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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (March 24, 1905)
When St. Jacobs Oil The old monk euro. tron . stulght. ure, tickles Hurts, Sprains, Bruises Th muscles (lex, the kinks untwist, the soreness dies out. Pilce25c. and 50c. Bin. Sin ti contagious. It has self- propagatlng power. One sin will open tlie door for many sins to follow. Rev. K. B. Baghy, Washington, I. 0. The Struggle. Though everythinc w struggle for Is not pood, every thing good has to be struggled for. Rev. Frank Crsue, I'ultartan, Wore-' ter, Mass. . , i The Point of View. The unwise; man thinks of thins as they might 1 be; the wise man looks at them as they are. Rev. V. M. Pame. Eplsco- Italian. Baltimore. Md. The Christian Family. The Christ Ian family as an Institution. Is as holy as the church. The family antedates both the church and the State and is the most ancieut of ail Institutions.- Rev. D. G. W'ylle, Fresbyterian. New York City. Life. Biology Is not life. Theology and doctrine are not life., I.lfe comes through the Imparting of Cod s life to( the human spirit, and he who believe ; In Christ has found the center of hi -system. Kev. W. E. Oarby, Episcopa lian, Brooklyn, X. Y. i Doing Good. There Is a large place tn the world for the man who goes about doing good. The man who knows the good and does It not commits a slu gainst society and imperils bis own life. Rev. W. II. Found, Congrega- tlonallst Chios ro. 111. . .. , , , ' 8elflshness. The organized power of evil will remain strong In society until ; men cease to be seinsh: and until their consciences are stirred to a due eense of their obligations to Clod and to their fellow-men. Rev. Robt. Huu ter. Presbyterian, Philadelphia. Fa. The Divine Decree. We cannot shut out the shaping force of circum stances, we cannot free ourselves from the common perils of existence, we cannot prolong our live, beyond thej" moment fixed hy the decree registered staicrs, and that u catarrh. Hall's catarrh ,th o.v j h Rnrrell Preiliv- ' Ue i'tenly positive cure known to the on nign. Kev. j. i. riurreu, trwnj radical Irsterulrv. catarrh being acoustttu terlan. Brooklvn, X. Y. ti.-nsi di-a.e. requires a constitutional txeat- , , . mem. Hail t Catarrh t uns isiaaen Internally, Home IJfe. The city is not good a.-ting directly upon tha Wood and mucoui oil for the home. The home Influence l&tf&tSi cannot last where severs! families oc- u,nt strength br baiidtna; up the constitution enpy a single house. Home In cities rSSelL lunruVli: re disappearing at the two social ex- tremes. Anions- the rich hotel and . ,i... H:..i. tor nuiuiipl ur inn ii. "i onu . club life Is being substituted for home llfe.-Bev. G. H. Buckley, .Methodist, Philadelphia, Pa. s The Best Friend. The true glory of the gospel la that in having discov ered the sinner to himself It does not forsake him. By It is provided free dom, rescues, health, life and plenty in an enduring sense. By it is revealed the way back from the far country to the Father's house and forgiveness. Rev. T. R. Stair, Methodist. Brook lyn. X. Y. ' MALLEABLE IRON STUMP PULLERS easiest, nbtt ani MroBite.t stomr. Pu!r ; a me market. 11, Horw power on the sweeo with two borsea. W'rite tor fteicrlptire ratalo. ana prices. BEIEBSOKt MACHINERY CO. Feet ef Marrtswa Street Hortlaod, Orezw $25 Per Day CAN BE MAPS KITH Austin Well Drills Made in all sizes and styles i nrlie lor t. aia'OK and f noes BEALL S Go. Gen. Afts. 313 Comm. Bik Portland, Ore tr3eLI;aelT:3 I "Id ttilit aii iiH iSit'"?- ! ecus titHi Ait cm fAiii. In time. rVi!d hr drnjrfft"ty. w4ilLisaKAjLAaiaUHLft libid You Have Always Vought lias borne the HlgTia ture of Chas. H. Fletcher, and lias been matte under his personal supervision for over ao years. Allow no one to deceive yon in this. Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-aH-pood" are but Experiments, and endanger the health f Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castorln Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare Soric, Drops and Hoothhi- Hyrtips. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its ttsre is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Pcverixhnees. It cures Diarrhwa and Whid Co.;,.lt r,plieves Teethinpr Troubles, cures Constipation and Hatulfiicy. It assimilates the Food, rcnilates the gtoiiin h and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. The Kind You Haie Always Bought SI uears tbe In Use For Over 30 Years. vmc eiMTMia aesseawv. tt ejuaaav liong Stretch or ftiraltrht Komi. The railway from Nyngau to Bourke, In New South Wales, run over a plain which Is as level as a Millard table for l-M mile In a math ematically straight line. There Is hardly an embankment, nowhere a curve, and only three very alight ele vations. l.lona Are Sot Sprinters. I.lona and tigers are too weak In lung power to run more than half a mile. , When an old fashioned wonmu bus a big dinner. It Is like reading a gro cer's advertisement to hear her bill of fare. The wixe men wyiii to know Ices every day. The " Ick. "Ton were out gunning yesterday. I hr. See any wild ducks? -ime, reini i iiusimr uuuim "But you didn't get within range, I suppose " -I was within range of his voice all right while he swore at me for shoot ing bis tame ones." Philadelphia Frees, A GUARANTEED CURE TOR PUTS tli-hlnc Wind, ttleedtna' or P-vtrad'nf Pile. Your .IruffKM will rvrund money tr lAo OINT MKN T !. Is to cure rim la s to 14 days. eOo, Miking at Mom IHatlactloe). " Benevolent Party Young man, I'm sorry to see you thus Idling away the goldeu hours of youth. Every time I look out of my parlor window I see you sitting on this fire hydrant. The Young Man What's th' matter with you? What are you givln' me? I ain't idle when I'm doin" noth ing. I'm a sewer inspector. Cleve land Plain Denier. Mother will find Mrs. Wlnslowl Soothing ,h. mejT tonssloi UsUrskUdrea during ins teething period. A gutta-percha and rubber manufac turing compauy of Toronto has made a belt for the grain elevator of the Inter colonial Itatlway at St. John which is ons of the largest ever prdueed. It is of rubber, snd measures 3,'9 feet. Its weight is nine tons. $100 Reward, $100. The readers of this rarer trill be pleased to proprietors have so much powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars; ,0.'taJS,1 11 - Address. F. J. CHEXET A CO.,Joledo,0. fcfaur. Fy FOU ax. the beA nociai r qnaiuy id .amnriusro Before Longfellow bought the bouse Id Cambridge so associated with his memory it was owned and occupied by old Mrs. Craigie. Mrs. Craigie was a woman of many eccentricities. Moncure D. Conway says in his recent book of "Reminis cences." Some one once tried to persuade her to have her trees tarred to protect them from caterpillars, which also in- ! neighbor ' trees. She refused to be no cruel to the ..ivnilin,. "They are our fellow worms," ahe said. To Break In New Shoe. Always shake in Allen's Foot Ease, a powder. It cures hot, sweattnc , ar nine;, swollen feet. t nres corns, ingrowing nails and bunions. At all dmairists and shoe stores, Vr Don't accept anysnostitute. sample mailed iRci. Allen 3. Olmsted. U Roy, '. Y. Address Told by Truihrnl James. A more or le?s truthful Australian : relates that be put an unusually large . porcelain egg in the nest of a hen and : found that the next eggs she laid were of Increased size. Then be put a goose j egg In the nest. The hen laid an egg ! just as large. He was so pleased with the scheme that he put a whitewashed j football in the nest. When be went ; the next time to search for . eggs he .' rl nnA am 1.1 - - . I. .. ' 1 I . - ben In eight, curing the egg, be saw engraved on It, bv hen Dhotoeranhv. j these words: Tm no ostrich, but I've done my best." Later be found the hen Inside the egg. Signature of avacrr. i Ohtrlee "Were any of your sea side engagement genuine?" Myrtle "No. Simply war rumor." Chicago News. ' Casey "Did ye take a vacation this year, Mike?" Corrtgan "Ol did not. 01 was out on strike from May to October." Puck. "Waller, I Hud here In my soup a needle a needle, air!" "That must ne a mistirlut that should be. a Doodle." Judge. "How's you gottlu' on wld youab 'rlthuiedc, Lou?" "I done learned to add up tbe oughts, but tie figures bod der me." Collier's Magaxiue. All In the bra ml: Homer "What's the difference lu lime between Chicago and Paris?" Rounder "Well, that de pends on the kind of a time you are looking for." Chicago News. "He say he protoes to make auto mobiles that will easily attain a speed of eighty miles an hour." "Whew: that's a great business undertaking, "Yea, but, most of all. It menus a great nn lertaking business." Philadelphia Press. "How did they ever come to send him to tbe legislature?" "Well, you see. they were prevented by a techni cality from sending him to the peni tentiary and he showed no disposition to move out of town." Chicago Rec ord Herald. Partner Jones "Wat, thar's one thing I like about these pl.-tgney auto mobollsts, anyway." Karmer Brown "What Is that?" Karmer Joues "They don't mind getting killed themselves any more than they do killing other folk." Brooklyn l.lfe. Bagge "And so poor Pagg Is dead. I never got chance to bid him good by. The first thing I tlo when 1 get to heaven will be to say bow sorry I wa." Faggs "But suppose he didn't get to heaven?" Baggs "Theu you tell him for me." Town Topics, "How 1 your school of Journalism doing?" "Well, U la a little slow. We bave no trouble In getting people who are willing to be teachers. The trouble la to find anybody who doesn't think be knows all about how a newspaper ought to be run." Washington Star. "I understand your wife Is quite literary." "I should say so; she wou a ten-dollar prize from the Lit. lies' Own Journal with an article on 'How we managed to save enough in two years to move twice and pay Cite plumber for connecting tbe gas range." Puck. "I don't like to say such long pray ers," said a little girl the other night; "I want to say nice short ones like nursery doe." "What kind does nur sy say?" inquired her mother. "Oh. she Just says, 'Ob. Lord, why do I bave to get up!' " Philadelphia Ledger. Kifter "That's a nice umbrella you've got." Lifter "Yes, It was a present" Kifter "Indeed? Who gave It to you " Lifter "XoIkhIv gave it to me, but it has an inscription on it showing that It was 'presented to John K. Jones,' whoever that is." Philadelphia Press. "Old Bliggers Is such a strong Iem I should not bave supposed he would consent to bis daughter's marry ing young Smith, who Is a Republi can." "Well, Riggers says his wife 1 a Democrat, too, ami he In going to get somebody else Into the fumlly for ber to argiie with." Life. Tbe sic mun had called bis lawyer "I wish to explain again to you," said he, weakly, "about willing my prop erty " Tbe attorney held up Ills band reassuringly. "There, there)" said be; "leave that all to me." Tbe sick man sighed resignedly. " I suppose I might as well," said he, turning Uob his pillow; "you'll get It, anyway." Judge. Anxious Inquirer "Is It true that for fifteen shillings I cau insure my house for a thousand pounds?" Clerk "Quite true, madam. If your house burns down we pay yon a thou Ha ml pounds." Anxious Inquirer "Ami do you make any Inquiries as to how tbe Are originated?" Clerk "Certainly. We make the most careful Inquiries." Anxious Inquirer "Ah. 1 tbouglit there wa catch In It somewhere." Tatler. Mrs. Kidder "Charles, can't you give me another check? I see you bave a whole book full." Mr. Kidder "That doesn't signify, dear. I bave osed up my balance at the bank." Mr. Kidder "Then why didn't yon give up your check book? Now, It's no use for you to tell stories, Joseph Kidder. If you mean to say I shan't neve any money, why don't you aay to right out, like a man?" Ex, The principal of the school was talking witb him altout his boy. "By tbe way, Mr. Wipedunks," be said; "I have made a discovery about Jerry. He' ambldextroue." "I don't see how that can be," replied Mr. Wipedunks, with rising Indignation; "he bnlnt never been exposed to It. Besides, be was vaccinated last year, we bathe him reg'lar every week, and his mother always makes blm wear a little bag of aiuranddity tied around bis neck. Some of the other boys has been lylu" on him." Chicago Tribune. Animal Instinct Id Winter. With many forms of life the readi ness for winter Is not to secure a place to protect tbem from cold or even from freezing, 'but for security against sud den changes! of conditions and of tem perature. It I a protection In some case similar to that of the plants on the lawn that were covered with straw by the gardener when he made them ready for winter. In some places of the kind, for Instance In the squirrel's nest, there Is undoubtedly real animal warmth and cozIneHS. Pish seek the deepest parts of pools, where the tem perature of tlie water Is a little above freezing, and where It remains very near this point until spring. St Nicho las. Yet We Are Matchless. Some e.OOO.WJO feet of pine lumber I made into matches In this country alone each year. WONDERFUL MAGIC GOBltiS. Did vou ever hear of thunder lu robiet? Of course, It would bave to . miniature thunder. W It would ahat ter the goblot. ami Indeed, It 1 so small au edition of It that the noise la like the tionnlnir of a cork from Dome Hut the principle of the thunder I. nevertheless, there that Is, the inrush lmr of air to fill a vacuum. Here la pretty experiment showing this: Take two goblels and plso them, mouth to mouth; then put around theui, where the brim meet, a rubber ha ml about an Inch In width, to prevent the passage of nlr. Try now to pull them apart and you will find that they slick together very oi.tuiv ao closelv. Indeed, that .vou may awing them, as a pendulum with out their separating. I'"11 wl,h still more force ami they will come apart with the noise that 1 have men tioned. Let us make another experiment with them. Immerse them lu water contained In a vessel large enough to hold them both readily, and while still BEAHV roK IHK KXPr-RlMUXT. under water nlacc litem mouth to mouth. Put the rubber band around them while they are lu this condition, and having taken them out of the water you will llnd that you can swing them a before, and tlmt to pull them apart requires more force than when they are empty. Tbe reason I that tbe water does not expand like air. so tlmt. the moment you begin to pull the goblet apart, the vacuum la formed nd tbe pressure of the outside air makes mom aunere more cioseiy w cause the vacuum la greater. You may think that It Is the rubber band that Is holding the goblets to gether, but still another experltneii will show you that the only purpose served by the Iwiiul Is to make a tight Joint so that air cannot pass through It. Cut a ring from a sheet of rubttcr and put the goblets under waler as before. Into one of them put a piece of Ice and over Its brim place the rub ber ring, bringing tbe other goblet against the ring. too. so that they are mouth to mouth, with only the flat rub ber ring between them. Now. when the Ice begins to melt, the conteuts of that goblet contract forming a vacuum, and the pressure of the outside air holds the goblets so closely together that you asay handle them out of the water without their separating. To bave perfect success with these experiments It Is only necessary to use care In preparing for them. New lork Mall. HIS DAYS WITH MRS. GILBERT. John Drew Recalls Incidents In the Dear Old Lade's Utaue Career. Despite Mrs. Gilbert's contention that the stage was entitled to the best (bat an actor's life could offer r'foi there one's real life Is led"i, she had an Infinite Interest in everything that life contained, and, in spite of her sg her powers of observation were keen When we were in irginia city t were offered the hospitality of Senator Pair's Consolidati-d Virginia mine, anil Mrs. Gilbert organized the strange theatrical pleasure party ever seen there to visit tlie treasure vaults tin dcrgrouud. In company with M;- Fanny Davenport, Mrs. Jeffrey Let it and Miss ilolaml. till nttir.-l In men'r clothes, she went down into the mine Then, "lu order that our friends shall have something to remember us by she Insisted t.iat the party pose, in costume, at tlie top of the shaft, when a photograph was taken of the group The last time I played with Mrs. Gil bert was In San Francisco, and as hci Brst reception to me In the Kast wai of the greatest kindness and consldera Hon, so was ber parting In the fsr West with a continent of pleasant memories between. There was some controversy over the call to go before the curtain after our linal performance there. I do not know that It was a Courtesy Intended parttc ularly for nie, as Mrs. Gilbert assert ed; but I insisted that unless she ae comnanled me I would not respon.l. Sc she devised a cunning plan to clri-ilm vent me. She said "Come on," and out we went together but only psrl way In company; she left me stumllng there, and with a laugh bowed hersell off. She managiil It In ber own wny. you e. as she did all Iter kindnesses And la one who held the traditions ot the Daly company sacred, as she did to the smallest tritle, anil well knew tlir rule against a separate call, the' net wa the more gracious. Harper's Weekly. He Pelt Hick. A small boy who accompanied hi mother to church on a recent Sunday grew pretty restless before the ser mon was over. He finally crept up close to her and whispered: "Mamma, mamma, I fee! sick." "Do you?" asked his mother, rather anxiously. "Why, where or how do you feel sick?" "Well," replied the youngster, "I feel homesick." Hooted Ib-ID-ni or Indian. The Indian, when lu battle and fa tally wounded, believes that 'if his medicine man can reach 111 in with hi medicine before he dies It will give him Instant relief and be will lie able to escape from the battle. He thinks every man Is honest until he finds him out, Ih whirl) event be loses all eonfl- ilence In blm and never get over It KfTect ot line Stings. Two bee itlngs sulllce to kill a spar row tn two or three hours. Analysis of tlie bee poison has sbown that It contains three principles one con vulsive, one stupefying and one which gives rise to acute Inflaiumatlon. When some people haven't any great trouble, they smile as much as to say, Uow brave I dull PE-RU NA CONQUERS CATARRH Tnb WUKLU OVER, . r i m r i r 1 r J The Populdt Die Annually of Catarrh All over the world Peruna is known and used for catarrhal diseases. Th Pertm Girt baa traveled 'rotiml the glolte. Her face Is familiar rverywlteie that civilisation reaches. tar-ersalr, Praise From Africa to Greenland, Iroin Manchuria to Patagonia, the fme.of the Peruna girl i familiar and the praises of Peruna as a catarrh remedy are heard. Successful la Monk vm Seulh Peruna crossed the Kqualor several years ago, to 11 ml in the Southern Hem iaphere tbe same triumphant siuvres that has marked It career lu the Northern Hemisphere. A Stead era 1 eruua is s standard catarrh remedy the world over. It cure i-atanh by eradicating U (mm the system. Permanent Care It obviates tbe uerresity ol all local treametnt and it relief ia of permanent character. those! s Peer Xo other remedy ha so romplett ly dominated the whole earth aa Peruna. as f rv Tenue In all language it glowing testimo nial are written. In all t li tnea the demands for Peru na increase. Aa EsteAerve lefcersteey To supply Una remedy to the whole Tired of English. Husband lou otu-s tolJ uie th et ml u-d French, Italian and while at school, Cau you speak sur i( them now? Cultured Wife All of thun. Whr? Hu.lianJ I wih you'd Un your tnlk inr, in otie or the other of them until I get tlirouirh with this uewnpaper. TO CLRf A COID IN ONt DAY Tftk latsllve Hmmo isstnlne Tshlacs. Alt !riir l.l r-fuii.1 the muttrv tr It rl! Ui cure. k. W unrt.'i siatiature la mi ewk bs. 2fte. Hon re the Same. Miss lltidd When a uinn's engageil to I girl hi Idea of "good hours' Is to stay from 8 o'elo-'k until any time after midnight. Mis (ildiin Yes, and even after marriage the hour are the same. Miss Iltlild-Indeed! Mrs. Oldtin Yes; the only difference Is that lu one case they're hour "with her," and In the other "away from her.' Catholic Standard. For coughs ami colds there Is no better I medicine than Plso s Curs fur Couaumrj. wuu. I rice i.1 cenis. Paying for Information. Say, me good man." eiclaiined thr city youth, who was undecided wucth er to buy shrimp or minnow, "what do you cati-h flsli with around here?" "Give me a quarter and I'll tell yuu,' grunted the rurallte with the new rut pole. "Here it Is. Now, what do you catch them with? "Hooks."' Philadelphia Record. Have been suffering from Imoure Plixsl for many years, having Boils and othef Ivruptiona. Ilavinir heard of S. S. R I dr. citlcd to try it, and am glal to say that It bas done me a great deal of good. 1 intend to continue to ue it. as I believe it to 1 the best Wood Medicine on the market. ucveianu, leun. W. K. Dktkrs. For over fifteen yeara I have suffered more or less from Impure Blood. About a rear ago I lud a boil appear on my rg "ic ance, witicii was followed by three more oa tn neck. I saw S. s rt 1 advertised ami decided to try it. After ' taaing uiree nottles all Boils ditappesred ndi have not been troubled any since, . OHO. O. I'ltRTIO. 114 w. Jefferson S Louisville, Ky. Newark, Ohio, May j iooi. From childhood I had been bnl hi,.A with bad blood, skin eruptions and boils. I had boils ranim from five to twenty in numljer each season. The burnlne mo. companying the eruption wa terrible. i a-,Kemt " be just the medicine needed in my case. It drove out all impu. ntic and bad blood, giving me perm, ricnt relief from the skin eruption snd boils. This has been ten V(UP tm aanel liave never lud a return of the disease. M"S. J. 1). AmKBTON. write tor our book on blood and skin disease. Medical silvlc or any special in formation about your case will cost you nothing. Tbt Swift Spoclfio Company, Atlanta, Oa. PUTNAM uarunti:eil to eive r....n. vwaui a.iw HNS COIUrS. the Earth is m ' W WJSWkL f ,.400,000,000 mSkd One Million ? k ROILS aw ERIIPT O S i world 'axes to the uttiii.el one o! the ! best laboratories in the I lilted Htatt-s, A Ware1 Tre. Atrali j Waller 11. Woodward, liotna.lier ! Royal Australian Artillery, llotmrt, f -i ...n,,,, (or several vrsrs ilh a! ' ditr.sii,g condition ..f the bead and ,ir..t, fausl bv contitiual colds. i i .. I.....I .il, r .t i ' "' it ' up imwt o( the lime stultliern iui a discharge, and my sense ol sinrlr aa affected badly. j "Alter two wit nr ( Peruna i fun nd this londili.'ti quite clisngiil, slid so I continued to iih- this iriuatkttblc : medicine fur over a month. j "I am very glad to y tlmt at the end o( that time I was fir,-. I an I Ml in I tine health generally, and sin plcnacd logive Peruimmy liotiesteiid.irecineitt." : frees Hawaii Prince Jonah Kulatilititnolo, ib !. vate in Congress Irotn Hawaii, writes ( AiXUlt I rat Ld grl itrrit U rtt'cw ti lbs r (,vt) tit i" atsj. iim ru.fs Willi th's w.ot1s.rli, i hi- bftMt, Uwllt, hod, htwkw mati vrtn that r tttitirvty un hfi"T ) mmii.-Ai , i. h ri. it ' Irf"t,' ' -( lbi,m I Tt . V "! ""Usi jMtar t.nwvt ... . ,.,,,, H ttVWf, 11 1(1 nmyn. mr.i hi fcuiMtru ..f (..ihnonUu outfll,ciiy wrlH for t.iMr,kK , lf, w.,,. The 0. Gts Wo Chlnna Msdlslm Co. AUltg ST., rOkTUSD, OUtCort SsT Metill',0 (aier si m my Salzcrs hfy National Oats ; mtn l.ir4 im iti i: in t id. IT 1 iuTl . tn Itt iati tMV I: 1 Br ill htt. iar t I W im 1(1 Y Vtl M Iml lUm ftrfd LU lAd 1 1 M r li for 10c and this notice j J OElB?PnsflM Tyl t "aM fn fr f rai s4 fl 2 L Jll II A I nU".7".! ' sHi ii tLP II mm 111 II IS I llKMia l tmt s-is. y'fi I ' Ii i .im, - ... I r eirf B9t - 1 1 f i"vDrjrlt I s-rrtfrin i . I m mssso I t isli ir sb.hi n iersw j j. . I r-'7 j F r '"V , THAT j J OT.' C. 0C6 WO THE CHATHAM ! WcUirfiil Koiri fi I H lU.t ... siv.a . ';: I i tisSJaji'i. I W. L. DOUGLASnT UNICN 53 & 3.9B SHOES SJL WHrlSh,riiiuii.irili..i. ... . .... . bstur, hold . .; '? W.L.D0UGUS $4X0 SHOES CANNOT BE EQUAL W. I.. I,,u,l. Vll I fttV .I..LJ ,1 . '"""r' la tli- prler. mere h.,, ,, , III. , TJ.. ' ", ,","l' - I...II..,. ,,r. . l, ,l,. I , .u .", '," VW" I'eiea u S la the .rl,lMi ".T,V.l'..ea."! . '.';''" In BltlD .11 WHrr lima ,i ,h, ih.. ll.'t 'v"'"lH l,ut,lll il -1 - n w. uuuuiu 1. ,1 1 inn i!' liiillwr,,,. ur', , . ) ,t.,Yr ', I' T'.u re raLUZ!!!'''0 MSACHuagTT3 yaa FADELESS DYES MONkor runr '"'..T " P. U mViul..l MONItot OHVd CO.. UnJonvills. MluwuL ' 1 ,Wt j Washington, D. C, follost; "I can cheerfully revomuien.l youi IVruits a a Very effective remedy ft vonlug, col'U ami catarrhs! trouble." a tsaa MiaMee - Sctior ttleaads, Ct.lun Minister to the l iulcsl Stairs). rite Item Wash, iligum, I. ('., a (ulliina: "I'rruns 1 ran rveottunend as very nt-tucine. it is so rirellvnl lengthening tunic, ami I also sn rftV eaciotis i-tire. (,ir Uie slnioat universal (-'inplaint lit rsta'tb." tiui.talo la rraea AS (barters e Ik U4 Wrt bv on file Ibotiaiinil ol leet. liiiiuiala like llttwei given slots, W't ran give our reader only a slight glinie ot the vt mirnlwr of grateful , l. ttcte Dr. liar! man is Constantly re reiving Iroin all quarter ot the globe, tn ls-lilf ( bis liummscetarrh remedy, Peruna. VFRY FEW. IF ANY. CIUARS SOLO AT 8 CKNTS. COST AS MUCH TO MANUFACT VHK. OK COST THE DEALflH AS MUCH AS IF THE DfvAl.FR TRIES TO tELL YOU SOME OTHER ASK YOURSELF WHY) To Convince You Is the HP.JiT INcrilATOU on the market, 1 will evil I yotl one, Ircigbt prepaid, and wait for my pay until th-tolwr I, 11(05. It was given tlm highest sward si the Oregon Mute Pair, held at Halein last (ill. Wriu lor our Iccriittve 'tAlgia it', Inctibv tors and IWxInr and our time proHjsilio.i. ceo. w. roon. Dept. 12 Portland, Oregon Ne. U- t0 WIIKN wrttlni lesMiveirtlTBlsMl uieDil,ia this paper. . , Ait 1. .... ' ,.,a 11 h.i bh 'nit ' "J n' EO AT AHV MICE "k' wonl and "Uaa eeually well . ntU lav Ira beesJat hew te d M sir. P. H. U r