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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (July 15, 1904)
r Oriental Hotel UNOII MEW We Invite the patrtiung of the General 0 Public and Gtiaratitr Ucaiillucs and Vjikhi iiunte looking. MRS. I Speaking of Printing: j. .... . , Why send work mit of your County when we will do It for rou at Uaiiiiiiwi l. i a a i i Of every class don at W", in nni ran wiwainannac manner. We have recently added wrtnl of the 1trt atylr ol lyi to our equipment, and $ rcxtftilly solicit your patronage, 1 wj is' . - 3 Years of experience Count in any business, anil we know tlie want o our eu.lo nicrt, ami will guarantee Price ami Quality to be right. THE OKKGON MIST NUNTEKY, St. Helenas Ore THE BIG STORE DOWN jfcj By The Big Sawmill! New Goods THE MUCKLE 8TORE HA3 A REPUTA- lion o( Long tSUll,H i AT. MRRCIIAIilSF 1 Dart & M. Ht'lciM, !-'utar 1'nuc. Coaxtaacua. J. B GODFREY. iTTOnXEY-Ai'-IAW. Heal Estate i Timber Lands Soli A JIH't'It AO'l'tl MAUKi IT . UKI.RNa. onKuox sTiT gku um, A TTO HXE Y-.iT- W. "ItW villi I. Quirt. rr nm.r.M. i i o(Kt. aill.i.t kMt Mnonat altanilM MaltWtat ni.t. nuiiiua i tit w hi pilaus la ail lata m J l allM txataa taurn. W. II. POWELL, mvilXEY-AT-LlW. oarrTT uiavaicT arroaaaT. rr. tiKt.E.v i t oriuox. THE RED BEAR lloulton, Oregon. WcinhanVs Beer kept on tap, Vc ltet Pool Table in Columbia County. DAT W. B. Pll.l.iRD PILLAR!) & DAY, . 4TTQHNEYS-AT-L.1 IK OOtca n,t itnr In C,- jitlioiue, M. UI.WH,oltt(iJi!. Will practioa In any court, Stabs or Fed eral. Owl Saloon "aiNN liHOTiivaa rnnpjiiKTOSS Onl thj) bait of Liws and Cigars Kept in Stoct CYRUS NOBLE i olhar niinuUr brsnda ol wblsUal alttay.lnmwk. WEINHARD'S BEER t on arantnt, i "Tom Bentoji" Cigars. I H th lsl newipsrwraand olhtr pop- uisr porotiioai., m L m. A MANAGEMENT A. T. UW8 & J.OJI d lining the MIST OFFICE, from modern type enlly w s Kvcry iky in the Week (or Ouly the IWl In '8 M tickle, Oregon. J0T ty , rri a rUan.iia Uiw a. r.oiT rraiie I W. CFUcher, ATTOU.VEY-AT-UW. IUIN1KR. ORKGON. Steamer JOSEPH KELLOGG Lasts rolut a TvJt. Thutdr sa l anls; tt J s. as lor St. Mlmi, ralamt, Camiri Hint ' fate, anlTtntal Mnnitsr. 4 gJ; sii.l frlilsr at 1 r Steamer NORTHWEST Ibarra Portland Monday, Wednesday and Friday night at at 10 p. m., for the ame pnlnta mentioned above and To ledo, reselling Ilia latter place at 10 a. m. on the lollowing day. Returning, the twat leavea Toledo at noon, and ('..If Kock at & :30 in tha afternoon, Tnetdajva, ThurnUra and Hundaya, leaving Vortland early In the morning, weailfootef Bslaaaat . UOLMAN. atsal. Dr. Bdwin Uosn, Physician and Surgeon. 0T.UEI-EN8.ORKGi. Dr. H, K. CM, Physician antl Surgeon. OREGON Union Pacific AMD 3 TRAINS TO THE EAST DAILY Thrsmh I'ulluiau itamUrJ .nil tonriit .loej- touilM ilespl" sr UsMr w i lly ill touch 'ill man WilrlM 'T,., . allr ewiKtuvint) weakly t ( IiK-shO; ttefllnlm !hil?esf.aaau Ires, to Hi Kaitaally. Laavvs .fi ATM" Dallr. eTnr'M Arrive.. ':" rrtf. I'.lly. rTllfAdtVl'OHlCANI) HI'Ki'lAI. mr uiu via lliinilnei'iu. -tU'OKANK r-iT'lt It. Ik.ooa. at. (or Kanlsrn nmn .... u.iiu u .llii. l ew IIKll. Daily.'n. Coeiu J'AIrn" su.l arent Nurtlirni j-olnl" AH.ASrio Kxwt KxH siirTna; 7:l A. U. asm yia nt Dally. 9 TIIiJEE DAILY TRAINS you all points east, Lower Columbia R,yer. rt..-.Afc.s&,o... LOOAL AND GENERAL. Mr. Ww, l'ullerton, of Warren, and Mr. Welch, of Mist, were sociable, vlait- "o iiiMTolBce last Saturday. The iteamer Republic It ou the dry flnck at 8t. John., undergoing re pair to her wheel. There are noahoea made that are better than the Stilton line, curried by 1'crry & Crajiaiii. Mr. P. A. I'rakea ha. moved hi dairy herd back to the Lake Side Farm: but the (treat majority of the Inland and dough dairymen are itill obliged to keen their cattle.! the liilU There 1. con.i.lerable coiii1(lalnt y,t unless ruin toon comes to waan the acdluient from the uraw. the crop of .lough hay will 1 very light till. ii. Dr. Hull and family of Clatskanie are register! at Ua World'f I'air. kefcr. ring to the attendance of Oregoulunon Oregon Day the St. Loul Republic state uvcr nw were preaenton that oc caaion by actual count. It rivet quite a long account of Ahe exercise and be- lowt praise upon those in charge. J. Dupont & Sont, of the Valley shimrle mill, will deliver shingles to customers at St. Ilclent, lloulton, Columbia City, rrcu ami neignnornooa, Tney lacture the very finest graile of cedar sulngle and guarantee their price to be at low at tlnnglct of the tame grade can I procured elwwhere. tf Tlie I'orcelain Ilalha at lloulton are all ready for cuttomera. If you want a re freshing balb or a firstclass .have or hair cut patronise the lloulton barber tliop. Satisfaction guamtiteed. We deaire to call eapeeial attention to the advertitement of Messrs. Quick & Ilolton. They are a thoroughly reliable fin", and if you have more land titan you care to farm, they will diapoae of it for you to the very beat advantage. List your property with them; and, if you need inatirance, they will place you in the brat companiea. Cal Howard, of the Yankton neigh borhood, waa arretted Saturday charged with assault with a dangerout weapon upon Alexander P.meraon. Howard it a hard working young man, and if he would refrain from liUor he would be a 6rat-clai citiien. It it prolable the mutter will be settled by Howard giving a peace bond. The Royal Chinook aalmnn it tht bet full that ewiuif, and Chinook thoct are j the liest ahoet on the market. They are made of the very best material and are ore to give uti.faction. liaileya Brina, Ilnulton't reliable dealers in general mer rhaudisr, keep them furaale at from 1.00 to $. O. H. Wilson, of Mist, was a visitor to the county teat Wednesday. He voice, the usual complaint that the dry season ha had an injurious effect iimn crop in the valley, and that potatoes will be very small and few in the hill. The Mist suggests that in order to overcome the hay ahortage, root crop .Mould be P'u I- A Set of li.bc Free I am giving away ( ilislie. to mv cash customer. ou get coupon with each cash purchase of ten cents and over, and you can exchange these coupon for all varietiea of the best clasa of China ware. Gooda on exhibition at my store. Great inducement that it will pay vou well to investigate. H.MORGUS. St. Helens. A Snap. One hundred and aixty acre farm for sale. Ask Quick & lloulton. The fruit canning season ia approach ing and the price of sugar ia sure to go up. Prudent housekeeper should order a upply from Bailey & Brinn, lloulton' reliable grocer. A fwy-acre young apple orchard re cently old in Jackson county fur M, OHO, and a tract of abont a many acre, favorably located for am orchard, old fur fcift.OOO. No county iu the state raise, better apple thau Columbia, and none i better located for convenience in sliiiminir. We should have hundred of acre in apple where now we have one. A large ttock of novela Just received at the St. Helen Pharmacy. We buy our ahoe direct from the man ufacturer and can ove you he middle mail' profit. PERRY & GRAHAM. If you want to buy or acll real estate or petaonal property. H il wi,h Quick & lloulton, St. Helen. District Attorney Powell visited Rain ier last Saturday for the purpose of con ducting the examination of Charles Brotigh, a minor, who i accused of dis orderly conduct, before Justice Symon. The boy was bound over to await tne action of the grand Juj The object of the uit I to. hve the ycwgster com mitted to the State Reform School, which can not 1 done without the, consent of the parent or the recouiinijdation of the grand Jury. District Deputy Welch, the I. O. O. P., paid the local lodge a official vlit on Saturday latt, the occasion being the iustallatiou of officer for the ensuing ix month. The officer Installed were: Noble Grand, Kd Wickershum; Vice Grand, Jamet D. McKay! Secretary, Charlc Blakcslcy; Treaurcr, Max Berg. lVgrre were conferred on Lewi and Wm. Bonner. Aftet adjournment there was a supper spread in the lodge room, and all thoroughly enjoyed themselves. llultey & Brinn' tore ia headquarter for general merchandise, Houlton, Ore gon. Good goods a .peclnlty. Quolity, quantity ami price guaranteed. Mr. ElUabcth Perry, of Houlton, wa a Mist office visitor on Saturday last. Mr. Perry and her husband have taken the kt" incc birl,1, over twenty-t,ne year ago. She la one of the kind of wo men it does you good to talk to when you need a little cheerfulness to offset ome caJwnitv howler'a grunt and growl. MHfinolia, Canadian Club. Old Govern ment. Whiskies and Gordon' Dry Gin at. she Owl fctfoon. Old Crow Whiskey titled lu Kd. Alto Old Quaker-maje( Rye, Whiskey. T..! ji ColumWa county It furniahlng the logt to be tiled lu the oonttruction of the I'orettry building of the 1005 Fair. There are three hundred of thm tick which average slaty feet In length, and nine feet In diameter, with the bark on, and many of them weigh twenty-five tont each. Work on the erection of the Forettry building hat already begun, and large derrick t for handling the cum bcrtome tlmbert are being erected, The ttructure will be puahed aa rapidly at possible to completion, and citizen of tbl county will be able to proudly point to It a a eemple of what can be doue with one of our great product. We tbould have a banner upon Ita outer walls intcribed "Ixga from Columbia County. Plenty more where thetc came from." Now it the time to paint and I am prepared to tave you money on the goodt M.C. OKAY, St. Hetem. Iwit and Clark Flour ia one of the beat grade on the mar ket, and a very popular brand try It. M. C. GRAY, St. Helena. Adjustable aereent to fit any window, 24 inchce wide, 3ftc. M.C. OKAY. St. Helen. Nice tilkt for ladiet' waist and children' dreteca, at 60 cent per yard. M. C. GRAY, St. Helena. I want wild blackberriea for the Alaska trade. M. C. GRAY, St. Helena. During the past two weekt blackberry expeditiona to Deer Island have been quite frequent. There i probably no place in Oregon where wild blackberriea have been to abundant or of auch fine quality, and any one who would put in a full day's work could easily pick fix gallon., or, at the market price, about three dollart' worth of blackberriea. The land where tht tuoat picking ha. been done belonjf to MucaJe Brothers, and they have permitted all who desired to (tick ttithout charge. It I probable that Qyrt .110 worth of berriea have been piukad there, and ton of them will go to waste oa tlie buthc. If you want to keep posted on county affairs, subscribe for the oldest paper in the county, the Mist, A Snap. A hundred and aixty acre farm for tale. Ask Quick & Houlton. If you want to tee something that will give you the gold fever, take a look at the ipeeimena E. E. Quick brought home from his Southern Oregon placers. To gether with Mr. Wick.trom he control a property that look exceedingly good. Mrs. W. H. Powell had the misfortune on Saturday last to seriously bum her band while attending to her household duties. Gooda delivered without charge, willingly and cheerfully. Order freely. M. C. GRAY St. Heleaa Or. The County Judge of Columbia County i in receipt of a communication from the officer of the Lewis & Clarke Expo sition, wherein they agree to pay one half the cost of putting on exhibition at tlie 1005 a complete display of the pro ducts of Columbia county. The commu nication is too long for publication tin week; but it teems to us to be extremely fair and even, generous. Owing to our proximity to the metropolis we are in a position to receive great benefit from such an exhibit. There will be thousands of home seeker and investors at the great Fair awl we ikould not fait to accept this offe It is to be hoped the county court will act at once. Fresh fish in season every Friday, and special Sunday dinner at the Oriental Hotel. WanTKD Sto, bolts; yellow fir tim belt 38 inches long. For Information write Western Cooperage Co., Houlton, Ore.. Mrs. H. R. Cliff and childreo took their departure on Wednesday last for Seaside, where they will spend the sum mer months. C. L. Parker, of Vernonia, was a visi tor to the county seat on Wednesday last. Mr. Parker ia one of the pioneers of the Nehalem Valley and has been a subscriber to the Mist for over twenty one years. Weinhard' beer on tap at the Owl saloon. The youngsters of this city should avoid bad company, as rexnt develop ments shv that otherwise they are liable to get into trouble. Men who own prop erty will not submit to having it des troyed or injured in the name of fun. District, Dejmty Chas. BJfike.slx i--stalled, tlie officers of Avon, bodg, K. of P.v last Tuesday evening, as follows: Qbouccllor Commander, J. B. Godfrey; Vice Chancellor, E. E. Quick; Prelate, Mirtin White; Outside Guardian, C. N. Gable. Qjj.r Rainier correspondence is well worth, reading this week. The Mist witut the real news from all parts of tlie county, aud will have it. Geo. A. Emerson and Jesse Adams of Houlton were united in murriage on Tuesday evening last by Justice H. P Watklns. Our suU.i, frotn 3.50 up to 13.50, are better value than you can get in Portland. PERRY & CR&HX Mr. Richard Cox ia ablp. ty, be about again, after being laid ii. fpi tjhro weeks with an aggravation Vjcss. ia.cUrpnic lame- Mr. W. B. Dillard and son Waldron, Wilbur Muckle and Ernert John, re turned Wednesday from their outing trip, having had plenty of good fulling, but not much game. A number of the enterprising ladies of Clatskanie have organized a Lewis & Clark League and are putting up cher ries in pint bottles for the purpose of treating the visitors to Columbia county's exhibit, Front did a great deal of damage to gardens In this port of the county last Tuesday night. Young vegetables suf fered severely. City council met in business tendon on Wednesday night for the purpose of con. sldering a number of bills. I)irD-At Colorado 8prliif, July tt. In bl. 70ih year.uf tuberunkiala, Ol. J'eivr Krild liul ni.ii, uuugsi brother ul Wm. II. luluiao of iu i. euy. Col. Iwlm.iOn Ml, raised Company H, of ilia Will Mlswari Voluntas? luant-r'TriU KfS In uoarlton County, Mluourl. th bom of Don ral Price. Ha sent alili urant la No. 10, and Ibcn lo Pltt.burc Uadlnf, on theTtnneiree Hirer, UUcompsnvwaimsda up larsslr ol G naan who 4i.d wea Mrrlct In th Pnuolan army. III. regiment, with Fien tlu' brlgtda, wa. eamped on lb xtrema front near Dhllob Cbarcb, a fltubura Landing-. Ow ing lo a of Hue mad by lb tompany eouk, Captain Dolmau' company ia perhaps Ibeonly on on lb. front nrlug .lino tben loyod a breakfast oa;tbat morning , April f, 1M2. No breaalwork. bad keen thrown up, aad la a very fw mlnata Prantlm'i tntlr. line moved iorw.rd lo th attack. Captain iHjim.n lot uv...l of g).mauwmcbuDdr4.of ftHtolbe front ol th teat. A. woundsd wldiando not adraae toward lb enemy to dl. thl.'ir.i captod H proof potltlr Ibat Frsptiu'. brigade at lst wa. not .nrpriied at libllob. But Ibey ooo fell back, taxing up posltloiroa a low ridge. They wer. ordered to ulvane agaiu and oovupy a unxen read. That wa. th. "Hor net N.t" of blltorj, sad iu not taken by frontal attack. At I St) p. m. Grant, so It Is Mid, tent' word lo Pnnll. thai lb aupport eould aolongar pro tect bl. fJ.iik.'.Dd 10 retreat. That order never reaebed tb eowmsad, nd a. a natural result of battle, Beauregard gained tb rear of tht Hornet. Neat, aad Dolman, with the en tin brigade, .pent some ii months ia Libby FrlMii bafore b ngxbanged. Ue Joined the army again a. .oon u ex changed and in tb sixteenth Amir Ore.. General Dodge commanding, was with Sber maa to Atlanta. Capt. Pulmaa'. company m front of Shcnnao' army .klmbbed three aep aratc lime, through bnske Creek Gap, and re. oelvelthe pcTsonal eomplimenu'of thaTablo commaadc. In the restoration, Capt. Dolman vu appciut d Colonel, and brought peace nd to that dlatraeied section, filled a. It waaiTh bu.bwackers aud murderer. wboM chief object Krmedto be veageanec. Thi. was smorej re luomlbla .nd d.ugerona senicc than that at tb front. The altnaltoa could ouly be coped with by Ihc moat drastic measures. Mane of Missouri's young man were In the birih. aad red-handed munler wa lemrlting,l':iion and ex-Confaderale. a'lk. Col. Dolman wa.w.11 actualnted with nit! of the prominent farmers of Cbsfilon county, and personally Tidied tbam, and laid down the serer. law that for erery murder the farm bouse, ia that vicinity would be baraed to th. ground. Th remedy was extreme the effect magical. The better class of farmers pulled the bush w gckar. out of the Imufc and not on. farm boat was girea to tb flames. Col. Dolman ha served In the legislature, ol the three statea of Missouri, Houtana and Ida- bo. Ho waa a Republican In politics, and prominent In tne council, of lb ii rand Arovy, and . elder In th Presbyterian church. THRESHISG OUTFIT FOB SALE. A J. I. Case, twenty-four inch cylinder, eight horsa-power. Cash sale, or lumber and shingles token. GUS HEGELE, Houlton, IAIMIER MOTES Relatives of O. E. Wonderlev't, from Chicago, are visiting with them this month. We wish them a pleasant visit. The directors of this district decided at a meeting which they held last week to emplov all the teachers that tauirht here lost term, fcwith the exception of Miss nicuonaia. juise is rerry is to nave complete charge of the primary depart ment. The Sunday School of this place made a fine average for last quarter. The aver age attendance was 91, while the average collection mi.,o. Rev. G. A. Taggart delivered two most excellent sermons here last Sunday to a iiiusi apprcviauvc ronrcgauon. l ne Reverend gentleman's wife and children art visiting relatives in Walla Walla this mouth. The local lodge, K. of P., gave an open installation in their castle hall lost Saturday evening. There were a good many invited guests present. After the installation ceremony was over, Knights, ladies and guests repaired to the dining room, where a most bountiful lnwh was ire pared. At a late hour all departed, eeling they bad spttat a most enjoyable exeauig. The sash and door factory expects to resume operations this week, after a short lay off for the Fourth. During the vacation extensive repairs have been mode in, and about the factory, princi pally in the boiler room, where new fur naces have been made aad the boiler raised some sixteen inches. But the most noticeable thine is the brand new whistle. Marcus Bevins and family returned' home Tuesday after a two week's visit with his falibajt, Clyde and Carl Stewart were visitors. in Portland Wednesday and Thursday ol last week. Mrs. Ed. Clark was shopping in the metropolis last Wednesday. Wm. Dick, the foreman of the C. R. D. Co., returned home Sunday evening after a few day's visit with friends ana relatives. Miss Bella Neer, of Goblo, snernVWed nesday in Rainier. Ed. lames made a trio to. Portland on Tuesday lost. W. W. Cluimbreau was in. town the greater part of last week. The foundation, piling ia beins laid for tlie new soap factory. R. L. Couch is taking a few weeks' va cation. Durtag his vacation Hurry Mc- Dermott mailing his store. Rtunier defeated Clatskanie in base ball laKt, Sunday; the scone, beiag t. to 0. I be bovs plav Astoria next bunuav. A good game is anticipated. M. Ellis took in the carnival at Port land last week. Dr.. Stuart spent the greater part of last wee) "seeing Portland. The annual exodus to the beach has begun. A number of Rainier families have 'already gone and more expect to soon follow. W. H. Stuart, traveling salesman for C. GoUiun's shoe house, spent Saturday with.his brother, Dr. Stuart. LIST " REAL ESTATE AND OTHER -WITH , E. E. QUICK & A. M. HOLTON, J PROPRIETORS OF TUB aflAlii-nnln.n f AnnTT X Vvnfnn nf AND TRUST CO., Who have made arrangement with one of the largest and most progressive Real Estate Firms in the West who are in close touch with Eastern immigration If your property i for sale or lease, kindly adviae us and we will find yon a buyer. REAL ESTATE. LOANS, INSURANCE AND BUSINESS OPP0R7 UNITIES A SPECIALTY. QUICK Proprietor Columbia am wrrrvc Oil XUIaUaUAlOl OREGON STATE NORMAL SCHOOL MONMOUTH, OREGOft, Night Waa Her Terror. "I would cough nearly all night long," writes Mrs. Chas. Applegate, of Alexan dria, Ind., "and could hardly get any sleep. I had consumption so bad that if I walked a block I would cough fright fully and spit blood, bat, when all other medicines failed, three f l.OO bottles of Dr. Kings New Discovery wholly cured me and I gained 58 pounds." It's ab solutely guaranteed to curtj Coughs, Colds, La Grippe, Bronchitis and all Throat and Lung Troubles. Price 80c and $1.00. Trial bottles free at the St. Helens Pharmacy. SUMMER COOKERY AND ENTER TAINMENT. For the mother who is pnzzled to pro vide novel and attractive forms of holi day and birthday entertainments for the little ones, an article on Children's Par ties, in The Delineator for August, will be of value. In the same number are excellent cookery enggestions in the form of An Inland Seaside Dinner and many recipe of dainty and appetizing dishes for hot dajs. Recommendation! for hot weather house keeping will also prove useful. Good Oppertaalty. Two-year-old Durham heifer for sale. Will be fresh this month. Gentle. Inquire of V. M. THORP. St. Helens. J STORM COLOMBIA RIYER ll RAILROAD COMPANY DAILY. STATIC!) DAILY. M r. a. 1:110 S t s a) an a. a. too 06 IS I I M W-00 10 10 10 II io as 10 57 11 05 ll ia 11 30 .1 fa.. St. LvPortlanAArll 10 A. 44. Uohla 10 05 . 34 ...Rainier... .. Pyramid... ...Majrger.... ...Quincy .... Si Si 27 17 08 03 S 58 ass. a is 07 1 85 7 5 a jo too as.. 5&.S 7 a 7 54 7 H Txs 7 17 702 42 Id ai s 10 SMa 69.: S B 0B 1 S7 10 00 10 0 io ao 10 30 2.S M.: 71.i 7STI SC.1 90.3' 9S.4; .. Clatskanie.. .. Marshland. . .. wwlpalt... ...cit&o. ...Krutppa. .. 8V.DSOIS ...John Par... Ar. AskMis J.r All train, m.ka elos connection, at Gobi trlih Northern faclrto train, to and from th. Kal and Sou ad poMats. At Portland with all train, leartnr. Union depot, at Astoria with I. K. 4k N. Co.'. boat and rail tin and Steamer T. i. Potter te aud from Ilaraoo and North Beach points. Paaaeneeis (or Astoria or wav potass bum ttaa train, at lloulton. Train will asop Vx w off at UouHoav v Va.omlni few soau wea of ooble. J . e. mmj Oca. Pasa. Ait.. Astoria, Or NEW WAGON FOR 8ALE A new 3l4 wagon for sale. Addrers or apply to UfcO. ItKni, Houlton. SIX FRESH CO.WS FOR SALE I offer for sale, at a bargain, six fresh cows, one or ail of them. This is a great opportunity to get good cow at a very reasonable price. JOS. HAYBVBN, St. Helens, Ore. GOOD HORSE FOR SALE Weitrhs abont 1200 pounds; age eight years; a goon roadster or all-purpose animal. good bargain. Inquire at St. Helen, i of R. KAPPI.F.R. " FARM FOR SALE Twentv-one acres good sod; new hottae. and barm; young orchard; located adjoining the townsite af the county seat; on railroad; ready market at high prices for everything that can be raised. Apply to Miller Brothers, St. Helens, Oregon. DAIRY FARM FOR SALE 870 acres located on Willamette Slough ; ac commodations for 75 to 100 head cattlo; daily boat. Inquire on place, MRS. 0. SEIJiiNE, caro steamer America, St. Helena, Oregon. 2-5-tf riONEER EMPLOYMENT CO., 215 Morrson St., Portland, Oregon, is one of the best known ajidtmost reliable Com panies, on. the Coaet,, furuiiiUei all kinds Help on shortest notice Free to Em ployers. When In Portland Go to The Empire Koetaurant, 192 Third Street, three doors South of. Baker The- tre. Meals from IS cents up. Open, oay ana muni, uysiera in any style. Wm. Bohlander, Prop., formerly of the Royal, 1st and Madison. PROPERTY & HOLTON, County Abstract $gd Trust Co., e"Ovn.fYKr JJkMtMAM Vl 4 Begins its 23rd year on September 20, 1904, four terms in each school year, affording equal opportunities for beginning a course in Sept ember, November, February and April. The best training for teachers is the Normal course, with its assurance of good positions at good wages. Write for new catalogue containing full information concerning courses of study, training in actual teaching afforded under real conditions in town and country schools, and full details about the advanced course of study, with the additional advantages attached. Address, SEC. J. B. V. BUTLER, or PRES. E. D. ROSSLER, MONMOUTH, ORE. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice fa hereby given that the under signed has been, by the Hon. J. B. Doan, Judge of the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Columbia, ap pointed administrator of the estate of Oscar F. Fair, deceased. Any and all persons having claims against said estate are hereby required to present the same at the law office of W. H. Powell, at St. Helens, Oregon, duly verified according to law, within six months from the date hereof. Dated this 10th day of June. 1904. R. B. FARR. W. H. Powell, attorney for adm'r. ADMINISTRATOR' SALE. In the County Court of the ntat. ot Oregon, for alalinoiaah County. In the matter ol lb .stale of fceubea Z. Joy, Deceased. Notice I. harebi' tlTen that In pursuance of. and by virtue ol, aa order of the county eoort of the State of Oregon, for Multnomah County, made on the Sth day ol lune, l'J04, in the mat-, ter of the estate of Reuben Z. Joy, deeeaeed, au thoriilnr the administrator to sell aU she real Sroperty ot said estate at private tale, the on ersixned, the administrator of the said estate, will sell at private sale, to the hieheat bidder for eaah in U. 8. gold coin, and subject to con firmation by said county court, from and after Monday, the 1st day of Anf net. l'JOt, and contln uiaa said aala until altof Mid real property, or so much thereof a. I. necessary lo pay aU clalma. onsts. aud expense of administration of said estfti hae been Hd. .11 the right, title. Interest and estate ol the said Reuben Z. Jny, tieceasod. at Ihe Uraeof hla death, and all tha ritfbi. title, ami Interest that the said estate ha siueoaeqolred by operation of law or otherwise. km sad to th follow Ing described real properly, lo-wit: Lou 4 and S of section 24, and the .onthearl quarterof the antitheastquarterof section 24, all ia township north, range 2 weatof Willamette. uerLdaatt. in ColHmbia County, State ol Ore gon. Ahso an irregular tract described a. be giaaing ia th center of the ereeA si the south west corner ol eection Win toashlp3 norta. rang 1 west ol Willamette sseridlan, and thence running down thecenfrot said creek, with iu meaiiderines. to a point where tbo same intersei-u the Willamette aiougb; thence In a aouthvesterly direction, with th mean dering, of said .lough, to the aeetion line be tween section. la.ndSO, In township a north, raits 4 1 west ot Willamette meridian, thenco west to th place of beginning, being In Colum bia County. Oregon. Term, and condition, of tale: Ca.h in TJ. 8. gold coin, ten per eeut 1o be paid on aeaeptauesa of the bid and balance on confirmation ol ala by said couutv court ; Mid tan par eent to ba returned if sale not confirmed. Deed to be at expense ot purchaser. Bida to a. delivered to th oadarsigued In person, at 81, hletena, Oregon, or through th office 61 Messrs. Dillard A Day, hi attorney. JAMES DART, Administrator of the estste ot Keaben Z.Joy deceased. 8L Helena, Or., June IH, 1904. J. MACKENZIE, General Contractor BRIDQES, IILL, AND PILES DRIVING A SPECIALTY ESTIMATES FURNISHED ST. HELENS, OR. Ktf "America" J. - If.''- n... -wd dlUUrUt AUU10 lftveSt. Heleiif.... 6:30 AM ? 4 Arrire nt PortUnd. .10:30 A M hS t . -A.t i o .on i M W y liTIVVtUrilalUU a.JVS m M JtW S Arrive al SU Helen. &:00PM PS Will Carry Nothing "but Pn ger and Ka.t Freight. 3 JA.ltatS GOOD, IMattsor. ft' FOR PORTLAND DAW Steamer Iralda C.Jf Haaghkirk. Mailer. RAILROAB. TIME. Leave. Rainier dally fcxoapt Sunday) for PorV land, at 6 A. M.. departing from ML Uelen. at ,, o'clock. Kelurnlua, laaro. Portland at 1: P M., arriving at bl. Ula kt 4:4S. Pavers ani Fast Freietit. rOUTLASIJ lATSDIXa, T,AYL0R. STJi. 5kajsalhufatWstV afst DC atVaS J fits rOB MRTLA!0. DAILY. , M TiAMIH j