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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 18, 1905)
..lit mi, H'1 ' ... i I -l.lMren ee. . B, IMllxni - . . u.i. ,,.! f mill scvrral uTmr-"'"'"1- 1,11 ltarl.HI I.IW.IWH. " 1. Kir. !." y-tlWIIho wucaie, ft 4.,ii,l.v. I Rock Crrtk , k"ri i i.. hear suuit uU r,U,,, . . .... ... u.l.t. I..I u. itm I" ' ' , " 7" JrM Suu,u vUlt w,,hl,U Tho C. Kalanw. !' ftj,, lst m- ,,r'"" 31mA.-.I-; ((,A(nri Mu. kl. oi ruruauu, u .. . ... 1 1 Jink While H. wl ... Ml Mm He. Kll. U vlall- relative i.ilUi.cilytliU week. Iln. M. C, Of y loniauu iv wstMfir- fjWIihsw tlll"l. ftv to tlr -oJ, it .-.nK Harry Wed' comri L to Cotumbt Comity's nuotU t A, WtlUwcli irtin, rtil and lriM WW lJcurrrtc. HI term mtnrtatotlm pound. I'our iiitart In th (tnll.iii. Never Ics tlmii twelve to the ilmrii. And mi K""! t-tiat requires irtiilum touinke Until nrll. M.C.UUAY, Hi. ll.O.ina. I liv ttiiMMy to lunii on apptuvcd rralctUlc tccuilty. W. II.I'OWI'.U., HL Helena, Ufcgon. TuefUy lt wm the Idrtlulny ol otir worthy h.rlir, Mr, Martin White, who hu Ims rcctdtd npm tlili tnundn lirc ut on hull century, It alio lMutd hi tw the iUW 4r the KniKhU o( I'ytliUM to meet, nd M Martin ii on o( them It wm quirjly nnouncd tlut Itrr work hour there would U a little uniethliiK doing In tin Mgt room, and Mr. Whlla would rntcrUtn the Incatheni and lew Invited gursl. The entertain mrnt came In the loiui ol h cream and Cake, Co fire and water Melon, with cl"r lor the turn, and alter thee were dn4cd ol, Mr. White'i gimU a mined tlwinrilvc In a variety ol way until the hour came lor dUpcrlii( It wat a very pleatant atlirritiK, and all (fcaent rt irraarl llio with that the hut m i(1it have many more auulverMrira and tlmt the lutrrvrnlng yean may he u happy and pf uaperuui a can (all to the lot ol luan. Itorn To the wile olj. II. Reaver, ol St. Ilrtni, AiiKUit H, l!V, a daii(hter. Mr J. Clark, ol ,Skanr, Wah., U Viilting hrr hmther, Mr. J. 8. Millard, ol Ihitnlare. Mr. Millaid and hia itcr tb. Waa. Kulletton aen.U ar , fci Mlrt ,rt urJi vr. bllh fillecii lai! ar IU le oi a lata tru lt. and Mr. Amot Slaveu ttkton at' l1" keisht. Nmitt to irl out fire ia aerUc iti tkr pmii'" " J"'l .(watr U I'.. A, Htwia, U. U. Hon- ;!! t.. KdK C. WHco, A. U IV u,(he. . A. WKK.Owl'KW, Mr. Martha UitliardHin, ol Portland, I visiting at the home ol hrr aon, Mr. I). A. Klibardaon, ol Ihitcity. Mtu I.ulu GcwrRt and hrr (fiend Mia (irae Miller, ol Oregon City, I vUiting Mr. A. II. ieri!e at Aeaalde. Mr. HA lleoric-1. who recently under- went arrimit iiiemtlou at (he hmpllnl ultw. K. Hlark. I'liti AnllkerandS.,1''!""'' II fo'.r. T1k are all the permit that The Weleyn Mellw'iaH are conduct- lardmliiTuc.ia ol tiie lirrwni.tug at imp meeting uie picuie Kn.t , and. under the law any ri.n Mut Burin ul Umn, nuner uie nireetum rt..tot fire ltjeen June 11 and ol Rev. Culhrftaon. Tbo attendance I Utar u. mtltoul havlnn otiUinnl a inllc Urge and ciuiderljl intrrett U qwnnr(ri,w punwnn ,H,.' f'l A'lVlAViw 5 Mra. I'.. U. Iliilli)niid grand daughter Mcttia Akin, of UwUtou. Idaho, who have lawn viaiting Mr. and Mr. W. II. Conyai., the mt lew week, returned to their home Saturday morning. Clataknnie trilic No. I I luitwovcd Or der ol Ked Men, will attend the Regatta ill a liouy on the 2tli ol thi mouth, and will take purt In the reception of Iwi and Clark and their guiile, Sacjijawc, who will arrhe on the morning of the H'lli. Captain John K. Akin, of Iwiaton. Idaho, vitited at the residence ol W, II. Co)naud wile, lat week, returiilug home on .Saturday lout. Work ha coininciiced on the new Preahytcrian church in Ihia place. The louudaliou liaa laxn laid and Die min ister will soon have the building complet ed and ready (or service. The building III be an ornament to the city. It Is being built on the comer of second and Nchulcm Ave, on the site ol the old blacksmith shop, where the old populist Mrty win Ixiru lu these part. Mr. Ceorge Ilunce, an old and respect ed citiuu ol thi cit) , died very suddenly at hi home at an curly date last Sunday morning, ol heart trouble and asthma. Surviving him are hi wile and three children, Thomas, Hud. and Mr. Ilciatt. all ol whom reside at this place, l'unerul services were held from the Methodist church, Kev. ). K. Hawkins officiating. Alter the funeral service held in the church, a large concourse ol relative and Iricnds lollowcd the body to the garvc in Woodland ccuietry. We learn that a Urge nuuilwr ol citirns ol this place and vicinity, at tended Illinois day at the Imposition, on (emiri. huMiui! ,-. i... .,..1-..':.., fel-enlr, law.. all i IIUIMIMJ, HIV I . Ill 1DM, HHNIUil ol tlie natives ol Illinois reside in these part. It is rejorted that the grade over the mountain between Clatskauic and the Nchalrut valley will Min be finished so Hut team can travel lliat way instead of over the old teep grade, traveled ever since thi country was a hole in the ground. The county court deserve great pralac in their effort to improve the road instead of building a new court bouse at thi time. Mia Mary Tichenor. of thi city, who MOTIt'K TO TAXPAYERS. According to the decision of the attor ney general, complaint against the aiseMuieiit must be made on or before the fir.t day of the meeting of the Board of Kqualiiation, and the Board I not compelled to remain in eion more than one day, If they can transact their buainest in that time; therefore it urged that all person having complaint of any kind to make against the assessment, file aid complaint with the county clerk on or !efore the first duy of the Board, other wise they may forfeit their rigth of consideration. The board meet the 2flth day ol August. The A. A C. K. R. will sell season ei- cnrslon ticket from Houlton to all Clat sop lleacb point and return, continuing until ScjfeuiUr lfttb. at M "r the round trip, good to return until Octolatr 10. COUNTY BUKVEYOR'rf NOTICK Office of Count) Murreyor nf Columbia Co , Ht. Helena, Or , July as, 1'JUf). To W. B. WrlKbt, Jiiku Vobnian, Jr., U. T, Ntmlei. J, f. 1'etera.tu. Julia K. JbcoImou: You ar hereliy noiinM that '"loi Hachmsn. Jr., the owner iA tlx aorta half nf th aouili east iurieranu a irael In tb aomhwea! quar tar of iba riRltivt uuaner of sm-tlon 24, town ship uorth, raiiic weal, W. M., has ordered me, a enuuiv anrvryor of Columbia County, Oreaon, ti aiirvry ami eaubllib lb llnea and corticra of tb aforefluW! tract of land; sod, lu oinipllaiir wlib aald order, I will be upon aald tmmiUcaon lb aSMh day ol Aiikh. 1'jO.i, to ba sin aaid Burvvy. and will than ir(Meet to aur vey and mark out anld comera and boundary HncHialoreaald: and you, aa oua of Iba oarllea to ba arTeeiod by lb aali survey, are hereby noiliied to be prvent at aald tlmo and (ilacc to prou-et any interest you oare merein. W. T. WATT3. Coanty Rurveyor ol ColamUa County. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT In I he Couuiy Court of the Bute of Oreton for ibe. Couuiy ol lilumbla. In tlie tnatlt r ol the taiata ul U. K. Ineomljeleiit person; XutM'e U beri.Cv alven by the nnderalcned tbeauardlau ollhaeatate ol U. K. Ahranu. an lii-uin.l,.nt I'eraou, that ho baa flle! In tbt abote eiitltie.1 etitirt hi, nnai aec-ount or hi an- iMiniirailoii up,n the wtid eiate, and that the lion. H.M. llattauJudKet'l the above entitled l naturuav. tn in nay ol one o'f'lork p. tn, ol sittu day utile time, and tbe court room of aald eottrt at t. Ileluu. Uieeon. aa the plans of bearing aald accouut and tlie aetlletnettt of aald admin istration; at wbieb lima and plaos any perioD Ihlererted may appear atMt Bia objections la wrliuif to aald aovuuul. k. A. LISESLElf. Guanlla of lb KrUM at l. K. Abrama, an to o.m etent persou. prrait. i uljr t lo a fine ol not lea that iiauormu-nluu l.',o t imprison ant w t!w ounir j'I nut lc '"n one sMlh or nwte l,hn out year. Mr. tth Urd t' OHiUlbulei Sample ischoU'liili ahrat and liulli Iwrley jr.ld.t of i single grain. Thefralit of dth Uat produced Pud grlnt, and UM(in ol htillea barley produce! 4)l pisi. CmbU t;jnnlf show lllly pl- ko( grtint and traa", Inclu l ug SUMMONS In tbe Circuit Court of th IttaW af Oreeoat for ilu. t.untv ol toloHljia. Wm. Maefionald. pUlnliff, vs. Anna MatOoav h, oeienoaui. To Anna Marlionald, defendant abara named In the uame ol the Male of Oreton aa hereby reoutrt-d to appear und anawer lae euai plalut nled aiainat you In lb atnv eatitled vilt on or helore the but day proaorlbad la th order ul publication or the auuicions, to ailHUR) , l Ml OBJ , wwwvr. It)'.; arlt, t... I n vi.iiino in Califoruia durinir the " apiwar and snaaer, lor "ant thereof ba been viwling in t.ainoruta uunng inc .,,,, ', ,illy lo (oriueiv- sumuirr vacation, returned home Mon- tial prei f jr in hia eomplaiut: to wit, for a . . ! iiM-rui iiiaMilvltie ibe bomla ol matrlutour and day morning ami will t ready lo la llllir,H, eiUilu between you aod Wrlnetay night. Mr. Jack IUHk returned from tlie Wpilal in Portland on Thursday last lie is able to be about, Imt is still fa from well. Fresh Cows for Sale, With Calve, by C. Saucrvetn, four milts wet of Yank Ion. TImmc who attend the camp mectiug service mut retiiemlicr lliat the min ister re rntitled to a rcxttul hear tUtl, otts, rya Ur toy, atalke clover, jn)j tn, .hmI order. They desire the prcsrucc ol th )oung eople, nut tney alai ho that they will conduct them selves in an orderly manner. Those who fail to teapcvl tlie rights ol other mu.t be lat king in sell rcl t. neWd grai, ailalfa, Italian rv gr. rrUkri, el.-, life 1 ho II (bat awutirr eijlit fmt slid four Indira, wrhetmri ten leet long, timothy over if lert lollj(, rail about the UIC k'iflit TUrw grain ami graea arw Iksrtasl tf sitytlting that ran las found alio? Aflruliuial buiMlug, and eiclte th tdriiirjtinn of our visitors. They fool Irotu etery art f Colombia Ciantf.tu.l (airly repre-sent tbt capa- Uliiie J aur A new eihilill thi rk la c ul honey frtitn Mm. Free- ib's (arm at lir lalaud; l0 coll IxIrrsUeiieat alufT in the way of aiil.', rejaublr, etc, and a Ctirtosllv in Ibe (arm o an Assyrian squash, ralarxl from Maaorled el by II. MorfU, ul ft. llcUi. Ceorgt Clark, St. Helen man, wa tkrawia Ituin the steps of a passenger ttits helaeru Suiuiuit station and Cor rillii. Clark and three other pengera, lo la.lict sn l gciitlemtrj. were tand ii on the pUtlunn when the train struck (turn curve, a id Clark w.a thrown clear oil tte train, Alt who iw him hll were sure he wat killed, good luck lose s.ive l him. The train waa stopped wl hacked upas soon a possible to where M fall, snd live escitcd passenger and w conductor ran lack to carry th In lrtd man Into the train; bat aa they "tie Mundiiitr the curve where lie fell thty uin the man they eccted to ny, Irauirely walking toward them a cool it il nothing hsd happened. Hut '" the train reached lite city Clark "w ahakelng up had taken effect and to men were o'digett to carry biui from " train, lie has a anralned ankle and attft arm that refused to do it duty at remit ol ilw 1. Th Idi aula steering convention to rrccouieii I candidate lieforo Ihe UepuU-"c-iu priiiiariti bat koen nbaiidonoJ. Hocl blea lo ahaiidou. Ninety-three hunter license were lued hy Clerk Mcndersoii up to August 'Wi. the hrginnlng of the open eon IwiUcr. The feel one dollar, ind goes tn the HUte, though the coun hr hsve to do the work and furnish the tatloncry. II. J Wuturs viiltcd PortUifi Pi Monday hist, Out ol a cliiai of liiteon applicant for ty pniier at the rxamiuntion hut ' Ho- lolltmliig rettelued certificate"; ' H i Htgrald, Vcrnonl WlnnKrod )'" Ui II, Majgor! EIU M. Atiitin nd '"" II. Jnhnton, CUUkanlet Vlrgle riulmid, IUInier; Mary V, Aiulflitwn "ir,.a.afj Kvn K Ahleriimn, Diiyton; "ii"m J. Ketul. St, llulen! Mnry I "I'itn, Umivlns; Charlotto Cliorcli and "o K, Kondf, Portland; Aniiotto I. '""ton, Astoria; Jf, (Iritham, iwi Wash, lpplli-ant for atafo ctr city Tuesday selling product ol the (arm bile Mr. Rsmu is engaged in roialug the prtxluct lor market. Mr. I, T. Kelley, who ha been lel ng chittim bark in this section ol the country, is now gathering In and storing is hark preparatory to shipping tne same to tlie German markets. W. A. 1111 and bis brother Joseph, who recently came Irom Pennsylvania, made a fiying trip over the mountain to the Nehalem valley, last Monday. the (all alike ( jinp. Come, let us quit the city' grime And hie ourselves alar tteyond the Iwutid of brick and lime Aboard thechoo-choo csr. Let' shake the dust and smoke and dirt, Tlie starchy dud we wear. And In the negligee-some shirt tie fresh and free a air. We'll go and dwell within a lent, We'll sleep beneath the moon And havu no thought ol mommy re-" That coineth, ah, too soon! a a I 1 a We'll cook our (ruga! lre ami lea.i Beneath the evergreen And fill u thrice a day (t least) With bacon, bread aud beans. What matter. II tbe chlggcr set Ills (antra within our flesh' We'll scratch and make the beast regret He ever got so fresh. Wbt matter if the night lie chill, Tlie niovniotf air be damp? Thre'll be no microbe there to kill They do not like to camp! We'll sit along the lisping stream Ami snare the silly trout; And then we'll seek our cot and dream While icphyrs sigh a llnoui. Then, thi suburban outing o'er, We'll niosey back to town And hear that tle remark once more "Gee, Imt you're lookiug Drown. 8UMM0NS lo the Circuit Court of the Stale nf Oregon for tb County Columbia. It. P. finch Wiaiu, plaiutin, vs. W. M. W 11.1, delenil-ut. To W. M. Vtlxht, detandanl ' named: lu the name ol the hUteol On-tron jou are berepy required lo sppi arand anawer the com plaint Hied aaln,l foil In the above enililed auli on or helore the hurt day arrlbed In the order ol r-ubllcottou ol Die summon,, to wit. Monday. tb l day ol October, ltt; and II you fail xi to aptxMr aud anawer. for want thereof , , I tbe plaintiff win spiny m nwwun lor uig op Mauv of our people have visilea tne ( , v)r,j.j for ln ter eompiaiut, to wit, lor a l-:jaition and many more win v.iu. .t . toi ; Uler on. piainun. fVAatatAatta-attaafcaVafh AAaVat HAlNlKlv I bun luril, liflinit-, wtri Kdn A. White, BhuvIm, Knu KuhvA. Jnrkson, Houlton "I Wll.I, MHKT VOU ON THK The prettiest T.e wit and Chirk iir hitlg p,il,ii,ht.,l. IScnd lric 'to the cMoscr. I'dwin S. Stwlm. rnrest a i I t al. ...1..1 a,i aaiii. ' til UlalintllT. p ncr K-nooi tsneu toe a r f,,,u,mnn, puWllhed ' to,. uljiTnl sia unimona la Dubllshed la the Oreiron Ulil l.i- rll.l.Tcil Hon. U. H. Ilsltau. indireot Ul j Cimniy Conn oicoiuimu twuntr. wnun orue: Mrs KaillUIIS. Ol .Oll lllil was iu mv waa maov ana onierew vu mv oui u"l " lau and tha dale of th Brat DUblieatli i ...,: ...( lunn - -. - - -. . . -. ..... ihi-reol belli tne lin day ul Aotui, auu tbe u -pi. win, iwi. C. II. MUUOTT. Attorney lur ih e plaintiff OUR MAMMOTH HLD3UMMER Clearance Salei IN FULL BLAST NOW. Great Reductions in All Departments. A FEW OF THE BARGAINS WE OFFER: Now 15c ladies' hose 12!yC kimono hdkf 65c hrrtwit 7.rc dressing welt 35c waist set 6lc leather betU 15c novel 90c corset 75c lace collar 25c ide comba 8c lawn j .SOlace curtain 25c ribbon 25c child' lace hoe 35c child' dree 35c boy'l washwaisU 60c sash ribbon per yd. . . GOc men's underwear fVJcribtied drawer fl .25 all wool " ft sura'r wool underwear. il.25 men'dre thirt . ftc " " " 65c boy " " hoc leather belt. 25c cap PILLOWS ..Now I . " 3 lor .10 .25 .39 .4fl .ii M .08 .75 ja .18 .06 M .18 .19 .24 .24 .38 .50 jsa .95 .69 79 .53 .39 .60 .15 400 64c can 3oc tnea'l summer nwts 40c boy 25c Bya' worksbirt 10c aox 15c black so 15c linen collar 75c felt hat 50c children 'a hats 2.50 ladies tan shoes 2.25 " lck oxford $1 .00 aanflal f 1.A0 ladie' kid ihoe $lj0 red kid hoe 1.85 Un oxford Misae f4.00 Walkover hoea p. 00 vicl kid shoe 1 1.60 canvas shoe 2.00 dancing pump (1.85 satin calf (hoe 2.00 porting hoe - jt.OO vel'reTf Blncbrs f .00 handmade crusr'a $-1 00 " um'r logger ft.03 heavy loggers COMFORTERS 3 pt .49 .23 .27 .10 .33 .25 .10 .10 .55 .35 1.95 1.90 1.45 1.25 .95 1 &j 3.35 2.60 1.25 1.65 1 60 1.65 3.45 4.55 5.15 5.25 950 "Superior" Steel Ranges, large ovens, high closets $29.35 "Our Home" No, 8 Cook Stoves 9-35 Full Size Iron Beds - ,.2-b5 Large Kitchen Treasures $3-45, Best Hard Vheat Fiour, 81 25' Oysters 10c; Best Breakfast Bacon, 16c; Choice Picnic Hams, 12c: Standard Tomatoes 95c per dozen; Sweet Corn, $1.18 per dozen; poultry neumg i p t". L.SWETT, - RAIWIER n I I ..lalollli 1 ' 7 . . , , 1 1 . 1 , . - rkMAAH Witt by order ul Hon, H. H. Katun. Juilna of the i t:uuiy four! of Columbia Connie, which omer waa mails ami entered on Ihe ITthday ol Att aim. I'JOi. and tbe dais of the llrai pulilleatlon thereof tlna ibe lath day of Auiuo, Hui, and lhel.Beniurwin...a. .,., Mmri or ncmrnox t mttlx to miN iichii. OoMaToneoa. Jaly 10. JHi. T .11 Baeaaaa eoaewswd: To and aAeh of yoa will take .. iaa 1. . will asi tba i a J. ly to th. County Cowrt of Combla Cooa J. aiaua ( Ortma, for a lleaaa. to sell aplrttooua. vlaoua aad saalt llqaoes aaa too. for a ptrimt ona year, la the vlllaaa C Oobls. 5ila Preelael, Columbia County. Oraaao. which apallcaltoa will b baaed apoa lb roiiowia wu-- FBTrrion. ta th Cewaty caaarf t taa otata , i," ,Z .a.i laeal votara and rea- 71 rti. aM.lnet. la Colombia Coua- tr, Btata of Orsoa. aad who hava actually raided la aaia preomc ' - - W th? ll. U",J'1' would rpeaolly petltloa your Honorable ibTSS. olV'of i.oi.. l.Oi. to b. bald la tb eourt hoaaa la tha City or at. not "SiT . il. T i. Vraaud to S. B- Butt. . vunu, and malt llaai " . m i. ouaatltla laas thaa ..ii. in Oobla Pwslact. ta th villa of Oobl. In aald Columbia Coaaty, tata Or.". al that ld neaa ba ld to aald 8. B. Hutu for a parlod ol JJl year 7Z" a,k a of SeDtamber. 11. All . ..... ntiiiAnara will avar pray. m8,;r-l-r.d Woodham. J- RfJ'JJ . a..u n n Hunter. T. C Watox. 7:. -J,...., M.mrr Blaka. A- 1. Vaa L:.... in.b Tn. Lnwraae. J. B. u ... n a rottr. Heary Waaaae. Basil T.,i.. rs.r r k. MaRiaatar. c ZZZ C C. rawlar. Aba UK Fowlee. it. Hmmm " While visilinR A. l'ctcrson in his scow KaKlcclifl, W ash. Otto Uncn. who was intoxicated, iusultcd him. Kvaent- Ing these insult, l'ctcrson ortlcrett Him out ol the place. Infuriated wilB rnge Urson grahhed a lmtcUcr une anu assaulted l'ctcrson. inflicting four severe wounds about the head ndanu. l"eter- sou' tUughtcr. Mrs. Hen toolcy, ner hahv and another man witnessed the lit could render no assistance. Attorney lor tbe plaintiff. NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION. Vnited State LandOffice, r...,lln,l rtrecrnn. Tulv llUl. VMjfi. NOTICK IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT in compliance with the provision t. ri M rntipressof I u tie 3. 1S78. en titled "An Act for the ale of timberland in the State of Caliioruia, uregon, i. ...A u o.l.i,iitnn Terrilorv." as ex , n ... i ..u o ' - - , . , tendetl to all tbe fuunc uina ow "J act of August 4. 12, Kdwonl H. Flor- Fare. . wM.. .. Aaron itownrv. v. a" - nur.k juk w rare. j. I. nnr. Bllntsr, uo rewer. r new. ;7.,: t u T la m . w .i i ear. rr." . Im tr ' n.r.. u'orwL Haary Moral. Jaa. KOj nade. win i'i"v. w 'w- n.OM r?. Hovare. A. tnr. R. U Kaany. W. B. (aicaedl Raubaa n- o. Keanady. St. C. Btroble. H. Wl Millar. S. B. BtrTTH. -i..... n PnHlanrl. Countvof Multuomah Tlie nun w brought here for mcdicl lState'of Oregon, ho thi day filed in thi attention hut hi. HI w doubted. He ' ffice W. . worn Xht oVi i. .I.1I,I. fnini the OS of blocxl, Dili uicri- - - - . . . .. "-""" . 1 Section ?o. r.ieven viij m i"i' , will, with careiun attcnuon, No arrest have been made. J. Nelson had enough trouble btt week to last him a while. A snon time .he look in aud clothed tramp ooy. T Four 4) Nortli Range No. Four t) -., w itr and will offer oroof to how that the hind sought is more valuable for iu timber or tonc than for agricultural n..n.e anH to establish hi claim to iaid Und before RegUter and Receiver at He gave hi.n work on hi. farm, trusting ,t Port tend ; U .v.t.,c ovu him entirely. Snturtl.y hi. daughter d.vof (Xtobe r.J p. fell Irom a tricycle and broke tier arm. 0wer)i ol Portland, Oregon; John . During the eicitement. the lioy ran away R.y, of Portland, Oregon; George F. inmng tnc . new Smith, of Kalania. Wash.; Wnght P. taxing wm. ....- b- - . ... . vernonia. Oregon. MOT1CB FOB rVBUCATION. (Timber iJtad Aet. Jaa . ! Vlnltad "ata Id Omej, Notice la lvea that l '"'" ..J ... r tha act of Cob m .1 i.a. i lilt, entitled "b aet "Ji,"Sr.'-"n7 aatA to all th. . .. ni.iaa h net ot August r o...r nt Varnaals. eoun lSSS.ueora.y. T-.- ... ,hH ai m this oltlfflco his swora state; . no. . '.' v or iwetion ",-,;;-.; nrnor kta foe Its timber or stoaa than for art Sli'tu'r" i-riU. aad to to aald land narora w, ealvar at Portiaaa, orj. . ih, atn anv or wcwo.r. . A Touching riiorr i. ,i.. ..ttmr from dealli. of Ihe l"y girl of Jo. A. Klyer, Cumberland. Md, lie write: "Attho B0 U mo.Hhi .... ii.. i nae lii declininil hunilii mir iit. a--- . . , . ..i.i. ul...,n llirnat trouble anil t Willi W.i-.w- . ..i..i..u..a oave hrr un. We wro nl .... I., .Wool r. whim we reolvel to try Dr. Klnil" New DUcovery for Con sumption, Cough., and cold. The flr.t bottlll gV0 IIMI i "II" 7 , lie. tha wal eurwl, ami now u. i Nvr full, to reloivn aud cure. 'cough or cold. At Terry A Orn- ham'i torei Wo nu i . Triul hottla froe. KEAL KHTATK. Trii.cllon recorded tinoo Juno 23, WM. Alex Ak lo BoUHkC Brjike W qr nw qr too 21) 5 3 A M mid A L Batlger to ilonnun fkhiiihlt, loU8 4cc2 S 2 MJ flnhor to Bini Aiu'-in ' ClarnJ Annnrd, mid 1 f W acre 4 4 1 quit elnlm K (J mid 0 W lhndifoid to Hfimiii 1ir.lnif Co, nw qrnoqr, w qr find o qr w qr neo 3 J100 121)0 11X1 n in S3 7 ;iio pair of boot. The henB 01 AStor.a on hi trail. . , Thunulav morning a byslantlcr noticeo treat volume of smoke iwuing from the tide of the buiUliug occnpieu uy They proved to be coming from a pile of rubbish .lid empty dryg.wd. boxct that lav at the tide ol the building. The fire wadue to the carelessness of some ,...!. i itirew a burniot! match liriiunnu " tli rulilillih. Miotics Inc. and Kthtd Drydcnt, of iwit.n.1. attended the dance here Satur day niKht. The Drydcn family will soon live in Rainier again. Mr. Oliver who has been visiting her n.i famllv returned to her atm v . iw.ine-Knndav. ,.. - j ...... i Mrs. ltd Jume went to rortuiiui day morning to spend a few nay. vi.iv Inir friend and to taae m Miss Virgie Pritchard returned to thi .. aflnr titiuninz n ici" Cltyr rmay " "-"---. h . r,f leach na at tn i"' - Mi. Coin ofrortland it visilinR ' aunt. Mr.. Holesnpple. Mm. Jnred Wilson went to W Satranhiy morning to Vltii ur u-utt..... Mr. Soiinclaml. Mr. l)viof Portland who ha been visiting Mr. Mile, returned to her home Thurmlav night. vi.-Wdson returned to her home in thi City nftcr having "t six mouth vlsitimr rclntivc. In I'."K'-:- Me. Chcotiire and daughtci m...i.i,a ,.f I'nrtliind. arrived here Fri day to upend short time visiting friends, Carl and Clyde Stewart went to Port, hmd Satunhiy to icud a conpic oi uay, visiting- . .. .. .11 wnuml rlaliuinir adverselv the above described land are requested to tile their claim in tin omce on or war fare said 5tU ilav OI ucioocr, i.. . . . ........ .' a ineuocD U.i.i.l.r Al.Ur.KNUW o. UBM-iiii Chsballs. Waah.i John W. rum. ton. oragoa; r. Oracoa. ,h"ibo".-drlb I..4. ar. W-tri lo ii! tTrir elalms In thi. ollle. e or before aald 4th day of October, AL.uaEHr,u. CONTEST NOTICE- MEN S . FIRST-CLASS SUITS $10.00 The Bast you have ever seen. FABRICS in Worsteds, Ce viots and Cassimeres. Hand-Worked Button Holes, Hand -Padded Collars, s ewm with silk Olherssaj $15 for Equal Qnalitj. Coma Early aal Cit Hi M WHEN YOU SEE IT IN OUR Att IT'S SO. Moyer Clothing Co., THIRD AND OAK, PORTLAND Wadaesday. H. a.m .-K-- of Houl-FHUbar. ot elalmla edraraalr ISO. DKB88RR. Re later. AXMKHHORM SOTICs. Or iaa.B... HOAKO OF EHUaYUBAIUf". or Oregon City, Oreron, Jnl li 19M . , .ffiilavlthavine tieen filed - ,i.i. b Alexau.ler Aek, eonteatatit ,;ln.t homesteail entry No. MM, " J."1T S7,wi. r a S. r a N. s. set'tiim. ;-i- - ,-r"-hieh ilHmLl th.t eonteslant la well aetinaiutcd "... ..7.. ..f l.n,1 .mhraeed 111 lite aald Willi i". .. -: " ""7.7."" ,,,,u lion oi iiiw www, 7"';- ..i. Lnwnkl. eiltrvinall. SIHI nimieirw ii.. v ....... ) aLaiiiUiiied aa'UI claim and lhal Uiey have never n-Hlileil ii' "r eultlvatcl or Improved ibe imu r-ln.-e nmitliiir entry thereof, or l aU. I hat i .....,.,0n .ilwl alwut lierenibar JO, MO . nil,! th names ot tlie helm of eutrymau are srned, and llil lh 1'eirs of eiilryman are unknown anil their reMilenp can uot tallied, and lht sal.l allwe-l uld land waa not due to, hia or h s halra m So tuenl la lh Army. Savy. or HariH , Corp. 5 lh Unllt prttTtKi ''S,r' aearuau, or m.riiie. .,,. " 7", ordtirlnt any olhar war 111 Jhtehih Lnlted 5" f.y .offeTJ.ia.t.oe tnuehlUK said lleilon at 10 o'elock a. m. on number ft. ISO, belora the ! and Ma oelver al Ih United "! Und Otflc lu Port- ."?iUy,"L-, ha.lne.lna Bronsraffl which Ihowl.;.t afiir Una dlll-eo rjr.on.1 service ol lhl nmme oan not ha made, Ills hrohr or.lare.1 and illrerled 11 eh nolle b ,,y,.u by due anil Keeel Notle Is h.rby lv. that apoa in "V the u of .,u.l...tloa '!" !: .w. nm. th. County Clerk of Co at .... . , Mhllnt. lumbla county. """"-"- ZTA .mine th aMM.mnt rolla. all error, tn valuation. o '"'"" duality of lands, lota, or other Property H .. m. nine, this llth day of J THE COLUMBIA COUNTY Abstract and Trust Co. Titles Examined, Abstracts Made, Non-Residen Taxes Paid. Real Estate, Loans, Etc E. E. QUICK A. M. HOLTON, Proprietor. Dated at my ofBc thi Hth day of July. 05- . T l.lltH. Aneaaor ofColumbla County. Oros, SUMMONS In th Circuit Court ol Uie State nl Orc n lor the County of t'olumbla. William Werner, plaintiff, v.. Helena Werner, ilelemlalil. GUARDIAN'S SALE Ko;tce ia hereby elven that by virtue ai an r- Merof the County Court of the stale of "reeon for Ihe County ul t oiumoia. niwie on theHOth d.y of July. n,l "" the piardian.hip ol the estate ol Charles Hen- dileks, minor, tne uruoiiim, "kTJSL ol the estate of aald minor, will, on Ihe -"."th dayolAuiraal, WOi, at she hour of ten oeloek tn the forenoon ol said day. st the court honse door In 8t. Helena. Oreiron, aell at publie aiir- tlou. for cash In hand, tno loiiowiim iie-ri.i.. raal propertv belonging to aaul minor, llnile1 In therountr ol Columbia. Hlate ol Oregon to-wlt: An undlvlde.1 one iHlh Interest in aud to the northwert qna-ter ol aeetlon nineteen, suil theuorth hull ol tlie southeast qtutrU't l aeution twrntv-nlne. In township live onu, rauva two west oi "iu mimhmiv... ,...,........ NOTICK FOB rtJBUCATIOJf. To Helen Werner, defendant: Bml ft) an undivided one tilth !"tfnti.n hereby notified that th plaintiff herein basllled tJ,IIK tive acres. liuu-d In aatd coiinly and . comploiiit aK.lnst you iu Ihe bone enililed we w. U.Klllllt: at the southwe't cor- Departmrat of the Interior, Land Office at Portland. Oregon. July IS. 1. Notie I. h.reby fleen that tba following aaraed aettl.r ha. Sled notice of hi In tention to mak. float proor la support or hi. claim, and that aald proof will ba mad bofor. the Regl.t.r and R.elver at Port land. Oregon, on Bept.moar .""" - Ueopold Pupont. H. K. No. 1178. for tn 8. 13. H of Seetlon JS. T. N.. as. a . II. name tn louowing . e ht. eontlnuou. reeldenca upon anu w ration of mM land, vis.: Alexander A.k. of Yankton. Oregon: Cor arllua C. Moyer. of Y.nktoa. Orogoa; Char le. J. Wallace, of Yankton, Oregon; Aaron 3. Kulley. of Houlton, Oregon. AI.UERNOS SJKlE32)!!S court and cause, and you are hereby remilred , ,,,,' thr,y lu sulil township live toi-sr and auawer Ihe said eoiiuuaiiit. "r (h e IW,WB-t ol the W ill"iw '"': ? i; ,.,?rrV;,m, Vrlid by lb. order o( '"t,":.,?. "i". vr;.i 7 or ueior tefntarr 1. lDWi are! that II yon l" ' . na Him mtmm m nisM imtb iiviviui anu .!- ":""'-:..; ..,.-li m been. SrUaud iT-d aSillP.1y f. the eourt lor tharelief praywl lor In lh complaint, to-wtt. a decree loreeerdfastdeliw th Ixiida of nialrl iSmVuav existing between yon and the pl.iii- Uff and for seh other roiiet aa me "'" dm. proper snd equitable, Tho Am , of the Strit publlestlon t this sumniona Is r ' lay. h list day ol Juiy. iw, eou o. thrrel is Friday, the nrst MTaKIWHSO s" 167J. JOHN A. BECK DEAUtR I! Watches, Diamonds, Silieriarfl, -...JEWEURY.... Kcpairing a Specialty. JorruvaUI.FrBl tint, POBXLaJID, list & thi nUBimoui In i a I. .... ulatlkUT inn M.lltn IlllV HI aniss i,'i,.u ,S nxls; thence notih . nxls; I hence weal as rods to in sen n" theuee .otilh 3 rod. to the l'10,tJf;'j',ln8' W. H. Powell, attorney tor gtiart'i.u. , NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION tTimber Land, Act June 1 17) 1 U nited States Land Offlce, Fori land. nr.. juiy iu, liTh Vri.l.a Tol each and vry week for a pe- TtM, Oregon, and W nslilimlon Territory, as rM f of u"ismS.v weska brtweeu said d.tes. "tended loall the Public Land Slate, by aet ol ThSi suionwnsls puWlshe.1 by order ol Hon. Ausust . l- Hamtiel 'wter Owii. of I ort This suiomons Thomas tn chambers July, A ST. HELENS, OHKKON. rvj, KPWI.N UOS8, PHYSICIAN & SURGFIN.e.: ST. UELSa, l ! ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. In tlie County Court of tlie State ol Or egon lor ColimiDta viuniy. In the matter of tbe ar&tnte of John . Morgan, deceused. Notice U hereby Kivcn that by virtue of an ortler of tbe County court of the State of Oregon for Colombia County, mailc and entered on the 3rd day of July, l'.K5, in the matter of tne estate oi jo 1). Morgan, deceased; the undersigned, tbe administrator of said estate, will, om or after th 2tHhday of August, lBto, at the office of said E. K. Quick in St. Hel ens, Oregon, sell at private sa'e for casU in hand, the following described real property belonging to the estate of said deceased, to wit: , BcKiniiinil ttie West Torner ol the South Vest ol section ST., in town-, ship four North. Rang two West of the M..ri,llnn : thence North rods; thence East :i0 rods: thenec South NSS-rods; thence West 80 rod. to the place of beginning, containing ten acres, situate in the County ol Columbia, . - -if .. ...... .at nlHillllllsF ttllVPr-tl'IV IHU Ul W.ii'". . ."l.iiiii"inthi.onii on or before said J . j, roWKLL, Attorney for Adniiuuv- tors In said cans on Ihe Win day ol I , lhi, dav Bled in this omcohijsnorn siate I, lool. . inelit M" 6"'!. for llio purchase uf the s w UtH D-,m C'llAH. J. PCHSAllKb. . i0No,14.lntow..ii.Si..4 range No. Attorney tor I'lnlnlllT. w.dwlll olfcr proof lo show that Uie jaiid .....l.l mnrnvnhlllKle lor 1W lllllwror '. DR. H. R. CLirr, , tor sgrteiilmrHl an; i '"C;'"Y. . hssolatM loaald land, beforo RellWer ami -OUVC1M.M X, RTTROEON eelyen at .lS.HI.t. Ore. on Hon,., the -" . JJtll ny Ol eenieinisri, """,. a ...,. IS itaid Ore".: i m-V vTller. ol 11.r.U.d. oA'com Ch-rfos Osborn. ol Portland. Oreson: li, hum. . , , lie.-slilis emi"ii"K. "V . '.l ' AttitKMOS S. PUESSER, negUlcr, tntor Orovc dr., i... ..I, ,;. I