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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (March 23, 1906)
THE OREGON T. MIS tol. xxiii. : - Lim - ' ' :, '. 1 1 ' - NT. if ulkkm . nitwit'iV. vmiuv AfAiinr ion wn M 1 - " " F . - - .. , m.w. "t v . Jto J.U. NEWS OF THE WEEK In a Condensed Form lor Bosy Readers. fllir HAPPENINGS OF TWO CQimNENTS ....... . . J A Rume of the Last Important but Not Lata Interacting Evanta of the Pat Wa.k. Witt will aooii raalgn aa premier ol Russia. 8 ho ii U niajr succeed Ta't aa secretary of war. A split among coal oparatort at tha wage conference la eipecled. President Mellen, of tha Northern Pacific, denounce the rata hill. Many Germane are eating do and cat becaue other meat la too dear. The Htandanl Oil haa confessed own erahip ol many tuppuaedly independent concerns, Amtiaeaador Slorer wa removed Iroia liia poet Wauae bla wife Involved him In Catholic church politic. Tha War department aaya It can atate authoritatively that Hhonla will not realm a chairman ol the lathmian Canal rumtniaaluo. William Rockefeller, who, neit to liia brother, John !., la tha rlrheat man in the United Slate, la auflerinv Irora cancer ol the etomach and there Tie no hope ol hie recovery, General Wood haa cabled the War department that tha iimir m in noro battle were manufactured In Manila by yellow journalist, uniy newepe,r repune win oi """ and children J. Pierponl Morgan la In deadly leer of aaeaaeine. (irover Cleveland ha Juet celebrated hi 6IUh birthday, Cal mtnera are working hard to pre vent general ttrika April I, Nahraaka thermomeler ara register- Ing from h to 10 degteea below tero. Jr.l.n li. Rorkefe Her maintalnt an a fine.! guard at hi houae in New Jeraay. Ti.. h..-..! are to diaagrew on Ilia type ol canal to be but'l. Ganeral Wood defendt the action of the American troopt at Mount 1K I'hillpploe ialamla. Bwretatlyy of tha Navy llonaparte Inalata that tha United titatee ahould build greater navy. Cuatoma BUthoritlee have decided that Chineea joeahouea filling are tub- Ject to duty of 16 per cent. Snow ettdee In Colorado have canard number ol death and a property loei that will reach cloaa to a million Uoi lare. Ijitat returnt Irom tha Colorrdo train wnrk alva tha numlier ol killed at 22 Telegraph operator are blamed lor Uie accident. New YorU propoee to aaUblieli a municipal aeaaida retort. Tha preaident will not appoint a to prom judge lor til month. Huaan U. Anthony'l titter will ttump Orrgon in tha auflrage campaign Tha Japan parliament ha. voted to buy all rMlroad. In that country. The houaa will take up tb amended ttatehood bill Wedneeday, March II. Official figure ahow tha population ol (Innnanv to be fl0.006.llta, agatntl 66,S07,178 In 1000. The Ohio leglalatura It considering bill which will give the courtt power to puniah wltneaae who reluaa to win. Klna Charlna. ol Koiimanl. I near death. Tha crown prlnco It unpopitlai ml a movement naa oeen airnu w crown hla 13-year old eon. The District ol Colombia court nai overrnled Blnger Hermann' demurrer to Indictmanta lor destroying public reoord. He will k lor an apieal to tha Clrcnit Court ol Appeals. tv..i... ..tlro.,1. ira laclnir a labor t....i.Avii thniisaml men are I ....l.l In l.. NortliafMtxrn and Honth- I ...... in l.nll.l (ha niaila that IVIIIflll IWcb arw ara lr .W nndnr way. and It ll eati- maUd thirt belor June twloa that numUr will be needed. . . . ...iff 1.. Itn Denmark may put a tariff law into nmsU Rnaala ananecU Japan of hostile de- aivna in Hlbarla. in ..n kmn.h viorado are blocked by mow. Senator Depew it too 111 to attend to hit dutle In th senate. The first' severs billiard ol tha win ter haa Juet twept New York. The rur hat ordered extreme meat- t to b.Uk,,to prot.t Jew. irom massacre. , I The house will rolect th senate I amendninett to the ttntehood bill. Secretary Talt hat consulted with three ol hit brothers regarding the plac on the tupreme bench. a m.Umnn m.n Iim mIimiI a divorce I a . v.,...t. - I Irom hi aecond marry hi ion. wife Th that in may I husband it 66. the wife 22. lu,t tn nnat the umcago ia now aimut Wettern Union and Postal Telegraph nAinnaitlai nv mm km tliniri nav a Hood I price lor th use ol itreeti. UUT AWAY TM" Rim Tior 1 I I ( PurpoM of Bill Regulating National Reclamation Work. " "hlngUm, March 20. In it gun lIBI ntM.ratl.iM II.. 1 . -f--'" i abiuimi reclama tion law hat provn quit ts effective as IU fiatiiert expected; Indeed, tU lib eral work ol national Irrigation la pro- To.1' ZSZ nowvr, there ha boon toms flight friction which lit rwultad In dalavi "' been bothersome, it nothing mora. No ana can reallte thli mora than tha! o( tha Reclamation tervtce. Mr. Nawell, and tha director o( I ha deoiogit-al turvey. Mr. Walcott. To obviate thea delaya, tha reclamation authoritlaa have explained the eitua lion to tha prealdeut and ha haa ap proval their recommendations and at tha joint request of these officials a bill haa been Introduced in con a row which I will, if enacted, provs of very malarial bennot to Ilia Reclamation eeivlc. Moet of tha friction and delay com- plained of Ii tha raaultot red tape that ilela between the Reclamation olllce and tha Interior department fcrooer. Their dealings ara not direct, and in tha roundabout couree they follow many delays are likely to ocrar. The bill that haa been laid before the home by Kepiaaentatlve Cooper doa away with thie red tape by providing a more direct meant ol communication, at tha aame time giving Ilia Reclamation aer vice more leeway. Tha director ol the geological aurvey la made the director of the Kaclamatlon eorvice and he goea ahead with hit plana, merely tiibmit ting them to the eecrvlary for approval and not for revel w. Another Important change It made by the bill In the matter ol apportion ing and expending money lor reclame lion worki. At prevent thl money it entirely under the control ol the aocre- Ury Al tl)li tim, ther, i, ,ery rollg P,,tiinnl In congreea againat uowii ig cabinet officer to handle auch fundi in a free manner, and Ilia ten I danry. ia to restrict lump appropriation I and atipulate the tarloue purpose lor which Uie money ia to be need. The Cooper bill permit the Keclamation service to tend to rotigrese each year statement of the expenditure which it proiMieee to make during the following 12 numtht. ao that congreta ttiall ape- ciArally authoriae the varioua eipendi turea. Thua. while the Reclamation ervice will retain the right to ay how the fnnda thall b apportioned, their flmlinga are atwaya aubject to tha ap- proval ol congreea Notwithstanding ttiia bill It approved In it entlrlty by PrMidnet Kooeevelt and bv the houee leaden. Keprerenla live Mondell, ol Wyoming, chairman ol tha irrigation committee, aayt it la faulty and haa aeked permluion to make certain amendment. GREAT TRADE WITH EUROPE. Our Export Paated tha Billion-Dollar Mark in 1006. Washington, March SO. Europe takea two-thiid ol the exporU ol the United Hutea and auppllea practically ,.,l,.!f l tha imnorl. aav a bulletin Ii u i b .i,s rvnartment ol Com- merce and Labor. Of the 11,021,000,- 000 worth of merchandiae tent to Ku- rope In 1006, 23,0O0,000 wa manu farlurea, the other I7H2.000.000 worth being largely loodttuflt and manufac turer' material. In 100 the eiport to Europe croeaed tha 11,000,000,000 line, and tlnce then have avetaitwl aliout 1 1,060, 000.000 Der annum. In 100 the e- .1 ... .11,ia M tlm wnrld other " ,3M 000 000 in Uj fc Ooo, the growth tlnce 1000 in epiorte l0 lhe non-Kuropean countrie having heen proportionalely greater than to r.mvn. Prior to 18H0, the thare ol the lm- porta drawn Irom Miroe averaneo about f6 per cent; In 105, it v per cent. Thie reduction, the bulletin . . 1 . ....J I. . . I. H ayi, la apparenny accuunuw j Hm am nit deniaiid in me uuiv mitt for tropicl Rnd mbtroplral pto .i...... . i. ,.h are aunnllvd aiini ex. olusively by the other grand divlaiont the world, rm vaiue oi mrao duct Into the United Statea In 1905 ... 1ROS.000.000, against 11103,000,- 000 in 18W5 Crushed With Iron Hand Hnbl.ui.i Traiiefaurania, March 20. Tl,. nuinaf in which General All t.l.f nrushed the revolution in at mit " , tha unvBrnment ol Ktltals by rating town, executing ringleaders of the movement and driving sympathisers with it to the mountains, hat produced wJ nlment Umt tei9 ot tertor ,d tt.. n.lnir of bomb at tha troopn ... ..... General Alikanholl has nrnnlalma.1 and It enforcing martial Maw with terrible vigor and revolution- arias and other petront caught with arms are immediately thot, Pollce Disperse Meeting. at Putarahiirir. March BU. mi il.nn.anil oersnnt participated today in th. Initial meet in a ot me league oi Education, which was Inaugurated by the Uona. - , i, .....k... -.r mo people, i iuiiiiiiii. t .,.,1 there was no Interference )tn ti.. meeting until M. Noviknff rode an Impassioned speech, In whlcb ne demanded th abolition oi me aeatn penalty . . .. I. ren in cirn r A.I, .),.,!. Russia. March 20. News received here front Beittan, in Mitern Pel sla. tayi that a peal ll ipreaoniK, . j ; .i that the populace it becoming panic stricken and luai many persuu fleeing, - I If -"i- i.ju-i.ii.J.J-..i..-u--uiujjui.jjjLM ,, ii II I --. WILL QUIT CANAL. II II I .i I I II ll l OREGON STATE ITEMS OF INTEREST COMPLAIN OP GRAZING RULE. Oregon Stockman' Grievance Arc . Taken Up by Senator Fulton. Washington Senator Fulton bat re ceived many lettert ol complaint Irom ttock men ol Oregon, who expres dis satisfaction with tha manner In which tha forest aervlce It managing th sum mer rtng In forest reserves. The sheepmen ol Umatilla county leel that they have been unfairly treated in. the distribution ol rtnga in the Wenaha re serve, and tha sheep and cattlemen whoee slock it permitted to grata in tha Cascade reeerva leel that they are paying too much lor th privilege. Ho far at the Cascade reeerva It concerned, the theepmen object to paying 6 centa a bead lor the grating privilege when sheep are permitted In other reserves at 4 and 6 cents each. Tha loreat service explains that the grating aeaton in the Cascade reserve it longer than in tha reserve where the lee it smaller. Ho lar at the Wenaha reserve la concerned, the range bat been apportioned lor the coming aea- son. and it la too late to bring about a readjustment. To aecertain all the facta, with tha view to laying the mat ter before the forest aervlce in its true light, Mr. Fulton ha requested the stockmen of Oregon to furnish hi in with accurate data, that he may adjust these matter beloro another grating season opeot. Tha Dalles to Portage. Tb Dal lea A company ol local cap italist, under the name ol the Colum bia Transportation company, baa bought the steamer George. W. Himois from the D.. P. A B. N. Co. It will be operated between Cascade Locks and the lower terminua ol the state portage road. The boat will leave Cascade Locke at 6 o clock In tb morning and reach The Dalles tt 10, making all way landing. It will lie here an hour, then run to the lower terminua ol the portage, and returning will leave lor Cascade Locks at 2 o'clock. It is the purpose ol th company In buying and operating th boat to afford people along the Columbia opportunity to make The Pallet their trading point. Many Buy Wallowa Timber. Wallowa Locator have been doing much business the paat three month! on account of a wild ruab by local men nd outsidert to secure claima in the pine, fir and tamarack loreat ol Wal lowa county. Beclioni which told at $1.25 an acre were bought first, and only those claimi remain which are in Uie 12.60 sections. There are but a lew more claims open lor location, and it it expected the locating aeason will be closed within 30 days. Capitalist are buying much ol this timber, and Irom individual holders claimi pur chased lor less than $500 are selling at from $1,000 to $1,600 each. Theee carry Irom 1,000,000 to 3,000,000 leet to the quarter section. Enterprltt Still Capital. Wallowa The Wallowa county com- mittionert, at their last meeting, ac cepted th offer ol F. D. McCnlly, L. Knapper and Aaron wane, to tnina a wooden ttructure in Knterpriee large enough to meet the county' require ment lor a courthouse, and to lease the aame to the county lor five year at an annual rental ol snau. ine building it to be completed by August 1. It will be ol wood, but compa'a- lively tale, aa it will be equipped with fireproof vault. I lie board tout settled further controversy for five years regarding the pormanent loca tion ol the county teat. Fight for a County Seat. Canyon City The fight lor the coun ty teat now being waged tmween can yon City, th present capital, and Prairie City, long aspirant lor tbe honor, is waxing red hot. The laws ol Oregon provide that a vote -must be ordered by the county court 11 a peti tion, ligned by not leal than three flfilit of the registered voters, is pre sented. The promoter of the removal have organiaed an improvement asso ciation, and among other thinga have secured subscription amounting to $20,000 for a new courthouse. Hopgrower Elect Officers. Salem - About 75 hopgroweri have beoorae inemberi of the Oregon Hop groweri' aaaoclation, recently organiaed In thli city, and permanent organiaa tion hai been effected by the election ol th following officer: President, J. K. Sean, McCoy; vice president, H. 0. Fletcher, Stleni; secretary, J. R. Coleman, Salem ; directors, J. T. Wood, Salem; Louis Ames, Silverton; O.W.Beckett, Salem; W. II. Egan, Qervala; Francis Shafer, Salem, Lane Fruit i Unharmed. Eugene Dr. II. F. McCormick, Lane county fruit inspector, tayt it Is his opinion that the freeting weather of the past lew days has done no material damage to the Iruit in this vicinity. Each thaw hat bean accompanied by cloudy weather. Had tha tun shone warm and bright each morning the crop would have been ruined. Hop Sale at Woodburn. Aurora Ed Herron, the hopbuyer, thli week bought the Joe Kennedy hop crop of 72 bales at Woodburn, paying better than 9 centa. The hop were shipped direct to London. M.H.Gil bertson, Ulhman Bros.' agent here, went to North Yakima a tew day ago to look after aeveral big lot of hops there. CREATED AT LAST. President Sett Aside Blue Mountain for Timber Purpose. Washington Preaident Bootevelt, on recommendation ol the loreat aervlce, hi algned a proclamation creating the Blue mountain loreat reserve in Eastern Oregon, to embrace 2,627,270 acres Tb reserve as created follows the gen eral line ol the temporary withdrawal made three year ago, with the excep tion ol 200,000 acrea in the valley ol the Bilviee river, which baa been elim inated because of the agricultural na ture of the land. Around the edge of the withdrawal email tract of agricol tura. and school land have been elim inated and the boundaries are ao drawn aa to exclude all land lying along the border which ha passed into private ownership nnder any public land law The original Blue mountain with drawal embraced more than 8,000,000 acrea, About 600,000 acrea have been left out, so aa to make the reserve a compact body ol forest land. Long Winter In Wallowa. Wallowa bnow cover the entire Wallowa valley and county, varying in depth from five inches on the Imnaha and Grand Konde river bottoms, to 17 inches on the foothill of the Joseph mountains. Stockmen are somewhat anxiout concerning ieed. The nnutual long season will necessitate) nsing much more bsy than it customary in average winters. Though this it a bay produc ing county, and though great crops ol bay were put away last aeason, and much old hay was left over, it it ex pected tint there will be no surplus. Great Lott in Malheur County. Baker City Sheepmen and stockmen ol Malheur county are offering $80 ton lor hay, according to report, and the price Is rapidly advancing, as very little Ieed could be bought even at this fabulous price. It ia estimated that the i tor in which baa twept over tbe country during the past week will re suit in the loei of at leaat 25 per cent of the livestock of Malheur county, as many sheep and cattle were upon the range when it atruck. Columbia County Break Record Salem Columbia county breaks tbe record in the matter of payment ol state taxes this year. State Treasurer Moore received a draft last week for $6,300, the amount ol general state and school tax, and $265, the amount due lor the support ol the Agricultural college, irom Columbia county, tor the year 1006. Only ball of tbtt amount waa due. Tbe rest n ed not have been paid until December 31. Luckiamute Mohair Pool. Independence The Luckiamute mo hair tool hat been organised at Arlie and baa the following officers: Preei dent. A. C. Staate; secretary, Maurice Fowle; I. M. Simpson, A. C. Staats and Maurice Fowle were elected a board ot managers. The new aseocl ation already has a membership ol 85, representing 3,093 fleece. It it prob able 15 more names are to be added to '.he membership soon. Csttle Bring Higher Price. Pendleton Three cars of cattle were shipped to Seattle from Pendleton a lew days ago, bringing $4.50 per hnn dred pounds. This is about 1 cent a pound higher than the last shipment made. PORTLAND MARKETS. Wheat Club, 6567c; bluestem, 66387e; red, 6465c; valley, 68c. Oats No. 1 white feed, $27.50; gray, $27 per ton. Barley Feed, $2324 per ton; brewing, $24(924.50; rolled, $24.60(9 25.60. Buckwheat $2.25 per cental. Hay Eastern Oregon timothy, $13 14 per ton; valley timothy, $89; clover, $7.608; cheat, $607; grain hay, $7(88. Apples $1(92.60 por box. Vegetables Asparagus, 9310c per pound; cabbage, IH I per pound; cauliflower, $22.25 per crate; celery, 7590c per doxen; rhubarb, $1.752 per box; sprouts, 8(t (3 10c per pound; turnips, $1(3125 per sack; carrots, 6575o per sack; beets, 85c$l per sack. Onions No. 1, 80c$l per tack No. 2, nominal. Potatoea Fancy graded Burbanka, 50060c per hundred; ordinary, nomi nal; tweet potatoea, 242gc per pound. Butter Fancy creamery, 270 30c per pound. Engt Oregon ranch, 16016,'c per doten Poultry Average old bent, 13014c per pound; mixed chickens, 1213c; broilers, 20022c; young roosters, J 2 3l2S,e; old roosters, 10 O 10,'c; dressed chickens, ' 14016c; turkeys, live, 16017c; turkeys, dressed, choice, 18020c; geese, live, 8(39o; geese, dressed, 10O12c; ducks, 16018c. Hops Oregon, 1905, choice, 10 O 10o per pound; prime, 8)9c; medium, 708c; olds, 67c. Wool Eastern Oregon average best, 16(3(210 per pound; valley, 2426c; mohair, choice, 25028c' Veal Dressed, 3,'7o per pound. Beef Dressed bulls, 2X3o per pound: cows, 3 S 4)c; country steers, 405c. Mutton Dressed, fancy, 8)9o per pound; ordinary, 406c; lambs, 80 9Xo. . Pork Dressed, 608)o per pound. Shont Will Giv Entir Attention to Hi Railroad. Chicago, March 19. A Washington special says: Information from trustworthy sources mike it seem practically assured that Theodore Perry Shonta, ol Chicago, chairman of tbe Isthmian Canal com mission, intend soon to lend hit resig nation to President Roosevelt. It is unquestionably the Intention of Preei dent Roosevelt to nominate John F Stevens, the chief engineer, to succeed Mr. Shont. Mr. Steven will combine the duties of the two office. Pressure from bis associate on tbe railroad with which Mr. Shont i con nected ha been strong (or some time to bring about this result hi return to railroad work and bit resignation Irom the canal board. Mr. Shoot had withstood th plea ol bit business as sociates, but recent event have induced him to consent. Mr. Shonta it still president ol tbe Clover Leal railroad, and it i aid that the Interest ol that road, in tbe mind ot bia colleagues, demand that be return and take active charge of the property. It i laid h own tecuri tiet in the road to tbe value of about $3,000,000, and, in the interest of these holdings, as well aa tbe holdings ol others, it i declared that be leeli be mutt no longer divide time and hit labor. There bat been no secret that the re lation! between Secretary Talt and Chairman Shonta hive been ttrained at time. They are probably today not ol tbe most amicable nature. It is prob able that Mr. Taft will succeed to tbe vacancy in the United State Supreme court caused by tbe resignation o: Jus tice Brown, but will not take his seat before next October. Mr. Taft has bis own views about tbs canal work, which are not in accord with those ol Mr. Sbontt. When Mr. Taft goes to the Supreme court, it is the intention ol President Roosevelt to turn the supervision ol the canal over to Secret y Root's de partment. Tbe secretary ot war de sires to arrange tbe construction plans to auit hit own judgment before tb transfer is made. T MBER LAND BILL READY. Senate Committee Favor Repeal, but Fulton Will Fight It. Washington,' March 19. The senate public landt committee today virtually completed the bill to repeal the timber and stone act and authorise the sale of public timber at not less than it ap praised value, small dealer to be given preference in tbe sales and miners free use ot timber lor domestic purposes, tbe same aa in forest reserves. An amendment insisted npon by Sen- ator Fulton will be adopted giving the counties 10 per cent ol tbe amount ol sales in their respective limit in lieu of taxes. Tbe committee it also framing a bill to permit homestead entry ol agrieul tural land in loreat reserves. This bill is designed particularly to meet the principle objection to reserve in Ida bo. Senator Dubois is strongly urging this measure and predict it passage. Mr. Fulton is the only member ol tbe committee opposed to the repeal ot the timber and stone act, but other West ern senator agree with him and will oio him in opposition to tbe bill when it comes up in the senate. In case it is impossible to prevent the passage ot the bill by the senate, Mr. Fulton will seek to increase the amount to be paid counties Irora the receipt "ol timber sales Irom 10 to 25 per cent. The Oregon senator ia so thoroughly convinced ol the inadvisability of re pealing the timber and stone act that he will carry bis fight to the house and seek to induce the home committee to table the senate bill, just aa it has heretofore tabled a similar bill in the bouse. He feels certain that this leg islation will be killed in the house, ii not in tbe senate. Trustee Endorse Tax Dodging. Cheyenne, Wyo., March 19. Irping Howbert, president ot the Portland Gold Mining company, and his entire board ot directors were re-elected at be annual meeting of the stockholders today. The re-election was bitterly contested by J. F. Burns, who was ousted from the presidency a year ago. The action of the trustees in removing the headquarters from Iowa to Wyom ing to avoid paying $1,000,000 accumu lated taxes waa indorsed. The secretary states that dividends in 1905 amounted to $1,080,000. Constitution Is Saved. Washington, March 19. The famous old war frigate Constitution, "Old Ironsides," is to be saved Irom rotting at the Boston navy yard and will also escape the worse fate of being used as a target by the North Atlantic fleet. The gallant old craft is to be, patched up and rehabilitated, so she may Indulge in an occasional cruise in mild weather. This ia the decision of the house com mittee on naval affairs. It is estimat ed that it will cost just $6,000. Started I 000 Rivet. Baltimore, March 19. The British steamer Belfast, Captain McKee, which arrived from Las Palmas, Grand Ca nary, today, brought mails Irom th drydock Dewey. Captain McKee re ports that when he left Las Palmas re pair were being made to tbe dock, which had started a thousand riveti on the trip acrosi the Atlantic HE WANTS DETAILS Hermann Will Ask Proof Letters Were Official. GOVERNMENT WILL BE PREPARED Accused Representative Denis De stroyed Letter Book War Public Document and May Appeal. Washington, March 20. Represen tative Hermann, through hia attor neyt, intends to ask tbe conrt tor a bi'.l ol particulars more definitely describ ing tb letterpress copybooks which he destroyed just before leaving the gen eral land office, and which are alleged by tbe government to have been public records. The bill will be prepared and submitted by District Attorney Baker, if so ordered by the court, and, when this is done, another effort will be made to set a date for Hermann's trial. From statements made by hi counsel last Friday, it is believed that Her mann will seek permirsion to make a special appeal to the Circuit Court of Appeals, but it is not at all probable that any tucb appeal will be granted. While counsel haa made no statement about tbe case, conrt officials believe that Hermann will not seek to evade trial on account of his constitutional right of exemption during tbe session of congress, and it is therefore believed that bi case will be tried, some time next month. From the steps taken np to this time, it is apparent that Hermann's defense will be solely on tb contention that the letter books destroyed by his order were not "public records." Tbe de fense does not deny the destruction of 35 letterpress copy books, but virtually admitted this in the argument on the demurrer. In that same argument, however, a line of defense wai shown op from which it is concluded that Hermann will insist that tbe letter books destroyed contained solely his personal correspondence, which, he will contend, cannot be construed as offi cial," and Irom this be will argue that the books containing copies of this cor respondence do not constitute public records. It is probable that tbe defense will go so far as to concede that many let ters copied in the fateful books related to business of the land office, but as contended last Friday, they will insist that all correspondence about the busi ness of a government office is not neces sarily "official." On of the main argument ia likely to be that the record destroyed con tained nothing ol permanent value to the land office, and that, though tb book are gone, tbe land office baa sustained no material or consequential loss. The harden ol proof will rest entirely upon the government and an abundance of evidence is promised to offset the contention ol Hermann's counsel and to show that tbe books de stroyed were actually public docu ments, In that they contained corres pondence which, the government will contend, wa official within the mean ing ol the law. GERMANY STANDS ALONE. All Other Power Either Oppose Her or Remain Neutral. Paris, March 20. Officials here say that France's position it absolute and final against placing Casa Blanca nnder international command. It ia main tained that thia ia nut a question ol de tail, but one that involves tbe entire Franco-German controversy over inter nationalisation ot the police. Tbe change at tbe varioua capitals, official declare, mean that another vcte will show that France it supported by Great Britain, 8pain, Portugal and Rusaia, with Austria doubtful and Italy and the United State abstaining. Aus tria's doubt is due to Vienna' waver ing in the support heretofore given to Germany. The current opinion in official circles is that Germany intends to recede from her position. Auttria Victor in Tariff War. Belgrade, Servia, March 20. Tbe Austrian-Servian tariff dispute baa col lapsed. Orders bave heen issued to ad mit from today all Austrian merchan dise into Servia on the same conditions which prevailed before tb tariff war. Rela'ious between Austria and Servia had been strained lor a long time past, owing to tbe former's objections to a custom union formed between Servia and Bulgaria, which Austria regarded as not only adverse to her commercial Interests but as likely to lead to a league ol tbe Balkan states. Storm Throughout East. Washington, March 20. The whole ol the country east oi the Mississippi river is, according to reports to the Weather bureau, experiencing the ef fects ol the prevailing storm, with the temperature below the average tor thia time of the year. There have been heavy rains in the South and snow in the North. The storm began Sunday ight in the South and' extended into New England, New York, the lower lake r gion and the upper Ohio valley. Spreckles' Doom Sealed. San Francisco, March 20. John D. Spreckles is very near death. He may linger for days, but a fatal outcome to his illness is predicted. Dr. W, 8. Thome, who has charge ol his case, has informed bis relatives that there is ab lalutely no hope. ACT ON JETTY BILL. Hout River and Harbor Commit tee Will Soon Meet, Washington, March 10. Chairman Barton, ol th houee river and har bors committee, aid h would call a meeting ol hi committee at an early day to consider Senator Fulton's will appropriating $400,000 lor work on th jetty at th mouth ol the Columbia river. The committee ia due to arriv here Irom it southern trip by Saturday or Sunday and it is probable th meet ing will be held some time next week. II it shall be the opinion ol the com mittee that tbit separate bill thould b presented to the house and pressed on its merit, tb bill will be reported without amendment. There is every reason to believe that the committee will favor the appropriation ol $400,000 inaamucb as th chiel ol engineer and secretary ol War have both stated that this amount is absolutely necessary to preserve the jetty work Irom destruc tion and have ipeciflcally etated that any less amount will not answer. Ther is a report that the member of the bouse committee may favor en larging tbe Fulton bill by pro vision for three or four other emergency projects, so aa to make it virtually an emergency river and harbor bill, ucb at wa inggested earlier in the session. This is not certain, however, as th committee haa bad no meeting thl session, and it sentiment cannot be accurately ascertained. If th bill can be so amended withoat making it a general river and harbor bill, it chances ol passing tbe house will b brighter than would the bill making an appropriation lor the Colombia river alone. CONSTITUTION FOR CHINA. Commissioners Predict This as Result of Study of America. New York, March 16. Prince Tsai Tse, High Commissioner Shang Chi Heog and Ll Cheng To, envoys oi the emperor ol China, their secretaries and attaches, sailed on the Whit Star liner Baltic today to continue their investigations in Sngland, Franca and Belgium. The prince said last night: "I have greatly enjoyed my visit to this country, and tbe uniform courtesy tbat haa been accorded me, including the reception by President Roosevelt, bas deeply impressed me with tha friendly attitude of the American peo ple. I believe tbat such contact make tor a better understanding and most bring benefit to both of onr peoples." That China will soon have a contsi- tutional government is tbe opinion of some ot the commissioner. Announce ment of tMa belief waa made byoneoi tbe secretaries ol tbe commission just before tha Baltic sailed. It followed a brief conference between all member of the party. 'We have been making a compre hensive study ol the political situation in this country," he said, "and have seen the application ot your laws and the workings ol the governing bodies. I believe that China will soon have a constitutional government. It will probably be modeled much on th line oi the British constitution, but will contain com oi tha good features ot your own constitution." WRECK KILLS ISO PEOPLE. Head-On'Collislon of Fast Passenger Traina in Colorado. Pueblo, Colo., March 16. No. I, southbound, and No. 3, northbound, passenger trains on tb Denver A Rio Urande railroad collided head on near Portland, Colo., shortly after midnight, and it is reported at least 60 person are killed and a large number injured. Relief trams bave been ordered from Pueblo and Florence. At this hour de tails are unobtainable. Meager but authentio information from several sources states that tbe number killed in tb collision will reach 150. Tha ccaches caught fir and most ol the victims were roasted to death. Money for Guns and Powder. Washington, March 16. The senate ommittee on appropriations today completed the fortifications bill, and it was reported by Senator Perkins. It carries appropriations aggregating $5, 618,993, an increase ol $780,000 over the amount appropriated by the house hill. The increases are: For mountain, field and siege cannon and equipment and machinery lor their manufacture at arsenals, $290,000; for the erection and equipment of a powder factory and or sescoast cannon, equipment and ma chinery lor their manfacture, $365,000. Did They Steal Money? New York, March 16. The grand jury which is investigating evidence in the insurance matter submitted by District Attorney Jerome is at sea as to whether a political assesment by a di rector oi a corporation constitutes tbe crime ot larceny. Tbe member ot the jury questioned Mr. Jerome on the matter and at his suggestion the matter waa placed before Judge O'Sullivan, of the Court of General Session, who will render an opinion next week. Will Nationalize Railroad. Tokio, March 16. The parliamen tary majority in favor of nationalisa tion oi railway! is reported to be in creasing and there seem to be little doubt the project wilt be carried through. Work on the elevated rail road in Tokio, suspended during the war,- has been resumed. Japan and Russia are planning to exchange im perial envoy to signify the reiteration ol peace.