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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (July 29, 1904)
-. Oriental Hotel LOOAL AND GENERAL UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT 0 inmirsnil (uuriiiiii- i-i,. ,.n.. . . . Uwn Hum. Cookliig. """' IRH. A. T. LAW & HON at At A a"w - - J); . a. I . JA7 A V 4 w newspaper and the Commercial Printing Of every class done a, , MIST OFl'ICI'.. from modern type -., in a neat and vrorkmanhkc manner v J,,. " J , added amlof be ltr,t ttyr9 tly.m , ur tcwprt'lfiilly solicit your patronage. I Ycars of Experience I ount in sny bualnesa, know the wants f our -.,,. liter, ami will guarantee Price ami ijuality to he right, THEOKEGOX MIST PKINTEUY. SUItW On jj THE JUG STORE DOWN S -By The Big Sawmill!-- - J I IUu iviiig New Good Every day in the Week X -GENERAL MERCIIADISE 3 THE MUCKLE 8TORE HAS A REPUTA- ti.iu o Long 8ln!ing for Only tlir Real in J Mut M.K ln. Jw.uar n sue k Dart & M tickle, i Oregon. I'Rofessioxal Pi air, ttiKfKmi'tK. J. B. GODFREY, mouxEY-Ai'-un: tea Estate sal filler Lanis ! W. C. Fischer. Kitwrxey-at-liw. Soil HUM Kit. OHKliON. A 1 1 S'liUU'i'li MAllhll fT. IIKI.KNS, OKKliO.I S. II. GKUUF.K, A TTORXE 1 - A T- L I IP. 'mw villi k. K. Quirt. ST. UK I Na, I t OllKtiU.1. Hill ft, bt wmnil sfientloii to alt legal ',. iiimiii4 lo III precllt. la ail Hut Cniiol Mtaire I tint. V. II. POWELL, ATTORNEY-AT- Li )K Krri TT llllTHICT ATToajtaY. T. IIKI.KN. j OHKUO. THE RED BEAR Iloulton, Oregon. Wcinhard's Beer kept on tap. Tlic Best Pool Table in Columbia County. ' W I,4V W. II. D'l.l.AUD niLLAUI) & DAY, 'WTORNE YS-AT-L1 IF Omrc of l floor In (kinrtlinuM. 1. IIKLKNN.UKKUUN. Ml iftt. (i.") , RIiy wart, Plata or Fed-ami. I Steamer JOSEPH KELLOGG tf lnlUiHl n TuUv. ThuriiUjr nl Ht ufd; !).. loc If, Htltnt, ttama. Camlfl Punt, Raiaiti , ' ft, Arrlvlmr.l furtl.iiil UnnMav. kaa. ae!? au! rtday 1 1 f . m. Steamer NORTHWEST l-avra rortlnnd Mundar, Wetlneailny anl Krl.lnjr iilslila at at 10 P. m., lor llin Miue iini uieutionntl above ami To-lt-tu, rra.-liiuc Ilia Inller plnre at 10 a. ui. on the fallowing Uar. Hi-nirnlne. the boat li-avM Tolrtlo at nwrn, and (''.In Kock at S:."0 in the allernoon, Tui-xluiri, ThiinHUyt aiul burulaya, travlnit I'urllaiui early in lh niornirif. Waul loot ol MJiaaa M. U. UUI.MAN. A fat. Dr. Edwin Itosa, Physician and Surgeon. fit. IIKI.K.N8.0HKU0N. Dr. II. K. Oiff, rhrjsician and Surgeon. 8T. iii:i:nh,okeoox. Ira. JmiiraO. BlieMon returned from qta an e,t.mle( ,Wt ,0 Bm VriiuclKO n fhiudny lait. Mini Mnn.1 Morrlnon it vl.ltlnc her Tl. livening Telegram ia now being u. .. ""yyolu iiilMcriliera in HI. Helena l,y Frailk ,Ml,KK, 8uWr) tlon. nmy be left at the M i oflicef We buy our ilioei direct from the nin. Uliu-turerand can nave jwu the middle man'i profit. PUKRY & GRAHAM. We lire well aware that tin. fr.n. ... 1niay now and tlic wtathcr too w. tf,,A i . .... w ew, KHincrlng, l,ut we "will ive 1.1 lioic- that they will remember tta in Hie near future and aend u th . e ii ween iroiu their localitiea. We aim io muKe me Mist a brut In the county. 1,8 e Khiwner Redontln. ,MM. on a nunilwr of tiet at thia t.W. completed her lixulinif at St. lol.n..n (. a.iid Ui lie the firat deep water veaw-l that ever t that port, and in con pirnce there waa conaiderable rejoicing net reaencc. Mie will make aeve ml more lrij to Ht. Helena during thia A Urge atock of nmrela juat received at Helena I'lmmiacy. la (. t ia a met, UiougU not generally known, that the St. Helens qtiurriea arc 1) ing out more money (a wauca than i. me lloultuu iluve fnctorv. There aliut forty men employed in the qtiar- nr. ui inmi yi per day for unakilled la w.r io an average ol f l.m per duy for the Muck makera. The pr.i.pect for a con t .t . ... " " e wora at l lie iiurrica ia goon. I lie iniit canning teanou ia apjiroach nK ano ine pnre ol augur ia aurc to go up. Trudent liouarkecper alioul.l order a aupply from IUilcy & Ilrinn, Houlton'a reliable grocera. The Mwt wihc to ace 4a many in dutrlcaand Iiumucm bouiea nUhlialicd here a can obtain paying pntroiiage; but newcomer Uiould Ije careful and aacer tain whether they are not liable to iniure omera witnout benebtting thcraatlvca. A buaineaa failure of any kind iaalwayaan injury to a community. Mr. Jock Black, foreman for the Ore. gon Wood company, bad the miafortune to alick a piecaroon iuto bin shin last Sunday, inflicting a very painful wound wnicli will compel him to go slow for cvcrul day. The Royal Chinook salmon is tha beat fili that swims, and Chinook shoea are the let shoes on the market. They are made of the very best material and are sure to give satisfaction. Haiteya Brinn, Hoiilton's reliable dealers in general mer chandise, keep them for salt- at from f.'I.JS0 to jVi. A fine ttf f 100 wns imosed ujion Cap tain W. Ii. tarkins. of the Luriinc. on Friday last, by Collector Robb, of Aa- toriu, for failure to exhibit the vessel'a dox-iimcnts ujkiii a demaml made by one of the customs iniectors. This proln- lily confirms Captain I.arkins in the sail or's sii)ierstition that Friday is an un lucky duy. A Set of Diahcs l-'ree I am giving away dishes to my rash customers. You set a coupon with each cash purchase of ten cents and over, and you can exchange thru coupons for all varieties of the liest classof China ware. Goods on exhibition at my store. Great inducements Hint it will pay )ou well to investigate. H.MORGVS, St. Helens. J. IU)iit & Sons, of the Valley shingle mill, will deliver shingles to customers at St. Helena, Houlton, Columbia City, Warren and neighborhood. They manu facture the very finest grade ot ceUr shingles and guarantee their prices to be as low as shingles of the suuie grade can lie procured elsewhere. tf The Mist and t)regouian 2 per year. The Mist is the oldest and licst paper pub- shed iu the countv. The ladiet of Houlton Circle. Women or woodcraft, ahowed their ability to overcome eoauciet at the lawn social Riven by them last Tucadav evening Tbey had expected a bountiful aupply of ice cream U dispense to their patrons, but the froen delicacy was not forthcoming, othey purchased all the watermelons and muskmelona they could find, and aerved thma with cake. The irrounda had been decorated with Chinese Inn terns and two large bonfires were bullion the banka of Milton creek, and, as the moon was at iu full, the combination of brook and forest made an Ideal woodman's scene. Nature furnished plenty of large logs for scats and tables, asd altogether a more delightful place for the occasion could not have been imauined. There was an attendance of over 100, and all seemed to thoroughly enjoy themselves. The uni(n)fomied rank, W. O. W., waa out in full dress, and it waa certainly very rank. We understand the ladies will repeat their entertainment in a few weeks If the weather Is suitable, and they will take care that the ice cream ia on hand. We suggest to the people of St. Helens that they take purt in these festivities and thereby promote the good feeling that should exist between the sister communities. Now is the time to paint and I am prepared to save you money on the goods M. C. GRAY, St. Helens. Iwis and Clark Flour is one of the best grades on the mar ket, and a very popular brand try it. M. C. GRAY, St. Helens. Ad)tistai!e screens to fit any window, 24 inches wide, Ste. M. C. GRAY, St. Helens. isice silks for ladies' waists and children's dresses, at 50 cents per yard. M. C. GRAY, St. Helens. lioldcn Gate Baking Powder, Spices and Extracts, are the best, M. C. GRAY, St. Helena. owl saloon IIiiinn IIiiotiikiih, PROPRIETORS - nl) Urn liont ol- Lidnors and Cigars Kept iu Stoci CYRUS NOBLE An'l "llmr popular brum! of whiskies Sl)lll Slot it. WEINHARD'S BEER on dm us hi, Tom Benton" fiipars. -0- 1 '" 'atNl nswspsienand otlior pi- J iilsr pcrcHlleals, A OREGON Shout line ANO UNION PACIFIC 3 TRAINS TO THE HART DAILY Through PMllmsu Xiimlsnl sml tmirtrt sleep Ins can ilnllr '"". I'hlrni". Hpukmii-: louiM sleeplna rr ilslly lo Knii ( liy; ii,r.,nuli l-iilliiiiin loiirl.l lfiiilnir eartiisrwui- allTnuiliiell) weekly In chlesvu. Kviilliiliig chair ear, niulu Irt-s, tu itie KmI'IuII) . UNIoSI liKI'OT. nili Aiifi- i'oiiri.AMi: Hl'Ki iAi. rr ina nsv via llniilliiBlnii. HVnkA.SK KI.Y K II. fur KHulurli WtulilnK- U'.IIk VVallH. l ow- limn. Coenr il'Alen! niiil (Inmt Northern. till. ATLANTIC WW, fur Iho Kasl via inim- Inutoll. I Leaves 14 A. M imlly. U-WT."Sl lull). ;(.1V"M. IWIIy. Arrive. J W I'. M lstl)-. S.Oti A. M, Dsily. 7:14 A. if. Dully. TIII1KK PAII.Y TUAJN8 -s-oil all points east, Lower Columdia River. Huiulsv, at ;00 p. in. HsliiMay ' " (or Anions s.iu wity miemia-. - -- lesvcs Aslorls t J ' "'"'JL- ,Jl, H" Hiimur- A. L. CRAIQ, n tienrral rcmr AwHi n!'A'NP fti Mr. Jnnies Muckle was in this city last Saturday on bis way to Hunker Hill to prospect for iron ore. He will get out sml ship ten tons of this ore to Portland for smelting purpose. A smalt sample recently tested gave very satifuctory results, showing sixty per cent pure iron. The smelter in which this ore will be tested is a recent invention, and if the Columbia County ore is as good as it is believed to be, pig iron can lie placed on the mnrkct at a very much lower price than it is at present. The importance of this project, not only to Columbia County, but to the whole Stutc of Ore gon, can not be overestimated. The g4uie of base Iwll lietween St. Helens und Sellwood lust Sunday re sulted in a victory for the visitor. It was intended to be a five inuiugs game, but at the end of the fifth innings, the St. Helens team being ahead, the Sell wood boys proKscd to play the nine inuiugs out, and this was agreed to by St. Helens, the result lieing that the home team made no more runs, and, owing to a quarrel between two of its players, the game broke up. It was not a creditable exhibition from any point of view. It is to lie hoped the next game will I played under more favorable con ditions. Discipline should be maintained and disputes lietween the players pro hibited. It is also well to remember visitors should be treated courteously. George H. Hitching, of Hoquiam, has the contract for the building of a large transfer Imrge for the Northern Pacific Railway company. The barge is to bj' used at Knlnma for ferrying the North ern Pacific trains across the Columbia River, and is to bp held in readiness in case any accident should huppen io the transfer steamer Tacoma, now in, use there. It will not tie equipped wijlj ma chinery, but wlll .be towed across the i.lvos, The dimensions of the barge will be 370 leet long, 57 feet wide and 12 feet Judge Hatton has appointed the fol lowing named citizens to act as delegate to the convention called to organize the Oregon Development League, to be held at the Marquatn Grand Theatre at 10 'clock a. m., Tuesday, August S, 1904 W. II. Powell, St. Helens; M. C. Gray, St. Helens; P. A. Frakes, Scappoose; Harry West, Scappoose; N. A. Perry, Houlton; John Campbell, Vernonia; John Pringle, VernoniaW. II . Convers, Clata- kanie, J. N. Rice, Clatskanie; John Dib hlee, Rainier. All editor are delegates. The object of the convention is a good one, but we doubt whether so larve a body will accomplish any good results. A convention of not more than two hundred members would be more har monious and business-like. Dai ley & Brinn' store is headquarter for general merchandise, Houlton, Ore gon. Good good a specialty. Quality, quantity and price guaranteed. The Rainier base boll team paid a visit to -Astoria last Sunday and were the victors in a contest with the local club. According to the livening Telegram this produced such an exhiliarating effect upon the Rainier 1oys that they w unable to restrain themselves on their return trip and numerous fights occurred on the train, to their own disgrace and the annoyance of the passengers. What the train men were doing while the rows were on is not stated. Magnolia, Canadian Club, Old Govern ment Whiskies and Gordon's Dry Gin at the Owl Saloon. Old Crow Whiskey bottled in bond. Also Old Quaker-made Rye Wliiskev. There is some talk among the ladies of St. Helena about the organization of a civic improvement league. A great deal of good could be accomplished by such a society in the way of inducing the own er of property io lay a-ood sidewalk. build neat fences, and paint their build ing. A building that pay iu two year more than it would cost to rebuild ia cer taiuly deserving of a little paint. Iyast Monday was without exception the hottest day of the season, and to make matter worse, there was not much breeze atirring. But every branch of in dustry in and around town was kept go ing and there were no fatalities reported irom the excessive heat. About five o'clock p. m. a cool breeze spraar up and oor people had the relief prayed for. Tuesday morning wa cool and ihowery, cool enough for fires. And this is why we on the Columbia hardly ever (utter. Attorney Clyde Pulton, wife and two children, of Astoria, were guests of the Occidental hotel last Tuesday, prepara tory to crossing the river, where a camp ing ground has been selected and rustica ting will be the order of the day. Mr. Fulton i a brother of our U. S. Senator. Road Supervisor Richardson, of Rain ier, was in town Tuesday on business with the county officers. Largest stock to select from at Perry & Graham's. In the case of Geo. H. Libby and other against Oscar E. Elliott, of Marsh land,' the sheriff on Saturday last at tached Elliott's logging outfit and logs for 700. The amount was due for wage and was paid in full by the Security Saving and Trust Company, Elliott having made an assignment for the bene-1 fit of his creditors. AH the labor claims against the property, amounting toj about 1800, have been settled. The as signment was made to C. T. Adams, president of the bank, who will manage the property for the benefit of the credit or. V. H. Powell was attorney for Libby. Our suits, from 1.50 up to 12.50, are better value than you can get in Portland. PERRY & GRAHAM. M. J. Kittering, of Rainier, has at tached the property of W. J. and Durinda Muckle, of Rainier, for money alleged to be due on notes for flMO. The property has been taken in charge by Sheriff White, who has placed a keeper in cus tody. It is rumored that if the run of fish is large the fishing season will be extended for a few weeks. In other words, the authorities will wink at a violation of the law. The men have not earned wages so far, and a the fish are slow in coming up the river, it would seem to be proper to extend the season and give the fishermen and the canneries a chance to do a little business. fVVfVVV. -fV'l THIS is mm SOME READ CAREFULLY. We listed a farm Mnnrlnv ntirl j found buyer Wednesday. Let us help you sell yours. We are in close touch with Eastern Immigration and want J desirable property to ofter them. A card will fetch an applica- J tion blank. i Youis for business, i QUICK & HOLTON, A genu for Columbia County Abstract and Trust Co., S. We insure homes against accidental fire. err ST. HELENS. depth. It will cost in the neighborhood jf fLW.OOO when completed, and the con tract culls for its completion by Novctii- cut patronise the IItt(Iton bcrl, ' &itjsfion guaranteed, There has been paid to the Mist, for the relief of the Sobiska family, the sum of fl.50, and the same has been turned over to Dr. Edwin Ross, and by him de livered to Mrs. Sobiska. WANTKn Stave bolts; yellow fir tint ber, SS inches long. For information write Western Cooperage Co., Houlton, Ore. The county court of Cowlitz County has invested fCWX) in the purchase of a "poor farm" at Catlin, and after Novem ber next will begin the experiment of caring lor their pauper at one place, iustend of boarding them out as hereto fore. The experiment will be watched with interest by the people of Columbia county, and may result in a similar course being taken here. , It is certain that the county would not lose any money by purchasing hind at this time, providing the investment was made on a business basis. Mis Caroline' Dolman, of Oakland, Cal., daughter of W. H. Doluinn, of this city. Is visiting St. Helens en route home from the St. Louis Exposition. Born To the wife of II. O. Oliver, of Houlton, on Tuesday Inst, a daughter. Mr. Holtgrove, of Sauvies' Islond, has raised apricots this year three inches in length and of corresponding diameter. A sample jar of them has been put an arid sent to the St. Louis Exposition, where it is thought they will excel anything yet sh wn in the line of apricots. . There are no shoes made that ate Xtet than the Stilson line, carried by Perry & Graham. The Porceli Bath at Hpultan are all ready for customer., If yqn want a re freshing hath or a, flretbtas shaV or hair liarbcr shop. Weinhard's beer on tap at the Owl saloon. Mr. James Sheldon has had several cases of shad canned for his family use; but gave the editor a can for a sample. It U as good a fresh shad and the bones have been so thoroughly cooked that they give no trouble. It would seem to lie sn excellent product to put upon the market, as shad are practically worthless here in the summer time, owing to their abundance. Fresh fish in season every Friday and special Sunday dinner at the Oriental Hotel. To do well think and work together. How? Ask Quick & Holton. Word comes from Seattle of the mar riage of Dennis A. Morrison to Miss Leila Riggs, which occurred on the 23d inst. Mr. Morrison is the son of Mrs. E. H. Plagg, of this city, and Miss Riggs is an estimable young lady whose home for some time has been in the Sound City. Many residents of St. Helens will re member Dennis, who wa born in this county, and spent a number of his child hood's years in St. Helens. At present he is holding a situation as pressman at a salary of 21 per week, and he is one of the most competent in his profession. The best wishes of the editor for their happiness and prosperity are extended to the newly wedded couple. Mr. Peter Nelson, of Warren, has sold his form at that place for f2000 to Fred Hcdlund, of Minnesota, who also pur chased Mr. Nelson's personal property, stock, household furniture, etc. Services w ill be held in the Episcopal church, St. Helens, on Sunday evening next, at 8 o'clock. All are cordially in vited to attend. The letting of the contract for the Tanner Creek sewer, in Portland, the bottom of which is to be paved with Bel gian blocks, means more employment for uie rocic cutters in St. Helens stone quarries. Forest Fire are said to have been burning during the past week in the neighborhood of Goblc, and it is said that 2000 cords of wood and a quantity of tencing has been burned. The Episcopal church at this place is soon to have a new bell tower and bell, the necessary funds therefor having been raised within a few dollars. Buy that home and "do something." Cheap. At Quick & Holton's. Goods delivered without charjre, willingly and cheerfully. Order freely. M, C. GRAY St. Helens Or. All the local and war news in the Mist and Oregoniau. Only f.2 a year. OREGON J OREGON STATE NORMAL SCHOOL MONMOUTH, OREQOV. Begins its 23rd year on September 20, 1004, lour terms in eacn scnool year, arfordmg equal opportunities for beginning a course in Sept ember, November, February and April. The best training for teachers is the Normal course, with its assurance of good positions at good wages. Write for new catalogue containing full information concerning courses of study, training in actual teaching afforded under real conditions in town and country schools, and ' full details about the advanced course of study, with the additional advantages attached. Address, SEC. J. B. V. BUTLER, or PRES. E. D. ROSSLER, MONMOUTH, ORE. P. THE NEW YORK STORE General Merchandise, Clothing, Dry Goods, Groceries, Fruits, Provisions, Furniture, Stoves, Etc -.Lowest - Prices.: U. MOKGUB, Building, Main Street, St. Helens, Cooper Oregon. Uoad Opportunity. Two-year-old Durham heifer for sale. Will be fresh this month. Gentle. Inquire of F. M. THORP, St Helens. I STORIA & COLUMBIA RIYER il RAILROAD COMPANY. 'daily. axis Basra r. u. oo OS s t M SO ( is OS 1 17 10 00 10 OS 10 30 10 80 ST ATI OAS DAILY. A. St. I 00 OS .4l IS l.S t SS tUi so as. SO .M.I 10 0 SI S i io .! 10 II 71 1 10 S 7 7 10 M .('' 11 OS S0.SI II IS S6.4' 11 SO M S I! Ii. M. 0 Lt Portland Ar il lo .... Coble OJ ....Ksinler . ... Prrmiald.. ... MsTfrer... ....Qutnev ... ..Claukaul... .. Marshland.. .. Weitport... ....Cllfioii.... ....KnppaM.. . etrensoB.... John Day... Ar. Astoria .Ly U 37 17 I OK m M s a I 15 07 7 66 T 41 A. lli a ss sit OS J T M 7 SS T 3 7 17 7 1 H 3) 10 ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. In tha Cminty Conrt of the Bute of Oregon, fv If allnomah County. In the matter of the estate ot Z. Joy, Not lea hereby given that in parsnance of. and by virtus of, an order of the county court of the Stale of Orrjon, fur Multnomah County, mad on the 8th dj of June, 19IM, la the mat ter of the estate of Reuben z. Joy, dceeai-ed, au thortzlng the administrator to sell all the real Smpertfof said ute at private sale, the un earned, the administrator of the naid estate, will sell at priraie sale, to the highest bidder for cash fa lT. 6. gold ooiu. and subject to cou flrmaiion by said county court, from and after Monday, the lit day of Anguat. 1 904. and eonlin ufuf said sale until all of said real properly, or an much thereof aa is necamry to pay all elaima. coats, and expenaca of admtniiuatioo of aaid estate has been sold, all the right, title, interest and estate- of the said Reuben Z. Joy, deceased, at the time of hta death, and all ld right, utie. ami interest that ihe said Mate has All trains make eloa connections at Goblc with Northern facinc traiua to and from Ibe Eart and Sound points. Al Portland with all tralna leaving Union depot. At Astoria wllh I. K. A N. Co.-. boat and rail Una and Steamer T. J. Potter to and from llwaeo and North uvaca poinia. raaaenren for Astoria or a-av mint. mnt a train, at Houlton. Trains will atop to let pa saugeri off at iloulton when coming from pom is Oca. Pass. Agt.. Astoria, Or WTABUSaxD U73. uox. JOHN A. BECK DEALS R TX Watches, Diamonds, Silfenare, ....JEWELRY.... Repairing a Specialty. llorrtn St. Bet. front ft first, PORTLAND MONEY TO LOAN ON UKAL ES TATE Kata of interest low, but secu rity must be perfect. Applv to or addresa WM. BESlMHJS, Houlton. Or. Night Waa Her Terror. " "I would cough nearly all night long," writes Mfs, Qhas. Applegatc, of Alexan dria, Ind f'itn,d could hardly get any ueep. I lum consumption so had that if I walked a block I would conglt fright, fully and spit blood, but, when all other medicines failed, thvee 1,0Q bottles of ur. Kings New Discovery wholly cured uw and I gained 58 pounds." It's ab solutely guaranteed to cure Coughs, Colds, La Grippe, Bronchitis and all Throat and Lung Trouble. Price 60c andJl.OOV Trial bottles free at the St. Helen, I'h.truiacy, NEW WAGON FOR SALE A new SL4 wagon for sale. Addreos or apply to Utu. 1'fcKKl , iloulton. SIX FUESH COWS FOB SALE-I offer for sale, at a bargain, six fresh rows, one or ail of them. This ia a great opportunity to get good cows at a very reasonable price. JOS. HAY BURN, St. Helens, Ore. GOOD HORSE FOR SALE Weight about 18(10 pounds; age eight years; a good roadster or all-purpose animal. A good bargain. Iikjuto at St. Helens, or of R. KAPPLER. iBee acquired by operation of law or otherwise, in and to the follow hut described real property, to- it: Lots 4 and i of section 54. and tbe sontheaFt quarter ol theftoutheastqnarterof section 24, all in township 3 north, range 2 wot of W iliameilo meridian, in Columbia County, State of (ln gou. Alao aa irregular tract described aa be ginning in the center of the creek at tbe south- weoforner ol section is in township 3 north, ranee I west of willametta meridian, ami thence running down the centr of said creek, with lt meandering, to a point where tha aame intersects tha w illamette aiough : thene. in a southwesterly direction, with the aaeau deringa of said aloogh, to tha aeelion line be tween eecUoua Uaud So, in townohlp S north, range 1 west of Willamette meridian, Ihew-a west Ui the place oi beginning, brlug in Colum bia County, Oregon. Tenna aad cooiilioaa ot aale: Cash in V. 8. gold coin, ten per ceut to be paid on acceptauca of Die bid and balance on eoudrmaUon ot sals by aaid countv court; said tea per cent to b. returned if aale not conn rated. Deed lo be at expense ol purchaser. Bids to b delivered lo the undersigned in cnnn, at St, Helen". Oregon, or through the orttcc of Mesara. Villard 4c Day, his attoruera. JAMfcS DART. Adminiatrstorof the estate ot Reuben Z. Joy 8t- Helena, dr.. June 4. 1904. J. MACKENZIE, General Contractor BRIDGES, MILLS, AND PILE PKIVING A SPECIALTY ESTIMATES FURNISHED f-Htf ST. HELENS, OB. a. wa. js.ja.ja. jl. j..av.m.. FARM FOR SALE Twenty-one acres! ki good soil; new bouse and barn; young F 3 orchard; located adjoining the townsite af the county st-at; on railroad; ready market at hiah prices for evervthiiiB that cau be raised. Apply to Miller Brothers, St. Helens, Oregon. j ton PORT-AND. DAILY -TSAMM ii "America" Willamett Slongb Route Leave St. Helen .... 6:30AM Arrive at Portland. .10:80 A M Leave Portland 2:30 PM Arrive at St. Helens. 6 :00 P M FAKE AO CBMTB. Will Carry Nothine but Passen gar and Fast Freight. JAMES GOOD, IHstaUr. PAIRY FARM FOR SALE 370 acres located on Willamette Slough; se comniodutiona for 75 to 100 head cattle; daily boat. Inquire on place, MRS. 0. &KLENK, care steamer America, St. Helens, Oregon. Jf-5-tf I'lONEKR KMPI.OYMKNT CO., 16 Morrson St., rortlnnd, Oregon, is one of the best known and most reliable Com panies on the Coast, furutelie al) kinds Help on shortest.' notice Free to Em ployer. iri Ur H Wkem la Portland Ho t The Etunire Bostanrunt. 1!)2 Third Street, three doors South of Daker The tre. Meals from IB cents ua. Own day and nlitht. Oysters in any style. t m. liohlaniler, Prop., formerly of the Jioyal, ai and MiHltson. FOR PORTLAND DAILY Steamer Iralda C. I. Hitghkirk. Muter. RAILROAD TIME. : Leave Rainier dally ( iundartfor Port land, at OA. M.. departing from St. Helens att 0 clock. Returning, laavaa Portland at 3: JO p M., arriving at hi. Rsleni al 4:4q. Passenger, an! Fast FreiiM. PORTLAND LANDING, T4V1.0B 81 " " 1 V V J z s