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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (July 15, 1904)
Catarrh Whether It li ol th not, throat, stomach, bowels, or mors delicate organs, catarrh It always debilitating and should oevr tall ol attention. It U a discharge from the mucous mem bran when kept In a Hat ot Inflammation bf an Impure, commonly tcrotuloui, con. dltlon ot the blood. Hood'sSarsaparilla Caret all tormi of catarrh, radical! and permanently It removes the cause and overcomes all the enacts. Get Hood's. Got the Tone All Right. A new Irish porter wai put at work on an EngUan train. The head porter, aaya Household Words, directed the new man to Imitate him closely, and thereby learn his duties. When the first train came Into the atatlon the head porter shouted, "Fer ryhlll; change for Hartlepool. Stockton and Mlddlosborough; change for Spen nymoor, Coxhoe and Trim Jon; keep your seats going north." Barney strode after blm and shout ed In a louder voice: "Kareybill; change for Dahore, Umphumn, Too talooral, Plderham; chauge for Cox comb, Morrham, Flndbaui, Coldhnu: kape your seats where you are," , The stHtloii-nmster called him aside and showed him the right names on the time-table. Barney removed bis cap and said po litely, "Thank you, or. I got hold of the music, but I couldn't catch the words." TRAVELING KITCHEN USED BY RUSSIANS. SAVED CHILD'S L1FB. A Remarkable Cur ol Dropsy by Dodd'i Kidney Plus. Sedgwick. Ark., July 11. The case ot W, 8. Taylor's little eon is looked upon by those interested in medical matters as one of the most wonderful on teeord. In this connection bis fath er makes the following statement: "Last September, my little boy had dropsy; his feet and limbs were swollen to such an extent that he could not walk or put his shoes on. The treatment that the doctors were giving him seemed to do him no good and two or three people said his days were short, even the doctors, two of the beet in the country told me he would not get better. I stopped theii medicine j and at once sent for Bodd'a Kidney Pills. I gave him Uiree pills a day, one morning, noon and night for eight davs; at the end of the eighth day the swelling was all gone, but to give the medicine justice, I gave him eleven more pills. I used thirty-five pills m all and he was entirely cured. 1 con sider your medicine saved my child's life. When the thirty-five pills were given him, he could run, dance and ling, whereas before he was an invalid in his mother's arms from morning ntil night." ' II '"'' ' , I. I mil lllllllM.'l 'I. J.I II If . I II .... I I IIU I. I, HI I MHIIIIII., .1,11, I N , " - . i k 4 v Ayefs Bald? Scalp shiny and thin? Then It's probobly too late. You neglected dandruff. If you had only taken our ad vice, you would have cured Hair Vigor the dandruff, saved your hair, and added much to it. If not entirely bald, now Is your opportunity. Improve it. -tlrni nanl lti'i llntr Vlfor fr awr e ymirt. 1 am tu 1 vKMiAt.ulmul m Umj SiawiIi r rl-h tirown lialr, due, I tlthik, eu rl lu Tr't Vljl'ir." iliu. H. 4. KltlTH. nttlli. HI- tt Will.. A'ttMI,'.;l.l1l for i Good Hair Triweekly Whynea of the Whercftrv "I uHe," enid tho m-nutjf haired man. ".uni li v m Uvver given uinrriuo a thoiinht." "Ob, yes 1 have," replied th bach elor. "Then why ar you till InisleJ" ak d Hit other. "Hivaiise I Kite marriage a thought." annwered the ailvoi-uls ot siugla bleanrd-tieu. Russia's soldiers In Manchuria are supplied with what Is called a trav eling kitchen. It consists of a cylindrical boiler having a cajaetty of forty gallons and has a collapsible chimney. The boiler Is mounted on a cart and a mule or pony draws It about with the troops. The soldiera pick up fowls, pigs and other edibles on the march. These are throw u Into the boiler to simmer as the column proceeds. Tea and soup are always ready to be served. Thus It will be seen that troops that are successful In foraging can alwaya have plenty of fresh meat In actual warfare. DO HENS "SIT" Dlapntant OR "SET?" It Wasn't Strange. Old Jilson (in the hotel- lobby) Well, well; if there Isn't young Slicker. I never expected to see him again on this earth, and here be Is alive and well. Jobkins What's been the matter with him? Old Jilson Went to the hospital for n operation. Cleveland Lead jr. CASTOR I A for Infants and Children. The Kind Yoa Hare Always Bought Signature of Knew cbe Sex. "Tour wife is a very sick womaa." said tht grave old physician, "and while I do not wish to alarm yon, I hare my donbu as to her recovery." "Oh, she'll pull through all right, doc tor," replied the wise husband. "Her dressmaker sent home a new gown yss tsrday and alia hasn't tried it on." President Roosevelt has delivered 370 speeches within two snd a half years. It is said he has broken the record. Kill tm I Who Farora the Latter Theory, Country doctors may not know every thing, particularly In the estimation of urban specialists, but what they do know about a vast number of things, being usually based on experience and common seuse. Is very apt to be use ful. Therefore we are not at all sur prised to have received from a medi cine man In New Milford, Conn., whom we will call Ir. Wrong because be didn't want bis name used, and "Wrong" is Just as far from bis true uame as It would be possible to get, a most Illuminating Utter on the vexed question whether bens "sit" or "set" a letter vastly better than anything re cently written on the matter by am ateur philologists. Including ourselves. Dr. Wrong begins his dtfens ot "set ting" hens by culling attention to the fact that the sun and other celestial bodies are allowed to "set" as often is they choose, without complnlnt from anybody, and he thinks that this Is Jus tification for letting hens do the same on the mere authority, as he explains, "of common u-ase amen? thoas Inter ested In the subject." Thero Is soaie iLing in that, perhaps, but not much, In our opinion, and the doctor does much better with his case when he says: "Another reason for the use of 'set' In talking alotit hens Is that It is a neces snry word, without a synonym. A s't ting hen' on an empty neat or one con taining only artificial or sterile eggs Is not 'liKUbiitlng' anything, but she la setting' for all that. Sitting' expre-ses an Idea alto-ether different. All fan Is, without distinction of sex or age, 'alt' occasionally In tie dust on a hot day, for Instance but only adult females ever 'set.' Moreover, a hen Is 'set ting whether, at a given moment, she la on her nest or walking about In search of something to eit. I have seen three hens "sitting" In one nest and only one of them was 'setting,' the otehr two having gone there to lay. How can I express this Met without using the word forbidden by the pur ists?" That, now. Is a good letter, written from large knowledge of Its subject, and based, too, on accurate theories of language. It doesn't con vince us, Indeed, that we should fall In with ru-itic usage, but It nearly, if not quite, persuades us that the word sharps are all wrong in their condem nation of "setting"' as applied to hens. It would 1 far from the first or the thousandth time that they have cor rected what Mr. Bryan calls the "com mon people wuen uie latter wero right, but, until the experts and the eminent ones who follow or precede the experts reaKze their error and rs- form, the rest of us must humbly sub mitNew York Times. Doubtless these are the men who are now crowding into England In such numbers under the designation of Ger man workmen; at the same time thosi who have been already convicted In Germany often adopt an English name so as to conceal their Identity as far as possible. You Can (let Alkn'a Foot-U FRFB. Writ Allvn S. lmlt..vt. ! Hot N. Y . lor a (re Miui'le of Allen 's 'ui K.u. 11 cum swntiiif. hot swollen, achitis ttti. II mke new or (iiini imwi ee.y. a cerism cunv ivr curne, Ingrowing nails anil ttuntoni. Alltlrug glsueellU. J-V. pon't accept any ubstltuls. UUluks Homcwhcre. "Mr. Mllljuus, suld the poor but aristocratic widow, "allow me to pre sent my three charming daughters." "Good heavens, niiidam!" exclaim ed young MitlyuitH, "there must be a mistake somewhere. I'm not a sena tor from I' tub." Mothers will And Mrs. Wtuilowi's BoothJna Syrup the best remedy to use for their oiilMreu during the teethlrt period.. EVERY HOUR HAS ITS USE& How a Lawyer Utilise Ilia Tine from Karly Morn to Dewy Kve. I know a prominent New York cor poration lawyer" who Is out of bed at S o'clock In the morning and after taking exercise is ready for breakfast at C:30. He Is at his offlce In Wall street at 8 o'clock. His secretary aud his stenographer await blm. Dicta tion begins at once of the rough out line of a brief to be prepared. He followa this with dictating memoran da for bis clerks, specifying certain questions of law and of fact which he desires looked Into during the day. At 9 o'clock be reads and answers Important letters which bis secretary has sorted out for his attention. At 9:30 he Is ready for consultations with clients. I'roiu that time until 4 or 6 o clock In the afternoon be Is In con tinuous attendance either before courts (generally of appcllute Jurisdic tion), at meetings of boards of direct ors or In consultation. At perhaps -1:30 o'clock the lawyer is ready to receive reports from bh clerks, mey are required to report solely upon tne point Intrusted to them. I.lttle or nothing Is left to their Judgment or discretion. It Is merely desired to know what the law and the cases are upon some particular point. mey are expected to report accurate ly, concisely and quickly. This mis csllaneous work contluues until per haps 8:30 o clock, when the day's la bor downtown Is at an end. Some lawyers even make use of the time consumed In going home. Dur ing the summer months William Nel son Cromwell spends his nights on the New Jersey coast. He goes down by boat each afternoon, but a large state room on that vessel Is equipped with desk and typewriter and stenographer. that full use may be made of the pre cious hour devoted to the trip. Dur ing the winter be will probably bs ready for dinner at 7:30 o'clock. An office boy has gone ahead of blm car rying a green bag full of books and papers which are to be considered dur ing the evening. World's Work. A ltllL'te I'olnt. Magistrate You are charted with husgiug aud kissiug womcu aguinst their will. rrlsrwer-1 wns so drunk, your honor. that 1 couldn't tell a pretty woman from in nclv one. "That is no excuse." "No, hut it explains why they ob jected." One Hundred Ve.irs Ago. A famous robber of Kurope, known the "Ureal Devil." was executed at Genoa. Great changes were anticipated lower Italy, which were to be of ad vantage to the French limperor. Tlia King of Ktigliind had complete ly recovered from a severe Illness, aud the project of a regency was aban doned. The Dutch governor of the colony at the Cape of Good Hope ordered all Ku gllsh to leave the cape wlttilu two months. It was reported that the position of high admiral of France would be re served for Jerome llonuparte and Ids American marriage canceled, as It had not been approved by bis brother, th Kmpcror. Iloniparte, In au addrens to the con tinental sovereigns, called tluuu all cousins. flTO Permanently i area, woniaocafroiisn I I Iw after tlrtder'tueitrlr.Ktln'iOre.tNrv lUrflon-r. snd f..r V r S) V trul hoi il. tit trveJIM, Dr. H. U. kllue. LU..U; An nk. -miJv,ulil, as Merely a Iteliilndrr 'Yes," remarked young Dellorem as the clock chimed the hour of 11 p. tu.. 'I'm very shsrut minoVd, tioucher . know? I'm always forgetting something I that I -aw whotild wemeruher." I "I have noticed that," rejoined Miss CaiistUpie. "You evea forget how te Ull time by the clock." Seventy-five Years Ago. The "Union Bmlgrant Society" was founded In New York, the object of which was to afford asslstaucs to all foreigners arriving In that cliy. Figured musllu was first woven oil a power loom at Central Fulls, Mass. The first steam fire engine used In Cleveland. Ohio, was purchased. The emancipation act. prohibiting convents and religious communities lu Great Britain, was declared a dead letter. The London metropolitan police force was organized. There was a great depression In all business Interests, especially In th New Engiand States, where there were many failures among the manufactur ers, money being scarce. LIKE A SPONGE Some of tlie most stubborn disemw enter Into the system through the porci of the rkin. Like aporitfet it absorbs poisons of various kinds, which nre tuken up by tho little Mood vessels beneath the surfiuo of tho body, nnd emptied into the great current of tho blood. Ti,i i, ,1, -ms ,.f nolsoil oak nnd other noxious wild plants percolate tluouifli the skin like water through iponRo taken Into the circulation, breaking out nfrmlt each season, mid lin imr on for years unless aiiiuioimi ami orivcu win ui urn system. Dye Poisoning umonff the employes of dye houses, and from wear lop; colored under-clothing and hosiery, is of freipient occurrence and danK'rrou. to , healll.. roi80N 0AK AND , caus.njr boil, nnd sores and f Other eruption. enn Unk, 1 tile.t rsiueily enr reraeity without Workers In lead, bM!S euui relief. Mores broke out over tny body and and other metals ats often art i tiger. nu my lontrux, iienixieT mo wi'i or m luuulk. k'lnally. about a yaar ill) my uoetor told , i B. it. St., wiiH U I din. n.r lukhif three e all Ilia sores dleipee,reil, and I rises not Unlnerea inea, nii mi nmua Inuebtedte poisoned by the chemicals try .ml acids used In poliulf Jlllf nnd the dust and 111" your vl"ule ine.ll.'lne for ' e prnniul and lorn, .i-.t:,. i.l.teacure. I am uoilain that M. a, B. will do eil iigiaett mmipon the skin, V,aiisialiedforUluViooa di...e.e. Hid which lind their way Danville. Ky. CON. O'llRYAIf, .1 -I. .1. !,,,! tllM .1-1 f.,lkJl bv iiilla.nmation. .wrtlitu: nnd the most obstinate lores. Itl.xiJ Poison, the vilest of all luimari diseases, is often con tracted through shakintf the hand or hnndli-.p; the clothin,r or other arli. clcs used by one infected with this .hinder.... p-lson. I he deadly virus v ' findint; us way throii:h Ihe pores of I ho skin, conl animates! he Mood and produces fearful ulcers, eruptions and blolrhei. The diseases that enter tho system by absorption or tliiuti;li the pores art dccp-sruled and dangerous as any brought ui bv internal causes, and cannot b reached by washes, salves, soaps or o'thrr external reu.edie s. The blood must be purified and a hcultliy Circulation cmai.u. ie.i uciuro Kwmg permanently rid of the disease. S. S. S. acts u(m.ii ihe blood, ridding it of the ordinal ioison and re.tonnr; it to a i.cnmiy, norino conaiuon.e- S S. S is guaranteed entirciv vrrmme, nu uninairu wi puru fier and the best of all tonics. With all impurities removed from the, blood the sores and eruptions disapttear fr.-m tho skin. Y rite us should you desire medical advice or any information about your case j tin, will cost you nothing. M SWIFT SPCCiflG CO., ATLANTA, QA I NEW OUTFITS FOR BURGLARS. Miss M. Cartledjie eives some helpful advice tO yOUng girlS. Science Has Furnished Them Mew Her letter iS but Olie Of thOU' j Means for Getting Into Safes, undo whtrh nrnv. that nnthintr 11 that "nown """"" . ..a , character are allowed to escape is so helpful to young girls who are just arriving at the period of womanhood as Lydia b. Fink' ham's Vegetable p"- . "DKAB Mb. FlKHa 't oralse I.vdia. K. Plnklinii. table Compound too highly, is the only medicine I ever tried wr cured me. I suffered much from L. i l .,1 t 1. J a;,,- ,im. i ' 1,1 , ... latent scientific methods. my studies with the usual interest. My thoughts became slug-iriah, 1 had headaches, backache and sinking pells, also pains in the back and lower limbs. In fact, I was sick all over. " Finally, after many other remedies had been tried, we were advised to yet Lydla 12. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound, and I am pleased to say that after taking it only two weeks, a wonderful change for the better took place, and in a short time I was im perfect health.-1 felt buoyant, f uii of life, and found all work a pastime. ! am indeed glad to tell my experience with Lydia K. Plnkham's Vege table Compound, for it made a dif ferent girl of me. Yours Terr truly, Miss M. Cabtlxdob, 633 Whitehall BL, Atlanta, On." $5000 forf,H If wtyiml e asses soar pnvtug feiwfleasssewimi se,veSiies Ti CllSit WHUt All LSI FAILS. ttl lul Beet Cviwh Snip. fmtm Oood. Use i . LJ In time. Bold by dniilw fl on condition of leaving the country. England Is practically the only refuge open to thein, so they flock hare, and among them the expert German bur glar visits us In ever Increasing num bers, s;iys the Westminster Itevlew. 't is said that Germany Is the country ' neclallsts, and the criminal but cnt Teuton makes a specialty ixiness, to which be applies the The extent to which the art of burglary has been de veloped Is -evidenred by the fact that Ingenious houte breaking tools are manufactured, such as portable lad ders, portable phosphorus and electric lamps, ratchet drills, shoet Inn cutt rs, adjustable jlmmP-s, lck locks and va rious kinds of skeleton keys. Kome of these are, of course, Pgitlmate and rier-pssiiry tools, not necessarily nor used for felonious purposes. Any given house once entered, the scientific German can open the strong est cast Iron s;ife by mentis of an cxy-hydrogen blowpipe, which pro duces a heat so intense as to melt any tuetiil against which It is directed. Th? following plan Is a!so pracll-ed: A re. cent chemical discovery has produced a preparation known ns thermite. If a portion of tills Is placed on the to; of a safe a heat Is generated so pow erful that the toughest stetl cannot withstand It. and a hole It burned !n any desired portion of the receptac-'e. LIGHTS FOR THE MARINER. United States Have 0,000 Hnch Hlrjala on Coast ana Water Ways. There are 9,000 burning lights and signals stretched along the American coasts, forming a perfect link, so thai the navigator never need be beyond sight of one of the beacons. One thou sand of these are located on the At lantJc coast, 1.500 are scattered along the rivers and Inland waterways. 500 on the great lakes and 200 on the Pa cific coast. Of the grand total, including light bouses of different classes, buoys, bea cons and danger signals 8,000 are light ed, giving forth their warnings at night time. Of these a score or more throw a beam of 100,000 candle power. To maintain the light house service a corps of over 4,000 men Is constantly employed and a fleet of more than fif ty vessels. No service In the world exceeds In completeness and efficiency that of the United States. A modern American lighthouse of the first class cost betwen $100,000 and $200,000, and of this about one third i spent for the electric light and apparatus alone. Beside one of them Egyptian Canopus or Rhodes' "perfect Idol, with profulgent brows," whose rays streamed down the purple seas to Mizralm, would shine as tapers In the Mediterranean night, with no placs among the seven wonders of the world and hardly worth noticing. $100 Reward, $100. e resilereof this paper will be pleased to leern tuel ibere Isslleejit oue dre4uit disease science has beeu able tu cure In ell Its .-etc,:!, sod that U Catarrh, Hall's Catarrh cure istneonlr poiitive cure mown to me uelcel trsleriilty. latarru oemif a cooitttu- tiai aisesne, requires a euuiinuiiuriai treat- aeut. Hall's Catarrb Curvi. laseo Internally. tctinf directly upon the I IikaI and mucous uriacee or tne syiiein. ii.eriy a-Bituyiug me iundet un nf the lih.sse. end Ktvint tne ta leut strength by baililins upttie euuiiUullun md ejslitlnr nature lu dolus Its work. Tbe .-oDrtetori have so much (stth lu Its curative -owers that they cirr Una llun-lred boilers or any caae thai It (alls to cure. Bead iur list 1 leeumomais. A l lren. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, U, Jold by druifKlsts. -'e. Illla ...,!.. Ullla ,. thai ka.t Next to the Createet. Knobhins Oh, I suppose you think your father the greatest man that ever was. Billings I'll not go so far as that; but be certainly was the greatest be fore I came upon the stage. Boston Transcript For bronchial tniUMes trv Pisn's Tura for Consumption. 1 1 Is a -rood enugb mcuiuine. ai urugKi'-". price xa cents. Deeperate Youth. On tbe thirtieth floor of the ofuVe building Percy Pen leu nod out of the window. Refuse me," he cried, "and In tn minutes 1 will he found on that side walk far below." Agnes, the beautiful stenograpucr, shuddered and accepted him. After the wedding she said, softly: And would you really hare Jumped out of the window?" Percy Pen grinned. "No, darling; I Intended taking tbe elc-tator down." ABSOLUTE SECURITY. Genuine Carter's Little Liver Pills. Must Bear Signature of 5ee Fac-Slmlle Wrapper Below. Taey email aed as eeay te tali aa sagax. Any one can name the three graces, but the disgraces are too numerous to mention. Occasionally a man declines a nomi nation for office If there Is no chance for his election. Girls may not convert young men, but they at least draw them to church. jCARJEPlS 5T3 JTTLC HIVER II PILLS. I .fries I Pitta ls FOR HEAOACHL FOR DIZZINESS. FOR IIUOUSHESS. FOR TORPID LIVER. FOR CONSTIPATION. FOR SALLOW SKIN. FOR THE COMPLEXION oacjeiriMii wiwiwiidimwi, . rarely TefetauU-xW-W-C fifty Years Ago, Cholera was raging In Italy snd Sicily. The I'nlted States consul at Turk's Island was released from prison, whirs be had been confined by tbe local Judi ciary. Cleveland and Ohio City were united The old "wati-h," which had existed In Boston since Iii'tl. was alHillshed and a police department established. A terrific hurricane from sl to elirht miles In width swept through the town of Manteno. 111., doing great (i .mm no. A new seal was adopted for the city ot Chicago. No IHiulil AIhiui l(. I'liclf." said th hlk'h lni yoiltiit mail, "Is 'Kiiira singiunr or piuinir Sonny," s tlu reply, "lu dc pi. tit of de country whnh I come f um dry s slng'lar, mighty sltig'lur." Washing ton Star. The Itomniis had god of boundar tin, Trriiiliuis. Ilia slut He Was a post 't lu the ground lu mark th limits of 11. Ms. lKeivLiOuo(t-MoapHiNt-ToaAcco c roe rvil e!KutJ Mtnntriasnsjii eoari ist o Then Thrjr I'liinl. "Vou are snei-t enough, to eat." snld the very young Hum who ImngltiPd hr bad the love inn t Wet "Tlmuks," rvjitlueil the iiiattcrnf fact maid. "I lie re's a aiiinll restaurant Just around the corner." tiir tali.. 1 tiivtai'iifi .. Mn-, Mra rolel IS M. :i..0r,a li,,. ii,ri,r., lt,. y Iwia sir, I , I, ll::,.tf. f .? .1 l.n. l.'.'t. '4, Mm M ftla,r .i: -.X. I Uh lMttM . nlIWI. Wtib ! f. I !!,, I, MO, llu, ll. .w, !) O. I's ,' It'alw, Wllh rt Kn.l .1, "f. il M .M m1 l'SIa 1 Mi... iir,,r,wl aii. y Sj !',.ia II. , fit k rv.lrr t AM" .l..fl HtlU, fua... 1 qai , ml Im....... i U ll-ia;. to II I1SO-S SI l HIM Ht t n I'iiHIUS i, oh l.i k.OOM, forty Year Ago. General Grant wltlidrew with con siderable loss from his position In tlm tlrst lutrcuchmeuts srouud Pvtersburg. Va. Twenty persons, mostly girls, wers killed aud a score of others were In jured In au exploslou lu th arsenal al Washington, I). C. A convention between Prime anil Japan was signed by Japanese a minis sadors at Paris. The Confederate steamer Alabama attacked and sunk the r11lt.1l Htates corvette Kearsarge uear Cherbourg, Prance. Gold In New York went up to 2.1ii because of Uie anti-gold gambling law which had gone Into effect, and a incvt lug of brokers sent a committee to Washington, U. C, to g..t the law mod Ifled. The ceremony of driving the last spike In the Atlantic and flreat West ern Railway occurred at ll.iyton, Ohio, completing a through Hue from New York to Ht. Louis. BUY I'KOM YOt'H di'.aij:u Dr. C. Gee Wo 1IOMR TKKATMKNT 11 Mis1rat t hi. if yt'tst I os mu h rssl tp etititosM !- it-is. svs r a ia A 11.- heart t.t4 irMi "I steM ' ll' aM lir1fru I ti ). blast IfaeVi s)nl!fe..y etet tt"ai U smr-t'-istet i. M- Itt lh' ewtiAtff 1nrt(D h -lit. h b nri' ( m d ttMt t :. Ha e, .a.ta.tits n . u guttM'tk i'". lls'i-eM. Urtlltl, tWSTtaM. if-oia-u, islHay. --,! bk esataxIrvOa W t-llllos.-s I 1 1 (- tU4Hrlal t sVl tW4 I. n faille ft i wut mt tK rilf nritf fsa t r! rtrnf. 4v. sUAmaj. iVMnVl letlit'N Al'l'ttt-Ks) The C Qu Wo China Mdklnc Co DO YOUR JAWS ACHE? rltnpM lav ,:-v a It llta I i-.uilil. "ll Ir-Mll.t I. a ..n.mttn t H 1 n r. r.- t ri.Mi. Sl'.-l. ..I it Msiit l' aw.p rulil O'tii'i. s-e r'.i-'it l.f liumtli It it i,.l trtf or Wrerii.s the .'(, an t Iher. -.r uwve t..alff l-ii-r,-lulu t ytir r.latve a e U l j.l Mil )'" 'I e tti In m am Ihirty Year Ago, Tbe Torte prohlbltisl the circulation of copies of tho lliblc In Turkey. The Tope, lu an address to the col lege of cardinals, declared that anr reconciliation between the Vatican and the Italian (Jovernment must come In the way of concessions from liiilv Ihe treaty of 18.18 (trade and com merce) between the I'tiilcd Slates and the King of the Itelglatis wits annulled a luiHiau vessel, uiu full's, Was sunk In a collision In II,,. Ken of Mur mora and IWO persons drowned. Congress directed the Kecrelurr of State to puri-haso from Its possessor and restore to the family of Martinis Lafayette the watch given the I'Yeiich nobleman by (leorge Washington. TLrV i"l 'U f.'U ll.e ,-a i.e ..I lruu)..e dl wSr a, ,,(,i I,,,!, ah..i:f uh .ui ,.i , ; j "vJel I Jf "'I i'S ! si ll.ati i.a ie laji I MtktmmmmM t fs.-iiis tree (ilaui ur b.l to s, . faaaaaardri WISE BROS., Dentists ,0W',PrttaW,tru 2k Vu ereuliif till I nun.lars fmin 9 to ij ir. i.m. Main Ht ' liUSSELL "CYCUONU" Write for Catalogue and Prices TJin A. II. AVI-RII.L MACIIINIIRY CO. ORl'l .AND, ORi:i()N. Twenty Year Ago. There was such a si-nrclty of sumli coins In Mexico that coins of Inriri.r values were cut up to represent thoso of lass value. Thejtepubllcan National Coumilltee at Augusta. Me., ollMally iiotllletl James 0, Blaine of tils iioiiilnnlloii for tne presidency. Over half a million Imshels of irrnln were shipped by vessel from Chlcugo to Buffalo and Inko ports. CURE SICK HEADACHE. P. It U. Me. 19-1004, EM writtna to advertiser olaaaal snantlon tbls grapar. I Ten Yeors Ago. Captain Malum, Amerlcnn naval his torian, was given the degree of 1,1, li at Cambridge Unlverslly, ufl received slmllur honor from Oxford two davs atcr. Hlxteeu race horses en route from tbe Hawthorne (Chicago) track to St. Paul wore killed In a railway wreck at Stlllinan Valley, III. Three stables weru practically wiped out. Frances K. Wlllard, returned from a year abroad, was given a monster ro ception In New York. (SLr. Southwick jsnmssfr WORKHQ wvuiiiifivn OOtfil- BlHitKt Al'lllfcl CAMt'llV. Ilnl fll,.,s.1 I 'I I., tu i ..... ... ..... ... . t .( Noji.rH.K uge.,1 (iol)g tn.lic.iu,, Hlhliif-. fit It 8 io, uml .!, fu.m Il Ul Ue "full,. i-ittr-f(H4 iintktt. . ' llay Press. Horse an J Belt Power Presses. .llsnltu Holes 'er lr ai: Mllohmll, Lmwlm ttrnvmr Oo. Keallle ami I-k i , n , tt rti, , I'lirllsiol. Or,, Puis, I'lshe AN IMPORTANT STEP IN ll.ACIN(J YOUR QMtUK I OK A THRUSHINQ OUTFIT Invt-atlgali) the Advanco Una of thresh' era and engines, Tliuy coat loss to 0I" eiiiti., reiiilru fewer rejutlrs and do more aud butter work In ull kinds of grain tlwin any other muko. rHraw or wood and conl burning engines. Also a full line 1. 1 single and double Portable Bav nuns. THRC8HCRS ani iJivniNRS con Jrluaiotf ' Sutisflactn,,rl,'l "'"Ht 'hMe ''-iry In tho market, lloneat In ADVANCU TtlRI'KMIMJ CO maalWrru''lW'' 0, II, A N, ,7tu ,lm W ADVANCE