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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 22, 1905)
1 OREGON MIST Bntered at the Tootoffice t St. Helens, . Oregon, as sworul-claas mail matter. Issued Evkrv Fiuiuy Bv K. H. FLAGO. KntTOR AND Tropriktor. One copy, one year, in advance. . . .$ I 00 Sis months 50 Legal notice 25 cents per line. . FRIDAY, December 22. 19J5. t'Ol'STl OmCULlUFKR. A CONFESSION AND EXl'LAXA TIOX. Hd the Republicans of the Oregon Legislature followed the instructions of the people, Hon. T. T. Geer would have been United States Senator instead of Mr. Fulton. Did the Mist editor vote for Geerf Of course n-e must auswer the above query from the Register. No, the Mist editor did not vote for Geer for I'nited Status Senator, notwithstanding he re ceived the popular vote. We hope this plain statement of the fact will satisfy Mr. Mitchell. It was doubtless wrong of us not to do so, but there were attendant cir cumstances that may to some extent mit igate our crime of omission. Environ ment sometimes influences men so strong ly that they will do things that at other times would repel them. The Legisla ture is so constituted and has so many op posing interests that if a member' wishes to accomplish anything for bis immediate constituents he must take everything into consideration, and it is sometimes neces sary to aid others if you want assistance In year own legislative affairs. To man like Mr. Mitchell, who is always actuated by the highest motives and the desire to do the greatest good jor the greatest num ber (No. 1) this may seem an idle and aimless defense; but it is the best we can think of at the present moment with one exception, and that is that the editor of the Mist was not at that time a member of the Legislature. We hope that this, when it percolates through Mr. Mitchell's think tank, will be satisfactory. REFRESHING CANDOR, A Democratic paper print! the follow ing: U'overnor Chamberlain must have been born under a lurky star. Opportunities that cava been denied to most men seem to come to him of their own volition, lie was elected Governor against an overwhelmingly Republican majority on account of the unpopularity of his Re publican opponent. During hU term the great World's Fair baa been held in tl'O metropolis of his Mate, bringing 1 n into frequent and unusual promi i.. uce. By death and by removal of high officials his apoointive power has been so broadened that he lia had the appointing of two Circuit Judges and one Supreme Court Judge and one United States Senator, buck far-reaching power seldom ever comes to the ex ecutive of any State. It is well for Republicans to consider this. We do not blame any Republican fur bolting the ticket in the last State lection, bcuause the nominee of the was not the choice of the people. His nomination was procured by methods that do not commend them selves to the voters of the State ; but under the direct primary system audi a notuiualion is practically impossible. The voters have their say in a fair con. test and nothing should stand in the way of the election of the entire Repub lican ticket in both county and State. It is impossible that we should all secure our choice for the nomination for Gover nor, but the good of the party should be superior to the wish of any minority, liowever large it may be. Senator Ful ton is a robust man, but death mav strike him as well as another, and the power to appoint his successor ehould be in the hands of a Republican Gover nor. With an immense majority in the State and a list of worthy men to select from, it will 1 most humiliating if the Republican party can not unite upon a man who will give this State an honest administration and all the people a square deal. The puarieaiua! .Senators who would not permit official mention of the death of their associate ought to have remem bered the old injunction : "Let him that is without sin cast the first stone." Sen ator Mitchell was accused of taking money unlawfully for services rendered, but at the end of fifty years of public life he dies so poor that his estate will scarce ly pay for his coffin. With the same of ficial income, and with little of the use fulness or ability of their dead colleague, some of these Senators are rolling in wealth. We do not conJone the offenses of Senator Mitchell, but we despise the hypocrisy of those who insult his mem ory .Forest Grove Times. C. A. Schlbrede, of Coos Countv, is the latest announcement as a candidate for the Republican nomination for Gov ernor. He will get about fourth place in the race. At one time he was district judge in Alaska and was accused of dis creditahle practices. If a good, honest granger runs on tlie ! Republican ticket against a good, honest lawyer on the Iwiuouralic ticket, which of the two will be elected in Oregon? That should be easy. I'utt r and MeKinley are fortunate ras- i cals, utid by all accounts they are ou good terms with one Francis J. Heney, the autocrat of Oregon. Ji J j - KiifW.t lias no competitor in the record for the roughest house iu 1jQ5. The road to heaven in paved with good j '; i"!. 'ki tli,- iiuu , Uvr-g: Royal Baking Powder is made of Grape Cream of Tartar. Absolutely Pure. Makes the food . more Wholesome and Delicious. A FEW REMARKS. The Mist does not blame the county clerk for giving his patronage to the Reg ister. On the contrary it commends him tor so doing, because it believes in robust partisanship and that the news papers, called upon as they are to right the battles of their parties, are entitled to recognition. Let us put our state ment so that even so ingenious a per verter of meanings oau not twist it: Mr, Henderson gives his printing, so far as is pos.ible, to Mr. Mitchell, as a reward for his support in the last campaign. The Republican officials divide their patronage among the three Republican papers, the Mist probably getting the largest share because it is located at the county seat. We believe it ts tiue that the only Democratic paper in the county draws more pay from the county treas ury than do the three Republican papers combined. In fact, it could not live six months without the pap that comes from the officers it helped elect. During the time Mr. Hattan was sheriff it received his patronage, aud, speaking of ingrati tude reminds us of the time Mr. Mitch ell turned against the man who had kept him alive aud threatened to support Martin White for sheriff. Mr. Hattan then remarked that Mr. Mitchell was the most ungrateful dug he ever knew, and since that time he has had occasion to characterize him as a liar before whom Ananias would hare, to bow down iu humble homcge. Whenever the pres ent pap-providers for the Register pass out of office that paper will cease to exist It lives upon pap, and in order that it may obtain its sustenance it will make any statement and resort to any means to elect county officials who will see that it continues to suck the public tent. Its editor wade charges against public of ficers ubich, if true, should have landed them in the penitentiary; but, when the Grand Jury culled upon him to sub stantiate his charges, he had not one jot of evidence to offer in their support. His history in the past has been that of -a trouble breeder. Whtrevcr he is lo cated be attempts to dictate to the com munity and to the county official", and it most be admitted that with the latter he has had considerable success. A self respecting county court, confronted by a bulldozer who does not pay one cent of taxes, dictating the terms upon which be would withdraw his objections to the building of a courthouse, tbnuld have taken him by the slack of the breeches and the nape of the nettle and thrown him into the strict. He opposed the appropriation for the Lewis and Clark Fair merely because a business patnpeti tor received the appointment as super intendent, and he did all in his power to discourage people from seoding in their products, being willing to font his own nest and work an in fury to the taxpay ers from whom he sucks a living if by so doing he could injure an opponent. Tli is has been his consistent spirit dur ing his career in this and Washington counties, and be will Dot change. The leopard can not change his spots and yoo can not make a silk purse out of a sow's ear. No more can Mr. Mitchell change, and nothing can be made of him except a moral anarchist, a rnee of walk ing dyspepsia. kicking marhine, and, considered from a sweepstakes stand point, an elongated muss of execreable matter. The socialists of Coos Connty are go ing to put a full ticket in the field. Here in Columbia County they probably out number the Democrats; but they seem to prefer acting as the tail to I he Demo cratic kite. Dr. Hurry Lane's administration as mayor appears to be on a par with his administration as superintendent of the State Insane Asylum. The best thing the other candidates can do is to make it unanimous for Dr. Withyooinbe. It is going to be very ntarly that anyway. It appears that Mr, McC'urdy, who gave a large oum to the Republican na- tional committee, is a Democrat. Senator Gear in will be satisfied if j Wants Clans will give him a good, fist i appropriation for the Columbia River. The little firsts that bark with the I Oregonian are just as contemptible as as the little fleets that bark No claimants for first prize in our guessing contest, so the offer will be withdrawn for the present. j Mr, Mitchell i not publishing the list of t;!rp;H'-- t hip own nurr.i- i i . o jr'.n. 101' MR. VEER. Hon. T. T. floor has at last ihvMed that what he wants la to tie Governor of Oregon. Ho admits that his first choice was the United States Soimte, but that he has been induced to change his mind by the fear that even it he secured a majority ot the Republican votes tho Legislature would rvhiso to elect hint. He has been several months coining to this conclusion, and several other candi dates liavsj iu the meantime announced their intention ot contending for the prise. Of course this is nothing to Mr. fleer, He has wads his choice, and the others must stand aside; for does he not hail from Marion County and is not that tho seat of the State Capitol, including the land office, over which Ids cousin presided tor four years while Governor Odell occupied a deck tn the ofliue and sold "baso" to the amount of manv thousands of dollars and caused the State endless trouble. Not only was Mr Gcor's roueiu State Land Ageut ; but the bill creating the office was engineered through the Legislature by Governor Geer. aud he must have had in mind at the time the appointment of his cousin to 611 tho office thus created. Mr, Gear promises to challenge the Democratic nomine to debate the issues in the coining campaign, and Governor Cham berlaiu would accept the challenge be fore it would have a chance to get cold. He would have in his possession facts and documents that all tho forensic ability ot T. T. Ceer would be powerless to refute. From first to last the Repub lican party would be called upon to de fend its candidate against charges of the most serious nature. Do the Republi cans of Oregon desire to enter upon such a campaign? We think not. We be lieve llicir choice will fall upon a mau against whom nothing can be said, and who does not bear the brand rf any fac tion. Then Mr. Geer has been loo long mak ing up his mind as to what he wants. Oregon needs a Republican Governor whose mind acts quickly and who does not think that all he needs to do is to pick out his job and the voters will be obliged to give it to him. There appears to be a disposition on the part of some taxpayers to cut down the salaries of the sheriff and county clerk to 100 a month. This is sure to meet the approval of a number cl per sons who want to pay low wages, but we contend that it Is more profitable to pay a fairly good salary to a capable and ef ficient official than to pay a low salary and gut poor service. Kvery Legislature chances the salaries of it number of county officials, aud on that account we think that there Is some need of fixing the salaries of county officials so as to make them more uniform tbroojtbonl the State upon a basis of the tumble property. If that were done it aouM put a stop to county officials going to .Salem to get an increase in their salar ies Tillamook Headlight. The Eugene Guard says it is reliably informed that Dinger Hermann will seek a renomination for Congress next spring. Mr. Hermann will Cud that there it a difference between seeking and gaining. A seven-year-old boy in Ohio has writ ten a comic opera. Why should the !. be taken from the five-year-olds by so venerable an intruder in the art ? Senator Ellcins Uvori the Roosevelt plan of regulatiu the railroad, provided Congress can be prevailed upon to put in a lot of le,-al sidetracks. Chicago's immediate, municipal own ership has been indefinitely postponed. Hut it served the purpose as a campaign slogan. Doe anyone want the Republican nomination for Congress in thin district? It would lie a pity to let the office go va cant. Silver bullion is quoted higher thao for many year.. Thus does the crime of 1873 continue to ruiu the silver mine- owner. Vegetables as Medicine. The medicinal properties of co union vegetables are thus set forth by a writer in the Chicago Tribnne: lettuce for tired nerves. Turnips, onions, cabbage, cauliflower, water cress aud horseradish contain sul phur. Potato, wits of potash. French beans and letlls give iron. Water cress, oil, iodine, iron, phos phate and other salts. Cabbage, caulifl wer and spinach are beneficial to aenemic people. Tomatoes stimulate the healthy action of the liver. Spinach, salt of potassium and iron. Food specialists rate this the most pre cious of vegetables. I'arsley, mti'tard, cowslip, horserad ish, dock, dandelion and beet tops clear the blood, regulate the system and re move that tired ftclin; so peculiar to spring. Nothing hai ever equalled it Nothing can ever surpass it Dr. King's fJew Discovery warMPTioif null! mm FrUa solum SfcMLM A Perfect For All Throat and O.'re ! L'lus Troubles. J back if t lai's. Tritf beiUesf.o. f A GOOI HKCOllI). We sr Informed by Mr. JeOwrton C. Myers, President of the Lewis and Clark ' Stat Commission, that liter will Iw re- funded to the State, out of the sum an- ' tmulut,,l 1., IWM-V All tliA lt'wtirtaltlilll. about 100,000 in cash and availablo prop erty to the amount of about sAt.WOv It souuds like a fnirv tul, In vl.w of the common practice ot such cumniliwlons, and it would haro created no great sur prise If, Instead ot a great surplus to turn back Into the treasury, there had been a deficit fur the Legislature to consider at its next session. Mr. Myers mid his as sociates are entitled to Ilia highest praise fur their good work, as it must be d mittttd that everything uecvetuuy tor the success of tint great fair was duna w ith out any apparent sliut. Fa'r salaries and wages were paid, and no detriment ot the work was scanted or neglected. Artistieuliy the grounds of the Kxposl lion were a duliglit to the lovers ot nat ural beauty aud elicited the highest en couiuuis from visitors who had all.mlod all the world's great expositions, and did not hesitate to say that In this respect Oregon's excelled them all. It is a re lief to turn from the grafting aud also lute dishonesty of the Portland corpora lion's management to contemplate the work of the State Commission. Mr, Myers and his associates have given the people an object lesmtn in the manage ment of a public trust which it Is to be hoped will not be wasted upon other trustees of public money and luterests. 4 The American Farmer. The latest report of the Secretary of Agriculture is chiefly Interesting and sig nicaut iu the light it throws upon the re markable financial progress of the Ameri can farmer during the post decade. It is a habit of city people, nowadays, to speak slightingly of farming as an unprofitable occupation, and of farm laud as a bad in vestment. ''Life on the farm is all very well for those who can stand the tuouot any and loucHness" so goes the prevail ing impression "but there is no money iu it." It is quite true that a man who owns and w orks a farm is in no great danger of becoming a Morgan or Rockefeller. The business, being of a non-speculative type, does cot admit of speculative profits. There are no Kockcfctlcrs or Morgans on the furms of Aiuarica, but at the same time there is none of tlut abject poverty which is one ot the characteristic features of mo?t great cities. The fiu-mcr works hard, but he works in the opeu. His wife and children do not breathe the viti.tted air of the crowd cd city districts. The American with a family, who own. a farm and ii couteut to work it, lias no good cause to envy the average dweller in the cities. His life may sc.-m hard aud monotonous at times, but in the long run it is a gcKxl life. The idea that a fanner can allow his brain to out and Mill keep bis head above water is utterly Mc. The profits of the progressive American tanner under present conditions are good aud what he makei, in sharp distinction to the wa;;vs or profits of the city man. after the co.Us of living have been de ducted, is very largely clear gain. Among your kind thoughts, don't for get the printer. He needs the money. A Christmas Lullaby. Hush, my possum babykin, Gwine to watch you till yon sleep, Till of Kriss comes sneak'n in, Jest to take a leetle peep. Doan yuh stir ynh aooly Imid, Keep ex still ez if you 'so ilai.l. llw-li, my bule, de oP peach hough Am shakin' like a wilier tree, Santy's on do hon?etip now, Jest as uiouky a kin be. Kaiut you hrah his reindeers' feet Pa Iter on Ue crusty sleet? Hush, you eunnin' little coon, Dot's ol' .Santv 'taint your paw He'll be sneakin' ofTrilit soon, If you doan keep iiiiet, shore; Cubber up yuh kinky Imid, Lay ez still ez if you'se dead. When In I'ortluud lio to The Empire Rostanrnnl, 11)2 Third Street, three doors South of linker The tre. Munis from 15 cents up. Open day and nitfht. Oysters iu any style. Win. llohlandnr, 1'rop., formerly of the Royal, Island Madison, S0T1CE FOK Fl llllCt nOS, (Timber Uii'l, Ai l June g, ihm ) I'liilol fitatu., OrHco, Portland. OrsKon, Dve. l, IwiS. Nntli- In liervhir givni lli-u In coin,lliieo with Ihe iin.viMnii of the wt of (.'onitreas of Jiinj 3. siililk'1 "An wt for the salu of tlmlxT In lhrHLt,.i,f California, Oti-koii .Nv.l ami Wimiilniaon Territory," n ciieud eil lo ill Hit Pulille Uiul Kuti.' ,y nf AiiKiittl, Iftrj, l)-n ). Chebmimn county of I Ii--Ii)kii. Hiaie of Michigan, lit this 'Ur Ml.! In thl ofltee his sworn ntutemerl fio. 6,7:.l, for the punlnw of I hi- N W NK of rioclloa No. ys. In Towimritn :o. 4 N, It.iivti No. 4 W, anil will olTur proof to show thai ilis littirl MMnrht I, mora vuluahlt, lor im llml.,, ... sums Iban for atrrleiilliiral p:iriN', aii'l to vtrshlRh hi claim to siibl lauil lislors I ha Kif lter an"! Kwflvnr of this nHI ti I'ortlaii'l OraKon, on natnrilay, the Kltb 'lay of February llv names a witnesses: neorra tutu, of if .. sey, Oregon : John I'rinlo, of Variionta, Oreion; Hurley KfdinoiK. of Vnruonla, Oregon; jtJhert F. Vx, of Portland, Oregon. Any and all rrsons clnluilnz a'lt-r, ih. abova descrllwd lands nrs reiitl to Hie thvlr claims In Ihls oflice ou or buforg said .Mlh day of February, VJjA. AM1KKNON H. IHtKH-IKR. Houlsler. SUMMONS In the Circuit Court of tho Hlrto of Oregon, for C'uliimMu County. Charlsa Henry Hamilton, plaintiff, vs. iKlla May Hamilton, defendant. To Delia Hay llaiallUjD, defendant above numod. In ths name of the Mats of Oregon you are hereby required to appsur and answer the roin Dlalut llttil aimlnsl von In the shova nllii,l cause on or bWore Ihe 3.1 day of Fcbmarr, A. If. I'jot. ami If yoa fall lo so answer, for waul there of the plalntlrt will apply lo Ihe court for the re lief demsnded in said complaint, to-wll: Kor a decrcq of said court dissolving the bonds of matrimony now existing between yourself ami Ihe plalutlir. This summons fs publlfh'-d by the order of Thomas A. Mcllrlde, ludmt of the above entitled court, made on the 'JOth day of, A, I). I,,,. In and by which nnlcr It Is adjudged ami ordered that this summons Ins published, once a weok, for six consecutive weeks, in the Oregon Mi.t. a newspniwr published In the city ol HI. Ile'ens, Columbia 7utitv Hnit,j of o-.gon. '!! . dVerif flr;.ul,llciilloli being Ihe Sl ilnv .,;....', A v, :- ; :(w. t T'.''':.'.PT. i A'.i.i jn.-v fr tt.i.. i:i Mr K OK INTUITION TO Al'I'l.V I OK Ligi OH ucKKHfc Tn ell IwrnuiH eoucernwl ; You ninl each ot y.MI will talMMMithv thill K. Iluiiler, 111, on Hie Sd day of January, MSI. apply In Ihe tiuiniy 1'iiurl of Columbia County, Mine ol Oregon, lor a llcsnsii In sell spirituous, vinous, ami malt Honors, awl hard elder In ouaiilllles liMslhanOiisiialluii for a period of six imin lis Iu lh town of noble, Coble pwim l, Columbia County, Oregon, wlik'h hi plication will be bawd ou lli lollswlng pollilon: IViUiom: In Hi Couui Court of the Slate of for Columbia County. In lh,i mnticr of the application ul H. It. Hunter lor a license lo sell atdrlluuiia, mall, ur villous Ibiuors and bomouWU eider In ipiautitles leas Ihsu one tl Tulhe liunorable County Court of Columbia County and tee Mate id Oregon, Wo, Ihe iiiidcrsnimal hgl voters ami res Menu ol lloble precinct, Iu Columbia l.nuii tv.sutwtil Oregon, aud who hv aeluallv re sided In said precinct llilrly days prior lo sign lug aud ihe nlnigof this peiltlou, would rcapee fully pclluoii our lloiuirable body ' Ihe J"U nary Isrm of saij Count j Cnurl commencing the Jnd day nt Junuarv, WW. m b held In bc isiurt house In ihe City ol HI. Helciia, In said oouuiy and slate, thai a lleon. be i;renicd iu O. K. Iliialer Iu sell spirituous, vluoiM, and mall li.iuora, and fermenbd cidui, Iu .o.oiillle. less than one gallou, In Ibdd priHiiuct In Ihe lown of Ooblr, Iu sAld County ol Columbia, stale el Oiegoii, and thai such license be luiuvd losaido. K. Hunter fora period of six loouih. from Ihe Xevenih (Tilildn) of Jauuarv, I (W, all uf which your p',liioner lll ever tuny: J. II. Chandler, llowa lilakv. K. hcuuy. K. IV StudrlMker. Walter lluuier. Victor fursi.uwi. s'ostsr, Jr., Kotit l.llusioii, Kwk l I'm her, Alrhubhv, Henry oiler. I'nd Aiiliker.Oiville Vjung, HtKlolph Anliser.Ablv Link. Jack Khf linger, Arohle Ualeulm, (tdwarl Ills, k, A Seer, H C. Kowlcr, C. Maglliu. c. C. Kowler. J. u, llimh Kraslr, M cangblm, K. I. Mumte, O V Holler. A VI tse, C Metuall, II ler, llrarv Hlake, lleiirr ttas-r. Jake lienacr, Joseph Mwreuve, l Huutcr, V J I.) man. W I, liraham, C K Wand, J lluibee, Johu larr, U M Karr, James Muliegur, Hcrl Makla.ter, frank Hlh, C W MfKailalid. S T Alcsalider; K C Clriiom, K Knvart. tinirgs llaadley, II Heere, c V iiuHh. Ilea Neben. Kiull Hahn. James (larland, J M Young, K UHIU.J U eru hash, etvphen I'arr, John Westartuan, Jacob Nitaabatimer, tleorge Trim, II A ll.iki.ole Cet Draon. K W t'uwler, KW Jordan. C Kralske Fred A Hncker. J II tialbmllh, O ) Utik, II KabciU, It M fviwl.-r, M Uuk. NOTICE TO CRE0IT0R8 N'otlr In hiiroHr gvn llitit the umUTilttnl hM bct'ti aitmlutM avtmltiuimM'f uf th tut ul J. H. MlUanl. lt rttwl, bv Hi Hu H. H, IUMn, Juvlitr f (Uv t wuuly Court of iuJiimtU CtMinijr, Hirttij of Orrijuii. Aity n4 ttlt rMMia bivlix rlNtm mrnt witlttttr t? brtvir to qitlrvtl lo rHriil th Mni to mj vprlitc c oirUhid io Uw, M m vAv ( Ht. Hi liu. Or gull, ItblH mix mouth (tow Ui Ji bvnwl. Dtisfti NurcuilwrS, (MX.. V, K QtMfK. W. II. I'uwfll, AUontrjr (ur .lmiuUlrtor. SUMMONS. In thoCln-itU (Nmrt ut Ihf 4uif n( (rp..n,('f Hit ttttntjr tti Ci'ltttnUU, CutuMittlA iilalnltlT, w W.U. W'v I'hnl, Jf'tfii -lHt. T" W U. i-.t.hl, tlr,tndti Iu 10 ftbuv ninll lull: Iti tlic uuip nf the HUle of Ortun mr li(?rfti nulrrl ihI immsstiljMt to r(if nt uitwcr ih rumiUtist lili uluU )m In Ut ( elilidcl ult b) lliif IMih ,i Jrtuui . Tin? iU ut It cwmmnnvtl by I'tntitdtt UctiiiM )tu for hu kbodhuv iluurtv mil (r tht iiiluiiun uf (lit mrriai(tf rinirci nowr nii in Wlwtrn y on mirl tl Uirtiit1 m1 tf jwa (tl KHII'lf b lh MuUttfUH'. Utt ll Uir-fCTif tii bUintllf will Ulr JutUmriil atvloot )tm fur aut stlildt illviiiw !nl tli tlitt)i,tlin of the nmrrtitice uump etUtiim tct?fii jvu aut m.4 flaiili If. Thii itimmnui t irvr, tf rul l'r""' hnrttiiittrr t an nhtrr ntmW hr !t"titri!e V A. Mi'lirlils, in-lyvof Hit i iroiit ("mrt f t)t Kljts ( lr.'iftii fr tlt IVmitir uf t isiuii(t ttn't lrv'in(kr 1. Vm ni4 onlcr iKoihli-s ihj itr liral fiuMlrtatluu tf liikti aiimtr-l :-'H bv Ui!o on tUtr ImU tiny t( t"rt 'o'vr, J'Af.V. itit ihI Uc hut iilittt..n Uj lit lr mi Hit? vrt'h tt.iy of I'. hfKSt'KK JL livVh. Aitoritrti fur I'UtlitllT C1TATI0X. In (In rircnti I'nttrt ct' it Urt-smi fo Ih.l I' ..I .!..!.! In thv m!(rr at lUv tnno oi Jmt- U luj rUn l, decfewtj. Ti W It. .;i,m.l I II, ..i.r!,i,.l. ..y KnHt-r, iKir i antH k. )w, U I. " .-!ti onl Itrnjnnilit It. -I'l-'I-tri.t, thH. licit if s.v vvi mil mH Mi-iufii. iiitt-rv;cl in uttil ruu. llrs-ftiitg tn Ihr tisttjir of tie jjilr rf Offset, tuij mn i ewh ol jou tttfc lu'rr'ty .'iirk s,iti fr, iift ! lir In h 'oiiit "iirl 'it ttu tntr ut rrt(iiit for ti t'onfti) (( 'nliii.iliii, nt tits rt. if t r.Mutt itifco(, it t. Krktiv, in ihv ( iMintr f t Vtum ti.i, ou "iinrilaw tt-sr :o Ii Uy f I'rnu'r, I'jtii, ! out ii'lix k In ilit atin ii t, 4 ('nil 4u.) , In a an I tirr li tior cju4, tf tiy tlifft t. wliy no iir-lvr xtiMnl'l uoi Im ma i prunan t th lnauli utrlt ul f tttr. rrMii-a'jii stint arreting ii. r ntl !' rml -utr uf am tim t:esv.ct, l jiflvato ni) nn mtin tvitg lu iMv, In i.itttitiit'U nimtr, (Itrv'jfi. iivl ti-m-(iLj) u ftitiow. In wil; B.-.?litu!!ik' At th? N W. i-itUH-r f Uri if Uml OtsTflr.l tn Klmtr Miller, by icMl fitvnlt-il iu X iu i-ac til, rwutili fif il'-U fuf ( tt;uiii!ii L'untii) . 0vwmi, them ruiiiiliiff firthf rly fvllovriitt th fsntrrn Uurtff land ul J V 'triwU.i reiut Oi . in tMM-k At p.tijtr Iti. rM-riln o( tU-siU f.)f fa., e Mjt , m triU'.nlt Un nf tht.,1 H t . A . t i : is , thttttC I. STj .Is'laTIT K..UH(f Did tltiittl II m uf mid d I r M thg Uml O. i ilt -I iu i.tHW.b I.. Mnl Uuiriiii(n ft. l'o;HUnd ly tls-r.t r.mli'l tn titxik X fit mv rvt'iiU nf U t-.ji ,( eiiil I rotttity , Uiu v tU-rn-) ., f'iiowiivr . ir n line of Unit til nt vmci-ii 1,. ms iinitmuiti K. CoprUU'l, I jtho.S. K r. rnrf uf iait) .Imwr MUirr tuij-i, ili.iuu w.-.t-d, l,.win tin uurthrni line of iH Imit Mil'er laud i" ii'j f U:c ntifnk ftfiuintuat ii.u ?r mfc r U. lu wvtWrn i? aim! in l.miitlilj. I S , H I . of tin rtUittinrtt Hefi luii; AUd, ilitini nsirUfmnf Hie H AchllUaI 1 o thft( I Ijoimde.f ou thcHrit tiy lti N. I' V,x ri-tit of May on tho evxiUi Uy the I. i) it r rcmoUTf, on the raM i tlir o..untr fm Unt tn fr.irrt Ht, IIlfiiFi tfi I'riUii'l, "vci,un nil thu iiorlli l,y In n-1 fjfr.lfi.t n lfnaiT.tM U an t f'i. I, t ufianlt by iist rvie'iii-si In U..ik X ftl imici 4li nf ! ttfrla ul i ulai.iht i;Miiity, iirt'ttnu, c.jntniinn j- ti.r( t? n.-f,Ni ututv r lc. in M" fttn 17, Wwi!iip I ,N., H liV.uf Hie Mllttiiiflttr MrrnlUii; aUo. It'll nrrt' mere rir nf th S V. Achniei (I 1 it In MTil-.i, m. t.jwiuhijj 4 s . It I W. of thu WllliitiifUe Mi rt'lliiit, riW'l imi W fknntnt al n "r-t ii lh. in D.m ul t, c . Ai'hilltfH d I e. wttli h N.ttHmrau!liC!ili'vrrei fittjl, M.Htctittitia ffdin tl.t . W. rnrtif-r of u l Iv: iUeiu m uouh s iti grcmi f! ininni?, rw-t ai-lri 'hwii K a HftPH mi the mhiui ItiM'nl tlic J. H. MiJUfd tnu lof lnn.l; thinii atiuih m i!r BM Vi iiilniilra weal to i lie X. I., fi.rniT i( Ihl John llt.iwr tml, a iU:IIiii') Uy t I Ut til'ti ( late Otiiltcr ii, l,io. i rt"l hi tok ;i ul 'li-vK twrl ut i:olin(iiji C.iuiiiy, Urrtfini; Kit-m iiiithirly alnnic ttir ruil tjoiuidnry .. hIi l(ff'ii iritct. iu lh H K i:urnr iherunf, rm I liu Miutht-ily lino t.f m.1.1 Aihlllta i I ami th-llf'.J :.M(lH-.ll4Tlj to tl(t pfllntof bultlllliK- VVilni-M U. 1 1 on or Mi- ft,. Hstiun, Jn.tptif thft.ounty I'tiurt nf ISe Muti- of Urtruti, fr.r lha OmiiU of rotumlila, vyC.h hv nnl ut ft.ihl l.'ijJiri aOiXI, thU Mil ilay of Nuu-mU r. A. If, I'M Allet; II. IlKSUKI.ViN,! Wri, a k a. ' tt- A. llAl.iU. Ci'put) Ctvrk, K4nl fifth tuunly Cvurlol lAjluna.ii t 'uiinlv. Orvuou, Oregon akd union Pacific TfNioxliKIW "' I,' I.eMVes I Arru.." SI'KCUI, for the Ka. via Ifiiniliielt.M, "HI'lKANkT,v i'Ti: for Kailnrll Wa.hlne I'sll)'. Daily. 0 .l.'i P. St.U.tml A. M I'ulljr. Hull). win, nana n alia, I.! Islm, Cofiir flAli-iie oik! (Iroat Norilieni IKlllltS, ATl.ASTIi; KXI'ilMii K;I.V P l I i , i tf THMKE IMII.Y TIt.VI.VS -run all iui.nth kaht. Lower Columbia Rivkr. BU-smer lfa.s.,1-) leaves l'riliim) ,lv, ,,t tliiiulav.atD.ou . ,. m lr , , ";"-,"; A. L. CRAIG, ' S MEN'S $9.75 H Theljcstyou ever saw for M nsk f 15.UJ M NKW PATTERNS j hkslNEW FABRICS h Send for one. IF IT D0NT j PLEASE YOU. return it. Welch. THnTnTSAN N M""Twr.'... 12-US Morrison ot. JOB PRIWT.WC IT, OUi7 'K liiivi tin' best and nmst ' fullv Huip'il Job Trint iiiif Ollli-e in (olntnbiii (Vuinty .Ititl in-- ai t' jirtjHirvd lo tin all- hinds of Printhtti on short nutter ami at must reasonably prlees A TRIAL Will CONVINCE OREGOiM IVSIST r Ti J JL New Walk - V tr.jmij I w I 1 IVII S3.50 AND $4,00 i Ef niitOiunre fc Omifisito iWLinu H.IlI I I ' ' . s v 11 a 1:1 .1 it viaiVasA iuiuiUniiiuuiuiUiu jiuuiuiuiuiiuiiiiuiuuiuauuiii 'ii ; iirnmn!fnmmiiif'!iiim?i!ftir iifi!r!i(i!fmiiMfft!fitfiffi!,! THE BIG STOHB g DOW V DY THE BIG SAWMILL 3 g w , , m Receiving New In the lias il M'lmuiioii of Ium General Merchandise! IB St. Ifclcns, 10R I'OKTLANA IMILY IRALDA safjsjBjBajMJHSBjsjassk asa Steamer C. 1 U00G11K1HK, Mashr. , . . ., , '"ves Kinnier (linty, Trt, Smvh-,' u- JAji ?t Stf" ." ;,;! i: h SUITS the rd"' Other stores N loruo ucucr . m ionium., tire, ij aUstkaflasSV . aAAAaVA BU51WCS3 r 4 VI. 1 m Over fiAlLOKCLRM 2 ATTtNllOjj 3 UU"J v 1 I'l I If'Pf l V Ii Hf-O Goods Every Day! Wrek. J fSian.ling r Only thu Ilust in 3? Oregon. NiiTAKV;. ruXVKVAH' INU- J liOliKUKV, ATTORNKY-AT-LAW. Ksiiiteaml I.suils soM ami nlrm-ls IIMutll. IT, lll'I.KNM, , ll(i:iON. . v.'' ",!"l!' . XT"' 3 ; I ill! :-i V A 1 . .