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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 29, 1905)
t ft tJ I f If A I Mrs. U"l Hiitlur linn been vlaltliio; lf lir. nli Mr. A. Mllt-a, Mr. II- M"rK "vK rtMiiiiioU iiiu wArvliouM! on CpIuuiIjU irvt. um Hutli KMutnlniN U yUIUiik Mitt The iil'iiiiiiK i11111 ( 1 WItkitlrtiiii, 4, Kpimuw, w its destroyed by fire Inst wtek, tllC lu IWIUK nlXllll 111,11"". wim out ltiiitiim-e. Tim will will jmiUiUly 'iwivlmllt in tlir uear futun. Sir. oii'l Mr. J""18 Sliflilmi, of (hi .... U.... ... t... fj atari" wn cwiniay inm iu' lr iwtl I'rnni-iKu, ui sih-ihi me yiutrr. Ki you win! one til llntse amtvriilr ,jalral 2i rent "'i' r'i your or- ittiUi l(. ii.i'iKK. ft. nrisii. infy . ..... .1.1 lit l,.,1.tV.A II. ...... Ml.. anil sre llir liMt mivetilr yon can Intve, Waii llirv luvc wni Hum the coat of jrniinl Hie HUte ' Orrtfon. Jlr, I. K, MllUril, vrtits Was taken to Ik luouiii! Mylum at SoU-in, (mm llil dly on Tlmradsy U, died titer! l'riitay Sight Mr. MllUrd limt lax n rralilrtit ol St. Hi-itu mi'lvlwiity lorovrr twenty years. He wm kihkI clllcii-lmrilwi.rk-lag urn! tinted lor bit itttcierlt-, anil i( erruis very ami Hull lie sllulild end bU i,u In null a uiaiinrr, alter having snutwd Mllii'icNt mentis In kerfi biiu in rutlilurt. He bail relative III Pxikim, Mr. snd Mr. KtiKrne lllakralry, ol frjrtlaud, are viaitltiff, relatives III this Mix. II. K. Clitl wu a 1'urtlattJ vi-itor U. Mr. I. T. Kreiter, ol IWIIIiikIiihi, Wuh.. a br.illicr-ln Uw til Mr. M. C. (inv, lia Iktii visiting Mr. mid Mr. ('.nr. He left fur rut.iaml .Mnn.lay lit ciuimy v.ith Mr. Cray lur a M-rcral gavlVUIt ! tlic Knioaiiinn, Ill I " r l"r Sdle, ilit-iji, nl till .v. l itANiv I I.Aui., Ajrnl litem",: IVI,;mim. M.m.1 ll,-ie lilt! HI, .:lii? Kelct, fttlir l.llu, .Still Allilic Quii'lt ml Mmi lljffin rrliiniril on Situnl.iy tut I i llic lu) ficlil ul (ilit VjiiiIiiII, it I'lit.m. Tlie k'ifU rtni baviiig Ul 4 vrry ciiJiiyaMp lime, but they (rtiur I cii cvtllinly i)roi .l (rl luck kottir. Ttir iimiirv Hi. y r.irnc.l will at r i- lit in riri ul ttuin, nu t u t ibiubt (lv mill I lie Uir m I'-riUml I My. Um II i rl HlHlrr Bn.-Ht HilllJ.iy wild n'ulitn iii tlm illy. I.ilr r.luriii nflljc tt'Kk t'ltiwr nuke H p un Mr, Harry Wi U, ltb hi rr lii-ril, n. Iiu ir l miwii, m- ttilin nil is.iii lilor cu-c4 tll gresit Li II lul Mr, Wtt tixik luiirtti on c.l I,. i., won't ip yunrin tirnt, w-'nil im ijv i n uitc mrr, (oiirtlt un pnvturc ul ncuo Tin ! a reuiatkati'e i!m din. M-knin !ip tui.ill nnmbrr Mr, tt'nl kiliiic I jii.I Die lronj( cuinjctitiiin br kl in iiiiiii-n t ltli. I isi.H have n nice nawil im m i.l ,i.iiiil, vii'ni-1 , 'ui', iiiaiiiil, l.rulu-, . Tin and V"1"'1" 'e, ilm pip el.', tiroiarica, II iv, (iialn, Klur, etc, M.C. tilt VY.El. Helen Mr. I., . Mireta, ol Kaiulrr, mnla to tWC.iliitiil.M t'oimty cnhlbil a crocul u lumlle of liia luvcntimi, on which he Ui applied dr a iMtrlit. No irrew ' rt ncc.led, the grip beiii) held in place liyacUmp. t ainarar to be a very ue lal iloiie, and had it la-en tent in lime nuiU.til.t a medal could have been He-cured. Syrup of While Pin and Tar. the old reluhlc ciitigh remeily For nile tiy A.J. Iteming, drugiat. .Yon wilt have to hurry If yon want any . aithnar aouvenir ptate. TUcy are the ! ami chcft tonvrnlr that yon can lute ol the great expoaition which witt n Ik- a thing pf the paat. They have l!cn,i of arun of Oregon III the center, "HI. a ground of green and a border ol ! S -lil. order (rout ft. 11. I'lagg and you ! Ur.ler from It. 11. I'lagg "ii Ri t them immedialcly nller the pHiii,,,,, The ujiiilicr i limited. The pice '.! cent. Vinliiu and all ttiiugcd liistrumenl ture.l by me, All work guaranteed. A'Mtr.,1 ment St. Helen. au iic so era nir.t-i.i:. Or. Knoder uo Dr. Qrtan'a oaw nd correct malhod of maklna aril- il teeth." Plata ara md by thi meborl to fit accurate. 32i Mohawk fculldinj, Portland. Mr. David llmmliaw, of ll.iilltnn, ron tfiliiilea Northern Spy ntul I ten DvU I'pli', "'p'orn mid to Coluiif 'ia Ciiuiify'a exliibit till week. Mr. Nil Pi-turann, of M1, wild Oravcn 'm, King and un uiiiiaincd variety. Mr- J. A. llciKtr, of Warren, r-nda 'li'iin Mundi, Mr. Klliotof IVI.I.nwk, corn fourteen feet hltfli, Win. Van. ''I Min send immense: nolnloe. T. A. Cliininirer. of HI. Ili.,.na. aciid ciouk- '"'" li wiiiiikIk's, Mr, J. 11, (loillrey, of llclcna, aiiiul S,yelwiitir giupca ""il excel nnythluj srli.itvn ill Ih'i Agrl clli.riil building, Mu. I). 3. Hw-iuer r.l (teili Ciiirtdlitn wild blitckberrie, 'Im .m riiiieh nt Warren. buiuIh ilium '""Hi cm-ii ilmtexi'ltca thu onvy ol tho Ni"iiiiuna. and Mr. 11. I,. Colvln, ul M"N'l iiiil, muula it lux ofctiol. dub t.i ""iiiniiihl tins booth. There hits been i"' many contributions this week Unit ii in irilialilu that we have omitted '""l'1', hut If o It, I uniiitiuitimiiil. Mr. J. I'. McKiblicn, who resided hero 'h"'"i)r, tin: fire and ht conaideruble there im St. It U-ui. tirday to vMl bi !--rl mid tlmirv. Sir." McKlbben ' '" "i iuii of the civil wur mid us be ' ""'riiu' from nurllul iMirulvsis be in- 'u'i'litn uviill hliitnel( of the rUhl he 1ms w ell t-liriieil. mid become nil liliniite Mr. Tlio. Coor, Krltt a lew itity olf I wrtkvl.lliiiK Urr iiiolhcr, Mr. A. M, Decker, of till city, MlM Itablwln niece. MU. MU 1 TIiiihniii, of Antorln, buve been vialtlug irienii in tin city the lt week, I want to buy a liculi cow. Mint be a K"'I"M'- I',. 11. l'I,A(jC. Tlieliinernt tlce ol J. 8. Mlllunl, who (licit at the Oreijun IliMpiUit lor Hie IliMiie on 1'il.lny, Mritcmlier Vi, acute iiiiiiiIii, Uik .lyc at the Metlimtirt clmn li at Warren on Momlay lt, Iter, Cliaa, Mi Keen, ol HilUUiro, oiTiciatinK, (lie remain Mi interred In the Odd I'ellow cemetery near Warren. Mr. Millard wat taint near Rocliculi-r, New Vork, Aiiut Otli 1HIH. lie leave a Inter at Hunt HmUiic, and wime more remote relative. Mr. and Mr. Ilenry Moullonand cbib dren, ol Ooiiiicll, Wali., have been vlit- lii the (amity ol Juile Ilaitan the iat week. Mr. Mmilluii and Mr. Iditlaii are (later. Mr. Jami-a J)rt and wile lutlil a vitit to furtland on Tucwlny, Mr. A. T. Um, wile and children, went to I'ortlrnd MomUy to visit rel ative and attend the Lewi and Clark l'alr. Mr. Jump Co, wile and duuKblcr. ol Kepublie, Wa.liiiigtun have been viaitiiiK Mr. Co' rmrent, Mr. and Mr. R. Co. the at week. J. A. Ray and nn have trled a (lour- liiK mill at Oak Ranch near Miat.nnd are manulacturitiK Hie wheut ol that nectiou into an eiccllent article of Hour. The firat flour wa Kronnd on Haturday Int. It i a KHt mill and ahouM prove to be a finaitcial tucceM and a great benefit to the Netinlem Valley! The firat aack honld have been mil to the county ex liihil at the I'air. Mr. Annie lonard, wile ol Oeorjje Iiiimnl, ot Sauvic Inland, ami duui;liler ol Mr, and Mr. John Iiinlieraon, ol lloiillon, died at her parent home in llinillon, on Tueailay, ScptcuiUr IMtli, ol tulnuUia. Mr. I.conurd hail been under treatiiient In l'ortlund lor notiie little, and wu broiiKhl home In a dyiuK coitiliiou Tue)ay, dyiiiK in a hall an hour alter tier arrival. The burial oc curred yralerday at the Soappoaac cenic Icry, I'linrrnl irrvice were held at V. Ml, nt lloullon, Rev. Duvica oITiciat- VAAAAaVJLAAV 1 CLA'IKAXIK The Kev. J. K. l.iwkiii. uiinialcr at ! the Mclhodial cliim h at thi place, ha , ln-cu i(;iitd to llic McMinville M. K. chiirrli by the conlerence held at Allwny. ! Mr. and Mr, ltawkin have mule many Mill-lid in llic Mt five year that they have lren statinurd here, who regret Ii their removal from thi place, Many ktraujjer arc in town tliia week, oiuc tixikiiiK (or work, tome for homc ' ateada, khiip (or liuilx-r claim, Mime arc liiiyiiiK land while other are looking (or l.iiMiiioa opportmiilira. Ttiere i nxnn lor all ; come on utranirers, and lee what a country we have tiere. We can raiae any thiiiK in liiimcine ipiaulilie thnt will Crow in thi climate; a lor timlicr, tliia county Ivat the world Come mid HVea look at it tielore buying eliewhere. The buinr opjxirtunitie can't te lietit anywhere. (.xmI wane are paid the working men, lx-t ulund ltween Tort land and Aatoria. Come and we u. we will treat yon white. Many jwraoiiaenicv't totukc iu the en i.i.itiim on Tortiand Day from tliia iil of the country. Why not luvc a (lay ct ! &itlc (or ClaUkanlc lv belore it too late. It i aid by otne ol the boy that war hat lareii devturcd by aomc of the Nehab unite, and that the rattle ol tnuaketry toon be heanl at wme point iu tlie Nehalem country, and that the Red Croa are makingextcnaive prcpttralioiu lor the care of the wounded. We have not learned the cam ol the trouble, um one fellow told ut that aomc one living near St. Ileleu wa kicking ovci the action, ol the county court, iu making the tirade over the mountain between Clatakanie and Nehalem. and that a few crock brained crank. In the upicr pan oi the comity thought the couuty court would bankrupt the couuty if they didn't quit fixing the roada in the lower part of the county, that the county crib ought not tie opened to any clique or faction pi. leva they lived iu or near St. Helen. II audi condition do exist, the auid Ne j halcmitea an well a every other voter in in the county ahould aec to it lhat their in are clean and auitiiiition dry, ami ui.-n election time come that tlie enemy ahould be put to runte and all im puritica ahould be cleaned and scoured with map Irom the Rainier onp factory. Dr. lohn Mvers look in the Kxpoaition ot Portland Wednciduy, a wll the the tight of the city Mr. Win. rringlc, of the Nehalem, was in the city Suturnay attending to u.iii.. Im.iiip and (lioimini' with our merchant. Mr. S. LiiuU:rcii, formerly of the Ne- lialrm. but now of Orauta Past, wa lit the citv Wednesliiy looking after hi nrmiertv interests here oud taking iu the nights of the city. It it said thul nW lodge, the Degree ofRcbeka I O. 0. V. w;ts o.ganUcd in this city last week. W have licard it reported on the streets that the Kedmen are going to give a smoker In thi city " H'e ',,urth 0c" tobcr, and that the aflulr will be grand, that a war dance. was on the tapis and thai it grand potlutcu held, and that the old chelf Tigertnrhvcena'.ossaineqiiiu would I present I" nndinncca lius, dunce n ami entertain the boys i i If onv Keonien biiouui n ail this it will be im invitation to nt - ri un inm, v tend on thut occasion nun gcv . k. eye, and cc old Skookuin. 1 . I.1..nb VEKNONIA ITEMS. A i"!,lll,, '" ,,ort- mini HUH tllJlllv me tXWJIIIIIlttl. Mnrley Uciliiiond mnde a buainca trip to lluiillon the firat ol )at week, I'.d Sraainnii ho been carrylii( the mail at tliia end of the route, thi week. T. II. Hci.alow and Arthur Johnaon went to Portland Moudiy to ee the to k allow and other ti-jliUo'f the great epo- lltlon, Wiltard Tncker, who' had been carry ing the mall (or two week, left Monday of hut week (or Iloulbra where be will vlait friend (or a few day and then go to bia home at Newport lor the winter. Mr. I). W, Cats, of PltUburg, who had been viaititig friend and relative in Portland and other point for a couple of weeka, returned to her home on Tues day. She caught a gllinpa of the great fair while out. V. W. Kcaney our good looking P. M. went to Hank on Monday of laat week, bringing back a load ot flour (or hi (tore. VVilburu Hall, wife and unaller chil dren, returning from the hopfield near Hatem, (pent a day or two iu Portland the firat of the week teeing the fair, com ing to Rainier Wedncadny where they viaitcd with old Iricuda, and from thence on home r'aturday laat via Clatakanie, Mr. and Mr. Oil Maluuteu went out to I'ortlnnd Friday laat to attend the ex position and the itock ahow in con nection therewith. They alao attended the bitter part of the great temperance coiigrctMhctd iu Portland but week. Mi l.liie Mctl.craon who bad been viaiting Portland relative and enjoying the many good thing at the Lewi and Clark fuir for three or four week, return ed to her home near Keaaey on Wcdnca day laat, The Portland taper have been full of talk about our Ncbalem R. R., the paat week, propheaying that train would be ruuuing the first ten mile within fort day, if Well truat the if." will all "clear the track," and the toot ol (lie locomotive may be beard at a near by date. Mr. Hatfield hu been engaged to teach the Vernon ia achoot and Mrs. Kui moii the Tucker achoot thi winter. The new aeat for the town .hool have been purchased and the director will have them in place by ttie time achool 0VI1. We are informed that we are to have a tawmill in operation within three wile of our city, in the near future. The pro prietor will be T. M. North and J. I), linker, and the mill, which in a miall one, w ilt be art tip in limber belonging to the latter. It i the intention of these gentle men to cut door and window tuS from ccdur (or the Portland market but they may do a little work for local trade should there be anv demand . We trust they may find this new enterprise a gt uuine pocket filler of golden nugget. J IKY I.I.ST. Follow ing it the lint of juror drawn tor the October I'-Hlj term of Circuit Court. J.ilm Hosier, Miat, farmer, Peter Lund, Warren, lariner; Ueo. W. Miller, Clatakniiio, farmer; Oust I.iiulburg. Mlit, (ariuer; Frank Rnrtthani Clataka tile, farmer; Alex Sword, Vernonia, far mer jjthn W. Foster, Miat. farmer j Henry Wasaer, Uiubeo, farmer; Joseph II . Aldrt lge, Mi-t, farmer; John I) Bak er, Vernoiiia, farmer; Kn.ery Mill, far mer, Miat ; Unbrial Dugnn, Uoblo farm er; Henry Morrell, Keuben, farmer; William M.llrown, Apiary, farmer; An drew Anderson, Hcappooee, farmer; John P. Nelson, Hudson, farmer; E. II. Cliue, Mnmliland, farmer ;Ciustv Lang, ScnppuOM, farmer; John K. Dallas, KbU farmer; Clias A Malmteni, ver nonia, farmor ; I)yd letrick, Pittsburg, Uillman; Ueorgo W. Kale, Yankton, farmer; John Barr, Clatakanie, larmcrj Thoinaa IVivino, Kyaer, firmer; Oeorge W. Aritiatrong, Pitifbnrg, farmer; C.C. If. Clatakanie, farmer; John J. Hau ler, Mist, farmer; Alfred Harrison Iloui- ton. farmer; Uoorgo Archibald, Uotilo, farmer; Thnuias J. Klippin, ClaUkanle, furnier; J. W. Nowlee, Houlton, farmer; Auitnst Matbauet, Mist, farmer. C. C. Leo being dead another name was draw u In place ol hi. AIISCICKH AHCKSPKS. with a few exceptions ars indicative of consil)tion or debtlitv. W 11 llitrrison, Cleveland, Mi u-riioa. Anir is 1IK-2: "I want to snv a Ar,l nl nraiui (or linlllird' SlIOW I.llll' inent. I alepped on a nail which cauaed the corda ol uiv leg l to contract and nil !,. in rtan In mv knee, and Ihw (hec tor told ma lhat 1 would have a alilT leg so one day I went to J F. Iird'a drug itnre who Is now Iu IHmver, Colo he recconicded bottle ol Snow Linn. ment. I got a IWc mo and ic cured mv loir. It la the beat in tho world Sold by A. J. Doming. Reduced Kate on Str. lmliU On and after June 22nd, 1006 the (area on the Str. Iralda will bo as follow good to Oct. 15 1006. Coble and Knlnnia 7ftc one wnp V .25 round trip. Hoffman, Martins. Council, Cltplea OOo one way,- at nn r.m.,,1 Irin. Columb'm City, 60c oneway. 80c round trip. St. Helens, 80c one way, 75c round trip. Negleoteil Cold Everv nurtof the mucous membrane, tho nose, throat, ears, head nn.l lnngs et are sub lect to disease and Diigm from neglected colds, dullard's Ilorc hound Pyrtip ia a pleasltnt and effect ivo reutedy. W t rtiid rink. Vnllev Mills. Texas writos: I Iihvo used ltnllttrd's Ilorc hmind Hynip for coufrhs and tlinwt troubles; It l u pleasant and most effect ive remedy. Suld ty A. J. Iteming. The A. AC. R, R. will sell season ex ctirsion tickets from Houlton to nil Clat- ' ,,, italch points and return, continuing .k 1 1,m rnnllrl until septctuner fi - trip, ood to .return until Octoljer 13. WILLIAMSON FOUND GUILTY The Jury In the land fraud case, 'on Wedneadsy eveniiiK, returned a verdict of guilty Rgalnat j. N. Williamson, Vun Oesner, and Marlon llrl.g. Tli penalty is liiprlaoiiment and flue. XEHALKM'H HAILKOAV. : Backed by Ampleiapltal and Ability, It U Mure to lis. (Oregonlan) K. K. Lytle announces that he will build Hie 1'orlland, Tillamook & Nehal em Itallrosd, which la now tied up at Ui Ural 20 mile of road through the tangle with the Atlas Construction Com pany. Since the retirement of Mr. Lytle from the Columbia Bouthern and the subsequent statement that It wo his. In tention to engaite in further railroad con struetion work in te state, there lias been much speculation a to where his activities would first make themselves felt. . - The announcement of Mr. Lytle' con nection with the l'ortland, Nehalem & Tllliiuook was not made as a public atterauce, but in the course of a meet ing of the transportation, committee ol the Chamber of Commerce, called ,, to consider the feasibility ot providing for further river transportation by the Open River Association. Several leading bad ness men were present at the meeting, among them being , Mr. Lytle, who; while dicaaiug the meeting, said it would be inconvenient for him to become active In tho plan Under discuiaion, owing to other intereats, the chief' of which was the l'ortland & Nehalem road, which it wo bis intention to con struct. UUAsaecUtesXet Known " It Is not known who if working with Mr. Lytle in hi effort to rescue the rood from the trouble into which it has fallen but it is sate to presume that ample capital i behind the proposition, or he would not have wade the announ cement. .. Kdward Records, of- tlie Atlas Con struction Company, is at Portland, re covering from an operation, and ho not been able to attend to business fer some time. It is expected, however, that Mr. Lytic and bis associates will call upon Mr. Kecordt tomorrow and enter into negotiation by which the control of the road will be transferred to the new In terests. The Atlas Construction Company be gan tlie construction of 20 miles of the new line, extending from Hillaboro, Mine lime ago, but was unable, or did not pay its men at the end of tlie mouth, with the result that the work is now lied up. It Is expected that by tlie nu.iille or the end ol next week the affairs of the company will hare oven straightened out until some official statement can be made, revealing the purpose of Mr. Lytle delluilcly, and telling who it ia that i aitociated with him. Efforts la the rant . '; , Prior to this time many effort have been made to construct a road intq the Nehalem country, which is recognised to be one of the richest undeveloped regions of the Northwest. William Reid well known as a promoter, and many other prominent men have been in terested in the proposition and have used their effort to induce capital to in vest in the construction. Up to t'ais time there his been no great response and no very definite or certain manage ment, but the announcement iule by Mr. Lvtle dispels further doubt, provid ed his plans carry aud he actually doe take charge of the construction. He has the mouey behind him, possesses the confidence of his associates and bss the experience and the executive ability to handle such work with success From statements recently made by those known to be interested in the construc tion it is beleived that the work will be commenced in a very abort time and the taik hurried through to completion. The Nehalem country i one of the richest in the entire state, or the North west, while the Tillamook district is jnst as fnvored. It is estimated that there are 50,000,000,000 leet of timber in both the districts, which are composed of practically 884,054 acres of land. This country is all tributary to Portland and is situsted from 13 to 36 miles fJom the city. ISesidet the timber lands there are many highly improved farms and dairy ranches, which yield produce as flue as any grown in the state.. On the line of the proposed rroad are situated ast tracts of lowlands which have produced 30,000 pounds otoiiipns to the acre. In the Tillamook district it is estimat- there are 17,117,000,000 feet of tiutber, or enough to keep Portland mills, at their present rate of consumption,- busy for SO years. Besides these natural re sources there are 64 cheese and bottes factories, while there are valuable min eral and othor resources yet undevelop ed. The Tillamook and Nehalem Valleys offer what is perhaps the richest district in the Northwest for development. A road into the country would be vastly profitable to the community and would be a great success as an investment, The statement from Mr. Lytle that' he will construct the road at an early date, will therefore raise high hopes in the minds of all tlierecidents of the interest ed district . Are You Knirag-etl? Engaged people should remember, that alter tiiiirriiijje many quarrels may be avoided by keeping their diijestlous lit good condition with Electric Hitter. S. A. lii-own of lleniiBtsvuie, rays: "For five years my wife suffered Intens y from dy"pcpM, complicated with n torpid liver, until tho l"t her dronelh mid vigor, and became a niero wreck of her former clio. Then sho tried electric bitters, which helped her nt once, and finally made her entirely well. ui, ! imn- allium mid heulthv." l'crrv 1. ii,i,j... pH niiJ iriiarnnti'vs them at Just as M I OMf CTPTT A Little Better. For Less Money This Week's Ladies' Shirt Waists, 67 Styles, 65c to $9.50 Each Ladies' Tailor Made Suits, fit guaranteed, $7. 50 up Ladies' and Misses Coats, Jackets, Capes, Frits, Etc. Kimonas, Wrappers, Petticoats, Uadermudins, Biggest Selection Ever shown. 1 LATEST CBEATJONS lllMILLINERYAI'K"C KM. CAPS Men and Boys' Soils and Trowsers, Oierctats and Rain Coais $15 Men's Suits Only $12.15. All Wool Trowsers from $2.50 to $8.56 Bargains. $12.50 and $14. So Overcoats. $10.65 takes 'em. SHOES. HATS CAPS We bavecloaed a contract with the larfert factory jn the country and will fell $ shoes for 2.75; $275 1.90; Men's $4.00 shoes lor 5.50; Loggers' $5.50 shoes tor 15; Misses' $2.00 shoes 1.75; JUST FOR FUN 95c THElAYORITEiS? Peacok Flour $1.75 Barrel SCXXOSH. In tti Circuit Coortol the Mate of Oregon lor Columbia r.iiinlr. Thomas K. Hiiirhea, plaintiff, va. Kit X. !liifhia, defendant. T Kale M . Hughe, defendant above named: In the Mnitni ineniate 01 u retain, vna aie h.ri.l,v remilrcd lo aunear ami nawer the com plaint Hied aiiahut you hi the alan e eutttlel rauaa nu or belore the 3D day of October A. H. lyo,',, ami If you fall to an aunwer, for want there of. Hie plaintiff will i'ly to the Court for the relief rieirtalinea in aal'l compiaiui, w-wii: Kor a decree of aald Court dlasolvina lha bond of matrimony uuw cxlatluz between jotvaclf ari l plaintiff. Till minmilia la p,i,.,i"i,ni uj wniri ,. A. ilirlriile. Judge f the a lion entitled Court. malleoli tne inn nay o. setuemner. a. v. inu,, in and hy which onler II it a. limited and or dered lhat thU Hummoua I puldlntied, once a week, for alx evkM-uilv weeka. In the Oregon MUt, oewapaper in the citjr of ot. Helena, Columbia Ci mill) . riuie of Oreiron. The date of rl rat ublirailoa beinx the l'.lh dar ol Heutcmuer A. 1. Vtti, and It ia of that date. . ailllAail 1. JA.M.Ani. AnorncT lor Plaintiff. NOTIC8 FOR PCBLICATION. United State I-andOfTice, . Portland, Oregon, July 11th, 1!K)5. NOTICE IS 1IKREBY GIVEN THAT in compliance m-ith the provisions ol the aclolConjfreo( June 3, 1878, en titled "An Act tor the sale of timberlands in the State ol California, Oregon, Ne vada, and Washington Territory ,' a ex tended to all the Public Land States by act of August 4, 1112, Edward H. Flor chutz, of Portland, Countyof Multnomah State of Oregon, has thi day filed in this office bi sworn statement No. 0(111, for the purchase of the southeast quarter of Section No. Eleven (11) in township No. Four ,4) North Range No. Four (4) West, V M. and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valusble for it timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before Register and Receiver at at Portland. Oregon on Thursday, the 6th dav ol October, l'.IOS. Me names as witnesses: Samuel F. Owen, of Portland, Oregon; John S. Ready, of Portland, Oregon; George F. Smith, of Kalama, Wash.; Wright D. Hnrt, of Vernonia, Oregon. Any and all person claiming adversely the above described lands are requested to file their claims in this office on or be fore said Sth day of October, 1905. ALGERNON S. DRESSER, Register. moticb roat run LICATIOX. (Timber Land Art, Juna t, 1S7S.) United Sialea Land once. Portland. Oron. July 11th. 10. Notice la hereby (Ivan that la compli ance Ith tba provUlona of the set ef Coa creea of Jiue S, 1S7S, anUtlad "Aa act tor the aala of timber landa In the Statee ot California. Oragon. Narada. and Waah Inctoa Terrttorr." tendad to all tha Public Land Statea bf act of Ausuat 4. laaa. Ouni W. Parker, ot Vernonia. eoun- , f Columbia. State of Oracoa. baa thla dar Sled In thla offline hie awora state Ka. atto. for tha DUrchaaa of Lot 4. of Section No. I, In Townehap No. 4 N Ranc No. 4 Weat. and will offer proof to ahow that tha land eourht U mora valua ki. toe Ita timber or atona than for a art- cultural purnoeen and to eatabllah hi claim to aald land before tha Racteter and Re ceiver at Portlaad. Oreion. on Wednesday, .k. hi. dv or urtAHr. laua. He natnaa aa wuneeaea: a. v. wmr, w Chehalla, Waah.; John W. Parker, of Tank ton. Oreson; Hliel A. Wllklnaoa. of Houl ton. Ore con; a P. Ballard, ef PltUbars. Oracoa. , Xay ana an persona claiming wij tho abava-dearrlbed landa aro raquaated to Sla their elalma In thla offl- on or baforo aald th day at October, ISO. ALUKHAU.-M . linilHbn, nair. SUMMONS In tho Clrcnlt Court of the Male of Oreron tor 1I1C LUUUl. M .,.II,U.UIH. William Werner, plaint Iff, va, llejeua Werner, rf.f.nd.nt. To Helen Werner, defendant: In th Name of the Slate of Ormron Ton are horvbr notified th at the plaintiff herein haa Died a omilolnt asainat you in the alum entitled court and cam, ami jrou are hereby required lo S'lMar situ anawer mo aaiu run.,.u.. ... rile aoine nppearance thereto, on or belore the last day of ihe term prearrlbed by the order of Milillealion hereuf. to it: on or before rten trmber 1, 190J; and that If you fall so to anawer and aypoer. or file nme appearance herein, the p alntlir wll cause yonr default to be eu. tereilaiid noted and will apply to theeoun for th relief prayed lor In the complaint, to-wlt, a dw-.-ee lorwverillaaiitvliiir the bomla ol matri mony now ealilln tx-tween you and the plain tiff, and for eurh other relief aa the court deems proper and equitable. The date ol the tTrnt ptililicatinn of this amnoioiia ia Y mlay, the ifav of July, tiSH, end the laat publleatlnh thereof i Friday, the lint day of September, IW.V aad tliia aumniona i to be pnlilithrd on each Krlday of eseh and errry week for a pe riod of all aucceaalve weke hatwein aald date. Thla aummiuis la nutillahiHl by onler of Hon. Thiimaa A. Mi-Brl.le, u1ce of aald court, mad in rhaiuhem In aaid came ou the llll day of Ju, A. l).. law. CIIAgJ.6CI1lAEL, Aiiorncy fur I'Ulimfr. koticb ron wmucATioy. Denartment of th Interior. Land Office at I'nrtlaud Oregon, SeiitemberS. I . Notice la hereby lvan that tha following named aettler ha filed notice ot hla In tention to maha final proof In aupport of hla claim, and that aald proof will be made before the Itealater ana Receiver at fori- I....I im,n. an Oclilliur H. 1 '.': vU., Iaiacl I). Smith, homestead, entry No. KloT, lortne no .,r Lai 1 1 ii. r s w. He names th following wltnaaaea to prove hla aonttnuuue residence upon anu sm" vatlon of aald land, vis.: . t. u J..KU..I. -:.,.,, ITnllv. Jacob RafertV gniiuie'. Katcrtv, all of Nnuiitaiii lle, oreiron. Al.qUUNON B.l)KEHSEK. Itegiater. notick rolt I't'ni.icATios. Illd Olllce nt rnrllanil, Oretron, bt pteintier i 1V Notice I hethv slveu that tiio fullowlng n nuil aettler Ha tlleil iiullre nf hla Intention in mate filial pnail In aupport of hl claim, ami Unit mild imml will ho ma'le bvlur Kiilcr ind Ktw-ltvr at F.irilaiul, OreBon, ou Uumlier il. Wk'.. via.. John K. Iialley, uuanliutt ol I'erry T. Hiiiley. lueuaiiu; II E I'-VJI, lor the ae qr aeoiH. ''neiiaiiica ihe following witnesaea lo prove bin mill liimiiis iraidenctt U)U auil cultivation ..ahl limit: via.: . .. !..,. . rtiiTtnii Or.: Arthnr Bacon. . "L,'.'.',?.:.,,, "iinv.,'.,, nr. r, J. urnnu, tliixiuu, vr,; nuui-n for tUe Same Price Store News : shoes for 2.50; $2.50 shoes for 3.65; Loggers' Jo.oo shoes for 5.oo; uoys J2.25 shoes tor Children's f 1.50 shoes 1.25. WOOL SWEATERS, FANCY COLORS L. SWETTSS: MEN'S FIRST - Moyer Clothing Co., THIRD AND OAK. PORTLAND THE COLUMBIA COUNTY Abstract and Trust Co. Titles Examined, Abstracts Made, Non-Resident Taxes Paid. Real Estate, Loans, Etc. E. E. QUICK A. M. HOITON, Proprietor COUNTY SURVEYOR'S NOTICK OB c of Count Hurrryor of Col um bin Co , Hi. Ileleu. Or . Julr Ite. IM. To W. B. Wrifht, John Borhmau. Jr., C. F. oiis. j, f. itiemHt. John I. jcobou: You r hervbv noi.ritd that John llsvchman. Jr., th owner ut the north half of the vouth eatt quarter nii e irmct In the out. went quar ter 01 the mintbeajit quartrr of en tton !4. lown hipf north, raujre 5 west, W. II., hu ottlcreU me, aa eouutr lurveTor of Columbia County, Ort-ron. to RurTer ana wuUlsh tha lines and corurn of the afotvKaid tract of land; and, Iu einsllenve with Mii order, I will be upon said preralmon theS9th day of August, WW, to be gin said surrey, and will then proceed to ur- vey una mars ou. aaiu corners ana ooumuiry lino aforesaid: aud you. a one of the nartieg to be alTccied by the aail nurrey, are hereby noii lied lo be preaent ataatsl time and plac to protect any in threat you have therein. County sSurreynr of Columbia County MTABMSHKD JOHN A. BECK PIAL1B I Watches, Diamonds, SU.enare, ...JEWELRY.... Repairing a Specialty. krrtwSt.Bt,rrHt tliM. rOKTLUID. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION (Timber Land. Act June UBS) Itnited State Und Office, Poritaud. Or.. July 10. 1-.V. Notice Is hereby given lhat in compliance with the provlalona ol the acl ol foiigrcaa ot June MUSS, entitled "Au Act gor the sale of limber landa In the Hratea ol California. Net rada, Oregon, anil Washington Territory, aa extended to all the Public Unit Mtatea by act of Annual , l!i, fainuel Kot'r Oneil. of I'ort land. Comity of Multnomah. Bute of Oregon, haa thla ilav filed In this oitlce hla aworn atate mciit Mo. 6503. lor the nurt-hase l thu a w U "j unction No, 14, in lownaltip No, 4 n. ranee No. 4 w, and will offer moot to aliutv thul tlie laud Bought ia more vnlunpl lor ita timber or atone than 'or agrtcnltninl pnr)nica. nnrt lo establish haaelat.M timalil land, before KeflWer ami lie-ci-lver, at Fortlutiil, Oreson, on Muuilny, the iWh day ol Hepteinlier. I!i ..... . , He namea as witneamx: John 8. Heady, m Portland, Oraeon; Jamea Mtilvr, ol rorllond, Oregon: ChaileaOsborn. of 1'oHlunJ. Orcgv n; v. Ii, llqit, nt vernonia, ucckou, it... ..,.,1 .11 imi.oi,. clNlnii g ailveraeiy me -led lu Ifli- Iheir above described landa are rcque-U-d lo mi- their iui clnlma lu thia oflice ou or belore snld 'i'h day ..I s.iitvuilter. pllvi. AI.UKKMON' S, DttESSEIt, tirglstcr, D U. U.R. CUYT, PHYSICIAN & SUKUJbUftl ST. IIELEN9, OBKUOy. He vitl Tell yon That the Ask the Iraieler NORTH COAST LIMITED Electric Lighted, is the Crack Traiu of Them All for Comfort and Ele gance. The Ticket Office at Portland i at 255 Morrison, Cor. 3d, Portland A. D. CHARLTON tmktamt Gtntral Pautngtr tgtnt PORTLAND, OREGON 3 TRAINS TO THE EAKT DAILY CLASS SUITS $10.00 The Bast you have ever seen. FABRICS in Worsteds, Ceviots ail CiJ5im;riJ. Hand-Worked Button Holes, Hand - Padded Collars, sewm with silk Otbers sa; $15 for Eqnal Qoalitj. Gome Earlj and Get the Pick. WHEN YOU SEE T IN OUR AD IT'S SO. SUMMONS In the Circuit Court of the Male ot Oregon for Columbia County. LSVe Duncan, pialntlS", ya. tiewrge C. Duncan. le feed ant. In the name of the fitaie f Oreson you are ' hereby required to appear and answer th com plaint tiled, against yon In the above entitled eourt and catue on or belore six (6) weeks from the date ef the lirat publication of this aum mona, which Is first publiahed ou the 2dth day of Annual. 1905: and Ihe day on which you are required lo appear and anawer is the eth day of October. lSui, which Is the day prescribed In Ihe oner for the publication ol this luminous. And If you fallaa to appear and anawer on or before the said tth day of October, for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded In aaie. complamr, to wll. for a decree dissolving Ihe bonda of matrimony now exiatiue: between plaintiff and defendant, and for ueh other relief as to tlie court miy seem just and equitable. Thi auminona is published by order ot the Hon. K. r). Hattan, Judge ol the Couu'y Court of the State of Oreson for the County of Colum bia, made aud entered on the 2V1 day of Octo ber. ltu U. A. JOHNSON, Atty tor rial miff. Firat publication Aug. 25tn. 1095. Tet nnbllratlon Oct. 6th, 1905. SUMMONS In the Circuit Court of the Hiato ef eregonlor the County of Columbia. Wm. MacPoaald. plaintlfl, vs. Anna MacDou- aUl, defendant. To Anna Slat-Uouald. defendant above named; In Ihe name of the Stuie of Oregon ycu are hereby required lo appear und anawer the com plaint fileil ai-lnit you in th above entitled mil on or before Ihe laat day prescribed in the inter of ublk-atkm of the eunimona. to wiu ilnn.l.v. the &1 dav of October. I'Xii: and U ; ou fall'lu K.xar aud a naner, for waul thctiaif be i.lalntlll will api iy lo the court for the re nal praveu lor iu nia conipiaiui: iv wn, ior decree dlaanlvfiig the tKinda of matrimony and marriage inmiracl exlatlug betwecu ou auil tne plaTnllir. Thia auiiiiuona Is Dubtished I Hie Oiegon Mill l.v older ul Hon. K.-S. Hattan. .- of Ihe County Court of Columbia County, which onler waa nia-ie an u eutereii ou ine iin uiiy im Au gust. uVi, and the dute of Ihe HrM publication liirreol Iwlug ihe lmh day of August, 1'jui, aud l lie last ocpi. --utn, i. . O. II. I'MCOIX Aluimey for Ihe pUlntiT SUMMONS In the Circuit Court of the Suite ot Oregon lot IheCouutv o Columbia H. I'. Uncli Wight, pluintill, va. W. M. Wight, dcrcuilnui. To W. M. Wight, defendant above named: . In the nunie of the suite of Oregon yon arn hercpy required lo appearand answer Hierj.ii plniut filed Hgnlti.Ht you In tlie above eutllleit auil on or liore Ihe lust day prencrlbed in ilia order ol tutbllcotlon of the summons, lo wit. Monday, the! ilv oi oclnlier, 1'JU.i; and It you fail aoto ai.twor and anawer. lot waul I hereof tlieplaliulil will apply lo the court for the re lief priivcd fiwtti her complaint, tn alt, fur a ilurrve illsaiilvlug thu b.uidatil matrimony an I iinirrinirr ruiuuet esliing between vou au.l Hiw ' Thia amnnmuala publisheil lu Ihe Ore.-mi M 1st hv ..r.l..r l alon. It. H. Ilaitall. Jilduii of tue t:oiinty Court nf t:oluinbla t:.uiity, which urilor waiiiile. and enterwl mi th , 17lll ila Aik Hien-,.1 beiiulheHMli day of Aug, aim ie i,i w j.,... iwi, an l k, laiir '.alia ! II PUlliOTT. a.tte:ney for the j.lUUt t L! t!.e