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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 25, 1905)
.OUKGON MIST fintered at the I'osloffiec at St. Helen, Oregon, fis second-cluss jniiil matter. I.SSl'KD EvKRY rRMAV BV E. H. H.AGG, KlIITuK AMI l'KOI-RlKTOR. )nc copy, one year, iu advance. . . .fl PO fiix mouths. 60 Legal notices 23 cents per line. FRIDAY August SC., MB. cooty ummi. fai'EK. Having the lurgct circulation of any pa tr in Columbia County. TKOOIS OF l-KOSlMCRlTY. CHINESE IMMNiKATIOS. The Traiis-Mi!si-l'i CongrtK made n r.tif take when it n-sot a resolution tlie.ibj ! ,i uliuh 19 to place Cltiucse jiuuiigialloa ou Urn ame footing lis tl.:il o( other tuitions. No doubt tin re is need of ji;t(i"ii:il legishition rv itiirtii.K iumiij.-rti n fiom JKuropeati .countries and con!iniu! it to those whom there is rvn-vn to believe will prove deiirible additions t our population. Hut the quest ion of Chinese i nun ignition is separate and distim I from this, and the pvpie ol the 1'iicific Coast, aside iioui niehai! T. Is Wilcox, who con sider, bis fiour trade more important than the nilfare of the workiiiK people, w i! insi-t it so considered, and xlveif wishes w ili prevail. The Ciiiiiese are tin undesirable claw, nut particularly on account of their viciounnes and iui jnoralilr, tboo'i that has baco abundmily demonstrated, Uit because they are the product ot . ysem ti national and judiyidtiiil life that render them inc.ipable of becoming good Amer ican citizen. Tbey do no coma br j n ith the intention ol tiocowicr ilixns, Briefly atated, th xJ-miud of Japan but merely for the purpose of earning is that Russia shall withdraw from the iiimier. They have uo idea vhaterer i TaciBe shore of Aia, and give op all her if identifying themselves with our J posiesaions on the coast and retire into liie or of adopting cur custom?. ! the remote interior of Siberia; and pay They are practically slaves and are con- j moreover a money indemnity to ccver trolled by organizations hose edicts are the cost si the war. To these terms olM'yed by Uiem even ahen in opposition j Russia cannot possibly assent. Jspan to the laas of the United Stales. The , is to be censured for advnnciug them; demand for thtir adiuiKMon ' purely a j but Knesia is riot compelled, cannot be It is a productive year for "The Ore gon Country." On the whole the most productive and prosperous year it has c.vor known. Of some few productive industries , the .output Jiiay all s' art a little of that ot lust year; but on the whole the remits will be much greater. "The Oregon Country" is the whole region that flies the American flair, north ot -the forty-second parallel and west of tbe Kooky tyonnliiin. Every part of it is doing weH. Krery part of it (eels the impulse of new and ' -vigorous movement. It is turning out, in the SKicreirate, far greater amounts of all products Utan at y other time. Oregon is gettuy ahead, and Washing ton is getting ahead, and I luho is gel ling aliead, aud Aliu-k.t, that was note part of the original Oregon Country, but has tinco been annexed, is getting head. I u this whole region of the Pa cific Northwest, settlers arc arriving in rapidly iucrensing numbers. We eh all lo, cive this year three liuudred thous and to take up perinauent w ith us. Tbey are clearing land, they are building homes and planting fruits, and rearing cattle, and growing wheat and minicg yold and lifting coal, ami stiearing sheep ami catching fish, and a.iwing lumber and pusliiug railroad ex tension. And the new movement is stiiin; the sluggish blood of the "old settler." It is au inspiration to him and a guide. It leaches Lisa how. The effect of it is seen in every part of the Pacific North weft ; not less in those parts of older settleuietut which were long in isola tion. We shall see in the Ojegon Country, and especially in Oid Oregon, more growth in the next two tears than w have seen in the past thirty. Proofs of the movement are risible everywhere. JTJSAMAJTER OF HEALTH 61 AbsolDtely Poro v v 7MRE IS NO SUBSTITUTE COLLECTIVK KXIUDIT OY COL I'M MA COCNTY, sdn'sli one, sad cares nothing for the inevitable disastrous ie--uits. It is a ileiurttid f r cheap labor, and this de maud u made by men who are enabled by a protective Urriff to secure re numerative prices for their goods. Toere is no fear that it will be grauted, lor the representatives of the people w ill be fully informed as to tbe wishes of their constituents, and they wiil abida thereby. Jt may, however, arouse a i .iritof intolerance agaio?t tbeChineee juw in this country, and ior thit reason it is to be regretted. TiiK FKDER.AI. JCUUESiilP. The Mist wishes to congratulate Sena tor Fnlton on the decisive stand that cenlleman has taken iu favor of the appointment of Judye T. A. McP.ride to L'A tiJ vacancy on tlie federal bench in this district ; and earnestly hopes that the President will accede to his wishes. Ii is impossible to appoint anyone who will be satisfactory to ail, and it is not the executive's duty to attempt to do so. The President doubtless wishes to secure .a man of ability and integrity ; and there are a number w ho could till the bill in these respects; but in Judge McBride the bench will have an occupant who possesses not only these qualifications in an eminent degree, but al- that other most important qualification icown as the judicial temperament. Jud;;e McBride is a man of strong friend-1 ships, but on the bench bis personal relations are put aside, and he becomes! entirely the judge of law. His first hypothecs is always that justice and i law should be synonyms, and so far as j possible his decisions are rendered along that line, w ilh as broad a disregard of quibbles r.nd tccunecaltiea as is practic able, lie is very seldom reversed and the fact that be is admittedly above partisan opposition epeaks volumes for the esteem in which he is held in this district. BEGINNING EARLY. compelled, to grant them, and she will not grant them. For. if Rossis is not to bold her footing on the Pacific, she nenj not pay any indemnity, for she has only to "go home" and pull her railroad up after her, and be forever cat of the reach of Japan. Oregonian. Stop that Cough When a coah, a tickling or an irrita tion in the throat makes you feel un comfortable take Biillard's Ilorehound syrup. Don't wait until the disease has gone bejond control. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Anderson, 354 West 5th St. Suit Lake City, writes. "Wc think Ballard's Ilorehound Syrup the best medicine for coughs and cold. We have osed it for several years; it always gives immediate releif, is very pleasant and gives satis faction," L'Sc, 50c, $1.00. Sold by A. J. Deming. WORMY APPLES. The only way to stop people from mar keting bad apples is by a strict system of inspection and commendation. All over the State, worm? apple are offered for sale, that should have been fed to the hogs. In Grants Pass all sorts of worthless apples were offored for sale by dealers, and good fruit cannot be bad notwithstanding that the best apples in the world are grown in the district The choice fruit is nil put up for export and the refuse turned ovtr to local deal ers. But these calls are not the worst lu order that our readers may have some idea of the showing that hwa been msde by Columbia County at the Expo sition, up to the present time, we pre sent the following list by groups, as tiled with the Jury on Awards: Group It K.0 photographs ot togging scenes, faruiSj w jiter hills, s-.'hool houses, churches etc. Group 2J Rainier mineral eosp. tironp 84 Wheat, oats, rye, barley, peas, vetch, timothy, orchard grass j Italian Rve gre, oat orchard gras alsike clover, alfalfa, potatoes, beets. radishes, cabbage, turnips, carrots, squash, comb honey, English, Japanese and Ameiican walnuts. Group 107-Applee: Northern Spy Swann, Rome Beauty, Yellow Newton, Monta Vista, Baldwin, Spitieuberg, Red June, Red and Striped Astrachan, Plums: Bradehaw and Columbia. Piues : Sugar, Silver, Petite, Hungarian, Willamette. Cherries : R.yat Ann, Bing, Late Puke, Black Republican, Tartarian. Group 113 Clear cedar plank, 20 feet long by 52 inches w ide ; booth built in Columbia County, of native woods, cedar burl, shingles aud cedar poles, cedar and fir doors, fish floats, Cascara wood, and bark, grape sticks, English Ivy vine. Group 1IC Iron, marl, and a rollet.'on of agates, geological specimens, etc Group 124 A Chinook salmon weigh i.ig t-Kj'c pounds. Group 17 The Oregon Mist's Lewis and Clark edition of 5,000. Group 5S A collection ot laces, rtn- broidery. etc. l'nblio is Aroused The public is aronsed to a knowledge of the curative merits of Unit great med icinal tonic, Electric bitters, for sick stomach, liver and kidneys. Mary II. Wlters,of 546 St. Clair Ave. Columbus O., writes; "for severs; moutis I was given up to die. I hail fever and sgue, nv nerves were wrecked; I could not sleep, and my stomach was so weak from useless doctors' drugs, that I coold not eat. Soon after begiuing to take Eiectric bitters, I obtained releif and iu 'a short time was entirelycured." Guar anteed at Terry & Graham's; price 00c. SEAL ESTATE. M E Bears to Nancy A Ticheno', und eighteenth iut in n Lf E U Bryamdle 25 John and Isabel Bayer to John Aach and L E Stuart n bf sw or sec 17 4 4 000 Birgham estate to P U M ma hunt ing privileges 250 Martha C Brainier to Homer A Ma tey se qr ne or and ne qr of so man A t. II of the home trade. It is the trade in o W A I. Me Bride to El tier' Brown The remnant of the old Mitchell rinsr, in Columbia County, together with some ul the knockers of the last republican ijunty ticket, held a pow-wow nt St. Hlen last Wednesday, presumably for the purpose of practicing concerted ictiou in their unclean scramble for uflice and continued conscionsless raid un the treasury. Just what deviltry was hatched at their buzzards feast is not know n ; but the tout cmeintle of the croud is proof conclus ve that the old gang of political high binders w ho have so long ran the County has not been jarred loose. Columbia Register. The campaign of slander is beginciog caily, and the same methods are being presented that were so ruccessful last year, lf there is any truth iu Mr. Mitchell's statement that a meeting waa j lieid in St. Helens for the purpose of controlling Rupi b'ican nominations in the next campaign he should be able to ii nine some of the persona who took part. It is outrageous that a man should make such charge! against the people of a community and not have the 'courage to name the parties whom he Hcruser. i wormy apples that should be peremp torily put a stop to. It is trne that the infected fruit is usually sold at s low price, but it is dear at any price, because of the wide dissemination of tbe codiin moth larvae. As long as shiftless apple growers can dispose of their infected fruit at picking cost, these wormy apples will be marketed, and to that extent the proper care of orchards discouraged, to the detriment, not particularly of the carelese grower, hut of the whole apple industry of the district. The law pro vides a remedy and it ought to be en forced. Observer. 400 Peculiar Olssapearance J. J"). Runyan, of Buttervill, O., laid the peculiar dissapearance of his painful symytoms of indigestion and billions ness, to Dr. King's New Life Pills. He says: "They are a perfect remedy for dizziness, sourstomich, headache, con stipation, etc." Guaranteed at Perry A Graham's store, price 2'tc. Two lives were lost as a result of a fire in one of the temporary shacks at the Fair Grounds last Friday night, and then it was discovered that the building was constructed in violation of the city's fire regulations. It seems thst the discovery could have been made at less expense ; but that is the veryjway things are done novr-a-days, After a great disaster there is always great howl, and there it ends. Life is cheap, but capital is sacred. The best paying offices are held by Democrats, and Mr. Mitchell gels more Reduced Bates on Mtr. Iralda On and after June 22nd, 1905 tbe, fares on the Str. Iralda will las as follows, of the county patronage than any other , Kood t0 0ct I5 ,m Cobleand Kajaimv paper m u cuumy. a vo me rem- , 75. w. ,95 round trin. Hoffman Martins, Connell, Caplcs, (iOc one way. $1.00 round trip. Columbia City, Wle oneway, flflc round trip. St. Helens, 50c one way, 7'ic round trip. mint of the old Mitchell ring, if any exists it is in the Register man's iinagi- nadon, and no where else, The Mist does not believe the Regis ter's statements are indorsed by the Democratic officials of this county, We nee going to have a clean fight next year for the nominations, and the Re publicans will bo very foolish if they fllow themeelve to be kept apart ly the lilani'.yrs circulated by their common iiienii'. The Republican voters will iHimii ate the ticket and the Republican c;s Wyv't it, se or of nw or sec 27 5 2 Charlotte Hiiiliuin to R J and M Burdett sw ec22 6 3 1200 M F and L M Chaw to Thos Collag- han. s hf Sam B Burr d I A etc 015-' C G and L M Caplea to F C Caplei nnd hf int in nw qr of ne qr sec 18 5 1 1 I) A and L B Paine to L E Cannon lots 1 2 and s hf of ne rir sec 0 4 3 1000 crwm nenert vt 31 1 cnose a ni n. H. Burr d I e etc, 4) I rank and AIicj Crown to Col coun ty strip for county road in sec 35 6 2 50 E D and G G Tichcnor to C E Cul bertson tract adj N Clats CO E D and G G Tichenor to N De- Rock tract in N Clats 325 Thos B Denslow to FS Denslow lots 17sec64 4 1 W J and M S Santiorn to W H Dot son tract in Sec 28 8 3 50 Jas. N and Lizzie L Rice to M A Foirel tract in sec 8 7 4 150 G S Foster to Flora A Fow ler lots 11 15 10 blk 4 Gol.le 60 O E and E X Elliott, E B and f, A Elliot, F li and C J Elliot, Kan I) Elliott, Mark W Elliott - YV M Elliott, T J and F M Flip pen, A U and E L Palmer, (J and J M My res to Jas J Geaiy 1 acre in ne 4 sec 10 7 6 175 Same to Geo A Graham 1 acre in n qr sec 10 7 6 175 D and M K aiagill to YV H Hacker n hfof n w qr sec 8 4 5 400 Nancy C Hacker to Wrn If Hacker s w qr of nw qr and lot 4 sec 6 45 400 H A and 8 and H 0 Hansen to Man Hanson o hf s e qr of I w qrsec 15 3 2 .. 250 Jess and Fred Hendricks to 8 E Hendricks tract in A Boylcs d I c II C and (i B Johnson to M A Hiatt lot 2 blk 0 Bryants add to Clats Geo and Ann Hollers to S C Ifoad ley s w or sec 15 6 2 Moses J Lynch to A Jackson sw MONMOTH STATE NORHAL Begius its twenty fourth year the twenty -sixth of September Tli rce full courses of study, prepaiing for county anil state certificates. DEMAND FOR NORMAL TRAINED TEACHERS Longer terms, higher wages and better! opportunities for promotion award the Normal crr.n1ii.iti for his ctitemrisc. School directors appreciate the superior ability of Moumoth graduates and tliedemaud far exceeds the supply. Special attention -given to methods work in graded aud ungraded schools. Catalogue containing full information will be scut on appli cation Correspondence invited. Addres K. I). RESSLER. Pres., rJl-V. BUTI.KR, Sec. B A RG AINSnriBL j w All of A. M. Iloulton's household goods for sale!! A PIANO of reliable make: worth $300: only $175. Fully guaranteed. STAYER BUGGY and single har ness, pole and shafts. Cost $MR: only $45. The balance at prices that will move the goods. Call on, orwiite J.Q.GAGE, St. Helens. or sec 84 i Jas it, i d and ChttS Mnckle to 1 285 800 10 Cures Sciatica Bev, W. L. Eiley, L. L. D. Cuhn, cw York, writes: "After fifteen years 'of exeriisiating pain from sciatic rheu matism, under various treatments I was in, I need to try Ballaid's Snow Lini ment ; the first application giving iny first relief and the second entire releif. f can irive it iinoiiNlified rpccompnrlntinn 2'r, QIC, I.OO, 8vh by A.J. JJeminjj.j Geo Kale 10 acres sec 30 6 2. . . 120 Same to same 10.4 acres sec &i 5 2. l'.li Same to same 20.0 acres sec 30 5 2 300 V J I'rahl to U II Kiuley timber A right of way on lot 4 and I hf of ne qr sec 15 7 4 160 J B and Ida Ivegren to h mi I Love gren n hf of se qr sec 2 7 6 150 C 0 and lk-rtha Lovegren to J Ii JW'ifren se qr sec 13 7 5 3000 Julia M Lyrn to Mosee J Lyrn sw qr sec 310 2 10 W II flacker to J A Martin w hf so qr and w hf ne qr sec 20 0 6.. 800 8ame to same 11 sin 32 6 5 1 Nuncy C Hacker to same te qr nw qr, nw qr of se qr and n hf of sx qr sec 31 5 6 1100 Kntite and K M Wcstbiiry to J C Miller w hf of nw qr sec 28 3 4 600 Estate of Edw W ItinKliaui to I' J Mnnn, hunting ririlvs on laud in tp 3 I 2oo C W aud M fc Mayger tu Ci it May- (ter 2 tracts in wi 24 23 8 4 ... COO A and T A Neer to .Mrs. O K Melvin lots 35 Neer Cilv 5 J C Mill A b Monland to Kdilh B Merrill various tracts u.'ar Cintskania 1'JiO Helena C and N Ward to 1. I. Motl. t near sec 8 5 0 .. 2iiX) Thos Taylor by heritT to 8ohiii I Moiris nee lnylor, lot 8 sec I I lot I sec-23 tp 0 4 200 N A and W K Tichenor to J V M. ire land tract insocS7 4 1 Fred and Mary KUerbr to won Newmsn iilk 7 tScuppossi) nnd lj acru adjoining siiuie .... .1.0 A Hand U K 1 1 vis to II ij NicliuU lot in MelhuKt-r's add ami nnd hf e hf of seqr sec ' n qrof sw rsec 23 4 5 200 R J and Minnie Burden to 11 K and H 1'ardo sw qr sec 3J 0 3 lSXf Thos I'etlijon to Mli I'ultifihn so qrof ne qr and near of sv nr see 3.' 5 6 1 James H and Sarah A Jones to I'resbylerian church of Clats lot 1 blk 2 Cists 200 M G and Thos IVUijolm is J J I'ur ney nnd 'j of e hf of sw qr and nwqr of sw qran l sw qrofse qr sec 4 4 5 200 Chas Ii and 8 C Miller to Kellu Rentfor 5 acres sic 17 7 4 2250 Ale A.'k to B Kcjeikis w Jqr of aw qr sec 346 3 Hkj E W Drew, A M snd A I. Bi dder M Shuiidt Herman lots 34 sec 2 3 2 1200 G L and M A Wafxm to R W Scott lots 6 and 7 blk 3 Oreenwood annex . . l Ulto unci tnonnn f-wedeluion to M M .Seedelmon s w qr of ue hf see24 4 loo W A Hampton to U H and K Y Sny- I rter land in sec 13 n 2 323 John and Isabel lieyer to I) K, John ami J Arch Stewart n hf of sm qr sec 17 4 4 600 Geo M and Martha 1'aine to I'oilip hlein s e 4 und e hf of sw qr see 254 1 2 T li and K J I).;ns!ow to U K, John J Arch Stewart lot I sec 7 4 4 400 O ( Unit to fame timber on few qr of nw qr see 7 4 4 200 F K Wess to J A ftcwart e hf of se qrneer,0 4 4 fx Kum-taiil K M Westbnry to John metvart w lif ol nw qrsec 283 5 600 W K und KHa Huell t) U K, John and J Arch Nuewart hf of sw nr 1744 ftm J 1' and Anna M E Mann to Ilanard htevens huntliig ptlvilexes on hinds in tp 3 1 1 Thos H and Francis tiheen to J.jhn ritewnrt trsct in S-c I'J 4 4 . . . . 00 E W nnd Nettie S Haines to ssma lot 4 blk 1 lot B blk 2 Vernon i a 2.) Mary J Tompkins to V Tets (KJ acres sec 133 2 27." U W uiid r. J liHBliloril to Censon L A L Co nw or of se ar. n hf of sw qr and ee qr of sw qr sec sua ; .. Stephen C Ticheno-to Ida Tichenor lot 7 blk HIirvnnUville ....... N A and W K Tichenor to V W Tichenor . lot 12 3 Tichenor's nl add Juno .enor to It B Temp ton 1 acre in sec 13 0 1 , II and Abbiu 1! Morland to N A Tichenor 30 acre tract in E U Bryaiifsd 1 c 1 John and Clara (Stewart to Frank Traoey tract in pec 0 4 4 250 J A and A J Shtienson to Mux Wal ters se qr of an or sec 61 7 2 1 Fred A and Mary V lierber to I 1 Wickiftroin iiact in nw qr sec 12 8 3 V H and Knth Stanley to Ira With.. row 1 acre sec 13 6 . . . , , W A l'ress to M D Woods tract in sec 22 7 2 Ask the taeier He will Tell jcq That the VVWVWVVVVVVVVVTTTTVVVVII : H X H H M X X H H H MEN'S SUITS $9.75 The best you ever saw for the price. Other stores nsk ft$xo for uo better. NEW IUITKRNS-fia-- ask NEW FABRICS Send for one. IF IT DONT ILL:ASI: YOU, return it. IMlrsU THE AMERICAN UleiCn, CLOTHIER 221-223 Morrison .St. l'r.illaiul, Ore. H H H li ritmf.ifiif irf, itm m mmmwmvimmm' r J New Walk -Over St vies for Hen NORTH COAST LIMITED Electric I iijlitcd. is the Track Train of Them All for Comfort awl Kle- The Ticket Office at Portland int 255 Morrison, Cor. 3d, Portland A. D. CHARLTON itii&tant G intra Pau'ngtr tgtnt PORTLAND. OREGON 3 TRAINS TO TIIK HAST P.UI.Y Sr. (iisiu S3.50 AND S4.00 If AT M 11 AWm. 71 R IVikins Hotel. riUi'TI.ANU 9 0ivfN roi ,,0005 Sti 2000 6 1 295 025 000 700 Dr, Knoder utei Dr. and correct method of flclal teeth. Plate, ar. method to fit accurate, building, Portland. Green's new making artl- mad. by this 322 Mohawk AJToucliIng torjr i Hie ning from dvaih, of tlie huhy girl of Ji. A. Klyer, Cumberland, Md. Ho wrile: "At the aje of li niontbn, onr little girl n in dccliiilriB b.-nltli, illi criooa throat trouble, and to phyaiciam gave ln r up. V wi re nl moat in ilepiir, when we redycd to try nr. Mugs New IHwovcrv for Con. tumption, (,'oiigbn, and C(,l,. 1B liotlle gve lelvif ; after Inking four l,ot ilea be wan curwl, and in now in iirnnri, .-.over mil to n irire nnd i cure. co.!Kri or row. At 1',-rrv A (ir. bam'a More; 5-.)c and ! Trial Uitllo free. SHtll.) an f irpoeiiiou in 1W7, Mn-lcbriiti) om niiivi;rr ... oilier. Ii Ang-lcn wnnti to i omij,'. ,,,. fifuln ii... ......I....-.! .1 . .i in iwiu. ni'H uirt, M , Bln- i ly ,, looiaproj.vt to ciucnniiiliio Mimri in 1!C"J. Wc bcrvby prowie n ,.,K iii..ii in i uiinina, in tliu vuiir att, in ceuurationot tbu flrnt t-eiitciujiul injj of the I'anmiia C'hiihI, ItHKt.' When priina or irnilition cxint on v part of tbe body, tbe application ol Ilal bird'a Hnow Lintiiniontgivc prompt ro lif. E. W. Sulliva.i, Prop. Bnlllvan .... . i.iininent to a wboarealHictci with rhwiinatmiii. It w tbe only remedy that I ,.vs ,, that give iiiimed eta relil vr and ll.OO. Sold by A.J. fMinifiv ' In accordancn with tbo law t......,t uy mi mm wniHion ot tho li-ainlntura tbo far on tlie Northern Pacific (o Nappn vine baa been reduced from (o yy cent, while tbe fare to OilranUer la now 9 cent intend of 10 cunt, Thorn j Id rw.ll.t.... 111... 1 r"iini no imrgaii. counter rate. Ex. list and Grepiaii 1 10 uvlfl jmI -s-rf m tty -n jh? tii mi y- b I a THE IMG STORK DOWN By The Bio- Sawmill!-. IfKcciviii New VwhU Kvvvy iUy in the Wwk THE MUCKLE STORE HAS A REPUTA lion of lig Ktamllng for Only tf, fle It) -GKNKRAL IER(HAI)ISI- n IJart & Muckle. h1 k1 St. Hi lens, Oregon. IC. THE FAIR MOUNT Comer ilf.i an I Uj).lnir .trrcta at l!,c f,,t KP ,lf Kxjij-, A first class modern hotel, at tlie most reasonable rates. A family liotd, where guests from the country may be assured of good treatment In connccii.iiiv.iili ih hotel will U: found the' most reason .lennced first class restaurant in the city of Iortlaiid. Special accommodations for lanje families. t,ct yonr dinner at Tim 1'airmounT before entering the grounds, and .avoid the hich prices inside restaurants are compelled to charge TilM FAIRMOUNT, Cor. 2GHi and Uixshur Sts. When la Fortland Uo to Tbe Kmpire Komtaurant, 102 Third Ktruct, three door Houth of Caker The tre. Meal from 15 cent up. Open day and tiinht. Oyster in any ntyle. Wm. ISohlandur, l'rop., formerly of tbe Koyal, 1st and Madison, HKHIIINK Render the Wl0 more fluid nnd ll,i. help tlie blood to flow; it iiir-ord prompt releif from billiotiHiiem, ii.iiim.Hiii, i,.l and iii-i voin lieniliicbuN. uml Ilium itnlnl gence in food and iliink. (. I,. Cadwell, Atft. 11. K.'lk T 11 U ?TU' Im' .'J'rr April' ml 100.1. 1 ua Kick l.r over two veaia with enlargement of the liver and apleen 1 ho doctor ilid mc no ijoo.1, ni,; ,, i o.'inir etui),! W.(... iny dnii!it0,lvi(i, , ,0IIW) ,.Hlilh, J.I inn IIIHOU 1110 Kill ml Hlld Well " Hold by A. J. Im t tif;. 5()c 1'OK POKTINA ljAir.v IRALDA C. I U00GHK1HK, Matter. st. n;;t iJa.kT'R.'.'ftrS Niiumv i-i Hi.ic. coavariHciMiJ. I II. t.OlifltKT, ATTOKNKY-AT.LAW. llenl Tluiliur Uu.lniilil Hint All, I run, niuili,. 8T. 1IKI.KNH, OIIKUON. v. Kiw iiKit, ATTORNKY-AT-LAW. ll.UNiBii, or, i o 3 3 3 5 i i