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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (July 21, 1905)
"w"w V W V V JF'sj' W V V h OR KG ON MIST fcntcml at the Postoffice t St. Helens, OrrRon, as second-clasa mail matter. Iwvru Evfrv Friday Ey . E, H. FLAGO. Editor roviuEroR. One copy, ope year, in advance . . $1 00 jfix montly .' . JO Igal noticf, a ?5 cents per lie. FRIDAY, ,l't,Y SI. 1V5. cum vn"JirMLPAPER- JlavMig tV largest circu"t;-t of ny pr,. ter in Columbia County. ClUUVBtA COt'STVS PAY. Pittnrday, July 3ith, oi.c week from morrow, lias been designated by the Lewi! and Clark Xansgement asCo'.nm-V:- rv... 1 I... ).;.. ..:. .-.i ! ,11 hoped that everyone from thi comity that intends visiting the Exposition .Will be present on that occasion. There are about 10,000 people in Colombia county and it is high time they were getting tojrethcr for the county' flood. yit need organization, unity of purpose. , And I'Jcul pride. The natural resources are ours i a on stinted measure; but we bare beeu held apart by petty local jealousies that have in some cases boen 'Joetered by selfish and designing per sons, so that broad measures fr the good of the whole county hate bet n dis couraged ami Uelitl'e.1. A great deal of nisia undoubtedly due to the (set that we are not as well acquainted with each piher as we tliould le; but now the opportunity is at hand to pnt all this aside and to unite onr people in an effort that result in g-jo-l work being done for each and every section of the county. A visit to the Lewis and Clark Exposition will enlighten and broaden the minds o our people and show them ihe importance of placing our resource? and advantages fairly before the hun dreds of thousands who are seekinz in formation as to the best place to build a home and invest capital in industries that will give employment, clear up ' par forests, develope our mines and replace stump with orchards and grain fields. The ed'.tor of the Mist has an ambition to assist in this work, lie wants to travel on s railroad through the Nehalem Valley, and to see that section developed until it b I several thriving towns and a population arger than that of the entire county at the present time. He wants to see every available mill and factory site cenpied and for this reason be is giving bis time to this work. Columbia's Day at the Fair should mark an epoch inourcocnty's history to which we can refer with pride when the active men and women of this generation tave laid sway the implement of toil and the burden has been-taken up by fhe yasqjsters who now see in the big pur mainly a place for recreation tnd Amusement. As the county's represen tative at the Exposition the editor of the Mist is doing all that is in bis power to make the day a success, and reports from every part of the cBtjty indicates a large attendance. We expect to see many of the cojnty'g pioneers at the reception. They are the ones whaKUxf the trail for thej Beneralion and r-mmtof this character would be in complete if they were not there and given special recognition. Many of uenj bave crossed the great divide, but many still remain and some of them notably Adam Earr, Omar Bryant, Mr. George Merrill and Dr. Cfcple, have rendered valuable aseUtance. We bope to see them ail, and with them a num ber of pioneer women whose deeds should be recorded before they pass away. They will find every accoiuo- cool places to eat their luncheon, and we are sure they will enjoy themselves. A number of lilies of the younger gen eration have been invited to be present in the capacity of hostesses, and one of Iheir most .leasing duties will be to provide for the wants of the older pioneers. Acceptances bave been re ceived from many ladies in response to these invitations, and, to illustrate their jdeas of the event, we appd a few of these answers: Rainier, Or,, July 12, K05. Mr. E. IT. Flagg Dear sir: Your let ter inviting me to act as one of the hostesses on Columbia connty day at the fair was received Saturday. I hasten to thank you for the honor, and to tell you I shall be pleased to accept the invitation. Hoping we may have a very successful and profitable day, that shall benefit the county, I remain " Respectullv Yours LAURA M. HOOGIiKIRK. ClT.KAUJK, Of., July 14, 1J05. Mr. H H. Flagc ttearSir. I receiv ed your letter of July 8th. and in reply would say that I shall be pleased to act as one of the bostessta to assist in the re ception of the Cohiitibia County'visitors on July?th. Trusting that July 2th may be all we hope, for it I remain. Your for succfs, GERTRUDE F. COLLINS. Deer Isi.axd, Or.. July 13, 1005, E. H. Fiagg Iear Sir: In reply to yours of Julr 8, will say, I thank you very much for the in vitatiin to act a one pi tbe hostesses, and, business and health permitting, I will accept with much pleasure. Respectfully yours, ' MRS. C. H. ENGLISH. ScAypopsE, Or., July 12. 1905. MR. E. H. FUkO-i Dear Sir Your kind invitation to tct one of the hostesses pri C-Jumbia Countv day at the Lewis and Clark fair, has been received. I acccept with pleasure, and hope that thedav will be a grand success and one bf which the County may be proud. ' Ylirs Respectfully, MRS. V. T. WATTS. Clatskanie, Or. July 13, l'i05. E. II. Flagg My Dear ftir: Your very kind isiiilntiau forme ta act as 4iostras lor Columbia County on Juiy 2i, is received. I will be pleastd to help entertain our friends, and wjll do all I .ran to interest our xown peopic in wie f"Fair." We have written to Astoria for tj'es on those ten days. t. - Yours verr tr.i! .-, A.KME f. c ;; WHAT Vol' WILLSKK. If yon visit Columbia County' booth nt the lwi and Clark Exposition you will see an' exhibit which at the present time is fairly creditable Jo tl(. county. Id the first place the booth is lyade of our limber and is tbe handsomest con atrnctitm of its kind in the agricultural liuiKlini;. l,t contains a display bf needle and fancy work mails by the ladies 9f the county placid there to show the Kastern women of refinement that they will not bo lonesome if they mo re to Oregii:i. Then there is tbe ex hibit of barrel. made bjr the Westrrn Cooperate C . of Houlton, reaching to a height of abiHit thirty feet, the brtse being a great bi fat li How ilh storajre capacity for winter's supply of sauer k:aut for Iterman hotel, and tho apex a tittle fello of about the small pickle sire. Theu our exhibit of the basalt rock quarried at Pt. Helens a d usiexl for paving the streets ot Tortland and for building purposes. Tlien an exhibit of iron ore from Columbia City and marl from the Nehalcm ; then shingles and cedar poles from the S. Ban Flume Co. of Ingles; theu about one hundred and fifty views taken in different pert of the county and including churches, schools, logging canine, residences etc; next the exhibit of Rainier Mineral soap, put np by the r res ton Manufacturing Co, of Rainier. In Horticulture ycu will find Northern Spy apples from Asa lioliday, of Scappoose, and Royal Anne cherries from Mayger Krothera of Mayger, an J in the vegetable line you will aeo the biggest and very best Burbank potatoes in the bujld;ng, grown by the Barrs and Bryants of Clatskanie, Ugetber with magnificent new potatoes and onion ,'rom Mrs.-Neer, of Goble. Ia grains and graasee of this year's crop no county in the building is ahead of us, and every section of the cointy ia represented, the lower Nehalem Valley making the best showing. Among the great attractions to arrive this week will be a sixty five pound salmon from tho Warren Packing Co oil any of Goble. This will be ex hibited in the refrigerator department. and we hope also to have a fine exhibit of batter and cheese. When West, Frakas, and Honeman gat there with their herds in September, and the new crop comes in, no coqnty in Oregon wili be better represented. Vie forgot to mention a litUe board. It is o-' i aches wide 20 feet long, and absolutely cleat cedar. There are numerous other at tractions, but we want you to come np and see for yourselves1. Bent Her Doable. "Knew do one, for four weeks, when I was sick with typhoid and kidney trouble," writes Mrs. Annie Hunter, of Pittsbnrg Pa. "and when I got better, although I bad one of the best doctors I could get, I was bent double, and had to rest my hands on my knees when I walked. From this terrible affliction I was rescued by Electric Bitters, which restored my health and strength, and now I can walk as straight as ever. They are simply wonderful." Guaranteed to cure stomach, liver and kidney disord r, At Terry and Graham's; price 50c. coiXTr com Proceedings of tbe Conn I j Jaly Tern, 190. Coart, July 5th, 1903. 1906. 1st Jud'u-btl day. In of appointing a con- aiable for Clatskanie precinct. John G. Campbell appointed, and ordered tbat he qualify according to law. In tbe matter of the petiton of Felix Pebait and others, 'or a County road. Petition presented, and consideration of same postponed to 7:b inst. In tbe matter of extending tbe time for tbe return of the assessment roll. Time for return of roll extended to 1st Monday In October. In tbe matter of appointing fire war dens. Upon petition of S. Benson Eq, the following gained persons were ap pointed fire wardens. W. E. Conyers, of Clatskanie. Chas. W. Mayger, of Mayger, and Frank Peterson of Mist. Adjoarned to 6ib, inst. July t'lh, 2nd, Judicial day. In the matter of tbe petition of A. G. Hotcbkis et als, in relation to outlay of part of special road tax fund of district So. 15. Ordered that clerk notify ' petitioners to call meeting of the tax I nsvers of raid district tl determine this matter, a the court baa no jurisdiction in the matter. In tbe matter of viewer report on county road petitioned for by Ever ding A Farrell. Report of county road view- ' p-s now read in open court, and objec tion to same, and bill for damages, Ey rea-on of location of said road now filed by Cntbbert Stump, and it is ordered by the court tbat argumemt thereon be Jieard by this court on July 15th, 1005. In the matter of tbe petition for coun ty aid for Fp ter Sumala and Wm. Mo ! Donald. J'. Simula allowed i0 monthly jandWm McDonald 3 monthly until further ordered by the court ; warrant to issue on the 1st of each month. In the matter of tie petition of O E Hunter for license to sell Hour in Goblp precinct. Ordered tbat license issue for six months from July 7th 1905. In the matter of tbe redemption of void tax pale certificate, and repay ment of tuxes collected upon the 11 sec tions decreed to be in Washington Co. Ordered that warrants issue in payment of the following claims. S A Miles, re- ! dpmption of 6 tax sale certificate, 1902 j tax, total D2.76." William Roberts, redectian of I tax certificate $17.65. ' Mrs E. G. Oweos taxes of 1901-2 31 ' illegally oojlecfid, 39.85. J In the matter of bills allowed. I Bills against the several road districts, . special lond district fund and against : the couuly as set forth in lists publish j e 1 last week were now allowed by the CjUrt and, the clerk ordered to ieeue warrants in piiymfnt. j In the matterof experting the booki ! aal accounts of the county officer?. fT IS A MATTER OF HEALTH S"HJJ ru. Absolutely- Pur THERE IS NQ SUBSTITUTE Agreement entered Into by the court with Clark and Nm-uannan of Tiwlland to expert the l,o:a and account of the sheriff, clerk, recorder and T.anrer, from July 1H1 to July ItXJf. Consider, ation $15 per day for two accountants, bvt nn to exceed a total of o00 if it be not newaajry to check the tax roll of said years, or in ra it 1 necessary to check said tax rolls, In thai event not to exceed the sum of 1750. Adjourned to 7th, inst. July 7th. liXft, 3rd Judjcil day. Ia the matter of the petition of B. II. King et aia in regard to the condition of the Mayger and Clatskanie countv road at quarry below Mayger. It ap- I nearine to the court, that under a previ ous arrangement between this oonrt and theA A C it R Co, that raij R U Co. is responsible for the maintenance of the road complained of in a passible con dition and the General Superintendent of the said R R Co being now present in in Court, he is instructed by tho Coot I to remedy the evil complained of in petition. In the matter of the petition of Felix Debast et als for a county road. Order ed that county board of road viewers, view, survey, and report upon said pro posed road, and that they meet for this purpose at the Wilson Case Mill on July 12th, 1905. at 10:30 am and it is further ordered that this proposed road be surveyed and platted notwithsUud inj that pirU of same are over 10 per cent grade. Ia the matter of tbe complaint of Ed 3lack et aia regarding methods of Super visor of dist. no. 5. Ordered that this matter be referred to Judge Ilattan for investigation. Adjourned to 15th inst. Siecial rax w-T 15 J R Dallas E G Shannahan A Johnson P Bergerson y Hess H Christensen J V Sheeley Sam Mow O Shannahan. G Hulr 3 CO 16 75 18 60 .. 50 00 . 9 00 .. 12 60 .- 12 CO 14 00 .. 10 80 ... 1 50 W Wilson 8 00 Sam Turk , - 10 00 C Thomas - 10 00 T Anderson.... 7 20 C Smith- 3 60 A Bergereon 7 20 Sill aliwed ox qixcral rr.iD. S A Miles, redemption of void tax certificate U2 73 J M Engelert, supervisor r. d. No. 1 25 Casper Libel, county commits 27 SO (I L Colvin countv commissioner 17 00 G W Richardson, sup r d no. 5. . 97 59 L R Buruliam, rent for llopkius family 10 00 W T Watts surveying Everding A Farrell road 23 90 Axm;n tsnd Cbainmen John Boiiser 2 00 Norman McKay 2 00 Henry Newman 2 00 Victor Boyle 4 00 Cooper Wbitnev 4 00 JViewer Vf E Steaver, 5 40 Geo. Grant 5 40 Wallace, Corcoran A North sup for road 19 40 Thos Bsssi sup for Suomala 11 00 C G Tbayer attendance on pauper 29 20 E McVey sup for McDonald family 4 80 W P Maclay same 3 75 M C Gray coffin for Sutberlind etc S3 80 Fred Trow rip for Jordan 10 00 R 0 Hazen burying Sutlierind. .. 45 I St. Vincent Hospital, keep of Mr. Prealer 7 00 Fred Trow, sup for Hoffman 6 60 Wm Symons, J P fees, Sap vs C inman 2 40 0 Ducher, constable fee some 3 40 IIP Watkis J P fee, State v Burkhart , 5 85 Magnus Saxon witnesa same 1 50 J M tflackford, J P fee SUta vs Grant Jones 5 10 J L Campbell, constable same. ... 1 90 I P Walk ins, J P foe State ys Manne fiodersteot , .. 3 95 Wm Symons, J P fees State vs II PTalbott 3 80 0 Dbcher, constable same 1 60 W C Fischer Atty fee for tupRDS 4 00 Martin White portage 5 00 II Henderson postage '. 2Q 00 R It BliU-hell stationery 30 60 A J Deining 25 5 E Ron postage ; 10 00 Glaas A Prudholm stationery 4 17 Irwin Hodson A Co ? 8 00 Howe, Davis A Killiara " 17 0 Mildred Grant, recording in clerk' office 49 00 W T Watta, Rest. Gov. Corners .. 12 00 VT Watts, premium on official bond 15 00 W C Cooper finpv R D No. 2 30 00 1 W NovrtesNo. 3 52 60 fas Kennedy no. 5 108 75 V L Brown no. 7 30 00 J H Crammer no. 8 110 00 U A LilikU no. 1) ..... 83 75 Jas Van no U 1W lX A K Harvey no. 12 , ' BF Van IS CW Melllnger no. I I (,0 I Bergerton np. 15 II K Cliff K insane A B-td of Health J Edwin Koss Kx. Insane.; ,. . Joe Hs.ll Care of Winter . i I- W M 0 Oleon Juror Mav term circuit court J K J Morrison, burning hurt? ) W A V Mclren attvr.diince on small pox patients W 10 K J Mills. Pep Aseor , . '0 KR Tiulw-nor dep aseeetor tl" 60 II B Ksson mp asaessor. 12 50 W 11 IVwell, telephoning dial any effiw 1 2 T .Ji CUnnger, boanl of prisoners . i ?b Wui Kusb photo for county ex at I. A C Fair 50 00 Nottingham A Co. suit for booth at L & C fair ,7 W IVlos L Neer plaus for booth at i. A C fair ! I H Copeland ep eilncatlonal ex hibit at LA Cfair 50 15 Ruby A Jackson eiamiuatiou of . 15 00 Ed I jiws oopy ing cen ; roll $ 00 A T laws list of stale land sold. I 00 P Sutuula Aid for July 10 00 Win McDonald aid for July. .... t 01' Forced to Maeve. B. F. Iek, of Concord, Kr, says: "For Wyears I suffdred agonies with a sore on my lip, so painful at times that 1 could not eat. After vainly trying everything el-e, I cured it with Buck ten's Arnica Salve." It's great for cuts, burns and wouuds. At Perry and Gra ham's store; Onlvi'S'. The DUmonU Cure The latent news from Paris, is that they haved!covered a diamond cure for consumption. If yon fear consumption or pneumonia, it will, however, be beat for you to take that great remedy mentioned by W. T. MetJee, of Vanleer, Tenn. "I had a cough for fourteen years. Nothing helped me, until I took Dr. King New Discovery fur Consump tion, Coughs and Old which gave me instant relief, and effected a permanent cure." Unequalled quick cure, for Throat and Lung troubles. At Perry & Graham's; price 50c and $1.00. Tiial bottle free. VISITORS TO OCR BOOTH. Following are a number of Colnuibi County's rc-u !cnt who have visited the county's exhibit at the Fair during tlie past week: Jas. Coary and wife, Nellie and Her bert Geary of Marshland. F. K. Whit ney, Scappoo&e; II. A. Dugg.w and wiie, Inglis; E. B. Elliott and famiy, Mrs. J. Van, Harry, Dewey. Elsie, Ellen Van, Norman Pickering and wife, J. If. Haw kins and wife. H. W. McDonald and wife, W. F. M vers and wife, Chas. Hall. Henry KraU and wife, and Viola How ensliue of CUUkatnie. Mrs. Jane Mc Gregor, Mary McGregor, Coble; G. G. Mayger, Mayger; Maude E. Graham and children, Marshland; Mi-s Mamie Ever sol, Scappoose; Mrs. R. E. Watts, Reu ben ; J. G. Watts and wife, Haxel Watts. Scappoosc; J. G. Aiford and children, Rainiet; Sarah Reanier, II. E. Reanicr. Honlton; W. B. DilUrd, W. W. Dillard, St, Helens; Mrs. Birleil Smith, Houlton; Miss Rosamond Miller, Deer I aland; U. W.Clark, Houlton; Amos Slavcnsand wife. Warren; Mrs. Wm. Ret I, Jr. Rai nier; Mrs. Dell Shinn, Columbia City; C. G. Captes and wife, Columbia City; Miss E. M. Moeck, Rainier; Lulu George, St Hekss, L- E. CUrk and wife, Rainier. Mrs. J. B. Godfrey v tailed several la-s with her daughters, Mr. Morton an I Mrs. O'Brian, at Cathlamet, Wash, the past week. A Surprise V arty A pleasant surprise party miy 1 given to your stomach and liver, by taking a medicine which will relieve their pain and discomfort, viz: Dr. King's New Life Pills. They are a m-at wonderful remedy, affording sure relief and cure, for headache, dizziness and constipation. 25c at Perry A Graham's. A GOOD DAIRY FARM FOR SALE! 70 acres of land in section 21. t. 6 n, r 0 west of the Willamette meridian, des criljed as follows: Forty acres in cultiva tion, thirty acres in timber and pas' lire ; two orchards, all kinds of fruiis. More than a hundred bushel of apples are gath ered every year, beside other fruit. Good jtikfand picket fences; good crow fences and wll watered by living springs, mountain spring water piped to bouse. A large two-stry house, 16x2, pantry and dish cupboard built in honie. cellar underneath whole bouse, milk house ad joining 10x12 with 12 inch walla. Ailffn isned complete throughout and painted. Two iarge frame bar?!, one 24pI0, with ld-foot sheds on both sides; otner barn 22x50, with shed lx5o feet. Large or chard and all kinds of small fruit. Bee shed 100 feet long: good dairy farm. Cream from place is shipped to Portland xia Clatskanie. Gjod county road to place. School one apd one half miles. IN THE FAMOUS NEALEM VALLEY Poatnffke Vesper, Clatsop County. Price Jl,200. Terms easy. For further paj. ticulars call on or address W. H. COWYPR&, Clatskanie, "Oregon. sSteamer JOSEPH KELLOGG Lsares Portland on Talr. Thundajr and Sat urday at 7 a. m. lui It. Htttttt, talama. Carreft Poitt. Kainhi and Ktlto, Arrlrlnzat fortland Mondar, Wsd paadnr and Friday at i (f. m. Steamer NORTHWEST leaves Portland Monday, Wednesday and Friday niehis at at 10 n. m f k same points mentioned above and To icao, learning tlie latter place at 10 a. to. on the following day. Returning, the boat leave Toledo at noon, and Castle Uock at 6:30 In the afternoon, fuda.iy, Thursday and Sundays, leaving Portland early in the morning. ! Hat of a lino it U. U01UAH. Asvau 11 HitJ- a Wling UK t Rocky l'ltKl camp. Lee TUt was internally liijurrvl Mrs. Mallen and daughter lorta p visit to the Kxixwitiou MomUy. Capt. Nrwsome rrtunmi nmnir morniliB f; tinV iu ',rtU,"U W. P. Mclnrrre's logglnir c'P j m" garnisliefl aith an excellent HV. horse power donkry engine. Mr. Kd Ciark speul t en l' wi-ek in Portland visitiuft the Kxposl- tUMr. Wuod of Walla Wall spent last week in an enjoyable fislt IH bef sis ter, Mts-Charley HiUat'l lUiuier. Mr. II. 0. Howard ha lionght a ffn new donk v engine for w i" bis Umin camp. Mr'. Iluward has hitherto uvd oxen for pulling ug. Mrr. J. Uiherty retiirnnl .Mumlay. afieren.linu a ft w day visiting blends in Portland. Mr. I.. St and daughter Nettie are visiiiiig the fair. Mr. and Mr. Mitchell of Portland wnt Monday in Haulier on Inismea. The new Rai.iier pr. the "Ran.ler Review" Is now out and proruiwe rd succe. The proprietum sre Mr. and Mr. Kll'irut Kelao. who are rnn ning the "(Vwltt Valley Journal, a lively iwiiwr iu that city". " CltOlP Is a violent iiiflaination of the raucous membiam of the wind pipe, which sometimes extend to the Urynx and bronchial lubrs : and is oo of the moat dangerous diseases of children. It al- moat always comes on ta the night. Giv fre.iucnt small doer of Ballard' Horehound Syrup and apply Ballaid ' Snow Linniment externally to the throat. 25c 50c and $1.00 S.Id by A. J. Deming. CLITSK.YNIE (in Tuesday of this week the ther mometer rg!tvjreJ S5 in the shade in htwe parts. i1j is that lur warmth? Mr. M. K. Page, t.tir efficient pot matter and family, attrtidtd the Eji lion last werk and pait ot tins week. E. W. Couyer. It) Pioneer merchant of Columbia county, is In Portland this week taking lit tlu oghual the uou. pearly all the (artiu-rs in this rt of the Cvuntv lak twen quile buay since the 4th uf July getting their bay ml" their barns and undercover. Mmiilt and lumber still continue to be hau.ed to Una market by tlie thous and. We predict that more lumber, slnnitles si:U taaligs ar nrutigtii to Una maakrt than t" any other u.t iie tween Purtlattd ami A-turia. Who can deny ti n statement. Mr. H. L. Ce!in and aifr, of Marah laud, were in ti e city mie djy tbu eek lyiu,f in supplies, and buying c&livu lor the kids. Mr. Ch- II- Miller, bating ld hi 5 aries of land U lira, tivlle luitio of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, has united to Corsih in lVnU'ii county. Olc Erkksun, K. B. WiliuX, tieorge Hoaataon, it. M. Franklin, 1 la-onara bVrt ft ration and many ntbrr laiuers of the upr CUtskame sere in llieciiy this aerk laying in tupphi-s Icr them selves and faiuibe. A number ot I he bovs iu this commu nity have lakrn nut hi'ntt r licruse and will hunt the (esliie biid and deer dur ing the seaaon ahcu it i laaful so ludo Cherries are abejut gone, hlai k berries scarce, and Ihe knlsare wondcrms: what they may do to rani sotne In onr r bo that they may attunj the i.xpus:ion lior it otoses. It is suid by thv who claim to kntw that stil! another tdling will luk place in tue city toon. My. but wasn't that write-np in the Jticgraai s aan-iy. i;e leilow tiiatguve us tnat wnte-np mint nave tlllcl up with pcKir whukry larfore he reached this place. Sty, Rainier, we thought Edwiu Ktm Iivel at St. kIvus, c didn't know that he was the wavor of your town. That fellow didn't ny a w:rd about the principal hminetM men of this place at all nor did he say anything about the amount of buiincM dune at tint point. Gurt he must have been oo'lrnnk to tell the truth at alt or to know what he was writing aixxii. ii ncii me Jiui givoaua tile prom ised wtite-up we trust that e will iret justice and not h H-t down on quite a neavy as toe icicgran uun sat upnn us r SCAPPOOSK f 4 Haying is under way, and all farm crops doing splendidly. Many of our pcp!e are vuitiiig the (mi mn'i mj aea, Ulglliy Ol It. I. A. Geria-r hna mid hit fitrm in a Newman, the purchase price bctn nearly 1150 per acre. 7 Misa Milly Grant upent Sund.iy with ,4:i jMrcui, .ir. ami airs. ieo. ijnnt, J. U. Watts and family visited Chau tauijua and the Fair during la-1 week. Mil Miu:l kVili-r 4,-!) Irnm 1.M I mow in the Kllc Urn ainl was severely A. M. Badger and E. W, Drew, are visiting the Alberta country. Mr 1?. II Watta on.! l u...,. - ------ ..v, ... .7.1,,H Clara County C) , arc visiting rt lalivrs .mi. . ii:n voiuiuoi.i county it 1877, and thiaishitfirit vitit since then l?e notes manv rhaiiii-a m il,- .......... attdniiaacs the old time face of piutuer Clarance Shudder and Fred Kn.l.-r .trotu have tinitlieil neat humt-a here, (hir urwu is growing rnnulnr as a residence diatrict. J. P. Ieonard is prc-pnring to build a new houae in the near future. 'W. O. Jcffa, of Portland, but uit Cniahvd a saw mill on A AnderMiu't place, on hcappouce treek. He will market his output at Scanwiose station. I. G. Wickstrota it t,.(.iiilB bis jqwinill farther tin tli. t..... l"-..i - . -r ... ,ui 1 ' -. i lovaiiiiu, John Ilholm, of Vernonia, has moved to our town. TheA. A C. II. R. will Kdl season ex. cursion tickets from Houlton to all Clat- tup ocaci, jjoiiu ana return, continuing until September 15th. nt ft for the round llip, gtfud to return until (XtoUr 15. When In Porllaud Go to The Empire lt'islnurnnt, 102 Third Slrect, thriie floors H.uith of liuker The tre. Menls from 15 retita tip. 0en dsy and niiiht. Oysters in any style Wm. IVihlander, Prop., formerly of the Royal, lttaml Madison. F . v at -T W T MTU Am $9.75 The lst you ev.r saw fr the price. Other itorcs I as k 11 5.00 lor no ucimt. Send for one. IF IT DoNT PLEASE YOU, return It. Welch, niSAN 12 221-223 Morrinon 8t. 'WWW vvv AAAAAA AAAAaVAAAiaAAA ah New Walk-Over Styles for Hen $3.50 AND $4.00 KftiiCHT'S B B B 0.wsite IVrkius Hotel. IXlKIXANl) Mist and Oregonian $2.00 w' Tin? ti in cm i i? nwviS Q JLMM. aJA71L IV II il V j -GENERAL MEKCIIADISE- k! g Dart & Muckle. St. Ht U'iH, t iwr tartar im-itriwgw Iff If T" W T afv w -m av m mik TO PORTLAND Make your plans to at up at lue-ltke hoatclry: place .here you ahrmn evtrycourtMy and treated as yoi would U ts yoair own b Is Slirh a tdare ami ft Lt..l.. Iil.u f ...- .. garlen a view is had of the i:p.ltlon OronwU, the city and siirroiii-li" - o iTH ioirn-i ui an pnits 111 the city, liumiitan plan. lK a la frte and reiuouabif ns iu any jwrt of the city. PRICE OF ROOMS, 81, 1.50 Special rates to parties of two or more, MEALS A I A CARTK THE FORESTRY INN, Inc., Address P.C.MATTQX, Manager, or H. M. FANCHKR, j. .ll. ITT M a out anu upsutir fits., - Portland, ur AVV MAxa - I'OR POKTINA I)MU' IRALDA oleamer C I HOUGH Kl M K, flatter. Leaves Rainier diiily, escent Kiimlav for Portland ,,uu ., """.'"''. c, " " ui-pnriing iroin St. Ilcb-us t 8 o'clock. Kctiirniuir ! Portl.ud t 2 JO p. m., nrrtv bt. Iltitiiist i.y 8 1 XKW PATTERNS-- M NEW FABRICS 14 roilland, (Ho. U 00: AT1C1HU 600PS 5fNl r UPWfOVAl By The Big Sawmill!- I Uooiviii New Coral Krm tiny Iu the Week X THE MUCKLE STORE HA8 A REPUTA- tuua of long standing fur Only Ik Cm) in .VfvVVVV vv I will bowti THE FORESTRY INN on Street, faciiiir Cmliiir. TIIH HOKIrUV INN is eonatrueteil o the tag enhin style: furnUbliiK, cuisine, and mnaKri.irnt conform tbcrrt. It nna liiO larife commiabons rtioiin, all mieniiiK on broad, cwl veramb with electric liifhts. hot and cohl ..,.1 7- 1..1.. Vm the mof SutAttt Pi aj.ic. t'ol laW: J II. (iOllfKEV, ATTORNEV-ATrLAWi t Itral Kalate and Tliulwr LaaiU snll awl ! atmcla m.a. (nr. iiitidtN'. i t P,tKl c. rtHt iiKK, attornhv-at-law.