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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 11, 1905)
THE OREGON -LL 0 VOL. XXII, ST. HELENS, OREGON, FRIDAY, AUGUST 11, 1905. SO. 35. MIS NEWS In OF THE WEEK a Condensed Form lor Our Busy Readers. HAPPENINGS OF TWO CONTINENTS A Rtsum of tb Important -- Not Lssft lnlrtbf K"' of tha Pst Wseh. Mayor lm ba ummarlly dismi! lb ii"r0 Urtl ol health of Portland. Hr at l-owleton, Malta, caused ft damag "I 170,000 among bualti (mi. To llnml descendants ul Ssrajaweft (m, n lound In ft Wyoming Indian rlil. Tim visiting French fleet ol l m-slvrd hmtiijr welcome In Koglisb waters. , Xrw York Jewish bakers rs on ft strike lor reduction ol hour to ton frt day. KuiihIiiii Zerolvoll bellev lb t im served IM purpose, nd now elpn'l reform. Tti new rental ul Infection have been discovered In tb yellow lever dis tt U-t outside New Orleita. Culms ul Nw Orlesm have iub srnhed 1250,000 to U used In tuppn tii( yellow lever epidemic. Four persons wrw drowned In lh Willamette river at Purtland lael Hun dy m Hie reeiitl "I three accident. A tt.icl grabbed 1400 from ft ledy who Ul drawn Hie money from ft rotv land lnk. and escaped In Ih crowd. Order have Iwa laeued I ft gene ral sinks i bridge and eUttelural Iron urkers against lle American liridge company Irom Maine to Celitotnle. Chicago labor union are unable lo hold an election, on account ol lb rlot oa element, and roueervativ union threaten to withdraw Irom lb Iwlore- II-n. Tim vreeel conveying lb peace n ton ol Kuaaka and Japan Iroto Wash ington to I'orUmoutb. N. II. wbre the prae conference la to I held, wr de laved twuday by heavy tog. II the kaiiwt meet King Kdward tint r.-k. a planned, he will, accord ing In rl authority, Inlorm hi uncle Dial ll the present atmosphere ol mui ual Jealousy, hatred ftftd uplcloon I not cleared. Kun-pe will nmaln In danger ol a eerlotie etptueloti. lUllmad President llarrlman will go direct tu Portland Irom the Ytllowton park. Train service on the Ureal Northern la badly crippled by lb telegraphers' trike. A Milwaukee. mlUlonalrw ba been Indicted for larecny by bailee tn steal- Ing 114,000, Tim I'nttnd rhatea government ba taken charge o the yellow lerer ltua tinn in the South. The Peace envoy ol Japan and Rue li were Introduced to each other by President llooaevell. A arrnl ba been lued lur the srrrst of lh governor ol Oregon lor lailing to pay hi occupation tai. The I'orttattd clismbr ol commerce demand a recount ol lh city popu latioii. savin-that 110.500 I lar too low. Immense fore! Area In Bouthrn Oregon are a id to have been started by friuirrel hunter. Cireat damage i Iwlng done. The law agalanl ticket scalping ha been declared conitllutional, on the ground that the ticket ecftlplng bualnea I haacd on lorgery, fraud and deceit Minn Alice. lUxwevelt place moat ol the gilt which eonift to her Irom would-tie lover for al ftt lb varloti churc h la Ira and bataara in which h I inUireated. A Chicago youth ol 18 year ha teMilled that, with ft gang ol thre men and two women, he ha robbed 330 different houae. II offer ' to turn taUi'i evidence II guraranteed hi freedom, Hanta F county, New Meilco, I In the hand ol a receiver, having leaned railway aid bond to the amount ol 11,000,000, which It cannot pay. An order ha been granted by the tlrcuit court restraining tb Multno. mh Fair aiaovlalion Irom e'llng pool on it race, and the aaaoclallon man agement ay It will bold no more race until the order 1 revoked. The Cuban congrea I expected to Kl ouin without naaalnc the bill open ing the Cuban market to American rice nd encouraging rice culture In Ouha. The reason riven for ao many Itftl Ian dying from yellow lever I the fact that thev conceal the dleae a long a poaaihl and take wiong diet until too ate. The National Lead company ha In. creaaod it capital tock to 150,000,000 New York will build new Manhat tn terminal ol the ltrooklyn bridge at coat ol 1,000,000 to avert the crusn which occur dallv durlin the rnh hour. The National Hoard of Fire Under wrlUir I conalderlnii motion to au lnd all hualnea In Arkanaa lu coliae- MDence of the new law agalmt the Hre I noma nee truit In that atat. QRIAT CROPS EVERYWHERE. Condition ol drain Now Ma kaa Im mense HarveeU Almott 8ur. Chicago, Aug. 8. American farm '111 produce bhnrer and hetu.e . and return many mure million in rev enue to the farming Intereet thi year mail vr belm In the lilatory ol the country. All kind ol crop. wheat, corn, ot, hay and mailer grain anil produce laplea have prugreemid lo the alag wher tit lei prediction may he made with scarcely the lUuhtest chance that the final oillctal figures will dis prove- it correctness. Railroad olllclala and (tatlstlcians ol agricultural departments In the various state ol the government grain pro ducing regions nive their personal and olllclal guarantee that the year 1U06 Is to lie the banner year in farm prosper ity. If there Is a diosentlng vole any where, ll Is drowned out by the clamor of otitliniam that comes from llinols, Iowa, Kansaa, Nehtaaka, the far Hotithweat, the I'acitta coast and the wondeilul spring wheal country ol the Northwest. Possibly on wheat nop that ul 1001 will esceed that ol 1U0A. In 1101 lh crop aggregated 74H,O(M),000 bushels. It may be that one previous corn crop, that of ItiOZ, when 2,n24,. 000,000 buehele were produced, will not quite be equaled by the yield ol thi year. According to figures emanating Irom stale capita: Hat onlay afternoon, 370,- 000,000 bushels mors of corn will be raised thi year than last In the state of Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Nebraska, Michigan, Minneeota, Mis souri, North liakula, Houth Dakota, Ohio and Wisconsin. WORKMEN STARVING. " " L '" i ) OREGON STATE ITEMS OF INTEREST 1 PEACE ENVOYS MEET. TANANA IS FLOODED Evening 8tsr Orange Dltcuase 8ub- ect, Also Worm Psst. Members ol Kvening Ktar Kranire. No. 27, held an institute in their hall on te Hectioii linn road, In which the matter ol farmers lorming a combine and organlilng a bureau ol information, and the worm pets, were considered. II. Welch pok strongly In favor the farmers ol the state lorming a coinliin In the sale and handliuit of leir pro.) nets, setting forth thst in is way they would get lietter prices. Others favored the plan. Arthur II. Nichols spoke on "The Worm Post," and claimed that the present worm that la doing so much ainage is not the army worm at all, ut the t ut worm. He said that the army worm was longer and had yellow riH-s on its body. C. Milem, A. r. Miller, Mrs. Itsrhsra Cromwell, ol ray river valley, Wash., Judge J. I Caplee, and other spoke. Mrs. Cromwell told of the eipcrience I farmnie in (Irsy's valley, and said that ahe got much valuable Informs on at the government building on the eiMlllon grounds, and recommended the farmers to go there lor information The discussion took a wide scope and It was decided to continue It until next meeting, when all are invited to come reiared to suggest remedies lor the pest. Many visitors from out of the state were present. COUNTERFEITERS' MOLDS. Strike PoutllofT Work Resulting In Hunger and Diss 81. Petersburg, Aug. . A a result ol the sinks at lh routiloll works, there is terribl destitution among the workmen, and hundred ol case of actual starvation have been reported The people are suffering with scurvy and Osnera! Trepofl baa been applied to lor relief. A disiwUb Irom iiiga UU thst grave developments sre esectel in the Nenhela district, where the strike is spreading rapidly. Itlotlng ia reported, and in several ctutr lroo have been called Opon to quell the dialurUncee Ponday morning a man whose lueii tltv ba uot lieen learned, threw a dy nam iU bomb Into the olllce oi I lie uis- Oct treasurer ol Kigs, severely wound ing tb treasurer, two Janitors and a reporter. Qomsi Dsfisnt Havana. Aug. . i Miguel ( mrs. governor ol Hanta I'lara province and Liberal candidate lor the presi dsmy ol Cub, ha given out ao inter view lull ol defiance to the Talma gov With reference to the Vu elta case and the CuUn government's uaumntion ol the right to instiect mu nicipalities without relence to the pro irl.l aullmrllle. liovernor Oomc ...a? "I will not allow anyone escorting the nrovlnclal authorities to insict th. nunicltwilitie ol this province Hhniild a municipality 1 governed by ...u.m I would refuse to consent Us this procedure just the same and would deliver lustice to them II per- "II the BupremecourldiH-ldc against the contention we are now maintain' ing, w would not o)y it mandates I..,. ,f Its osrtiality In favor ol ex motive authority. The court would be certain to sgalnst u in order to In crease it favor wltliine governtucii. Cable Over Ornd Cnyon. ftalt lake. I'Uh, Aug. 8 Over cable 8.000 leet in the air paasengera re tn be cartled acroa Can von ol the .Coli'tado. c.i.von Transportation comany, prt- l.v I'tah men. has lieen Intxw " ' . . i, i . .irt OHO Irt .wanted with a capital oi bridge the chem in Ibis unique man ner. . .. . , T.u.rl.1 lie taken irom me iaiu ..... . i re..n mm ). H.nla Itrlirrit Atiset inn ... -i i. t il,. rli'er. across vuo i" re ii. . . , .li. i.i....... Tha eriBtn Ol me caoir Kill . - " 111 I.. will be 800 leet. The wire rop wi. ... .i.. n..uuil m-atle ft! tlie anchored 10 me ------ , gorge, and a car will be run uaca lorth. ntsnilvs Outfit Found In Old Resi' dsnce t McMlnnville. McMinnville While the residence of ohn Newell was being resliingled recently a complete outfit (or making spurious coin, evidently lelt by a lor tner occupant ol the lioune, was flia- ctivered. The house has lieen built lor 50 years, and in the rememhianc ol ihe oldest settlers here tt has not been reshingted lor 40 years. Since then It iss lieen occapied by a pho'ographer and a jeweler before It lierame a real lence. The jeweler, during hi stay lere. bore the suspicions of the entire com mini it v. and now the late'find fast em irreater sueniclon uixin mm. ins whereaUiuta now are uot known. The outfit, which consist ol three $5 molds, dsled 1837, lMUand lf)4; one 10 mold, dated 147, one 12.60 mold, fated IHftl, are now in the hand ol the sheriff. the tirsnd The (iraml and Russia to Grant Term. n. ....... iiw K A special iHnjHiMi w-n - to th (llol Irom (llouceater ay. tbftt Ku..ift will grant the Japaneae demands, pay an Indemnity and cede HaKhalin. The contest in the negotiation, will be over Manchuria, but Kuss a win ." - i.. In tliM next war Willi retmver i"" ; , " ,,, W Tl.a tHUWtlfll (lrX'IIITB H" japan. -i" , ,,, indemnity win omy w ". -ao,.d.yyH. collteil w t , in eres t . tlta nrMsltlllllHIlUUfl HWIW "- men." This position I In accordance -.til. l)..Un no lev. Iitll is sin ered seriously by th Japanese. Newal Brlsad Return New Orlean. Aug. ?"-Two s .f the naval brigade, the Marie and the Wolverine, returned to the city b -i..i.. i.m the Riaolet. where they h.d gone under order. Irom the gov nor to protect the flshcrmen n Kouiil. ana water Irom the depredation, o .7, Ti....t .wiml boata. The Incl TU sVv and that ol two olllcer. tinder Tlpsey, aim ma , b w,,0 arrei in -were capturetl In I-ake llorgne. au.i nn Snaclal Una. Yokohama. Aug. 8.-Tl.e meeting of Chinese, which it w. i.. 1..1.1 v. resolved to iKijtou Amerlcn banker., shipper, and in.ur. ance ftgenU, but delerred action regard to other line, ol bu.liie.. with FAVOR FARMERS' COMBINE. TAX BIG CORPORATIONS. Oregon City Board of Trad Order Thorough Investigation. Oregon City In it effort, to insure an equitable tsaeasinent ol the proper ties ol the several large corporations operating in Clackamas county, the Oregon City Iward ol trade is insistent At a meeting last week the matter of investigating and reporting on this subject, which had been referred to a committee consisting of five members, was recalled from that committee, and under Instructions Irom the organiza tion. President Huntley hat named a committee comiioeed ol S. (J. Campbell, O. W. Kastham and W. 8. U'Ken to investigate the county's assessment roll and ascertain the actual assersments that havellieen made against the differ ent cortioratlons. The Ixiard i indis oi!ed to attack the work of Assessor Nelson, which is considered generally thorcugh. but ia proceeding with the investigation to determine if there exists any ground lor the impression that the larger corporations are not bearing their proportionate the burden of taxation. Hundreds Made Homeless Near Fairbanks, Alaska. Brought Together on Naval Yacht and Introduced by President. Oyster ISay, Aug. 6. -At 1:30 o'clock yesterday afternoon the formal recep tion ol the representatives ol tne bel ligerent power, by President Koosevelt on behalf of the United State govern ment took place on the crniser May Anwni. ft waa a notable demonstration In honor ol the dlrtlngniebed guest., nDiyFN FROM CABINS AT NIUHT conference. The Mayflower, the finest vessel ol her clan, in the navy, was tastefully oangar 0f an Epidemic from Molding decorated lor me occasion. me ueaie Cellar and Crowded Place of Temporary Refuge. HUNT SUCCEEDS OE HAVEN. Answer of Wallowa Road. La Grande The Wallow Valley Railroad company, represented by J. W. Cook, ha Ramsey A Oliver, t turners, busy preparing n answer in the injunction proceedings instituted bv the O. It. A N. Co. Mr. Cook is in U (innde, and expect as soon as the answer is ready that Judge takin will set a date lor a bearing, and he is confident n order will be made di. solving the injunction. Mr. Cook claims that the O. K. & N. Co.'s rights had lapsed, and that he then secured rights which arewiow ahead ol anyone else. tilut interior finishing were ornament ed with cut flower and smllax, inter twined with the national colon ol Rus sia and Japsn. The color ol the two nation alio fluttered from the veer masts The Japanese, and Russian plenipo tentiaries lelt New York in the morn ing on two cruler for Oyrter Ray, where they met the president. The Japanese made the trip on tbe cruiser jacoma anu wis nuunu mtuj. . ,. .,. -i... . ...i . fi,.t, dtln.tlnn .hoard caned by a wind .n! rain storm that the Chattanooga. hd recently swept uie lanana vauey. Con.tantine Nakakoff, of tbe Russian Keyea' saw mill bad been swept foreign office, when asked whether awmy ,nj carried down the stream, Kiiss a wouia agree vi a ceniuu i w ntory or point on ' , i It I. share of JPn,w' "V" ",vu- i aon v mm. so. Hato. tbe Japanese spokesman, asked bow Drosoecta looked, said: "Not very bright, but we are Hope ful." Karly in the morning the president I . ,. : Mrt hnnr. aftar naval yacht Sylph and invited gueU . , . , temDorarilv . a . . t . 1 T I J a I arrived, ana i i ocioca "meu . for the people and they were Roosevelt boarded the Mayflower, ne . .ni , - k v tn their wet . . ..a I 1JUV SW I IV TV VU w fc mw. -" was greeted with the preeideotjai aiuie I cabins for everal day after the flood bad subsided Seattle, Wash., Aug. 8. A pecial letter to the Seattle Time Irom Fair bank, Alaska, under date ol July 6, ay that a flood raging in Chena lor I several day had rendered homeless 700 to 1.000 people. The flood was 7mTt V ZElS. two b. "Hsed in front o Noy mill. r .... I . 1 . t,.M xrwn hvtlra frnm it. mnnr. which It is believed mat Iings at the Tanana Development com pany's mill and was carried down stream, entailing a loss oi several thousand dollar. Cellars were hooded and in lew instances stock drowned. People were compelled to move oat Montana Judge Will Hear Rsmalnlng Land Fraud Case. Portland, Aug. 4. Judge William H. Hunt, o! the Federal court lor tha district of Kontant, will reach Port land August 28 to take op tb land Iraud trial where they will be relin quished by Judge J. J. De Haven, who wilt leave Portland on Saturday lor San Francisco and remain there en gaged with tbe bnsines that ha arlaen in hi district. A recess ol the Oregon District court will them be taken from the conclnaion ol the final detail in cident to the closing of tbe second trial oi Williamson, Gesner and Bigg., until Aogtiat 28. United States District At torney Ileney will leave tor San Fran cisco tonight, to be gone for a couple of week, and upon hi return a Federal grand jury will be called to probe far ther into the irregularities of tbe land entriea of tbe (tate and the many and various abuse growing ont oi the non- observance of tbe law. Judge De Haven ba found that it ill be necessary for him to go to San Francisco at once to attend to boiinea which ba arisen in hi. court in that city. At first it was thought that an other Judge could be shifted to that district, and Judge De Haven conld finish the duty undertakenjby him of bearing to the end the land case now pending. Thi was found not to be possible, however, by Judge Gilbert, oi the Circuit court, and after seme ne gotiation Judge Hnnt has been assigned to the Portland court for the remainder oi tbe land cases. oi 21 cuna a be went on board. Itaron Komura and Minister Takahira and their suite, lelt the Chattanooga in a launch and proceeded to the Mav flower. A. they boarded the vessel a salute ol 21 guns was given. Tbe en voys were received on deck by iom- mander W ids low and escorted vo me main cabin, where they were presented to the president by Assistant Secretary Pierce. Tbe same ceremony was men enacted lor the Russian plenipoten tiaries. Sergiu Witte and Ambassador Rosen. The envoys ol the two power were At the time tbe letter waa written grave iears were entertained lor the fety oi tbe people, an epidemic oeing threatened. The banks oi the river were badly broken, but piledriVer were at work putting in bulkheads long before tbe water had subsided. Chines Cook Murdered. Ilaker City The body a of a young Chinese cook at the Pyx mine ha been brought to this city, and ptepara tions are nnder way to have it prepared for burial in China, acording to the ten presented formally to one another usual metnooB. me h",,iu"i bv President Koosevelt, alter wnicn an ion is mat. noug joi iwu ""- D.rtook of a luncheon. dered. il appearances can lie trusted. Th. tan.nmii envnv. were then con He was shot in the oaca oi uie neau in veyed t0 , dbjpatch boat Dolphin, on tel, hia nnde that) while Germany does uni i iii.imivi ... ...... wtiicit tney saueu lor ronuiuuiu, . , , , -, u. New lUmpahire. Witte and hia party ul" ... - . , . , remained on the Mayflower, which lee the present atmosphere of mutual TROUBLE AHEAD. Kaiser to Warn King Edward to Calm British Feeling Against Germany. Berlin, Aug. 8. If the kaiser meet King Edward next week at Frankfort, he will, according to authority there, tic ride is wholly untenable. He waa murdered either lor his money or be' cue of race prejudice. No clue has so far been obtained. LOST NINE YEARS AGO. Rsmalns of Dav Woodward Pound in Blus Mountains. Klgln A sheep camp tender has ii ml the hones of a man in the Blue ountains a few mile north of here. Tbe camp tender was going througu a very thick patch ol brush to a spring ben the discovery wss made. Th se no doubt the remains ol lve Woodward, who was lost in these mountains nine years ao last renru sry. Woixlward, who was living at the toll gate, on the summit of the mountains twtween Klgin and Walla Walla, came to Klgin during the winter after a load ol supplies.. He secured ended iirovistotis. which were oaded on a band sled, and slatted on ...... aline for his mountain home. Woodward waa never sgain heard ol. Searching parties were sent out, but no trace ol him was ever lound. Doctor Fail In Examinations. n..t nt fi aiilicants who took the ex ..... animation before the Piste exam net early in JUiy, to oe permitted to practice medicine in the ...... f iirum.n nnlv 22 passed. The reiH.rt of the State Hoard oi meuicat examiners ha lieen completed by fee mtarv Or. Hvron K. Miller. Uie ex animation was held at the Y. M. C. A l..doiiarters. Dr. Miller, 01 l oruanu stated upon submitting the report that .! .ll nf those wno laneo recent graduates irom meuicat leges. Ore Run 50 a Ton. is.r.lini! to miners who i...... 1...1 dwon from Blue river, a very rich strike has just been mde in the Great Northern mine, which surpasses all previous llnds in this . a nt trtlMirV. HID H ns. during the past .week and con -i... i . il... vein of very rich ore, ihich ha lieen uncovered in me tower tunnel, !ont 700 feet tn. r.suniaies are that the ore will (ay nu per u... and the sUHkliohlerti are elated. Prior Right of Way. .. uTii more suits have been filed by the 0. R. & N. Co. in ad dltion to the injunction proceedings instituted last wee Iowa Valley railroad. These pertuin to n, validity ol the deeds given by land owners below Klgin to the new railroad Incorporation. The u. n plaintiff, allege prior right, ol way. Stat Engineer Summoned. t ..n.... T..1..1 ll. Lewi., stute en gineer, will lie summoned to Umatilla cuuty at once to make a hydrograplnc siuvev ol the entire stream system o tl, Walla Wall river as the result ol owner, living water Fir Law Very Cumbersome. Or.ifon Cilv While more than a score ol permit to burn slashing have lieen srantcd in this county, mere lists much dissatisfaction Here wun the new law relating to loresi nres lor the reason that the provisions ol the pleasure are considered cumbersome. The main objection to the law as it now stands ia that provision requiring col weighed anchor at the same time a the I hatred, jealousy and suspicion must be Dolphin and started on it crui voyed by the crusier uaivesion AUCTIONS OFF LOVERS' GIFTS. Remembrance from Alice Roosevelt's Admirers Sold at Church Fair. Wasbintgon, Aug 7. There are thing doing in the St. Hilda society connected with Christ church In Oyster destroyed or Europe will remain tn danger ol an explosion. King Edward will be eiven to understand that Ger many hold England responsible lor the creation oi this situation. The correspondent i informed that tbe consequences to which the present situation may lead are now causing Germany's responsible statesmen the deete8t anxiety. These possible conse quences filled a large place in the kaisers' recent interview wiui d-.. Tl.i. litii. miilil im Mr.. Koase- .. . i-..: .i.i..i, ii,. I ... ..!. .t .i.:. Kinn I k.inera recent interview ineinaaingo. app.ic.vio.. ... veu.peiCUr,Vy,-u iui. . B , with Ki Chr:.. ,iermit i is(ued ten days betore uie ,pre,d broadeart, treasures and tropnie "'" r 'nd with the czar. ore is io oe ior its lain. n . . u u.... w n; .M.mnti to some remarkable object find their w., ------r- way to the butars, and there is taint render lew apparent "d to objure the suggestion that the first lady of the "oneness over England' constantly hatred of Germany. It i. County Hires Timber Cruiser Eugene County Assessor B. F. Keeney returned today'from Roseburg, where lie maue a convrm-i v QUARANTINED ON ALL SIDE8 Militia and Armed Posses Block All Travel Through South. New Orleans, Aug. 4. Tbe excite ment in tbe country districts seem to have grown more acute with the dis covery of cases at various points. In this connection the doctors sre disposed tn question whether all the cases that appear can properly be traced to flew Orleans. A whole train load oi passenger on the Iron Mountain road ha been held up in Concordia Pariah, removed from any habitaticn, ior some time. The passengers have been loud in their tele graphic protest to the Railroad com mission, declaring that they bave had neither fond nor water, and that noth ing has been done to relieve them from s distressing situation. Efforts are be ing made to move the train. Monroe, La., with fever on thre sides of ber, ba put militia and armed citixens on every road leading into her limits. New Iberia, La., has decided to guard against infection by the ass of rifles. Many oi the smaller towns sre passing mosquito ordinance. Alexandria baa completely bottled herself up, bat in order to save herself and the parish irom starvation she has permitted the running of a train, thor oughly fumigated, three times a week to bring in provisions and other sap-: plie. DISCHARGE LIKELY. i..i i.K th. n,.til .n for which liarn and bis advisers ate pro.ouuu , E. be is noted, utiliae. many oi th. use- concerned over England . constantly Robert, and Or Edwards, ol that less gilu which cm. her way to raise "ZZPtZrZl more V"1 I?,"!! "SSL .iso receives cart- vUufent than ever before. i.. nniu. in i.i.n . urotier esti-1 "Princes." A lice alBo receives cart- mate noon their value. Other conn- loads oi dainty periumes, photograph. ties oi the state, among them Clatsop, Douglas and Kla-nath, have adopted this plan and find that it works ad- mi I ably. and auch trifle irom her lovelorn ad mirers, who would doubtless te over come ii they could see some ol their votive offerings displayed on the baxar tables. FEVER SPREADS. PORTLAND MARKETS. Wheat New club, bushel ; new bluestem, bushel: new valley, c 7375c 7880c per per Two New Centers on Plantations Out side New Orleans. New Orleans, Aug. 8. Two large foci oi inlection were discovered today out side oi the city by officer, oi the Ma- rine Hospital service. Dr. Corput went to the Diamond plantation in oi. Charles parish to look into some sus picious case, and lound six positive vellow lever case, ol secondary infec tion, three oi which were dead. They Restrains Pool Selling. Portland, Aug. 7. Presiding Circuit Judiie Fraxer ha. granted a preliminary order restraining tbe Multnomah Fair aQaviulinn from aellins Dool. on races Barley Old Ieed,21. B0(?22 per ton; , ,h irvington track in thi city. new lead, $20t21: rolled, 2324. immediately the officials oi the track Oat. No. 1 white feed, l.'tKSJO per announced that Ior one week there ton : irrav. $20. . no race.. Within that time ' - . , . . 1 " - .. HUH. IUICV V "-'-' " - . Hay Timothy, old, iijwio per ton, Ule permanent injunction proceeding. re on a gugar plantation and three ol new, si i cove., will dIHposed oi ano me juuimoiubu them Me iuiiana. One is a negro. Fruit Apples, new, 0cl.5 per Fair a880Ciation will know it. legal The other of infection i. the bnxj apricots, 00c per crate; peaches, gtatu towara pool selling. Judge Fra- o patterson in st Mary's parish, 75cll per crate; plums, 5c per Eer declared that II evidence had been wheie Dr. Guiteras found 19 cases ol crate; blackberries, 6tiB per pound ; iritroliuced convincing him that the suit ndrv infection. Most oi these are cherries, 50055c per box; pears, -o WM mereiy a quarrel between garab- , .. . n. The local health boards lers, as was intimated, be would nave . taken charge in both instance. ll.mvn it out of COUrt. I 1 fllnnrlnff nni thn directions of , i . l .. en. ..... I I ai.u " per pound , croi'i'.en, i. Second Jury In Land Fraud Case Seems Likely to Disagree. Portland, Aug. 4. Afrter 33 hoar oi argument and ineffectual endeavor to agree upon a verdict, the twelve weary men on the Williamson-Gesner-Biggs jury went to what rest could be gained in tbe crowded and stuffy jury room last night st 11 o'clock. Seven oi tbe men", so it is rumored, hold that the defendants have not been proved to have committed the crime charged in the indictment and wish to return ft verdict In accordance with their belief. Five men bold the opposite, that crime has been proved by the evidence oi the government, and widh to return a ver dict oi gulity. One other story has it that the jury ia evenly divided, six men wishing to convict and six to acqit. Whether or not either oi these stories I. true, the iact remain, that there is a serious disagreement, and as time has passed, the conviction has growing around the Federal building that there will be no verdict returned. Vegetables Beans, l4c per pound; cabbage, 181 .c per pounu; cauu flower, "6W0c per doxen; ceiery, 85c per dosen; corn, 76c per bag; cucumbers, 152ftc per box; let tuce, head, 10c per dozen ; parsley, 25c r-rihwen: peas. 25c per pound; to matoes, 5075cper crate; squash, 5c i. . : i tKal Aft tu ner pounu; luruipo, f...uii.i r". sack: carrots, 1.25 1.60 per sack, i.u. i Ira 1.25 per sack. Onions Red. 11.25 per hundred; yellow, $1.25. Potatoes Oregon new, 60cl Butter Fancy creamery, 21 S, 025c. Eggs Oregon ranch, 22(s522c per dosen. Poultry Average old hens, 12(3)14; mixed chickens, 1212Ci old roo.t ra. IOMIOWc; young roosters, 11 Moody Inquires Into Striks Washington. Aug 7. Attorney Gen era I Moody has addressed a letter to tbe United States district attorneys the Marine Hospital service. Havtian Steamer Suspected Philadelphia, Aug. 8. The British -i lino. .f the Great Northern Lteamship BarnUon, which arrived at K lUllg tUD aaaavw - . 1 and Northern Pacific roads requesting the Delaware breakwater on baturoay information regarding the telegraphers' (rom porte de paiex, Hayti, with 15 strike and ite possible effect upon the transtniasion of government message. Moody say. he ha. been informed that for several day. message have been InlerruDted. He say. it l. the govern ment's duty to keep such channels open to protect its own communication and he is much concerned. Confessed to 330 Robberies, Chicago. Aug. 7. Edward Burthar- ott. aged 18 years, wbo was arrested with a vans oi three men no two of the crew ill with fever, docked at this port todav. The Barneton wa held bv the government quarantine officials pending an investigation a. to the character of the lever, but after careful observation the steamer will be permitted to come to port,, tbe physi cians finding the seamen suffering from malaria. rH-criH Jo2po,.nd8 15c; 'chargd w hVm French fleet, consisting oi 1 1 to 1H pounds, 10c; turkeys, live, TJiml..lebberie In this city hiP. risers and torpedo 18ai0cr eese, live, per pound E''fgS nYmat nf nronerty .... .. ,l,a riv..r and lining the therefrom for the purpose d irrigation. Weston Short of Water. Pendleton-Report come Irom Wes ton that th. city is very ort oi wa e ad has been compelled or the flint time In .even year, to relinquish its practice ol iurnishlng water to harvest-sr.. 637c; ducks, old, 13c j duck., young 10ai4c. Hops Choice, 1904, 1719c per Wool Eastern Oregon average best, uiiai9ii" lower grades, down to 15c, according to shrinkage; valley, 2527c ner pound; mohair, choice, 31c per nnimil . Heel Dressed bulls, l2c per pound; cows. 3os54Wc. Mutton Dressed, lancy, Co per pound ; ordinary, 45o. val Dressed. 87c per pound Pork Dressed, O.Hi7o per pound. French Fleet Welcomed. Cowes, Isle ol Wight, Aug. 8. The ot is battle boat de- Admiral Caillard, reached the Solent today to . . i Ann 1 1 1 .. be gang Jr: " w snend a week. The officer, and sailor. Ilised to veil wiierw viivj -wo, vu . - declared that he would turn .tate's evi- dence and turn up most oi the booty il guaranteed that he would not be prose cuted. Oregon Mutton for Chicago. Pendleton, Aug. 7. Ten carload oi mntton sheen have lust been shipped irom Meacham by ft North Yakima hnver to the Chicago market. A gov ernment inspector passed upon the shipment. are guest. Ot rung cuwaru mm vue British navy. Heavy downpours ol rain throughout the morning drenched the decorations and shrouded in heavv mist the yachts and British war ships collected to welcome me visitors Yellow Fever In Mexico. Citv oi Mexico. Aug. 8. The super ior board ol health report five case ol yellow lever in the republic, lour at Vara Crui and one at voaizacuoaiuue Tear Off American Coats. Victoria, B. C, Aug. 4. Advices irom Canton state that, when s dele gate oi the Chinese boycott movement against America was explaining to stu dents in Canton schools the nature of the agitation, he pointed out that many Letudenta wore tunics made oi American cloth. These were at once torn from the backs ol the students. Various vernacular Chinese papers have given notice that no American business no tices or any news regarding Americans was to be published in their papers sfter July 18. Will Seek Out Fraud. Cbcago, Aug. 4. Three large inur- ance companies ot New York are to be investigated by the Insurance commis sions oi Tennessee, Kentucky, Wiscon sin and Minnesota, as s result oi ft meeting oi eight .tate insurance com missioners held here today. Another result ot the conference is to be the .in terstate investigation of all large insur ance companies, so that alleged misap plication oi iund. and mismanagement may become a thing oi the past. Only Fag Ends of Strike Remain. Chicago, Aug. 4. Police bav been removed from the wagons of many firms that bave been strikebound for four month. Correspondingly many anion drivers were restored to their old places. The Employers' association, following the determination oi the Lumbermen's association to reinstate union teamster in a body, ba decided to lift tb ban placed on all striker week ago.