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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 20, 1905)
: . p 1 ' " ' t 1 fi I!) i 4! I li f :; s . $ : 1 1 s i 3 " OREGON MIST Entered at tha Postoffice t St. Helen. Orcxon, a secouJ-cla mail matter. ISSUED Evmv raiDAV Bv K H. FLAUU. KlttYtM AND FaoraiKTOa. One copy, one year, in n.lvance $1 00 Six month r 50 Legal notice " rcnU per line. pridav. o utr . mv.. COl'ST. OKH( lALPirEE. ruts SPEECH. J. N. Williamson, un.lcr sentence to serve tea months in the penitentiary, U a tarttrr man to day, and wore worthy of the friendship of hi fellow man, than wok oi hi optonents who arc rejoicing in hi downfall, and who prob ably have contributed their utmost to tiring about the result achieved. This without in the least condoning hit of fense or criticising the sentence passed upon him. lie is immeasurably above the man who swindled a woman out of her just dues, or the one who conspired to jmicure the absence of an important wit ness in a notorious insurance case. He is also a better man than the editor who fouu'l every excuse possible for the per petrator of statutory rape, and there are book who think he is fully as good, mor ally, as the great editor who secured the removal of a United States District At torney in order that certain prosecutions might be abandoned. These arc just pass ing thoughts. They may or may not have any personal application. But the editor of this paper is not fond of hypo crisy and never appreciated the devil as a rr baker of sin. This is a mad world, my masters, and those w ho are to a certain ettent behind the scene wonder at the hardihood of the hypocrite who are Join ing in the yelping chorus of condemnation of the men who have been unfortunate enough to be the 6rst victims of an aroosed public sentiment. The editor of this paper owe no favor whatever to J.N. Williamson, nor to John II. Mitchell, and he ha at all time denounced the meth ods employed in this and other States to secure possession of the public domain, and he hopes the work will go on until the greatest of the criminals the men of Tast wealth in Michigan and Wisconsin who are responsible tor debauching the public moral too this question are placed behind the bars. As to J. N. Williamson, we extend to him our sympathy and sor row, and trust, should the apoeal go against him, that he will stand his pun i'hment like a man, aithont bravado, or inging, and then take np his life work vith all his energy for the sake of those who are entitled to the best that is in him. We have admired him in the post and hope to be able to do so in the future. PEACE ASP HAKlOXr. Mr. Frank Baker's scheme to induce the Republicans of Oregon to harmonize th- ir differences and all unite in the .sup port of the ticket to be nominated by the Direct Primary Law may be classed as a jiia!ificd.success. It drew together in one building a great many Republican poli ticians, and tbey behaved quite peaceably ; but that they have any better opinion of each other than tbey had prior to the meeting may well be doubted. They passed resolutions ; but, as it was not a delegated body, these resolutions can not be considered as having any binding effect upon members of the party. Some of them were good ; but at least one was, in our opinion, decidedly unwise. Speeches were made by men ol State reputation, and many chunks of good advice were passed out to the rank and file ; but, after all, it would have been as well had there been no peace meeting. The Republicans of the State of Oregon arc united as to principles, and all that is accessary for success next June is the nomination of a ticket by the people that will commend itself to the confidence of the people. The Iirect Primary Law affords the op portunity lor every voter to have his say in the nomination of the ticket. It is a return of power to the people which ha heretofore been exercised by a few self constituted bosses. If the Republican voters do their duty on the day of the primary election there need be no fear but that Oregon will elect a full set of Republican State officials. The editor of the Mist wishes to return thank to all alio so liberally assisted by their contributions in making Columbia County's exhibit at the Lewis and Clark Kxpusitiun a surees in every sense of the word; trtit more eiecially are thanks due to W. J. t-ulli rtoii of Warren and L. t (iulkerof Rxiuier. Tnese gentlemen were cniiiB-tilor for the position of com u.i.sionir, but when the appointment was made tluy loyally supported the ap Biiutee in evcrv way within their power, Iwlieving that Columbia County's inter ettn are paramount over those of any in dividual or art of individual. They di played the spirit that in necessary to the filcors of any locul enterprise that of hariiuHivaitd united effrt. Prom far off North Carolina comes an tinier for Rainier Mineral Soap, and the writer say that hi wife procured the sample from the young lady in charge of Columbia County's exhibit at the Lewis aiil Clark Centennial. Mr. Barr will liortly . furniah us a list of orders for slnngk secured through his exhibit. "There is aothing succeeds like suc cess. ' Kvcsi the croakers, and those who threw cold water on the project and pre dicted it failure, are now willing; to ad mit the success of Columbia's exhibit at fiat Fair. ' Iltreafter our people will have more f.iith ia their ability to compete with any county in Orr;;.)ii. That's the best re sult ji thi! l'iir AUATTtnPFtlSALnt PO'JDER AkMlstsSyPara CAsnsuDsrmnz A CrMm of Tartar Btw4r, fro from alum phaa pttatle mM ftOVM. MKM NWMI OS MW VWMLl . VERNONIA ITEMS. T. B. I)nlow went to Forest Drove Monday on bnsiuesa. August Shillnpeit returned front For est Drove Monday with a toad of winter supplies. T. M. North was down from Kist Wed- nesdav of lust week with a load from Forest Grove, the first installment of the new sawmill. He and J. I). Raker are to set np on the latter' ranch three miles north of town. A. M. larker took ont some fat cattle last week which he had sold to Portland parties. While out he visited the I wis and Clark exposition, and was delighted, at every one else from the Xehalein has barn. Lewis Thruop, who lis been in the stock business near Prineville, Crook county, for the last seven yean, came in on Friday last for a short visit with the i f..ib. .t.nsn. M.n.t.v annua " . K J " has prospered while in Eastern Oregon and likes it there. Miss Urace Brown, who has spent Ihe summer in the Nehaleu visiting with Stella and Bert Hosport, in rntticaliiig, sleeping in an open tent all the time here, for the benefit of her health, has returned to her home in Portland greatly improved. William Hall, with '.is eon. both re cently from the oast, has been visiting his brother, Wilbnrn Halt, for the past week. They have gone to Rainier and taken nork, expecting to remain in Ore gon for some time, and possibly iwrina uently. J. S. Mjw and wife went ont to Forest Grove the first of last week t J viait their tin, Vernon, and other relatives living near the Grove. Mr. Mow ami the boys, we understand, are going t put in a first class shingle mill this winter on their ranch near Seappoose. JanMS Harper, of Newberg, and Ben jamin Harper, of Hillaboro, with their families, made a short to the Ne halem last week. They came not only to visit friends ami relatives, bnt to do a little fishing as well, but finding the ran of ralinnn just over, returned home to come another lime. Mrs. Hatfield's school opened Monday morning with all the new seats occupied and three more pupils from the Nome district not in yet, and fonr or five more applicantr from tie outside wanting en rollment. Mrs. ICiiuuont' school in the Tucker district also has sll seata full. D. W. Keaeey went to ISaxton the first of the week to see how hi gray mare was getting along. The animal went lame on a tnpout about three week ago by picking np a loose nail.' He met a veterinary from Hillsboro, who opened the foot so that it has free drainage, and thinks she will get along all right, bnt it will be some time before she is fit for use. Win. Wilson, Sr., went out to Forest Grove Monday to meet bis daughter, Mrs. Bertha 8liannahan. who bus been visiting relatives in Portland and seeing the fair. - While there she was met by her brother. Win. Wilson, Jr., and wife, of (Seattle, who came home with her, much to the delight of Ihe father and mother and other relatives and friends. This is the first time Will has Iwen home for six years, and of course everybody is glad to see him and make the acquaint ance of his better half. Shake, Willie. Peter Bergerson, supervisor of road dittlict No. 15, has been blasting out stumps and grading the street in front of K. M. Ward's residence, preparatory to building a new bridge across Little Eear creek, the county, since its old sur vey has been practically abandoned the past few years, having elected to niak its road through town wert of the bridge across Rock creek, on Bridge street, west : to Weed avenue, thence south on Weed avenue to the u. H. Malmsten p. ace, where it Urikei the old survey again. This, so far as we know, is quite satis factory to our citisens and makes a di rect route for the county road through , ii.i. ....t ..i i.u.Mir ii.o. ..... K-.. ... . "... -a- , hii,it, or on the Trail, exposed to damp- tlirouVli town slioula l.y all means be j eUl draft and beat, but were placed in made, and that before any permanent ' the various State buildings, earelolly pro-impiov-uient, such as gravel, is trot on, j tel and guarded a they would have vi Ti. r.-i.l (mm il,a tA of been la the parlors of our finest home. m . . ... . 7 . So Urgely hive they fijrured in the many liraiden lull, Inch runs diagonally delightful social functions at these build acroes lots to Pringle's store, should be I inirs that they are endowed with historic put due south on th street in front of O. Malmsten's home to Bridge street. This is a piece of straightening greatly to be desired, and we trust some one will make a move in that direction. New Care for Cancer All suiface cancers are known to be curable, by ISucklins Arnica Wave. Jan Walters, of Nuffield, Va writ's; I had a cancer on my lip for years that seemed incurable, till Buckliiis Arnica tialre healed it, and now it is perfectly well. Guaranteed cure foi cuts and burns. 25 1 at I'erry A (Jraliaw's store. FULL PAY FOR I'KK.ICIIKK. Again I. Wilton, of 8ltl;, l spoken to the Synod of VasMiit'ii. He wins determined In place ntllii.lers, if poMibU-, on an equality in eli-p- purling manhood with Islwrer In other vocation. First, lis wants them to at tend to tluir own work ami do away with liiie-l evangalUts, and now he sug gests that they pay their way like other self-resecting American citiaens, with out arking rebate on goods or service of aiiv kind which (hey or their families require. These snmjettions are decided ly in the nature of reform. The minister should be paid a living wage, should earn it and maintain him self and his family out of it. without ask ing favor in the a ay of 10 per cvut re lates on purchases and half fare in traveling. Donations should not be so licited foi him. Such offering should, in fact, Iw ct.u-ddered an impertinence. There is no reason why he and hi wife should have their family supplies select ed and purchased for tliem. Those who object to placing the services of a min uter on a cumiiiercinl basis should reflect that this is much better and more satisfactory in every way than is the pauper bais which underlies dona tions, rebates on supplies and demands for half tares on public conveyances. It is the system not the minister that is to blame for thus peristentlv cheapen ing the gpel and making those who would follow preaching as a vocation semi nicdicaiit', subject alike to criti cism fur wearing good clothes and for going shabby. Oreironien. II there are any more railroads that want to "butt in" to the Nthaltm. let them come along. But we would rather see one track than hear twenty talks. 1906 will bo remembered a the year of Oregon's first great period of develop ment. EEX VT. KEASEY. Kden W. Keawy dieil at the residence of bis son, on Hawthorne Terrace, Port land. Ore., aged 77 years ami 8 months. : ,- " J II. tM . T ....n 111.1. I.h I . , , . .w. - . .. ... 1 I , I 11V . ." " ... M,9 J renU to Elkhart Co., Ind. He waa the third of a family of 15 children, 14 of whom grew to man and womanhood 8 are yet living, three sons and five daugh ters. His father, Joseph Keascy, lived under every administration from Wash ington down to Benjamin Harrison, and passed away at the advanced age of 07. Sixteen years ago Mr. Keasey came to Oregon, remaining in Portland nine months, Prom there he went out into the Nehulem valley near Vernonia, where he resided 15 years, when failing health caused him to give up the labors of his ranch, since which time be had resided in Portland. In the death of Ivlen W. Keasey the country has lost one of its most valuable citizens, the family a loving husband and father, and mankind a true and sincere fiiend. His life was truly an inspiration to all about him, for during his long and busy life no man could point to vne dis honorable or unchristian act. Cseful and helpful to his fellow man, useful and help ful to his country, and useful and obedi ent to his God, he made the world better by having lived in it. He strove not only to live right himself, but to lead others into paths of righteousness and todounto others as tbey would have others do unto them. He met death without fear and was full of hope, for te had kept the faith and had the promise of eternal life. Though we may not again behold him in form and feature, though be be gone from among us, yet well we know, and truly we feel, he is not dead. The influence of bis life will go on and on as an endless chain among the generations of men yet unborn. Iet us so live that when our summons come and we are called to join that innumerable caravan, where each must take his station in the silent hall of death, we may, like him, calmly and silently wind the drapery of oar couch about u and lie down a one to pleasant dreams. FAIR PIANOS TO JBE SOLD Snprb Instmments-LoTelj Soni enirs of the Lewis and Clark Exposition for Small Wees. The many fine pianos-grands, uprights, pianolas, pianola pianos and orchestrelles used at our glorious exposi tion in the Oregon, Californ ia, Massachusetts, Washing ton, Illinois, New York, Idaho, Maine,Oriental,Y.W. C. A.t N.C.R. Co. and other buildings are to be closed out at Hilers Piano House at once. rMease remember that these piano are in every respect as enod as new. Tliey 1 n"Te no1 oeen ,n a Doom, or in an e- i T"',u:' " w.e". a ver Arable from a musical standpoint. Many of them were especially' selected by great artists, musicians ana connoi seurs, and every one of them represents in every respect the very highest grade and character of the very brat in Ameri can piano making. The -tilers 1'iaa House positive guar antee accompanies each instrument sold. "Money back" if instrument purchased is not found, after deliver), exactly satis factory or as represented. Red act tows Oeaulne. We offer during this sale a bona fide reduction of from over 30 to MO per cent on llie very lowest casn retail price mat the and other same grade of high class! instruments regularly retail lor in mis -u company r"ir'i. " ,'J or any other city. , , 1 locaid v,r ii. .-. '"'' 't " Any instrument in thi. sale ma be ..h. t ,.,. , purchased on time payments. Three ;' " 'm, b aajo ,.,,,,.,,. years allowed to complete the purchase by dc. u" .-."'i'",, i .i nriccs.nlu sittmle interct on dc- in:. rccrdea la - ,J "....lumwa ... . . I . .1... .....It, IIMI'S l, ferred navurrnt. Used Waaoa Also. Our sale of "exchanged" pUno will also be continued during this special event. In the collection may be found upright pianos ol the latest tu-aigns, ut various high grade makes, that dmvv come to us of late in part payment fur new Pianola Piano, Rabv Grands and fancy exhibition style of Cpriglit Ftauos. Among these used piano may be found : Knaue, line, ; Kitulntll. elegant, genuine mahogany, hw, fancy Colonial, ti ; Voae. largest site, uiottlrd mahogany, fsM; another fine Vtwe. wal nut, tlttf ; Wing & Son, U.V. Jacob Doll, fltti); Hamilton, like new,l7!l; another Hamilton, like new, fir; Starr plauo, mluwiiav. 'JU: another Starr, brand new; -15; J. P. Hale, mahogany, $W!; Newburv, W; Kiugsbury, largest ie, new, ; aud numerous others. Org ana Also. Kxcellent parlor and chaiwl organ will also be sold nt thi sale at less than half price. An F.tev, $M; Scars-Roebuck, jai; Kimball verv fine, f-W; Newman Brother, pW; all on easy payment. Remember, there is no lime to lose. The pianos are here, the reduction are r t i id ..i geumne. ncre win w nunnwi. homes auxious to secure ou ol tlieui. If vou're coming, don't delay, come, write or telephone at ouce. KII.KRS PIAStl HOISK. Retail I "cpartment. Kntrancc S.M Wasliington St., Portland, l)re. iiotki ii runucATtox. (TlmWr l-MBi Act. Jm . Illl l I'Bliml Statu Laad Onici foctUiHl, Oimun, (Hilrt Kb, 110.. Nallr Is hereby bIvm that la earasll aar llh lh arovUlona of ths act at Coa raa of Jim J. JSTS. atliixl "As act for th sal of tlmbar lands la ths Ststw ot Callfarala. Orvaoa. NJ. and Instoa Trrlor) I mm It.advd to all ths .d four .4. link, from ....IB to .. . b. ml t I " b'"BB 'b IB. cor.r of th. rltBI 1 " aawt .',. ... ... ..j. i .h. w.o Pvbllo Laad Bll l'.i.', M.rr Horw huli. at fiirtUiid. r.iuuir of MultiKNiiMh.N.Bie nMfreeoa, h...bUil. nlr.1 la .hi. 'His- his urn tairMtut No. 4tei. fvr the purr ha tt th ol n 4 mitt tt vul n '4 o frrlUra No, 'A In township Nu, iouc ( S, he Raf Na 4 Wt. n4 will fttfsr proof to how (hat Ih tai ought la mora ralua bl (or ita timber or aiooa than for art cullural pun", in! to establish hrr t-lalm to said land bTor tha Hagtstar al Ita ealrav at rHtftlaaiJ. Oraom. oa Wadaaaday. Ihr iihtlav ol U-tubrr, VMX Mi luum iitifltaMn: Chartra iknUirnr. of Hurtlatul. Orrzutt: Juhu t. Burke, nf I'tiii laml, tirvfii; Jhn H. Kvwljr, ol I'!. ir rftui; ril II. KHfM.'hUU.Mj IVtrtlaiHl. lni(vin. Any aad all paraoaa clalmlac advaraaly that sKa a.ifaaaa-rtWjkM let sb rial saraa rsMiuatatlawl In . I aia thalr slalma in thta offlca oa or bafors aald AKh (Say uf liwvnikr, l'JiV. AUiKHNON S. bUKMtfr.n. nfH!r. TIMIUCB UND ACT. JINK S, ? TICK Or rt BIJi'ATlOX. I nll.d Mtat.s iMi urn.-. Portt.Bd. Orcaofl. Hrpt. 3.. IHI Nolle. I. h.rrbjr glvcB that In conipll BBC. Bl.h th. prott.tiia. of lb. Bel of 0a. mw of Juno X lt?l. rBttlJ "An act fori th. Ml. of timber land, la th. Htatr. of California. Orvaoa. N.taita. aa.1 Wa.hlng toa t.rrttnry." a. .atcnd.d to all th. Tub lie Land Htat.. br act of Ausu.1 4, In:. Kl- fie V. Powell of St. Helens. Count v of Co- lumbia. atat. of ur.oa. hu .hi. d.r ft id IB thi. oBlc b.r .worn .ttrmi-nt No. ti.t. for th. purrhaM of th. K W ul th. N M, ol lhrlk IT and th. M K V t h. N K W o actl.a No. :i. la Taan.lilp No. I N. Haas. J YV. and Bill offer proof to .how that th. land .ought I. mor. valtia bk for It. tlmbrr or toa thaa for atrl cultural purpose, aad to ...abll.h h.r claim to .aid land bsfor. th. H.sLt.r and H.o.!v. at Portland, orocon. on Thurwlar. th. 14th dar of Itec.mhrr. Itofr- Mh Bam, a. wltncrara: W. II. of Pittsburg. Or.troa; Wm. II. Uolniaa. of Portland. Orofoa; K. K Qul.-k. of Ml Hc. .aa, or.coa; Maltla White, of at Or.K. Aar and all prraoaa clalmla th. ahiv dcwrlhrd laad. ar. r.qitr..r,l tu SI. claim. In thi. orttv. oa or hvfota aald ltb dar of liw,mlr, Mot. AIlKltNUN a IHlKXXKtl. Itrgt.t.r. NOTK or rXtXt TOaVft NALK Ol', raurKRTV. I.N THE COrXTT CtM'RT Ot MIXTNU ifiih founty, Kiaia of ortg-ua. In lha Mattvr if tha feUtats uf W. Noon, lecrwl, NtHlra Is hereby cl'n that piruanl t an ordr of tha atxv ntlil(j rnurt hr I of or duly mads mmd ntrtMl. ih unrlT' ignrd rirutira of thm lajt will and te-sji.. mrnt of W. N ixn . dM-caavl. wtll, from and after th Ith dar f .Suvtrntxr. ti. prorsxKl to II lha fulluwlna drarrtbsM rrl proprrty aliuatd In th t'uunijr tf I'oium. bis. Htatr of rin. and mor particularly detxrlbe-d a follows, to-wll; HKlnnlna at th northfaat cornr of th donation land riaim uf ttarnrr T. Kotr. claim numbvr forty nin t i, aald non h -at rornr bing la Marlon tniy CSI, township four north ranv on tit Wml uf I hs Wlllat msiIlM mcrl.l lairi mnnlr, lhanf i is I K la.nlv.lh ra Uli Hmmrm.m mm.,t thirty Uft mlauis wtai lht chains and tblrtjr-thre tin link., theac north seventy I7bidenree west, three l chain and thirty-ono til I hake, thenc eo-jih thirty ilo degree w. seven 7i chains and flfty Vi links; thenc mmin twenty, nln t2 degrees and forty-flv ti&i min utea west, sliieen 1 chain and flfty aevea ti7i links; thence north seventy threw l?3l degree and fifteen U) mm vtes west, iwelv (Hi chains and twenty (31 links to an Iron rod, thenc north twenty-sla Ci degree and thirty (3ai minutes east, fifteen Hit cha.ns and twenty-four CO links; thenc north thirty thre 133 degrees raat. seven 1t chain and Afty fl'n links: thenc north twenty thre (2l tlstgrer and fifteen (til mlnutr at. two Hi chain. Ihnc north twenty thre 131) degr east two m chains and txtytwo (tzt links; thanr east along said Koster claim Hn wventn ii;i chains and I twenty-sit links to th piac uf be ginning; excepting therefrom ten ili a r convyeI to S. T llahrr by M Klk and wlf by deed dated Nnvrmber 1 4th. I. and recorded at paga tZ. t mni . of Hook "M" of tha records iff dewds of said Colum bia fount y; alao agceHing therefrom A (bl acre tronveyed io William J. roller too by Mountravall Plsk and wife by deed dated March ll, lull, aad recorded at page 2f, ei se, of Iloofc "M" of thn records of deds of said Columbia County. The land abov deacrlbud ,aftr deducting said exceptions, contain twenty -thre (jj acres, mora or teas. II. Th. Olll tract, described a. follows: lie. ginning at a point thirty llni feet north! of a atake. which stak. Is on the south boundary line of th. tlarn.r T. Poster do- nation land rlalm. In Hi-ctlon nineteen ll) TowBshlp four (It north, rang. on. ill west of the Willamette meridian: aald atak. nin in. anuin.a.1 cora.r nr in. i,n. hun drwl arr tract conr.rl by N. latin Huyl anil wlf. to J...I. Itaron anil Jam.. Ilai-nn by ilat.-.l July 11th, MCI. r.ei,nlnl In tM.ia I , paa. z r tn. Miram nl iI.mI. of aaJ4 Columbia Tuuntr; frmn aalil starting IHiInt north alone th. .a.t Una of aid land coBv.rrd to Umrun alpiul tw.ntr .lht 1211 chain, to a point un th. .aid eaat lln of llacon'a lanil, wlilrli la.t mrn. tlnnril point I. a.v,a 11) rhala. and four Ht link, south of th. north.a.t corn.r or aald on. hundr.d ai'ra tract; Mid point lin ing alao a.v.n 171 chain, and four ft) link, aouth of th. north boundary lln. of aald Koat.r donation land claim; w..t about seventeen 117 1 chain, oa a lln. parallel with th. north boundary Una of aid fo.ter donation land claim to the nr.M boundary lln. of aald union nine. tn IS; thenc. north seven I7i chain, and four M link. bIob th. west boundary lln. of aald auction nlnte.n list to ih. north boundary lln of Ih. Foster dona tion land claim: thenc. eaat about .evenly. Sv chains 1711 chalna to th. center of th. County Itoad runalna from at. Helens to Portland; thenc. south twenty -eight degrees and forty-flva I4SI minute, west along th. ceatirr Una af aald County Road tw.ntr-a.ven !7 chalna to a drlv.n stake; thenca east from aald atak. to low water mark on Hcappooa. Flay; thenc. southerly along low w.ler mark oa aald bay to th. aouth boundary lln. of aald Poster dona tio land claim: thenc. wast on said south boundary lln. of tha rostar donation land claim to th. westerly boupdary Una of aald County Road four ill rod.: the.. .at forty (40 1 rod.; southerly thirty-aia 3 fret on a lln. parallel with th. weMflr lln. of .aid County Road; thenc went on a lln. parallel with th. south lln. of said Poster donation land claim to the place of nagtnnlng, containing on. hundred and ninety-live (I'j&i acre, mor. or l.ns. Kitcepllng. however, from th. foregoing land, all of the following, to-wlt: A strip of land on. hunred (loot feet In width VUZU "wui" Nul-tltfin I'm-HI'' tM-rlbrd forll.. - a ' ' ; North-.. FalSo "1'r',t,(, ,, ..,.1 .flVKt .MM"- """" tt. ilwiiaMi s. '" --' ,.i ira.k ilir..-.- north '""",",, '"'h . Jz, ,,, ill minutra . elRhlwn "' Tin. i.l - nt IkiwI h.'ias !" ('ti)umlils .'iiilii.y ,u .., r.ll.. ...hi of . Ihrtc. ''''""" lily r... o in. --- T : ..... u-.rn ..,uni Kiwi; ih.B.. ..ii.i h:uiM-.ui.l . .., i. II k u.rr " V." BO. I toi or in. rwoiM. . hi. I'UUHII ! Aim a ll.hl of .r W '' 1 I' lUion. Ill Hr. .oil iollll, or 1 of a r.-....!- i !. """i ic" Iwcoa .1 .1 ..I IUIlh O IUS.B. J..'.! I"'""'1" MM. iw.irll IB Ihifb J" ! '"I r ih. r.cir.1. of a.l. of Ml I iVlumbl. , ... ....I .iMhi ..r o.v b.n. .Mm i" f... from o bmi .Bit .b HI ch.iB. ru..rl .ml runnins bomb M 1 Bnj rur i l.niit to th. aorth buooiUtr Una of said F!r donathm laad lalm ill Th KuMorton IMac. ds-anrUd Mls Th stiuibn! Mnrtr-r of mum auitir iwvntyntn C in Toahp numbrt fr 1 1 1, north of rant: numiwr on ill i of th Willamette mondial, and ciniainina una hundred and slty tlaai a rra Alan on hundrrd and aistr arra otT frin aid out of th ouths)t wtttrf of th l-tt.att" land i-Uim of N.i-m ami Uary M-M In aid toanhlp and rsasr. altuatr and trtns on th uih itl of ife-sain " hol tif ld donsilon land claim .Mln (lr rltxl as follow. MHII Th auuth rtsif of th ..j, tM-rtrr of svYllon nuintarr t t . thr a! hlf t.f sMM-tion nurtibfr t nt atiii tb 'i half of the ouirtt-aal quart r. sinl lot num sWra on-, l and thi- f r-tl'n sum br thim. all la tt.hit aumtwr f-ur nrth of raits numbs-r our ! sf th Wlllamftt meridian, th whole of ul ' claim ."Uiaittin ti hutilr-d and twenty It and elaltty hurt trHhs . r. j IV I Alfto th Haffour liuthrlr trart. nVerribcd a follow: A trai l tf Urol ritihltn st-ut one hundrr-d anl attl m-tr; i hr itir le ln h rt half of Ih r..,Kt da- ; fvrlb-J lrat of land. l- a j Th donation laud Uim of II l '-lar. ; being claim niimUr (urii til whlrh . tm l r sh rilled th'- !. half of th tarat half of tiie nrtli i4rt irtlon thltir twm: th northwr.t ttuarlr r of sw-rtl n fima ' hr thirl t wo . ih ira tunal north half of th notU half of th fulhtoi q'fartrr : of arvtlon numhtr I h ut t o . ih frac j t tonal rat half f h north ipjartrr f , avrctton nuiiiiafr thirtr-on-. In tsahlp) f m r. nr th nf r a i t.mtrr rn wat of Ih Vil.arntt mndt. and mataina 111 th a hoi if aald rlalm thr-e h jhU r. and t w at i a rr . t ! t ra-1 and urr! of lari'I hrtvhi rk rniinlit ttjr ' bund rid and right a. f ,mi or la A a csstiti ftr i i if purr ha or bond f" deed to the fidlowlng d.ribd ral ftate. known ihr oriar trait to wit lit two iji. t ir' ill. f. jr ti nr f'. an ait . In twn nt -n anl lb .thraat iiiartr of . of niiht nuartr i ' i of rtin fl7- aiu Wrel half I I of th arihrat iidatl I i and wjt half l ') I of in aoiile nuarter t i and lot i'.i. an t4i and nor. 1 1 and rtht i a i of tto t wr-rtt :. also lot un ill f 'i,.t tnfr !!. al the w. .i half i S "f tb nMfthit quarter 1 l and ih eouih.-aat MtiMr i i of the aorihrsat 'Martrr if mul l-t oor lll of rtl"n twnirMne itt In twn hip finr ill. hfth of imfr tint til wt of f h Willamette rtwtlUn and contalalag alt hndrl and aty and itity-nla n htidrdth : i ar-r. mr or !; ai ftftr i.ii turn or? nth end nf !'? Williams' (VoiatU. Und rial n In sMN-tloa lwaty OH in said i nM() and rang, and Irtng nrttt -t t'rk. rat vpttng fr-im aiM tra'-t t rJft (SrOi arrr on fll acre tm Hani.h rh her t -.for ronrvl by Jph t'opoUnd it one Ntngham by dr r'nrdi la Hok "If of drnt a "f .aid dumla I'otin ty. at page ... and fun hrr rtrrpun oi and Uhlr -four on hgrclmithi 1 1 1 1 acres heretofore ciinrtl by ail .l.taeph m t'barlr Hailm b dl r..r.-d In "I" of ride of ald runt at par D. At or aid rr-al antrty ling and being 1 ltiial- in ih i uunty of I '.iumbta mi f ",J'r'"n Th trra ff such sale are caeh, of Dart ' rash and part credit W t NfKiN. Ir T J AllMMTltoSU. If M. I'AKK Ktecufora of ihe lt win and uimht Of W C. Soon, dvrcaaiMt lial or first pubtltl..n. 4M-t,tw , li Date ol Uat pulitiraiiim Nuvrtuiirr.1, Oregon Shorj linc Ann union Pacihc I XillS IlKI'KT t.i'ntp. I Airl.r. ' Hl'Ki IAI, vU lliiniiiiutnii. lr Hit r...t li.llv. bi-iik I. V V. II. u v, M M.iai A M Inn. Wall, ttalla, ,. '' ','.' " " i "!' . '"'" Ntirllil-rn lull, l iiriir .1 A I !"""" All.tSTIi Kxi'MKnx sr. I' M 7 1, x u lor the Kast Ma II mil- ' li.ll. ili'. Inirtiiii. TIIKKK IMII.Y TK.WNS yiik am. 11)1 nts kant. Lower Columbia River. Mc-.mcr Icutc. l-iirlliiirl ,,v lor 7.i;,; ,. I" .!' "."V".':'" ". I' eiccid I' 111 ""nnnniiii),, , ,),, n.Uy. L 0RM" J.iiicil 1'tnci.yir Attiil. I'liliTI.A.Minrp. SOTM'K HIK I'l III.K ATKM. (Tlmlitr I sin I, ah June a. Ih;k 1 timing 1 hllid ninic Laml 1 int... orison..,,, Mo.iu), lbr!Blh .,.,v.,r'.v:.v:',.j; .,t"r.,e.".ra.".rw,i,""i,"': Kiihitind c. i;iir .lu. k hluk l p" l that I" ''"' "u s!i "i .... -'' "''::', :r ..: Su hi ntlat Iln. nf th rt.lit of .r Norm. tin. of Ih. -M r.. u.....M..n jl.lm .in... ..., .I.ui. Ihr llll B.ulh.rli .In.. i" c.Bi.r ...... ... th. .l.-. of b.. ..... '"!!' of uml havlna -.a . fc j ,iMMi Atta i" l"w "--- r . . ' . v.. 1 . '""'"'I'l. Iircmill, Hciil. II M,,-. Nolle. Is lnt,.,v giv.H iillti i ,,. ., Ir Willi the i,r,,i.. of il , ,' j '""I'll.tnt; III, . hi. SWOIII .t.le. K. . "V"."' tn. i.iir. i,..,. ( tit. .1. .!,. ;,,; ; "' nlewilon So. la in j ".,,, V"' ! ciHim. in il,l..,n,i0 u, lai.;r.,.i "'r'" mH o'c ta-k, Hiliirnitiii ol Ni)Htulr. line, 'Isy leaves l'ort l ! ,. , "i. K AI.OKH.Mifi , ,Bbhsk, .,,:,,, 'St' H'l4. ' ' " kskAabaw' H MEN'S $9.75 The U st you ever w for the price. iuU $i$.oo for no better. NEW PATTERNS Send for one. PLEASE YOU, return It. Welch, 221-223 Morrinoa St. hi IAS New Walk-Over Styles for Hen $3.50 AND $4.00 r- is I KNIGHTS f 0.MMt iVrkiiiHlli.lrl.hiK'n.AMl arliiiliiiiilUsiiiiiiliiiUlil W Sjsraa' ssssj araj ssbbbsj aW sssw srv bbbbi w sa sbsf Baassawsv av aaSk aaa aaa aaa aafaatSBa aafaaaafSBaa aaa BaaSaBBBka SSa aSjaa AagaaBSkkaBLagSaiaBaa aassBa.saBasaaBBaafi aVa i THE BIG STORE? m DOW OY THE RmMvinjr New Goods Every Day! In tl.t Week. 3 MUCKLK STOKE; t; It ', a tl..ulatnMi uf Unit Nawling fur Oalv Ilia IWal la Z E General Merchandise! fc i Deirt & Muckle. j I THE FAIRMOUNt e 0 - t e a l urm r JiUU .111 1 I jioliur alrrcls at A first (.lass nuHlcrti hotel, at the most reasonable rates. A family hotel, where guests from the K'tntry ii.av he nssured of tfood treatment. In coiiiimiom,iih the hotel will be found the most rcnsoiiahlcuriced first class restaurant in the city f I'ortland. Sj)t'cial accomnindatiotiH for large families. Get your dinner at TltK Kaikmoi'NT forc entering the (rounds, and avoid the high Incts inside restauruuts arc compelled to charge 0 Till: FAIItal()i;Nfl Cop.Hh mid xrpH.iur Hir. 1'OR IDUTLANA iiAll.v 1RALDA steamer C 1 IIOOUHKItlK. MttHUr. Leuvtrs kninlcr dullu u.... . ZZZZZZZZZ1Z SUITS Other ntorcR M II NEW FABRICS IF IT D0NT ffl it rortUud, Ore. DIQ SAWMILL the (rout gatr til the I!IHH. j Winter fiai.u, fsr I R, IjOlir-MKy, ATTORNKV-AT-LAVV M..I K.lal Bl HlMLf I ""'1'" Slid . Mriwla iiiiu. nr. iiri.Ka.,. 1 , ir-n iim, rfcTorofSl tyvtM eovM AtTtNTI0) A)DS if hi I Ar0V4ll ratalOtuj ATTOKNEY.AT-ItAjV U.U.MKB, ' 1 "