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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (March 24, 1905)
OREGON Shout Line UNION PACIFIC a:N8 to th& rAP i'aii III IM.T ,illlUM' it. r ("Wit. .1. ,1 riuriherii ,, tt lluiil- ""('evea i U a. m nnrv llanr. wirma; uany Affile", iuy ,Ui A. M, jfany. frnnf iny. hhi-:k iuly thain nm All. 1'OINTS BAST. ...V.KR O H.UMM A RlVI'.R. .1.:,. ..J y iimiii. irif, m ailotl al 7 a. uv. A. L.. daily a H.AM tttvpl Or. BUY THE IS. . .etjfawawaaal l"" M M I LOCAL 44 ioooooooooooS I'.vcrylMMly should read tlx cnuiiicr etlmiaud (iirullmrnt hluuk printed in the tixth mut seventh column of the third laj ol tliU wr. Then cut It out ami have your muter frady (r the assessor when ho fall. ly so rfoltiu y,m w mv time mill money (or the comity, Mr, Rulrt Ik-Kay, ol Hcntitioofttt. was was a visitor ti St. Ilclrns on Monday Inal. Mr. Harry West (tone more ahl to to attend to hit larui work, alter a long pell In the NorUi I'ocluc Baiiiloriuin al Portland, Mr. end Mm. Law, Dr. and Mr. Kom, Mr. J. II, McKie mil ton, Mrs. K, II. Flagl end ft, A. Mile were Iralda pet. anger lor Portland on Saturday last. The Rainier Mill St I.uuiher Com puny, which recently cloecd until market conditions tlimilil prove more atlfai-urv, la muting lew minor repairs in the mill. The company it cleaning out ll old atM k. The Wllton-Cate I.umher Company Rainier, hat iiutalled a new cut oil saw The company report that ita new roail opcratiiiK under the gravity system, It giving prrlect sallsfarttoii. The mill it cutting ).OiM (cet per day. Mr. II, J. Hwiter hat rrttirncd from trip through the Willamette Valley tcekiiig lor a good (oration to engage In the tffncral mcrchaiidlae Imtlurta. He waa very lavor.hly Imprcaacd with North ' Columbia River, 1(H) year, ago. The Aia.rM,larfMt: Do You Wear Shoes- That Wear Wellr tTs iin r.j pmi TREE UNDER WHICH LEWIS AND CLARK CAMPED TO BE EXHIBILED AT THE EXPOSITION The city council at iti recent meeting, upon the reueit of Mr. Sheldon, icrmtrii'lcntiil the lorentry ilr)urttin.nt ol the 1-ewia and Clark (irntennial FIT BOTH THE FOOT www ? AND THE POCKETBOOK COMBINE QUALITY AND STY i AND STYLE f If not Why Don't You Join The ROYAL CHINOOK CLUB Over 20,000 members in Oregon, Washington, ana laano. Se, tSo kids and try the famous Wild West Shoes for boys. An d your 1 Jtd JVJ and tryouir famous Goodman School Shoes for girls . And let i "better half ' happy with a brand new pair of our Swell Women t bhotn ana vx ford" Spring Ityk are now in and we guarantee to show you the nobbtert hne of stuflf ever brought to Houlton. BAILEY & BRINN, THE UP-TO-DATE HOULTON MERCHANTS. j STORIA & COLOMBIA RIYER fi RAILROAD COMPANY. V'aiuhill and Woodtmru Tticte waia Carjirt tewing irty at r, i.. i, i,i .,rrj.nt t ilir riniiMilulon Hie nxlc tree no atandiuK at the i.mii ..f Hi itrM(i,1 inilnafiiv Mnil Mliiflt i lic1iive,l un verv tfood authority to be the trre under wliich Uwla and Clark camped when on their way to the woutb ol Tne alateuient i maiie in me wwmnu 41.1 w.;.. i.n.i tit mtttrv hnu ulo hwii handed I ...... ..' 1 : A a,..'., 1. fvn.., tli m, ,th nf VVvBna tlut'chatl. an old Inilian. who told it tohim'over 3) year ago, undented that, in charm u.M..i. ,.l u U', .i U',.... oi ui Miner, nc acconiimiiicii un i,"iu nu, rraidenr. c.( Mr, tt m. C-tper at arren (j (he (( l(t Couni,,ta Rjv;r, The trM h . thing ol beauty and use- on WedneatUy latt. fourteen l(neM, and the citizen. ,1 thin place would by no mean part with it were it not attended and aUut twelve iwund ol rag lor the lacl tlut it day are numWred. and even in it death it accomplUhed a good . .... ....... i. i. ....... i ... . I. n, i. i.u tit fir tht rWtrnvetl mrt of the town laat were cw.i, and a mi a rrv.i , r--; - . "'d"j- . in,unff thold mil. I lie lire tiancti norm wi uc . ..p , i n t oik. to that the day alter the bark wa converted to alruoat pure white ahe. rmm the ruota to the highest branchea ; but It pretence enabled ytopit to aave the Ure and arclu.tie to the aonth. It will be aawed down, tuken to Portland, and con verted into an attractive eahibit, which liould ultimately l placed in charge ol the Oregon lliatorical Soiiely. DAILY. by the hinte. The St. Helen Junior baarUU team bat begun practice lor thi aeaann, It t couipiMd ol hoy ol about 17 year and will Iw able to give the firt team good practice, If we hive one thi year. St. Helen it entitled to the Lturnamrtil lhi year, and it l time the work ol or ganiiatioa begun. IMjr Tl P.'n.M "T uwj II." ! I(W":UI tlV!0&0HIHI ISttPilT ry HaM ! " .'.. -At, ,l' ' '" . f J ,v VuMm la tvrtl ll n4atM ,! .-. v.."Si Haau'wlKiM team la the county that would like to -cw Irrwv. on the 2V.h day ol Sei)tem- play the bt. Helen Uya, tlirjr can secure x.ti n,l WM therefore in lnteiglitv a same by wrillngto Aaht'K'ning.-r, th!i f,. vfar -t the time ol bis death. He Dli'.n At home near St. Helen, on l'ridav. Vatvh 17. Mr. Jame Meeker. II there l anv (uuiiiri Mfi Meeker born in Suse County, 1'BICKS THAT COl'XT. ,M ty u(tira4 JaJ 'ail4 ta i a av MACKENZIE onoral Contractor i.Ultxil , l I I.I.A. Att rit.K UtUVIMi A M'M'.tl.T SflMATCS FURNISHED Hi". IIKI.liNH. till. -1U' I itIJ!H AMu.lKM I.KMKN a. end '' H.'tnK city. came to Columbia County in ISiK), pur cliating the John liunim place, north ol St. Helena, a here he resided with hi .u frank until the day ol hi deth. Tlie funeral tK,k place on Sunday lst, Ur. Allor.l ctimluctimr thcervice. the Mr. ChartcaKrat.-ke, ol Ool.le, wa In town Monday looking lor the drputy d' trtct at orney. It appear from Mr. KrnKke'l ewmptlwt.J that a neigtilrir keen a very vit iou Ig, wHiih he per mit to lanm at will. In oniawition to the remain taring interred in the Kinder cem wUbcol the community, and it i even'etery at leer Idand. ly thoae who alleged that the owner' cnildren ic the j knew Unn well Mr. Meeker i poken ol dog upon other Juvenile when on their 'a a man of remarkably good diojit!on, way to acuuol. '' ith p!ct ",cm" Mr. R. If Robon i. l-.Uy convinced jorie. for many year, to come He w tlu.t there I. In the old mpcr- c"u,, . trntMnlly WJ at.tlu.thal fhd,y i. an unlucky .1..,. IU.I he had m.ny Ir.end, J She v,..,Kerothc Totter f)n m,e. and th very Urge '" IVMUnd t . Si. Iklcn. and ... nnlwrtu-1 W n,..-.h. ud,..g the .tormy Lie enough to leve her pr,. ctrntain- h,h "l"m '" M ing aWt I'-'V In the la !;' cabin. She " cld. iinmediiiUly telegra.licl to the agent at The Clatiknnie Lumlwr Compmy ha Kalama, and the inire wa handed over i,ullcd a Clark leed eaginc, 11 by the !' olllcera to Ilr. Clill. who, ' (l Jath uii!l. Since G. K. Strcetcr ,i,.i liiiarrivil here, handed it over to .,.,,,. I the iii.m iL'cinrlit the mill ho the loner, but there waa In the ptire, ; tm thoroughly overhauletl. The old when Mr. Robcraoil received it, nly ! 6.iivb w batw brn replce4 with W- cvnity live cent. An effort i being jnci, ttU,l the mill U ruiming eight made t )di.ovrr who to!e the money. lont, a ,l4v cutliii; 40.WX) feet. The lint It I not probable the thief will rvcr!euni.Mnv , on hand alwut a million I known. I (cet. The average monthly shipment Mi. W. II. Powell tt irtc l on hi.ra. Wk' are .'Wears. The shipments have been Sunday morning to the t l.ide ol ; made to Oregon Short Line point and ........ . ti i n i. .r(.. I : i',.rtl.,.,t The mill is in charee of fore- lining eUim ag, tartnali . . ef,lBri,e,i Mon lay.'man W. H. Turner, (onnerly of South me m me. verilied avconling to law. at hi father being much Improved. Mr.Kolwrwn, our meat market nun, I going to have acwntnodioii relrigcrat- luiiiortai. ! r' . 1 ..... , ....i it n i.-l f.MTiitw no. iMi.t-eaii-BMo l! iiiiii V at,i ma ol an old r I iimt.r of mil I fli.arxiai Hand- . Klf t:i.V ir diywillicSKnat.a r. !, M in!. li,V tlirr tiirci. ! , .rr,.:!i utrr lliil.a and lugg inial.e.l lnti uifcry; j n.i-iit. .t..r.- llto. .i Cu , i i. i, M mi. hi ;.lg , ('liirag'i, I'd. i v!KN l A my picmWra on 'i iini S'.i'iKti. alatiit' Novenibfr )i. i.!i l,il c,w allli Il nei k, ilneu n irat l.1 tla.trr can have l.v ,i,iili'4 puH-rty and p)i4 ,'itotk ep ami adierll.lng. Mi.. ,Ky-iK- K3II0J I0CniDUC83 N-.iice i In trliy K'-'en that the under W n, by lh Hon. K. If. Hat i J ' ,;t: of tin- Coiiiilv Court il the i il un.,1. (,.r the County of CoHun i ..".iiiui I ...Iniiiu.lrjlttJi "t thee.tata ti'l. Ci'lcUtd, iLceaaed. Any and within ,y rryJc'ite et Warren, Oregon in'm!h Irmu d.ite hereof. iMcd IV-teinla-r U. Iiait. MARY i. corrxAsn. AdminitUatrii ,! the ratal ( Jor4i vw!f!iid, de'ed. IdiNluUtralor'a Vtuii" Sillc?. i r,.air (:,,,! i is. stale of Ora lor it.r t .uirnv nf r.iiiin)ii. :i ii:i ir.l'rr (, i:.ui ul Italia AlalebM. 'iY,N-. !. i,..tfl, lit thai Ilia int,lBrtla'''. ' 'Ir.lllli.lrati.f 1,1 IMciUU nl IxxlIM al.lB 'i lt.,..P., h,, nir.l III. Anal antiillil In I'tuiiiH t:.,,iri ol il, aiaio oreri'ii f"r i t "ii rtiv, ai't thai rrdtay, A.M , ui at.ipvrn urt,Hk In h fi,.a.viti ul aalit v. iii '.he r.-urt i,Mim tl wl rnurl, l Imtm - fii'tii i.v .:.! ,Miitrt aii,aMnt anl t'larc r Oir, lictflii ,.( ilrr'fi.t,. Ihirli and llie 'I i.iiifli) II., .f,i, fHAXt AlJ'I.KIIiy. I tiw t rVI,naU., All'irnev fin a.ii,lnl."aior Ii.i. i an t mat i.ujialit.t K.l.iiior, I!, Iwu. ht.'IMONH. i n i i iriMiii i-rum itio nute nt Oifn fur Ilia t mini)' nf IViltitt, lla " " II I .in-., tilaiiillir, . Ilii'Ha llnrlnn, . r'.ll II II t tt.. It. I,firh. al, lt,a t.ttti. h ; i 'i Mtur, Jamr. Kin J"l.-. Ultima J "l-.-ii. Allierl Jiiiiea, i. w. Ilaiika, jnllall ll.ii.aj .. t i,:, J,.,,,., a irl ,tll mlirt r ul lii..ii l.'lf. l l.,w ,, J,,,,, J,i, ttavcaavil. It l l ' ' l, Irli-li'lititl.. " W U..fii,i..r,iri,lii.ii llffa Wlllliim Omii ll a'M iii.u.-li. j.t fiti, kintf. J..,ii. .I 'm-. Mm i ii, al,rtMtr Allwrl tiillM. J. . I ii.l-. laiUh llai.ka I liliw J. In'.. ailt all ""i '1't i.iikn.uMi hrlia at ln ol J., i ,-i v.i .,.., f anv tlirrtt I. il.'li'ii'luiH- it tint clans Itrnd. Washumion, who mill man. School Reiwrt Cartl, the very f. at. 1 7 00 S OA to a i I it n 10 SB 10 0 10 -jo 10 SO TATIOS DAILY. A.M. i 00 lit la &.s M l M U HI I 00 M M 10 .! IS II .11.1 so as 7S 7j k 67 SS.' li OA hj; II I f 4' II 30 W 1A.M. bv Portland Ar il It iv I 07 t 17 17 Of n a i as I 10 07 J 7 ii ilobla ....Rainier ... ... Pyramid... ... Mavmr.... ... Qumcf .... ., ClaMkanla.. .. Marthtand.. .. Waalaant... ....Clllum.... ....Koapra.. ... iraiiMjn.., . ..John bar... Ar. A.toria Lt a, li 14 a ii f 20 soo 7 as T as TM 1 M f 3 n 20 10 Owing to the very liberal patronage of our numerous customer we feel it onr duty to quote a few prices through the official p-Jper, that you may compare them with competition at your leisure, and by so doing you do not have to take our word for anything: 3 Can Tomatoes 3 Can Corn ...)c One it-pound package Gold Dust 90c five pound Oral grade lard GUc Ten pound 6rt grade lard Jl 00 J weuty-nve pouuo gouu . . . Twenty-five jtouud Bean fl 00 Macon, per pounu f .n .ti- Mottle Bluing 5c The above price are spot cash, ubect to market change without notice. These gootl are guaranteed to be exactly as n-nn-arnted. or money relundcd. Our busincs is teadily and rapidly growing. We buy and sell for cash, and by so do ing get and give the best prices. Mail order promptly attended to. Remember our policy: "Good Goods a Specialty." BAILEY Bi BKIN. Houlton, Oregon. Dr. Knoder uses Dr. Green' new and correct method of making arti ficial teeth. Plate aro made) by thlsj me'.hnd to fit accurate. 322 Mohawk building, Portland. All trains mak etoa eonneellont at Oobl ttlib Northern PaelNo Iralita lo ant from th Eaataa Huuna poiuia. At roruaiu i" at. ...I-. I... in. L'BInn danot. it Aatorla wltb I. H. S. Co.'a boat and rail tin and Staaner T. J. Potttr la and from llwaeo and tiort Beach Mi nit. l ata-nrrra fnr Aatarta or war polnu mart flu tral.ia at II. mlton. Traina will atoD to tat P- aaiiina off al Huu!lon arhra coming Irot poloa wauafUobt. J . V. inya. Oaa. Paaa. Ail. Astoria. Or ut or built in hi place ol btiainea. so that ; lirini witlt enveloj to match lor utic meat can be kept in good condition slur- j-t tui oflice (or 1 per hundred. I Till N t Ml: i iv Til u hi A IK li till a HON I'liMmt li n run ail' lli li'lir in i'll" ! m "l-J"'!' " I an.itvr Al,a .nni.l.ll.l uf Iho I'lalil '' "I n.oiii.i tun iii the eniiila.1 .ml ii r l..-i..,r in,, aid ,tr uf Ainll, l'.ii. Unn ' '"C ihr itny nxaii in tl.a urilnr ill lliurmtrt fur i 'U In iiKKr ,,ij an. war, ami mora than al t n,-l i.,il,il,,ii ol llil. .win i on. ,,( i( ,. , , ,,,,,r on,t anaa-iir "'aiiHihiiii Hilt ,i, ut ibn tmurlliir tha r ., ' ' " iianile.1 In fh eiimiilaliil: to U: thai ,,''ll""f li.IJilij. iiilitairr4 t" tw ho . . "' ''''' "I'l'l'ie lha loll .w It-at .'ewrllMHl nal ... r: Vi lll w lM , r )Uwll N, - iia ,.,Jth. , ,v ci.i.tam, (j iy ol "limibia. nuu i, OregnB: , i.d lltal hit lllie Iw'iuleinii ami II. al )' autleaeti of , ' '" itaiiml Itmn u.i-rtliian flitli" i'i lull- or lnhiraai whaiwar In r In aalit ,"! 1 ' l'"!!)'. nr n ii v Mrt lhaiMif. aili-nrw to ' i'iill; Ihnl nlalnllir rai'nvar nxl. ami illa- ''u-nm iila I if, ,,,! hn,..lii. .,,,1 Unit he I l ii. I ., , ntl, ,u(llpr ,,.11.1 aa to llm ! ' " aiay .,, jn.i n0 ,.il,lat'l!. .."IL .ilmilliuia la lillhlhilioil III Ilia Oren "i'i iiihw ,,), .,.!, r (il tHuenaalva wmks ' iii'l' i iilUi,, Hun, K. 0. Ilallwi, Jn.leaol Ilia - 'inn i I Hint il ilia Hlnla i,f (it, iiii (ul Uoluiii- I,.". ",v- ,l",n'1 fe'irtiary J1, IW. J i'i i . 1 1 1 . 1 1 . ... 1 1 . ta ,.i.riiAr.v :4. Inuj. Im..ii,ll,.,li,n Attril 7, lltm. il. i-ovvixi., Ailurnry fr I'lalntlfl. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT nultt'p U I...... v ainn .Lit ll.a itnili.r.ltfliait. :i'iiiiltiair of Hi K. into n( K.larr. ""it. tint lllail In Iho tilllnnof lilt t'ountjr -----.. a, .n, , ,in. tup i.n...;. C" 'i"tiair of Ilia K. into ill K, rr """iwt. tina IllaJ In lh ,.111 n.. ol Ilia Count) . V' 'Jtmnly of t'titiimhl. Hlalo nf (ira- " '"" ""al atwitiiifof til.ailiiillilalralloll up ",,","'. iiarothur with hla mini it-purl jai 1 1. ( ,i(,ilt,,n; a, tlutl Ilia lion. n. iiuiian, JikVu of alit omul, hat apunliit. r-i tiirtay, llni nil, day of Aintt, at tan ii Wi li, u ( ,, nt, ni ilo.a, "iii Hit. (., ,, n, ,,,) ,, Ul ni , uiTtSk ,h" plaiol haailim Hie aame: al i.,i . 0nrt plana any utiraun Inmrotiad tn .I, ia" BlV Plr and llle iil.lanllnna III ,;i ?.'? aoomiut or aaUil Al tapurl a i h.lfi',11?9 or dlttflhullon, or anyo-'rllou ol, a tb Ettul of Oaoar t. fan. ,'Jc5'd. i; ; !!: '.vtii, Attoraor for AdmlofttrMor. in ill. aiimtnrr months, and also so that he may keep stock of ice sufficient lo to supply the need of our townspeople. The, Columbia River Door Company, Rainier, hat completed it new two tory warehouse. .V)2.K). Il i sheeted with corrugated glvnlied Iron. The company ha installed a Grtitnell prinaier. ami will lnt.itl fire pump with a capacity of 1. 00U gallon r minute. A spur lo con nect the wnrehoute with the main track ol the A .t C. islielug contemplated. The ctinny shipped eight car ol ita uianu-(.u-tnred rtrmlucU in l'ehrtmry and ha contract lor six car ol cedar porch col umns lor Cleveland, Ohio. m. t V l'.irini-r. of Houlton, has rented a portion ol Mr. Hubert's building, formerly occupied by the Mist office, aud will open bartier shop there In the near fuitim. Mr. Parmer tins ueen ior time a resident ol Houlton, and has a first clius reputation as a tonsorial artist. I !el gentlemanly and attentive to btmi ncs and we trust he will succeed. V, S. IK-ke, ol Clalskanic, inventor of the llowataon falling saw. will build a sawmill on the Benson logging railroad, five miles east of Clatskauie. It will have ciclly of mm feet per day. The West Oregon Lumber Company, ol Clattkaule, has resumed operation n't" a close down of six weeks. Manager irlm?Hlov has Installed a new boiler, re paired the flume, and made some changes in hla tramway. He recently added a number of trucks for his dry kiln. The company expect to cut between. four and five million feet of yeuow ur mm .... this year. Mrs. J. n. Godfrey vMted Cathlnmet on Saturday laat to attend the wedding of Mr. Godfrey' daughter Lcotn, return ing homo Tuesday on the Totter. Tie case of Smith vs. Syvcrnon i on appeal from Oak l'olut precinct. A cow belonging to Smith wit killed by the wood flume of Syvcrson et. nl., nd the justice court for Oak I'oint precinct gave judgment In favor ol Smith. Fwun. tli Judgment fhe defendant itpjasuls to flic circuit court, and by the time the lawyer. nd cost bills are paid the cow will probably bve cost enough to start a dairy or build a wood flume., Mis Leota Whitney, daughter of Mra. J. B. Godfrey, of St. Helens, was married on Sunday latt at Cathlainct. to Mr. W. R, O'Brien, ol that place. Mrs. O nricn was born and rained In this community and all here will wi.h her happiness. Mr. O'Brien is a well esteemed young man and by occupation astcamboat man, running on the boats between Astoria and Cathlainct. They will make their lutnre home at CuthJamct. The cere mony look place at the home of Mrs. R. V. Morton, sister ol the bride. Ou one week from tomorrow. Satur day. Anril. 1st, St. Helens Lodge No. .12, A. I', and A. M., i to tie honored by the .irraenc ol Vast Grand Master Iloilstin, who will deliver an nddrcaa on Masonic work. All member ore requested to be present, and all Masons arc invited to atteud. A very pleaiit time i antici pated. A neat new sign, lettered in gold, dec orate the door of Attorney rowell'i new office. By present appearance there will bean uuusunlly light docket of the May term of circuit court. During the pnt week a new baud was organized at Warren, which will be Known as the liny View Concert Baud. The fob lowing Nicer were elected: F. A. Hoyt, iireaidcnt; Ous Kusacll, vice-president; Max Bcti. uiniuiKer; Alfred Ho, sccre- tury; Gabriel Matson, treasurer; Charles i .,, leader: I'. A. Hoyt, assistant lnider. The member are Kdword Harms, otto Bcrc. Rudolph Berg, Jace Buker, John Cooper, Charles Carlsou, Fred Coop er. Lew Davics, and George Hacn. The citizen of Warren have raised quite a large amount of money for the benefit ot the band, which will be used for the purchasing ol drums, music, and tiece niiry equipment. The boys ore making preparations for a free concert in the near lutnre, to which all nre cordially in vited. A small blanc occurred in the office of the Oregon Wood Co. on Suturday last, probably caused by n defective fine. Voremun Jack Black oon extinguished it by the ue of the hose which the company keeria haudy at all times, SIX WEEKS SEED POTA TOES l,Sic PER LB. I carry in stock a splendid Assorment of choice Garden and Flower Seeds. The choicest Groceries the mar ket afford. Fine Tea, Cof fees, and Spices, Tinware, Queensware.etc. Prompt and courteous attention. Your patronage solicited. M. C.GRAY General Merchant, St . Helen, Or. Papers I'or Sale. Old newsyaper lor mite, 25c for 100. Inquire of Frank I'lugg, agent Evening Telegram. Mr. Eva Eaicry Dye, author of "The Counuest," who has been busy for several months tracing descendants of the Lewis and Clark party other than the leadersof that famous expedition, has located al Fowler, California, a son of the "Boy Shannon" frequently mentioned in the lournals of the explorer?. He i Judge J. B. Shannon, an aged ana respected resident of Fowler lor many years, ludec Shannon has accepted an invitation to be the truest ol the lwia ana tiara Exposition which i to be held In cele bration of the centeuniut ot me lewis and Clark Expedition, on June 1st. the opening day. Notice to All. I hereby give notice to all persons that I wiu not be responsible for any bill or expenses Incurred by my eon, Elmer Ol sen, unless the same are 6rst presented to me and have my approval. C. E. OLSEN. rOB rOatTLAJD. BAIXY -TEAM)- "America" Willainett Slough Route M Leave St. Helen. . .. :80 A M Arrive at Portland. .10:80 A M . .. . ..MBtl Mil rorvianu i:t Arrive at St. Helen. 8:00 P M M rittRso riMTl. WS Will Carry Kothinir but Penan, f (r and Fat Freight. JAMKD GOOD, HI at tor. I! MEN'S FIRST-CLASS SUITS mm $10.00 The Best you have eyer seen. FABRICS In Worsted, Cheviots and Cassimeres. Hand-Worked Button Holes, Hand -Padded Collars, sewn with silk Otliers saj $15 for Equal Qaalitj. Gome Earlj and Get the PicL WHEN YOU SEE IT IN OUR AO ITS SO. Mover Clothing Co., THIRD AND OAK. PORTLAND Cheap Land ioo acres for $450, on easy m a m f 1 a . . terms. S lit nw nt ana w ni n w hf s w qr sec 22, tp 3 and 2, about five miles from the bay, on South Scappoose. E. H. FLAGG, St. Helens. For saih Baled clover hay, at my place at Warren. Jr3 u-l v.. t . nuiuuci. Carpbt weaver First class carpet weaving done at 12 and 15 cenU a yard. Address, MRS. A.NIMA LVWLH, 3-3 1 m Warren, Or. THE COLUMBIA COUNTY Abstract and Trust Co. Titles Examined, Abstracts Made, Non-Resident Taxes Paid. Real Estate, Loans, Etc. E. E. QUICK, ' A. M. HOLTON, Proprietois CONTEST NOTICE. Iteparinwnt of the Interior, Cnltod Slalet Lani OiBoe. Ortyis -Clty. Or., February 1. &. A anfricient contest notice havint been Hied la NOTICE FOR BIDS FOR DEER ISLAND ROAD n..lnnt... .1 thA an.l and of th Merrill Creek at Button 0. and Mlowln the eraile lo Mullon D'J, aa anrveyeu ana W. T. Walla, l.ouuiy our.r)"r. rcw..j ., IW, tnl.1 roart lo he traded larelre feet wide .... .a. ,in.. a i.. Italian M. All itmnpa. brii-h nd ton on ihe uii-r or hill aMe o( road to be removed wnere nau iu iuu.-r.vre all trradct and Bit lo l made ol earth; that ihe trado -uui.t We twelve leet wide on aolld tronnd, and a ditch oue loot aiinare on upper or III II tldeofaald grade; and that '"'vena bt oontrucl""d when water ttanda In roioed. Th loliowina onuava auu VUiv. w w ""'Is'taiton Jaonlvort IS Inche by Inehet b,Ali8lation i pl 59 loft, a bridge with fonr atrlngera reailnaon atllt on bank, tald ttrtnj era to b lixlGaS) and covered with plank z It station a olna tali feet, a bridire of two tenia, mndallls ViatB. eapa 12xlS. and three no.t.lJiU well braced with four ttrinaer Ux ltXIUi. to DC covwre.1 who i(ntia Al Rtatloa 11 plus liy feel, a brldf SO feat lontr. eonalnieted tame at at Station . A I station s pint 60 feot lo 8tation 37. a brid 50 feet Inn, constructed tarn aa at Sutlon . At Station to, a brld0!eet lon. with I bnl. one end of atrlnirtr reatln on bank and lo be eontu-ucted lu other retpeeu aa brtdga at SU- tlAnr or all material for eoattrnollon of Ihe brldnei may be In Ihe roh, aa fonnd on the around, except tha covering, which ranat be "AnVulVrnni.l be Hied with the Coiinly Clerk by the rlrtt day of April, IdftV Alt bids mutt be accompanied with required bond, anil all work be completed by the fliet ol September, The conrl reserve tha right to reject any and all hide. Iiy owtr oi I'ASl'KK I.U1KI.. Commlutonvr, County Court it S. HATTAX, Judge, I II la alleged that he la well acquainted witn io tract ol tana emoracea ia etun ..- and knowathepretent ooodllion ol the earn, alaothat laid Joaeph Sehulkowtkt, entryuiaa, and hit heir bava wholly abandoned laid claim an that they have never resided opon ar cultivated or improred the tarn tince mk rjg entry thereof or at all: thataaid rtryman died about December -JOth, laul.and the naaoea of tha helra of emryman are unknown and alier dili gent tearch can not be learned, and toatlb heirtol entr.maa ar nniown and Ineir resi dence can not be atcertained. and mat tud , al leged tbaence Irom th taid land was not due Ar hi.' amninvmanl lu the army. navy, or marine corpa ol ihe fniled State at a ...,-. . ..i.iinr nmnrr. mimb. u, n.i.u.i u...- lug the war with Hpaio or during any other war lu which the United 8taiet may be engaged.aald paitlea are nereDy nouneo u r. 'Tr' .' and offer evidence touching aald allegailon at lOo cliK-k a. m. on April 17. 190&. before th Begltur and Receiver of tha United State Land Offlc in Oreton City, Oregon The tald couietiant having, in a proper p Tll, ffled February 1ft. 1905, act forth facte which mow that alter due diligence personal service of this notice can not be made, t It hereby or dered and directed that tuth notice be given by due and proper publication. r rGKO w. bYBEK. Becelver. Nothing has ever equalled it Nothing cart ever urpasa it. Dr. King's flow Discovery fori ovuiia Voiu KarMFTlOlf ric " 5calIH A Perfect Cure J For AH Throat and Lung Troubles. Money back ir It fails. Trial Bottle fre. SIMMON In th Circuit Court ot the Stale of Oregon lor th Uonnly of Columbia. David T. Brush, plaintiff, vs. Helen A. Brush, Hfndant. To Helen A. Brush, defendant: in tne name or na w ... . herehv required to appear and anrwer the eom ..A ...n.. in tha above entitled i.ilton or beiora tb7th day of March. ISO (laat being more than tlx weeks alter th ns pUOIloaHB v' - 'ijj il that being the dtie for you pper, xed by an order of the iudgo of ld court) and If yo fall loantwer for want Iheriol the plaintiff will tpplv to the eouri for the relief demtaded la the coroplaiut, which It a divorce from you :. .k. .n...nH nf riartlna. and for tuch oihertnd further relief at ha may be entitled Thlt tummons It pnbllthed upon yon by onler of Hon. Too. A. ncnrine. inoge oi aaiu wur. ... m.iiAA. in. mn nav ni rei.rusrT. ivw, u.- recting that the tummont b served upon you bv publication thereof in the Oregon Mint for tlx week. c M0BKlAvp, First publication Febiu AJmlnbtrator'a KoUce )f Sale, la iheCoantr Court of the But of Oregon foi Mullnomali Coanty. ... In the matter ot thltat ot Reuben Z.Joy.d- VOT1UK IS HKREBY GIVES THAT IK PCtl. .X .....Ai.iuiiirvlrint of an effder of tha County Court ol the State of Oregon, for -Hall, nomah Couoty, mada ou December IS, 1M, la thmauerof the ! af Beuben I.Joy.e ceated, authorising the adminittrator thereof to aell all we rea, arMpc.. w - T r- private aal. and by virtue of an order of rat of the hereinafter described land made tnjaid matter, by tald ooort, on th Uth day ol re ruarv. ItOo, th nndenigned, th admlnlattalor of aald eaUte.wlU teU at private ijal. to the highest bidder, lor cash in V. 8. gold coin, ant subject to confimat oB by aald co 'Otj court. Irom and after Saturday, th 5th day of Maich. 19TAud coaunulng said tale until all of taid real property or to much thereof at It naav eaaary to pay U cUlm. coat, and axpenaea of idminUtrailoa of tald estate hat been aold, all tha rigbl. line, iniereat auu taws Reuben 2. Joy. deceated. at th Uaaaolhla death, and all th right, title and iDtereat that the aald eale ha ainc acquired by opeiallou vl law or olherwite, In and lo th following dtt cribed real property, to wit: ..-., Uitanaaoi tecuou au quarter of tha aoutheaxt quarter of tald seotinn it. all In nwrathlp north, range weat ol V.11 lamett Meridian, In Columbia County, Oregon. Also an irregular tract described aa beginning in the center ol Ihe creek, at the tou thweat cor ner of teuton l, in township t north, range I wctt of Viillamelte Meridian, and Iheno run- nltig down tne oenaer oi a.u uin.. w.. anderlnn. to pol" where the tame Interaecu : . ii .... ti. ...... ih,n at aoulhweet erly dlreotlon, with th meanderinga of taid .i.,i.h in the taction Una between section 1 todSD. la toarnahlp S north, range 1 weat of Willamette meridian; thence weal to the piece of beginniug. oeing in voiumma .ou.j, v.- n??ll a.lS..l. In nnllad htat txtld ma. , , , . cola; lea per cent to aceoaaiauy bht and bal ance upon BMinaauwi ai --, ' tob directed to th uudertigaed at St. Ueleoi. Oregon. n....-.- tann Dtiw at. -.'-"'.-.'aYka rJART. Admlntstrarorof tha etmte of Reuben Z. Joy,. deccaaea. --k Attorney for plaiutitt tryl0,lW&. Timber Land, Act June 8, 18T, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION United 8tte land Offtce. m rtraa-on Citv. Oraeon. Janlltrv 10. Iw5. Kntlc tt hereby given that In compliance with the provlaljnaof the Act of Congress of i., IH7. i.ntnle.1 "An Act tor the anle of m,hr l.ii.l. In the ftalca of Oalltvrnla. Ore- ' gun, Nevada, tud WathluitouTetrllory. ex i tended to a'l the PuMio Land Rlales r a.-l of I Anaiitt 4. 1SW, 0car Johnson, of H.her , ! County of Clarke. State ot Waililiigton. hat thlt I day tiled In thlt office hit rrurn ttatement No. m, tor the purer. aw of IheN. V. ti of 1 Sectlun So. 14 In TowunhlpNo. 4 S., Range No. It W., and will offer pnmt to show that Ihe land snnunua more vaiuanie ior iia nmuar w. w iw thau tor agricultural AiatinUtrator's 5oUce. waiIm ! haMkhv alvan that th ande.-lgn4 ha been, by th lion. R. . Hattan. Judge al ino CouotvCourl ol the state of Oreeoa tor th r....nt.nirninnhlt. anni.intad adintntttrator .ni.. ,.i.aI i-k.rlH b-ihr. deceased. Anv 1 ll Mrum havina elalnta ttnlntl tald a 9- . .. . i ... . . . . . n ..... n . ih. .. n. m tn tai are nercuv ici n . t ru iu p,on... me, vertned acoordina U law. al my retineno at Mayger, Oregon, within six nionthi from th dale hereof. liatad robruary . Administrator of the Estate of Charles Flthar, deoeaaed. -. pi hit cIhIui u tnid land llrpoftis. aun to catunntn the Rcalaler and uu.iuu, n...n i-ltv. Orauon mi Thuradav. Ihe 1Mb day of May, KM. He uamea aa wlmetaea: Nela Lanro, of Veruouia. Oregon: Philip Olshn.ot Veruonia, Ormou; Wctley U. Saner Ice, ol Varuonla. Oregon ;, ;oito Nelton, of Portland. . , Anv and all perrons elalmtng sdverscly the twve described lands s-e r.une"tod lo rile their claims lu this ollico on or bcture tald Stotli day ot May, oc RH0K3. jtjesoisR, Ttrgtatar AimlnUtrator' Final Notice In the County Conrt of th Stat ol Oregon for tiiA uouniT oi tyviuuiui. In the mattir of the t-itate ol Willi A. B.lley. .,.'T.' i,'.rh alven that th undersigned. at admlutttrator of the Estate ol Willie A.Batlry, deceased, ha Bled hit tiual tooonnt In the County Court ot th Slate of Oregou torPolam- . . . . . a,i.a lPhIJah Htll T 1 lal 1 ail 11 Ola county, aun ma. r?. r.. " o'clock lu tne forenoon of aald day. In the court room of tald court, haa beo appointed by taid court at the time and place tor the beariur of obicctiout thereto and the aetllement thereof. ' ALFKTO r. SMITH. Admiiitatrator4g Chat, J. Schoabal, attnrner for admtntatraloi, Dated aud n rat publithod March 3. una. SUMMONS. lor FARM FOR SALE Section 28, tow n ehip S mirth, ran fro 3 weat. More titulier than will pnv to the la; ni, ami after the flintier I otfit will make a gooii farm. Lavs well and will hear Inspection.Some clnarlng anil the making ol a good frame home. Fonr uiilet to the river, where In th Circuit Conrt of tha SUM of Oregou, Columbia vouniy. Emily Q. lones, plaintiff, v. X. T. Jones, de- 'fendent. . ' To E T. Jones, the above named defendant. IS THK NAMK OP THK HTATK Of 0RK005. 1 You are hereby required lo appear and an swer the aumplalut Sled egain.t you lu tha abovo entllled court and cauaj, oa or before The eleventh day ol irch, WOi. and it you fall sou appev r antwer the. platntin" will ai Plv to the conrl for Ihe relief prayed for lu lb cnnirdatut. which li that the marrlago now ex- court may stem Jutt aud equitable. TbittumT mont raaerveu upou jou "aTJ . I v-T .b in iota aar vv DO! Aur (ha Hon. T. A - ",,,1-j n,,rt. aaiad iha lflih dar of yon can sell voor produce ni go pr.s. , Ju""yj-,nu h, daT of Uie ftrtt nubll lt will pay any one wanting a good bar-1 iSaol thij sumraoiu u the Mth day el Jan- Sain to iiiFywctthia ami write tome. luary.lMi. tt-ULart , Y. CQn. Cnrrie.' Crosnntt, Can Ja rA aSt ja.!l