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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (April 22, 1904)
. . , T " '"'" 7.,,,..,,.a--"'' Spring Medicine 1 There U no other hmob when good medicine U m much needed u In the Spring. The Mood U Impure, trcak and impoverished a condition Indicated by plmplet and other eruptions on the face and body, by deficient vitality, lots of appetite, lack of itrength, and want of animation. Hood's Sarsaparilta and Pills Mak. the blood pure, Tron. and ricn, creaio appeuw, , atrcngth and animation, and cure 11 eruptions. Have the wholo family begin to take them today. "Hood's Sarsaparllla has been used la our family tor some time, and always with good results. Last spring I was all run down and got a bottls ot It, and as usual received great benefit," Miss Bscis Botcx, 8towe, Vt. Hood's Sareaparllta promisee to sure and keep the premise. tift-Banded Penmen Not Wanted. Few business men will employ a left-handed person as a clerk or book keeper and the prejudice against them extends to the government depart ments at Washington. The chief of those departments are entirely willing to overlook bad penmanship on the part of a really good and industrious clerk, but It Is the man or woman who writes with the left hand at which the talk la made. The dead line I drawn Just the moment it ia ascertained that a clerk Is left-handed and he Is forth with Informed that If It is bis desire to continue In government service it will be necessary for him to write with bis right band. This information is alwnya a bitter pill for the left-band penholders, but there is nothing to be flono but begin to write with the right band or "throw np the Job," and few arc anxious to quit government service even for this cause. That Acid Trouble. Colusa, Cal., April 18th. Much bas been said and written recently abont TJrfc Acid in the system; what causes Hand how to get rid of it. It is known to be the first cause of Rheuma tism and many other diseases and has therefore received a great deal of atten tion from medical men. Mr. L. F. Moulton of this place claims that he has solved the problem of how to get this acid out ot the sys tem. He says: "I had this acid trouble myself for years. At times the Kidney secretions would be very profuse and at other times scant but the acid was always my greatest trouble. Medicine failed to cure me till at last I heard of a rem edy called Dodd's Kidney Pills and after taking a box I seemed to be en tirely cured. However it came back on me and this time I took several boxes with the result that I was completely and permanently cured. This was three rears ago and I have not had a single symptom of the acid trouble since. I am 75 years of age and I am well as e e-1 was." Success, Some people think success means imply to get rich. Others think it means merely to keep out of Jail. One of these definitions is abont as near correct as the other, says a philoso rhor. ' CASTOR I A for Infant! and Children. The Kind You Hare Always Bought Signature of A Little Mistake. Toung Lady What is the price af that bicycle coktume? Dealer That is not s bicycle costume, miss; it's a suit of sanitary underwear. riTe fill) after Srstdsjr'aaseorDr.Kline'aarsatNsraa Bsatorer. 8nd for Fre S3 trial bottle and trsstlaa. Br. K. H. Kline, Ltd.. HI- An 8k FhUailaipltla, Fs Good Time to Die. Gloomy Man Who la the fool who wrote "I Would Not Die in Spring . tinier Wife Fool! Gloomy Man Yes. Springtime Is Just the season to die. Escape the spring house cleaning, you know. Mother will CnJ Mrs. Wintlows't Boo thin I Syrup the beat remedy to uwor their children during the teethicg period.. Still Child. Old Man What! Marry that child? Suitor Your daughter is no longer a Old Man Nonsense! Why, she Isn't a bit bossy yet. You Can Oct Allen's Foot-Ease FREE. Write Allen 8. Olmited, Le Roy, K. Y., for a free aim pie of Allen's Poot-Eaae. It euret vweatlnr. hot swollen, aching feet. It make aew or tight ahoea eaay. A certain cure for eorna, in growing nalle and bunions. All drug gilts aell It. 2.0c Don't accept any substitute. It euret No Nonsense' Nowadays. Modern Poet Give me a rhyme for Influenza. Friend What are yon writing? Modern Poet An ode to spring. aWKeetey liouor-morphine-tobaccoI HABITS PERMANENTLY CURED I aV fOn UU PARTICULARS iwicmrrimTnuTr.- FoaTLwo,ot Another Long-Felt Want Tough Have yer got pull enough in .Washington to git a patent fer me? Patent Lawyer What is your inven tion? Tough It's a pneumatic tire fer per lice clubs. Perrin's Pile Specific The INTERNAL SEHfOT , Ms Cass Exist It Will Not Cart AGENTS WANTED Fnr nnr Waw Gasolene lira? Saw. W act en- sine only once lor each log. One man can ft, more aaw. wa handle the only MsiietDis Grubbing Machine. Write ua your want in the machinery line. RKIKR80N MACHINERY CO., Foot Morrlaon BC Portland, Oregon cvtts ttti Atl tui rail: o&'baa n 3ZE?i uoaga sjrsp. -i aaisa uooo. a, lf is-MMM gm aoiq or qmrgiBia. Iir.wi--, HUMOR OP THE WEEK STORIES TOLD BY FUNNY MEN OF THE PRESS. Odd, Cnrloee and tanahabla Phases of Unman Nature Graphically Por trayed bjr Eminent Word Artlata of Our Own Day A Buds of Fan. "I wonder what ha become of Goodley. When he was at achool, you remember, he used to talk to much about millftlne- mankind. Entered the ,..1.. P jhe,u 8n1 torptMloea." rhlladel- phla Ledger. Directly Under It. "It's funny," said the long-winded bore, "but nobody ever seem glad to aee me." "And haven't you ever found out the cause of your unpopularity!" Inquired hs candid friend. "No, I can't discover ltH ' "Well, Well; It's right under your very nose." Philadelphia Press, Kxtreme Measnrs. Mother If I catch you chasing those hens again I'll wash your face every day next week! runch. True Enough. Towne Did you tell Markley you bad Just bought a magazine rifle? Browne Jfes. Towne You're a truthful gentle man! Why, it's only a cheap elngle barrel affair. Browne Well, I bought It through an advertisement in a magazine, didn't I J Philadelphia Press. Charitable Sex. He (at amateur concert) What do you think of Miss Screecher's voice? She Ob, I think it s all of what it's cracked up to be. Then or Nsver. Miss Willing Should a girl allow her fiance to kiss her before they are married? Mrs. Wedderly Well, if she wants him to kiss her at all she should. Something to Mow. "I wonder if they produce hay In the arctic fields?" said the ballroom boarder. "I don't know whether they call it hay or not," replied the cheerful idiot, "but It's something the Eskimos." A Princely Reward. "Boy," said the wealthy man, beam ing with gratitude; "you have done me a great service and I am going to re ward you." "Ob, thank you, ilr!" gasped the small boy. "Here, in this case, is the first dollar I ever made. Gaze on it and let it In spire yon to be Industrious and saving. Good-by." Philadelphia Ledger. The Care of Youth. "Wot's worry in' him? In fer a lick in' V "Nope; worseern that He says tcr day' the day he's decided ter propon 10 019 teacher." Wby She Objected. "I suppose, my dear," said old Mon eybags, "that you object to my ualng tobacco because it Is a poison." "Yes," replied his young wife; "be cause it Is er such a slow poison." An Old Baying- Applied. "I am agreeably surprised at the loom you have given me," said the manager of the theatrical troupe, with a patronizing air. "It's really first class." "Ah!" replied the proprietor of the hotel. "Your room is better than your company." Philadelphia I'reas. Blight Mistake. Shopper (In department store) Isn't 1 rather early to have those mosquito nets on sale. Saleslady Beg pardon, but those are boarding-house blankets. Finale. I . "Are you still making visits to your dentist r "No." "How' thatr "Oh, nothing, only I ran out of teeth." Saety Appliance. Husband Why did you want a speaking tube from the dining room to the kitchen? Wife So I can give the cook orders without having ber throw dishes st me. Not in har Lino. Mr. Fadden Have you ever bad any experience in firing chins? I Mr. Artless No, Indeed I Our cook 'attends to that wbea she ha a bad 'ssy. r 1 Aa Unlucky Combtuatloa. Prison Vlaltor What brought you here, my man? Convict Superstition, ma'am. Prison Visitor Superstition? Convict Yea, ma'am. It waa the unlucky 13, ma'am. rrlaon Vlaltor Thirteen! In what way? Convict Why, the Judge an' the Jury united against me, ma'am. Cleve land Plain Dealer. Easily Found In the Park, He I think I ought to take a hot foot bath. Where Is the mustard? She Out In the pantry. He Pshaw! It's dark out there and I hareu't got a match. She You don't need a match to lo cate it. It's right alongside of the Llmburgcr cheese. Philadelphia Press. Not Quite the Sam. Mrs. Backwoods Our Henry's dolu' real well in town. He' runulir a be tel now an- it's a big one, too. Mr. Korntop Do tell I Mrs. Backwoods He surely Is. Got a letter from him this momlu' an' he sea. "I'm a hotel runner now an' it'a a real swell place." Philadelphia Press. Masculine View. "The coming woman," said the type writer boarder, "will not take ft back eat for auybody." "I hop you are right," rejoined tbe scanty-haired bachelor. "Those fe males who ocupy the back aeat re served for smoker in street car rusks me real weary." I'aurplng ller Prerosatlre. "Will you marry me, darling?" ask ed the young man In the parlor scene "Sir," rejolued his fair companion, "this is leap year and you should know that In matters of this kind a gentle man should wait until he is asked." No Chance for a Mow-Out. "If I were to give you $10," said the philanthropist, "would you blow it in?" "Xary a blow, mister," replied th hard luck victim. "Ef I wui ter gll hold uv dat much coin in er lump it 'ud take me breoth erway. See?" Other Bide of It. "When women get their rights," said Miss Strongmtnd, "there will be less foolish lovemaklng." "That's all right," rejoined Mr. Masherton, "there won't be a girl left worth spooning over." Botany Class. Teacher Mushrooms alway grow In damp places. Pupil That's why they look like umbrellas, ain't It? An Indorsement. A scum But does this medicine real ly cure deafness? Clerk Eh? Ascum (shouting) I say, doe it really cure deafness? Clerk Well, I should say oI I've taken it regularly for twenty' year. There's the Rub. Towne If It hadn't been for that fellow Cutter I'd be 1100 richer to day. Browne Oh, forget about It You ought to take things philosophically. Towne I do. That' easy enough, but it' hard to part with things phil osophically. Philadelphia Press- Cooked I'p. "So this Is the old family nible?" said Mr. Newsooter, who was waiting In the parlor for Miss Passay. "No," replied Miss Passay' little brother, "that's the new one sister bor -ht last week so she could write In It nil about when she wa born." Philadelphia Press. Synonym. "Ob, there's a word of nine letters that describes Crabbe to a 't' " "Ah, yes 'pessimist.' " "Well, I meant 'dyspeptic,' but it amounts to the same thing." Philadel phia Press. Mnrder Will Out. "You simply can't get that girl to tell ber age." "Well, Ume will tell, even if she won't" The Style that Coats. "After all, I guess it doesn't cost much to lire in New York." "It may not cost much to live," re plied the man who bad tried It, "but it costs a lot to make people believe you're living and not merely existing." Philadelphia Press. The Gypsies. Gypsies were found in England about 1514, according to "A Dyalogue of Sir Thomas More" (1520), but the eiact year of their arrival is unknown. They were present In Scotland la 1509, and possibly they were the "Saracens" whose depredations in that country prior to Wfi are on record. Batalllard and other author believe that gypsies existed in Europe from immemorial times, for they find no ac count of their cros.-tlng the Boxphorous, and no record is known to exist of their passage to England or Scotland. They were better received In these countries than in any other, but so early as 153 1 an act wa passed re quiring the Egyptians to quit the realm under pain of death, a similar edict being Issued In Scotland in 1641 and at varying periods in most of the Euro pean states. Transportation across the seas wa among the milder mean adopted and probably waa tb cause of much further dispersion of the tribe. Under Henry VIII. gypsies were shipped from England to Norway, or France, and from France, so recently as 1802, Utey were deported to Africa. Impure blood always shows somewhere. If the skin, then boils, pimples, rashes. If the nerves, then neuralgia, nerv ousness, depression. If the Sarsaparilla stomach, then dyspepsia, biliousness, loss of appetite. Your doctor knows the remedy, used for CO years. " Rstnrnlne. from Ilia rnfcan '. wal a Rarr,'t wiwH. MkltttWRI air buiod win tl. atid my nut a tw 1'itiiio.ui ri ' M,o. l;!ton.l'a. Jl a bnttla. 1. r, vn v, t ow'l, M. for Impure Blood Aid the Sarsnparilla by keeplnu the bewels regular with Ayer's PI 'Ilia. Alter people pass torty tliey find that they have no place to wear their saw clothes unless they go to church. How's This? W offer One Hundred I,0,1rJsw,p! ''' any caae ot t aiarrn utat vuuv. m uai'.C.uhtKrev ctKr ,,0 w. iha umlaralnl. navo anown . J n,.n!. i..r tha lai u vrara. and baiters hi , A Tsvax, Wholesale Urnrgtata, Toledo, O. WauitNO, K IXHAN Marvin, V uolaal Drug- 1r"l,W.?:.K'r...i...k.n tnu.m.llr. act- Ing directly uin th blood ana uiiu-oua aor- lai-ea ot tna ayiivm. I'rtt-a 7.e. tor ootua. Hoi. M by all Drussiata. Hall a family filial leattinonlala Ire. are iha beat. A hnge sunfiah. the largest ever seen, wa recently captured near Santa Cata Una lslnud, off the coast of California. It weighed about l.WO pouuds. Plao a Cure fa a f"nelv for coughs, ooldt and consumption. TrylL Price 25 ceuts, at druggists. The population of Japan Is times as dense as that of the States. twelr United ABSOLUTE SECURITY. Genuine arter's Little Liver Pills. Must Bear Signature of it Fac-Slmlle Wrspoar Below. Tarr sa.aU sad ss ssjrf ta take as sagasw rOR HUOACHL FOR DIZZINESS. CARTERS llTTLE IVER PILLS. FOR IIUOUSRESS. FOR TORPID LIVER. FOR CONSTIPATION. FOR SALLOW SKIN. FOR THE COMPLEXION I rirraly TafctaMe. CURE SICK HEADACHE. BOWARD E. BURTON. AiMVtr ni arrnUt Tar.7.;.ol, tuc:.lncori'npi"r,l. I'fanHslsala, MaiUnc'nvrlnia.a anil rail prl.w llrt wiitoasiiiiiirs. tlon. Cnmrolsnil l.'niplra worn anllrltra. I.aaU. vllle. Colo. Keftrenco t arlionata .Nt 1 liana. B U FROM YOUR DCALHR W. L. DOUGLAS 84.00, $3.50, $3.00, $2.50 i a MAlia wsawaaiw TMS WORLO. W.L. Douglas shoes are worn by more men than any other make. Tho reason Ik, they hold their 8hape,ntbetter,wear longer, and have greater intrinsic value than any other shoes. Bold Etnrywh&r$. . V a H..Ma a.d a.ltf-M .in lllll tf 1 n. lloiiKlna uara Corona Oiltaltltl, which Is avarywhareeunradefl ttihathe llnsat I'alant il rt prml noml. fatt Calor I irltf mtd. bimmb ry iiijill.aft f-nts i(ra. Wru rr ,tai'a. W. h. KOLOLAM, lirooklou, Masa. Dr. C. Gee Wo WONDERFUL HOME TREATMENT Thla wondnrfnl Chl rjiM Am:Uit la cslld grst becstlM ha curva pKopla wltlioilt opra llftii that sr (Iv.ii up In dla. Ha 'ilra a-ltn ItioM wondfrrul l.'hl nfai. berlia, rtwta, huila, baraa and vva.tablfta that ara antlrvlf un known to medical act- tnc In UiU conntrf. 1'lirnuali Ilia unm o' thujas barml'aa rmidl' HO famnni dontar knnwa tha actlnn ot ov.r U dint-runt rain fttla, whl'h ha aurrmafullr uawa In diffaranl dtaaaea. iia Riiarantawa to cura csttarh, aalh ma, lunf, throat, rhttuntatlain, narvnuanmia, lnnia.;h, llvar, kldni.ra, atct had uundrwla or ifatlfnonkala. t'harHa niodrala. i.'all and am him. I'altrnia out ot Ilia clljr wnoi tut hlanka and rlmilsra. Hnd alamp. CUMU1 1'A'lluN flint. Aiiuituaa The C Gee Wo Chinese Medidne Co. IS Aldar St.. forusnj, Orajon. Sviiaaiioi' papar. P. N. U. Ma. 17-1904. -IirfjJCN writing toadTsrtlaerapUaaal IT manlloo this papar. Bell Boy (outside of room MH-Sny. the gns la escaping In tliew. toiin jr man (Insl.lo of room ' I locked the door. Kx. Mother Johnny Jm'. did you get that awful cold out skating? Hon Mother, I think 1 caught It washing my face vosterday morning. Judge. Clmmply I don't know whether 1 ought to take your daughter from her father's roof. Her Father-She doe.n t live on the roof.-Phlladelphla Bulle tin. "I say, Broom!" "Call ''7 7 whole name. If you please- " has a bamlln to it, and It wa meant to us used, sir." "That's so. Well, Broom handle, how are yon J" Curloso Yovir name Is Ephralm. Is it? How'd your parent come tu give vou that name? Modetus-t Hunt i ... i.. i,nt t anaooct It was Humv ivi in uii. i, ' - because I was a boy. Boston Trail script. "Women claim that Hi way to get on with a man Is to give nun pien.y 0f nicely cooked food." Well, an - . swered Slrlus Barker, Irritably, 'why don't some of them try It?" Washing ton Star. A Great Petit: Bragg I owe seis ins to any man. Newitt uu. yea, you do. Bracir No. sir! Newttt-Ob. yea. You owe an apology to every man who has to listen to you blow. Philadel phia Press. Improvement at the G Ottlce; "Kid you hare any luck when you went to complain about the gat bill?" "Better luck than last month," answered Mr. Meekton; "the man didn't laugh this time." Ex. Magistrate (sternly) lldn't I tell you the Inst time you were here I nev er wanted you to coma before me again? Prisoner Yes, sir. but 1 couldn't make the policeman believe it. New Yorker. "Funny "about Balaton wanting hit former wife to get a divorce from her second husband so that tliey might get married again." "Not very, lie s al ways been falling In love with other men's wives." Kx. Dally Guide to Flattery: If there It something on tl) table that the hostess know It so badly nniked that she feels bored about It. sak for more;' and eat It with the grentent bhii rent relish. Ilnltliuore Ainerlean. "Have you any taate for TUseks rayl" aske.1 Mrs. Oldenstle. "No, I can't say that I have," replied her hostess: "Is that anything Use this paprika they're puttin' In everything now?" Chleago Heeord Herald. What he Would Itather Have Ei pressed Differently: fiuahltig Ijuly Oh, but Sir. Jones. I should love to t beautiful even If for only half aa hour! Jones Yes; hut you wouldn't like tho coming hack again! - I'uncb. Conductor All alKiard! Please get aboard quickly, Miss; Hie train Is atiotit to start. Young Ijidy But I wish to kiss my slater gootl by. Con ductor (jet aboard, get aboard; I'll attend to that for you.-Yale Heeord. "Coal vases" said the hardware merchant. "Yes, sir." "Hometltliif ; nicely JapanpeiU" "No, sir," wild tin customer, a man with th-rce uiuxtflctie and a foreign accent; "haven't you something in Itunala Iron?" Chicago Tribune. How to Hold Actors: "It always makes me mad to talk to an actor, lis protends to listen politely, hut his at tention Is wandering all the time. Kver notice It?" "No. I always talk to them about themselves." Philadel phia Ledger. Owner of Fishpond (to man who Is trespsa!r.) Don't you sea ttint sign, "No Balling here? Angler Yes, snd I dispute It. Why, there's good tun ing here. Look at this basketful. The man must have been mud who put that board up. "it was only Qve years ago thut 1 started In with our firm ut flvo dollars a week," said Urugg, "and now I earn fifty a week without any trouble." "That's so; It's easy to earn that," re plied Newltt, "but how much do you get?" Philadelphia Press. Ida I don't believe Mr. Smart be lieves mjj hnndkercltlefs are linen. May Why not? Ida I told him I bad my pin money wrapped In my handkerchief and lost It. Ho said there was a great deal of money lost in cotton theso days. Clilcngo News. Tommy To-morrow's your birthday, ain't It, ma? I wlalit I huda dollar: I'd buy you a present . MaT,ui(t's thoughtful of you, my dear. ,I!iit -why- do you need a dollac? Tommy -'Cause that's the price of It. It's the dsndl. est catcher's mask you ever saw. Philadelphia I'ress. Fond Mother I don't know what to do. I-want to send my dutighter to college, and yet I don't want to send ber into the world unprotected. Wise visitor, who bas observed the daugh ter's disposition You mean that It would be unkind to send ber out Into the unprotected world! Never say again that a newspaper writer Is not a master of diplomacy. One of the fraternity wns to write np the history of an old lady of 1)8. lis was told she hnd never so much u teamed her letters. Did ho blurt it out In print? Not a lilt of It. Ha merely stated on his finely written article that "she can renil the finest print as well as she ever could." - Queer. "Hades la supposed to bo located la the center of the earth, Isn't it?" re marked the thermometer. I "Yes, but what of It?" Inquired the barometer. i "It seems funny, I was Just think. Ing the' lower down I should get la that direction tho higher up I'd go." Philadelphia I'ress. It sometimes happens thnt a family wnicn ciuiiioi uoasr. mat one of Its members underwent an operation, can recall a time when one of the children went from one convulsion Into another. w.iiiIffolES UP MISS MARJORY HAMPTON, OP MIW VORK. Miss Marjory Hampton. Third PURE BLOOD Blood Impurities of Spring time -Cause, Preven tion and Cure. Pr. Ilarln an't medical Ipelurrs aie ' .,.rlv a,-aiiiil hy iimnv llioiiaaiul . rt-silers. One ot tlio meat timely and Interrat- ing lectures lie ever delivered ra hi recent lecture on the blood lniniritie ol spring. The d.K'tor "aid in auMam- that ery ring H e 1 1 l l I del eith the rftele accumulations ol winter, deranging tho digestion, pro.1'1. lug alugiiWiliraa of tho liver, ovrrtaiing - '" "T"' " , " - rtilatin ot the ihohi This condition of things prtaluccs what ia popularly knon aa apring fever, apring inalsris, nervous eihatis tion, that tired dtding, t'i.xt thicken. D : and many o her nau.e". Nmirliuiea the victim la I i to'ia, ilya. peptic and Constipated; anti.ttllmrs .! K.tfotltiiva ara mav Irartt mora from : a mail's emirs lUu from hi. virtues. I.. fellow. ...... a flna nmJklno 10 laae any swam... . ya.. ...i-l i. .,n the system and u s slunk, strengthening m . . l.ll and winter I have lounu that II cure old tn."'j"l . .."'. H...I .i..t it ia Invaluable to keep the bowela regular. .! r "V,: .,iui.i on Hie system. In ''. ' fonalder It a whole cheat."-Mia Marjory Hampton. is m n-?iv - - THE KING OF BLOOD PURIFIERS No remedy ever yet discovered hat met with audi .""ZVefo popular favor as S. S. S. The people everywhere Imtorse it, C- and there are few homes where 5. S. S. for the blood it S I XAl not known and used. It i auricrior in many ways to Hie ordi nary blood medicines. In the lirnt place S. S. S. is a Kunratitwd purely vci'ctulilc compound, itnule exclusively of inctlit inal roots selected for llicir woiulcrful purifying and tonic projicrties that act utMin the blond, iHiru-iiitr it of impurities and restoring it to a healthy, natural condition. At tlto same time, under its tonic effects the grn eral system improves, the sluj'ish orpins are toncil up, nml renewed iitrcnth and vigor and better iiciilih it the result. No imd aftcr-;fTecti follow the use of S. S. S., n so often happens with blood nictlicinrl containing strong minerals, which derange the stotnitch and digestion and in other ways damage the system. For diseases of the blood, such as Chronic Sores, Rheumatism, Catarrh, Scrofula, Jloils and l'inv ALWAYS KEKPS fl. . B. ON HAND. P'c' J tl a, Tet ter, Montl.IIo,Ark.,M.y.t,tOoa. iUl '"'. nd Othef O.Mlemsn:-ror about twalvt yaars I have trouble due tt impure Of bssn ualn( your S. B. 8. aa a houaehoW bad Condition of the blood, I havs takan It aa a tonlo and appatlsar, and ba- no remedy acts IK promptly llara thars la nona bsttar. I liava uaail It for of ,. a! 'a u C. ahlldran at various tlm.a toHlitl..kl.ruptlons, ?,,d '0K' 7 bolls snd poisons ososad by playlua- with wk1. It reaches (Icep-SCa tea, 8. B. a. Is my standard, navsr ulud what Is the long-standing Citw. upon msttsr. If I uss a bottls ot B. 8. H. It tonsa up ths which the ortlinary potash systsm, olaana.a ths blood and makss ma well nI.i .nr.,.nr,ri,. rmnrmuntU as-aln. Aa an all-round family msdletas I eonsldar f nJ anraaparillit Compouno 8. 8. 8. ths best rsmsdrof tbs kind that have I IMIVC 110 clifCt. l.vcn Where STaruasd.sndiaDarallr kaopltonhanrtaaaf.m. tliero IS an hereditary Uyrsmsdy. MH8. V. O. WtilTTINUTON. , ... . i- . predisMiition to diseaae, S. S. S will search out and remove from the blood the fixed poison ami build up the health ; it enriches und purifies weak, thin blood and stim ulates Uie circulation, l'uro blood is eiacntinl to health. You can exist without good blood, hut can never be robust and strong; for every organ, tinne and nerve in the body looks to the blood for nourishment, and unless this vitul fluid is kept in n pure, healthy stnte, the rest of the body tulTers anil the system soon breaks down. Nature has pro vided in S. S. S. a remedy for dieaes of the blood whiclt long experience and a thorough teat hrtve proven superior to all others, and the acknowledged " King of lilood Purifiers." "OUR MEDICAL DEPARTMENT, in chnrgo of gradimfod physicinnt, Is an important part of our husincas, maintained for tho lienrfit of those who need advice or special information in regard to their case. Write Ui, and our pliysiciant will advise you without charge. THE SWIFT SPCCiriG CO., ATLANTA, CA. PRU88IAN LICE rio nmaa lajuit Ilia a-UMTMNU aa,IC0 to.. The improved Alvord Sage Brush Grubber and Land Cleaner .urn out all will remove gaga brush by o"-". "tu, "XX fnrsaatlnna.ill.... leavinu-Ham. i kV u0" I'1"W tiihiB at rm.u. XiV- noltoaiueod Intervals. 'ivT.i, ... " aiitrmi.i.t..uu .. r"". XX a'-'re No cloKKlnjr. Will work on stony frround. Our booklet describlnjr; the machine. In tl,,tfti Its nttvaniawna -I. t. .. ! ' i i ; . . . 'tv ' i'iinK -, THE BURTON MFG. CO. ARAPAHO. ,T. DCNvirt. COLcjW THE SYSTEM IF TAKEN IN THE SPRING." Av.-i.uo, Sew York City, writr-s: . anvil in ins more t and siting medlvln It weak, nrrvnu and tlepresaml; anil aitain hp may have eruptions, ewolllnge and otliel blotxl humors. Whlilievsr It Is, the reuse I the name ifM accumulations in the IiIimmI, Nothing is ni'-re rrrlaln lthln the whole range of medical science llian that a course of IVrtina in rarly sprint. time will par (nelly and effectually pre- vent or euro this almost unirvraal sflre. lion. vrryhody fevls It In a-'tne degree. A gnat ioa o !iy are disturbed eon sidernbly, while a large per rent ol tha : human family are made vry inlartah's ! by this condition every spring. I Peruna will prrvrnl It If taken In i time. IVrtina eill cure It If taken st d. ' fecttnl. I I'ei una l the ideal spring utedirlne ol the medical profession. j If yon do not derive prompt and at. ; -al.'C ory r ultn f im the use of t'aiu. na, write at oneo to lr, llarlman, lv iuj a f i'I atateinent of your rasv, an.l ; he ill Iw plt-att to give yotl Ills vain- ' abU ahlce gratia. A.l irrs 1'r. lUilnisn, i'leaidenl ol ;Thn lUilmaa hanitarluiti, t'oluuibus, :uiu. It lakes two to make a quarrel until you have one of your own. and then It la always the other one who makss It Kills tire on l'onltry. Te Hslnt h parrlms, I.iii.m hill tha Ilea. """J aann.,t ImmA lira "' KILLER a ssl yon. fries, son and 81410 ram. Mtit by Ulrs. iittsniv co ,a Iking fur Ilia us Sua, awl la wood Sva tluwalta l'o,U.nd. Or., Coast A..ta Ilruah, nabbit Brush, Grease W.kkI, ljnnva Ilin nnimil In narlui.! CI111U1U0U """llUt 100 at a ct lM" tr jvvo. 1; ... . a. ulfltlM. I " ,,,, I'ltl aalAN l.lOVlll l.ll I KII.I..H "S'l-"''' .r.i,iluii, at IB. Ht I'aiil l-usllry Sh..w st Ins, sn4 Hali. Tlxrasrsaswal bra llnl.iitsr.llya ll. "l,t1l7 jyiit. sllrlsbl- WM a) SWAilllKllt. Waiia, IJl