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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (April 22, 1904)
It Pays to Pay Cash I Qt n We will malte a snccini inr1tirmir.t,r ",... r..i. YfoW BUVCM, because r"cA. dUCCmcnt.1 to US We will flake By tins oner, and so article of liciieral I each day of the Tiff I WHEN YOU euroute, and will save you money. i ,.j ii .. ri. 7 pruicu mvii ivuyui v.iiiihok urcss diiocs. Also a full line of Women's and Children's Shoes. The Old Reliable Firm BAILEY & BRINN HOULTON. OREGON. I Oriental 5 UNOEI NEW V iuvlte the plrouK "' the C.rnrrsl Public and Guarantee Cleanliness and (sural Hume Conking. MRS. A.T. LAWS & SON vww J THE JUG STORE DOWN By The Big Sawmill!- V V V U Kcrivins New flood THE MUCKLE STORE HAS A REPUTA . it ... A.tu Iluitt in "GENERAL JUERCHADISE Dart & St. UeleiMp - I How About HBI ..KIIU..I. ttmn pniimir lor ) rti-urtlii .nil ll,r r-unl .h. r"tl ''L'V o' "lot .! E. E. QUICK 6c CO, Roberson & Lope JJUTCIIEKS PACKERS Markets St. Helens and Houlton FINE MEATS, Lard, Sausage, Eto. W solicit the patronage of the r"Pl hme eomtnnnltiea. IP? Wholesalers make SDCtial in. for Cash. V , Money will our customers. A different t(MnL...J!u. . luvmiiiiiumc on hDcei ll k:i 1i week for cash. Ask aiiout BUY. Wc have Kxls galore offer you bargains that will We are agents for the eclc- t rt.i i. i ki . . V Hotel MANAGEMENT r HARNKSS GOODS All Kinds and Grades FIRST CLASS IN EVERT RESPECT Cargsst loeH to Select Crom and Low est Prices Call ) " good before buying, or Write for Catalogue COLLI N B 1R KSTON-W 1 LSO N CO. Cor. 2nd Taylor Sts., Portland. S Kvery day in the Week ,jj R IT Muckle, " " 0r(,Son- Your Title? a,m.mb.r thl It Is th. "'". A.V.." l.ilun lu Una nn ni ...t, -- --". J. MACKENZIE, General Contractor AND IMI.K UlttVINO A HI-IOCIAI.TV ESTIMATES FURNISHED 8T. HELENS, OR. rrica Mrw Hmk-x. Kotast ruam W. C. Fischer, ATTORXE YAT- Li W. UAIMKK. OREGON. Columbia Restaurant TAYLOR HUILPING, 8T. HELENS, ORECOM MISS I. i, CR0U5B,Prprl.t. Beat Meal. Vrmv ' lll II Willi u. sua t. win -.. LOOAL AND GENERAL Mrt. II. A. Mut, of Portlunil. la vliitinv her titter, Mr. J. H. Decker, of thia M"" Moe w" oiBi. at on, ,.,.. Tli gentleman at Rainier who stopped hl wier because he did not like an ex- prculoii uwd in It editorial colunini, la rrnjiectftilly Informed that "the little sign "till hang above the door," I Keuirnilwr we are headquarters for ' granite and tinware, a new anpply )ut on. o Ot 1 VI'R Mr. Andrew King had the mi.fortu'ne ' to ,,,.itc severely injure twoof the finger. on hi. rlKlit hand last Tuesday while at work retiring the propeller of . gHSO- line launch. The accident will unfit him for work for a week or two, The city Is having the water tanks board in, in order to prevent their warp ing during the coming dry weather. largest store and largest stock can lie found at I'rrry & Graham's atore at lloulton. Good, delivered free. I Magnolia, Canadian Club, Old Govern- . ! inetit W'hiskie. and Gordon'. Dry Gin at the Owl Sulonn. Old Crow Whiskey Uittled in lxind. Also Old Quaker-nude Rye WhLkey. iMiry funus on Sauvles are hav ing a hard time to find pasturage for their cattle during the high water. In some instanres they give th use of their herds for tne pasturage. Goods delivered without charge, willingly and cheerfully. Order freely. M. C. CRAY St. Helens Or. Mtstrs. C. L. Ayres and A. A. Smith, of Yanktown, were among the Mist's callers on Saturday last. Trespass notices and all kinds of print ing dune at this ofTire. I). F. Tape, who owns a place adjoin ing C. N. Gahlis' farm, this county, but who has recently been a resident of Sherwood, Washington county, is mov ing back to his farm with his family, fur the purpose of making needed re pairs. Carabana cigar two for a quarter at Hrinn Bros. Owl Saloon Call and sre the new line of men and boys' wits direct from the nianufacturersc l'KKKY & GRAHAM, Pioneer Store The St. Helens and lloulton baseball trams played a match game of baseball on Sunday last, resulting in a score of 2t to I in favor of the St. Helens team. Mrs. Elizabeth I'crry, who has been quite seriously sick for several weeks, is reported to be recovering. Canned and fresb vegetables. II. O. OLIVER All the local and war new. in the Mist and Oregooian. Only $'- a year, Rev. Taggart, of Rainier, was a caller at the Mtst office on Monday last. He held services at the Congregational church in this place last Sunday. Hakkiu rt.vsioiTii Rock Eccs Fob SaI.K. The pumt blood At fifty cents r setting of fifteen oggs. MRS. G. W. PERRY, lloulton Mr. Grant Walls and Mrs. Wicker- slum, of Scappoose, were visitors at 'the county seat on Monday last, as wit- nrssrs before the county court in tne mailer of the application of the Chil dren's Aid Society for the custody of the Drought children. I'rrsh fish in season every Friday, and sprciul Sunday dinner at the Oriental Hotel. Assessor Laws returned last Monday from CUitikanic. having completed the assessment of that precinct. He reports that the assessed valuation of the City of Oalskanic will exceed by $:iO.OOO the prcsrnt assessment. He also reports hat there is still snow on the divide be tween Clatskanie and Mist. Our complete line of men's, boys and ladies' sweaters are attractive, and prices right, at Oliver's. Mr. R. H. Mitchell was chairman of the Democratic county convention. Mr. Mitchell is the gentleman who informed SlicrilT Hattan that he could not sup port him for re-election, and also made the statement that he intended to sup port Martin While and Theodore Roose velt. Nice chairman for a convention that indorsed the "time-honored prin ciples of Jefferson and Jackson I" Bailey & Brinn's .tore is headquarters for general merchandise, Houlton, Ore gon. Good goods a specialty. Quality, quantity and price guaranteed. Mr. J. E. Black, foreman at the Ore gon Wood Company's yards, had a con test with a piccaroon last Saturday, in which he came out second best, receiv ing quite a severe wound in the fore part of his head. He was pulling the piccartxin out of a log, when it yielded suddenly, and, flying back, struck him as aforesaid. So far as the law is concerned, the fishing season opened last week, but the fish are not complying with the law, as they refuse to lc caught. This is a mat' tcr for the fish commissioners to in vestigate. If they protect the fish dur ing the close season they should sec that they go into the nets during the open season. It's a poor law that won't work both ways. Frank Tracy, of Vernonl, Sec. of Uie Vernon ia Bureau of information, was in St. Helen. Wednesday, and while here made the MrsT pleasant call. Frank, who .old hi. place cm Rock Creek several weeks ago, bus bought the old Plowman place near the one he sold and will reside there in the future. D. M. Miller, superintendent of the Nchalcin Logging Company, expect soon to begin the building of a fine residence at Columbia City, and is ex pecting the arrival of his father and mother and two sisters from Correy, Pennsylvania. ludae J. C, Moreland and R. R. Gilt- ncr, of Portland, were in town Saturday last on legal business. W. T. Gardner, secretary of the Boys' Bnj Q-tttf ajj Society, appeared before tin cottnfcv court on Monday last for the purpose of securing the cmtody of the minor children of Mr. and Mrs. Brought. The Brougnt, wtre resident. ' Linnton, Multnomah County, and the father was at one time convicted of cruelty to hit children, and three of them were placed in the cuitody of the aociety, hut were afterwarda returned to their Pr,n,. on PlrdSe ot ,he tltt 10 ive ,hem tw,,cr treatment. The family ,ntn moved to Scappoose, In thia county, whcre ,hcy M P."' Uh' !'mi ,,"cIe,,WO tht g'fU Wtre T St- ,,ele"' ,he m0lh'r mdtt 10 itcur Uctnle' "'"'" ,ht they were ovcr lx,cen ,r of 0n ,1,e Und' Monday, me aaimttea mat incy were under fifteen, they being twin.. The court granted the order placing the chil dren in the custody of the Boys' and Girl.' Aid Society, and aa a result of the woman's testimony, she was arraigned hy District Attorney Powell on charge of oeriury. and the examination set for next Wednesday. Mr. George Hall has been engaged as attorney for the defense. I now have the most complete up-to-date stork ever carried in St. Helen, since the world began. You need not go to Portland for anything but to my .tore for everything. M. C. GRAY. Ot : L. T. Barm, at one time register of ; the U. S. Land Office at Oregon City . and well known by many residents of i this county, died of heart disease on the steamer Iralda on Monday last. Mr. Barin was for many years a prominent figure in Republican politics in Oregon, ! having been a member of the state sen ate and chairman of the Republican cen tral committee. Mrs. Emma Clear, of Portland, is visit ing ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. Coz of St. Helen.. Do you want garden seeds? If so, call at the Mist office and get them free of charge. You don't even have to be a .utMcriber to the paper. They are sent to us by the Agricultural Department at Warhington, through the courtesy of Sen- or Fulton. A new line of men's suits from 7 up. PERRY & GRAHAM. Call and see our outings and calicoes. H. O. OLIVER. The circuit court on Saturday last made a decree in the case of Livesley vs. Mucklca, discharging the receiver and turning the property over to Muckle Bros. In the case of Kinney Grace, a decree was made in favor of plaintiff, quieting title to 3lX) acres of land near St. Helens. REUBEN. J. A. Schunesen, of Rainier, was in town Friday. Alex Reid and wife visited Kahuna Saturday. . . J. B. Heritage is visiting his daughter, Mrs. Tbos. Pawaon. S. F. Stanley, manager of Columbia Columbia Timber Co., came down from Portland Monday. .The Co. fs putting in about 70,000 feet of logs per day. A pleasant surprise was given Mr. and , Mrs. R. N. Hamilton at their homo in West Reuben Saturday evening. The evening was spent in playing whist and other games, after which a delightful luncheon was served. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. G. V. Jordan, Mr. and Mrs. Al Larson, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Reid, Mr. and Sirs. M. J. Butler, Misses Ray Bing ham, Mamie Brink, Mellie Wise, Messrs. Martin Horsen, Antone Wise, T. C. Watts, Thos. Hunter. A large stock of novels )ust received at the St. Helens Pharmacy. YERNONIA NOTES Everybody busy as bees in these parts farming and gardening. Joseph Hickenbottem of Shady Brook, Washington County, was the guest of S. D. Shceley last Wednesday. Mrs. Elsie Dunn Emmons finished a : very successful term of school in this district last Wednesday. Frank . Wortinan is again in the valley returned Thursday by the way of having returned Hillsboro. Mrs. L. D. Sheeley is quite sick with an attack of the grippe. Thos. Adams has a small force of men gathering chittim bark for the market. The Vernonia Grange, No. 305, meets next Saturday, in special session, to con fer degrees on some candidates who wish to visit the Pomona next month. Mrs. Palmer is very low with a severe case of eczema. Butter King Dow brought in another seprrator for one of hi. patron, on his last trip in. Hazelwood Cream Co. are planning to establish a cream route in the upper val ley. A wise thing to do we should think, as there are a number of farmers without cream seperators who would have them if a route were established. ' The Vernonia Tbugha climbed into their mud scow, last Sunday and went to j wmcna. er Jrae? to iSSnl.". -Natal to plav the Grangers game of Whlte to AuundU tract in sec baseball. The score stood, we are told, 21, 8. 4 20 to 3 in favor of the Toughs. 1 Wilson to Carrlgan. tract In Quarterly meeting services were very! Wilson to Trustee, tract In n well attended, a gooaiy niimoer rrom s distance being pre well thought of in t :acnt. Elder Schupp is this valley. With such a ticket as the convention has nominated we feel confident that it will he a clean sweep for the Republicans next June. Quite a bit of rumor afloat on the up ner river as to the cause of Mr. Oliver's J aeath recently. Thinga point toward foul play. BA& TAT. Following ar th real lat. trannnc tfona rorUd In Columbia county from K-bmry Z to April J, U04: D. C. Alilrldg. to Clara llryant, lot 2, lilk 4, ClalKknnia Mortgag. II. M. and B. R. Ilutt to F. 11. Flckott, lot tl, blk t, Gobi.. 100. 00 Paul liuksiirtald to lull III B. . . Merrill, land In S, 2, 4 I2K.00 Sheriff to tC. M. Kuwlar (Worth- wl. k .st ), na i, 21. . 2. Tax Jd ISIOdlflttt IO IIIOUf.ll V.O., acr, 7, b 1.0 112. CO 200.00 1.00 2C.00 1.00 SO. 00 10.00 1.00 . 1.00 1,000.00 Uryant to McKmil, n I lot 2, mihd J. L. waaner a. i, v. Buker to Hlurm, tract 'in Hroylns' a. I. a Hunk to W. O. h, Co.. right of BOTrBynd'4o"Hayburn,'Vnw Vf M L o 1. 4. 4 Cunick to 8tat, h sw II, and 1 ; 1. 4. I Cam to Harris, lota In V.r- nonla Conyara to Elliott, lot 2t, earn- tery i Croaa to Trustee M. E. Church, I raft In aec J I. , 4 Cramar to King, nw i of n i, sec 14, 4. I Chipman to Muslola, I I M i and portion of nw s oi i. MX- ft. 1. 4.. rut Jtriav to Tienaon L A L. Co.. na i of aw i, and nw i of aa t, aac 24. . 4. ......... .. .00 Dolph to Bulla, lota In Colum- bla City 20.00 Foatar to Kashas, lot 2, blk t, Uoble 26.00 Finn 10 gtawart, w t, ac 2, . t 1,000.00 Fowler to Western Cooparag-e Co., w 1 of aw t, aac 20, 6, 2. . . 1,100.00 Flcka to Ilenson Logalng Co., nw , aac 1. (. 4 l.SOO.OO Fowlar to Harris, na i aac 21, t SO. 00 Flipper to W. O. Lumbar Co.. timber dead 1-00 Fowlar to Uabrlelaon, lot 1, aae 24. . 1 221.00 Olasa to Cox, na I of na i aac 14. 7. 4 00.00 Gore to Bcaopoose Lumber Co., 4 aca In Walls Pill' d. 1. e. 400.00 Glltner to Olltnar. two trana- fai. lota In Columbia City. . Hunter to Archibalt, lot ( and 7, blk t. Oolila 0.00 Halpruner to Manaon Logging Co., aa t aac it. i. 1 10.00 Houe to Payn. tract tn aac 20, 2, 1. and othr land.... 4,000.00 Helra of Jea Hendrlck to Western Cooparage Co.. na t c 10. n of a t aac 2, all In S. 2 1.200.00 lliatt to Madden, w of w s. aac JS, 0. 6, and personal property 1.00 Johnaon to Iewl, tract In E. O. ItrvMnl'a d. 1. c 150.00 Jone to Muatola. a I w 1 ot iw t. and aa i of nw I. aec 11, 7. 4 1,400.00 Kruager to Krueger, m I of n I of a I of aa t. aec 15. 2. 2 600.00 inn in Hhcldon. lea fie of nsh- ., laasa of nsh .'w'..K ff".Yii 26.00 too. 00 aw L aac 25, a. J.. LIndley to State, aa I of aa L aac 21, 4, t; w i of i ec 14, t, t f in lfrrllt land In 8. 7. 4 1.00 276.00 Luther to Hendershott, und i of iJS,Wo?d "'Bryant.' 'a Voir' to. 00 w 1 of aa I and tots of lota 1,000.00 Larran to Klchardson. aa or na t of na t. aec 11. 2. 2 200.00 r inu tn vvsr mot 1 of na 1. aec i i. ...... 100 Lorkwood to Burryander. 1 ac i int a nf (V n. Hrvant d. L c. 125.00 Lainberaon to Ollaon, land In Houlton 200.00 Lamberaon to Spence. two traeta In A. nroylea' d. I. c.. 260.00 UVulan n Urtti I 'ftmOTY. Und 1 I Int In aw t aec 22. 4, ..... 100 McCarthy lo McNeelan. aw i ( mMf it. 4. 1 1-00 . ,-.., tn lil.m. (Iria land. Columbia City 1-00 !McHrtde to Olltner. tide land. fvtitimma ciiv aec 28. I. 4 1,000.00 McKlnnea to Anderson, n i lot ?. aubd I. Winner d. 1. c 112.60 Sld'om to Paleraon and El liott, trustees, tract In na t of aa s. ec 20. 0. 4 Niemela to Lamp, 40 aca In aw I. aac 4. 7. 4 Niemela to Ertckson. tract In 6.00 1.00 1.00 -20.00 1,(00.00 450.00 176.00 1,100.00 20.00 sac 4. 7. s j Nion to Butts, lot in Columbia Same to" C." H. McNeelan, aam 0?tKO Wood CoVt'o Chaa. Rob erta, 20.30 ac aec , , O'Brien to Ball. 4 lot In aac 44 g g Olson to Hagedorn. w I of n t, nw t of ae J. aec 11. 6. 2 Oake to Butt, quitclaim to lot in Columbia City ti A 1 .1,1. n 1 1 1 r f In tm aac r "ii" : tr::v:: 100.00 Pelletler to West. Oregon num ber Co.. timber deed. Peck to Hall, a i nw t aac 12, s s 1.00 1,400.00 Feteraon to trusleea, tract in n I of aa t. aec 29, , 4 rayne to Jonea, tract In n t of aw t aec 11. 7. 4.. a - Praarott to Bulla, lota In Co lumbia City , Roger to Rogers, nw I of ae i. aec 2. 4. 4 : Rogera to Rogera. na I of aa i, aac 2, 4. 4 Ring to Montgomery, 1 Int In ae i aac SO, 4. 2 Slunmi to 1M Spain, a I of na i of aa s. sac 12. 4. 2 Schmldka to Keller. 44 aca. aec in f .00 1.00 20.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 750.00 147.60 Sheriff to Francy. aa I Sla'ven 'to Slaven. a ) aw of j Ji'ZtT..19 Smith to Smith. 2 lota In Var- t.00 5.00 ; gViser to Kngllah, 4 lots on Deer laland Sayler to Stewart, aw t aec 2. C 6 Sheriff to Case, lota In Vernonla Sackley to Pelera. n I na i and aw 1 of na i. aac 22. . Stewart to Pelera. n i of n; 1 and aw i of na I, aac 12. . 1 . . Stltnel to Banaon L. & L..CO-, ae t aac it. 6. ....-. State to Gillner. nw J of nw I. aac 20. 6. 1. Swlizer to Moeck. nw I of na i. and lot 1, ec 20, 7. 2. . . . . Stewart to Church, aw I of nw i, aec 27. 4. 2 ..... State to Meserve. 1 na i. c 27. 4. 2 8odderback to Pulllam. 20 ac; In aw ) of w t. aac 28, 8. 1 State to la Jersey, na i of aw i. i Af a. k um as. a. 4 45.00 1.000.00 24.00 150.00 150.00 10.00 (0.00 1.00 100.00 025.00 (12.50 400.00 OS! 200.00 ' gtaie to Powell, ae I. a i of nw t, aw s oi na i, aim w w I, sec 30. 4, 4 Sheriff to White, tract In aec 21. . 4 State to Wolverton, w of na 1 47 7 S. iim'iih ia Smith, t Int w I sec 24. se t m 14. all In 4. 1; alao w as 1. aa I aw i. ec 17. 4. 2: also und 1 Int of a i of aac is. s. a 5.00 ' T T lchanor to Tichenor, bond 800.00 rualeaa or f lora uoeny io Uewla Montgomery. ins in nw L aac ss, ana ae mon aa, all In 4, 1 1.000.00 Tichenor to Eastman, tract in aae 1. 7. 4 100.00 Tichenor to Holmes, part of blk 1, N. Clatakanl 225.00 Tyaskiewlra to Gosa, lota 5 and . blk 4. St. Hln... 10.00 Tyasklewlc to Laws, lot tn 8L. Helen ".00 Tracy to Hall, w I nw L sac ( 4 1,000.00 Tingle to M. E. Church, tract in aec 14, 8. 4 1.00 Tichenor to Tichenor. tract In aec 8. 7. 4 , . 600.00 Thornton to Butts, lots In Co lumbia City 0.00 j United state. emtoAnm, tenia to Annie m.e a l hurt F Webtser. Wil liam H. foster, lvi W. Ball, William H. Foster. Justus H. Cramer, Joseph Lea and Chaa. Jaspers Vincent to Heyele, tract in Kniscnton s a. i. (00.00 60.00 . to Columbia Co., land in ? J'-- vV V 'mw I nVHI IW LJSllllirOl OUIIl w, ar.aa. . scappoose - 100.00 1.00 1.00 (0.00 6.00 5.00 )-'. r0 Zwlemr. lot 1, blk a Rainier Sheriff to Plerter. w I of sw . aeo .13. 5, 4. and 21 blks In " Mellinger's add. to Vernonia 1,000.00 Zeller to. Godfrey, (0 aca In . ac 16, 6. 1 Su.OO AU the news local, state and national the MtST and Oreganian for ?'. Yon should subscribe now, C LATH KAN IE CORRESPONDENCE Mr. Nets Anderson Sell, n prosperous farmer of the Nehatcm Valley, brought load of potatoes from hi f irm to this city Monday and received the highest market price therefor. - It is said by some of our wise men that several of our citizens who would like to tie candidates for the office of Justice of the peace will have their names printed on the ticket as independent candidates, to be voted for at the coming June elec tion in this precinct. The barber's itch seems to be quite fashionable in these parts. Mr. John H. Wilson, of the Nehaletu, was doing business and taking in the sights of the city last Saturday. Lumber is being hauled into town from the mills in the interior as fast as possible considering tbe condition of the roads. The lumbermen are doing well to get any lumber into market at all. Mr. James Dart of St. Helens attended the Democratic convention here last Sat urday. Mr. Dart baa not been here for several years, and expressed considerable surprise at tbe size of the city and the amount of business done here; but Jim failed to get tbe nomination for county judge. No doubt had be received the nomination the Democrats all would hare voted for him, as well as some Republi cans. Our fellow townsman James Barr re ceived the nomination for county survey or on the Democratic ticket last batnnlay Mr. Dan Rice, who has been laid np with rheumatism the past several weeks. is convalescent. He will be wen enougn to go to work again in a couple of weeks George Howatson, of the upper Clata- kanie. was doing business in the city Tuesday. Miss Hazel Chandler and mother vis ited with the Misses N jra and Laura Con yers this week. News is about as scarce aa the teeth on the upper jaw of a six months old rooster. The Socialists will hold their county convention in this city next Saturday, for the purpose of nominating a tun set oi candidates for county offices. Miss Mary Tichenor Coles is teaching the Hazel Grove school. There will be a five months term. The May festival to be held in this city some time in May promises to be a very interesting, grand affair. Anv one who fails to attend will regret it all the bal ance of their lives. THIS BOYS FRIEND. John Dellar, corner First and Yamhill, makes a practice selling boys' clothes and shoes at the actual cost prices. Boys' suits, age 3 to 16, J.75 to 4; just exactly the same grade you pay $1 or $2 more for elsewhere, besides we give a bat and ball free with every suit. Prices on shoes," (1.25 and $1.50. You save from 50c to $1 in comparison with other stores' prices. Weinbard's beer on tap at the Owl saloon. A new line of boys' suits from $2.75 np. PERRY Sc. GRAHAM. SCHOOL REPORT. Report of School District No. 4, month beginning Mar. 21, and ending April 15. No. days taught 20 No. days attendance -345 No. days absence - 60 No. times tardy - No. pupils dropped 1 No. pupils re-admitted 1 No. girls enrolled - 9 No. bovs enrolled - - 14 Total No. enrolled 23 Those being perfect in attendance are: Hilda Peterson, Winnie Morton, Leslie Larson, Hilda Johnson, Lee Johnson, Donald Parcher and Tracy Parcher. ALMA THROOP, Teacher. JUIY LIST FOR MAY TERN Following is the list of jurors for the coming term of Circuit Courr, to -neet Tuesday, May 10 : La Bare, Harry E, Clatskanie, farmer. Way, Stephen S., Houlton, ctrmer. Sail, John, Mavger, farmer. Clark, Uther W., Houlton, carpenter. Harvev, Alvin F., Fishhawk, farmer. Adams, Chas. V., Warren, farmer. Boisvert. Chas. H., Clatskanie. fanner. Shultz, William I., Rainier, farmer. Adams, Fred H., Deer Island, farmer. Morgan, Jacob L., Westport, farmer. Anderson, Friti, Rainier, tanner. Landfeldt.Chris F., Clatskanie, fanner. Seflert. Bert, Deer Island, farmer. Hansen, Christian, Clatskanie, farmer. Howatsin, Geo. M., Clatskanie, logger. Hudson, James C, Hudson, fanner. Brinn, J. Nick, Yankton, millmas. Grant. Geo. W., Scappoose, farmer. Gust (son, Gust, Vernonia, farmer. Gisselberg, Aaron, Fishhawk, farmer. Sitti, Geo. H., Keasey, fanner. Roberts, Chas. A., Houlton, farmer. Girt, Grant W., Apairy, farmer. Thorp, Frank M., St. Helens, milkman Wanberg, Jonas, Clatskanie, farmer. Fluhrer, Fred, Mavger, millman. Hedges, Forbes, L.", Rainier, sticker. Peterson, Andrew, Hudson, farmer. Anderson. E. C. Fishhawk, farmer. Horgren, Ernest, Deer Island, millman Farr, Uoraon ai., tiome, wooa aeaier. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. In the County Court of the Stale ot Oregon, for Columbia i'onniy. lu the matter of the estate of Willie A Bailey, deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY C.IVKN THAT THE undersigned has been appointed Admin istrator of the estate of Willie A. Bailey, de erased, by Ihe Comity Court ol tha Mate of Ore gon, for Columbia County, and has qualined. All parsons having olaim against said estate are hentbv no' filed to present tha same lo ma at Ihe taw nOtreot t ha. J. Schnabel. SUCnamber of Commerce P.ldg., Portland, Ori-non, w in proper vouchers and duly verinei within six months from data hereof. Iwted and Drat publbhed this 15th dsy ot April, A. P. 10U4. P ALPRRD F. SMITH. Administrator of the Estate of Willie A. Bailey, deceased. CHAS. J. SOHKABEL, aLIVllS Attorney for said utat. GUARDIAN'S N0TICI. la tha County Court ot the State of Oregon, for Columbia County. In the matter t the iiiardlanshlp of Willie A. Hatley, a minor. U K IS IIKkEI r. VOTlt B 13 HEhEbY GIVEN THAT THE 1.? unriersiiriied. UttHrdlnn (in Oregon) of Ihe Guardianship estate ol suid minor, has tiled his Dual repor. aud annum! lu said matter In Hie County Court of the Stite ot Oregon for Calum bin County, and an order haleen mideant entered of record uamitig tho 23rd day ol Hay, 1WM, at the hourof tl a clock A. M. thcreol, fur the hearing of objections to sHid Mual report aud(or)ccouut aud for the taitlioii nt thereof. M. O. THOK-IKN. Gnardlau of the estate (lu Oreguu) of Willie A. Bailey, a minor. CHAS. J. SCUXAURL. tl'.MH Attoni"- )u; tiuardiai.. J STOMA COLOMBIA RITER fi RAILROAD COMPANY. DAILY. Bsieer T4TIOM DAILY. "1 r.. loo s OS o m o tn 0 44 0 tO 0 s OS 0 IS 0 S7 10 00 10 OS in 20 10 so a. st. A. ST. II 10 10 00 0 00 Lv Portland Ar 040 S It too ?s 1 m 1 20 1 17 7 02 (42 IB 020 0 10 0 00 M.4 0 U 4.S 0 OS M.i' 0 40 M O! 0 AO M.3, 10 00 SJ.S 10 10 M.I 10 21 71.-2 10 SO 7H 7 10 m s ! It OS 00.3 11 1 M.4 11 SO ws .... Gobi .... ....Rainier ... ... Pyramid... ..Mr.r..., ... Quincjr .... .. L'lmakaul., ., Marshland.. .. WetlfK.fl..,. .... Iltoa ... ... . Knappa.... ... Svtnnon.... ...John Dir.. 0 6i 0 SO 0 27 0 17 SOS 0 02 0 so t as S 10 0 07 1 0 7 a Ar. Anorls .Lv All trains mike elesa connections at Oobl with Northern Paetfle trains to and from tbe Kut aud Houad points. Al Portland with alt trains lesving Union depot, st Astoria with I. K. AN. Oo.'s bost and rail Una and auismat T. I. Potter to sod from llwco and North Resell points. Psssenrers for Astoria or war point mtiit fl&tf trains st lloulton. Trims will stop l 1st sw .ngeis off st ilou!toa wh.n coming from point. veil of uooie. av Oea. Pass. Agt.. Astoria. Or CITY BARBER 8HOP 0. CHAWrORO, Pnpr. Cleanliness is My Motto. Satisfaction Guarantee.. GIVE ME A TRIAL. NOTICE OF SALE. In the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Columbia. In the matter of the estate of John M. Gove, deceased. Notice is hereby given that pursuant to an order of the County Court of the State of Oregon for Columbia County, made on the 11th day of April, 1904. the undersigned, administrator of the said estate, will after the 21st day of May, 1004. sell at private sale at the office of the Oregon Mist, St. Helens, Columbia County, Oregon, to the high est bidder, for cash, subject to the con firmation of the County Court, all the i right, title and interest the said John M. Gove had at tne time oi ni ueam in and to the following described real property, to-wit : The northwest t and the southwest t of section 34, township 4 north of range 2 west of Willamette meridian, in Columbia County, Oregon. VALENTINE BROWN, Administrator of the Estate of John M. Gove, deceased. Dated April 11, 1904. 8UMM0NS In lb Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Coliimbi. . Job a Mert, Plaintiff, vs. Robert H. Barnes, DcUndant. To Sobers H. Barnes, Defendant. TN TUB NAME OP THIS STATE OP OREGON. 1 You are hereby roiulrea lo appear and an wer the complaint Sled aaaluu you In tha above entitled suit on or before the lh day of May. that being tha day Hied in the order of the Court lor you to appear and atumer, and mora than six weeks Iron tba Ont pabUrauoa of Ibis summon; and it yon (ail so to appear and answer, the plaintiff will apply to tba Court lor the relief demanded In tbe complaint, which is: That ihe puinilff be adjudged and decreed to be Ihe owner In tea slmpl ol tba fol lowing described real property, lo-wil: Th souib Wert quarter (SWk) of Ueetion three (i). In Townibipsix () Sonn, Range Ore (5) Weal of tbe Willamette Meridian, situate i In tha I'onniy of Columbia, State ol Oregon; snd that hi. mi. thereto be ouieted: aud that you be I forever barraJ fro userttug any claim. right, litle or Interest wnaisoeer in Lt, '.-..... ... n.rt adverse lo ibis plaintiff: thai plaintiff recover coswand disbuiaenicau herein incurred; and that Be be given such olher and further fehef a to tbe Court may seem Just and equitable. I his summons i. published tn "The Oregon Jliu" once each week for six successive weeks. by order of tne Hon. t. a. ai Dni. v. Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Colum bia County, as..ea Hares a. . v- " brt publication April 1, 1904; and of lael pnb- liciuu.2ia,l,l.. w.HpowtLU AprUfayll Attorney for Plaintiff. FOR PORTLAND OAILY Steamer Iralda C. I. HgkHrt, Muitr. - RAILROAD TIME. Leave Rainier dally (except 8undy)for Port .and. at 0 A. St.. departing from St. Helens at 8 o'clock. Returulug, leave Fort laud at 2:08 P St., arriving at M. Helens at 4:45. Passengers and Fast Freiitt. PORTLAND LANDING. TAYLOR ST. PROFESSIONAL. KOTABY PlBUC. CoNYEYAKCUia. J.B.GODFREY. 4TT0RXE Y- Al- LA W. Real Estate ant Tiller Lands Soli ABSTRACTS MADK: ST. HELENS. - OREGOS S. H. GRUBER, ATTORNEY- AT '-Rim nrilee with 1 . E. Quick, ST. HELEN'S, oKiaox. mstters entrusted to me. w ill practice in au th biala snd United states i.euns. W. II. POWELL, ATTORNE Y- AT- JLi W. DIPl'TY WSTR1CT ATTORN EY. ST. HELENS, ' OREGON. I. W. DAT W. B. DILLARD DILLARD & DAY, ATTORNE YS-AT-L.4 W Office next deo to Courthouse, 81 HELENS. OREGON. Will practi' i in any court, State or Fesl- eral. Dr. Edwin Ross, Physician and Surgeon, ST. HELENS. ORKGON. Dr. H. K, Cliff, Physician and Surgeon, ST. HELENS, OREGON. KSTABLISaKB lOSJ.. 1S72 JOHN A. BECK D8ALXR IN Watcbes, Diamonds, Silverware. JEWELRV..-. Repairing a Specialty. H'o.eliw.1 at, Ret. Front Plrst, POBTLaXO.