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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (July 21, 1905)
THE OREGON 'vol. xxii. ST. HELENS, OUKOON, FRIDAY, JULY 21, 1905. NO.. 32. MIST. OF THE WEEK Id a Condensed Form for Our Busy Readers. HAPPENINGS OF TWO CONTINENTS A Ratum Of th Important but Not I lntrn; I vent) of th Pt Wok. Portland I shipping ! J!11' Klll(, ()Mnr y he de not for IMt union with Norway. , A sever wind it""" wiped ' yion Anawe, WIconln. All telegraph operator on lb North m Pacific railway are rdy U go on iwik. Th t'nl'Ui paengr depot at lxul ".111, Kentucky, ha bri bnrned. 3A0,W)0. A Hoatuu mn has iwn erreeteJ In Kinptoo, Jamah, f'" taking pbolo. trap! ol th fortification. Wilt aya that while It favors with Japan, ha will not a It It at ny loriii that be """" fnusually hy rslnatorm are r i.iad to riou part ol lirmny. damage- Iim hmu don U TH('hlnre government I sending saiulwr ul it aristocrat to varum teanlrie lu aledy foreign way. H l rmrded generally M Step in lb nbt diiociti'o. Within niiiaday 9 Infant under on ymr ol UK hav died In Cleveland, Ohio. Th bltb aiMliorillr are mak lag clue lnvllgtin Into Ilia ! Utj condition o the milk supply. Th Jixutwa are driving Ua Ru- lUni orth. New York City ha purchased a boma kt contilinpUve. 8-e.leo will send an ultimatum to Kurwav sud I rrady lor war, Japan i wall ilanl at tlta appoint- awttt ul W tit a a w nvoy. Terrorist hav attempted U taka Id lit ol Hie governor gnuaral ul ot. I t-nbutg. ll 1 lullv willed that Will la to I on ol the Im-aian peace wiy and aril) b given lull power. During th al two yaara lb United Pule government Iim (pant us.uw, OOO ni.r than II baa takva in. A mot i alil U bn aurtatl to lurr tli rur to abdlcat and tbat h will turn tba altalra ul tb gnm tncnl Into ollmr band to adminltr tut lit an and btr. An nl man living under lb nam ol l.iYinfuton baa hia Umit lrwirl Illinoia. II vrnatlv fMMiiiikn ulcturn ol J.ilm D. Km kelellrr'i l.tlirr and it it lli'vii lijr many -thai ba ! Th prraidnnt ba alien! a prorlama lion otwning tu lioturtlwlr and loan- it vntrjr tli I'nitali rrrtKin in I'Uh. Tli rwwiyatlon contain t,44.' OUO a-:n, but land rwrrl lur mill, Ury, lurmtiy and utber puioti.wll Uataonl I.ODW.OOO avaliaba lurantry Th kaiiwr ia trying to prevent Xof- y (nun bct'omlng a rvpublio. Tim niutlnrat of lb Iluaaian liattle- M IVitviiikln bar all txwn abot or r iu chain.. A Dirty baa Un lormd b promln' nt llaliana lor tba Mtiluratiun ul Ui . uppr Amamn rlvnr. Miiiintrr Witt haa IikI (tormy in lriir with the rtar and may relua lo act at a ace envoy, Maior l-aniilUt. iruv)rnmnt englnerr, ith hrdiuarUi at I'urtland, ia to be ucrtmlitd by Major lloeaaler. limiana ottU-er have artueted li men Uliovi! to hit iranv mini have lnn TUMimti.-allv rubblim Ireliibt rar ol Ilk. Cblnl Foreater I'lnchot baa orderwl that lorvat auirvUoni tuuat vept no lewi lor arvlcea ierlirniM, unar pam oi ummitaai. Durlnir a hlub wind, following a er rain and elwlrlo ttorm. the wall ol brlik building In rourae of con turttiiin at Wlmt(rwif. Manitoba, fell v buryinv a minilMir ol ixxinle. It it Inarod at Ittaat ton are dead. The battloabip Oregon bold the troph lor hluh n or In gunnery among U liattlfahlpi ol th Ammylian navy The aalarle ol th Rilimlan plnlo- Mtntlariwi have I won Hxed at 1200 er lay eai'h, bmliloi an allowance of t', 8()0 lor travnllng and other expewM The ltrttlttli navy It to lie oonoentrat wi nnr lioine. Dyiiainlle ba been found in th cur a pnlace at Moevow. A grat Onrnian naval demonatratlon iito ho mail,, 0( (Sweden. , 8wdun will onnoae to the but the lection ol Prince Charlea, of Uonmark a king of Norway. TurrorldU have warned TremirT, ltant mluiHixr of the Interior of B' ', that tie will lie killed. The CltUen' bank of Yellow flprlngl hlo, baa cloned, owing depositor be "ven 2S,000 and :i0,000. Emperor William hai held a con fermice with King Oacar and a German owouuii alliance wat dlacuHteu. WANT A LONG CONTRACT. Only Term on Which Japtneae Will Work on Canal. Heattle, July IM, Japane lubor contrai lirt will not agree to the lath. in I an eiirn in ia loir programme of ex iwtlmeiitlng with the laUir of dlffrint ooiintrlr. ill.tatli from WaabliigUm aaya the coinmUHliiii baa decided to axcure I.INIU laliorera ol di. Ivrvnl tiatiimalltlit under a MX) day conlriu t, with the Idea in view ol re newing the contrail (or inch UlKjreia a were (oiind tall. Ii lory. lb qiivelion ol rin ploy Iim Jaiania lalnirora on the lathinu waj flrat taken p with th coiiiiuImIoii and Hwretary Tall by the Oriental Trading company, ol Htllv. Tlilt it the iiioat Inuiorlant lalxir contracting It nil In the North. wt. Vice Irldent C. T. Takahaahl taid today tbat bit company would not agree to audi a prnioaHl. "There la no money iu inch a abort contract," lie continued. "II we roold get a lour- year or a five-year contract, Japaneae Inner could Iw aupplled. Aa It la i laborer would have to he lroiilit Irom Japan and returuel In their borne alter the work wa completed. To cdlcl 2,0(10 men, carry them to i Ultimo and then return tliem to their home alter a 600-day contract ad been completed la not practicable. Our proiMj! to upply Japaneae laUir ba been before the romiuiimioii nd WaahliiKton olliciala lor amiie lime. W hay not been notiflixt that an perimeiital contract might be made nd I do not think w woulil accept a contract il offerinl one." The Oriental Trading cxuiipany pro. ptawl to pnvide It on foremen, Iiikmiiik men acciiatomnl to directing railroad and alunlar cunatruction work. ill OREGON STATE ITEMS OF INTEREST -- NEW TRIAL DENIED. oft ave MINERS IN TERROR. Appeal to Qovrnmnt for Protection Again! Outlaw. Heatll. July la. Miner operating the creek near ralrtMiik, Alaaka, annealed to the tinted Htatr gevernmeiil for protwlion Irom ool. lawt who are terrormnic mat uiairm lianeral Conalauc illiama, in com mand ol the f ieiltliielil ol the Colum bia, baa been Inalruct.! by the Wat denartiiieiit to Inveat'ifate, ana II comil tiona are a tw. a the miner ciaim, inxip will I iuhd into the Tanana .....o.iiv. Th telrsranh line Into r'airlnka are ikiwn anu nenerai n Ham' invetlgtlon I likety to N de ed for aeveral daya. In tue mean- time a large Aleak community ia t r r..,i.l lr tba altuation la even wuree than tbat which citeleU at Klway .irltor the "Hoanv Hmlth dava. Tnleeraohle advice Irom llie .-onn declare that hold up and the bohlcat ol r.,blrta are Ico0ili Imiucnl tnai ... . ..I .- I... .La la an atiaca on aom "i ' - feared by the miner. The mine owner ... alr.1,1 Li hither brilif their dtiat ltn town or keen II at their campa Th outlaw are holding np atnmg pack ....I n.t,t.i,ai at caetitM are o numeMua that they have bccoiue ex tMicted. Tb oliieia In the Tman country have but few week In which to make .i.-i. ..l-annii and the di'lreiU- tion ol the outlaw threaten the year' u,!mm. Thedlalrlctalwul ralrbaiik .... I... I a n.rkable winter and the .i...,n ...ol.l Iw the beavh-et in the camp' biatory II the miner are able to work, rearol loeing everything by eohherv a bo dillg UacK uio aiiri.m clean-up. BIQ CROPS IN LINN COUNTY, Ha, Wheat, Oat and Hopi Giving Qreat Promla. Alliany The hay crop of Linn conn. ty l xreater thla year than ever Ix-fore, ml thouaailda ol ton ol hay will he hipped away. In addition to the ex tra acrcaite I the yield. It la umiMtiitl- ly good. Hay la miIIiIiik lor M and $6 loiee, a.i'l $) and 7 balwl low price even lor the oHniiig market. Haying haa I wen In pr.rinn tor aome time, and thla week will aee the crop cut and in the cock. Moat ol it will alao lie in the barn or alack ere the end ol the week. Ni.-ver did wheat in I. inn county look Ix-ttiT. ltindeia will beuin moviiiK the yellow Km I n thin week, liitirh ol it be- ng now till I y nie and ready lor cut ting. The aphi nientiomd early in the aiimmer during the ralna have all liaaptieared, leaving no murk behino. The output ol the county will not lie much larver than in the pant, lor the ecrcait ia nut much larger than uaual, but the yield ia the gruateat in yeara. riirealiliiii will bx"i the lait ol July or the II i"t ol AKUiiat, on the (all aown grain. Three or lour wceka Inter work will I iey In on the aiiriiiir grain, which lookinit flue wheie owed early enough, hut that aown late will ripeif very dure lo llie Krouml, muking bind ing dilhcult. Oat are looking line, and will l a (airly heavy crop. The acreage i not a large aa In tome year, but the yield ia excellent. One ol the bumper croi ol the conn v will lie lion. There It every indi cation ol a lull crop belter than laat year. No damage haa been done by the lire, the hot weather coming In time to put an end lo the ravaegtt ol the little neat. The lew yarda that were itifctited tb ice have been aiirayeo, ami me . ran i not aflceted ill the leaat. K we have warm weather until nicking ca on ia over, the croo w ill lie lull one. A prominent Albany liopgrower call n,nii4 the oulniil ol I.iiin county at about ISO.OWI balea. IndeoandenC for Core. II,...1.1 Jolv 18. Corean here ' .' ' . . . , i ... t T have raieed a lunii u temi v.... . ('....,, Mnthotl Ml minminr, I WaablngUin to 1're.ldent l.H'velt i ... .1.. l aaking that ellorta K. iba t'nltwl 8tU 111 the lorlbromlug negotiation to bring about ... l. wbii-h the I'orcan n- 1,.,,',. iodeiHUldeiit Within lion mi ...... ..... 20 year il it how tltneea lor w-U ! -nt Rv. Mr. Yon will a u"""."" lielt the gixxl otiicetoi n-r velt to ak Japan to grunt tnilciti nc a the I' tilled Hta'ea did Cuba. Off for th North Pol. Jew York, July 18.-Thc Ibioaevelt i- . I. I'.mIhIii KOOeri r.. hoiie to reach the norm p'. " ' . . ....... .M l,k .g. Clllllllin AM IIM lOIlK WTMW - Peary and party ol gueau. . Imard at the tart. and remained with the ablp on her trip down the bay, but they lelt her at th narrow-, returning the city on a navy tug. Captain Peary .tartod tonight ny ra . neyCai. HreUm, where be will join the blp. . Captain King In Blackmar't Plac llaltlmore, July lS.-By . l;'l' 1 General Hlackmar, tapiam uu.... olthl city, emr . i.. .,i.i..( l-.nne. under the er-ln-oblef, and will continue .nob un. 9 next National ciu-iuni"."- " . . ..u.a.t t,f CapUln King I P" " rK""vV: Maryland, DUtrlet of Columbia, ir giUli and Weat Virginia, and haa an otllce in Washington. Indian, Go Into Law. t'hemawa Among the 32 young ..!...:,. .1 i.a men who were recently "iii'"" nra. tii e law U-fore the Supreme court of Oregon were two Indiana, graduate ol the Cheinawa Indian achool. lloth young men were ucceaaful, anil give great pruniiae of a creuitable career. They were Onar Norton, of California, .1,,. ura. uateil In IKUH. anil i.eoree dernier, ol Oregon, ol the rtaaiof 1WH) Won! ha alao richel here that nun ardlirabam, another lamornia uiuino l.n aa a atuilent of t hemawa in 1H"7, baa Iwen altnitteI to practice law in the court ol Waahlngton City. Mr i,aa lawn a eovernmeni ur ' .-lilc for runnier ul yeara, ami I.. a al!rk.liil and uraduaUil Irom the Columbia law achool. Froien Wheat Short. The Pallea Through the High Kidgi and Ullwn-Mile comr.ty, the ection ol Waaco county where grain w nw aerioiielv damaged by the Irene ot reo- n. ., uiiern mueli n-eetHiing nm .J.rr. crona arc looking fairly well Some of the apring aown wheat i abort ....i ,.ii,.r tbin. but ia ol goixl color, -.i i,i, (av,abl wealber' will make a comparatively good crop. Farmer, in that aectlon eaumaie u ni.rlng grain will average l buahela to the acre. In that aection the lH grain tlmt waa not Iroteii out will yield from S5 to 40 buthel to the acre. r y where ibroughonl the county fall grain ia ripening lapldly. ! beading ba already begun. Bohemia Men Want Smelter. Itol ia Atan Important meeting ol the llohemia Mineownera' ateoclation Ihia week nt were taken to iiiteteat a ......Itermen in Ituhemi camp. One miiai man elated tbat in caao in teieatedpnrticaputup a iiiieltcr, In .inn a contract lo ueuvwi ton of ore per day I ore from one mn, RAILROAD FOR WALLOWA. ndependent Capitalitt Will Build Branch to Joseph. in be CLAIMS INNOCENCE Judg O Havan Deni, Motion In Mitchell Ca. Portland, July 16. "Tb motion arreat of Judgment will be denied. "The motion for a new trial will denied, "In the defendant in court?" ftunatir John II. Mihll waa not in I iriiriii rrMirn inillf-fl I.a Qriinde A corn of engineer are court when Judge D Haven pronounceu RniLI UL0IU.ll LUAIULU at work ertahliahing a line for a new the word quoted from till declalon in railroa.l down lira ml Koude river to an,wer to the motion made laet week the mouUioI the Wallowa river, thence hlu,tMy: Senator Mitchell up the Wallowa to Wallowa valley. ' "" , ' . The right of way ban been secured to wa rejiresemeu oy unKe miv llie mouth ol the Wallowa river. The ex-Benator Thu niton, and while Judge new road will be indeiiendeiit ol all I ne il&ven did not ear that be would other linen and I backed by New York rendere1 jodKment upon the rI",u1, ... senator, bad be been in court, it l be- A construction company Is ., . ,im f . , k if luglii grading aa .x)n a part ol the ,. ,ififen(i.nt w,, i COUrt." tbat he line it established, and will I at work wou,d bve d()ne 8.n4tor Xhur within the next 30 days, and it is atat-. ,. ,., U n. ., ed the r.d will I completed to the ' ' roM .nd iUtej Ula.t ,e wished Wallowa hmlge this year and will lie ,,,, ., i t.t..h Hra nn a hill xtemle.l Ui Joseph next year. , ...--. -nd be WM )Ven until a This activity has cauwl age.nta lor . m MnH.v mnrnina . reent the 0. K. & N. to go to Klgln this week ' and busy themselves securing right ol T, j aother ten days belore way on all ilenleU laud througti wnicn - . M1, . ,. ... i(imftnt their final survey was established about pronounced npcn bim Tbe senator's five years ago The probable purpose ol the new promoters la to get the right of way In the tirand Komle amfWallowa canyon away from the O. K. A- N., which it is opposed has already expired or soon will expire by limitation. counsel informed tbe court tbat by to- Williamson Denies Entering Plot to Suborn rerjury. , MONEY Cross Examination by District Attor ney Heney Brings Out This Fact from Witnet. Portland, July 18. After the cour. sel for tbe defense places several wit nesaes on the stand this morning to show tbat tbe timber claim of Marion K. Bigg, one of the defendants in the trial of Representative Williamson and Dr. Gesner. was valuable lor timber, all of tbe evidence will have been laid before the jury. By refusing to permit the defense to place on the stand a long list of witnesses to prove the good char acter of the three defendants, Judge De Haven shortened the trial and for tbe next few davs tbe courtroom will be DENIES MOTION. morrow they would have their bill of wjth the voices of tbe attorneys exceptions ready and in the bands ol making their argument to tbe jury. United State District Attorney Heney, Yesterday morning Representative so tbat be might in turn have bis Williamson took the stand in bis own answer ready by the time that tbe case beliaii and declared to the jury tbat bo will again be taken np Dy me court,, i waa jnnoceDt ol tbe charge ol conepir- - TI,?.0.,,,,r,S.,llvllly.,f UJ H med willing to ln to cause certain applicant, lor gov mini unvi., iv """" I -.,, tha inii aa thnre wa not .,i..i.i.,l.nn,u.,iiinr tl ! . n " ' " I eruuicil. HIJilci i.wi -- wu'u," r J - j 1 1 mjvw , fmm Mr II anal Ilia Hn for ceiving the exceptions. ing its proposed Hue. loes not 'n I u. Henev. His Honor u . : i;.,i t i. Mnihativ tinder . II. . ...llnn r.1 I I.a I ' 7 T 1 . '.' . . " uiin v .mo, ,c-c.,.,.ww . Mt Monday. July 51. aa the day ...ii i.tan it. I - " - urvevs alreadv made, it will lose its right, and this the O. K. A X. Co. is not exoeetid to do. Iii anv case. Wal- ..... . I . nrr.,r Iowa county has a U4ter propt tor a Biuua I ta I inta run wtrtnw, railroad than ever Ulore, Vigorously Dsnies Any Thought of cross-examination but District Attorney Henev. apparently bad no desire to pre, tbe witness to tbe point where he would lose bis temper. During the di rect and redirect examination, Repre sentative Williamson frequently turned full noan tbe jury and delivered his evidence at various times directly Judg DaHavcn Refute to Dhvnls Land Fraud Case,. Portland, July 14. The case of th United State against Williamson, Gesner and Bigg will not lie dismissed by the court, nor will the jury be in-, structed to acquit as prayed for In a day-long argument by Judge Bennett and If. S. Wilson. But by ;the ruling of Judge De Haven the case will have to be fought ont before tbe jury to tb end. According to the opinion of tb judge, tbe prosecution Iim furnished sufficient evidence against Williamson and his associate to warrant hi sub mitting the ease to tbe jury. Judge Bennett opened the ease for the defense yesterday morning with a motion to dismiss, owing to Insufficient evidence to connect the defendant or lo convict them. He asked that th case be not submitted to the Jury, or, if such had to be done, tbat the court Instruct the jury to return a verdict of acquittal. Following this motion tbe attorneys for the defense made exhaust ive argument of their position, bring ing citations from tbe law to show that their contentions were within tb rule.' Upon making this motion and before commencing his argument Judge Ben nett asked tbe court that tbe jury be allowed to remain in tbe room during the argument, in order tbat it might hear tbe positions taken by both sides in tbe controversy. This, it is alleged by some, wa a mistake in the strategy of tbe trial, u tbe influence of tbe re fusal of the court to allow tbe motion would tend to throw assistance to tb side of tbe government. STORM WRECKS TOWNS. Perpetrating Fraud. Portland, Jule 16. This coming at tbe 12 men who will later pass judg- Ready to Start Cut-Off. Kugene C. S. Freeland, construction engineer of the Southern Pacific com- . , unforeseen accident ment upon him. Naturally his tesli- i.anv. la in Eugene W'th a lorce ol men . .. .,, .,, ... monv was the feature ot the day, ana preparatory to the construction of the -"ouw eo" m ",B whUe be made a good witness for him- bridge across the Willamette river at I representative nuiiamsno, ui. Mr. Heney nevertheless got ad- SnrinufSeld for the Henderson-Spring- Gesner and Marion R. Biggs trial. missions from him that tended to show field cutoff branch line, which will be Veeterdav Marion Biggs, who is the that he knew that Gesner was making built immediately. The people of Eu- , - , . mmiione, took loans to entrymen gene herald the new. of the beginning tbe .Un(, m hl own .nd when ol the work on this line wuu great sai- , , -HiornBd eoart until infaction. They have looked lor it long .,, '.. , i, n.A Hir-mh and earnestly. It means the ol Kuirene a terminus (or all trains on the Woodhurn-Natron and Hpringflekl TO TAKE VLADIVOSTOK. Destroy Everything In It Path on Rosebud Reservation. Fairfax, S D., Jnly 14. One of the worst storms that ever visited tbe Rose bud reservation struck the towns of St. Elmo, Burke, Herrick and Gregory, re- i suiting in tbe death of one person and tbe injury of 11 others, two of whom may die. At St. Elmo three buildings were de- i in. Monday morning, he had passed thringh . the bands of the district attorney. On the whole, he made a fair witness for himself, and the two defendant cbarg- ... , . , t. I llaliitwiii W end I hg hranciies, increasing ino ihij- I i iin- i hi mi nth e alleged con- --- "----. - ...:.. "i .i... ,1. I,, i he M1 Jointly with mm in ine aiiegeu con i .-tivitv at present being displayed at Under the skillful bands ot .. v- ..,., :, .m. Ttin ilie. and aflordiug the people residing! along the alore aid branches a quicker and belter means ol reaching tins ciiy to do their trading. nlatinn .l the i-itv considerably liV the .n:.: i ..l, i.m. r. . . .. T the Navv department, it seem! oiihioii i I Altrnev W laon. K I7M told a DlaUSlble . . ". . i: l ... j , - -do- . i tne investment oi i munwiu t story, but District Attorney ,)ected tiefore the end of this week during the course ol an extremely rigid .. unmM1, .te known to have cross examination, tangled the witnesse . p-n-oje-ej. and it i reported, evi np several time. Hontlv noon the beet authority, that From th bwinninir of his testimony I . . , V ., a, ;:l ..;i . i e " - . . . Aamirai loiro a rmuc ur.. ... muaum n n,..m. to the end, Biggs contended tnat ue . J:Mntm nightfall. In addi U-bano!! Ueorge is. vtuueoino, woo innocent of any wrongdoing, ana .. ,;., i,i,.h a . 1 .... aa I fclUII. B.1 nlUIT Ul C1UU, live alwut 30 miles above ioanon on h(l aeo)wi having any part tn tne aueg- . j rom transporta in Peter the the South Bantiam river, reporu hav- congpiracy of suborn ing en trymen to -.,t r Ja-entiv. is alreadv moving to complete tbe investment Dy strayed and Roy McFadden waa killed. Japanese Hope to Capture Fortress At Burke, a few miles north of 8t. Before Envoys Reach America. Elm0i ten baildtngs were destroyed. Tokio, July 18 Judging from the I xbe home of Mr. Jensen was demolish ed and Mr. Jensen, bis wife and baby ing discovered platinum in paying commit perjury. quantities. A quantity ot oiaca river sand was sent to the government assay oilh e at Washington, D. C. and partly concentrated sand went $50 to the ton, while reconcentrated sand went M high a $ 1 75 to the ton. Mr. WhiUtimb has sent other samples to the government aaam-er nt tlifl I.wis and Clark fair. land. seiously hurt. Mrs. Jensen and her child may die. At Her nek, near by, the entire town wm damaged. Two livery barns, three stores, a saloon and 21 residence were entirely destroyed and five person in jured. - Three large building were nnroolea and seven smaller one destroyed at Gregory, but no person wa injured. Ibe storm wm severe over tne entire reservation and several inches of water DIES AT BOISE. mmJunal, 50 cn-poing ...... h. h - . mnat foreign steamers have bee n pid . nB-l. ., . , . ,j , Was der the Japanese flag, laden with am munition and supplies, and will accom pany Togo's fleet. i It is the hope of tbe Japanese gov- ernmerft that Vladivostok will be taken Commander-in-Chief of G. A. R. Touring Northwest. Boise. Idaho. July 16. General W, W. Blackmar, commandor-tn-chiet ot before the peace envoys land on united With this oojeci in view, ucb. damage wm done to crop and wriee, ana mo-the detail of tbe havoc wrought have beets trmght in by messengers from tbe different towns. MURAVIEFF RESIGNS. lie exiwcts an expert in a few days who . ( . . . , ,he Republic, died Rtjl -oil. will make a thorough examination. 6 o'clock this evening of intestinal nothing it to be left undone to make Czar Decides to Sand Witte to Wah- ... ... l. I I " II nephritis. His wife wm with him n,e campaign, as planned, during bis illness. The body will be ,mjnently successful embalmed and taken to me nome oi brief and HEAT IS KILLING. Mr. Krebt at Dallas. Dallas Growers report the Krebt lion pool meeting in Da 11m a success in famiiv i Boston. every resiect. All those present are The general arrived here on the 10th said to have signed up, and the scheme on a uurig w hich he intended to T.mDerature in Metropoli of United in tiii VH-iiiiiy ait-ins w i-v iiwb.v--...r, vifllt arana Army ioeta mrouguoui uio states Causes Prostrations. while i.wwa comes irom mmw if Northwest Ho ws Ul wnen ne amv I, ! !.. at,!. rtAimtv infill 1 ll :t. TbA Polk county will be quite generally in neg. , hi endition was kept from the of one day, the hot wave swepi minigten) who ,n along has been con- public at the request of his wife. tn and hundred of cases of pros- Mered the Russian statesman pre-em- i oi...v,a. w .Tnlv 55. trations. returned today with reneweo menny quauueu i ington in His Plac. St. Petersburg, July 14. M. Mura- vieff hM resigned hit position m chief peace plenipotentiary. It may be regarded as practically cer tain that he will be replaced by M. New York, July 18. Alter a respite a'itte. president of the committee ol e 60 With this amount It is considered a,. Mtured fact that a smelter wouui pay.i! once put in operation. Men w ho ire now doing nothing with their prop .il ..I ,, a. -live develop- erttes wouiu m"u ment. Clerk Robinson Suspended. Pendleton -Charles M. Robinson, . .i. i .1... iT.,.,iiill Indian rescrva- ciera "i - , , , i i .. tion, has been iron. Major J. J- McKoln. United tUU in (.ItnrUA OI UIO iwi""i ii i.1WMiifttiion of the afTftim raW. oOU-e. , This, action on be a result ot me ..!,.. -- OV IV. I.I- I the pool. Evidently the project is glv- inn aoec.u a ors consiueraoie cwimru. Ills reported that Salem speculators weie here the day Ol lue meeting. PORTLAND MARKETS. I ' .. .. . .,.!.. i. t LU 1S41 at Bristol Pa. He enlisted in intensity, tne temperaiure oemg v, cuit taBK oi negotiating pnra the Fifteenth Pennsylvania cavalry and the highest ot the i season. . j Japan. 1I 1 UA a.'i .m Want I I TIA I1 1 1f IIISHL LHI1UI ITIHillCU n u w lUlUfJU UIO A lto . von a a , . K., ii. . i ,;.;r.niAr. uvwk in the Afternoon, when the Though the emperor on two previous o'clocic in me anerooon, - . fl , jiiMj to accent Wheat - Club, 82(S83c per bushel; throughout the war and at Five Forks weather bureau termometer touched now indieated hiB blnesU'tn, SHistOUcj valley, 85c. was promoted on the field by General 95 degrees. In the streets, readiness to make the appointment. -vviavw - ---o . , ITMni Barley, Feed, 21.60za per ton; CuBter to therankoi captain. Tbroogti im nei m gr., -"'" The commission, however, will not be ...11...1 tntaoi .u. .i i.i:i..;. ni nnvnrnnra mometers recording a Ulgll o Jo ..1 m. i"..!i.u- r.w.,l ' ner ton: . .v.... r:. v.. . .. i,ia I While the beat wm intense, the grav, $20. advocate general of Massachusetts, llay Timothy, 141 per t I the last National encampment of clover. 111012. Grand Armv of the Republic be . . Aa OKI . r . . Fruits Apples, new, fi.ouigi.oa gjected commander-in-chief nr lx: anriaota. 11.10 per crate; i, atirred bv lisht breeze, and the .v.A I nknoriil aufferinff wm somewhat rulti .n4.,all iimimI until Farflian Minister Jjimsdorn, wno tnrougnout oaa wwu M. Witte's warm supporter, hM had an audience with the emperor. To matter may be re- wM -gated by the absence ol the exces8ive -on,;The humidity that preva. eu b w.. nothjng - . : o peaches, 80000c per crate; plums, 85c (tl per crate; Loganberries, ' 11.85 per crate; blacmiernes, iwc per imuuu, cherries, 712j.sC per pound ; currants, 8c per pound ; prunes, 85cl; rasp berries, 1.251.50 per crate. Vegetables Beans, l4c per pound; cabbage, Kl.'c 1' pound; cauli driver. 75(0c per doxen ; celery, 90c nnr ben: corn. 2027Wo por doxen; Costly Dirt In New York, New York. July 17. From the ex- mnt tax list. M published today in the City Record, some idea of the value of earth in that part ol tne giooe cov ere.1 bv New York City may be gath rd. The total estimated value of real property which pays wa lanrelv owing to this that onl eaapa of death directly resulting from heat were reported. in Russia. M a prominent diplomat re marked last night, until the emperor' signature hM been affixed. Order Reforms In Navy. St. Peterbsurg, July 14. The an- noucnement of tbe appointment of Vice Admiral Birileff as minister of Marine in succession to Admiral Avellan, n th the claims of America, lue vou-um- -"-v" e-- - . r - . Nothing to Investigate. CaracM, July 18. Venesujelans were vrv much surprised on receiving the news that President Roosevelt had ap- n I,,., ia nointed Judge Calhoun a special com it.i it nnn rum ruin ami it ia missioner to enexueia to iuvk... . . . i A .i. 1 i ..,k n t.a I tha elnima of America. sate to say tuat tue "'-;""' T " .. .7" .:..... , ,v: "If Ripe Fruit Can B Carried. Sacramento, CI.. July 1 8 .--1 Irol.l .. -i .i... i!.,lt.l Htntes Depart- t'oweii, " ;- ..... h i.s ment of Agrlfiiiiure, -demonstrated conclusively that ripe Iru It well refrigerated before shipment w"l arrive ond under ordinary rail road refrigeration, even after being Irom 10 tol5day on the way. Packing Plant I Destroyed. Coluinbns, 0., J)y 18.-The plant olu"e Co urabu. raokl..g company on ?, Houth Side, was destroyml by & r . ... aiasnnn. The ure is WII.J, I -. believed to have origin. ft . : ..( ll,a ruaervntiou. " I.. ..M-retarv to Indian eniiiio, -. Commissioner Leupp. Albany Summer Normal. Albany A summer normal scliool (or the b. nt of public school teachers , being cou'lucted In Albany h sui.i , by County fchool Btiperliitendent W. I Jackson, City School Super,., ,m dent Hayes and I. K. Kichardson, . .L ,i,, of the teachers in the mblio schools of t ending this summer school, where in r , lion in practical pedagogy is give... Stat Land In Klamath. Baleni-SUte Land Agent Oswald West has returned Horn a trip to Swan J . vi i. .i,niv. where ho in- ZLy, and hofc been of Incendiary dosen; peas. 25c per ponnu; toma- toos, fLSstjlS percraie; turnips, i.u 1.40 per sack; carrots, $1.25(81.60 per sack; beets, $101.25 per sack. Potatoes Oregon, new, 75c$l per ...,lr Butter Fancy creamery, WX2lHe per pound. n Kggs Oregon ranch, 21a22c Jr Poultry Average old hens, 12 13c; mixed chickens, 12(12H'c; old rooster., 010c; young roosters, ll 12c; turkeys, live, 18I9; geese, live, 7H8c; ducks, old, 18c; ducks, young, 15c per pound. - wt iiann A Hops t'hoico ii'u. wi r" pound. . Wool Eastern Oregon average best, ,n,.,li.. t..u,Ap orn.lAH down to 16c. C- conli'ngto shrinkage; valley, 2527c per pound; nionair, cuoito, pled with a highly significant rescript n which the emperor charges the new ZarZ.7ZZijr.thi.M would have been already minuter not on.y toe oi uruuira, v. .., NCT--,.- r-- afe to say uiat tne reai woivu .i . i ...,.., i,.,r. 40ra76c per dosen; lettuce, ... ,K. o ruin nnn nnn. tion. the government organ, says. i i m. n, .lnaen: narslev. 25c perl . fr .i aa rinn nnn iha elaima oi Americans or others 6X- $7,000,000,000. It building the navy, but also may be the president require in for- of reforming and I ' - . r .u TkT I Iia1a ivaram . T with that uou oi iwi wii.i. . , . .,l-:.:. actual value of the city i. more than , reforming and reorganising the mation regarding the case of the New whole . J .m" ia in structed to eradicate the fault - which have developed under the stress of the present war. d.i. o..u. Inrii.n. Whaat. York & Bermudex Asupait w-'j . Indianapolis. Ind., Jnly 17.-Reports which is still Pending." to the News from all counties of Indi- . . ana show that continuous rains have ""H'V, " ' . u,u Li.,w,fc Conference Meet in Fall. prevented almost entirely the threshing -royai Berlin, July 14.-A rare thing in the of wheat in this state so Two tonight German empire weeks ago Indianian. apparency u W" . ,.,i" " L-ard i Hmrin- was the meeting today of the Foreign the greatest yield ' V' HZ Imm ndr ioaol Uffiiricommittee, which'h.,1 not met years, but since harvest there has been eers recommends J"J J. . .hen the cllineM ,it.tion rain practically .1 the time. eturn. wo "" : " wag considered. Chancellor von Bulow He found WZZoMUo believes the r. .. .... . 1. 1...1 a na ent. and he r,ai:a,:;Vi,nn,;ilatUly to perfect title. the acre. be tremendous. made a confidential communication to . ,.!.... . ..iu on k.,.L.i. tn wt wide and between SO iar inuicaio ju v.. a - - ---- ,. . , The Indiana corn crop win u". phase of the railways below the Burlace. It is esti- Moroccan negotiations with France, railways dbiow mo bu ita,at.inna) Moroccan conference Canal Laborer. Leaving. ?ated that tne cost o. -L!D, Vm meet at Tangier in Ovto- Panama. July 17. Owing to dila- Slo per tory methods of paying laborers, a geu- 1 I . . , , 1- .ll.n ..In ...1 eral exouus oi womuieu ia wmma be 12,000,000. ber or November. PBoef - Dressed bulls, l2o per among employe, of the canal. Reports pound; cows, 804H) M ponnd Vaol Pork DteBsed fl7io per pound Honolulu Chinese Push Boycott. Honolulu. July 14. Local Chinee Assistant Engineer of Canal n Antonio. Tex.. July 18 Jackson among employee ui mo ....... . . . - - . . ,K . from Culebra indicate that, becauw, orner y tttobmtandet $50,000 to in the boycott ot American guw rhin. It is reported they nave . . .! 1 .OA AAA fruit to ward on starvation. i - nd; COWS, 8K4HC rou, "'7'- '"-J-.--""' lotto,, - Dressed, fancy, 5o per hey cannot paid. sant to Chief Engineer assist in nd; onlinaty, 4o. .JXtaiU btowolthtPiMiiii word- C.ii real-Dressed, 8?Je per pound. . J fuTtoa' telegram received here tonight, already,