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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 29, 1905)
OREGON Tcinn -11- 0 TOL. XXIII. ST. HXLENB, OB EG ON FMD1Y, DECEMBER 29, WO. 3. 1905. THE M An km lural Paper IE NEWS OF THE WEEK What do you think oftbU oOor't THE OREGON MIST and THE METROPOLITAN AND RURAL HOME lor only $1.00 A YEAR Tills oflVr in open lor it limited I linn only. Y omi't tell liow lonitj alnUI lime uii opportunity to Hive you mull u burgulM, no VllKftKTUOPOI.ITAW ANI ItllltAL HO Ml! Ik TIi National Aurlcultiirul Monthly of I lie I Htult'M. It. Iiik'Ih-m Aow la it a thinu iiimI kIvp its render the. urtiiul experiences of liow, by rorealvo method, one iniin mlaed MOO liiinlieln tf ordinary uoluioes while liU brother oii IIh) mime iii-reiiit" mined ll.OOO IminIk'Im of In qiiiillty liow n limner pot tlv cents extrn on each of hlm'UiiK utcr hi IHIow-litriiictN; liow niiol her former irl tl.OO n pound lor lit butler und m IIm nil lie can litHlte hII these, prncllcul experience III he itiliilicil and tunny othera, und liow you oun npply I In" twine MicccKninl method to your fro ii mid your limit. A arrciii lilr inoiiilily turrU'Ullurul miner, Willi from 1MI to l-H column of helpful, latere! intf reudlnir by the mont ccletimlcd mil hurdle. If nr. lnl.rM.l In frnlt.or h.irtlrlllnir, .in woul.l Ilk In hear from tha HON. J. II. 114 I.K. i't ""Mill UIiuIiiuUht), ., "! i.imhI. "i. ".. m Til"; "l.)rl. a. I.. U Irnlf 11.. 1HAI 11 KINO l HII UM Ntli. If mil ar. luifirtwiiMl In lnlr ..ihjw-l. mi waul I" n. nhnt l. M. H.IJiON, f Klglu, III, r... 1.11 n, l. Hi l tlltt Al TIIOIUTt. II im nr. lnlr..l. In linr r l...r..MM.llM ' l know what I'BOf. A. . AI.aJtAftl.fcM. . , , M.ll.. Hlk, l.ll " II tna ar. tnl.mll In hM von t.t l hr truu. A. U IIOVUKN. tif Modlna. 0, ! n Al TlloUltl l( ItttM. II Tn r. Inl.mlnl In enrn wnnl linn' I'Kor. P. (I. IIOI.IKM, ol Am, In, ! I- 'H Kl Ml. II im am lnt.rl..t In Imrllrnllnra y..i waul t liaar l.m I'Wir. JOHN CBAiJ, Ai.iiui i.ti iiai. rniix.k or loumu. I nhuimiv. II nn nr. Im.mM In nrml "; i ' "ON. r. " .... ..I il.. n:l-AllTMKNr ttr AoHM'1'IH'lil', T...aa, Man. Kb a Condensed form lor Busy Readers. Our MACKENZIE PROMISES AID. FUcommend Total Appropriation of $1,400,000 for Jaity. WaahiriKtoij, Doc. 26. Benatora Ful: ton and Oearin today called on General MacKeniie, chief ol engineer!, in re gard to the of the Columbia river Jetty. General MacKeniie gave them rermwfd aaanrance ol hll friendlineei HAPPENINGS OF TWO CONTINENTS a he domg .vything m hi. power to Been re money to keep work In prngreee. He haa recommended not only an appropriation ol $400,000 in caah, but baa urged that authority do graniea ior the expenditure of an additional II, 000.000. He ezplaina that $400,000 ia required ior "rocking" the Jetty aa far out aa the end ol the present tram way, but will not be ample lor any ex tension. II authority can be aecured (or the expenditure ol $1,000,000 addi tional, it will be poaaible next eeaaon to mieli the fetty much lartiier Attorney General Moody Intondi to ward, and in fact approacn ttie point make a teat case ol trunta now on trial, where it ia expected to end. OREGON STATE ITEMS OF INTEREST CZAK IS WARNED. Raauma of tha Laas Important but Not Lea Interesting Events ' of tha Paat Weak. France will aend a fleet to Morocco. Hermann ia "till trying to delay bil trial. A number of Annapolla Latent are to be court martialed. Yuan Hhi Kai baa lallen heir to the paettlon in China held by LI Hung Chang. Ex-United State Senator Bard, ol California, wri aerioualv injured In a I runaway. There haa been a great Increase in all linea ol exoort to China and Japan ex- I cept flour. President Loubet. ol France, reluaei Major Koersier, in bla report, re commended an appropriation ol $1, 900.000 to complete the jetty. Tbla ia a higher figure than the previous eli mate, but his estimate ia reduced ma teriallv by the War department. The Oregon senators win exert ineir bed effort to secure the appropriation recommended by General MacKenaie, and will furthermore insist upon the anthoriiation of additional work to the extent of 11.000.000. The other to again become a candidate and many vnrhtern senators and representa are offering their names to oe proposea. ,iveg wi. worj i ccord with them Ilallane and negroea engaged in a BUY FORESTRY BUILDING. State Board of Agriculture Proposea Moving It to 8alem. Balfin At the meeting of the state board ol agriculture last week John H. Albert, ol the Lewis and Ulam lair commission, submitted a communi cation suggesting that tha board taae sterja to secure the lorestry building r ...... . m i. erected at the L-ewii ana tiara iair and move it to Bsieni. Mr. Albert said that neither the city ol Portland nor the Oregon Historical cletv has taken action toward preserv ing the building, and ne tnongm h wonld be a eood plan to move the structure to Balera and erect it in the state (air grounds near the boutbern Pa-.iflc track, where all persons passing on the traina could aee it. He thought the huee atructure ol logs would not only be an attraction at the state fair, but when so situated won ia oe a per petual advertisement Ior Oregon's tin liar reourcea. The Board ol Agriculture appointed a committee composed of W. H. Down. ing, J. D. Matlock and Frank Lee to ascertain the cost of transporting the buiidinK to Balem. and also whether tbe owner ol the land upon which the building now stands will permit it to remain there until the leigslature meeta in 1907. WOOLEN MILL FOR ALBANY. Government Engineer Lippincott Now On the Ground., Klamath Falls Supervising Engin eer J. B. Linoincott. lor tbe Keclama- tion eervice in California, and having name ol the Klamath pro ect, arrived here Sunday. Mr. Lippincott came to Klamatn rails to c.e.r op ... p.- Tfa for hi own Mk. naries and arrange Ior paying all obli- ,. . . . ,';,,. , ,M th. gaviuiu rK.iu.. - -onnti-r at once nection witn me rwianiau. .rr.K...Uu xhe cornmnnicatlon ia alao said to . . . baveaUted: several private y. We 3o not want to harm any mem- bought out by tbe government officials, M (unU bnk w, w,n or .rrangrrnents were somp '" 'or the reeponlibie for their saiety in purchase ol all conflicting irrigation nm. It ia stated on high authority ditches put here previously by private concerns, and though the payments had been authorized by government, none ol these private companies received their money. This bad caused con siderable (peculation, and tbe coming ol Mr. Lippincott, with the asnounce ment that bis mission nere was 10 clean up 1 these claims, so tbat the (nntrar-tnra awarded the contracts lor work on the irrigation canals could nrrweed at once alter the bids were let, places all who heretofore had wondered il tbe government would proceed with ?tZ LLeTZrZtP Fr.. Meeting Hal. by Brk, Ject. am ..... . lut.n.lul I. Hnullr WHIll I. 1 ,, . itmmr frt.iu T. (Hill, nmilrjr ol k. I'lMUIlt AnMIl IATIOM. Iw- II tan ar. lntrMll In arlrullura yu wm want r nanr inn. M. Will tAHUl. of l.-l"l.. ... . ... II rnn nra In ll- inrV In marnl u l liaar from OOL. OUAKI.M r. Ull.l, 8prlnMaW. III. In .nr.lM.luB r r IH want U haar from IIKMIV "hanai..l.iali, In. " II ,.. ar. Iirr..l In H..I1.I. and '"hrr.H. hn .. will " ' (V.W i A I.I .AIlr.llllAI.IIUAI H.nlJaMllla,lM 1HKI.AI KM IS II IN 1.1 MS. If ,..U ar. Inr.ll la Inr.-r ral.lhf an I II al . I. ,nJ " J.'L ?' W-'.rl, I.I....I. 1 Ilk; MAM WHO AI.WAta KAIHr-H 1UK I lllJilOtNl N TUANHM.IVIKil llllKl.t. "Till: Itt'KAL IIOMH" U an old fMtuMlNlid ncrlt'iilturiil inoiiil.l), mid now luw ft i-lrt-ulutlon of copies wii li Uau, Mini IntmU to add many iIioiihiuhW inoi by ini iina of Ibis ttrruimPiiH iit with TIIU OKUtUlN MIST. Tills crest offer la open to i:VKUYONi:j Iwlli old und new sulmerlliers lire ur(ed tu neeept It. Send 0110 dollar and mention thin offer niidyoii ran Imvo TIIK MKTKOroMTAN ANI Itt'UAI. IIOMK wltliout additional eont. Mend to-day. Address Till: OKIHJON MIHT, KU Helen Ore. INVESTIGATES INSECT PESTS. I Government Solves Problems of Cot ton and Wheatgrowera. Washington, Dec. 26. According to the annual report ol L. C Howard, Subsidy of $15,000 Will Insure Re building on Larger Scale Albany The Commercial club ap pointed a committee ol leading business men to secure ir,U"U in suoscnp tinna toward reoriraniainK the Ban race riot and several heads were broken on both aides before tbe police restored order The body ol the late American consul Uenaral. J. H. Kussril Parsons, wlil be brought (roin Mexico City to tnis coun try lor burial. Fire wav hotel, one ol the beat in Los An gelea. Six firemen were injured. loaa ia placed at IL'UU.UUU. United SUU District Attorney Baxter is to ue summarily removea at umaua the cottion boll worm, importation new factory lor connecting- with Illegal fencing 01 100 people. oublic lands bv cattlemen. oeneuc.a. , - The u to bring machinery 1 vesiiKai.uus ui h.ocui. """ 1 ior . slx-aet mill irom junauaciiuBevto, and deciduoua Iruit trees, work on In- . owner to taKe gtock in the mill lor sects injurious to vegetable crops and m.,,h jnerv and run the plant. The . . .1.. n..Uln h.raanl tha Bureau ol Entomology nockburn Manulactunng company, to u..... ., -- . . ... ,... .u-U.KIM tha woolen nwinn IT nraa I IIP 1 .vwuarv O- The of tbe Department of main work ol the bureau Ior tbe past Hiu-al year, ended June 30. 1905, was in connection with the cotton boll mill recently burned, replacing it with a mill double the cDcitv. The company ia 10 nave 1100.000 capital and a practical woolen ' " .. ., :n rwtu - manufacturer is to run me mm, me will give employment to A handbill ia being circulated In Bt Paterabum threatening the caar'a life. The Chlno-Japaoese treaty, relating effecting the great staple Held crops, 1 tn Manehurian affairs, has been signed. Und work in ailk and bee culture. Tha nveatieations Into tne cotton Ask the TraTeler He will Tell you That the 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE NORTH COAST LIMITED Elect rio Li?htMl, ht lie Crack Tin in or Them All for Comfort ami Kle- The Ticket Ollive at Portland it 255 Morrison, Cor. 3d, Portland A. D. CHARLTON Ailiilant Qn$ral Patttngtr tgtnt s PORTLAND, OREGON S TRAINS ,TO THE EAST DAILY I r-XjatJJi lsvjv-rv-i Tsd Masks nraiana Cosvriomts Ac M.MT AttlrHlf Mrstrllltll Pilf OI'tHUill ffsysj hhaJT t.nt r fl.1 f,r .tK-um 9?' lisi tsvivvn tbritusjli Mttnn A Co. MClt Mrial nut if. 11 fni ehatfwsj, m nm Scientific American. f mnf rititt0 i.itnil. Twrmti, W V' ' " ...... mi sua. bsaitl ntMtfsmlr. 4 Miaessatws.. new jori 1 umTot r SL. Wubiwtoa. 0.0. Thousands in the northeast provinces nt J. nan are aaid to be on tbe verge o( starvation. Haaw anowa in New Mexico have hlockeil railway traffic and train ached ales are badly demoralised. The Corean consul general to Great Rritaln haa turned over his affairs to the Japanese legation and retired. Seiior Don Felipe Pardo, brother to the president ol Peru, will represent that country aa minister to the United States. llarhart 11. D. Pierce, third assist- boll worm were such that cotton plant ers will, it is stated, be enabled to con trol that injurious pest. ExrerimenU on a Isrge scsie, exiena- ing over practically the whole ol the wheat k ow!ng area, have been looking toward the elucidation ol certain aa yet unsolved problems in the propagation ol the Hessian fly and ol the joint wnrma ol wheat, and also to determine the beet time to sow wheat in the au tumn in order to ward off the autumn attack ol the fly. Investigations ol the a.m inect in the spring wheat re- olnna have been besun. since only re- ant secretarv'ol stale, has been selected cently has the Hesaiau fly spread into h tha oree dent aa the first American uiis new com.1.7 1$(m)c unto, i i i Ott rOHTLAMS. DA -aTtAMIS- "America Willamett Slough Route r i IaveSt. Helena.. ..:90 AM Arrive at Portland. .10:80 A ,M Iavs Tortlsnd 1:JPM Arrive at St. Helens. :00 PM rAHK so (-suits. Will Carry Nothlna ant Pimn. Ira ana r an r riu.. JSnKS GOOD, Wa.t.r, 4 t n minister to Norway. A tiassenaer train on the Illinois IRRIGATE YAKIMA RESERVE Central was wrecked near Holly Brpings, uin. ami one woman killed and six other l ereont injured. John N. Irwin, ex-governor of Idaho, :. Ha waa former minister to Portugal and also governor ol Arliona lie died at Hot Springs, Arxaneas old building is to be rebuilt with money subscribed for stock in Albany, the old company to put in ita propecrty at half cost and raising $40,000 additional stock. Thia will give the company complete plant with a working capital ol $40,000. Businens men here are taking hold with a will and me pians nrnmlM) SIlCceBS. Over $2,000 was anharihed bv three men on the spot. The Commercial club re-eiectea tne entire board ol directors and officers, Preai.ient M. H. El'ia and associates holding another year. Statistics of Feeble-Minded, Salem An effort haa been made by tbe commission autborixjd by the last legislature to inquire into necessity or the advisability ol establishing a school in thia .late ior the feeble minded, to find out how many unlortunitea ol th rhararter are to be lound in the state a mnnrt received at the office ol tne secretary ol the State Library commis sion, compiled from a censna lasen everal Eastern states, shows the aver am nnmher ol feeble minded persons 2 to 1.000. On this baBis ttiere wonia be about 1,000 feeble minded persons MAKING READY IN KLAMATH. Revolutionists Will Not Bs Responsi ble for His Ssfety. Bt." Petersburg, Dec. 25. There is peri! latent rumor in circulation here, I a well known revolutionary leader be ing the authority, that the cssrhas been warned to leave Buaaia. This communication waa sent to the ruler In three different ways in order to guar, antes ita reaching him. The exsr waa I notified tbat tbe limit of patience bad been reached and that bs had ceased to be rnler of Russis, save in name only. tbst one copy ol tbe warning was taken to the cxar'a private apartments at Tsar. koe-Belo a lew days ago. Tbe ctar ia heavily guarded in tns palace, which ia mrronnded by s form idable array ol troops, while dozens ol maxims and large supplies of ammuni tion are stored away. Few of the offi cials have access to tbe czar. MOSCOW REDS RAISE SIEGE. Mitchell Estate Smalt Portland David K. Dunne has been appointed administrator ol the estate ol Senator John H. Mitchell upon the petition ol John H. Mitchell, it., m the County court. The petitioner stat ed tbat the estate is valued at $2,000, and the heirs are Mattie E. Mitchell. de ing Through Railings. Moscow, Dec. 25. The 12,000 per sons who were besieged in the Aqua rium since last night forced tbe rail ings surrounding tbe building at o'clock this morning snd escaped through an adjacent schoolhouas. A few were wounded in tbeir attempts to escape the military cordon. Seventy of those attending us meen- sifa of deceased, snd Mattie t Rochefoucauld, a daughter, residing in . arrested, but they were subss- Paris; John H. Mitchell, Jr., and Hi- tl released. A few revolvers r. . . ' . 1 1 - .1 ami I " . . ram E. Mitchell, sons, snd Alice snd Milrlrrd ChaDDian and Mitchell and Robert Handy, grandchildren. Want Treea Destroyed. Oreeon Citv Fruit Inspector James H. Reid will aDDeal to the courts of Clackamas county to compel E. J. Ril ey, an attorney of Portland, to submit the dar wholesale arrests were msds, were seized and many daggers snd re volvers were left behind in the garden surrounding the schoolhouss. Demonstrations of tne stnlters were continued all day, but in every case they were dispersed by Cossacks sna drasoons. Several persons were in jured, but no one wss killed. During to the destruction ol his Iruit trees. Ii.BDector Reid aavs Mr. Kileys orch ard, .which is located in Minthorn ad dition, near Milwaukie. ia inlected with the San Jose scale, and tnai me nniv m-av in which the pest can be imted is to destroy the trees. Mr. All business baa been stopped. Sev eral of tbe bakery shops nave rjeen plundered. The strikers are using the strongest measures to enforce the complete cessa tion of business, but notwithstanding these measures the postal operatione Reid aavs he is determined to make a .: . . . . test case. I At a meeting of bankers today it wss decided to open the banks tomorrow. Say Agenta srs frauds. Ralsm Amenta are traveling over thia BUte soliciting orders ior books Ior i,...l!n. lihrariea. In some instances they renrenent themselves as being au- Thousand Pasaengers Nearly dump thorixed by the BUte l-iorary comniia inn to anlieit orders Ior books. The BLAZE ON CROWDED rERRY. Jones' Plan to Secure Water and Ad mit White Settlers. Waahintrton. Dec. 26. As ths first Btep in the direction ol adjusting con flirting water rights on the akima In The California .Ute min.r.logi.t h.s di.n reservation Representative Jones ln 0regon called the attention of government au- win iniroouce a u..., .g Candidates Must File Notics, thorlties to gigantic land framii i mav convenes, authorizing tne laaima in- g,iem8ecretary ol State Dunbar state. He saya be will place evidence dians to ,eU 60 cree ol their respective attention to the fact tbat it is ne- in the hands ol the United BJea "-1 ..,. rliraotins the secretary LM.rv for candidates for state or dis trict attorney that will involve many of intJrinr .DB, . portion ol the ,,!.. office, to first file a notice ol in California's prominent people, snd le- owedg to the pvlrehseol water rights ,ention to become a candidate with the lievea tnai sometmiig .. u. for tl)B remaining 20 acres ol each al- secretary ol state, before or at the time with the general land office. hotment. ol beainning the circulation oi petitions The passage ol this bill will perma- for the primary elections. A candidate .i! nrnvl.! lor the irrigation oi In- i. twmitted to write a platform, not j:.n l.n.U'an.t at the same time open LTcwdinir 100 words, to be filed with th. a?av lor the settlement ol a large this declaration, and to have printed nortion ol the Yakima reservation. on the official ballot a condensed plat- l.r. M THE COLUMBIA COUNTY Abstract and Trust Co. Titles Examined, Abstracts Made, Non-Resident Taxes Paid. Real Estate, Loans, Etc. E. E. QUICK A. M. HOITON, Proprietor. -in f'- r.m-1 w t.i..i im M n.lllirr). la the bent JK. wi Itofclj - wwwfis naiug tlm-tlro esxuklgss larger tl!hn'in,rl'H.,r;rl.l..Vnre)..i.ttl.s thing (or small ms while tl.s t I UO COKt III n sVitteWTaUSJi iimr?. a jfi New ZB5itCall.ig-n'loiirKxiM.rleneennok that tolls what f'X. I MmruXV -world ovor-i'reo, Mr . .Uae. i The Baltic coast is lighted by burn ing manskna. The ciar has relused to grant uni versal suffrage. . W I 1 A As attempt to assaBSinats rresiaenv Reyes, ol Colombia, tailed. Dewey wants the Annapolis haxers expelled without s chsncs ol returning. Ths Virginia and North Carolina coasts have been swept by a heavy gale. A Ia Amrelee cottage was wrecked by the wind and three persons injured, two perhaps fatally. A collapse of scaffolding in the New York tunnel under East river injured five men, three of them isiaiiy. Columbia university has positlvley iA.hM.ian football in the future. Oth er leading colleges sre expected to fol low thia lesd. Tha nraaident has signed the canal emergency appropriation bill carrying 111.000.000. This is the first Isw cre ated by the present session of congress h.a ; attacked Roosevelt for al V' , T i.i nnlit ral interference in bdw J?.l. Th. nraaident 1 1 aCCUSed ot wrecking the party to gratily ambition, but does not seem to worry unr m charge. Montenegro haa adopted a new con titution. Poland ia again the scene ol rioting and troops cannot be spared to suppress the trouble. An Amarlean who has lust returned rvn, .T.nan aavs there is sure to be dls i... in that country wuen au . troops are returned Irom luancnuia a Dea Moines, Iowa, baby show broke up in s row because the priae waa given to the baby Jewess. Hawaiian planters havs completed .i... i hrlno 1 .000 families ot labor- .rairom the Azores or some other i : l i. commission nae no traveling uuu. agents, nor has it authorized any one to so licit orders for traveling norariea, or books to be included in traveling U hrariea. Wherever such cases nave been reported to tbe Library commis sion steps have been taken to advise people not to patronize these agents. Will Extend Railroad. Klamath Falls J. W. Alexander, connected with the Weyerbauser lum ber syndicate, which recently pur-r-hanpd the Klamath Lake railroad, running from Thrall to Fokegama, in connection with the large timber hold- in ol the railroad company situated on the Jeny creek plateau, denies the ttmpnt that the new owners ot tne road intended discontinuing the pas- service toward Klamath Falls the first of the year. PORTLAND MARKETS. This Indian land has been selling for Irom $40 to $50 per sere, snd s large surplus will be realised lor the benefit ol the Indiana. Indian Commissioner Leupp is in favor ot tbia plan snd will lend nie assistance to secure its favorable con sideration by congress. first ot form, not exceeding 12 words. Smelter for St. Johns. Portland As extensive smelting plant will be established at St. Johns within the coming year, an option on a prospective site ior the location oi it having been secured. Negotiations are pending to close the deal, runner than that the parties who are negotiat- me hi i auu Strike Agslnst Sugsr Tsx Can TViminffO. Republic ol Santo Do- inu lor the purchase ol mingo, Dec. 26. The government has contemplating the erection oi a smelter ..ii tha enforcement ol taxation on Ur Portland cr oitalists, who are heavi- .1, .Mr- nrodnced in 1904. and has I iv interested in Oregon and Alaska that ahinmenta will be pro- mlnins nroperties. nothing more defl nni... thia tax la paid, ine niralv oniil.l he learned, ine one ue- plantera, however, refuse to pay, baa- dded Upon ia centrally located n their refusal on cenain Koveruuiou. rWnwa and on contracts entered Into Newcomers Prom Minnesois, with them, by which the sugar lnous- Albsny The vsnguardof immigrants t waa to be freed from all taxation trm Katern and Middle Western . narin ol 20 vears. . As s result t t .inn cnuntv has arrived. If of this situation, the plantations may tne population increases at a compara .aa cultivation. lively rapid rate during the more fav rablo season in the spring, tne county Irl.h Leaders May Get Together. ,iii TT,rionce a rapid and substantial r,.,i.ii rw 98 William O'Brien l,.,r,w'h hnlore another fall season has : .rfnn. tn tha narliament- r,ii,1 around. This latest addition is ary party, led by John Redmond, Ior a hn the form ol three families from aareement and the adoption ol shelburn, Minnesota, aggregating a common line ol action in the forth- twenty-lour people i ai.tlona. The over- S . i i ji ... n.rrlM .,.a. h.v. hAn rnceivea in a ir.uuuiy i i.incoin uvmn, k.,t .n f.r thra haa been no in-1 Ralnm Lincoln county's asseBsment terview between the lesders. Mr. Red- eUmmary for 1905 has been received at . .! .nrl John Dillon nave lBsuea an the office of tne secrewi v ui announcement that nothing has yet re sulted from Mr. O'Brien s action. Alfonso Betrothed St. Lsst. Paris. Dec. 26;-rThe JMgaro -this state. It shows a decrease ot 10 per cent in me valuation ol taxable property, the total (or 1904 being $1,039,692, as compared with $989,454 in 1905.' Mill at Enterprise. Enterprise Otto Brothers hsve in stalled a chop mill near here, a large rnnrnlno declares that a definite agree ment has been reached between Hie ... i CI JU - uMiasnrnAnfl TA. untun Dl ""7" Tf. " I 4CB .efoTdlx power. The flouring gsruing w.e """r"-' k milUn Knternrise is frequently com & :Zl; n"oi p-eued to close down, but the chop mill k- m. lor eeveral weeks. ' can be ruu at any ua. Wheat Club, 7172c; bluestem, 73 a74c: red, 6768c: valley, 72c per bushel. Oata No. 1 white leed, $27; gray 126.50 per ton. v Rarlev Feed. $2222.50 per ton; brewing, $22.502S; rolled,$2323.50 Rob il.50 per cental. Hv Eastern Oregon timothy, n isiva 15.60 per ton: valley timothy, ll(ai2: clover, $89; cheat, $8.50 Q fin- Drain hav. 18(39. Fruits Apples, $11.50 per box; pears. $1.251.50 per box. Vegetables Beans, wax, 12c per nonnd: cabbaae. lStlMc per pound cautiflower, $1.25 per dozen; celery, 45 a75c Des' dozen; encumbers, 6060c npr dozen: peppers, 6c per pound pumpkins, ?4lc per pound; sprouts, 7e nor nonnd: suaBh. 9 lc per pound i.n,;,,. flivosl ner sack; carrots, 65 76c per sack; beets, 85c$l per sack Onions Oregon, $11.25 per sack. Potatoes Fancy graded Burbanks, 65(875c per sack; ordinary, 6560c per aack: Merced sweets, sacks, $l.o oratna. 12.15. Butter Fancy creamery, 27)4" 30c nor nnuntl. Oreaon ranch. 30c per dozen Poultry Average old hens, 10llc r.,r nomul: vouna roosters, 9c; springs, inoille: broilers. 1213c; dressed .ton. I2iai3c: turkeys, live, 16 iai7e: turkevs. dreaaed, choice, 179 !. ..eae. live. 9(cbl0c; ducks, 15c Hops Oregon, 1905, choice, 10(8 llic: prime. 89c; medium, 8c nhla Kfa7c. Wool Eastern Oregon average oei; irtH?ie- valley.- -2426c; imotrair. choice. 30o per pound. ' deel Dressed, bulls, l2o pel 3cfc4c: country ateera, 44iO. , - y Sffl8c per pound. Mutton Dressed, lancy, 66c per pound; ordinary, 485c; lambs, 7a Pork Dressed, 67c per pound Into Hudson in Terror. New York, Dec. 25 While tbe Del zwsre, Lackawanna 4 Western ferry boat Montclair waa crowded from end to end on a trip tonight Irom the loot ol Christopher street to uoDosen, ore burst out beneath the midst ol the inner row of seats in the men s camn on the starboard side. So audden was the outbt rst of flames that tnose sit ting on the seats had narrow escapes Irom burning. The shouts ol fire sent tne passengers in a rush to the open ends ol the boat, men almost pushing one snotDer into the wster. The panic spread to the women's cabin, which was also crowd ed, there being 1,000 psssengers on ths boat. The Montclair was in miusuwu. As quickly ss they could msse tneir wsy to the fire extinguishers, the deck hands took them down and plsyed on the fire, which quickly becsme only a smudge ol Btifling smoke. The boat was driven mu speea, wim whistle shrieking, to the Hoooaen lir,. The Dassenaere rasned asnore and the fire department put out what remained oi the blaze. It s supposea that a smouldering cigar atub com mnnioated fire to rubbish and started the blaze. Honor for Choate. Washington, Dec. 25. The Post to morrow will say : Joseph H. Cbnate, who recently was succeeded at tbe Court ol St. James aa United States ambassa dor by Whitelaw Reid, in all likelihood will be named by rresiaeni Aoomve.n as chairman ol the American delega tion to the second Hague peace confer ence. This selection virtually is decid ed on by the president. It s under stood that he desired that ex-rreeiueus Cleveland should head the delegation. hnt Mr. Cleveland expressed a aisin- clination to undertake the work. - Heyburn Loaded for Bear, Washington, Dec. 25. When ths senate reconvenes alter tne nouuaya, Senator Heyburn intends to msks speech on his forest reserve bills. He will air nis oinerence wuu m. inci dent and Gifford Pinchot, and urge curtailment of the president's power to create reserves. His bill haa not been,. reported. A severe srraignment or tne administration is expected. The sen ator will slso speak in advocacy ol his national board of corporations bill. Traffic of Soo Canal, ault Ste. Marie, Mich., Dee. 25. The government report places ths total freight tonnage ol the Soo canal lor ths year at 44,270,860 tons, sn increase over last year ol 4Cfgper cent. Martial Law for Poland. : Warsaw, Deo. 25. A proclamation ol the governor general was gazetted here today, establishing martial law in all tbe 10 governments ol Russian Pol and and appointing ten temporary mll itary governors general. , . European source. lV BMHWV - - -