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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 25, 1905)
' :wWPttj WW T. A. M 11,1,1. will hmum ulc ,4 ("" MHMCMr ol Ilia beautiful ccilur Imtl that i T A I V 1 i"rma a wn in loiiliillilit County a ex. . , ,,r,j.,.,.,N converted lulu a table to decorato '''' V'.'X'H X'ji'f't'&'rt'MW la-at riMim In whnl w will lie K'V'i i . ' ,,! a im two ywtr . tin Mml Mk- featdrm-t. J; n''rr:'wuVc"wr., I.y M'-O-W.AIIrti.iifrV.msK, w. , ( Sjutrvt'"' I lny, ((ir lh Mir! ol wrurlng niriliciil r' , vinlled III Mr. Allen l the mml (ir.V. l-,Wl' ll..n4l,e. It Jin.' carrier t8e.imir. yi,r recently lie H,,,!,!.- l" !,M,"",V' loat lilt wile, mid this, in (oiwclloii willi tltsro U ow" "r""h' determined liim rraiKu ins aieiinui m iiinu carrier, which ll being leiiiHirarily Ailed liy K. McKay, Mr. W. II. luUard rontrlliuted some fine Imrtlrtt irnra, nab n..1ia ami Wash ington plum In Hie eslilblt Tliursdny i.... mm atlas. imtU .. HIV I w:;;.i.u- r A CVili.i, f Crania Paee. haa ''" ""' rl'k'v'""",,( Il,iiil nlnr.ieu 10 m- IV l.t, I, in the Nilmli I". " . .... ..I..., . .1. weeks . " Sliiiwiv ""' iiisi. iulialili'"' llrfc C. u. T. II. lMitK''r ;if,St. Iklrtl """m" otflt. H. II. . vliil.lrcn n-ire- llailey'a. ... ii- ii' I nkrsiey, . i'miiU. ti.-na lrmlii alid Mr. and Mr. It, II, Knlx-rumi were ImliU iwnji'ii for I'mlland Thursday, I'.. I'.. (JilU k visited the city lustTlliir day. Last timidity there were five lutli I L I .... .. . .. t .. i . ..I l.,il.nd. U " " KlIU"'"" . latarit and a horse. J lie wind win tele- u,t the M.I- !tra.iir1 from Yankton and the slicrM ... I ll...t.MH.I kMHl .... Ilu Fay Mil''''1- "" '",aw.ire In bull a docii ilcimllrs to arrest the ati).rtl criminals. Hut it turned out to I Willmr Mm kle, I'd Uws, (Helm Watklus, (ieti. HKK and lirncet John, just relnrnrd Irom a caniilnK trip up Hock Creek. Oh, ayl mine ol the alufl they ate In the lair Nchalcui valley. Hay Kravy or panrakea to one ol them and then (ct a gun Id protect yourarll. . : i.. r ..m.lii. Mia liy alter" c.n.tuU '."""K y''i"' ,,,,.,. K. U"iva.un,. icH.. (l.,ywUblW.oul ol j,i4irr Wk-Kmik" to !' iati) Ma'r' Monday wurn J,!jl!ie."iA i'artru in IVrt )j, w ..iVui. ia Miction rHii a 'I ton l i.niniitii. H a"y t I to ra kef Uuoic Hi atetn ouneca to the pound, four uuana to the KUnn, Never lea than twelve to the iloara. And bo kwU that mttlre a preuluot to niake tbi-iM aril. M. C. GUAY, 81. Helen. VERNONIA. Min Uriire llruwn. ofl'iirilmul I. ui.n. NOTIC'KTO TAXTAVEKM. AccordiiiK to the declaion at the attor- Imk Willi MIm Stella and Ikil lloWord I y K'"1'"'1' complainU . .Knlnit the and tiioylnK the camp meiliiiK. ' i wt murt I luwle on or Wore Mr. Mellon, a rou.i... 1, .tu.iul.i,., I . . ' " luenmg ol tilt Boar.1 wnw Hlmeler and Mim I'.mma Homer, nil ol.Ht, ui, Save been vltitlng with Win I'lucke the Miat week. Wlllurd Tucker ol Houlton, who lm ol Ktpmllation, and the Jkiard ia not compelled to remain In acMion toon they can trauaitct their luuineM in tlmt time; therefore it urged tluil all persriiK having complaint! ol any I Li .... . ' r-"1 '"Tiitnwiiiituiinii ui any l-ee .. keeping p the Intern end ol our, kind tonnike agnin.t the ,e...nnt, file mail route the ,t .1, or elKl,t , er., I. complaint, with the count, clerk on or before the firt day ol the Hoard, other wine they may lorleit their rigth ol coimlderation. The board meeta the 28th day ol Augiut. iwii.llng a lew ilayt with ItKinU here aliouti. K. M, KeMiiianand aun Hd went out to 1'orllaiid the firnt ol the week mid will aee the U wi. mill Chirk 1'iiir lor n lew daya, then on to I'oreal (.rove lorn vinit with oh Kcwiiiiiiii uiiil Mm. Juli i Mc-Nult. The A. A C. R. K. will aell acsaon ex etiraion ticket! Irom Jloulton to all Clat op Itciich pointa and return, continuing nntft iM.t.lM,.1u. If... ... , i. .i. I . ' ' "::M" ' v. 1 trip' KH",, 10 rc,"rn UI,U1 (ct",r ,fi- visiting lu-r mint Mm. (). C. ' In '-'i liu ; . Mutt Johuaon, ol Mild lit r brother, CriMikid creek. A Mra. Johnwjii and mm, ol Mint arc Vititilig with till: Millillntril (iiiuiliea. They were old ucighlora luica in Minne sota, Rev COUNTY fiL'HVKYOK'.S NOTICK Oflmeol Count) Hurvernmf (;o , n. . .. .. . lll. Or.Jiily ,). To W. II. Wrttl.l, J.ihu Hi Jr.. C. 1. Nimli-n, J, K. tvtt m..ri. John y, Joriwiii: " urn iii-rvliv iiiiliii'l thai .1 i.h ii ll.chiinn, uv imupr i.r me norm nan or Ilia tooth ran ouarter mil a Intel In the aoutlmeal iiar A, Smith and luinlly. who have ' fr "f'i'a'uiiiraii.irUTiii awiu.n twu- a rnui-ll tlirrc uillca nml a hull cant ol )-. aa rountv aorvrror of ( "lumlila Cuiiiur. !,,, i.. ,,,,,..1 i oir,iiii1.-r ul,..r. ! O"'"". aurver awl raulillkh .ha Kneaaod town, nave uiovcil to Datruunir, wUere ciornrraul I, ulur.-li1 iraoi c .,; aiul, hi they will nuke their h' Hue. oninillanr Kith al.l order, I will be utn aaiU . , ... ...... .... ..... .i nuinn, l., w w J. A. SchoolitiK, ol the Capitol City ". ami will then irorel to aur- k, ' .. . , ; , I ao'l niark urn aiihl eoruera and boundary Nureery (.onianiVi h.ii lieen interview-1 linralnrroid and rou.aa ouanl Dm panic ing ou, kruier, the ,.t two week., try. j Zi".XUi WX'JZSK ing to induce them to plant more acre ' l'"raluu liavtb.rein lu trcra, eaclully applca. I CoantjrHurreyorol OolanbiaCwnnlf. The valley ia lull ol atrnngera. but NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENf your oorreapumlcnt ha. failed U, learn , ln.cutl,r curtof th.Bu..of ogon tor any names, irue can nanny au-p oui U...I.....I u-l...a ..-m. I.,.. r- U. tl ' " 1 "r "'..-i i tiiv Baaww v, a. innaiMa -a. iiMMiHim-irui lairadli: IlieCdiilily of Columbia. ! Kl 1 tM.ra.tlj Noiire la haniur alien ty the undenriaaed, I have money to loan on real estate sxurity. spjifove w. ii.i't)vi:i.i.. St. Ilrtcua. (in:on. ,.',(.-rr i : I t.'M, .(.Uv. ni.l ll. Mis Cler atteodeill .1 N . '' a-L.J I r.' . !in rlnl''-"' Vl " A ) tt, all " l larillvr, i !,'i .Via II-!. (-w.!ury. i. I..S-.I ' lJ aaaa.raaaa. i i i. - n i,i I l iin I. a m.-iu'arr ol jla(lVVV,V''VV,'V,VV3 N SVJ Her remains I a ipitrl home wedding tiak place Sun- hi d.r Need City cemetery j4y Bl die Jimne ul Mia I'err, at Carrol. ,,t Ihc l.uiu:e. il'oiut. Th contr-ting jairliis were ,', n, one ol JV.rtUud's ! Mia Tier ami Mr Chailry Knaa, ol Hal ,. i.i'rd 81. Helens on'nltr. The wrd.lmg wua private. The .ii Wrdnewlay lst. 1 sp lolls nnna ol the I'err house were ! ......... i ...i ii. - in the Sute e-""'"u"y " - .Mlfrl r r. tt l..k lair. tVlder.. ' . . K u ,::.ti0 and Italian ! f ',"' " " -rved o '., ,.. I M.,.-t A..rlun !hetweiitv See reUt.vra present ikt, n l TtatiHiMent ab apit'es. ,.! ir. !'jo aiplri are tile liest In, i k. :.l.i. . Mi Kr IiMensnn, i .'.line, r ...iitlisies a fine ! ol Vi. in ..I ahli ll Is vet to i mi.uc I !... fie )4 tffv s, Mrs. . W. an la Itratahaw and l! The I rule and groom air now at home to their friends in Kaiaii-r. where they still make their future home. Mrs. K K. Ilrown aiarnt Sunday and Monday in this city, visiting Mua Grace Vogelauug. Mrs. Ilmwn returned to I I'lartlaud Monday, whence she went to Ui sirnsU us apple. her home In ICa.tern Oregon. . f I. I i. . , rn .rs. Mr KelHrg i. hi oloatsand timothy i n , hie ( una ol giiu .'. n t need an) nmre. in. i. liuui auylhing tUe i, i- us prunes. e'.. '! )ji litlrmau l. la go- Misa Lulo Kii-bardaifi paid a visit to I'ltrtland Tuesday. Mr, lf. Nrwsi'uie s-ut Saturday and jtviu la) til I'urtiaud on a VImI. Among the Rmnter young jsrople who atteudid Hie dance at Kelso SJtully night were Mcri V.A and Joe Itiuugli. ,.! t Kin;tr. was in j yimn .U and Minnie Whitney, Mrs. ...Uy Interviewing our, i,,!,,,,,, ,,4 t hamUrs. I I ..11.... 1 1 ...I ... , .,...,,,,,, uuuk, ..c .ruaiini uiw ,. ..,... j ,1,. .a. h r i ii.. . . every day. Some are Irom near by town, liimmiirarm lierann. thai he has filed In itw 1. , ... h . viwaiinii.HiamniniiHiiu ar some fioui far away t itle.. Tliere is nuniairailou upnu iba u oauiui, aud that the no ouraliim I Mil that tlir Nrl.alrm vnllce ' "auao, )uixa vr in .bure entiuea noiUruon ouiiuai lue ncnaiem 'wy eourt. h aiiiwlolasl hiiir.Uy, Uie mh darof ia altriu liin attrnllon Well, let her. aHnut-r, Iwi. ai one o'clurfc o at. uf said dr aaitie lime, and the eourt riMim of aald court A Mr. (iurrisoll Olid lalllilv, with a al H. Ili-i.n,. Orranli, aa the ,laia of hearlnj . , . . , : aalil a:om,i aud lh attllenietiiof said adrnin- ImikI ol horacn, Irotil I jntern Drcgon, ' lairailon: al sbica iliua and jdaaa aujr r.u camicd ill our suburbs a lew -lays la.t U'rT.J ZiiZui. "d oUK,'"" ,n week, but we believe he made no sale., i A- A. MKIMLEY. I Ouantlan of Ihc K.uie ol U. K. A lira ma, an la- Unite a fire got started last week in the j couiKteut miu. iU and l"ctti)olm luiUUirlnxid on i SUMMONS t.i.t.. II.. k I'rrlV liv fii-ree fitilltinir 1 . ,, . , la the Circuit Court of the fltate el Oregon for by a faithful crew ol men, it baa been , ibci:umr f 'oluuibia. a..ll.,l I i.i ll,,. vril.m. ia iiiub rfoii. , Wn. Vaerjonald. Malutlff, Va. Anna JlaeDon- I sia, urlanoatil. r.,t ti I. ii, .1 liiuii'n how the Are orivi. i To Anus MwOuiiaM. defrndant abort named ... ...v ... ( viva '. I- . y miuire.1 to ai(Miar uno atiawer uie com I fllirii aealniit you lu the above entitled orilatr of liiiblluatlnn of the auminona. to wit Mondar. Uiu l dar of (ic tuber. 1:0.: and If first class ! )u to a.iai and answer, fur want Ihcrtof OUR MAMMOTH MIDSUMMER Clearance Sale IN FULL BLAST NOW. Great Redactions in All Departments. A FEW OF THE BARGAINS WE OFFER ; Now 15c ladies' how 12!c kimono hdkl 05c shirtwaist. 75c dressing sacks Sfic waist sets flflc leather belt. 1 5c novels Wlc corset. 75c lace collar. 25c aide comb He lawns $1. 50 lace curtain. It5c ribbon 25c child', lace hoar: 35c chlid' dresses . . , 35c boy'a wash waista OUc sash ribbon per yd. . . . 00c men's underwear 60c ribbed drawer. fl.25 all wool " .um'r wool underwear.. 11.25 men'tdreaa shirts .. 5c " " " ... 65c boy " " H5c leather belts 25c caj PILLOWS .Now .10 3 lor .25 " t .3 Ait " .IS .25 " .00 .75 " .63 " .18 " .(Ml .18 " .18 .19 " .24 .24 ' ,3H .50 .30 " .5 .09 79 " .63 , " .39 .50 " .15 40 O fi.V cat , 35c men', summer hat. 40c boy.' " 25c " " Boys' workshirta Ilk- sox 15c block .ox 15c linen collars 75c felt hat. 50c children', hats f'2.50 ladies' tan .hoe $2.25 " black oxford. ftl 00 sandals f 1.80 ladies' kid shoes 1.60 red kid shoe. f 1.85 tan oxfords Misses f 1.09 Walkover shoe. JL1.00 vici kid shoes $1.50 canvas shoes $2.00 dancing pumps ..... ... $1.85 satin calf shoes 2.00 sporting shoes $1,00 vel'r call Bluchrs $5.00 handmade crusr's $0.00 " sum'r loggers $.(X) heavy loggers COMFORTERS 3 pr .40 .23 .27 .10 .33 .25 .10 .10 .55 .35 1.95 1.90 1.45 1.25 .95 1 35 3.35 2.50 1.25 1.05 1 60 1.05 3.45 4.55 5.15 5.25 95C "Superior" Steel Ranges, large ovens, high closets $29.35 "Our Home" No, 8 Cook Stoves 9-35 Full Size Iron Beds 2.65 Large Kitchen Treasures $3.45; Best Hard Wheat Fiour, $1,25; Oysters 10c; Best Breakfast Bacon, 1 6c; Choice Picnic Hams, 12c; Standard Tomatoes 95c per dozen; Sweet Corn, $1.18 per dozen; poultry netting 10 per ct below market price. L. SWETT, - RAINIER ttnted. but ll IS supposed Irom campers hereby required to und anawer the com. ... . 1 -....1- i Idaiill fiitd aralnit loll lu the above entitled carciesar.r. in leaving live .i.i.i.i. , ; ur Mi)n ul imJ ,,rw;,ibed lu Uie Chaa. MilliiiKt r and a force ol and teams are doing some work on the I'ltulmrg road ia aistnct 15. ;lial prayed I The work licing done in this section by i I lie help of the special tux, is helping our traiitpurtatiuu wonderfully. The csmpmceling. in charge of Rev. J. O. Coleman, our local minister, and Kev. R. 1. Slrayfcllcr, still continues, with services every afternoon and eve ning. The attendance is good and the onlrr most excellent, and the IuUrcst deep frit. There will lie three sessions on Siinduy next, ever) dajdy beiui invited to come early, bringing Wkcls full of dinner and thus I prepared to remain all day. The meeting will probably lat another wri-k. I lh i.i ilntlll will ai'i ly to the curt for She ra- Itaf pra.ved for ID lifa enrautalut: lu wll.fora derrt'e uiaaolvlug the bonda u matrimony and 1 luariiaee contract eiluliif bstweeu )ou and ' uie niaiutlff. Tina aiiniuumi la i.ubluhed la the Oreeon Ml. i l.v onlrrol lion, H H. Italian, jmlreol Uie louuiy t'ourt of ioltnnt 1 1 t'vunir. which urdar saa made and entered uu lh 17th day of Au suat. lNti. and the data of tba first publication inrrcf nelus ihs lath day ol AU(Ut, lnuo, and thr laat ,S'U1. Mh. l'JUj. C. II.ftllOOTT. Attorney forth e i.lalntirT AA&AAaVAA SUMMONS I !: II. It. Ci'l will be at the tfwli !-,:. ,1 I n ! iswi.u : i' ai!!t ,1 ,. . .- m alid Wt Wedoesilay , ,,M'' ' Wis. Milly Wimderly lld a visit to ortlaud Tues-lay morning. s I ii.I.y I i M.utiUy until Septenibrfl l.ncy Wilson paid a visit to her i -Ii ol ) office Turs.lav. Wetlnea- l, er, Mrs. Sonuelaml. at Srapxe, j ThuJin, Halurday mutning remaining until uu- vVii.te line and Tar. tli obi .day night. ... ., ,.,.!,, cou-dy. l'..rlebyA.J. Mr.. Jn-m and daughter Iwrni uwn wt wnit t..u tlw-ir VaU'nitDlJ. t lty. cUsrged with Mr. and sirs, i .m .1 ..g. M,.a wea,. M ,n , ily 'rtI' "","f K (.,,,, of the Columbia where they will reman ta. .enough to ! 1 IV..L. ....I lia a. If 111 if1 Si!,.-, i I ...;i.ig CouiInv. laom k mine isir. toe i nt . , t,e I l.v Ihecomtuny, Mrs. liuilila.HI lamiiy arcvia.nK t'wi.,...!'. iii t lie but ws'a.Uiiis. Mrs. f.tilld's mother, al Sher- .-l.,..;.-d l. il.e woo l lorenittt iw-i.1. r. Tlwy will remain during hop I t M.ller l.r his time, This ! picking season. ;nnit. t un Wt lnra.Uv itmnilw,', j Mrs. Mcsrive oH'.rnys llnrUr Is visit- :i I. ni. to!i. n l.iMirvl )( ).f ,(,(, r Mrs. llolcsapplc m tins r rcptrslcd be U jive-! vjty, ii ,i po. aiblc. Itnp-irs Mrfrm-f sir niniablc alioetuakcr, .img ttiv romp-til) a i ,. . .. pr,t),l Siimlay. tjass T.i Hi Iff mid Mititcr Willie I.ce la the Clrrult Court of the Rtalr nl Oregon for the t'outitr n Odambla H, 1' Kliu-li Winiit. tlaintn, s. rt'.pf.Wlgbt, iieirliiliillT. To W. M. w lain, defemlanl 'kit named: In tbe namr of the Mi te uf Oriarfl you are hrrci rtiiulie.1 to aipraratid alianer the com. plaint nn-J lii-l tou tn the alaive entitled aolt ou or Iml.ire the Ian day truM-rlbed lu the order of I iiblioollou of Uio aiiiuiooni, to wtt. M.inda) . tin iJ da) ol iKUitmr. IW; and II yo fall ao to arla.-or and anawer. for want thereof n lor inr tv to mil. for a matrimony and uiarrlare cunirsct txlattiig betweeu rou and tfa Mrs. H. Tipton, olOklaimma. is visit ing her son, Rnbert Tipton. A. Wise and daughter Nellie, arrived home last week from a visit to frit-tula in Aberdeen. Vah. Mrs. A. l.indnvnnd Mrs. V.A Vaigt visited Rainier on Friday. Mrs. Samuel Muun visited her mother in rortlatid Friday. V fall ao In ar-K-or and anawer. i s , the ialiiun" will to ihecur k ! Iipl iriicil for In her complaint, I fr ileeire illaanti ine tba bondaof mat L uiarrlare cunirsct txiaiuig uetwe r (.uiiiiuT. k I 1 hla annimotia la puldislied In t sjs -V r ! by order d llou. H. H. Ilaitan NOTICK OF INTItNTION TO APPLY FOK IJQCOB LICEKBB. Oobls. Oras-oa, Joly U. ltot. To all pereona eoncarned: Too and asen o! you will take notice that I. 8. ?,m will oa the lh day or September, 1S06. ap ply to the County Court or Columbia Coun ty. Site of Oreaon. for a license la sell ,....... vi.nm and malt llquora and bard elder In qoantltlea leaa than one sal loa. ror a pert! of one rear. In the rlllaae of Ooble, Coble Pwlnet. Columbia County. Oree-on. which application will be baaed upon tba roiiowins peuueai PETITION. In th County Court or the State ot Ore eon, ror Columbia County. ' .w. -AmmtmmA laeal voters and res- .. "71 nki. t.i. la Columbia Coun- IU,HI. w. - a. ..a r.' ,ir..nn ana wne wi or realded tn said precinct thirty prior to the alanine and anna of this petition, would respectfully petition your Hoaoreble body at l ha September term "'the aald County Court, commencing on VTaJa.adar. the Slh day ot September. lSSg, to be held i. ih. rt house la the City of St. Hel- . ia M.i.i .nd alale. That a ncsne. ba grants to to aell aplrltnooa Tlnoue and malt llqiiore .. . -.. ia in auaatlttea leas than one aallea. la Ooble Preelncl. In the elllaae or Ooble in aald Columbia County. State ot Oreeon. sad that aald licence be Issued to aald 8. K- Bulls for a perloa M . an. dar or Sentember, lfOS. All . w..w nAfuinnara will erer pray. Sleaem-rred Woodham. J. I- T B-nh r n ftunter. T. C. Watts, VI '..r ii..rf Blake. A. 3. Van Alrnam. Charles Fla. Jos """ 2 t. v n.iw.m Vitor Fures. O. B- u..r. n it Foater. Henry Waaeer. Emlle : . . - . . . . . u r r KnBl.r. ADe lina. l- the Oregon Mist tan. Judue of the i l i.iiiny Court ol l olumbla tnint , winch order aa made and enlerod on the 171 h dar ol All lux, lao... and the dale of ibe first publication I UicitHil l-nii ihc laih day of AuguM, ltMSs and I... 11 h. ntilM.r SUlh. 11 S. V. H. PKKiOTT. Attorney for the plaluiifr. NOTICK FOR ri'BUCATION. VniiedSUtes IndOfBce, P,.rll.n,l Drrion. lulv nth. KM 70T1CBM IIKRKHY GIVKN THAT in compliance with the provisions of the actol Congresaoljune 8, 18. en- . ul llic aimi vwhiv'vj. " i - "' . Mr. and Mrs. M. lloven, Mr ami WW. , ljtlc(, ,.An Act ,or tlie mle of timberlands " on ii VI i hi- W. Mr Iur 'il l . feaf ill. t tin u. 1 t f.i;.'.ii,!, -.K. , "t. ' I. t. ,,1,1 .,r lion lin1ire he has a'-1" -t in ' Koiii thru took l' the l "i '. .ii'.i iii..!ed 1 1 t-n-.il1. but the oli'n-e i 1 1 into nnotlicr lent, aun no iitl-iii. C S. liilgcj ir and b. nl Miller cry 'in: iii.l Ii ,1 III.- ll nil I fill illv ; in I , .. I .. le Aionuitv. nun ia! ,. ear! diti-.-i iimi ! in,! U-lilii I a Mf. l.ff w n .ii in uu nu-il Imm SI. Helens : !.in!i v brmiL'lit a ibn'tor .;i I Milli-r wn.1 (iiiiiol to have re- n-rut on l lie nun and a .pill tie in the kidticv rculnu. Nt s.i , ii , . i-,.,ii.,, lu.aiiltol and !w f. I tiiiicht lislSt.'IIclctia.arralunsTia ''l"ir tu.iur Wuikina. anil evil! lie held "mi ilu next term ol court, (hi lib fri.,, .., 1 .,.,1 aliliiullt ol l,v". In . lime check, and waiell and '"in. i if a ,:!i his Harriett move- H-llt. s;r. I-niU's Mm. ale. who rereiitly re- tnrnc.i l.-nm n trip ts !:nal'raiicis.-o, was lu ! us visitor on Tuesday lust, rlii- Western Coopemge Coniwiiy Is "'"'K mi order for eight enra of lutrnd f-r New York City. " I 'vuU r '.HIi 1im tin. e fixed for the lll i.i It,,,, ll.uianf I'orllillld. " H"i 1 1. ,n (YiiimliMiHtlnii i a Couiourse "'Cm' iiiUriun Critu-rs vlio lire Coil "ily t iiiitriving to CoiiccrMite Coin by "liin,. itu,it, CM tins , into Comtiiciciiil Clltlsil,.,.v l- , ir.w, rill auv ani at hi oVIiu-k mi the night ol the Wli ill rin I.i W, A. Ifurrla iImiiiiIu unlltll V rlrrk I. . , . "M V - "'"nig ii iiiiicb meded viicutlon lor f uTiie,da' he vinlled Vnrtliind iiH.k i tlu Cjn., Alter visiting tuir he will iimke n abort visit to the 'Himli iH V..II.... "ri'iigh was nncd $15 by Justice ""'ilotlS, Mollilnv tout fur mi untiro 1Vl1 ""(fill nil I biilterv Hum the iwf ' wiiton v, Witr.1, paid a visit to 1'ortland Tursday. Mm. liraay. ol l.adu, Wah. ajwiit Mmidav in Rainier. , . Mr. Mvails, the first banker in business Rainier. Uuighl a fine burglar proof ill U- reiuly lr lnsl- Slatteilce and latnilr. Mrs. Wasciewica i in the gutes ol California, Oregon, Ne tt 11 Kennev. Abie Link and Wm. ', nnd Washington Territory," aa ex ""'.y " . . t .n,ied to all the Fublic Und .States by Wilkinson visited the fair and circus . t o Aupltt 4t w2, Kdw.rd H. Klor i',,rilainl Motiduv. nf I'nrt ninl. Couiitvof Multnomah Mr. Andrew lUiwuian and children, ol Slate o Oregon, has tins day filed m tin. ,, . ,,. v. r arrived here "flice his sworn statement No. 0611. for CilWde. Grant Couiitv, Or . arrtM.t litr e, , h o( the oUtilcast quarter ol Powler. R. Baploele. O. Ounbor. H. P. - Vi usullav Frank Welter. F. W. Jordan. A. Keea, O. a Fowler. O. J. Lin. . A Arirnn Howaro. u. U rr I , . I in II T. I - El'lnger. Oeo. Foster, Jr.: W. R. Rchm, y.nn.r. Ferlets (Hy). W. u.i. a i Hoaa el. - irn.ll Inl.r. 11 11. neer, m. w. - iw nianon. J . r . v-u Wllhrow. Fred Comfort. R. N. Hamilton. I. J Malcolm. B. F. atcCormldt. Reuben Near, Oeorge Morel. Henry Morel. Jaa. Ken . uni niahnn i.m.a ll Kennedy, si " - . - ......... u n-.i iin.i.r iiovara. ja. v. oi.wwr - B. sey. i ear. R. L. Kenny. W. K. (Slgaadl Miller. B. B. BUTTS. MENS FIRST-CLASS SUITS m mm wm a.ile .vunnniy. n ni-ss aliout Ihe first o! ScptemU r. Mrs. ltd Clark went to I'orllatid Moll day morning to hit the tmit. Mr. Oeo. Moeck and daughter Anna went to rortlund Monday to see the clrvns. i p. 1) on our rs-vcreiitl station agent .petit three days ol last week In Astoria. Mlaa Marv I'arris, a lortner resident of Rainier, spent a .Uort white here visit Inrlrlenda. , ,. lion Fred Trow went torortmnu d.y to wet U Swett on the trail. I,, r. Byrs went to I'ortlauu buniiny on a busliiesa trip. I. Heiinchnn aient few days) at the Fair last week . cpADPnn.m'i I 3 1H III I wwi... a w -a "B" "li V '0 Wa W. H. Stevens nml lamiiy have return ed from ten "btys outing t Seaside. Mi,. Mvra Sharp, of 1'nlvcrsity Fark, sietit bmi'duy visWng friends here. Wlii-os Un. have Ixmght out lT. S. Nelson's saw mill business. Messrs Allard. Fns. and Ihicheldcr ,ave leased the mill ol the l,ii.nU-r Comixiny and will run It lull blast this season. The ladle, ol the Congregational church gave a successful lawn iarty ut Mrs. J. O. WnlU'i Friday. I. (1. Wlckstrom will eB" operating bis uew mill this week. v...l,..l.iv to visit her umthrr, Mrs. T. .v,.,;,.- v. l.'ieven till in township No, ..w tls I Four .4) North Range No. Four (4) v- ' ' West. W M. and will ofler proof to .how -' . . " ' - " " tlit the land sought is more valuable lor SUMMONS its timber or stone tbnu b.r agricultural ... i ...,., (r purposes, and to establish his claim to , ,,,e t:lM.,.lt V'" :'.dM'..m".v ' inid bind iHffore Register and Receiver at i -ih.. ti,in. .t.. idalimir. i .. oc'iri!. f . t'uneati. 1 i Portland, Oregon on Thursday, the 5th .... " l t ..a 11MIF. ,,. Htaic.t on;...., you are v'" , witnesses: Samuel F. Owen, of 1'ortland, Oregon; John S. Rend v, of Portland. Oregon; George K Smith, of Kaluma, Wash.; Wright D. .7'amV". 'it, sndilwdsy mi whirl, yonvr. Hurt, of Vcmonia, Oregon. of '."'" .... 1. 1 hi. 61 h day ot i ..i u n.nnt piu inino-nilverselv ni.T ......... - v rClUC9kCU on or be- , Register. ,l,.el.Ulit In lilt' litt-nc r rcinir.i ".afi""' -. ' . i- ,..-rlli.l In ,v...i--r. ' VA,, ' i, , i,.m..i..i.a. the alxive ilescrioen innas are the '"I ' '.'.V" 'lr , I .n.scrou or , fii. their claims in this office ' a .l sit. .lav of October. Ir ant . M1, 0 cctol;r, thireol the pl.lmtrr l" sy. ' n J -." o y aUGKRNON S. PRESSKR SKI SEW- Sffl : coifiiY notice. L'nd for sien oilier rrlli.l as to Ihaemin niy i,i":,,,::!;!,n."ir,...hed o, NOTICE FOR rVBUCATlON. (Timber XMi Act. Jna 8. 7I United Slates Land Offlco, lulv 11th. 1S0S. Notice la hereby given that la om'' anca Ith tba provlalona or the act or Con . a isTS. entitled An ac ror the aale of limber landa la Ihs Btatea r California. Oregon. Nevada", and Wash- tan TerMlflrT. MM WWftWM B.W sa- Public iJind mates by act or August . list. Oeorge W. Parker, of Vernonla. eoun ty or Columbia. 81ate of Oregon, has this day filed la this otnntce his sworn state ment NO. 6S1U. lor in. ."" -- " . .. . . i i- TAMrnahln NO. S IS BangV No. 4 Weal, and will offer proof to .how that Ihe land sought la mon , Tama ble ror Its timber or slone thsn for agrl cultural purposes, and to eatabltsb his claim f 7d land bafor. the Rag'-f' aad Re ceiver at Portland, Oregon, on Wednesday, the 4th day of October. t0S. He namea aa J . C. Miller, ot Chehalla. Wash.: John W. Parker, oj Tank im llriiim; HIkcI A. Wllklnaon. or Houl toal Oreoni 8. P. p allard. ot Flttaburg. '"Jj. -it cl.lmlne adversely Ihe nbove-deeerlbed taade are requited to their claims in inia """ or UCIODar, i.w.. 8. ltlB.HSKn. ISCBiairr. $10.00 Ths Bast you have, ever seen. FABRICS in Worsteds, Ceviots and Cassimeres. Hand-Worked Button Holes, Hand - Padded Collars, s ewm with silk Ollisrs say $15 for Eqnal Qaalitj. Conn Early aai Gst ih Pici WHEN YOU SEE IT IN OUR AD irs so. Moyer Clothing Co., THIRD AND OAK. PORTLAND file aald 4th day AUUKH.HU. AfSKSSORH NOT1CB Or " DOARD OF aMJUAIJlATKl.-s. OREGON Shorj LINE UNION PACIFIC XTslasaW las htFbT CIVtlU isi.t Monday In Auftwt to-wit; August 2, al tn. una o. lumbla couniy. hit.". . amine the asseaameni iwia, i...,. JlT errors In valuation, dj-crlptlona. or Quality ot lands, lola, or other property. 4 . . .aiii h.v or July. uaiou aa or -i - - . m rim Aaaesaor ol Columbia County. Oregoa. AMD "Vsriis IlKI'l.r Oilii-Aiio-iVii,iTAi HI'Kl IAI, iur uiu vln H iit I tiutots. Mri.K VSii Kr.'vi;: U i... i,i.iurn W nalilng i, walla Walla, 1 1, I'niMir il AU l,j mm tiri'iu ,...ii. fA,r thcr!,..t via l Ually. Iiigton. l.l'iivca S.lft A- Vf;. l'H). Arllvca. viVKkl. Imlly l.OII A. M. Hails'. iTfXTI lully. by Jfiaopn vamwiir. ... --."; U atlcKCit Uisl contestant Is well noqiialuled erlih th. tram ol laud em braced In lh. aaiu kowakl. entryiniui, and hla heirs have wholly "! - 7 .-..J., ..i -i.i. and ih.iiher bar. never maided uuou cuUivalcl or Improved Jh aam. eliico makliig entry tnoreni. or ai an. j ih .mriinan died about Uccouber 30. tw . i ..... ..r ihu biira nf enirvinati are ti .known and after searoh can not learned, and that Hi. holra ol .ntryman arc unknown snd tl.elr rv'l.lenoo can not he w uliivri. tut that said slleuoil abaence from Ihe an il limn wa l.oi vm ".a ur .... ...... ... i.. ii.u armv. Kavr. or alt.rille I orla ).i .v.. itniil Ki.i.ia. aa a nrlvaie soldier. officer. .esuiau. or .nrln. during Uio war vvlin ni-ati or during snr other war In which the I nltei' LL i, ....... .,.l. anlil i.lrlli.. are hereby nntlfled lo niHiesr. rv-i"-..". -'-" loHoliltnr "alii allewaium ul 10 o'cliM-k a. n.. o" Scolcmber S. lwv before the ItoKinier and Bu- reiver at the United status uuiauuicc in r" Imi.t.ori'imn, , , mm Thi said ronteslant having. In a proper o(H ...... M,...i u..i..u. irt imiA ai,t ttirth faeli which aliow altar due dlllgcnca iwrnl aorvlce of tlrs nuitee eau not tw maile. u u hpel, nrilorrri and directed that such uotleil be given by dn, and RUUMONS I . i.. i. ..nMl.1.1 ..... Hfth Intereal lu and la tba ClmiU Court ol h8tata i of Oreavn for ,n(-,lortnwe., qua-trr of scciion olneteeii. th. Connly of -liimbls. . .. ol ,, amitheasl qnartet of acotlou Iwcniy ulu, in lowunnip an "" rang, two weat ol th. Willamette inerl.ltan: . I ...ri alanan undivided on. filth Interest In and TIIUKK DAILY TIUIN8 roii A IX l'OINTS KAST.. Lower Columbia River. for A si iris ,n. wav landings. Retiirnlng !eav? At"rB at r-jaf i "" KVTABf.ISnKD un. JOHN A. BECK PKALBI M Vatcbes, Diamonds, Silvenare, ....JEWELRY.... Repairing a Specialty. IrsV or that upon th. THE COLUMBIA COUNTY Abstract and Trust Co. Titles Examined, Abstracts Made, Non-Resident Taxes Paid. Real Estate, Loans, Etc. E. E. QUICK A. M. HOLTON, Proprietor. GUARDIAN'S SALE No' Ice Is hereby given thst by vlrtn of an or der of Ihe County Court ol toe flat, of Oregon for the County of Columbia, made snd entareil on ttaeaxh dsv of July, JIMS, lu thi matter of the guardianship ol the enisle of Charles Hen dricks, a minor, th. undersigned, ss guardian of th. e.tat. of said minor, will, on lh. -tan dav of August, IHU6, at she hour ot ten o cluck tn the Ion-noon of said day. at the court honse door In 8t. Helena. Oregon, sell at public auc tion, forcaah lu hand, lh. following described real properly belonging to aald minor, altnoted m tnel.lHlUlv Ol lliiumm.. t-im ... William Werner, plalutltr, vs. nerner, defendant. To Helena Werner, defemlant: In Uu esw iwu r-- -.v. ...HiUmI Isinn omploinl .... " --"7V- -VnlVed state 10 a?far and auawer in. ai..u ,irih, rang two weto( the V. iiiaine te merin- niesome niipea.. "- Vk ,i;ri,r r loiii ihcnee eaai aions .ne .iii. i.i.n west W rods lo ih. west line ol said section ; theuee souin ai roos to tuc piacvj h. h. ti t- K , Vt H. Powell, attorney for Kuardiau, NOTICK FOB TUBlJCATIOJf. .J .w ni the stale nf Oregon you are 7" ...T," .i ki .,l i.n.l mm eSibrnotlfleit that Ibe Platnllffherala hasnled JJ J ';, ,,. situated In saldcouuly and ...lint rnu In Ih. antllled """"".'"T.. L.....i.w ia. uinthwnst eor- coTirt and cause, sud you are hereby reuulred ;"0YaVctln thirty five. In aald lownshlp live hi. ...m. imnearance mcreio, mi i.r.r....5: , ,.ci ... last day of the term preaerlbed by he order oi tK,1'1H1, a j,. thence notth roils; publicaiiou n...., -..; ".., and avnear. ur file some sppearsnee herelu, the palulirr will can jour delaalt Iota' lercdauu noieo inn wn. .-ii v In . the relief prayed lor In Ihe complaint, lM dec. co lorcv.r dissolving lh. bonds of niatrl- Kd ,t,V7c"ho.he7'reiier..-..eV deems proper anil equitable. 1 h. rTrat pUDlu-aiion o. iiuafuu,,,....,.. "iVtdavot July. lwa. end the last publication Department ot the Interior. Land Office at Portland. Oreiton. July Si. 1905. Notice la hereby given that the following named aettler hae died notice of hla In tention to make final proof -In aupport ol his claim, and Ihnt said proof will ba made before th. Register and Receiver at Port land, Oregon, on September 6. 1905, via: Leopold Dupont. H. E. No. 127SS, for th. 8. K. 14 of Section 15. T. t N. H. W. He names the following wltnessee lo prove his continuous rraldence upon and culti vation of said land, via.: Alexander Aak. of Yankton. Oregon: Cor aellua C. Moyer. of Yankton, Oregon; Char les J. Wallace, of Yankton, Oregon: Aaron .v v.iiv nf Hmilton. Oreaon. AI.OEBNON 8. DRISBJKcglster :.. I i. vri.f.v tl,e flint dav of SeMsmber, WOS. sad Ibis summons la to be pabllahed on each Friday ol eaeh ami every week iM i je- rlod Ol SIS SUOCCaeive weaaa wnn" r.,....v "'Si.,. .:.. .:...,... i. nhllhed bv order of lion. Thomas A. McBrlde. luilge ol court, made uienamners in aiuu vawm . ... w... Jul,A.l)..lUN t.HAa,.MKABKl. AUnriiey fur I'UhUlff. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION (Timber Land. Act June 4, 1S7) Unlteit Slates Land Office, IWH. ml Or.. July 10. 1V. Notice Is hereby given that in eonipiium-e provisions 01 me ac. 01 ....ubii... . 1,1 Anl irnr the sate of R. U. K. CUFr, D PHYSICIAN & SURGEON 8T. HKLBS8, i ! OB-KGOH. T-vR. EDWIN ROSH, PHYSICIAN & SURGF")N ST. HKI.ENS,, : i OltKlif , ,.w .... .....ui.i,xn. ,r ihn acl nl irotisress Ol June 8, 1RSS, entltlct "An Acl gor me saie timber lands In the Srsles of California, Nel vuda, l.rvgon, ami n aMiuia"1" .r. .....j. extended loall the Public Land States by net of August S, ltm-', oainuci "'?"'" """" " lsml. t olllliy OI Mlllinoiiiaii, .vw... has this dav Hied In this office hla sworn state ment Mo. 6.WW. for Ihe liuftiaso ot the s auction No. H, In township No, 4 n, range No. 4 w, and will onor orooi 10 aoow . .... .- ought Is more voluaple for lis timber or slone than for agricultural purposes, snd lo tvuslilisri hiaclalM toaatd land, before Reaister and Re ceiver, at 1-ortland, On-son, on Monday, the 25th day ol Seidcmhor, J'JUJ. . lie names aa wltueasos: John 8. Head), oi PortlsudVoregont James Miller, ot Portlond. KZZZZr -nharlea Oaborn. ol Portland, Oregon: W. D. Hint, of Vernonla. Ocegou. An and all persons etalmrng adversely tho alwve described lands are reiiueaicd to mo their ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. In Uie County Court ot the State of Or egon lor colnmma i-ounty. In the matter of the estate of John D. Morgan , deceased. Notice is hereby given that y virtue of an order of the County court of the State of Oregon for Columbia County, made and entered on the 3rJ day of July, UlOii, in the mutter of the estate of John deceased: the undersigned, the administrator of said estate, will, on or after tin-I'lithduy of August, MS, at .i, oiKm of said K. 15. Quick in St. Hel ens. Oregon, sell at private sa'e for cash in hand, the loiiowmg " property belonging to the estate of said deceased, to wit L Beginning at the South West corner of the South West H of section 35, in town, ship four North. Rango tao West of the Willamette Meridian; thence North 53H rods; thence East 80 rods: thenec Nit 531;, rods; them e West 30 rods to the clace of beginning, containing ten acres, situated in the County of Columbia, State of Oregon. claims In this offlca ouor boforesald S5tbday . w j, joWll.I., Attorney for Adul ni rtllSS'o.HS.MttBKI,Utlst.r. I .