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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 20, 1905)
OREGON 1 - VOL. XXII. ST. HELENS, OH EG ON, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1905. SO. 45. MIS NEWS OF THE Vr FXK TARIFF NOT TO BI TOUOHiD. senator Aldrlch l Alto Opoosad to Railroad Hal Legislation. Washington, Oct. 17. Henetor AM rich, oi Rhode Island, llisgoiiaral man- r of Hi United Males senate, li not telling what tli program Is to b for tli Homing session, but he Iim allowed III) In! Illinium to .k nut that there will be tin tariff legislation, and no revenue Irglslallutl beyond so,,,, pro- vision lor I'atiama canal binds. Wlmt Mr, Aldrudi may say ami think III not necessarily the plan to he fnl lowed, but It la pretty apt to tin, and whan the Rhode Island senator, who i I chairman of tlit finance committee, ay there i Ui ha no tariff legislation, tna prnbahllliirs ara strongly In lavor Illmrals have decided not lo vot in turn legislation neing pigeonholed it Iha Cut-" althm Ij Condensed Fora for Our Busy imsn. IAPPENINGS OF TWO CONTINENTS A Resume of th Im Important kut Not Lee InUraetlri; i of tha Paal Weak. it ever onme Irom tha hotine. Hat HenaMr Aldrlch la believed to ba equally as interested In suppressing railroad rata legislation which would be offensive ! hi good friends, tha railroads, and there again ha is going to hava something to ssy ltr. though Ik will not talk at tha present tlma. Henator Aldrii'h la a ( the 4 Vigorous rffirl la twlng meda by miitiiU on Interstate commer, but - ai. flnrv Irving la to ba burled in Wimliil" Abbey franc baa sent flswt tha Waat ladles, ready " w,"r "" i Jmroia medal bata been awarded Mian all on tha Allanllo com I. I nnrrnii nTiTr iTnin nr iiTTTnrnT 111 UKtuun diAit iiEMa ur 1,1 tn to I FAIR AT AN END. REAME8 8IQNS UP, Now Irrigation In Klamath County la Doubly Aatured, Klamath Falls F.van R. Reamc haa signed Ilia trust dead lor tiia aurplua land under tha lower project, consist I hit nl 2,000 acres. Thla makes tha assurance of thia project being completed by tha govern ment doalily aurn, aa about 93 per cent nt tha aurplua holding embraced in the lower rojwt haa now been signed up with tha Klamath Waterurs' aasocla- linn. The governmi nt only asked for 7ft per cent of the total and 73 pea cent as algned Up before Mr. Kennies came nto the ssociation. Though thia waa not quite the amount anked, all prepar TO BUILD SMELTER. Portland and Grante Paaa Capital Haa Placed tha Order. Oranta Pass A custom smelter, the flrat in Southern Oregon, for handling gold and dipper ore, ia eoon to be added to the imluatriee ol Urania 1'as. me Itigne Kiver Mining, Huielting Pow er company, mane np oi u ranis raas and Portland men. have secured buck Great Lewie and Clark Expoaltion Paaaaa Into Hletory. Portland, Oct. 16. The Lewi and Clark Centennial exposition la ended. Ita impoelng palace and building will come dwn j It well groomed terrace and lawna will quickly fade to bar- inoniae once ' more with, the rugged landscape. But ita influence for tha betterment of a new country will live on forever. It ran Ita cooree on a chalk mark of auccee and ended in a burnt of glory. From a financial itandpolnt it waa a 10 RECOVER LAND Government Begins Six Salts In Court at Tacoma. BIO STICK READY. ing from some of the leading capitalist Uucceas; from commercial atandpolnt etione had beniade togoon with the ery) ,n(j wor, baa Wn received that w,lu .u. K,..tfiaii Itenubllran party to artvanl the connlry from Incoming a kingdom. H n am rwrlalo tl Fil railroad H Md t" the Mill. TV'tniuala have Iwan aaanred on tti.aotnni. ,n.,.-if flaharrnan here aipeale4 i. ii ,,verniinnl agalnat awfootMt i.t'. xiion in preventing Uiaw from (lilni in tboee walaii. Tba atgumaol vi tt llmlwf utting nl Hnator Clark, ol Montana, haa b-a' art lor Janaary I nit by the Dapirma wurt of tha UnlUU 8talea. i li.liii rannt who liaa Ixnifl tour lag the United 'ta and who vlellaJ il,a.r.rtland lair, aaya it waa a bug bluff and that American oi4. : " ; ha did not attend the hcaringa gvan by that committee laat apring. alter rnilgrpae had alournel. Ill mind is made up nn that (juration, lie known how he will vote; he know tha kind of hilt ha fa iron; be understands what hi! friends want, and when the time routes for action, Wougo lie win say little, ha will get In a powerful lot of rlTef-llve work. Tnere is no discounting Senator AI- ilrich's ability ; ha is one of the might' tret factor In oaigreas, and It so hs pens that ba Is chairman of the com- in tla hli h ben.llee laill! legislation uJ a meniliar ol tha coinmlUee that must pass upon the railroad ra'e hill alter It peasea the bouse. That la an itlwr reason why Abiricli is in a po- sillon to ileak wllli autnoriiy as 10 r lgiUUya prospecU at the .mlng ata- urn ork without hi in, and the people were aured that the government would not turn it down, regardless ol whether he gned or not, Mr. Heathen' trai t was the largest In illvidual holding In the project not gned. and the land belonging to the (i. W. Kmilh estate, consirling of 1.200 acres, Is practically all that is left Jout entered tbe bandstand on Gray'a boule vard. The band played a medley of II le of 100 tons capacity per day, wrettnl. This will cost the esiaie inj -in 0f the latest pattern in . . . I . .. ..... - . If ,1.- n.H... . mu . . 1 , ; 1 1 mn OU ceillS penally Her ru every riaiWCl. n euiuiver .... , s i.;,.u k.V, , . ' !; .. i.i.... ' . , i . li,.iri,,to. American airs, wblcn brongni lsnuiaignupiorirrigat.ini. 1 arranged ttial 11 can oe eniargeu o i r - ... Ise It will lie left dry. so far aa Uncle tile, forth prolonged . volleys of cheering. iin la concerned. There are a few The last of thia month a large force Then Governor Chamberlain waa intro. other traits not yet signed up, but they men put at work putting in , . few we)1 djtected words are all amsll. Tl...neralont-party which visit- ad truvi I aolt M regards that urriioiv tinf admitted aa a sti MAKE TIMBER pURABLE. Ttiy alt say Joint atataluiod would be a forttt Servica Studies Methods. Also B.tUks. vr , v i I Ms Structural Siranjin ai. It.nrv Irvine: la said to have died w..hlnuii. Oct. 17. William I.. baartbroken ovef lallurea. mil, awi.uul forraler in charire of the flenator Prydan' I P.W.. mov- r. of 'b V.ZnZ uVm.anv and Austria have agreml -...,,.., ,,i ul,ii,aie of aeaaoning hth Kuwis topprwsa tba follah revolt. L,,,, ,rfwlng Western tlmlia to derive v i... - im.,lr and Sew their greatest service when pui 10 use z " " ' n -i.uh m. Hall has given suecial a'- T rriT I.lonon U.I. trip. form, an In-P-rt- J r If i I . ..I in. workofthiaotflce. Anil Paris revelatlone thow that war )h(( ,,., lt cn.idereil ol such vital tn rra.ica ana uerroany ihhwicw by etem anu eiecmc asaidad. , t vMs1 ' ; I ,.i ....hone and telegraph com . .. . . .. . j.k. hi .4 1 ...i i Wmt that a number of .0(K).tKK In t. Ixiula to flghl tha UheM companies are co-operating will JURY VENIRE IS DISMISSED. State Land Fraud Case Will Co Over Until January. filem The demnrrere to the infor mationa sirainst A. T. Kelliher and If. ll Tornar. chaiaiiig forgery ol an aa- unineiil of a certificate ol sain ana Iso of an application to purchase sla'e school lands, were argued by counsel lor the siste and defemlanta resecl- ively and taken under ailvisemeul Dy lieleiiilauis aiso nieo ft.andard Oil Th treaty of Portsmouth haa been stTiid by both eroperore and ratifica tions etciiangra A rand sUnd at tba Uucyru. Ohio, fair burneif. Many peopla were Injur Wind two killed In tha ni. a ,irti nftha Russian neopla do .j il... .Inoma. believing It wfjl do them no material good. The rarnment will aak to bava tba UiL hall case advanced t tha Suprama Mnrt to prevent bH aarvle out hi term In iimgreea. Tii Mrniirf nl tha Interior In hi annu.l Mlimatoa will ask for the t"l lowing approprlallonat Crater Uka N.ilm,.! nark. IS. 000: Mount Rainier Kin. .-.I ..rt, tl fliW. edurallon In Ala-ka. 1100.000; Alaska relndeel, ll,OO0. Sir Henry Irving, greateet of Englll actors, is dead. Ht tauia papera glv high pralaa to tha Portland lair There Is bound to ba lengthy debate on the canal at tha coining aesslon of congress K.m York nhr.lrian ara poaltWa thav hava cured flva tsaaee oi caucer the with radium Carman la learning how near aha m. tn m.r ith Vranca in tha recent Moroccan trouble. Hall Cain, tha noveliat, believe So cialism ia a thing ol the ntar futura In the United Hiatus. p.,....nii.n.i, l,l. will soon retire from tha Philippine eomrolealou on ac count of advancing years. New Orleans 1 aliuoet free of yellow fever and surrounding towns ara ar ranging to lift the quarantine Mora maehtu leader hava been In dicted In Philadelphia Tl.. B. ' onvarnment will I""'! thaltakn oil man nionoy to repli the u,,e s .a ..a aliiltnlf. 1 uamaga cauaea by ine receu Judge Knapp, chairman of the Inter-- J. .n.nn.l..lon. aav graft BJVSJUI yUIIIIII)V " . a In rallrnada mav be found to be WW a in insurance companies Franca will send an nltlmalum to v. i. ... i,i li,le the coast. The Unlteil Htalea will raise no oliJtMJ- tlon to Franca' procedure. v.. i i..,lr of tbe British Liberal', haa been atricken with paral- JM. M ... V. .!.' n v...w n.r.,.iUuana bava noml 'w ui m awrww. Dated Ivea for nmyor. Dl..l. rnl.,1 lUniMrit. 1V In aii(tiii . , i'a rata and revision policy, n .. i. i..iil.I at the dlsiU lire, of franca and Britain regarding the Moroccan question. AhoutSO mora indlctmenie the Peoria. Illlnol. snt'OOl aur... i.. r..rt aervlce In ita consideration fbeir liileraal centers cliieny in uranrr. i... iu ... ,, nnriMHKS. iraia mv lor w r-- . . it. ........ av for taniarark, hemlock ...... ........ , . .... ....i l.r ilmlMi In Mulligan anu is .,,.( f.,r rmt Br. western hemlock ,ur., ... , ....I ...i.rn i.marai'k in luanu aim Washington. , , . another iniuortant Una of work .i . ..hi i r..ri onvlucls ia a series III uiih. r , ..... i . i.. niith of structural tun UI Iran v. -.. her. :! ' ol Baton, who have placed to tna credit of the smelter company all tbe funds that will be required for tbe con- stiu :t:on of the smelter and for putting it In operation. The order was placed a mourn ago with a Bpokane foundry lor the manu (act u re ol the furnaces and the machin it was a success; from an artistic siano Dolnt it waa a success. Look at the Portland exposition from any stand' notnt von will, and all you see ia uc- i . - cess. . Tba end came at midnight, October scene that worda can but poorly describe. Altboogb a beavy rain waa falling, thousand etood tbe wetting and waited for tba vital hour At ten minutes of tba bonr President II. W. Gooda, Governor Chamberlain, tract of land on Doth si.les of the Mayot Lane ana a large pany prom- The smelter for the present n,ut citiaena and expoaltion omciaia the first of next month the first ahip ment will lie made. The smelter will be located at the Ravage, rapida, on Kogue river, five miles east ol Granta Para, and on the Southern Pacific rail road, where the smeller company haa a large river. TITLE WAS OBTAINED BT FRAUD Bribery, Perjury, Subornation of Per jury, Forgery, Fraudulent Affi- davita, Etc , Charged. the aiding at me mei er sue. .ou ,.,,.., ,h. neooleof Portland construction work on the .melter, i ore --- - bins snd the necessary buildings. . M . K1 lnil i MMin. eo- oiehlns will lie compieiea nm aim u. - . . i ,..iv ore bv the middle ot ts' ' " - Novemlier. It is expected to nave in lurnace ready to blow in by New Years, and the inauguration of an industry ml il,t will be far reaching tn US) effects in developing the great mineral wealth of Southern Oregon. Cona May Build at Dallas. Dallas Geome Cone, who sawmill at St. Johns, Ore., waa recently de- had been actively interested in shaping tbe deHiniee of the exposition. Mayor I .n. anoke in a similar vein, and ex- truud narticular delight in tha fact that tbe fair abonld end in the midst of a good old Oregon rainstorm. Then there came a pause, a breath less pause, during which there was a nervous consulting of watchea. The minute banda po'nted to four minutes of midnight: then to three, tnen to The life of tbe great exposition udge liurneu . i ...... - - ------ -- , nroO0B(.i " plea in on " 7 i, fi l .n.l nner.l. a mill of 60.000 leet .;, ehbin awav. It wa. but IH.imW,v,.u. r AA I t. I. Tk. hn.l, ilailv curiae II V at tuia uiace, f"-i now a matter oi btoiiiu.. ioned in the information. 11. H. Turner a . I 1.1. aa.Aa mil mun . grand jury sni .... - ni.Ui.t toth.amount i rfth chamber j. . . ,i i n . i . v. ... 1 , .n u..a,Moa. man Mnanuv ... n 1 1, I II.. .....I I haa rf am used lie urT oi n.uuu. i.u.c- r".' . - ..." -hieh .ill iM to favor the plan and the offer, will cls "" " i" ..ui r .1,. nmhahlv le accepted. M. M. Kliia, ... tnemccioi po"iwi . .u. .....-..- . .. .... , i , . tr.A. . ..... . A. nPMainenL m wi w. , .... 10 mo .,... r ...... . . , aminat the wishes ol Ihstrlct Attorney McN'arv. who desired to nring u to Issue and trial during tbe present term President Goode arose alowly to p'ro- im the end. It waa ten seconds The greatest bonor tbat naa come into my life or that ever will haa been authorised to name a eolieit-la. that of declaring this exposition ing committee. II the amount ia ecu- open he eaid; "I now officially do- n . ..... nt I ' ' . a . . s.1 r . I . I red work on the nuiioings win com- ciare trie Ljwia ana vmra vcuwmuw mence at once. exposition at an ena. State Haa Much Scrip. Bilem Oregon has land acrip, lepre- : n .. n I... h.nita. and Governor Chamberlain ia working on Jury Returna Verdict In Oregon Land tbe Question of how to dispose of these Fraud uaae ... T7:il.. . .. . . a riuhls to the best advantage, raw... pnPtland. Oct. 16. "The united Tacoma, Wash., Oct. 17. In tbe Federal court today six case were filed by Attorney General Moody on behalf of tbe United Statee to recover to the government the title to lands of the public domain in Washington, Oreaon and California, ou. of which tbe Unit ed Ktates baa been defrauded. Tbe complaint cbargfB that Freder ick A. Hyde, John A. Benson, C. W. fil.rke: the Willamette Pulp 4 Paper company, a corporation existing unner tbe lawa of the state of Maine; Wil- lium a. Gosslin. AI red Truxhnry, w. H. Bawver and otbera, by fraudulent schemes and practicea, involving bub erv. oeriurv. suooinnion of perjury, forgery, Iraudulent atnuaviiB oi perauue not desiring or intending to purchase lands, and affidavit of fictitious per sons, have, while pretending to comply with the law of the United State re garding the disposition of tbe public land and the granting of lieu lands, divested the government of large tracts in tbe Vancouver land difctrict in tbi state, and in California and Oregon. . It ia further charged that the defend ant employed one Henry P. Dimond. a lawver of San- Francisco, to assist them io their fraudulent procuring of nnhlii- lamia hv reoresenting tbem be- .. j -. . , f ire the department at Washington, It is also alleged tbat the delenaams .mnlnrnl Wnnrlford D. Harlan and . i . --- , , . , Wil iam E. Valk. employes oi me in terior department, whose duties are to Inventive anil report on cases pi iue (r.M.lnlent antrv and acauisitibn .of n Diva ihem information con eernine denartmenUl affair connected with tbe public lands ana otnerwiw misuse their trust to awl tbe defendants in defrauding tbe government. DYED BUTTER FOR NAVY. America and Franca Will Apply It to Caatro, of Venezuela.. : . Washington, Oct. 13. Vanaxuala, , wa tba subject of an important conver sation at tbe Stat department today between Secretary Root and Mr. Jnesa rand, the French ambassador. Tha latter ba been awaiting tba arrival here of the report of Mr. Calhoun, tba American special commissioner, before . reporting to his government a course of action. Mr. Calhoun baa reported verbally to tbe preaidenl and tbe aecra tary, but be baa not yet completed bia formal report upon the conditions he--found existing in Venexuela. " Enough I known, however to show tbe similarity between the grievance of tba Paria and Washington govern- - ment. , Whether thia eimilarity shall find a corollary in a parallel action on . tbe part of tba two government to right their grievances baa not yet been decided. France baa lately informed the United Statee that the course she haa sbped 1 one of extreme patience, bnt of even greater firmness. It can be announced that the French government already haa considered sev eral course of action, any of wbicb, it ia believed would bring President Ca'tro to terms. None will be adopted, , however until Mr. Root and Mr. Jusse- . rand have further considered the report of Mr. Calhoun. In the meantime both governments will bide their time, let-" ting it be known tbat both ara equally determined to obtain early Justice for their citiaena. ' ,r TtO ARE GUILTY. In Hop Crop Excellent. lmlenendence Hopplcking Is now a thing ol the past here, and the crop for itinr. haa auroaaaed even me nioi " li mine nneclalions. The quality oi me hop Is lull euuai to iaai .-.- ! " iT "bVvond P2rehf I" 0' T " feWl America v.. Willard N. Jone., win ua .w - was onerea ior u u iii a"-.--":" ... a d. ..J 7.Ja- Wa ..... r urn. There Is a disposition :i,...u ui m larae bodv Thaddeu 8. Po ter and Ira wade, we, in.. v. . - -. - - wouiii w iiiii'a" - i . . . . . , the lory, in me aoove emmru umo h the defendanU, Willard . Jone and Thaddeus 8. Potter, guilty a charged in the indictment. C. P. Bishop, fore- disposal to employ timber cruiser. YAQUIS FIRS FROM AMBUSH. t Romnaniaa of Msxlcan Troop , r Lose Heavily. .. .in.. M... Oct. 17 A com lieruim , ... ii. t....i I alMVlea t..n nl the riua rraii", 1 . a few days agotosup- : ..... V.....U in 11,. .... rnliellloilH hm"'" ---- ..-i..i.l....l...ul nt tlrtls. wa almost nr.g.... , . Ul. w i,.. u... . - .1.1 ...A ...nt Avalo. WHO roiiui.eii""-. ' " . ..l L UI . I 1.1. m.n were insianiiy m Kour olhera .ere fatally wounded, am lied aeon altar, wnne a - Willi - ' .. 1 a reninnoiierniK " .. was also ambushed by the savage. .. . 1...1. i..,i.,p aliol uown aui""" w anu , ., fore they were awaie oi I"',;'"",": .1.. i, li.,,.. The auivlvora, alter tha first onsl.ught. drove back the savagia ,1,1, much slaughter. The Ind a is. however, ottlnuinlwrad them, anu u. whole party would have ln massa lad nol.compsn, from ...other r . . i....l .1 Arenas, come to regiment, i"""" -- the rescue. Dlat to Qiva Audienca. .. .I-, nn. rvt. 17. The coinmll- tea having In charge the entertain men i i.....,ner Airents of ot in ui . range , eiit. for the c.. ol the ,mr J huTth. time of t'""'.1 iKirder until they reaid. thl.ciiy. where 11.1 ttir ronvriiiiu.s. . t hMiftrilU'n tit customs inspection o. ' . l I ..a. aaulll lit IIIBIIO B ivasava.w UI isimr.. -",- will participate in ol the visitor. They win i an audience by rreauiein stiivae to Cros In Mexico v . fifit. 17. Bopra- niaanviiii, i - . , ...ttlves ol tha Auier.can-.iw..- Steamship company, among the local grower to be lode- q imljtT Und and hoid it for the Ute. wndent with the t.liyers. one:, a ia.- I,.,, airain be is met by the oo- ' . . , ... , I - -,.1. I - . . . . .1. profit hss been oeriveo i. "h ltartion that there are no tunos at u. tn re in lb last lew yesrs u.i .-. .w.a are in a position to bold their crop for advances which they think are sure to couie. Hst Monstrou Name. Allainv "Anarrichty Oceolate' tha scientific name of the strange sea .....n.l.rranlureil at lsunina oay " Robert Loeth lt suniiner, f.M.r,.-,i niiouiirrai.iier ami rent pictures ol the uncanny animal to c...i,i,.,,i.n iiiatit.uion. am. nviu "In the Circuit court of the United J. G scientist, Small Gain in Umatilla. p.n.ii.inn Accordinir to the recent .,ii taken in this county, and st.i.. fnr the diatrict of Oregon. Unit- ..i,;m v..a hiat been completely totaled, . a,., im.ri... nlaintiff. va. Wil hhArPUl,:L;Jiln',r lr JouM, Thaddeu, 8. Potter, Ira .1 1 L..i..i of l BOO The nrin- Wade. John Doe and Richard Roe, d- fnr tha small sain la l.nnanta: We. the Inry In the above I . ..... l. I ...l.l Jnl. Imi.nalnl A IrVtha doubllesa the exouus 10 aectiuus . im i eniuieu 10, '"r - i ;r land is cheaper. above entitled criminal action, find tbe the PORTLAND MARKETS. age elm .oross per b,,,. grnpes, musc.t. tl i Krection of the re. m ion P j Tok.y. l160t black, 1(S commence in a lw days. H P'"1 cortl 15 a5c; qniucea. 1 will consist of ten stamps who stopped In' , p-.n. exiHH' Hawaiian augur Max loan '"' 'V.."..,,. National inil.ll " annually across tue under the contract recently nnnlna the railroad 01 .""'": Two i...i. nl tha Panama canal. new steamer are uema "- Eanloalona Injure Fireman, Chicago. Oct. 17. -Five firemen were slightly Injured and property valued 1 at .!... ..unit fllieu wllB delendant. Ira Wade, not guilty. C p RiahnD. foreman.' Tt took the iurv lust 30 minntes Sat Wheat Club, 72c per bushel; blue- urday night to bring In the above ver. . 11. -1 -tv. I , . n.l. I. ... arera taken. . . .. .n . "I,, VD I II'V. I l.lli;, 1 , 1 1(1., . , FUI , I vwt " - , ' , , . . . . .A, ... . I : 1 . I nrna Oats No. 1 white ieeo, ziiss.oui and tbey wee on tue gu.n u. iui.u... . . . . en - . . 1 . t 11' .4 . . .ahm, p .n m ., , iit, , 1 1 irrav. Z(S ou P' OI irainanc, vu.... R" . . 1 .... ... I. m I . T . . L. Anl. . K-Uff HlaiMia Ilarlev reen, i.ouiij.i in county., n iw . -- 1 1.... i f,r. miirai. axi.ouH 1. nn hnfnfw the veraict orewuia, t- : I " .,-., t...... .. TI...1. 22, , I regard to . niaru 11 . Rye l.4nsl.4r per cental. dues Potter, in isci, L'..i.,.nrinn timnthv. $1 4 I ,..-tha 19 men of tl l.nj r. ,n. 1 ....... L..J1. l .... J.. i. n,. mlapa in ai.n n.r inn: val ev umo-ivv, atiigna. 1D(i rotter tna w" oaruu mui. . r cl.ver, $89, cheat, 7.t)U(gwi gr." to Uka a oauot. uo . npon Wade too vote svoou ac quittal, flva for conviction. The second ballot resulted in nine for acquittal and three for conviction, and on the third ballot the entire 12 .men voted for hi acquittal. .1.. ITniveta V Ot ttregon. haa en received irom oom .. ...i.i... 1 1,. tha almve iinpronomico- .1.1. -,,.. 1-n.lSIltU.e me mio.-iv " ; ......... I.. n. of the monster, anu mi rt- ular name ia wolf eol. Tan-Stamp Mill on Gold Bugv a Th lonir uo il mm cut tunnel seems destined to cut an In- ...1,1. niiiniier oi ijii.n. ." i.i..v. ledges. 5 Hince th "P"" eek g0 notuer ----- ---- ... .c, ss-aylng440 to the .ton. i"f" '",,; $11.75 per box i.i ..i.i.. wiiu iriM rii'ii i -.. - - . kkW s seven leei .. '7nr.dll.lS Per crate! canta- treak taking up ten Inches in hl,atl. per crate; pears, . , I .1.- uul.' Wl IVPT' "" "" . ter. It is sam me "-. . ." . i nSfa. ko 1er box; crabappies, i clcai across aoou. s.. . -"v.- BrnPe,, musc.t. $125 a box; 1 .25 ; Con ner box. Vegetables lieans, l4c per pound; Coal Tae Wa Used by Contractor at League Island. Waahinaton. Oct. 17. That sample of butter submitted aa a portion of a Urn nnantitv supplied to tbe league Island navy yard at Philadelphia prove to be -colored with coal tar aye is m anhatance of a report wbicn uniei Chemist Wiley, of the department of Agriculture, will aubmit tomorrow Haemtin Wilson. Specimen were re- e ntly.. taken for analysia . from ,tbe League Island yards nospuai antuou and barracks, from the United States lerelvins shin 1 Ancaster.and Otnar na ! nrafi hv representative ot me r...lnii riairv and food commis sionere, who are ea'id to have obtained similar samples from the men who sold ie prodaoe, ' ' Mr. Wilson will reier tue rejion m President Roosevelt, who will, in 8H orobabilitv. call the attention oi tne department of Justice to the matter. KOMURA REACHES TOKIO. - SETTLES FOR FRIAR' LANDS. Do- Taft Compromises Dispute With minlcans at S2,060,0OO. Washington, Oct. 13. Secretary Taft . , haa approved a settlement arranged by . the Philippine government which com pletes tbe purchase of tba Dominican ., friar landa in the Philippine islands. ,, These landa inclnda nearly ball of those purchased from the triara and amount to about 200,000 acres. After tbe contracts were signed, it waa found tbat a mistake had occurred by reason ' of a difference in the E iglifth and Spaniah versions of surveys. Tbe Span- - ish version made the price 1200,000 more than the English version. It also waa found that tbe titles to eigbt diner- ent tract were defective. ,.. , While Mr. Taft waa in the islands ba effected a compromise by which the title were to be made complete and the purchase money paid according to tbe English version, while, .the vzuu, 000 in controversy was to bis submitted to arbitration. Since bia return tha. secretary baa received a cable from Governor Wright aaying tbat tba Do minican agent have offered to com promise by accepting 150,000. Mr.' Taft today cabled Governor Wright ap proving the compromise. ' V Tbe total amount to ba paid to the Poininicans ia $2,050,000. Tbe money will be pa-d in aew ion arjoua ucw r20. . . ... ..v.. MARKEL IS SHUT OUT. Canal Commission Cancela Hia S50,- 000,000 Hotel Contract. . Panama, Oct. 13. The laat act of ' the Panama Canal commission belorw sailing for New York was the annul-" ' ment of the contract awarded to J. E. Maikel, of Omaha for feeding and car- ' ing for the employee ol tbe canal. n . reason for thia action ia that Chief En- " 1 gineer 8tevene, through- the depart- ment of materials and supplies nnaer Received Warmly by Mikado, coldly by Hia People. Tokio, Oct. 17. Baron Komnrn, the Messr. Jackson and Smith, ia handling, rn.nlon miniater. who acted as cn;ei the commissaries succesasluliy. renuer- plenipotentiary for Japan, arrived here jng unnecessary tbe arrangement with r. today Irom Vancouver, x. v. i air. Maraei. i-ro.eaw mauo vj w ui- ..minn at tha railway station was not niovea airainst the arrangement Hi" entouaiaaiu, iuu"" j. . . . .-- s i i iwec'w, - finally government dignitaries The Governor Magoon's annual report-ia streets were strongly gnarueu uj in eonns oi prepinniun. j terestina part win relate to toe won of sanitation, following tha new pla. which waa put in force immediately on the arrival of the governor Eere. The case of yellow fever in Juna numbered 60; in July 42; in Augnst troops, police and gendarme. an Few Sale In Hops. o.i Tha hnn market the week has lwen very quiet innate arowers wno past A few for- contracted their season's crop some months ago at 1 pond: turnip, . .a ...... t.ava been making del r- ,nt.. 5a75c pel cabbage, llc; cauunower, oc pr dnxen; celery, 100 per noaen, w, v per sack; cncumViers, 1015c per doi- .!- I'l... ....n.lnn. SOrtS en; pumpa.n", 7avv, ....... . 40n tier crate; eouaaii, 7s The impe- .U1 narriaura. 1 1- n . . . , , The emperor showed exceptional hnnnr to Baron Komura by dispatching Vnlrnhnma. where he landed from the Empress of India, Colonel Inouye, 27 ; in September 6, and eo far tbft hi. n,aiutv'a aid-de-camp, who went alonesidethe steamer in a dispatch . . t . T boat and orougut Komura ashore. 90c$l per sack; per car- Ill be aui ding at 75 and 77 Uka "treet, oc 111 M uiiuia ,.,. K Innnen rich a return .gal,..tN.wU.nO.I)oal.erty, m , Valnt. and . .. . ..1. ... .l.l,,i, Tha ruling nmr.-v i""" the week ha been n to 1 -. posed ol at i'" I"'1-"' -o", Ls been no general moveme. , .mo g the arower to ..H-epi 1..0 r .n. by.ri - eis'. pool - Purchase of Choice Hope Btt.e,n Joseph Harris, of IUMiiamin Si' A Son. .' il . Hnena V a a, wnerw no . Slot of 212 balesofchocehop. t 12V,' cent, and .reports .lav.... cha...d an .Krogat. of 300 hale, at be- tween 11 and 13 cen.s. . --- Vweri, i .... ,.. .... I,.u. haen 10.000 bale 01 me t.uu - ----- cleaned np to date, and mat ain""i- Cieai.m i'r . . .. .,. ,.,,,, mate y 80,000 to ii.iu,uw oMold. Buyers are in tho market, but growers are reluctant. Bi Mnnav for Six Acre. a:1ili.tiAn mum Aa Dlvin, of tli la place, ha just sold his crop of Italian pruiif '0.1 fl.m tor 1(1(10. trornw h. got W.681 pound. of choice Prune.. The price wa. 4t cent per pound. rots, 85 ff 75c per rack; beets, 85c$l per sack. . Onionr Oregon yellow Danvers, ,l 125 per sack. Cauaht Wife With Trap. Buffalo, Oct. 18. A husband ha a -i-lit tn keen a rat trap in hia trousur pocket, according to a ruling made here ' . .. n I . , n, V. . hy Police JUBllCe KOCmoru. 1 lie man who did this w. Joseph Schull. He was arrested on hi wile's complaint that her hand had been injured by the trap when ahe went to take money from Shulta' pocket while be waa asleep. I Justice Rochford ruled that Shull could keep a rat trap In every one 01 month there ha not been a tingle case reported. - ': ' . Cruiser Galveston Stood Teat. Washington. Oct. 18. According to tha . renort of the Board ol JNavat inv spection and surety, the final 48-hour trial ol the cruiser uaivesion waa sat- rotatoes Oregon fancy, 658fio per . (n hi. money i( he anek common, nominal . iwvels, 22o per pound. Butter Fancy creamery, 2530o per pound. EgOregon ranch, 2829o per dosen. wished to prisoner, do so. He discharged the Franc Ready to Strike. Washington. Oct. 16. Another con- Veneanela. was neia at ine 12 18c; mixe I o'licken. io luc; 01a iwwr., aatini vontig roosters, 10 lfn0 an 1 .0-. 10(12c; dressed chicken i-l;. lurkev live. 14J4 va,.. , . J....1,. geese, live, per pounu, Bi&av, . 13ca)14o. Hoi Or'Bon, 1905, choice, 11 13c; olds, 1012c. Wool Eastern uregon averauo iv, 19(21o; lower g'aie down to n--. cording to sbnnltage; vsuey, ais"; ter pound: monair, cnoice, o. jotnd; cows, 8(84cj country steer, 4(4Mc. , Veal Drewed, 37c per pound. Mutton- Dressed, fancy, 07c P"r pound; ordinary, 46c; ...llnr Veneanela. was nt. 1. Hanartment today. Reports of tha ornwins imnatience of French pub ll continue to reach here, and thia phase of the aituation was among thosa niaenaaed. At the conclusion of the conference the statement wa made that French patience had not yet exnaustea itself. Rebel Ammunition Captured limii. Russian Poland, Oct. 18. Several wagon loads of' rifle aromnni t.nn In thariw of Jewish teamsters were captured here yesterday. They were to Warsaw, aim wio a.u Sweden D'aaolvea Union. sinekhulin. Sweden. Oct.. 17. The nninn Vmtween Norway and 8weden ex . . . 101.1 J,. Kann ilisanlvAft. I boig paving jjjtna draft wa. 1 56 knot. M hour tha " as . state sepsrate from the union speed which the Tees, waaes.gned to , ,i H....1 . n.n.. .nnnt. maka be na 16.5 knota. . Sh made aa 3TJ bin without deb. ut Two or ."verage of H-3 knot. houMo three member, of theoenate expressea . - 7- .pinion that ine aieauiauuvu " .r- ,n ,.",..,; ., ......-.. ...,i wnniii ha lan avAraflre 01 xruui &i w irreoarauie mineiu""""' , - Roth houses subscauently four boiler. i'-""--- - - . - i passou iuo uo- Ha Find Dafecta. Want Prohibition' In Arizona. Chicago, Oct. 13. The hearing of ar- m j . n .t . 17 A Star auments on the demurrer to the in- 1 .. ' J. ... i... .1,. i.i. nieimanta returned by the Federal special irom ; rrescoi. , . y, - .lnBt flve of the big pack. xona . Associauo.1 ...- r. 1T , th.i. .mlVea Ministers has adopted a resolution urg ing iam..u. r , n congress to incorporate in the Ari- wa clced late tni. a ternoor. .u, mg congress to iu p v,:kji i,i Hnmnhrev. . before whom tba sona atatenooo o... - h....."... - l-"'--- m.H retains hia against the licensing ot .J3:Sw on. half nqrr.rVrta.eofAriona,cUimingo.theind protection to the ariitina iiiumiw u.. - - the citisenship of the rtate, .. provided count overruled. by the Oklahoma bin. nn thatr WHV ...... ...... -.- ... .; .. . lamb. 7 munition I tnougnt w portion o. . ...nnW Imnnrted bv a band tor us in ..,.,., r Pork D.essed, 07Mo P"r pod- I n uyrwtng Arrange to Ratify Treaty. Washinston. OcV. 13. Baron Koaen, ten eera at 8n Francisco were revoked to- dav bv United Btatea steamooat m spectora. The action in each case was lor the reason that their naturalisation paper were obtained by fraud. Naturalization Fraud React Washington, Oct. 17. The license ol ine .. T HT "naawd nmatefpilot, master, and eng.n- Stat. SJlJSSt ni.u vv.. j - for the exchange of ratification of the Rusao-Japaneae treaty. Telegraph! anthoiiaation for the exchange may ba expected almoet any day. wall paper. tandent.