met Iran Bar oclatlon I no ita animal convention in tn I'anl. Tb police ol Rig captnrd depot ol leTolullonarr itorc. Including M liouihl. A pclictman, two gendarme nd coiuliii'tiir vara killed on a train by band ol teren rrolutionlt nr Tam bod, Kuntla. Th Japanr government annonnoe that alter 8epteinbr 1, 10, l'y will be a Irea port ol ntry lor goou ol all nation. Th Nv.,la atata liuuranc commit loner ay be will rvok tli llcente ol all couipanle which 111 to py tblr Han Kranoitco low The cwr I badly wared by tb tt cent terrorl.t ontrage. nd It n thonirlit be I atnut to pUc the gov eminent In tb band ol a dictator. H., W A. Clark will bnild branch railroad line Irom U Vega. iiranch railroad tine ir ' ? N. M, Into Ban Franclwo. UM Wl REVOLT GROWING RAPIDLY. antlgo In Rtbtlllon Imurgnlt Con trol Santa Clara Province. Iltvana. Kept. 4 Th situation her far darker than at any pruviout time ilnr th linurifctlnn hrcke out. Newt ol an Olirltlng lu Hanllavo niovlnre. wlill not yt publlthed litre, Itrpread lug aliout tli city ami cant'iig tb gravtat concern, When Mr. Blceper, lb American churn d'arfalre here. wa told th ronteiiu of an Antoclated rati Hantlago dltpatrh, lit endeavored verily It through tb Hlate depart ment, but wm told It wat abiolutrly untrue. Hubteiiiieiitly It wat Verified Irom private newapaprr aotirre. The ileht ol lb riling In Hantlago la not nown, bat It it tb oplnlou here that th woral calamity ol all to tb Palma govarnment would be an luturrection lu Kattarn Cuba. Tb Associated Pre. wa Informed tonight by two reliable eyewitnraee i at Cardenat, which hitherto hat been contldered a perleitly paacelul city, wa tb tcent yesterday u( deultory figlitlng between police and rural guard on one aide and roving iniur genu on tb other. Th only province remaining per- leclly pecelul I Puerto Prim-lp. Th Aaaoolt'eil I'rea corretpondrnl at Clenluego telegrapbeil tonight that ere at 8,000 armed Ininigenti In hat vicinity and that all tb tinall town In Hanla Clara provltir are con trolled by iniargenl. who attack and tool traiut and telte in property ci lorelgner a wall at that of Cuban. Trinidad 1 turronnded by insurgent, nd lb government appear powerl to protect the property of Americana and other lorelirner. Kailway traint ar bald up at will, and paaiengert tarchd. Tbe Cuban Central railroad ha declined to a.tuui reaiiontlhility lor th aafelv ol Mueengert or ireight. Kevru tin lor government tone i making good progrraa here. Tbe gov eminent continue to make nne ncau wav wherever there la open nghtlng. Tne troop in the wettern part ol Pinar del Kio bav not Jt come up with Pino Uuerrera, and, according to tb Ataoctated Pre. corrctponttent Ilk the troop, thvr I no preeent IlkellboMl ol their doing to, th ruoMi rolgbt march lor ten year and all lb whit Ouerrera would be Jut bead ol tbetn in tbe bill. H' are of mount ain trailt with which th inturgnnt ar laminar and hlch lead In all dlrectiout. II Uuer rer cared lo baratt th guvernment, II troopt could I k lied tniyi;ar, itmitara. Th loverniuent hat no cav Irv in del Klo. and tli oniy real oldlrr th artillerymen, Out, at they ar on loot, they cannot cop nli tha mall mono el veierant on lur Intuuent tide. FREEZE OUT FORtlGNERS. American and British Marchanti Fear Enmity of China. Victoria, B. C, Hept. 4.-A Ivlcea re- Imm I'ek In or me tieaiunr i.ll l inneeaina antl-loieign marli Inaliou. Th eorrtpomieut ol the To- klo Malnlchl report Ihtl lungsaoy! .i.v mlnlaler ol loreign alfalr, it Uk ing advantage ol hie growing mnuence in the government to ttrenglhen Ihe power ol CblnH) who bav been ap pointed director ol ruttomt, having th tupporl ol lb an I lorelgu element among th Cbine. a . a - - l...aIaiM ak till Th corretponueni ear" "" - n.lil.l. eoniinonllle ale mucii iu .t Chine attitude. Amerl can in particular feeling great anxiety i to the luture courte oi .... i.i.i. Tl.a PMn nolle have in- Villi1 - - - . , tricted Cblntae mat no preuu. v. ... li... i ha rented to (jfeiHiiert. .n7 a.uv, . , ,,,, ,, The lain' correponii. Cbinet comiwloner woo ...v. - turne.1 Irom travail aorotu i.a - conference with tl.a emperor a. ... a dowager and tne uecie.u.i reached to lormulat conttilutlc VOID. .1,-- tM.l ... Tb Atahl't correaponuein tie change In me ceuirai a.... r. - , , . i.i..i.i..inna ar contenipiaieu ciai aiiiuii' - . . ,,i nul.l.. llwraarlll II a licu"" " V..,.,lrnl til IWO general rv. . , ,. ..... jiMi.artmenia anu i gui i., .in h vl royalty in '"""",,: .: divided into even awi ona. Chou Fuh It quoted to wio v.. . -- U,. conetllutloeal government in China will be.tblitbHl'"e ol Irom 10 to IS ?' Oftic In New York, IM-JIV , ... v. v. -L Q A. In Mi o!!.c Cuban Junta e.thii Colon.l Agnlrr. fij..r -"" " ... . ....i u.nni Nordote. who win ZSl retenUtiv.. of the evolutionary mov.... - U7, we.. - , , .. . monle. lOionei nK..- - - lunU in New York I not to ne ure.. .."M.I ravolntlon. It H0'l ' ' " " L .t,;.cte,l Mlel to keep In. tha Amlcn people Informed a to tbe true cour olthmo .e n. u.u. Vaed Men In Union. l. a..i A Kinolove i todar formed a rjauona. BUU '.1:7 her and elected olllcer. ' l nrlnclDle coutalnt in aecia-.- - r r.,lon ""."tT . Sin. nt era U Join band. ,ov.rnlnt .nd tb employe, can be aerved." . Warning of More Bomb wuu . .jtitv, but n fuiel to aiiciuBB ..'..i.. and admit that ber .Mipor t to -Im h.a warned her Jailer, ttat Bt. PertH i, u on th ev i. .... ia nn tna eve oi . OREGON STATE ITEMS OF INTEREST BIO SHIPMENT OF LAMBS. Polk County Stock Bring Top-notch Price for Breeding. I d pendenc Tin re were lua'el and (hipped Irom Indy pendenc one ay latt week 7110 buck Iambi and 20 bead ol thoroughbred Angora goat. The buyer ol tlila blooded atock wa lexander Donaldton, ol Hherldaii, Wy oming. Tb teller wa W. W. Percl- al, ol till place - Tha lamb were principally Irom 'oik county, although there were a lew in lb ililpment Irom Yamhill, Benton, nd Marlon. The goata were raited by Mr. Percival. It required teven tingle- eckd car to carry th ibipment. Tb lamu ar Mncolmhlr and Colt Hold breidt, lor which Polk county ia be coming (anion. A few carloadt were hi pied to Wyoming by Mr. Percival laat year, and tbi year lie received an order for double tb amount. For breeding purpoae lb Polk coun ty Iambi bring fancy price, which tb butcher cannot pay, and owner of tbeep are naturally turning their at tention more to the raiting of thorough bred nock. Tbe ililpment included lamb from th J. B. Hlump and Wil liam Riddel I farm, already known among Kaatern alockmen a producer of Mich grade ahtep and goata. One lamb Irom the Klddull term, one year old, llieareu i.t pounoa, nu weight d Z70 poumli. me neece ai za renU brought 10 41. Al tne maraei uric of lamb, it would have brouabt 10 HO. which, togather wiin trie tlei-e amount! to 117.24. ror bleed In Dornoeea tb lamb told lor more. There wer a number oi laino in tha ahlumenl which ihear 21 lo 2.1 poundi. GOOD FRUIT NOT COSTLY. Small Outlav Will Eradicate Codbn Moth and Other Peat. Milwaoki J. II. Held, ol thi olace. who ha mad a clot ttuoy oi tnravt lor codlln moth and Iruit peU, t)live that wormy apple are not neceaaary, and that it i pitaible lor all who rale fruit to keep It Ire irom rndlln moth or oilier pea. ujntrary to tbe aoppotilion that tbe coat ol loravlng I eiceaiive, Mr. Held give lome figure to ihow that ipraying nr. I ainanliva. " -' .. . i i . Mr. Held cite Ihe appi orcnru oi Mark Levy, at Mllwaukle, wno naa a total ol SOU boxe ol apple and peart Karh time he enraved it took 18 hour Thei wr two men empioyea at a coet ol $, on team at and cot ol m.b.r i waa I1U. mating me roiai cott 2. Tbia wat lea than cenia per boi. A great many ol Mr. ivy a tree ar young and not in toil Hearing nd l.,r that reatou lh coet lor pray Ing wat '.arger than tt would nave Deen I,.. i tl.a iraaa been In lull bearing. In a arira orchard Ik mat oi Mil- 1...1 n In.n.dale. In Yamhill coun ty," aid Mr. held, "tne coei wouiu .,n ha mm man 10 o ceui. lor epraylcg. When the tpraying i properly done the grower dot not have more than eight or ten per ceat lot Irom worm." Salem Hat New Industry u..i.,. Tl.a mil alenna nalnt fae INI VW j torv on the racinc corwi auu .1.. i. in ma uniLou oiaicv. wuw .. ...-, A. . ... I. mmw In operation In Balem. A complete out in ni si niiins. iiiium anu iui... -i,i.,r. ha bean inttallid. but the ,i.n,an.l (nr the oroduct already indl ...ia that the Plant will hav to be duplicated. Tbe factory ia being oper material hipped Irom the i enn depotit discovered a year or two ago eonth ol Eugene, in Lane connty. a. th denoalt cover an area ol 62 in a deDth ol 60 feet, there plenty of material to uppiy iue raiwj r.. a inimliar of vear. ra.u have proved tuai me j-ane county depoaitl ar ol a high grade at the Italian alenna ana iv demonttrated that the Oregon material can be placed upon the market In com petition with the imponoti arm-i. Epidemic of Hog Cholera. b..i,iK. K. Willard. who run a dairy on th Wauhama, report an epi demic ol hog cholera throughout hi neighborhood. Willard liad euiii one porker that h Intended to daughter within a few dava, but th cholera beat him to them. Mr. Tbompton, a neigh bor, who it alto in the dairying bui neta, ha lot all hi hog, and Mr. Dawson, who live on tne viaiU plaint, ba lost hi entire herd from the dieeat. Record-breaking Prune Crop. nftv William X. nvl. - an nv.bard near who owna ! r1""" Carut, report that he will have a re-1 cord breaking crop ol exceptional qnal ltv thi yer. He ay bl tree are load I to their capacity. M-. Dav ' tree are all ol the IUlian variety, he having plowed up hi acreage ol pe tite, tiipplnntlng them with th Ital ian which b Bnd moi profitable. Large Crop of Cbbag. LaQrand - lUrv.y Clark, Irona a trant ol mounUin land, located four mile. outb ol town, will hrtr 600 ack of potatoe. and 16,000 bead, of cabbage, weighing from ' two o five pound., in poiaioe Will uim .-I and the cabiiage 0U. or a turn ol $1,200 from 20 acre. total re- Vandal Cut Hop Vine. galem Unknown marauuen eniere.i the hop ysro oi iiiK w''"ai J , tb, hop vn on about J. A Tb. ho, wla be . , ,,. ... lot lltll valut. FORTUNES IN DAIRYING. Prominent Willamette Valley Dairyman Says "Buy Cows." Independence That the cow I tbe beat ol money maker lor th farmer, It tha assertion of K. C. Kldridge, of tb'.t place, owner of creamerleaat Inde pendence, I'ayton, Jefferson, Kagene and Junction City, and on ol tbe larg. ett buyer ol cream In tbe Willamette valley A large part ol the prosperity oi th Willamette valley ba come Irom lb milch cow," be laid. "Darylng beat wheetralslng out ol light. And three or lour yean ol dairying on wheat land will double the wheat grow ing capacity ol the soil. A number ol farmer In Polk are railing more than 30 buiheli of wheat to tha acre on tuch and. which several yean ago wonld not produce more than 12 to 16 bush' el. . A farmer with lay 60 cow, al though that' a rather big herd, and with hog and chicken a accessor lei, an make more money then do many ol tbe country bank that it, il be usee brain a well a handa. il a bonanxa lor him, lure enough. Farm er are fait coming Into realisation ol tbia; in fact, many of them realise tt already. Dairy products alway can Bnd a market without Hunting lor it, at high price. But dairying require constant attention every day in tbe year, and for tbia reason torn farmer ar nnwilling to Uke up with it. "One man of my acquinaUnce wbo, ix yean ago, ownea ou acre! oi iauu and wa in debt, by going into the lairving business paid bis debt, bought 70 aerei more for $3,850, and ha paid 12,600 ol thi price already. Tbe other dav b cold 14 lix-montbi old bog for 217." Construct Eagle Valley Lin. Baker City David Kxles baa decid ed to take in hand the construction ol the Kagle Valley railroad, a project which hat long been looked forward to bv the neooe ol thi place a of great moortance. Mr. Kiwle na oimseu announced that he will build tbe line and ba called upon tb people of Ba ker City to aetist by ratling a hock .iihr. notion ol $100,000. Tbi work bai already been Uken up ana gooa progree made. Seaside Bath Houae Burned. Seaside Tbe large bath bouse owned hv K. N. Za r. located on the heacn near the Butterneld cotUgee, wa to. lallv deatroved bv fir a lew day ago, There wat no wind, or tne rottairea would have been deetroyed. Adjoining cottagea were protectee oy the but ket brigade. Tbe lot i par tially covered by insurance. Dry Rust In Valley Hop Yard. Woodburn Dry rust ba appeared in bopyard. In tbe vicinity ol Mount Angel, where there li considerable com nlaint. and an immense amount ol damage is liable to be done. Tbi il the fin. appeaiance ol dry mat lo tbii lection. It hat a muety imell and ab solutely destroy, the flavor ol tbe bop. PORTLAND MARKETS. Wheat Club, 05c; blueatem, valley. 6Ua70c: red. 8c. 6lc Oats No. 1 white, $22022 60; gray 120(921. Ii.rlev Feed. $20021 per ton brewing, $21 6022.50j rolled, $23 Kve 1130 per cwt. Corn Whole, $26; cracked, $27 per ton. . Hay Vallev timothy. No. 1, $109 liner too: Kaatern Oregon timothy, $12(914; clover, $77 50; cheat, $7(8 7.50: grain bay, $7; alfalfa, $10 vetch bar. $737.60. Fruits Apples, common, 60976c per hax: lancv. 11.2592: grapes, ocis 11.60 ner crate: peaches, 70c$100 Dears. 1125; plums, lancy, 50975c ner hox: common. 60 9 76c; blackber. rles. Sflttlc per pound; crab apple, $1 ol AO nor bji. Miloni- Cantaloupes, 10c$l 25 per crate; watermelon, ll,c per pound raiahal. I3.26M3 60. Veetablo Beam, 597c; cabbage l.'(a2c: celery, 85c9$l per dosen corn, 16920c per dosen; cucumbers, 26c per dnen; egg plant, 10c per nnund: lettuce, head. 5o per doaen nnlnna. 10iai2Uo per doaen; peat, 4 Be: bell oepoeri. 12X916c; radiihi, 109 t6o per doaen; spinach, 293c per pound; tomatoee, zogouo per uox pariley, 26c; tqnasb, $191.25 per crate; turnips, 8Oc0$l per tack car rot. $191 25 per eack; beet, $1,259 1 Ml nnr aark. Onions New. Ua 91 Wo per pound Potatoes Oreiron Bnrbanka, 70 :1s 9 80c; sweet potatoes, 494'c per pound Butter Fancy creamery, 2a,Ha nar nnnnd : . Egg Oregon ranch, 24c925per do an. Poultry Average old hen, 13X9 14c uer pound: mixed chicken, 139 ISWn: anrliur. 149 15o; old rooster flraiO,-: dretted chicken. 14916c turkey, live, 17920c; turkey, dress ed, choice, 21 922 Xc; geese, live, 99 10c: duck.. 13915c. 11)08 contracts. 17 920c per pound; 1H06, nominal; iwu, nominal Wool Eastern Oregon average best, 16910o epr found, according to .brink, page; valley, 20922, according to One ness; mohair, choice, 28S30o per nonnd. Veal Dressed, 5498o per pound Beel Dressed bulls. 3o per pound cow. 4i95Wc: country steers, 636o Mutton Dressed, fancy, 798o per pinnd; ordinary, 696c; lamba, fancy roik Dreiied, 7(48,0 per pound REBELS ARE GAINING. Cabanas Taken by Ouerrera and SanU Clara Is In Danger. Havana, Aug. 81 . Tbe .orrender ol some ol tbe more vigorous Insurgent lenders In the province ol Mstanza and Haota Clara, aid the coming in of a scattering lew insurgent In reeponte to tbe government' offer of nmneity, ia vaat r more than onset by the in .nr'yfcuT, nrov ncea ol Havana, finer tiei ttio Pinar and 8anU Clara, which il now report ed to be gaining headway in Santiago Irom which province, however, there are ai yel no report oi orgauwu band. Tha testimony ol person arriving here Irom tbe country ia unanimou to tbe effect that the people are rmtles and becoming more and mora excited Tbe talk of the towns is of those who I bava gone out to Jo.n tbe Insurgent and tbe chance of winning against the government. There are grave doubU of tha loyalty of the recroiu, especial y ol negro recruiU, who are inspected in many quarter ol a willingnea lo Join tbe other tide, with wnicn many or their people are idnt Aid. Tbe undeniable evldance of the growth of Insurrectionist entiment i cauiing increaiing doubt ai to whether tbe government will, alter able to cope promptly and successtuliy witn tbe movement, and there u mucn ais- . tfae workirjgmen j tb burned dis cussion of tb j posibilitie of k peaceful ui tb. new.paper employe, and .ememeii.. .u-ii v.u. . - Jected meeting ol Cuban vetcrani and omer promiueu. uinu question ol approaching Pino Goerrera and other inaorgent lesders ol the Lib- arai party ami memoei l ernment, with a view to ascertaining hetber the difflculty cannot be ettla Ibrougb ome compromise Meanwhile a rapid ore artillery torps is being organls. d neder Amer- lean omcen, ammunition ar.u gunai are being unpacked and tbe historic lai- tillo de la Ponta, fronting on tbe har bor entrance, ia tbe scene of the great- eat activity. Tbe Insurrection in tb province of Pinar del Kio ba spreao acroea tbe mountain! to the north coast, and tbe town of Cabana it now in tbe hand of the insurgents, wbo are re ported alto to have gone in tbe direc tion ol Bahia Honda. The insnrgenU took arms Irom a small detachment ol j rural luarda. and captured 60 home hich the vovernor bad requisitioned. Tb government telegraph lines ar in terrupted. LOOK FOR LABEL ON MEAT. How Government Inspectors w.n in- dicate What is oooa, Wa.hlnutnn. Am. 81. Owing to the naa nuat innnertion law. the number of inanM-tnra' labels used will be more than doubled. Already tbe Agricul tural department bus contracted to apply 10,000 lor the month ol Sep tember, and alter tbe law become effective tbi number will be increased to 15,000. Th ta is about one and one quarter inches rouare. It ia a thin sheet ol gelatine, with a few threads running on . .... . , I Xtlere is printed in Dine leiier a laaaml likathla: "United Statei. In- oected. Passed 207." The number at tha and ia that of the abattoir In-1 spector, wbo simply slaps the little tag on a niece of meat and tne neat ana moisture of tbe (reebly-killed meat make it stick. In a short time the selatine dissolves, the linen threads rub off, and there is leu noming mit tbe print ol those blue letten in tbe meat. It cannot be removed, except by cutting. It il absolutely harmless Planning Immense Dam Denver.'Aug. 81. Papen have been rZ w'h'Si be foVheTr' pusee .1.1 -.1.1- . 1. ..... .n. f l-n n. redemption l neorltr 1 flfM! (1(10 ai-IM olarid lands, the largest irrigation proposition that bas ever been under taken bv private capital. Frank J. McCarthy, a civil engineer of Denver, ia now drafting plana to build a reser voir that will cover 24 square miles. have an average depth ol 35 leet, and use the entire surplus water of tbe Platte river. Heretofore, it ha been estimated that 38.115,000,000 cubic feet ol water was wasted yearly in the Platte river, water which, il properly diverted and used on land adjoining. wnn'd irrluate 1.000.000, a:rea of lacd and wou'd support 100.000 people. Police Raid Nest of Rebels. Riga. Aug. 31 Police and troops to dav surrounded a lodging house on Htolivia street, wcere Domne naa neen z. . . . . r j l discovered. The revolutionisU inside fired with rifles from the windows on the attacking party and aho threw a bomb, whereupon the police riddled the bouse with bullets, killing or wounding all of the inmate.. Two men and a woman were killed. At an other place in the suburbi a Lettish ttudent wa killed and .everal wounded while resisting arrest. Two police ser geant and a rural guard were shot. New Spelling in All Printing. Washington, Aug. 31. Tbe presi dent' order regarding phonetic spel ling will be extended to all parts of the government. By hi direction all doc uments are to be printed wiin mat form ol spelling. A meeting wai held yesterday, called by Publio Printer Stilling!, of all the chief clerk, ot the variou. departments, and a committee was appointed to formulate rule, for carrying out thi. order. The commit tee will report it at a future meeting. Wilson Inspects Stockyards. ChlcaHo. Aug. 81 Secretary of Agrl- culture Wilson spent part ol today at the itockyardi, Inspecting the packing plants, and expressed himie.f as great ly pleased with the excellent sanitary condition, be found. PRICES GO SOARING Increase Id Pay Little Benefit to San Francisco Workmen. RENTS ALMOST OUT OF REACH Bread and Butter Free, but Restau rants and Hotels Recoup on Other Thing. San Francisco, Hept.l. Two months . 1 mimtA I V, a t lBhs,r In fia Fran. . ... .v.i th. hih.t Vnn.- recof1 fof w(ef 8inM theD )abor bM Knpttli iu own recorci. Not only bas mbor aT,nced, but bouie renU anl (ood btv, wltb lapiJ ,tndei iafDg he uu tmQ moaiht. Tod ,notber modtnt lit'.le retau- rant croHed ont it printed price and ,nkeJ , 0D tbe margin. For , m.n nM 0( f0Mt beef wbicb was totmly procared for 26 cents, 30 cenU mnet D0W pmjd It . ,iule here tbe patron it np to a counter 0, clotn u u p.t,,,.. mostly Ui pricei are a low as they can be Tbe proprietor lor some reason or othe. fe c1Ied apon to Mpiain. The jncr fc tbe way ig ahout 20 per .. - ,1 .., , tbi apow1Md the . h . h , th - B M , did Mmt tbe fire To . ,.h . . , , nrM(1 Xem. (orme,y for $1. Tbe baker rtrnck, nd to meet the increase in wage th price ol bread had . to be railed Then the price of meat went up again tbii week. Tbe delivery men cot an increase to something like 178 a month, so tbe butchers have boosted tbe price, Frnit and butter are way np, and Jnst tbe other day tbe waiters threat ened to strike and we had to raise them. They need to get $14 a week, now tbey get $16 60. 6o what could I do? I bad to raise my price or go out of business. He told the truth, but only part ol tbe truth. Wage in nearly every line have advanced since tbe fire. Some bricklayer are now receiving $10 a Amm In nan aa inA i-arriara ra. . 16 ,. cotter. it. electricians $5 60. plumbera $7, plasterers $101 structural iron workers , tne setters 117.60. cement worken $6, steamfittert and sheet metal worken toe same, painten $5 and loremen on general job. $10 Tbe figures quoted represent the highest wage paid in the trade men tioned at tbe present time. The aver aire would be slightly less. Tbe union I scale counts for very little at present All contractor ar forced to exceed It in order to get men. Thev are bidding I v. . 1 1 . 1. .1 .1 1 agaiuai eacu uiuer, auu wis nuu um not aeem to have been reached, strike I baa followed strike, and now, with in creased wages In almost every line ol industry, nobody is any better off than oeiore, DEFECTS IN BIG WARSHIPS. Wrecked Montague and Great Dread naught Poorly Riveted London, Sept. 1. Statements have been circulated about defective work manship on English battleships was asserted that in salvaging tbe Montague, which went on the rocks off inne last grave do- 1 '"- ...o..uB --v,. but these sUtements were immediately denied from authoritative quarters. The Daily Mail correspondent at Portsmouth makes a similar statement about the new monster battleship Dreadnaught, alleging that in the bur ry to get the vessel completed her plates were badly fixed. Soon after the vessel wa. launched, the corres pondent says, some holes were found without rivet, and the men responsi ble were dismissed. Some leakage also waa found and she is now in drydock Indian on Warpath. Vancouver, B. C. Sept. 1. The Babine River Indians, whose haunts are near the headwaters of tbe Skeena river, have revolted, and tbe rising is of such a serious nature as to have com pel led a call for the militia. The oper atlves on the Skeena river are declared to be utterly unable to cope with the situation and unless a force ot military la rushed north with dispatch there grave danger that murder may be t'o It is declared that a force ol not less than a hundred men i absolutely ne cessary. Statistics of Terrorism. Bt. Petersburg. Sept. 1. Official statistic, of the terrorism ol tbe past week show that 101 officials, gend armes, police and soidiera were auieu, 92 were wounded, 912 private persons were killed or wounded, 34 spirit shops were plundered, private a id In dividual institutions were robbed of $180,815 and state institutions ot $84 -981. Besides tbese, tuere were over 150 armed attempt, to rob banks, houses, etc. New Spelling In College. Bethlehem, Pa., Sept. 1. Prof. Mansfield Merrlam, of the department ot civil engineering of Lehigh univers ity, today posted notice to tbe students in hi department that hereafter the Pavnaoia avatam nt rAtnrmnd floellino' would be used in all quisles and lee- turet, bridge reports, etc. WILL ACCEPT AMNESTY. Cuerrera Alone Hold Out and Want Roosevelt to Arbitrate. Havana, Aug. 29. Senator Do!, leader of the Moderate party, at tbe conclusion ol a conference with Presi dent Palma at midnight, stated that practically all tbe insurgent leader ol consequence except Pino Guerrera bad signified their willingness to disband their men, 11 all were positively guar anteed immunity for their Insurrec tionary actions. On account ol tne insurgents wn ngness to quit th field, there will be no further enlistment. Havana. Aug. 29. At tbe moment today when tbe government wa issuing its proclamation offering pardon to rebel wbo would lay down their arm. iU forces were dealing the moat tailing blow that ba yet been struck against tbe inaorgent in the field. For seve ral days it bad been stated tnat uenerai Guzman' iorce of imurgenta, wbicn wa variootly estimated at from ZOO npward, contemplated an attack on Cienfuego. Colonel Valle, with a de tachment of rural guard, wa Qis- patched to Cienfuego for tbe purpose of engaging Guxman and breaking op tbe band. The encounter 01 tne two force resulted in tb wont disaster which the InsurgenU have austained np to thi Mm. Tbey lost 17 men killed and many wounded, while the lo to be government force waa one man killed. The government is without further particulars of tbe fight. That tbe Insurrection is in a uasy condition seems to be a Uct, although tbe end may not be a near as tnem- bar of the government force prole to believe. Pino Guerrera, tbe insur gent leader operating in the province of Finar del Bio, in a aigned tatement telegraphed to tbe Associated Free te nigbt, declares that be 1. as determined as ever that tbe laat presidential elec tion shall be annulled before there can be peace in Cuba. That Guerrera' s force of 2,000 men il well armed and supplied with food and ammunition is amply verified. Ita greatest drawback is now lack ol mon ey, but the people of the western part of Pinar del Kio are lurnisning 11 wiin all the supplies needed, taking in re turn therefor order on the "Cuban government," and in many case re fusing to accept any consideration. Rapid fire gun and considerable war material arrived today for tbe gov ernment, and more is expected irom New Orlean. It I reported that Guxman' force. tbe vanguard of which was defeated by Colonel Valle near Cienfuego, number 1 .000 men. well armed and mounted. Tbe report 1 undoubtedly exaggerated. A a result of a meeting in Havana to night, many congressmen inscribed themselves a volunteer. VALDEZ FORESTS BLAZING. Dense Smoke Biota Out Sun and Steamers Slow Down. Vancouver. B. C, Aug. 29. On of the lamest fires wbicb ba occurred np coast this season 1 now raging in Val- des iiland. Steamers which arrived in today were somewhat delayed by dense smoke. and passenger say that in the vicluity ol the (cene of the fire massive clouds of dark smoke entirely obliterated all view of the flames. Valdes island is covered with a mag nificent growth of firat-clas timber. and many local timber holder have large claims there. The ore pres ence on tbe island ha caused anxiety in local business circles, which is all the more heightened by the fact that nothing can atop it. Rain 1 badly needed along the coast. Fire Warden McKay stated today that the recent big bush fire near Gower Point bad dona more damage than was at first supposed. While tbe fire deatroved a large tract of timber. It also burned the bridge and destroyed tbe roads in the vicinity, and the people who live within the territory on which the timber was destroyed will have no access to the water until new roads and bridges are built. "The people in the vicinity," said Mr. McKay, "will be practically desti tute this winter unless something i done very quickly to relieve them and to aid them in building new roads and bridge."' Office-Holder Jumps His dob. Seattle, Aug. 29 After waiting for ten days for David G. Rinehart, ton ot William V. Rinehart, pioneer and ex councilman, to explain hi disappear ance, the city health board today re moved bim as tanitary inspector. Rine hart leit town without notifying city officials and is supposed to be in Spo kane. Though his wife departed to join him, neither bit family nor friend have offered an explanation for hi go ing other than to sa be had a good chance to bettei himself else where. Wirele.s Aeroplane. Brantford, Ont., Aug. 29. Dr. Alex ander Bell'l "wireless aeroplane," which il attracting the attention of Canadian and American scientist as sembled here, had a preliminary teat yesterday. Captain Anglemeier, of Chicago, the navigator, succeeded in rising to tbe Leight of 200 feet, turning a complete circle and alighting safely a few feet from tbe starting point. Dr. Bell's flying machine is operated by wireleu electrical energy. Bryan Decline Private Car. New Haven. Conn., Aug. 29. Mr. Bryan ha declined th proffer of Pres ident Mellen' private car on bl trip irom New York to thi city. In hi let- ; ter be ay: I do not thins: il wonia be wise to accent favors from the rail- ! read. Let m pay my far and rid M II usually do" tha line 1 already completed