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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (June 15, 1906)
Talk ( Hon. Columbia Comity Ikiik. Mr, C'.eo. 1'uelcr, of floble, was vlall w u the county acnl Tneeday Uel. Mr, 1M-MID, u' (lie HI. Helena law, lull tram. lUlg crillcltea till Week itn fMt1l f m rttlntl Ntikl which h iHCurml t Hi barlaiH K"" Kni'lay . Mr. S. A. Ortilasr, formerly of tlilt ilm. Il wuw " lorney I" I'urtUml, l.llcl the county tent on legal luiiic lual Sutulny, Mr, Jaturs Itart attended the reunion nltlni (noueer I'oitUtiil thlt week. Mm. W.ll. Powell wan in Portland tlilt week In aUetiilanct.a otic of III officer, Hill 111 the ('.rand CliAter of lit Kaatern Mir, Mr, John t 'lniKii, who live In the hill ul the Nchaleui country, wm lu St, J Men hut Monday on hi" way to aahltiKlon county. He wantaggooj count r pejjer, an lie auliacrllied to the old rrlUliU MlNT. Mr. I'M- Cull'l. timber unArt of the Rainier Mill and Lumber Co., waa a vi itortn the county seal hurt week. Mr, (imlil in iutly irouil of lh fact that hi tlauiclilrr Kaile secured the lil(hrt av' cmt;r of all the cl(hth grade graduate in tlin county Mi., (trace Wilson, one of the succea. (ul t'oiitrtanta in the Oregouian' Yet o.i iic trip eonlrat, who died at I'nion. was it school titale at Hie Monmouth Normal Sihhil with IV-jmty Aartor Kwn, anil Mr. Ora Powell, of till city. She w a very bright anl impular youii( U.I 4ii. her death ha caused great row among a Urge circle ul acquaintance. Living up every dollar lead to the lodging houae. Columbia County Itank. Maim At the county clerk' office in St. Helena, on Tuesday, June ISih, ly Justice Walklne, Mr. M. J. !, and Mr. j.ilm K. Whittrti, of Claltkanle. We ay Inter! on time ricita, Ci.nir and aee u. t'olumltia Co. Ilank, The aork of aclng Columbia county ira-luiling non-realdenU will he complet ed thta week. It will allow an Increased vjIujIhmi of aUmt 7V,ll. and the levy ill I eorrraiiiding1y decrcaacd. St nip ol White fine and Tar, the old omKh reiuely. for aale ly A.J. I Hrm ni . ilruKxnt. Mr.Sewatl, of the law finn of (iiltncr A Srwiill, wa a viilor to Hi. Helen, till. wrrk. wvuriiiK aUtrart front I lie Oiliiiiilii, Couuty AUtracI k Tni.t Co, lor ?.illacre of tiinlarr land hi linn lia recently urchaed, they larinif the (.'oliiniliia City andNchalcnt liKKnK Co. Nil mtiotmt to hiiibII to atari an account mill the Columbia County (tank. Misnsii.' liaMi Uii.K Mr V, It. I', i Aril wrnt to I'ortlaud Tneaolay reeliln( to Ir prexnt at the ScotlUh Kite lun ipirt and In attend the meeting ol the lir.ui.l UxIkc, which convencl Tiirwlay, Take rin ft the dime and the dollar ill take care of themaelvea. Columbia County llauk. IIn; Stkiu Si-ik kink. a IlKaK Tlie tram khiamcr Yoaeuiite la loadinK tie, l Mm kle Hntther wharl fof Kan I'elro. She Ut a capacity of I.Dtm.UW fret of luiiilvr and Carrie crew of thirtyonc oilKcuaiid men. The veel I fllte.1 up with an oil burning plant, and ha the uunt modern epilpiuen( for handlinx Irriln. She i of H'.H ton )M relter, rj.'i (rrt Ioiik, and 3U feet heani. Thi i her l'irl trip tt the t'oliimlila. She Utim licl at Kureka. Cal., Ial proi. Steely mvin ncoulrc" a home, I'olmnbirt County Itank, I'laK lii'.fAHTMKMT A liieetinij waa held ul the court houac tail Thurxl.iy eve ning (or the mrre of ellectiiiK the or K.Mii.ili.m ol a fire department for St, lb-Inn, The report of the committee a pointed to draw up hydawa wa rcd and a.loptp.1 mid a list of alxtcen memlwr e curtnt. Another meetiiiK will Ham be called and it I hoped our cititen will rvinee a proper intercut and that we will omii luvc a well drilled and efficient volunteer oruiiiation. Now thiit the election ia over, how lnit nn npropritioil to have Colum bia County prorty repreaented at the Orrtfou SUte I'air. An Oi.ii 1'KiKNnflnxK Tlie old CIi- r" oh pre unci In th MtaT office for ncirly ii iputrler of a century, wm hipieil to K. II, Mitchell at Kutuiim on Mondiiy luHt. It wa tliefirrt power pre of any iWriplion ever hroiiKht to . Culumbia Conntv, and ha, done more job priiilinx than all thn other uiaclitiie in the coiiiily. It wit a Rood pre, but we now have ii Cordon jobber that I heavier and better prc III every "way than the Cliptier. Tin) dry aenwni will anon lie here. I ain't put otf having your property in min d iix liiml fire. Tulk to Kom nlKiut it. Columbia County flunk. Movi(i) to Kai.ama Mr. R. H. Mitch ell and (iiiutly moved to KntnniA on Tuewlay turtt. where Mr. Mitchell will en KW In the publication of the Kwlaina New. Mr. Mitchell'! career in thi county lm lieen kcleldoacoplc. He ha, conducted piiH-r nt Vcriionia. Rainier, St. Helen, and Houllon. He I rutlcr and a man of oonniderablc ability, but he eem, to think Unit the main purpo,e of county ncwHpax.T i, to find futilt with whatever i,, nnd thereby ho ha uiied the road to Hiicces. Come ami make a dcpoiit with us mid ly all your bill, hy check, which Kivc Vn n receipt to which you can alway refer. Columbia County Bunk. 1'KAHCK'H I.1CKNHH BlNIWKI The city council of Huinier, on Monday eve t'i'iK hint, renewed the saloon license of A- l. I'curce, who I under ciitcico of one yeuriu jail for thca,ault committed '"' W. C. 1'lwher. I Imve money to lon on approved vio enuue ecnrlty. W. II. rOAVELt, 8t Helen, OrK Till! Kuri l liu, ... ---. , .,,., n..n Air.niiil Mr. Auku.I Ketl gave a very ,l.uil m.r). Hon at llieir home in luat Hati.r. day evenli,),, honor of the ii.rrl,.Ke ol heir win W, A. Ketel t Klm I.eoU Lowe. The rooiiii were tastefully drru rated ami In the c-lFr (l( . ,.,, . i. i .1 ... . " ' ' - ". wnilllliv Tint .,. I iiiuieu mm, for the Mvt and il..-i.. ..... . " ' I-"...,., i i... ii. . .... roiiuxer neon e. tumuli ii nouieii (lie young,!,- did not .1 .... . .. '' " lauer aiiiiiMMiieut ..iy nuniiuy inoriiiiii r.lre.liin.-i.i. were aerveil ami Hie uu..i. , i i.i. wmiie, tor a Happy nmrried lile fi III tf.M...,. . . .... .... voupir, who will op ul ii.mii. I.. meir n, at Hoiiltoii, My (lolltl,-, ,rM (ni, II( rM. oiiabla liuainM principle, lobe applied loall alike, and I Iwlievu that the quality of my iwlt and prliw, prove, that the purchaaur (rvi, (u value (or every cent he ml! over my counter, (or I guarantee, everything and no one can ay that I ever IvmurrtHl aint refiiudinit money on or reptaoiiiK ,ny thlnii did not prove to bo a, good a, could In) en lieeli'd. fry llnlternut bread, fieih every day. u,,r ik,KU C-ok l,ci at Iter,, etc., o( the very blglie,i iiuallty, canned giakl Kou,j tMI .,ro. Uuced, Anur, feml, ele, M.C.CRAY. McllNitiK- I'ATTKaiKiN-Mi, (ieonre .iiciirtilei.lltneraml I'lnk Charlc, fat leraon, were uniteil in marriage at the rcldence of the bride', lather, in Tort laml, on Thuril.,y lt. Mr,. I'attrrvin wa, Um-ii in St. Helen and i, the daueh irr in sir. am Mr. B, V, Ciltner, who for many year were rridenl, of thi. place. Mr. 1'attenain Ua yonna butine man of the inelrouilia, and I, a worthv gentleman in every reaper!. Mr. and Mr. I'atterwm will make their home in Fortland, and the bride', many acquaint ance in Columbia County with them every good fortune M AaaiKii ho thought that wheu e We I land lelt May I.MIi lor the Kail that he wa ooU to return with a wile? Well, he did it. He wa, married June 2 at Waiiwu, Wit., to Mia, Sophie 1 harity, Father llrenuan, of the Catholic ' church, ofticiatiug. The newly umrried couple arrived in Hoc.lton lant Monday and will make their home there (or the prewot. I'om So. Indict wheel. Iiuiilre at thi, office. I.tyroa !,; Cuntkht The Mlcain kcea-r of Hontton and M. Helen have conuilled Connael and it i undcrtM.t that they will conical the remit of the recent election in thi precinct, when a victory wa retired for the rohihitionUu. The ground of the content will I that crii reiding outidcol I'nion brecinct yotel here and their voir were counted lor precinct prohibition. Whether ut h vote could la-counted in at leat i)iietioil able. prohibitionit would certainly object to the principle, a ii would pcnul taloon men from any precinct where they were in a large majority to trannler a rtiou of their vole to other precinct a they found ncccaaary, Mr. and Mr. Wm. YanDeraal, ol Port land, arc vlitnig Mr. and Mr. K. II. I'lagg, ol thi city. Mr. H. Morgu wn a I'ortland vUitor thi week. In the prime of life, prepare for old age and death. Talk to Rna. He aell all kind of Life lnuranie policicn. Colum bia County Ilank. UOOII IIASKIULL. Two (load (lame l'layed Nanday Here I.aul Over two hundred and fifty people witneiwed the two gaiiicn of lebalt lw tween the St. Helcn Iloulton combiua tion and the club from Wootlhtud and a Center lut Sunday afternoon, and thine who conlributetl got the full worth of their money and thoae who didn't got a great deal more than they were entitled to. The lint game waalx-tween the home combination and the Woodland laiy. It wn, rather a jug handle aflair, resulting in an eav victory tor the home boy by n core of IH to (V. Then the St. Helen Ihjj tackled the U Center outfit and we're compelled, to put up the best ball Ibey knew how'in order to win. It was a g.KHi warm game from start to liulh, and at one time it looked very much though the visitor, would win the vic tory. The acore at the clow lood 10 to U in liutir ol the home team. !r. Cliff umpired the first game and Joe Specht, of Wootllnnd, the aecond. The St. Helena- Houlton team ia entitlcti to great v. f.,, ibrlr work, a it is a hM trial ior amateur, to play IH consecutive innings. A game with the Kelso team, at Kelso, is on the program for June 24. The Kelso boya have one of the best team on the river, and it will take good work to lieat them. YANKTON ITEMS. Mr. nnd Mr. J. K. Clive vi visited Yank- ton friends over Sunday. m- and Mrs. CO. Mover are ranching a lew dav at their home ncarlaris. tn.. v.,il Hohicskl. with her Wend, ..... i- r .ii. .oi Portland, are visiting if 1 1 ran ' - Miss Sobieski'l par- Mill A. ... . ti .1 Dnltililirtl had the Uli HUBS lllOlii'O' fortune lo cut her hand severely lsl Salnrdiiy. Mrs. Ross Stannwood is slowly recov ering from a .evere .ttack of np, tis. She was nlteiuicti iy Portland. Ten team, are now employed In hau lug ,u1 from the two mill at thi place to Houlton for shipment. Children'. Day wa. observed by an ex tended ....ion ol the Sunday School, he "K'lW work being ppctMeUcl by ""KMind recitation, by ,,e younger '"MMbrn ol the .hwi( K.v,ml KWeikmt ") the choir, nnd object 1enou, by pa, tof McKcc. Htrnwlierry pltkinir ' 11111 rv rinl.1,a.1 t "Milton l-ark." Mr. Steven, ha, har- eii a nuriy K,H)I cropnotwlth,'.andluK the cloudy weather, employing , or eight huudt for about twelve day,. I'rank llrown and Mi n-ih ,,.. tended Children', Day exerciae. at War- reu miintay evening. VERNONIA ITEMS. School election in all thedintrictaMon day next. Children'! Day will I oWr.l i ).. II o'clock, on Sunduy week "e n l July Will be celebrated lo.. R. R. Nlckrrson, I), W. Keav and A M, Parker are the committee on arrange incuts. Mr. Rva West has aohl her homestead east of town to Montgomery & Mann, of roruanu. price iloo, Carl Rmtroni ha, bouirht the forty ol 0. B, Malmrten'. home.te.,1 .1 the mouth of Pebble creek, and intend! io make it bit home, tomideration Ml". lister Mowc I huildinir a honw on his forty in the Heaver neighborhood, and A. Iwtiuionta Inrn on lot on the east side of jown. Others are getting ready to muni miring the summer and fall nuim, and Hamilton, near Forest trove, were in last week buyiniMin stock came. They succeeded in getting small lot, but we did not learn what price, were paid. uur railroad committee ha, received maps am cliarl, ( the located route from the SU-iuile station through Yer- nonla. and ihe contract which the com ny wiUe our ieoplc to sign, guaran teeing to them the right ol way. The committee inow ready lor work John Rice, who work, in a logging camp netr Houlton, having a lew day. II lat week, came over (or a visit among Id (riends hereabout, anil to do a little trout fishing. He got about -10 of our laxkled beauties. While here he .old his house and lot. corner of 3rd and Maple street, to Rolwrt l.indiay (".. Giutafkon went out on a business trip to Purest Crovc on Wednesday. He brought in a load r himself, II. G. iKiwning, Ih. Hatfield and others There was quite a spirited discussion ol the road queition at the meeting of the ity council Monday night, the question la-ing which dors the main road running through the city belong to, the county or the city, and who is responsible lor re pairs and permanent work.' The couuty had a road through her.r long before the ity was laid out, but it has been changed many time,, sometimes by petition and sometime by the commissionerand court cepting a Ix'tter route in lieu of an old and jxHirvr one, as in the portion of road now licing graded and graveled from the ((Hit of the Hrcedcn hill south to lliidge street, so that there is confusion as to ust which is the couuty road, and the liwusiion Monday night did not, at it could not, settle it. Last week we Mid that I). W. Keascjr ha.1 gone to Tillamook with ihe crew ol surveyors who finished up locating the railroad line to this int, but w heu they got out to headquarter at lluxton, they found a strike on among the men of tlie crew surveying this end of the branch line which Mr. Thouia and his crew were to meet from Tillamook, and seven I them had come in fioui the summit id asked to be relieved. The boys said they had gotten too far away from civili zation, there was too much ntiu and no shelter except the big trees, the country was too rough, and a whole lot ol other things they did not like. So Mr. Thomas' crew have to double up with tlie other crew, and the surveying ii being pushed (irom this end of the line only. There is encouragement in nil this lor our Ne- halem people ; lor tkis branch line, i( a route is found at all practical, it will run many miles through a very rough and uninhabited country, will be very ex pensive to build and will not pay except as the timlier industry is developed, ex cept on through freight, while the Nc- lialem route will cost much less to bmiu and will give the road a fairly good freight movement nt once. The Nehalem river line is not only the main line but will be built and operated firsu KIST We are geitiug hard up for ome dry weather up here. llev. Myers, our new pastor, was up hist Friday night and delighted hi. audi ence with a splendid sermon. Huns Christeuaen Sold his fine young horse to Ceo. Custer fur ( 175. It was a mistake about Mr. Weed niov liu tils (amilv in lust week. They will lie in some time next week. I want to warn all dairymen to exam ine their head., not for bug. however, but to see if they are getting bald. It i. wiid that the head coming constantly in contact with the cows body causes the hair to fall out, thui producing premature baldness, lton't butt your cow in the flank. Mr. Olsen, the new-comer, bought two milch cows last week from J. II. Turk, paying ! for one and lo (or the other. Mr. Olsen is not a teuiiorarv squuttcr. He has pitched into the work in dead earnest and ha already made quite a show. "notice 01' einal settlement. Iii Ihe County Cuurt l lh Slato of Onwin, fur Columbia Count v. In Ihe ninllcr ul the Klto ol Kllcn T. Payne, Nlaiw'Arcby alvon Unit Frank Payne, ail mtnlMmlor ol tin) l'Vo eulilli-l elin. ;n "r 'u lore U.l hi Dual account In tlie lnnlli-r , 1 iil'l ll'! i" ihu ,:,"""' 1 Vrl 1,1 ,l,e C miiiiv ol Co uinlila. snito o( Dwitoii, by an or ' ir ilulv made l olirc.lon Iho ASlli .lay of May. "law. aiHi)wt aalurilay, llio JUi day ol J ilv. at the boor of ton oclma . iii.l I he nio orhcarlii! ahl acooinil aii.l aelllluy tho mi lie ami for hvarlui any otijoi'lloiis thai may rtl "l Ihcreto ami for aclllllIK ii oblwtlo l, n". .....1 ni.i.Hiiloiis. If any there lie. will bo heard at tho comity court houe at aald dKWl.Urrtr.Nnj....n.l!s .i .i.imorof Ihe oatuleol Kllcu T. Payne. ticcacd. I1 CP.BI5HOP PORTLAND'S NEW CLOTHIER 87 3rd St., Portland Some clothing merchants are trying to drag their goods down all the to pusn our fabrics create a prestige by courteous salesmen. ..v v- .". - . e. e. quick a. m. h0lt0n The Columbia County ABSTRACT AND TRUST CO. j Titles Examined y ' Non-Resident Real Estate L HURRAH toe FOURTH ASTORIA JULY 3rd AND 4tli, 1906 bRAND CIVIC PARADE GAMES AND ANNOUNCEMENT OF COME ONE! REDUCED TRANSPORTATION OREGON Shoreline amd union Pacific (1 s loS'" jiEVoT. ii l.ciiVe Arrlvea. j" V. "M. Dally. 8:(l A. M CTllCAIiVl-POltTl.iVNtI j:15 A. U 81'Ki'IAL for Ihe JKiiii oauy. via IIiiiiiiiikioii. dl'OKAXK KI.Y K It, for Kaslorn Wnnhlni! tun. Wnllu Walln. l ew 6:1S P. M. Dally. Daily. lalon, t!oour l Alone ami Orciit Northern rniluU. ATLANTIC KXPRKXHl for tho Kuat via lluiit- liMlS P. M. 7:H A. M Daily. Dully. Inutou. j Lower Columbia River. Steamer Ifanalo lenroa Portland dully, cxoeiit Hunilay, ais;uu n. ro. fainniay lo w . m Aatorla ami wav ltiuillllua. Ketlirntlur lcavea Aatorla at 7:00 a. in. dally, except Dumiry. a. L. CRAIQ, aouaral Pawucr Anent, POH TLANDOr. j 2 $ time. We are continually trying up m quality and trimming and C. P. BISHOP - ." vv-v "V Abstracts Made Taxes Paid Loans, etc WILL CELEBRATE THREE BRASS BANDS SPORTS PROGRAMME LATER COME ALL! SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the stale of Onur.n for inv 1 ouiuy 01 louiuiDia. Mary Theresa Kenler. lilalntlft, v. Francis Will- uain rcslcr. ilcfeiulaut. ro Kranci William Fealer, the above-named dcfeniiant: In Ihe name of Ihe Stuto of Oregon vou are hereby rcuulrcil to annear ami aimwer Ihe pliiliit j rt"s ciiiiiluliit tiled niinimst you ou the m-.ruieviHii oiiv 01 iav, a. o.. iiiat, 111 me eulltleil nilt. In tlie ciiltt eln nlt ooiirl. wtllilu lx vei'li from and after the dale of Mcrvlcu noon you of Ihe mtmmona nmt com plaint herein; but, If inibllslicil, then within lx weeks from ami after Ihe l ull ilav of June. IMM, which la the 1I1110 vrewrlliol in ihe order for publication of llila aummoiiM, tor you to ao appear anil answer said complaint; and if you fall to so aicar and answer nald complaint on or lefon the .;ih ,h,y of July, MMi. tlie plalutUT will apply to Ihe court for the rclicl dcuinmled In her complaint herein; to-it: for a dceree liiasolvinx Ihe bo. ill of matrimony now and heretofore existing between you and the vluiii llrT, upon the unoinil ami for the reason that you have wilfully tlescrleil and ubaudoned the pla'ulfir for more than one yotirpaat, and now contliuio to wilfully desert ami abandon her without her wish, will or consent; and Hint plaintiff bo awarded the care ami custody of .vonr ami plaiutltt's mluorchlldren, Francis De lay Feiler nun Carl Waller Kesler. Thin summons is published in the "Orciton Mist," a weekly newspaper? printed and pub lished in aaid Columbia County, Oregon, for not lesa than once each -week, and for at least six auocciisive weeks, by written onler of the Hon. Thomaa A. Mellrblo as iudice of the aaid circuit couit forColumbla Couutv, made and dated on IIh- sth day of June A. D. l'AHl, and dulv tiled In anid circuit court herein. H. H UKCHKH, Altornev for plaiutlu. (IH CoininerUal Block, I'ortlaud, Oregon. H. HORQUS ST. HELENS Carries a Complete Line ol Groceries Dry Goods Hardware Crockery Flour and Feed Hay Notions Candies Stationery Fancy Goods In fact, everything usually kept in a firs class General Merchandise Store. My prices will be found as reasonable as any store in Columbia County. Vonr trade ' solicited. KSTAiu.lsnr.n 1W JOHN A. BECK DKAI.EIt IK Watches, Diamonds, Silfenare, ....JEWELRY.... Repairing a Specialty. Alder Street, Eet. Friut & First. PORTLAND. FOR PORTLAND DAILY Steamer Iralda C. I. Hooghkirk. Master. RAILROAD TIME. l oaves Kalnlcr dnllv (except 8nndsv) for Port land, at C A. M.. dcpsrtiug froiu ft. Helena at 8 o'clock. Kclurnlna, leaves Portland at St:!M P M arriving at fct. Helens at 4:4o. hmim anil Fast Freight, PORTLAND LANDING, TAYLOR ST. HOTICE TO CREDITORS. All persons having claims against the estute ol J. 1). Hirtlsall, deceased, are hereby notified to file the same, with the proper vouchers attached, vmn tne ail niinistrator, at bt. Helens, wituin six months from the date hereof. Dated April 2th ISHXt. E. E. QUICK, Administrator, S0TICE FOR PUBLICATION. Tleiiartmcnt ol the Interior. I.iin.l Olttce at Portland, Oiegon, May 1(1, 190(1. Notice la hereby k'lvcn I hut the lollowiiif named aettlcr has Hied notice of his Intention In make rliial nroof iu suction ot his claim, and that said proof will be made before the KeRtster and Hecelvcr, at Portland, Oretiou, on Julv n, vm. via: Maanna Johnson, II. K. No. 14141, for tlie K!K U,ee.'Jo,T6N, R 3 W. He names the followliiK wUuesae to prove his continuous rosldence iiiwn ami rultlration of aaid laod, via: Christoph Rauerveln, Yank ton. Orciron. Eiuar Mlla. of Portland. Oreeon Willie Batiervclu, of Yankton. Oreoon, Anton Fianer, oi roruaiui, vreeon. ALU EUNOK 8. DRESSER, KegUlar, Porte Trade and Lubens Pearl Tlie Percheron itallion Torte T rod tad toe urrman coacn L,uuena ren will make the aeaaoii ol 1906 a! follow!; MridT at TaaklM, s4r kt Healtoa, We4aea4ra aaj kar4aTi at Daa Krm ea Haarkt Iaiaat Friday at HeapaeeM. MataNaya aa Haadaf! at Warrea. Marea Irotn a dittance will be tiastured for f'i per month. WEST & LYNCH, -OWNERS- Scappooee s z ? Ore. EDISON! German Coach Stallion Owned by tbe Clatskanie Oeraiaa Coach Horse Company, will make the aeaaaa of 1U0U, commencing April 10, a loilowa: Tuesdays at Deer Inland Wednesdays at Houlton Thursdays and Fridays at Hcapiioose Saturdays at Holbrook. 3. T. GRAHAM, Manager OTICE FOIJPUItlCATIOi (Timber Land, Art Jane . WW.) Called Mate land office. .. ,. , fnrlUnd. Oretrou. April 21, IMM. N.tlce I bvrebr riven that In m.m..ii.. with Ihe provision of the act of Cona-ieaa ul June 1. 1878. entitled "Ao fr the l of tlmbcf lands In the Wales of California, Omron. Sevad and VI ashinrlnn TMrimrv " ..... e.1 to all Ihe Public Land Ktate tj act of Aorut 4, lHW, Chrlatophrr Kanerreln, of Tankl.m. Cumity pi CoiiimM. mate o Omroa.haa this .lay lilwl In Ibu nrtM-e his torn Matement No. iWl, tor the MirrhM- of the H. E. , of Hectloa No. JO In Township So. 4 North Ranie i west, and will offer uruoi to show that the land aouxht U more valuable for Ha limber or stone than for agricultural pnriinsee. and to establish hlactatn to sai.l land before Ketrister ami RecrlTcr et I'ortlaud. OregoD, on H'ednndar, the lath U" ol July. la. He names as wlinessea: Isidore P1tmon.Ki.. of Yankton, Orr: Willie SMuerreln, of Yanktoi.. Ore; rred Hendrik, nl Yaaktou. Ore: I, T. Anv and all Dersona Rlalminv .Ht.hal. alioveleHTilvd lands are reaneeted to ale their claims iu this office on or before a Id 1Mb day of July. 11MC ' of March, 1MB. ALGERNON 8. DREA8KR, Register. H0TICE Tt C0fT0M. The undi'rsu'nefl havina Tn nuni- ed administrator ol the estate of Charles u. t-apies, aeceasen, by tbe County Court ol Columbia Connty, Oregon, ami having qualified, all persona haTUig claims against said esUte are hereby nouneu 10 present tne same, properiT verified, to the tineraicmH t.. nl of residence in Columbia City, Oregon, wuuin six monuis irom tne date ol Um first publication of this notice. Date and first publication May 25th. Admiuislxator. NOTICE Or INTENTION TO AfFLT FOB UOtrOR UCE8C To all penous concerned, tnd to tbclc! voters now actuallv reeiuiug Ul l.oblo Pncluct. l o lunibia Countv. state of Orecoo, is IrUiuJr: Vou and each of ou will take notice and you are hereby notified that I. O. E. Huster, will on Tbusds:. the itb, day of July, laos. apply u chu Houorablo County court of tba btte cl Orc-ou. lu aod for tbe Couui of Columbia, (or a liceu.-as to aell ti'irlruouj, viuoaa aod liuon aud fcruented t ider ia Icmi uaatule tluu ocejrallou. lor a period of tlx iuou;b. tu iu the viflaKC ol uoblc, iu Ooble Precluct. Co lumbia Couuty, Mate of Oregon, wbica plioaiioawill l.cknpp')rtad auU laueU tpufi t4e ioUuwiugfeiiiiou, to-elt; PSIlKOjr. la tbe Couatv Cuurt or tbe State ol Onzua for tiie Couuty 01 Columbia- ' In tbe matter of tbe auplicaiioa ? 0. S. tluu Icr for a liceus.' to sell npirituous. vinous aud mall liquor and fcnucBied cider islet Huaav utiea tuau oue k-nllou, i bol'le, iu Oobliyn. uiuet, Columbia Couuty. ttaie of Cirt,)u: Tn the llouorable Cousiy Court ol Columbia Couuty, Orciton : We, the under itiacd, eomvritis; an actual majority of the whole uuwber of letaj voter o( Coble Precinct, Ctduiubi Cotiaiy. htate oi Oree-m. and who now reudn in and bava ac tually resided in aald Cold Preciuct for more than thirty data Immediately pnealiiiK the date of ainniuir. Olios and )recuttiou 01 this issiitiou. hereby roptifulfy vetiiinD tbi Houorahle court to grant to O. fc. Unnter a license to sell apirituous, viuoaa awl uislt bs uoraand fermvutedcideria lean quantities than one Kallou, t Coble, in foble PrecipsH, Columbia County, Slate oj Oregon, lor period of ix months. Emile W'asacr, Henry Wasser, Victor Purer, C. C. Fowler, K. UeploKle, W. F. Carey, Arch Schiedell. C. E. Ilnadley, A. Neer. A. C. Zujler, Thomaa Hunter. Charles Young, P. L. Kenny. Jay Vurtrow, James C. Kennedy, Oaoir Foster Jr., i. C. Fowler. C. W. McFarUutT, Walter Hunter. A. U. Jackson, E. W. Foarler, 1. M. Youuire, S. C. Hoadley, Henry Blake. Oreille Young, llorsa Blake, K. Hvaaneilt U Bradley. Makinster, R. C. Fllber, Jack Ehrllnavr. F. W. Makinster, lieo. R. Taitt, W. I. Schlegel. A. L. Malcolm. Fred Comfort. A. J. Cola. J. F. Bear. J. Jones. Peter lioesch, D. J. Fultou, Harry nines, h r. snow. ueo. I. in, jacoo orown, a. K. Meridian. U. J. Tluton. C. K Clav. B. D. Johnson, P. U. Tipton. Ira L. Witbrow. F. W. Jordan, S. T. Alexander, C. Metralf, Kdwanl Coudou, Wm. Duncau, Kobt. LiviuKston, U. J. Link, K. J. Meels. u. B. roster, ueo. aerr. u. a. Doile. O. H. Kchls, J. W. Tbompaon. Al Shub la?e. C. Maroon. Lee Trnman, Anton Wise. R. N. Hamilton, Fred. Anllker, J. T. Condon, t. W. Uml. J. L. Archibald. Euirene Smith, Joba Ked iliui, C. P. Andcraou, Frank Welter, H. Hoke, W. II. Satterlce. L. P .Moraiand. F. Bishon. Ueo. 8. Snyder, Hubert Link, uu Pltienberg, C. 8. Iioa 'icy, uenry neiter. rraiis uegoaua,). A. M. P. llorinell. Buy on Croditf this $60 Machine for $25 FHEI6HT ntTall. It la blik-ara. Sro bead, ball basting, lock stitch, doubl l4. Mil tkrsadlng hatllt: baa autoaaatle bobbla wlr and other ltal lmynjT bmbK. Tbla la tb AHTI TRUST MACHINE, It 1 tb ataablaa tteavlf are aaking youKofvr. All ttehmDtfewtth sh machine. ) In esly U cub and t asaathly. Writ. TMT forfrea ITM BWIW, .legantbiuMbold good -'"I'fljM naalO n Ias fanawah-eor CatalT - Bevurtx FwmUmmm Oompmmy 1 7 J-1 J 1 First SU PORTLAND, OR. yy C. FISCHER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. FtAINlKR OREOON J-JR.H.R. CLIFF, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON ST. HELENS, I I OREU0N. yyK. EDWIM ROM), PHYSICIAN $ SURGFN 8T. HELXKS, : 1 OHMC