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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (July 29, 1904)
OREGON MIST filtered tit the Postoflica at .St. Helens, Oregon, as second-class mail matter. IssuRt) Kvkkv Fkiiiav tlv E. H. ITAUU, 1 KniTOR ANlf PKOr-KlKTOR. jOne copy, one year, in advance. . Vsix months l.rl notices cent ikt line. 1 ( IJOl'SK lUVlOKI). FRIDAY, Jt'LY SO. The proposition of the fewla A Clark jKair Commission to pny one half of any uro appropriated by the County Court for an exhibit of Columbia County's resources is atlractingconsidernt)le at tention and has thejudorseiuent oi of the heaviest tax payers in the county, and it it probable that it will receive lavorable' action at the next session of tho court. ' It pilghk Ik well to call a public meeting, to tie held at Houlton, Tor the purpose of hearing directly from the peoplm to 'the anionnlthat should be appropriated, and the manner in which the matter ahonkl lie handled. Ve are paying taxes on our ahare of 1500,000 appropriated by the Legisla ture for this reat eposin, or, an proximxtcly we are putting np ilO.OOO - bf this amount. Having that amount invested beyond recall, it would seem to be good business tiolicy to put op another 500, if netessnry.'in order to get the best results of onr investment If the County Court appropriates 1000, the Lewis and Clark Commission agrees .to purchase tl.e exhibits, paying there for one nan the actual cash cost to the county. As very many of the articles will be perishable, and few will be of any value except for eihifcition purpo ses, me otter is a very liberal one, and in our judgment should be accepted. A suitable person should Ibe selected by the court, to have charge of all matters connected with the exhibit; with power 'to appoint deputies and committees as inaybe needed. It would be his duty to contract with the commission for a suitable space, to collect jrrains, grasses, yetajiles, fruils, minerals, etc.; and to i octj iuki me vasi mrong oj visitors to , the Lewis and Clark Centennial Expo sition are given to understand that nphtat the door of Oregon's metropolis vi w loiinu opportunities for invest went that can not be excelled anywhere u mij u ii iieu guiles. The following extrauts fom the Ore gon Journal illustrate verj clearly the condition of t he Democratic party today : v,As a choice between what lie con siders two 'evils, Jlryan will choose tho least, nd vote far Tarter." " ."Well,' we shall see next November now me'tern flnanciar bug come out, in running the Democratic party " .. "E.t'H. ret many Democrats vet be Iieva (hat Uryan'4 ideas and proiKwed rolicies are those of true mid progressive emoyracy. Tio rank and file of Democracy are not apt to enthuse to any great extent when they are called upon to make a choic between two evil, to stand bv the Eastern financial bugs, or to r- nounce ideas and fallacies which a great n.anyof them yet believe are those of true and progressive Democracy, The Journal's statement is undoubtedly cor rect, and very many Democrats still concur with Mr. Hryan in the belief that the financial issue is paramount, mt that to omit it from the platform jras a surrender to Wall street. Judge Tarker's statement that the gold stand ard is the fixed policy of the country was manly and true; but the same is true of the policy of a protective tariff, which the Democratic platform de nounces as rubbery. The views of the president do not always dominate con gress, and it ir well to remember that a Democratic congress passed a tariff bill which a Democratic president roundly denounced and refused to sign. The election of Parker would probably carry with it the election of a Democratic congress, and, with the Southern ami Western Democracy in control, the gold standard would again be attacked, and it would be the duty of the party to present a tariff meas-ire framed in con formity with the theory that protection is robbery. To guard against these two evils the business iuterests of the coun try will very generally support the Re publican ticket, not as a choice of two evils, but as positive good compared m tne other alternative. TUG SONUS UlS M0TMEK KAMI, I fcciicnth th hoi iiil.Liimim-r tun " Tho men hail marched til Jut, An I uir beanies a rlm.Un. siren at Uutinth intsa they lay. Tlrln nl nti sail till. Jeats, Am saapt th Iwura ahiiur. They called toon who mused apart, ' ( vni), friend, tv u a auiuj."' " ' lie answered "Nay, I etnuot picas; 1 The only Rung f know Are ilina my mother uawt to sine - 41 home, long year ago." "Sing on of iW a mj;(rh Tle erled, "W e at all true mm hare, Ami to each miiihar'a von of us A mother's toaift an detij."- Then sweetly sane the strong clear vols, ' AmM unwonted cnlia, "Ami t wilitiar ol the croas. And follower o! the lamb'" The Irees hushed all their ht.rrint lcaree Tk vary stream was stilled, I aim nesrts mat never inmbtieil with faar With ti iulcr mrmoriea llirllled, ' Knded the (nog the atngar tald, A to hl frel h maa, "Thanka u yon all; gooit night my friends: Ood grant you wot rOM," Out wpnks the rantatn: "Sing on mor." The soldier bt-ni ln hi,l; Then smiling, as h glau.-vl around, - lou u juia wuniue, lie said. "In singing this familiar air, wtl as a hugl call,' "All hall the power of Jeans' uaui, i-el angels iroatrai lnl." Wondrous tli jll the old tun wrought; As on and on he sang. Nan aller usau Ml lino line, Aud loud ilielr voices raog. The nistit winds hor th gtaud rvtraln akh Ihelrrr lol'a (all; Tlio "vvei laming iiftla1, eall. back. In answer, "Und of all." 1 he soma are tloiie, Ihe camp Is stilt, Nauirtit but tile sirvuin is ht-anl; But. ah: tlted h of everv aout Hy those old nymus waa'stirml. Ami up from many a bearded Hp ktMta. In miiruiiin, lnw. The nruyvr the mother laueht hvrbor ai nou i iutf years ago. K. V. tuox. -Ab5oIuicfy Pure For the third of a century the standard for strength and purity. It makes the hot bread, hot biscuit, cake and other pastry light, sweet and excellent in every quality. No other baking powder ii just as good as Royal," cither in strength, purity or wholcsomencss. THE JllKiK. ROYAL tAKINO. POWOtg CO., 100 WlkklAM ST., N(W VOMK. mm i JfApCHV IN" COMJKAIXl. Jhe Democratic platform, in one of its ntjmerpus clauses, declares that "the pilitanr s'lould be used only to support and maintain the law" with which lBT.e.r3r American citizen, whatever his politics, certainly ngrees, Then it adds : "We unqualifiedly condemn its employ ment for the summary banishment of citirens without trial" which is un derstood to refer to the Coloiado troub les. Democrats innumerable cursed Cleve land for sending troops to Chicago du ring the great railway strike of ; yet they were sent there lito support and maintain the law." Roosevelt did not send troops to Colorado. On! il, .to.- militia was employed there. "The mat ter is a state, not a rational question. 7-et us summarize the facts : The miners of that state agitated for an eigtit-Ji&nr law. After strikes which involved a majority of the miners, the legislature enacted such a law. The mine owners brought a test suit in court, Kssailing the legality of the act, on the ifronnu mat it was an interference bv the state in tbe private affaire of indi viduals.' The state supreme court declared tbe law to be contrary to the vu.urtiuo constitution, and heocj null and void. Then began an ebrt to so amend the gtate constitution so as to give tbe legis lature me needed authority. This was SUjcetul , The amendment was adopt ed by an overwhelming majority, and both parties, in their state platforms, pledged themselves to enact an eight bbnr law. The legislature waa divided politically thus : Senate, 24 Democrats, 11 Republican; house, 29 Democrats, 36 Republicans. On joint, ballot, 6Dem bcratic majority. Ai both parties had declared for an eirhu innt Iota, tkAM . was no political division on thequ'estion. But when tbe legislature met last winter, a powerful lolihvnf And' their friends, induced the legisla ture 10 aisouey the mandate constitutional THE DEATH OF KKCUEB. Paul Kruger wag as one born out of bis time. His stei n. rmned virt np a mt bis intense conservatism were better fitted for an older centarv than the nine teenth. He was one of the founders of the Transvaal r public, its oatriarch and president, and lived to see it fall, nd its area become an integral part of We britisn empire. Ibe mistake of Kroger and his com patriots was in attempting to exclude the progressiveoesa of the aire. The Boer ideal was an agricultural life, some- wnat parallel to that of the Biblical patriarchs. They had no use for other Europeans, especially for the Briti-h. And when the discovery of tbe mineral wealth of the country was 'made, these sturdy but non-progressive Dutchmen used every means at their command to keep the incoming population from ob taining political control. Out of this el.ort, finally grew the war which ended in the downfall of the Transvaal. air. Kruger was a sturdy fighter in his youth., The experience ot vears ueteiopea turn into n statesman of no mean calibre, for he held his own against Gladstone, and placed Chamber lain in the wrong before the world. He wai the same type of man as Oliver Cromwell and the English Puritans, and took the same religious view that God is the personal director of the affairs of men and of nations. He was in reality a relic of a past age. whose lot was cast in a century with whose snint ho ... never in harmony. Toledo Blade. Jw lire farkornn summer's da? naavu iitr ueanowa isnct u uu nay. Beneath his bonnet bitiirtl Ihe be n hose other name n a liviaocracy. Knklng. hethouuhl. and within hit stirred Thoughts-but u would uoi say a tiore. Thoughts thai he scarcely daw! to owu Ul suuieihlog ooitar Uiau he bad known. But a be looked to the summer aiy A mesavagi-r csun wuswiiiig bya. "A teloeram." said Ihe kid. "Bv Uee! Fur A. U. I'aiker." Th Judge said "Ale!" Tbe Judge toraoiwn Ihe enrelooa. And his heart beat high with a bopefnl hop. '-Dear Jndce: You're II If you don't olijeet. new wire reply, tsignnl) Hill. (COLUECT.) "Thanks," wired III ludge. "Peinociwcy: I do aix-ept it. (Signed) A. B IV "Aha!" said the eare of fair Kansas, "1 guess tuts is my magnum oi uv "I'rorerbial silent must now be bmke. Though sitnreUs;odi'u-lhat am i no joke. And of all etad word that Thegladdest are these: b ), 1 em It,-"' FTooray fornartv; UtMirae for tit,lra Hooray for tha measag that tu.r hits bmtn Chicago Journal THE AFTER-GLOW. wwirrta t alias a, a. govas. The afler-clow U fating slow In s blue skiea, A nd niaht birds rail as shadows fall nerdr-clad mountains rise. The faint er rise. Ilka drowsy eres. And loan sheds o'ae ait A silver liichi. and throuxh th night Is heard the trte load's call. What has been thought to ba an im possibility in Portland, notwithstanding the law was plain on the an Kiwi which only required an hour's work to accomplish, waa done most effectually today are as much of a comfort to their last Saturday by the sheriff .f husbands as the women of our ornl. And now Portland bewails the The mnnnheamadanre like fealhered lanee in Urturou s dark strand. And snfily ret uou the breast Of under mounuin grand. Tho' far away, at dote of day, W ithin my mind I aee FsirOrejon; and then I long At borne again to b. -Saiein, Oregon, July M, toot. THE.t JIXD XOW. In days long ago (in the six ties you know? when grand in a went walking she held her skirts so. What would she say if she saw girls today with skirts cl niched so tight ly they a 1 1 look this way 7 Southern Democrats who denounce the president fur his "aggressive for eign policy" wi'l continue U send their cotton, at enhanced prices, to the Chi nese treaty ports opened to our trade by the president' vigorous demands, in J spite of the determined oppovition ot Kussia, (.termany ami France. iiuiaui . ag This year witnesses the opening of O.fXKi.OUO additional gores of laud to homesteaders, and the reclaiming of millions more by the operation oi the irrigation laws. The Republican party is the author of the two measures that havo been of the greatest importance to the Ameiicau home owners, tbe highest type of the world' citizenry. Club lile is apparently pojiular iu Forest Grove. Two hundred members in so small a town is clear proof that man craves the companionship of bis kind his kind of spit its, that is. When a man must do without drinking or join a club, it is not long until he makes ap plication for admission that is, some men. The Astortnn speaks of Astoria as a city of over 15,000 population. Whereas the entire couutv cast only vote at the Juno election. That is rather a liahy" claim. By a provision in tho direct primary law enacted at the recent election voters who failed to register prior to May 16th will be given another opportunity to do so, between September 20 and October 20. This will allow them to vol at the presidential election without swearing in weir vote. DEER ISLAND NOTES Sim. M. I,. Shearer fell from a cherry tree last Wednesday, falling almut ten feet, and waa linim-d up loiisidcrnbly, but no hone were broken. 1.. B. t.len-um, iiKcd 4;1 yeurt, died at I is home Suntlav ut I a. m., nl cnth.Tr ot the stomach, lie lc.tvc a wile, lullier, sister, and hall aistir. The burial look ilace at Knitter cemetery at I o'clock tlotidav. kcv. Tdiiifcrt. of Kuitiire. con- tlih-tiii( tlic services. Mm. T. A. Cnigif and grand dmiglttcr, lona Merrill, urc viailitig at Uvr Kluml thii week- Mis KluaU Urwllrv, of I'tirtlaiid. is visiting her aunt. Mm. l-nglUb. this week. Mrs. Iknlrr and rhildrrtt are viMttitg for the auuiiner with Mm. fUislrr'a uur- ent.a, Mr. ami Mn. t'.entrv. Mr. itnd Mr. C. A. Merrill mid ruin visited in I'nrtUud and St. luhm ss-vrrul (by tills week. Thomas Mi lirttte Joins, of Monroe, Wis., U visiting with his aunt, Mrs. Mc llriilo, Hits siiitiMirr. For July And Aujftut wc will 5cll all our $20, $30 and $40 UNCLAinnO SUIT5 AT 1IALI PKICK. f iS.ixj Unclaimed Suits 20.00 Unclaimed Suits Unclaimed Suits .. Unclaimed Silks ,,.,.. Unclaimed Trousers Unclaimed Trousers Unclaimed Trousers Odd Vests in all styles and colors DURING THE SUMMER MONTHS ONLY. FARNSWORTH-HERALD TAILORING CO. iMtt Washington Stivct, New Failing IlniltUug. 25.00 30.00 5.00 8.00 10.00 . 8.50 . IO.CX) . 15.00 3.95 -95 The New s SItltUNC H At $J U thcbeal 0 ii the Market ' ' ? 1 s r r rr t , ? WiT Not Sate Yonr Mnej? THK AMCMICAN CLOTMItH utl rae From 'J to .. HATSf In the l.airi J ffiapra ai ;5 I anil 3 A WELL-MATED t'Ol'PLB. Wex J. In Oretroniao. All these lamenUtions filer that naam- Ulg of the old-fashioned woman that was a true helpmeet to her husband huve no foundation in fact. The women of RAINIER NOTES Mr. P. J. McKinnon is in. Rainier for a few days, looking over his logging outtn, Mr. McKinnon does not iw 1.. hiacamp until the price of logs goc up. Mr. Norton spent the greater part of the week attending to business in Rain- icr. Rargalos e t'lothlaa; suit Shoe. Men's suits at tt 7ft, IU, 7 SO and $10, worth dauble. Hoys' suits. H.o,',, KM and :!; worth double. UdiaV. men's, iiiiasca' and laoys' shoes, W,, 1.4n, l.t)i and flit; orth double.' We are cutting prices torlear out a 1 the odds and ends, to make room fur Kail Good. John IVIIar, corner First and Yamhill. President Roosevelt was offi.-iullv no litied of his nomination on Wnlueaslav 1... ....I I t: ... .-n., ..,.1 iraponuing lain pnttn'ular enilia?is in the fact that "so loi g as tbe Republican party is in power, Hie gold standard is settled, not us a matter of temporary political expediency, because of shifting conditions in the prxluctioa of gold in certain mining centers, but in aecordanre with what we regard as the (uiubtmrnial principles of National morality and wisdom." New anil Haiujsome Styles At ifU7n, $1LS0, $15, $18, $20, and $22.505 NEW SPRING SHIRTS $1 NECKWEAR, i S' i , h Dnvc cimcc v UUIsl OIIULvJ o tin net xt rut c .u nut i.a. IraiH l 1st K.ill S tlrahaa) stars, I Lie, Blr. s A I all 222-3 Morrisons,., Cor. Pinl cii'i Mwml 41 (A I s si PORTLAND, OREGON Mas, aruarni v- Mist and Oregonian $2.00 The Oregonian proposes that In dis cussing international questions with We were glad to see Sheriff White this "0M'"' e tUoa,ii fl ""'' a big stick." week. Its peculiar how wc all begin to ?."ie a" KitgJaml nourished a uu,u ror cover wiien Mr. White shows up. nt ns, and had it m t lieen tor n icai neavy snower would rlousgowl. I auilutle ot Russia, would have of the amendment, and it ad journed without taking action on the bill. The miners went on a strike, and men oegan tne reign of anarchy in the iftate. The strikers stopped tho" opera tion of the wines by non-union labor; the police were onabie to preserve order; and the governor called oat the militi.' For months these state troops have been kept on a war footing, guarding the mines to prevent the destruction of the county. ompi owu monthly which the city collected quietly as blood money from me gamblers, who in turn got their money from suckers who for aes have irieu to buck the tiger to the detriment 01 ineoiselyes and their families. The city government really wanted gamb ling 10 continue, for it is bard no. but geiting between the devil ami the Veep i?ea, so 10 speaic, the newly elected Dem ocratic siiwiff saw no alternative, 10 make good ante-election promises, and boldly tool; the bull by the horns. It has put 1500 men on a pay roll out of a job. According to a statement from the Agricultural Departmental Waabinirton. it costs the farmers of the United States 9v0,000,000 a year to carry their pro ducts irom the farms to the railroad stations. It would cost far less in time, wear and tear of vehicles, harness and horses, not to ineution the quality of patience so essential to successful farro- oioiner s generation vara tn ,i.... instances 01 wueiy devotion are to be found in the press. Look, for Mnuitiit, ! ma t niiaueiplita dispatch in yesterday's Oregonian. Robert Fitx stmmons, in the exercise of his pro fession, was engaged in pounding the head on a Mr. O'Brien. Close to the storm center sat Mrs. Robert Fitim oions, and during the six rounds she never took her eyes oft- her huaband. v lien the last blow sua ri. """ nrsi into tne ring, and she Pfefaed a kiss to the swollen lips of has jsif. stasu-i mat wueiy and comfort.. ing. Ana even if iitzsimmons did 1111&B. me presence nr tha r,, ......... ruz, sue wnoat Uarann Wonder if we'll get it? David Hood dronnrH in .h.1 .k.L hands with Rainier friends on Tuday Attorney Preeblcs has returned to his 1 uruann omce. And Astoria last her second game of base ball to Rainier. Oh, joy i Robert Burnett has gone to Kastern Oregon to work for his uncle. Good luck to you, Hob. And the soap factory continues to grow. I t cracsea our natlcnai head with it. that time entirely forgotten T AO Pity hliown. "For years fate was after me c.iititiu. iously" writes P. A, Gullcdge, Verbena Ala. had a terrible case of piles causing l-i turuor. When all failed iiucmens Arnica aalve cured me. lujtiall v goo tor iiurns and all aches ami pains Only i'K at St. Helens Pharmacy. plants. There has been mob law an,r - i r r. 8 werf tl,e rule 'Ba . . ' i toe excention in furmino Hiiri,.f. Lhn fxiwtiitnn . '(The argument in favor of good roads i backed by half tho tremendous array of number of deaths by violence. .iienie aynauiitingof a station plat iur 'I v fioroin iifm.... - aiTSlc i.csvjiteu, 18 liicoiiLro- JwaiUng. train. Then Adjutant Gene-! vrtibie -. i.t UL-uuncu UtanV Rinks au?i, oejona the state borders. Meanwhile business is disorganized, thousands of men are out of work, 2nd their families suffering. Under our federal system of govern ment, tha Washington authorities have no poweAo interfere iiith this f:,,t., niniter, unless the governor of tho stale admits his inability to main tain order and appeal to the president for tid. There is nointerference with the inailj, nor with interstate coiiinieri-e, a3 was (he case ir. Chicago, which led President Cleveland to send troops there to end the turmoil. The governor of Colorado as not appealed to the resident ; the tiiiners have, but (he chief eiteedUve Jitts no constitutional autlto'rity to inter jere by force.' ' It devolves upon the pe.iple of Colora do toend the sltiialionor to let'it con tinue. Ko it is difficult to Jit, L.ouid convention lue editor of the Roseburg Plains dealer is very much alarmed over the passage of the Direct Primary Nomina ting law passed by tho neonle at th ilaoe election. Don't worry. The as-: sumption that tho pople are unfit to govern themselves is more daneerona than any luw yet enacted. Whenever tbe pcoplu of Oregon give a majority of 23,000 for any measure yoo may bo sure that in the main it is a meritorious one. The cheerful readinessof the Ja oaneaA eoMTers to die rather than surrender is nothing but a form of Oriental suicide. It illustrates the fanatical spirit of the Orientals1 with which the Western tui tions will sooner or later have to deal.' Mrs. him to 'crajk the slats" of &l'r, Corbett, he is still a lucky man. And while on Una subject, do not lot n fr... James Jeffries is equally fortunat in having a wife of the go d old-fashioned I ""' that is declared by the professional i keeners to be eitinct. u. , i Jelfries know how to train her husband ....... niic nUl increase ins conn'tence by assuring him that such dubs as Mon roe are not in the same ring with him? IfOWKB Wi faKS FOB LOUliEKS. The followinir is the new araU nl ges which will be paid by the Columbia River loggers when operations are aaain resumed Hook tvuder Railroad ebgiuerr Ilffa'l train loader ...',' heevjiid train loaIer ' Hrt taller second falter Buckcra PiairiMif rtiftlrrs Mnifir... ttWHutfiers fnliwr XiKiial boy .' Koutejr enitiiiccr Firernao ftoli way man Section forentaa i-ecliou mm aud laborers lilacksinitli- hlnimjiliii lislpani.. U"om mail ' , Heart tkidder '. Filer The Rainier base ball team olavs Kelso I on hun.lav next. A food cm ;. I pected, as Dr. loh hson ta nt il,w l,j ..r lire rveivj tetim, and a cleaner aport never lived. We need not ssv nnvH,;,. the local team, for we know what thev can do. ' JjENTIKT DK. I). I. STUAUT K.IIMKII, OKF.t.OS Oltlce In the eit Miss Daisy Silva has been spending ...v r o nic wee visiting her unnrr nr ivr...,. " hlie declares site will not return '","'nw rnr F0H until cooler weather is as- Qperations are again .11 ,,o . S 00 .. 3 n LIQU0H LICENSE, In the mailer of tha n,,lcnl.,n nf U,u, rer lora llrmiMiiit sell t,lrli,, i,J, ....... .. ..,.an ullv aaiion. in link t parents. to Portland sured. Mr. Archer, from Knitl. k. i 'be Ruest of Mrs. Silva during the post week. It is hoped his stay will 1 a ll.nir ! one. " n.i.. r , . .. I Precinct. dash with the tr', " " " " o,.. : :" L'n!". !! VH iTuiuruHy lose. ,,:," . ,' ," w-"'.j mi I'Oiuiuoia: Me, ih, or Kucsis ne nan sonic of Portland's I i BS',? ! ,, "''7,n.i ri.i.nisiii o,k "iinyst and lt." Mis Mff-awo .nn. ... ? r ' " " ntcn.UH .". "l-: i i.Vhi-,"i."-"J':5,.,",., "'"""'" in ssl'l nra ii.. T ;j;"r ,"T"'": ""i '"v'wa r.i ihia nil iZ v., """W"! inn y ol H.I,U'ini.r, iwii. i m I,,.,.. .: ST. HELENS PHAKMACY Patronize .1 drug store when you want pure, fresh aud reliable Drugs and Patent Medicines Perfumery, Toilet Articles, Ktc. HEADQUARTERS FOR SCHOOL BOOKS A Fine Lic of Writing Supplies. I lain and Decorated Crepe 1'apeV, lite Direct from Poblisher-Regnlar 25-pt Novels Qolj 10 Cents I i ijliatubreau. Those invited declare the day to be one of the plcasantest eves ex perienced. Miss Olive Dames nf Portt.i, .1.. guest of Miss McXarcn Satnrdnv nn,l 'I Sunday. tho 7th tne couiilv cimrt liimec, luihet:ii otMt, i,.u. ens, In said county and ,isic, liiat , Ih .nsc h grained 1.1 Ixnils fluhrcr. to s.-iil7t?i...:?.V. oils, and mall Honors, and hsul l.i. m a roilll i titles less than one gallon, 2 I Mrs. Lee anenft l.'ilii.1u.. 1. i i r,otl,!r j" "ouluin. We are glad toliear t -a 2 v, j w 2 & her mother is enjoying good health, Rainier now has a jewelry store. Mrs. Taggart and children nave rc- rnrtic1 r, U Ln r.. t.....: (JU , -- ........v, iuviu) a (leiignt- 2 St ! vacation. Dr. M. Ti. Ilognrt passed through town Wetlneaiiay on his way home from the Seaside. . 2 V . 1 711 , h m 2 v . 2 !Q , 2 isu t To .::, voiuniiMa i.oniny, ()r(inn, ami Unit such hceuM be lo a.1,1' Kliihrer for nerlo'lof twelea monllis. Irom ll.e 71I1 tlav 11? f-e.tini,er, l.ei, for ail of vhlch ," r net I loners will ever .imv. ' r'i tr prti . H . M Pmvii Ilurncs, I,. Jarcy. It, lie K, li. hiirin, irlies. I.. Jsr linriics, y. t'eniaiK. l"l!ettflll. It cost the English people 359,289 to crown Bd ward VII king of that nation. It costs' the American ' neonle mnanii see why the' million dollars fi nnmlnii. on,i oii . roluired to the, nresident. and I l.ia .r-.... . .....n,umvv,uloctHj I four years ; and the expense is growing. Hrntally Tort n red- A case came to light that for persistent .1 : ... . . 1 . - ou uuuicrcnui ronure nas perhaps never been equaled. Joe Colobick of Colusa, calif., writes. "For 15 years I endured insufferable pain fron rheumatism and nothing relieved me though I tried ev thing known. I came across Electric Bitters and iU the greatest medicine on earth for that trouble, ' A few bottles of . ; 2 L7 ?. ,an' CUre1 me- I A J- L Caw- "tyur Inch cylinder, Jm s ?ood for Liver and Kidney troubles eight horsepower. Cash sale, or lumlier nd general debility. Only 5)c. Sais- and shingles taken, action guarateed by St. Helen. Pharmacy, GTJS HRGpt,B, Houlton D, L. Avery visited Portland this week J ,!,""'.' Working Night and lay, The busiest and mightiest thing tha,t ever was made is Dr. Kings New Life Pills. These tiills chantre sveiikncaM strength, listlessness into energy, brain- ug into mental power. They're wonder- iui in ouitding up the health. Only 2")C per dox at ttte St. Helens Pharmacy, THBESHfXO OUTFIT POtt SALE. . Pitjrnc, (i. W. tlarncs. (I. K t'T.', A' " Ml"'"1' v t 11 ' . ."-r, jiinu 1' v,iiM, iiernui, Ernest liriam 1... lirli kson,!!. HcnitersfMi, T. Klcei nV W? '". Malinslroni, K. fiailey, W . IC. joM, " N. IWVIdon,J.O. Klilhiiaatin, J. J. Ummir l' K. Vliilnar. ft. II. Kline, A. Miickent"riT'li Harui'., hTiiio,, K,r, f .' Delnnay. I 3l J! 1 MOIII, I'rosch. A I' MiKInu 1..1'.. .,..' '"!VI.T' McirsH, Kliutr KIchN, ii. d." Atkinson a .' lraw, J. t:. Atohlson. (i .11 if 11" ,.:- Kemp, t lnrk t'oolcy. Knos f'ii,iL. V S'.r.' son. J. l'liilil.. 1,' u L1..1 ... .. '.." - 1 t. . n. imrnar. t. i. , i ! ' ""'ill' nut, : lt,. Tcinihaii 1 Herl K'lmonds. ll.urw 11..1 1.. i..i...vl." '"sit, I k. Hr.T t , 7.Ttv, Th :.' Vs. Me J". c ? Tnnner, II, McUraw, Va. Kluhrer ' ' bUMMKK SCHEDULE. THKHSP0 TH "ION CO. STEAMER SARAH DIXON f)M leave I'OKH.A NO, fwit of Waalinir,o,n reel, fitiiidsya !,,. ,., for Oalt I'oii" hufaula, and way mliita, ' esflays and Thuoidiy. t tip. , (r f nilltl and way -points, kauvlea Islsi '''""-"''"'"''y. Holtman's, Kh Nwirclly . KnlnioT, Mayaer, Mwlu, u;,o.k Point, wairaca Isirfnil, 1' mesn.ys ana 'lliumdiy. .t tip. ,., ,rf'i,t,. Kftlftmn. Uallrrmi " Kehslem Vlley PoInU vfa Clat.kant. vi riuahniw, Vcrnonla, Flslihauli, Vesper anil Jii'iiaviMn. KNIGHT SHOE CO. g S Wash. Portlrinil. Opposite the Perkins Hotel, CUT THIS OUT "per and "fir ivSsXsss: th io ". I And Havo Youp n ,., mrtPfi ivifi.,,.., i....:....,H. ' " "'I' prop. Uah Filling Iiu All Work (intrant J'niii, DR. KNODEHS OFTICE i