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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (March 30, 1906)
8UMU0IS. .irTTrnvw'tt M caiidb - - r n, i a T f grtiiKN anu RkcovrhkD Mr. Prank hlluteskl, of St. Hclrat, Itilascd lilt g- . .. . . . , ... ... ..I... ....I " ., .jnil)rt COttniyi """ " II lit Million Itt.l mummy iiiotuhik;, " l" . .... .,...i,tu-a voter at, i, ,,. i tit ml ftn f it vpNttiifht of about "'" '.' ml,tri till Held April 2Hl.. . mm) ofhl Imrd earned wcnUh, lie wa MAHTlNJjjTK feeling putty bad alaiut It, mid an rum- 1 1 "'J'" Tr' '7 est effort wu belnir inlc by iK-pwty i ur Bl,r,'M,,,U lllukctlcy to recover It. Ha l feeling 4 . i..i,.Hii,in better now. (..rlil launch lw Iwcu re- . ...I... illW l(Otl'' "7 .. I t ut.,1 VMln.nntl In l.l.H tl U HIT':"'.' . , . ... ..mi nul (ID nn rVTtira ll,u" .. ,kct I, Rep. .imU.y Mr. John llracm, of Kalnlcr, y-"'w,,' 1 Sil'iire from Col- who wa. returning to that city from HI. .,,,,nv in Uw1,:,,.R t. CONNKUU llelent, when he uw the Inuiiih ution ..; I'."'"'; JjZJ. ' " Die lieon-h alx.ut two llillct below Cohim- Ki.r ltpprpeili biarlty. It w tied there ami It l . . I niiotil tlml It was taken bv tome ucrsoil ...vac n eauui- ; .. , - ,. . ., y uiiiio.i -j mnfRcu- ' ol'lectcd to waning, aim, wncn "c ,l,.llll,ii run out of RMoliiia. hud sufficient dcecn-! Ultcii voter at ti ' Tolni.KThe family of Mr. ' ''"irilie illrt .rlinry Oruiit. ol fUnpiwo. iiii to I liviK t lr-u-r io- more Own Itt luir tliutc ol ml(..rtiinr kitrr i'l r"' " J,,,, Bl ,,re4M,t. R.iljt (ininl received V.lunoJInil'' vtry K-me Injurk l.y IIiik wikW I. , l ,.n id ro' I (i(t ,,1r, Ucr, carrinKmudloK while i work In i, inline i" .i iuiiiilll l Tenlnn. thrrc U tli'kneM in V'amittl kIkwU the hurne cin-le, mid Mn, Courtney Out-niimww IiitnMt f "n'-'i ---- - -)(. l cmi.uiin tii.n. wi il-r ol Mr. ,,.ti " f"r"" , 4i 4. . .m. . , . (rl.e -,,rrow and trouble never rome 1iik1)'. The futirrul of Mnrl!nKrtli. of Kiiinitr. took plui'c ut the I'ytbuui Imll In tht clly at limt Htindny ulternooii, if Hili.l. Ilin m.Mitli.raa rtf lit. Vnilf.f'tlvi Df- der of I'.lk, ill which tVnodutloii lie wut! H iiiciiiImt, Hie lenutllul ritiml ol the or der lieiii lined, tiller whli-h Rev. Clupp, ol I lin LntiKreKiitloiliil (.liurcn, re in hliiKrnptilcal tketeh ol the dec t ed. Tlie KliiKhUot rythU uttenilcU Inn lHiy. Miirllrt Iloth wan renident ol Rainier lor seventeen yeiirt and took a jiromliienl purl in htulnet nnd political iimtlcr. He repretenteil uiuiiiidiii toumy hi i" Slide I,cKihiture in 1IK and wa de voti.1 ttdherent ol Hon. C. W. 1'ulUin, our tirewnt Senator. Mr.Bolti leavet a wife and (our children to mourn hit lot. Mr. Iii.tli a loviiiii- hunlmnd and kind and liidlilneiit parent. DKATIIOI'MHS.AIITIII K(l Kil.KV Churned by Her II unhand With Infi delity, Him Kill Herat If. I rou.Aiitiohoiiiaof Ida aoit, V Hour, live mile aotithwert ol Vermm... Monday night. t 10 o'elk, iMniel lletr, aifed n 101 yer, 2 monlht and 21 da'i. H .. r. n l'ennyvm Mr. Arthur Qulgley wnt. dauKhter o( ' r , remoe, Mr. Ow, Hum, (orincrly o( jjnli ,ji4 MmXilrtlm wniiiliel nn.i. 1875, i-ice the it. ii. ri.Aii r louyMk ...vrtl at a candi- iiiilioiin.' Seed In endlriw variety and quantity. (Jarden Seed, l'lower Seed. Why m ud away lor them M. C. OKAY, 8t. Helen. , lU ' f ClMlMi ! ,i.ry i:ie.un. ,, ''.', y,.l I II etwled to devote my y , i liilun. with ..if Since the almve V"1 ,n new ha come of the death l the vomitf man til the liiltl at South Rend. Wah. ninke a drtxit with u and 't.,'! held py y" hy t,,wk ,,ilh K,v,! you a rrceipi lowiotii j" --.-reler. Colnmhia County Hank. A 'Mil l.. IfMr. W. C. Itrown offer-. to build a nawmill with capacity of lttt.nal fret per day provided the cilurnn .. wi iil. ... wilt imri'luic the mill ite the re- Irom Miickle lltother and pretcnt it to ' ' . ... i .... him. and ali movt-le rail coniieeiion "I 'ii theoVci'l nommatliiK with th. Northern I'oeifir. We are ...r- Jlnouuce mymrU 1 .Hdal Mr. Krowi.'. n.odcralU.u. He !l" 'ZZTlTcZxr Clerk, ihouid have ! included an MU ' ,' -u-.-tdiean on the Mrt ol the people of commu. ti, ilrci.umo. i - V.-i... ..: . ..,.lv ..f Wa . u i4rv election April ro. nuy - ' ' "-,4r' ... . .. tJ .1.1... i.t i .v- i t manufactured (itodncu. v .mount t.K Miialt to tTt an at' count wiiu the Columbia Coim tr Tank I have moiirv to loan on approved V. A. HARBIN I r !H I'ruter. ell ! nd annoum-e bi' a. . i. !.,..,lrr. ',-t to ll'e ' v i.oWPI.I , .,,,;i,ii voter at tin iniuwry Sl ,.c, tirrRon. '.. ' Mr v. ,i. p,lt. Prnk Meeker, and f.,.t irrm. Th , ,.or.Ulld.t.rted WednevUy llltl la.-l.een accorded to hute T (U ,iWlk p ,f,.:iy.ih,tof.rrn....-. " it),ull1 .Iiim t Tlicy will oe aw in ii;.. I'.nil tjnudilin. oneol the leainK ailv(Kiite o( cipinl uftrte. will lecture ill St. Helen on e.lue.iiiy, niii il .rrv .ii of Matthew (irewell, died at hi home iu Warren, on Tuenlay, March '.7th. ol couauiuption. The funeral oc curred yetleiday at the M. R. Church ut Warren. Interment In llic um rcuowa cemetery, ii, ii .rriw.n Allen vra in St. Helen ti......iu I.K.kinir alter the tirobatinL' ol Martin Itolli. Mr.Hoth leave ,.. ,,w,t t f'Jtt.tmO. Tlie cxecut or are Julia Roth, Fred Trow and C. R. Johnvui. The witnewsare Dr. wci.nren and A. L. Clark. The dc-.iM.-c arc Mr. n..,t.'. -i,n,1r.-ii to whom he left flSUO. the Imlunce of the esUte K"'nK l" llU wife. The St. Helen 1o.1k of RcUkah 1 ... .I.-I,l., (.ivc a very pleasant aociai i" er ol the Odd l'ellow ami a liunioer invited K"ieit ll Wednesday cvenin). c 1-1..I,... In-cream, cake aim conn; tcitificd to the hoplU'.ilv of the ladic and all presciit teeincu w aaw -v.j ,.lewmt inloruullime. Ikloredepartinu enureaied for the i-nrattpre-ieiit their appreciation ol the kindlle ol the hot-wM-. r : ercally appreciated. J. R. WIUTMiV. v. Oregon. , UAIN1KU t ran county clehk. tt l.!e I IKV petition. tltll . ... i....... I.Mte tii is,. hotiiIwi oi nr"i - ... t,r,,lHlhai-ffiel-d iuiiiiin..! t t,. r. l.v iiikioiic iuv H ,.;, il, candidate I C-'inty fleik. ..... 1.l.1,0,.e..iiioltblvm-ratic .1 the pl"''y elect on, April It llKMKK,-i- lt lleprenentallre. ll ivinu !ilcl i,.rpTmi' aecrdiiU to ,rl i.rimary la, l , i.ivwlfa a Ue.u....e .-- ..,(. ....minalinn for wprraenlalWr. he d...i,i...l l lb" "U.r. at ; .,, ima.y eldUm held prll Wh ' J. ti. WATTS, tM'l)lXIH', t r. VtlTIIU-MRK'H VI.ATTI-0KSI. . !1 ,i nnn'llilNCtl ItMlf lot on II. I iwllt " I . old church hi" "' ' """" " home there lu the nwr Inture. W. know we can K"': Come and ec u. . o lluik. T .r . I. i.iiilmr,S.cre-ary ol Ptate l.. ,te Or.-..i. d I" H' "' l,u i,.., .ry nl ll.eelectota o( Orrgnii Hi Hie State ol Oreuon: I. Janet Witliyeouilie. reride t Cor- villi. U. nton t'ountv, ure..n. ,tmCe addmi.'1CorvllU.reff..n. I n.t. a duly regl.tered inntiUr d tl.e- Ifpiiblican pany. H I a ou.l.mted f,,rtl. ,olheeid tlovernor. at the priinry ..m,:1iii,g election to 'cU1 '', ""l t i w.,i. tl.e twentieth day ol April, IlKXl.l will awptthe nomluMion ... . ..i.i.. i. .mi .ml ii I am null aw iioi iin"i- - - . . i - in ....ui.v a. mu ll oilu'.er. i in:ir'i i i ii ... If I am nominated nhd elected I '. . . . i ..,. .idviKiitu and tmrlntf liiy lerin ui r,i I . ,i v . e......i.,..,.t f.Kii.lilm' and itrow fam ine tai on teleraph. udepl-ma,!' lion. rn.lorm e.ment and tatluii of riinioaii. , . . Slate n-KulalUm and Htate and ptlvala bank, lr.itcomnU and wliifcH liBiika, Protctio.. of the Stnlo I" ' i,!, Ill of public land. A llomd ol Coiiuol lor Male Inalipi- one Uard Mr manage'''""1 "i N" Improvement ol tl" Columbia and Will. niello river, and count aeapoiW. National ownermlp " H" n'"" l"y '"rnii.tiintlonnl amendment I'"'itti'B the Governor or people to veto ual llama o( approprlitlioiia. . form lor noml.atinbt.llot-' An l - n et and ferl porlormance ol pubiu. fluty." , A Holontldo Wonder. The cure that Maud to ill credit make RuekhmV Arnica Salve rclunlimvwon ,ler. It cured E. It MuJfor.1, lw W (or the Palronaol HuHlomdry, '', Pa.,o(ftdltrol fane ol He. It heel the worat Uur.., Horta, IWIa, Ulcere, Cull. Wrmmla, Chllblftlna ami Salt Uhen.n. Only 8Bo l to'V & tiro- ham', llonlton. CaTITs"p HBTTli. ' An I an. ulKnt lo retire Iron. .lne ...V. t ,..i nil who Imvc ac in ru. iiuiciiit ,.. ..nil I M u.lih inn to call iid Kctllei " Kiithellordund llcacmk are mam.. .,U..,ivc imivcment.. AmonK other .i.:.. .. Hipv are inMnllnlK a nimu .... iHiiler in addition to the one now in m. al. a new l.'it) l.orrpowcr ami ..Uiicr. The new m icliiucry . InU ,mt in place. One of the B1 ai.ieh.cimtiacteM loriwe. iili-m. . I,.,,,, il lit-uvv turnitia lidh, to 1 ....i i c. C. Wilson1 milt, wa upi lK.dlv broken on UuiiH-ey Iciiiii hauled aay Irom the dcp.t Ut Pri ltv. Thin ocfurreu ou i- .- Utrec t and baldly ISO feet Irom e I,d The bevy casting were loaded on A. II. Koplm s wagon, - - hofw. and when half way up the lull oneol the '!! wheel UropiKu i - holc-iu the Htrvet umI lct wi.Kn all. break inu ome ol the castings. Clear ly ou.e treet repair arc needed. M-i i. liilihlce buildllilt wi " ucd lor a hotel M at first planned. The . i i. More rooma im in llt-uia.... - ..... ...... Mr. Dibblee to decide ou pun i.K ,nfKe room on the K acneral merchandise lore. Ibu 18 t ;.HHlidca,a. there .hould be more .. ., .1. ol Water lreet, store on vuc , taccommotlatec..tomer who are de . . . , - (.me bv the annoy AmothkkSkw RKSit.KSCK-ir. , . - )f ( . rtBd.nK " i"e .... ........ , Tli,-iolltll sine i State. nr ten d . Mr. Jauk McKie l.a. "i ciowi a v-1 . .. ml i-ivini? bhvk. and hu trn comj.Ucl by tlu- ecarcily ol .killed Utnt here to k" to i o or....- workmen. tt. t...t ,nrt card.-the very ll form f perhnndrel. wilh envelope. Mi. Uri Wall., ol Seappoo. wa i.e. 11.1. -B.Tueday.Mi Wall i also . 1..I.1. I..r She dcire to -rc one ol the Oxonian, lice trip to it. Vrltowntone 1'aik mriiui,t hi. home in Seattle. We tv Intere.t on tune .icpom. tonic d mc .... Columbia County ii. ..i. The Columbia City and Nehalem Rail- iv.inmnt' i t the ineUue, o thai it can dump.t. Ion .. ..... .!. rivrt. al.ll tlier-oy Mir Uirecuy i'"" . , the Krct waatr thai ha, I. en caud b. the loit .ha'lcNUK wiien ouw. i;reat height. Mr. H. J- Walter, i convalcmius am. hit attack .( typhoid fever. Mr. lrt and danKhUri jienl Sunday athou.e.retuml.i 'tol'o'll.ud on Mon- day t, vii.itii Roc; Hr.i-l'r oole ; at )l ..l,,.,l fifteen eKi. barred Hyn.. outh Rock and full blood. CiltO. PKRHV, Jiouioii., v... ... i vii.hi'.i. Mr. W. I). Case', formerly County CotutulK.ioncr ol Columbia County, received very ptinlul and ertou injury wl.ile n carpenter on a buildiUK iVt"-Mr- 1 u....e liimto-r aeros a ,nle;;hlVR;.t..ip,Waand,.etruck , ... ... . Vfl 1 ,1. ' ilis Inlst. no wu .... . .i.u . i .....t mni'iie o mv - . . .. I,t to be the biiMlies suit There are two , . co , the Rainier lilectnc bavi.i incorixirated an., ova Thi. company to. crt; i ...i.u..l..r.l mill l it-acui. V" - irom Riiiin-i." i ...... wwer hou' which i Hi process of enx- r::r The b.,iidi., wu. . . her hunband wn formerly a retidenv o( and well known In Columwa t-oumy, therefore we regretfully publi.h ti e lol- lowiiiK irom Monaay telegram; Acctiaedof inildelity anu iitrcaienea wilh the low of her home andchild, Mr. Arthur Qulgley ended her life by ulcide Sunday morning. Tlie faUl act wa the .r..,,,l .iirnint within '24 hour.. Mr. Quigley ttrenuouly denied accusation made BRuUod Her, but lulled to convince her hu.lmnd of her innocence, and ended ... . .. ... j her lir rather than uear tue iain nn l t..l...,l ...,l M.ll.l ..BV mi.-. ......... Mr. and Mr. Quigley reside near Van couver Lake, a abort distance north of thU city, where they have a comfortable and valuable home. Mr. Qtiiglev U an employe of the Great Northern tyulway, ami i ulmcnt from home tno.t of the time. He returned from hi but trip Saturday, and intended to remain a few day to catc for the orchard at the home place. hint before hi return he received a letter from some oeraon in Vancouver .n.,tiinu ari'i'iiuition nir.-iiiint hi wife, Over thi lie brooded ana bccuiu.. ...... rniir.u.,l . ...1 thi suicide. Saturday evening there wa gathering of neighbor at the Route. Thee people .i t... were enlertamcfl lor ome um n.ii.,i..hiiiMiii accoint.lubed mu aiciun. After thUcouijiony haddeparted, Mr (lllll'liv aCCUWU Ul Wlic Ul iu.i ..... x, r -j .lilu slwv. lii-iitcnllv denied, but he refused to believe lu-r statement and then told i, tli,.v must airtxtrnte. For tome time Mr. iiiley endeavored to convince her husband of her itinocece anil to eneci but her advance were re pnlied. Finally the couple prepared to 1 , -. t 1 A,.,.,.. retire wen .Mr. U"igiey mmw -iv the wimc room with his wife, and retired to another apartment. After he had left the room, ihortly be fore 10 o'clock, Mr. Qnigley w nt to a a f1il nil I oroeurcd a capule contaii." ing several gruin ol aneniCAK)inK iu ...v room occupied by her hulaiid, she told . . , . i i; ...:.v him he believed ncituer coum i"--out the company of their child, and bld- .l; hiM'mllive. swallowed uic uuk. . ' ' . ..... . Aoonabe real.ea wnai iu. done, Mr. Uuigley telephoned lor .r. tvllinv him what hail occurred. The uhviciun liastened to the home and by tlie vigorou use ot anliaoies, man aged, alter several hour effort to over ii. riiifta oi the poiaoning aud I pMnounced her out of danger. Hr. Chal mers remained wun ioe nearly 4 o'clock in the morning, end en .1..:....t..i1 l.i nrn.ttai.le her to forego fur ther attempt un her life. Her promise i.. .i.:. iin u.r no. vcrv tii.w.w.j. in .um - . i i..r..ihp nhvsician left be cautioned -. . . . .i...:. those ttlwut the bouse to oe on ....... i guard against a repetition ol tl.e a. teuipt. . r,,rlv Punilav morning Mr. Quiglcy had occasion to visit Vancouver- He left several nelgbliors in the house, auouv , o'clock these neighbors repaired to the breakfast, leaving Mrs. Qnigley'a o, yearr of age, with .... f... ..irv win ner sou on net, x'.'o-j , , .. crr.iiitl. H lien me i-"r - cotiered hi. mother in convulsion, wr. Quiglcy and the physician were tent for. Dr. Chalmers discovered luai .uc lunate woman had taken a large dote ol . i .i.l i.-... .iwi was made to counieroci the effect of the deadly poison without :i. ...,i .iiimuirh Mr3. Quigley b- mred for a much longer time than is t .i . -.. wlir usual in case ol poison oi tins u' i she died before noon. She resisted all el ,.rt. of the bhvsician and those in at tendance for her relief, a long as she re mained conscious, showing a ncienu...... tion to die. Mr. Quiglcy was 35 years of age and ... i i ,rr!. d for the oast 10 years. Jitlt. WVM " . - She has resided in the ancouver t, . ... i ,.. o..,...n,1 vears. and bus al- 1 1.1... in tlie estimation Ol nci ways ii" - . , , neighbors. Funeral services were held from her late Home juesuny at 10 o'clock. Obltt.wlier !. remained until 1875, when he went to Boutnern i..i, - rethJed there (onr yaara, coming to Or- gon In 1H7S1, wuere we n ' a inont of the in tjoian.u. v-"v- He wat married in early lite ana naa .w German Coach. Stallion Owned by the Clatsk.inie German Cooch WW, ComuientiLR TnesdayK at Deer Island Vwl.. nudum flt, IlOllItOn Thuwlays and Inuays at Heappoose Satiu-ilays at Holbrook. J. T. GRAHAM, Manager ty C. riWJIIBB. ATTORN EY-AT-L AW. - . . ' OREUOS 11 A is iiumiuim... J ..mi' juvnui.;" -V l. ton, one of whom turvivethim. WllHarn, YyeJnciMlayg at IlOUltOTl ..lw. 1. now nearly 7.) year Old. "., .,.. -..A VvulAV wile died 3iyeargo. There are three or four grandchildren still living. Grandpa He had been a ChrUtian for .i M faithful and connst- uiiirc ii. iv .. ent. He wut loved and respected by all who new him, had no enemie and many friend. The funeral wrvicc were held at the church in Vernonia Wednesday at ... .... ....... ,.n lw.nir oreacneu "J 1 1 a. ro , ii.c c. o Pastor Coleman to a large audience ol neighlwra and Mend, oner - body wa. laid to rest in the cemetery near town. Teace to nis asm.-.. t.r i- v..ii. f-niintv turveyor, M here Tuealny, and with crew of men wa viewing and aurveying tl.e proposed change in the county road around the Hpencer bill. Dr. 0. C. Hintt and JoeKeid left Man cay morning for Portland, where they will vutit the uoctora uau...w. ,. f.ln,l. (or m lew daya. UlllVI . . . - Mr. Euiinoni clocd a very aoccew.u. term ol icbool in the Tucker Friday. Other important Vernonia new una voidably leftover la Ih. Clrenll " 'h "i2l .. . m i. 'j mrrinrallaa. Wr"-- ' ... j ....-nt lunul T. T.I the .v awiici In Hie tumm oi " n,V' ih. iim Vir., ..i!.l.tV be... m.. ;(.'- V r". ir v..,, f.ii iu. h, a..pi.r .na Miru.ry n. aw, ' . ..'.T ...f... t rin.r,. ,.,'',, li.iuIiIii 7 mirlh. avwin--!? v.i...''. i;,,ir.i,it.l . onntr. Orcipin, u a nix couwrnllva wek l.y (.Mer ol B. . ""j ( ninny Jiniic i wi.i.."" """'i du-.l the Hih day ol "W. I- . 'I'l.v dale of lli r li.U-tl" of Uiw "" m'J:?l. Kel.r'.arr I.HI..' . and U.. rtM. , l-t pubUeatlon 'ae..i. ... s Alton), for f laluOC "!SlVilsi jyn U. tt. curr, HYSICIAN& SURGEON A SNAP l0acre.oll..d ..earlh3n.,in the Krlr.eVred orniie tree. .: . house on the place and a well of hue nouMJ oi. .. nnvone water tliut never 7 -. . that want, to buym tint icon,, , thw anni. For paruciumrs ...H".' - otlice. TKOCLAMATION ST. JJEI.ESS, OBKOOK. jjH.lIWIN KOi, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON ,. n..l. : : OEEOC J ST0RIA& COLUMBIA RIVER 1 RAILIOAO ouivirAii. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION (Timber Uti;l, Art June 1. WW J , I niMTtl fiaawi- ' ' ' - I'onisnn. "ren'ta. ".y " " ffiSi . e ol CoaiVe- or "line 3, Ifca. eutllle.! -Aa "t litnlnrr Ulil in oi nmi" " ...inrt: Nrva.ta .no nsioiiiiawin ii-'.o . . cd in all ihe f'plie ''f cl:'. en.10?': . F......,..w ... piit.i.nrtf.(uiilr of f. lWi. ..)). T .". "' .kT:.i. 1. Co uml.ia, ma.L-o. unra'ni, - " ihUi m.w hla swnm .miement j I iXllifi.r. NO. . . LK.- MfJ : will urivr urotfi u nuw tit.. - fe'lii a. - - - ..l, , tl.U nUtra at Iwil.nU Oreon, on Wnloelayr tbe-hdayol Jfarehjwa. , Ho name. . -- - , i.,.., . tul.rr ...'reaonj a.t. .... . -- - 7 - - On-xoii: oeo. .. IT ritisouric, w.iw. . :.. ....1 .11 ,r-,n cULinioa wlvtrseiyinn 1..,. in il,l.oceooor bi .d of Match, 1'JUK. -oam. yip ijfim 5"TATIO). 0A1LV. U.BDOWa I- a , ... - -rrri l- 1 - . . ..... .... 1. AbGERXOX 8. DBESWKR. r. u. I 7:110 Oil JO t as S 41 Su ( SH t U t w 10 oc - 10 Oi i; a 10 w . Thi. i-tieine. uyui...." built on piims- - " , . - . al,d other machinery has arrived . ..d will ta lnalalledaaooon as ihe building . ready. The power win uc .-v...v- thcUilcrsol the uiui. " WtetabraH'l-J owersoltheu...l,ruv 1. ,se. The other cominy u W ater, Light and FowerCo., and are he MUi ' .. i,.i secured his ST, tS &r. Tl.iscomp.nv 1 recover, "" . m Mill and 1 i I... gel us l""' Ixdore he , a . ... . ,..,,, nv Mr. Cat, rU.U!r:.T: :,..Ei.i..,u.,.s mid street (or "g" " 8. . "V. Iv are also Ellng very so,nol'" c:..r.,i,.l,lUou long time cheap rnics .o t. - . m. i;..iita nrr utjuti contracts. . ,-,.. liiving excellent antusiacuo... v.... comity would no doubt pU out about S, but with two in the field some one .. in ;,,rl loose money. w. .... .1. ...1 nimiilnv luiici- MiUrihe " me of is brother VralR a k year ago in ,.l,f(ra awi VERNONIA ITEMS, City election Monday next, 2 to 0 l .n.l where it ' ''", "f'y franchise last Septcuite . lie will recover, .,,, .i. perh irnt an oi. . . - - . Ktl I" . lias Wu I.t. I ft Will IW Hii -n - 1 I miller U. " - W"t ----- . , l urt WH tw able to resume worn. -wm . . , u...l ... be s dependent rk bis .uirt. this .ccb . rl,.. affa r for him. He dent win , . ha very many ftieni.s . will I sorry to hear ol his bad luck. When von wish to send away .nonay. co,n ,.nd purchase a New Wk r . t .... .l..itmtil llliv HHit-v United .State, nd our charge are small. Columbia County liaim Mr dMra.W.Il.Fowell.Pr.HJt. ,.ow"owned by J; , .li f Mr. and Mrs. Martin White, Mrs. Con ucrvmls , ( 1 . , ,w v.Amiu Rota attended . . , KUekitat County, where he re tl. II. Jonn anu . Um foneralof Martin lloth at Rainier last e :.. - Mr 11, 1'. Ia Ware, ol Liaisainuu. ..... ... .... .... ubllcaii nomination for dtili.u "r " " ' . ., ,, ,. . ,....,.o Clerk ol Columma v. . " ' ,. : ,: vi'.-j - ., MOUI 11V in.-- o visitor to the coiiniy " , - Wedncenuy, - l,t, looking upm P" " " . . ....... ....-tor Jlolbiday lui ' Ithr. olhta ofllcc. vUitiutf assumed tbe .nines o. 11 m ,, on Monday last. He findtco Stlieims"- ,.,!. in-L- tbor- .ideruble San Jose .' " hood. Si'va. W ne t . "" t be re- SAIS'SWS J52J 1 Washington. e . ..,.k tlll,ce 4 1 iv "--- n. I IllllJillS til rCin OH the cream ionic between here and Mist .11.1.1. i..,i..r Is awav in tasters .VII I in 1... ...-f.ratv.l. r n A r..trnii(r went out to ClaUko- nie thi week with a four horse team to bring in merchandise lor v. u.ivewj n-i... v....,,;. Hranee will EW"' social at the Muckle Hall ... v .,...,.... Aoril 7. WOO. Admission III a . w --a ' f,.r all over twelve year ol age. .:ti.,.r.. will who Uvea on the Tusk place up Kock creek wy is building, a new barn. 1, ,v ..!,.... ,a,l a trio out to ror est Urove and 01.0 to Portland Istt week wltlihia cousin. James rerguson. , ...... 1...1 u im liml been visiting him. Mr. Ferguson likes this country and ... !.. f..ll u.illl lllA thinks he will return in " " fnniilv to niuko it their home. r si mi! of Mist, made our city a jB , ... 1 - . hurried visit on Friday tat to arrange with Hev J. 0. Coleman 10 go oo .1 ...... many Mm. Tl.e wedding toon ptaeo v his owu residence at mii v r last Sunday .The bride was Miss Amanda ... Wiiu, nla friends extend Jlllllieuii, .... hearty congratulation. The circulating lbrary ni or" giniaed with about 15 members will loon be at work.- At first-it is intended, we believe, to have only maguwuee. v. W. Keasey is the secretary. ..... I.- c Wlluin went outside but nil n. a, f , - week and may be away aevernl weeks .... . 1 C..oinrt- rf State Ol . J r, me in the Btate o. urcS... - ,:.,. anting that, purstiaiifc i i'" ol m ai teiiliiled "An act effect- Sition of, the Mat. o orovhltug penalties for violations oi pro v'sions.d this act," app.oved K brua ry Mlh. 11W3, a coiuiiiilieo o. .tut, . iihiwiii C. W . ClaCKnmiis ton"'?.. '.r Kernt being me eimmu- .r",'. JanuaryWOd. ul ottlU measure, -- ---- wi:h law. deinanumg u." f--" "Jl Z sub .dtCi U : th legal voter, rr .. ... n f.,r tl.p raooroval rt the Maw 01 -"b"" , i l.filil 111 KHIU dmiw . - I June, being the lirtt Monday in June, l'.KJo. . . r.r-tiit .. r.... . ..r..,. r.. ...... ItOW. lllCltl...;, ... . . .,1 ,i, .state Ol " ... ' .1 tr. .I, nrnvitflOUS Of Uregoi., u ": ."., l. do .aid a. I liere.uov.o.e u i... .u 11 !; una issue una - Hon 16 the people ol the Mate auiiouiiciug ina.iiie ' . "iliensol County, Oregon, f W Kerns Ix-tng the elmiroiau of said committee, has Uied said initiative , prti ,i0, with the natures incieio , - . M .... ..... 1 .ul,,.. tied to the thai luere "" - -";..,, r li-sal e eelors 01 me o.oie ui , --- he?r approval or rejecuon. at reu Ur eleion to be hdo dr ol Jun 190B said day beirortbe brat Mon- l0.tu.v.vepemV: - - - Um "I'r,.".? "r.V lollt on th mr 1110 1 "ji Din""" - , Mount Hood and Harlow ro.u.idpr for the purchase ol U.a eama by the "tale of Oiegon," ""L effect ot which in brief is to direct Mine 11 , ....... .., n..,k. ilia MontM secretary 01 cinte : " ta. llood ana uanow i " 7 Abstract, Guaranty and Trust CniP-'ur. . . . f e t a.11111 not 3t- tlio owner iMuri-iH, - - - , ceeding2OO01).l..ndto ' '-i? bil u,av . t.l.. ... r4 anV niOnCVB IH tho gerirn f md of the State ot Oregon "'hZrif anproprlateJ. in favor ol said corporation, for the eu f1-? tM.aj.vX., npo . V"f V " " ine to ,b ,11 rignis, ru..c...7, r - every kind aua - e.H . w- . thereto, ant. as tou.. - ., . road is conveyed to the Stat all loHjJ p. cv ry kt.ui anu f " ... .... J the isbed and eaut roau .reti w " P"loi at the capital at Salem this Ulth day of "n""."7's?V.V,MRRiii.Ara. Bigneuj - Uovof. itw tl.e uovui nor .- ....... M RI,1)U.M. ioea.) . as s t I l t S5 M.i t to SS.f M Ml 10 00 ft-.S 10 10 M.I 10 21 71.2 10 S 1 ' 10 S7 M t 1. 05 V0.; II 1 9.VI 11 30 .S lnl.l. L'K.lnler ... ,. r.rsmia... ... M.vrar.... .. Qmuey .... .. ClHtkui.. .. Mnr.lil.nd.. .. Wert port... .. . Cllflon... ....Kn.l-pa ... Brcllou... I....,, 1AV.. Ar. A.lorla .l.v 10 at 27 on t 0. S M 1 S3 S 16 B 07 7 7 li 8 JO too 7 1 M 7 tl 1 17 705 tl t 1 io All train. m.k elate eonneetlom 1 t OoW r?,wwayffS T.' Pot? .r.l lro. lw !or,b He:htin- P.ei. e lor As-"l ucli to- Vi" u,0.l-.AX...iorla.O KOTICK Or ISTr-STION TO API'L KO ui. T .11 imo ooneertitd, and to the leCTlrotfn. coMawu...,.-- &i t eh of yo. will Uk. no., 1 d roj. rhfeoy noui'ei. ."-" m ...i .;.i. 1., on T...r-'hel-iJ-'lBT gr. ol the- Hoiiomoir -,-,.i,i.i. inr Orr can. iu ...a or u.c v". Y' ... ,.lt low 5. ""!''., i?.V"r i ltaunr.n.i ir...v...... - - - - - ..,h.. .1 !rmrtairiiw "rrStat? T which 'spplicstlon ill! pMlUOU, w-y- la ,hc County Court ol the .te "f Oregon for ine.wtn. uivv- ... ti .i.tifiav j rloti m i n.ii" . ....w.. ii, scu- yiXu'IuoisVoumieo, OoV K'in- . . .f r.,lMit,. To the Honomwe counijr vou.. Coumy. i.tvKu... u. he nwler Itnca. ' '., 2.1 .,7l Oreuon. . fur '-" ,t,1, Re 1 iSSiuielT Pf"DI, JSTStirV ' Sr.m u, w;j C.oninr iteea-1 ': ? '" ' ooUti; th.n na lernirmc.. - - p--,.... ;urv iirmu uniuuiau, v tt Unksv K. i:. 5.t.aSSryeS- KTifVaaa. A. Bart'? eK. Fraoej. r. a. r.-.jj - s'' " iu r;,rua".,ni. Olio A. Miller, n.111 HunKntvvt . -t- 1 UitrK rifi" 'in2ivwUpi a-'."-:.f-rw .i A.ilun- K. S. MeAIIKier, n . "".V"- a. hi,k. K mu. A. Zetmi. J. oro"-': .A ,. .;,,. tl.U. nai.ini. w. R.iiine.v. J. D. McKay, u. A. v 's". - h ..,. K.t j v.iii-eave. Ji.sel'n I","'.."T,.. 11 m.iir. llmnever. ... ... . .mirt U.te aim ui. ,.UM.....---. - ONN,iER. SUMMONS In lite Ciienlt Court of ' Oreawn, lor The Benunn Iwd'-S -"r'T?.?;'' nornl 011, p .limn, . Kller W . AVen. hi. wife. defeuoVurta. To the -lefeti.laiiU.KHpy w. Alien ana Uiler " Alien, .u. ... ..... .. in, .re i. ,h. 01 me .- jr n.'r;u.,n,r. ii.itouinfMi. "ti". II roa fll a.ejr an Ln.r?Pinilirwill .pplr lo.he , L....tA ih. r.imuiainl. to wtf ror iBlKS HSiSrt. is Riley w. Alien, we - - -- ., .i,,,,.,.. H oUhLimrt; th.t .hecoew of!. raxle a .ten upon a Hen upoo ta uvoa. . Thi. .umiaoiM l. l0'"'SJr B UtU. ,lx eonuiir. week. ,by S"0,tRr nS t'ountv ju.tireoi ii dajea tae . ..a:ti m of thl. tun.- .SIi. Kbraaliihi isi. and ihe date of the A UnraAn for rioUDtlB. CUAKDIAN'S SALE ritiatAf ttn or .he es-.te ol wild !" ).,?''nkw,1iL0,.'; w iuaoi"v jcitoM, - Bixt rr: ... prop. PO..IU i -t. Uelea Oregon. E HAZEN SUMMONS l. lb Circuit epjjK - the ' 0re to' Rnak . Akla and Ben Selling. p!lntlfl. 11c. Ul Uresoaeut Company. . To H.wltt Investment i"i"ii nameu u.c CITATION 1. .h. name ol the State ol Oregon you are i .v'rSd to ;.?P and an.wer tie com- pulmliled aaalajt Ji in l Tl you fiil cmu on or below A .r.l 1 uua. r wUl ".-Vi X Miir. the relief deai.aded lathe cU"i''lt'?K:.i.r. that plalntlir. are th in.. uud entitled to uie . in o.h.IP.,; '" ..'".Toue hiiadied " 'irii v m et ii.u in t0r,,,hi. County, sad ttcr.e h.r decree ihst say ? T.,.d th.r KhuTai, lor their com. .nd duUmuWUj. o( H?,rTh"n,.. a! HeKjuda-! lt 'helmei.reseribe.1 In Ihe onler fo, the pub- lic.ll.mollhi..u...n...n..... SVv,ANT. Xltornevs for Plaintiff. FOJt PORTLAND PAHA' Steamer C. I HOOGHKIRK. Mastrr. Iralda U, the Court ol tbejlte ol Oregea. tor VVIUUIuw I .he matter ol the estate ol W. II. Palmer, deceased. u.imer, of Vernonia, Orcton; Mr! ,A0,ini.!n."l.. .n, K. I. DU.NUAB. Miner, of rore r iVlrii;. who-. f4re.. T of State, - vft X'.w?." ', vl"i 1 i BIK1 IU HII ---- 5 :.iS2 JTWprW u.0"1" deeeascd; lietouililia w ...v T,"U-. .......... , .,,,1 ..':.' or tlol'iuihliJ county...... Ihe " rieW;.f..lSt. llolens. i ,.n .ti.r,iy. mere w n the iiirciiy... ..i..r ..t kk- ot said ileeeajic.l.l ' 'VL ' ,v.l : ..!.!!",,V..,.,'0 " ". t . lt.7 tb. ad- "F " "IT ' . ... i .J..,.- ill,. In Mid court. thenee toutl. ikIiI ,.!, ii Uk l.t o , ihe C...UIV "l'oliiiiihi.e,""7;-,,,l. , W. II. Powell, Atfv tor Admlulsirauir. Leaves Rainier daily, except -.Sunday, to Portland, at.- ... teP"ffl St Helens at 8 o'clock. Returning leave Portland at 2:U0 p. arriving at St. Helens at -t;-iJ. Svmp of White Pine and Tar. the old renaMe cough remedy. For sale by A.J. Deming. nrugK.M THE COLUMBIA COUNTY Abstract and Trust Co. udgc imea u. . ..' .'B a ay! Mitchell We ure iniorntca ,i.,t2tl I ...s a-.... Airs. Dessie Hoi WA0OK l'Q ..1:m1.tof ,fluenceol lta..or wuv..vr ,, ) , " un W. O Hut I nitty owe. Cull al tlie ot, - td one year t U '. ' iqd ajljo jo! ....... sf...L.i . ..... Or. t Meat MiirVet. Wibon, al Beanie. j ma e will look after the home place. Titles Examined, Abstra Made Non-Resident Taxes Paid. Keal "-lurv A. M. 1I0LT0N, H. nORGUS ST. HELtrts Carrie a Complete Line of Groceries Dry Goods Hardware Crockery Flour and Feed Hay Notions Candies Stationery Fancy Goods In fact, everything usually kept in a Eta class General Merchandise Store. Mr price will 1 found aa reasonaoic a. -"j store in Columbia. u"aj. solicited. ' ' Ivheii In l'ortla4 t The Kmpire U-iataurant, 1!2 TFjir Street, tlirei door H-wth Baker The irs. Meals Irom 15-cent up. day and nitfht. Oyater. m an Wm. h'Himntitrr, i f"l- " - " " ProyriCtOt KeynU HUd JUtoatt,