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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (June 26, 1903)
Tlio Kind You lltivn Ahvuya IitiKlit, ami which )hih been til Bto" lor ovrr ilO year, Im homo tlio li;nn turo of f 0, ami Iiuh Imim iimitc tin. I. r liU i r- All Ollll(rfrll, Imltllllull Illl, I KltbMltllff ,,r l,ut J.;,. pi iliiu riU tluit Irlllo with iiii.I i n. Iuin;i r lln. Iwiildi ,f liiLiuta Mini t lillclreii-i:..Tl. im o auliiHt I'aihtIiiu ill. What is CASTORIA I'uatorht I ft mihutltutn for 'niior Oil, riiri-Koile, lrop iiikI Hontlilliff Hyriii. It l ILuiulif, nail PlcHnml. U riuilulii lu ll her Opium, .Morphine imr oilier Narcotic Milixlaiicc, Ita ko I lit Koiiraiilcc. It ilchtroja Worm unit ulluy lVvrrUliiicmt, It cure IUmi Im-u ami Wind Cull. It relieve TcftliiiiK Trouhli'H, ciiich ti.ti.tlpittloii noil riiltllleney. It ttsMiiillutiM the I'ihmI, rKiihifin tlm Sluiuii.Tl ttiil limit I. Kiting liiultliy iin.l iiaturul akin. 'I'lio Chlldreii'tt I'tiii.tnu-Tlii, .Mother' I'rleml. CEIIU1NE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bcara tbo Tlio Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. k jatlmi ji jmi .ft Till: HKi STORH I)()VN ' The Bin Sawmill!- I Hftivim; NVw (.mN Kvery ilnv in tin Wi-ek THE MUCKLE STORE HAS A REPU7A- ti.ot o( In H1111.I1C4 (or Only tl.c licut in GKNERAL MI-RCHADISK- Dart & M. II.-h'iH. - - - Own. 3? iw-iM-irLtritiLriiartrt&-gar ir tnr ger . r " ST. HELENS J , Patronii-c ; tlrnj store wlu-n yui want imv, fresh ami reliable Drugs and Patent Medicines Perfumery, Toilet Articles, Klc. HEADQUARTERS Pine Line of Writing Supplies. Plain ami Decorated Crepe Paper, l'.tc. i Direct from Pablistser-Redtilir 4 M. C C.ENl-RAL lValcr i',iosa. n.oi am. i .M J'MMH ANO .Ills!. Itll tl l.K I desire to say that I 4'''''''' stil every person in Columbia County. !u i,e,,lU 1u.nt.nt foods anorns tnr nunu - trons are getting their money's worth. ST. HELENS. - - OREGON i Dr. A. F. KNODER, L'enusi i ji ,,,a ,,..,. ortlce to tht. " ... ...... ..niahe,l. 3i7 Failing Building Signaturo of -mi jijtnjeijvt-tn-mi i 1 Muckle, S FOR SCHOOL BOOKS 25 cent Novels Only 10 Cents J 9 v V y Hf W V VJ 8 GRAY 4 in MHKC11AND1S1' 1 , :,.s. ,.., St wouW like t. do business My policy and at honest prices. it pa hen I feel that my 4 - j j. j ju Ai Ai ada " . l L it MOHAWK !".. ' r Thin. I'tc'iitollicoal r 'V ".' LOCAL , r r I Welhllllld'h I.CIT 1,11 (Ml, III thu On I I million, I lii.n( A H.,,,,., ( Vnll. v, ,v,. n lot j "I kliiiinlr ,,r Mil,, ui II., nil. ,n. I J. .1. ihe Kt, Heli um, pholoK- ! raphi-i, will ;(., YYrm.iiia ,n July ' no. nun i. main iiniil ull.-i -tin- 1 nli. I I "III iK Alllrkle hllVO ri'l'I'IVed ll.t l.f I !,.,)' mill y., in I,,' cluiliiiiK, niiiiiij in i uln In, in l ttt) Mi (7 ti). I inn ..Hire Iiiih x. rlirc.l t.,i pcrvii'iMi o no i . ri. iM J..I, .i lhlcr, iii,. m pn- .lll. i I., it.. i.H w,,s ( . I , . 1 y . I'.ll'l (..i'.t I In. .h.,(. km., t.a-f) n tlm, , rk III M, C lilHj'u fl.,.,., )H, li-lt-iiH, ( . I. Ilui-li hcrvc tin: l.,t lnuiii-iuMilc! I 1. l' .'Muni (It !ftll.'',V I'.iiih.'h ..I. . ....I- I .ii c .ciy ,s. n ly ! SvM r . J I'm i'i.hiii v h.o in t l.i- lii,.li.ry .,((',, I,,,,,- 1 llii'H. mi l, l.n i mi ii.m in DM 1 . ,111,. I III in v nli... Mill' M. (' '""v' hl; ll'-l'-'". ,w,n .N.i, Knitiliiv i, I'ytli. . . I I I . I I . .,r . . , IIIK, i.l M. II, I.-iik. I i.l.alnl l?.r, I,, ll. 1 111 ppiii'i . ulL n-rn at ll,,- n,. -i,ni! !- j I .i,-.ay nlglii. j ( ',..i,.. iii l, ,,,,!, I i . li.tttli-f to H'liiii i,e tut. oll..: l.y V.. j 1,1 ""''' Oioiiiiihj lit llic Int. t. ,aler illl j p.. limit I te 1 eiill lie n-i.l i-epui alely . If. 1. IV MlIUIK hil .,..l it luil line ( I, n...k ..I L'.-m-iiil i,,.i. l'l..ll.ll'l .'.111 j.l, l I. Mil., etc.. Hlj.l it ' in., Miirii local ami i-ilit'iiinl n. alter l 1 r.,w.. . ...a I-, iiiake n,.,in .,r .-.,(, i.iy Ht-nl iliwitmiNii. An ev-.-!,..,t l.v ii . '. H ( apl. ..I I ..liiiniiiu I iiy, mil up p. HI 11.11 HI ek. 'I he Wiiiren I'.iiimI jf ive a n.i ial .lai,.', ill tl.e heu I111II 1,1 Unit pl.iee I'm (..lay I.IV'l.t. .-.-trial .-1. II. leu,, ,e.,pl.-nt i.'t.ii, .1, ni,, r...i I hat 1114 .-i.t a.i en J.t l.l.i,. e elill,. Tdeie il! I.e 11 l :ili.-t .i u ie itiel .lu!i cillif, at Y link!., 1,. ,.l, Jul,' llie -111,. l,e Wit'H ii Iwitel mi!I I'itty j:rrif.j I-. ti-Miw .In, iiii- llie .lay. 'I ..k'- y.Hir i-iin k. in an. I t'l.j v a ):,!., jit! o itui. Mr-. I ir.l Idiifu Kli' -ei t e iip,ei tottii'il:.i-ei-rn al I. p. 111. inel at ii.i.liiu'ht,'.y "..11 in y t' V. . Karri, 1 1 1 . i I., l.a '..-'the pilil'H ..11 t he ,' ,ir Li- he l.n k aiei I iiikIh.', .Inrii' III.' C'.,!!.!!!,. Hl'.-lt. Till- . VI 1 1 I H'l 1 lii . enpt the miter ( p:l. e he- Ivti.ii I u 1 U r l..irl,.t fh 'p aiel the i,,lil.ali .. k, Miw. liila J'.uet.. ll.e well kll",tl lull ic I' ... her, . I r.,i!hiii,. t'a.e h ,111 ,'!. t. IllJi.' pe'.pie a ilell'hllul pi. I If III ti,e n'',Ufsl llll.if. M."! v "I thrill vvere her pie lu ll.- pupi Ti ..itiiK h it,),,; e.l Ihv ..inil.i.' iu.ii;i"oeiy. lle- hlll.'ttlw w . i . ,.i I "I. U. I'.e. ker. ii.illincrj , him III. 'Mil from lii-1 iii.d s..ln."ii -tri.-t-.. I'ottlaii.l, H here the htou w it. loeat. l for llniuv venial pat, to l l,."tlll new rpn.irleia tit Tlilld alleet. It H hurt the lnit e..l,,let llill.llieiy cMilhli-l.luci.t UI I'lirtliind. ('liamlK iIain'" si .n,n. h and Liver Tuh'.ela are J.l-t what y , II need hell loll hair iii. appetite, le! .hill alter cat- : Inland wake lip with a bud tiifie i" tour inotiih, They w;ll ini.ruve your iipp'H'.C, ilea n e and'.iiate your ..'ii:ti'.h and .'ie ion a r.-h-li tin y.ati KT ah' l. K Utn U-.i.. "I t.ave i ven t'l.itl.hd h r x.nie tone well iltd." t'oii rtti-l f or toieiuh," III Mi. M-rnli W. Clllf. "f Lee,, Ma., "and h'v" ''' tiiK'i'lf loon- I. eil.on'a sum. a. Ii itiul Liver Tnhh t lui h huve help. . I li e very much i II. nt now I c.iti ei.l ninny Ihiu" that I i-niiid ...,t." Ii t"ii have any ir..',ih!e Milh al.anaili why tmt take th.-e'le' ami )-'''t wti.'.' I''"1 i"-1''' F.dn to Kof lii-ueral l'i aaeatcrrAitrm Maya IvMic A MuRiilllccul llmiklcl. J.C Mayo, the widea wake nme ral pa.M 11,'eiit of the Aaloiia A I'.'.'nin- , ' ., ,. i.., Ion,, oi tlu Uiot i.tliai live den i iptive pam piil. 1. 1 ver i.-u.'.l in Oreu'on, and i el-it.-itnlv .ie-iitned in the highest si. vie of 11. e ei u' liver's and printer' art. It is iiiuliat. d w itll -1'. h.ilf tot'.e ciirAvinir", showini; up to i-M'e!l-t,t'-' ..-.lies in he viciiiui "i ," . , , ,'. . .... i,..k. coltai."' ami hotels nt flats,. . i'M iich, pi, tnr. -.pie seetie" aloiiif the line .,f the r.uiioad; also an exc.-ltent cut of Ka 1 mer. Manv ol the enerav iie,'- are ; ol lull pa sl.e, 11m I me true i" na- tilte. 5 11... r.-a.lh d is in ex-'ellent w -mli- li.m, and tntins reneh Ihe seaside in hair hoii.fl from I'.'rtland. 1'iose con ue.'lioll. am made with 'he sleAiner Loiter nn-1 the .nlicott.i ha ll-va," and I oej! I'-ea, h points on the W ihihitt.-n isl.ic. Ceaeh exelll.ioil tiel'els are so d J at Portland that nre in!' i.'han.:.'able i la-twecii Ihe lv- A N ) ,r,i. spoliation t'oiiipaiiV sleiuucrs .Hid ; the raiii "el. llnnnCM ! WAnntIN I The picnic itiu'li June the I'.'th, under theau-incesol Ihe l-.iatiicacat i-niiicii . ,, . I... I. n ul it u'Uli' i ... I .... l. Oiville tiairiMiu's place, I " ...,..;., i . ,l,le nil .tr. AhoiH StC I , a 'i ." ' "J. ,- , . . . i.le a a i It ,1 I In lOM'ln ol I 111' epi'ori.i- i iti for a .lavs oiiliinr. One ol I ne hiom pliasinr l. atnres oi the day. wits the ;,-t ii.n-lc fni'i't-hed hy ihe Warren r.atid, hoth alniitMhe route, and on lh.' 1 1" i.l.-lll.- liiotnui. The i.ii nic tfi'.nind i l mveiy nii"e ; .u', .iu.cilv i.ppome ini't across .ai" ;?,..,' e,e, k Horn Mr. tian ison's icsi Idence. I'heie int line cro,h.-l ground, In s roliL" wooden swimjand a linmpi-r o Iin'stic s.-ts, JiM helow in n hutuiilul llillletflade. there tn.t.hles loith a line I splint! "I "''' M "'0 .'I'T ! hotintcoil. Inneh was spiea.l under tin live- in. d ji'.K'inil from the happy ch 1 v,,-nti..n indulged in iltiiim! the repast, .i.i- ... Ihe l.l'.VIIIlll was CVI.Iently I .' ' L- ..e,,. i ,. ! oiea v en oi''". ,- . w.,1 .In ii ui.' ihe ilav. As eve hum Iheir fail's i,. .1 iiial nil tin ned "r "" ... i. ,.... ,1 hv homi'wai.l, the ronie u """,'" 1 1 i t fie Warren many t..,iuti u airs ir- l and. I' .ciy one ntr.e.i nun pl.-a-iint iht v h'.'1 l,ce. slieul. The item iihont the l'.aud t'onei-i l n ! ,lime at Wa.-ieii, wns crowded tint U"s ek. Wl appe r in the i.i-xt is V Tlinrmich liiT"lliriillin. w...... .-sin the city who have i.o par ,i',,lr ..lace t 'do their lindinit. have l....l:d lll'l'liml ill th' Inru.'st siou-s in the .-ity, mid found J maoiiat;la plucc I liu IVIIar the most iuve.-l with, hy pitr- Iiiibiu! men s line and men's shoes, in inns, na, ,. shins. a. we" " nnilerwear. ll.ey l.a lin n- apP't cia l; ' '"u' ,,,-ieM Mr Pe lar nns "" '" , ' o rea-o- .',,... n nder-eil o. e-h ts he- ......o e aic on tnc ei" ne. . i Villi.! hill, r.'rl.nh'i. .""' '" "" . ha 1 It as mticli as on linn., ov Wnshim.""" slreets. whiskcy al .he Owl sa P.e,i, h Tree loon. I'ltinn llns., pn't" letol's, UIICCl r l.-,,s,l. t'ltv, OKI. t ity, am. .""'- ' - f,-.1-es .V i.a.iowav. On:, n t oy, ivt. ,',(, I.iiic limits ol any l"wnship in '5 J ! M PERSONAL J. l. fit f j, i.f Vulli-y, w;i ll.'li iii, Wcilhi'ifliiv, f11- ! i Mrs. Kiiki im. ',lnki.i..v iiimI son, an- viHtinj( her mmiT in uni..r. I'l'frv ( il'.iril. in rl'.u II fl..... I'..rlliinil : '"r 11 'hiy, Hs.tlhir. lit hoin. lh Cooper, it SeHppoose fanner, wns "'hoity III.. T. li.'lt'llH visitors .Monday. Mrs. John (i. IViiikI.., (, (leer Island, .n a uini.i in ni. iii'Iciih I'riil.iy. MihH Currii' l'lliirif.,!,, o l' x Liu ml, l-ite.l Miri. tr. IvUm 1(., vi r Siiii- liiy. Mi-h. C. I.. Kn.iil, f I IJ.,I a iinr,l.,l Mi. Al it.,l,ui-on luH h'aiiir - 'lav. i .Mr. ini'l Mn. vl HulmeH, of Heap- I..H.H... Men. n.iii.iy ... t . 1 1 I .... u I 'liirnlav. Mn.J.M,, k mi.l i liil.lri-n, ol , Cliit - kanii', in vifitinit litr ciimn. Mm. A. T. I.iiwn. 1-,,-rt S.,ir,,t, , ...,.,!,. reu,w,l t., I'l-cr Inlaii'l (rom Cialfkanie. Mas in !t. I I.. I 'I' - -. ' I li-leni Tiie,, lav. . I'. Tin ker iiiul Je!,(. Jii;e o-c' ivei fi., in V.ri... ilia N.iini'lav, alter m I'.inl f feir l for Hie mail r.,ut lio,p. M-. J. W. llav ll u..t rr-i'ie,i ti.,iiie! fl.,111 n,., nth l.'liullaiii.VflMi., until nest Mi. a,l .Mr ucn-iii tortn , -ii rarKcr. 10 rumieir, j I'ri.l.iy on their way to , l',ll,,,,.l 1 (iui. k ; n cilati.,11, Krc.l ilaitlor l ; reci 'le .'L;.'. w ho him In'i'ii a ,.,ii,. t icn, . i.i it, 1 Mi-. I nil, Mu.l.-ut .. I he State .Normal tjcli..l m ; ..rimarv (lux; rcrita'i',11, Venn l, I.. i- the pa! year, in at lioiue i; reeita' ion In H'.v.l Italian, Searl lor tne iiuiiuer viicatioii. ami l.liu" Waiia; rc-iiaiioii, Mi P. r.lie ll,.ni aceouianifl Mr, i "A Millie, a Word, a Touch," Mary Rob lleui i. h to (he I'pper Nehaleiii, the ' innoi, ; .,nj;, Ruth l'eeker ini'l tilailyi' latter pari of lat eek, ami w ,11 virit j Water ; 1,-a.liii.r, Sa-lie Kill; re;ita ttinc t'.i a r'liiple ol week". t tjini, Lena LimlHnv; rwilatiou, liuiti i 'link W 'ik-irmn, kf.n of J. I jrnrTIi',,'tr'l-o't n.l I i 1'inlyn 1 ie ; recitation, Mr., in, I, a- ieitii.i. l iro;iorviilli.-. ! -'"-i Cule; recitation. Mildred Tag wheie he ha- he.-n .ijjrTii.ij the State I A f 1 1 lllt.lial l,.,!e..-. - 'itiji Tu-'ki-r who nt tram VtMioiii:t, . thti mi! I Itf M-ek, ;iut i.M.k out Ui fT the r-ii.t, uiihii he in buuiit tjii Urn JiliU't. I' K. K:f.-t.MitiUi, ti pfjiitiiii'tiL ilairy- IhKil, Ol l ttii-timf ;trt i'l Si. Jlflrlm I ti -"i.iv. iUf r y tu l Iht iliin vin li'ii-iiifM i!i.--i'rrin, H. Ii. N uh'tfiis, it i'ifil:iul iitiorncy, , Iris li.iiii h funiiii'1!' i-oiiitc nil hi. mi- i'i IV H'i j'llliiJtiJ; 1 1-tUJlMll, Mtul tt 111 hpi'liU ,H ji.llt dl l fit: HlJitti;r iMffe. 1 Anlir.t r, h wi ll kiitiAd ti'ifnt ol ,,.i..; t, hi. 'J an i Htiiof ottfatiilv'fe i"- I!i- i atnii on It f.iaci iii.ui, whs in low n U'eJiienlav. fotinly Stiiiinti-n.ient I. II. (:'ope- j "" '" "'J nest hx mouths: Ma. laii.1 "atieuduin the mc-lin . the 1 K-r " i-.tti Lill.c M. IVriy; auperin state Teacher' A,-.a iUo in tNartlitu.t i n.l.-i. Saral, I . lk-iohaw ; treasurer, tin, week. Mm. Topi-laud, .Mr. S. S. ''o Se'""r i" '"' Way and Mia. Leota L.we, aUo are it. !". K'l";'; '' V- ' "': ..t In dance I junior conductor, t.rac L. lien. haw ; ,l " , .. . , .., i M. of ('., I'ora K. Weeks ; organist, Mi.a J. L. I ;-. of ernotm., wa-wiUi j J(,11U, uilw. a load ol hotter llie lalter-fatt ol htt . .... ii ,: i He riLoitc. irrtt Sunervi-or t lalk wa do on lue r,,.id on exeellent tmik I : Ol thu ll.ollll- tain. Mi. and Mr. W. II." I'oweli went to l .a I .and S.t, .day to ee t ins S. Sum h, an in i le of the i.n t. t. Mr. smith h a n.aiiiifiic: eriin; phariiinciit, of St. Loui, M-... and i interview in whulvialc iirnjii.-te oil this A--, r A. T, Law- mid K p'.itv Mar tin hue left tie lii. -i oLniif week for the Nel.iil. in va)ey. wkeie they mil in leiM. iv the n lii lujrta in riMcrcnee to their property vaTuctt. Mis Iorothv ("uj.eland. who lias for aoiii time, held a i, irilion iti J-l one i-tort- Ill I'or-.lan.l, . ' hioth.-r, t'oiihtv Siiperintendent ('ope-1 laud at lloiiiiou, over she ''thi week for Topi. Ii, Nevada, where ehc "lcis to mako her iulore home. K. K. Throo., ti well known Vernruiist ini-i etui i t, was in town .Monuav aiier a load , f height lor hi stoic, lie, also. met his datiiiter. Mr. INear t'lieldelin nml child, "i Kendall, Wii-h., ho was on her way to X enemia to her pnr cuis lor a few weeks. Ch tries Little an I K'sii; A 1 anif . of 1 1. niton, and Sidney Malstein, of 'er 11. -iiia, t tl lents at the State Aaricultii ral t'olh'ste at Coi vaHi-. have retui ncd to their respective homes f-r the tiin uier vacation, Mr. I. iltlc expects to e enre eiiiplovmeiit down the river diiriti;; Ins vacation. frank hleir.I.a Port land a 1'oi'tl '"d atloiiii-y. wn-here Saturday liHikuig "" ter Ihe she, it! s loieelo-nre sale o pr'P- ertyin llie lower Nelin ,ein, "'"K1" to Charles K. Ashman and Samtiel swan-en. Tue prop, rtv wa-hid ill 'v Ti.eodoie Anderson, who held the inort - tW. lor ttW. j W. K. I'iper, it ,ioininent yon nil far- : mer ot Si ippo .so p.eeiiu t, was ill SI. ; Helens Monday, lie is a scion oi- one of the cm ly pioue r ta.nilies, mid is a i native horn Mill of C dmnhi.i cat nly. I Mr. 1'iper stateil that nuiny ol in, liner in tinlt sect urn aie now cir.iiu): i tlwir clover hay. ('..nsiderahle 0111 .,s .anie.l In that section, wmeli win , iK-coincrieii i,..., eiii.iKe. . s roill lias lll-l men a ooioM-, i-t tiled a don,;ey eniunc, ed lol nit ''I his n ccnliy ,1,,',- h-l.-k ol Sea I-IH.O-.C. ,lll, ll.HK II .ii sit" is eleaicd, nml the in .- ! tin.l eo.nnielie a. -.mired tin I , , ill ; ins sa linn will MHIll I't' 1'l.lnerv nun Miueiine placed ill position. DEER ISLAND. aiven l.y Miss Audrcss he honie el tu'l pait'lts, ...11111,1,1 ro Inn wa-i ''I very lari ly alt.-lided on ae ''""' r,li"', . - , . Uveiy dnei'l 1. i, a per..-,, gen, in .;....- X rn n to Mr. mid Mrs, Art 1 xon on!eveiv respect. III. re aeenis no room j ..i-atii.t i-etei -L .iii-i-.' ai litianlian i 1 Thill sdav ISlll, ll daunhtfr, l'r. t'lill" al- ! r luiproveineilt from the top of the!, he ,,ei,, ami eaHlea of Ui-orve l.awrem r tendii.K.- ! wcathei-vane to ihe hoUoni ,,f the fonu- ;'fT1Y.,li!,'a Mis vheaier r.-tiii ned from Portland, i dali.,11. Anions! the inany w ho have ns- awl.t,,v i.oaisi.'ii .in, tela l...r.ue U.isu Saturday, wheivslie had been .he last Im.-tetlin the kliiMiim three i,i,u,e a.l ( .,, ..;, J.a k'"";!' week will, her little son, who his la-en ,jii:le lie is nniuovinc, lint slown. Mrs. ("hai h s I'.H.pei ami In tu .mi . visited with her teiient hv of Ka- ' Vlr and Mis N. A. Andiesa, Si.tuiday and Pnti d.iy. Mr. Tin in a" Sullivan, of l' was the o.ucrt of Miss liessie .Mak'olin, Sim day. II. t tiore's new shingle mill nrrived here hy the Noriheiu I'aeilic tie'tcht train. Kridav, and was Iniuled out In I is place on Sat mil. ,y. Ilciiiy rh'V says h i"i wili he shingles in the air, now. Xli Hii.l Mrs. .V.iion hlc. who reside on the N. Merrill place on Peer i-l'iul, spout. Miim-.iy win. -u. am. .'..... ... . .... .t ru....iai.... ,' ,, li -i; i -Ii. W. V. Kninces, of r,,rtland, was a ii...... y i im in. T. a. i. niiii. an ., - s is pr. siiuni ui mo .mi no. i. j-i.f. . 1.),1,,.,!ly. - i K ,v. the li-vear old son of Jan. p. ( 1 ait i ens. came vcrv near .leinit tiiow i',''i uh elect i -icily, a spark! nr. oi in lienhit i slouith la-t Similar. He, I ;VI,,. ami iiiilictintt a sli-hi hnrn on his wi.ii hi.- ol le' Lift hers were playing in : .,0t, ,,,,,1 eai iy kia'ckiuit 1 in, down. i, I, i,i ...le' hrnt hers were ol ivmi in an 'd skill, I he Imat irave a line., ami (,rcM him out and he went nn.h r sever al times heioro they could jjet hold ot - ,1'1"' i n a rarY5 laiv. I -. T -. ; T7. a v. J ..9 kllM IJ. ,Sm St'K USit - fc. S ST.TllZS. -l,"" f f , f Csming unls. Pmirl ti rf .1 nt v ih'Ii hrallnii Hi Olnts- kunli', urid haskel picnluit Bt Vernoina mi. I Vttti k triii. Tl... .1. ,ii. athilt nl thfl I1PW Htlllllst church ui Y it nk fin will tike ,lncn on u.i i. , lii i. hill . Horvie.-s Hill heifill all 1 a. .., anl the amnion will 1' pr. hi'Ih-. l.y R.-v. laniard M. Kilt-y. 'I'll" llllllllC M CHrilittl'V illVlttf'l t'l jiruni'iit. l'irt Hi;iial Counly .Miimlay, July lilli. K-iit election (.'lilllrcu'n lay K crclwn HtTlt-j t'u Ki'i'Kittluuul t uurrh. Tin 11101.1 elaliofiitii piugrani of C'h -ilrtMin' Idiv ci.iric evi-r Ijc. in lliic t'i,V - waN pr'-wnti-fl in llii city la-t Hiiil.liiy cvililDK lit tlm ('oliiCU'sjutii'lial fliurcli. Tim ilicoral ioiik wi-im pr..tne .. i i.l u r 1 1 mi !.. 1 1 v u rr .. ...ful . till. urrallH- ' in ci. I Htiofaiiijf many pictty i tlci t". Ivv, li riir-, Ort'Coii wild K"M'''i tow, cut tl'.wei", ilr., Vitru proiiiiucnt foiilnrrK ill the ilccMHt .oim. lira. J. II. Ii.rker. tin) p-iin,lnv-M.-lioul mipxrintvuileiil, (.rci'li!.!. n'l the lc v..lioiial cerei'i were con'liictcd l,y Kev. ti. A . ia'ijart, who ul.-o ili.t the l ncli ii.Hkii.jr in nlililioii to thssiinirt mill in iirji- 1 nelcr-tiou, the fellow 111 p'.'roin waH prrcule. : liiUilii. l.,r n-i'ilHtioii, Mary lloliin eon j reeiiation, I.ittli- Tlnnjr, Clara hie; recitation bv Jolinnie ll.ri unv, Virgil tan, Clilt anil Until Hi-. Ker; recitation. II wer Ic.-on. I,y 1 A, la tie. rife. Anna Quh.k ami Alice B'V,1 The collection for the Stattf Sunday-, H-h.,,,1 work iu ttri-j;., n. amounted to i ti5. - --i Thai Tlirobhiusc IlpaUuche. i V.,n!.l qnieklv leave von, if you eci'd : Dr. Kin-i'a New Lite I'ii's. TliotlFanl : ..1 min.-reri iihvr prove. i ineir iiiaiciui.-e. merit for Mck Bin Nervous hea.laehes. i Th..v ,l. t.l.u.t ,1.1.1 hail I in, I your health. Only -'.) cent-, money hark if not cum) eua I'liariiiacv. poiu oy ine i, ni'i-! , . , ,i I llUlTe l.lecllOIK. j Honlto-i A.-..eii,hly .So. HII, elrrteil the Mowing tl:cers lat rtiday niyiit to --iv -o. j..,. ....-...... .. ... the new ..ilifer of the Wiaaliuen of tin World ( map and the Women of Wood craft l';nleal 11 ouiton, cariy in July. i HI? Shoe Sitle . I have pi.-ked from my .lock 12J pair I of noiLi'iis', ifirla' and children's shoo.-, I tnehiditiir a lew pair of ineii.'', j and placed Hu m on sale in my tlin t hiii. low at prices ranging like the fol-j lowiiin : Ladies' Kecular ft shoe at $2. f2 " ' 1.25. Mines' " 1.75"" " .fiu. Liiiidrt-ns' " 1 " " "HU. 1 tun IS u run oi run. ,i.,ii:- ,u , ... , , e... i cn.'rp, Kiel i,iii,iiir I ueui iioi i,i in,.. not lh the for half lh . . ' ... . . ... 7 M. C. Okay, St. Ileieiis, U10. KEASEY Mrs. K. W. Kcasey is at home aisain, after a stay of two weeks at l'itUburii. I'oft muster Keascy has recovered front his sudden attack of ill, less, and is able to do lirflit work on the ranch. Mis rior lire '.liuwn a? railed to litT m,.,.,. 5we-t u the W-limnetie MciIian tu home ut Forvst viuv hv a tn.-,, j t'tHniiH -omitv -re8ic. to ua-i-fy the.uiu statimt that her ...other iua dead. OulAtVrZ'? an ival thci e si.e fiitliel her lumber y, I alive, but w itll seeniinuly a lew h.uiit twixt tide and eternity. Mr. and Mm. Joseph lteed accompanied Miss Brow n, Mr. It. heinif her mother's biother. 1? i..i'i,r.... ; i-ltlii... I, id. M o'.. , ., -',' . . , , '. Kess.v , e w ill retili u to his woik in Vnllej i'rtif., after the l.",mrth Miss Martha ' MeCiuill-v and Oeorire Adams also, are vi!.j,j,lg, -Ht mwi. p,-.r,.. tieoive is j ahl,-t have his arm out of the sling j mi,s( () ,,,,, J ,jr iicinrich ami son. Jnllie, fmin , 1 1 lu, are visiting her l.rother, Louis , ttueck Mint family on 1'ppcr K.a k creek. ; she w as iicco'iipanied hy K.lna I lai i is, St. Helens. They wiil reniain until ; alter the Kmirlh. The new sehool hone in District 1H iniitt'Mr. rettijohn's, is supplied with) ;i i.,i,, i i . .r i, i.-h will,1 ' , . ., ' . .... , , fnii;.s. ivith I he exception of Mi.-: ii,. Sttts. .Miss l.i.zi'j I..iily presnl I , yalilacttoii ol patrons and pupils, j , , ,,., plsant UailUmc . , . x, .... , , ,.u-e at Mr. IVttljohll , YANKTON. Cl.,. 1!..,,,;, ,. I... p.. I. iu ..,.M.,., ..ot. rnt i.leiion and will ! Julv 5th. nly 5;h, eoplo me free ol all deht. Yai.U'.u l'i an,..,.. ..e.,,,,1 ,(f ,le ..1.,,,-ols hidi Mauds . euiineuee in thu. leutel ol the - , . . : -i, f distan. e i out m especial icon, ineiic. - uiose oi I nt in espectal pion.ineiic. - uiose ,. , . eon I nines laroeu, ii .u. laioen nu.i coo I !i u ies lar'ieii, u .u. laroeu aim '' i"nK t.iowu, nicy acre tne oiui i.ui: ' t'ommitlee and have done most of the i worn, irea.-on iiiroei' iiieseiiii-'i ine or titan inn: the Heats, wtnte .ins. li-i..i..Tiri.i: t ii.i. i,),.iuti:'uii I eh.'ii'.delier. The pulpit is the work .t! ' lViti'.ni Tin hell and the liil-li: the il't -f I !rs. Iiiowii. The church has a regular i ' seatii'it capac'ty of lf, w hile exi i"i seal, j it-in he piovid, d oil o.-eH-ion f. l" 10 i....r-. ; i i'.verioi.e is invilidto llie dcilicaiioii ; 'a.iva-es. J The sehiHii incetii ir was held on t l.. ll. Ill I "I'm s. J. .s. i "i.i am ,.; et -d dilcet.u . e, thunder slorni the 151 ecinc. have a jjriidjje, at .inki.ui, Mr it sti n 'll a iiniiiliei ot plan's thouiih in, ,lau,a;e - u.. i,. I v u,,js n .arnitf for his horses win n I a holt of . Ic-li n-iiv sun, k h sittw mar I ,am door : the haul seemed d Kav. Ketch, 'in cf ih" Imp eichrd in the .. li.M.lliouse Sii'.d iy eveiiiiijj. The saw mill "i J - Ur.i.n and Siaiiw.ssl is ii, arini: Coinple ion. i. .. n M w-.i p,e:t.'h ' .,' a t ., M. .,,!',. . ii"x.. S,,l;,l IV .e."l."C. M.l.t I'" ''c .-.'l:il ." ."hp.l of U.v . , , , - , tlwtli,-,. M,lM,, fA, I.nteal Inll. hVf t nrta I ' in4 ilm-lii'.r, for w tl '"" i-mi.i t,r L'iili.i(ii M. V it. Oeniilnc ralfaklli Mm A fl.. liaht mi.l ilre,-y .b . Our f.nw mi ottora, al la a bnritaiu. .',. M Mi l.adlii I'm ml Plliiuifl Mioc, lhn-ho f.,r atrtfrt wear 8 2-li 8 21s 8 2 I. awn 1fnwera lor.,. ti nu ll lila'tva tVi-p tnr lh uaklaff nur t.fiirral ( aiuioaue ,11, Pacific Mail Older Conipau POKTI.AND. OKFOON R. BECKER 31ILLINERY WuVKD TO 214 Third St Corner of Salmon Portland, Ore(cn pNtterit hum, hUo a lot ol trlmme-I hat Ht irrt'iiily re-ln-'d prt.-en. You htv pordiF-ll)' iiivl(ti tiicutl ami tx aniln uur Spring Sta les CITATION. lu the ('otihfv rt,ti--t ut thi Hfate of Oroon in in th luHUor of th Ktiaie of Je W. Gnilfl To Hn..r,i CJ-iil i) AnnilrontT. William V fUv.hi, fUli.t (inill'i) i;le-in, I hert-fc f ' niil-i ) IIhiik-, f'tii.'!:?;j f wiil (jecviift, tin'i Knchel I. HrirrM, v hIhW o( ijfe-eit,tfi, ami nil er TIIK NAME OK HI.-; TA k ok ork BO boji; lot! Hud each oi you a.e firtov titro ai'pe-r in i he i ouuty t.oiirt tf I tie pint-1 oi nrwn. lor tin- (.ojuty of roiun.b:n, al tu.- ot :.!'!. iMii. oh Tte 11 ti tl:ty f Jnty. nl 1 o-t'.f k, in thu afliTiiuoii til HiU Hat , t - t utt mi ofit-r iioiij'l not j nia-ie irrtniiUi tt ; ! the no'Mtiniwtrrttur MiidetUii fiiTm.ion uiim lUd, li(l hi... 1,.Ull ll... ru.-l ..tmt. ..t ..i,t in- h irfir i v. ;A. T. -1 S.. K, We-i oft ine -tu ru'!-; thriit;e v ;:U a line ptnAt ttiih ( ' ' V ' ' ' 'I,e',V'; turiee ..f '-2 ni.le: tin-iiee to n,,; line ol at.l v. .).: tl.-.-:.,:.-. n ,t.? s. en- ,i ia attoth.; WK " tt;Mi'-, cntaaia i aeie. n coi. I MM etelntv. I,f,. a,r;: i u-.l .n ?i,in u tl.n 4 S .. K 1 et ,i n,c Will. Mfr. In lUIItl'lH 1 eoamy. or. -.'. n, i,r.i i.lafly d.eill... J n llie , v. ,, ....,,' . .. o.. u ..f the 1 .,, a.i'i .ii. ,, tntfS t.1, .,l ina o.i . i, I, j ; lit 4 of ....M couudu i . lie .v:t u, re. M une. the li..i...ri,le J. R fioan. JiMir of llo, I V I o.irl . f ihe .l.i;e of O'eoD. 1, the Coiilin .,( . ot.ia.l.ia, wilh Ihe,- of uii'l Court Uixeii. Ihia l.a .lav ..I Jane, A. ll . 1 KM. Altc-m: il. i.KVI.V.K-o.s, Clerk, Bv W. A. fOKKIa. la-uinv I lerk. Se.l of liifCmilv laiurt of I'rtlumoia County, (irjErn. List of Unpaid County Warrants Over ieven tars Old en July 1st, 1903. VOrK K I HEKERY HIVES T1IATIR1 THE loiiuwina t oiintv Warrant are not pre--ennl for t.. meet within l.ty from July I.l. 1 ..!, thi' taev wlij tMj t rtlieellfe-i hv Or.ier of tliaa C ..iiiiiv town, aud payineut thv-reot refused I hi leafier. Seon-t series A. Vile. l.'inn In Kav-jr of. No. Amt. eet. 6 l..l , itu-li .'aiueroll IT tlt tl W s,. ii, i-,. F. M. Ik;; ... a W iUla.a h ne W.... It , jf.iiu cuwmj 'jit-r, ... lot' '- - ..B.C. Eayart -.'ll.l ... 111 j.n. r J Kela -Mi.... i W , ,y i, .ocur i'Dlerwii t II. IIKNPEKSON. I'enatv (Meik. SHERIFF'S SALE. In th'irouit t'ourt. of th t Oregon, foi tiw C ::.ty t I'.-ititii.ti'. Thei-hiori A'iiInion I'tt'iutilT. vs. ("harles K. A-hmau I Uefcatluiita. ainl a .uiitl wmannj - OTK K lieri'l v tfivn Tl.ftt hy vir tu i-l an t'M-'it;oi! li i T it iU' 1 out ot aixi ;mo er thtr 'ircllt . Oitit t tlir .-lait i'l Oregon for t oimnuia nutny un iu n. e ..irtH-iciu-l ati-l daUM the ''v ' MV cs. upoii a j ot! fluent ren1erel aud euirmil ia saia c-urt 011 UM. lav of Mav lrtM. in fnvtirof 1 hi-tM'ton.' AiiuerMHi ihe a!fl I'laiutitr nn.1 airatn.t cnnrk-i K. mirl ., hunn.i.n tin ahovt; iiAiitod iiofeiteiiit!i coit! iii uitiiiiK uje to mke "U 'f tiie tollovrins ,u..sii,o.i iai t, rf t. ttt nit : Ml of tie wet hah ot lh 8K the of .1... ... t I .t H ,.11 ! al.H'tliVll '1 I II ft A Ui ll lllllllll fr 111 Ihe dav of A'ril 1 IMI nml f arther sum l $12 ') w till hitere-1 Ineictl ul lite rate l .', s.r .-eat l-er ailiiutn ironi Ihe tS-'i. it .v i.i 1 Hi. ami lhe further sum ol ST.. lateresl riu'.'e ou si llif rale offi per i en. I rr annum f-oui .Vhiv Ulli .'. aii.t the tttrlher -u:i ol tl'.. res'. ..mi .lisl,un,eiaeuts aaJ lite e,fc!s u)'..n thi.- wrii. 1 WIl.J. ON SA rl'HtlAY THK Jli MV OK June l'.MI. a. the hour .1 11 .,Vl.ivK A. M. at the i r, ...1 a.K.r ol .ht'i-oiiitty ...uri Imti-e in llie loii el' St. Helens I. . sal, I e.niiit rtial stale, sell at ,,.i!.lie aa.'iioii, to r.-.ieiapcon. to tlir lii-hesl l.iii.i.'i for I - S. aol'l I' . til ea.h I" ha.i.l u l the rulit little i.U'i inteie.-t which the ahove n.-ii-ie I Ujfeii.tnm. or either ol n.ein haJ in. the ..ate ui ,.liililli inorlcaee. or since na. in aii.t I" the aeove Ce-cooiM real properlj, U stisl'v sait! judeeaiellt sll.l is.s. l,un.,i,l,i .l.,'"..via . ,,ATTAN., stu'iifl'ot Coluiahia Cuuuty, Oreaoii. s;;es:ff's sale. lu the Circuit t'mi-t of Ihe state oi Oregon, im ' the Coaaly ot C-'linn ,ia William tloll. t'lailitirl 1 ivi,,r i,aisifii.,iit, a. ciar.11.,11 f i ln.o. "',; V!.ui'.T i lj.wreii.-e, I eta la.r- , , .0i,mi,. ami Maieaiet J....V l...tu.u:ii..i,t. minor., aa.i lAiire.K'e Lou.sieu.ait . I.elu l.iaiile hoilisitfiioiil. iiii.I I.I.U I ...llll, i.OIII. 1.11- - ! oli'll.iaiiis. 1 V ' 11 i XT OTtOE ia herehv ive, thill he Air- lu e .a an exee.uioti ami oroer 01 ss e is.aru i : '' )',, V'."?.,,.i,7.,.,, , ...".. a n.e is.k oi J.'me. lstl in i ,uu a i ,u l-,,. .-; t iei.lere.l eiueie.1 in sa,. a - , " ', ,.V.ll..w."i. ,le . ri.a-1 res! a - ; , "'" , r L V.. , ,i,.,i i.,w,i,V ile ,ri,a.l res! i rtv .,, ,t: ibe .he tlnee fourths u..d' ur1H.riv ia,t: ibe .he thiee I'.urn.s una mteri'sl ol l ie suul lilul-.r Jiwliu' heie'l , .'.' rue lain reil.'.' 1. Ili-iRlloil!, I.el U.rnii.i l.., lu M -ir :a '.,' J uie h'.'iisin n. ml. in uii'l l- .he f r"-l, v.iaiil !7-hl,la, res oil ,,- l!,,- i.,,r: I, ii- ,1 iai-Irs.-tl -,1 ,1 l,.,;ll, ll ill" he ao'ili.v.-s 'ia.ol,.r of sei'ii.ri 1:1. a'l.l lo' I. Mi, a,' . . i ..- 1 1 ' !' eti:iiieeil. a .'t l"l "'' ol e -i, i, t , al l l-.i;ii'-'. ai-.e. II' 'he ,-outa . . !tl, l.l.-o toe raci al .1 ii.eln li.ilf ol 111 ..ell,-, erf1 .no'ltfl ol st-eli. I, I ll.l". -Ii. a. I ie loii ai.l, liiree n-i-.h of -ine.-,' .em ..-l oi Ule IV i : In inel ie Vit'ii'liai. la i'..h:m -ia t'owati sou,' i , ai, ,-..,ta.aii! hi lt:l m-.ea, to satis f- , i.'.-!.i in u a, i.l .'a ii'it. ii, l i'.' ma "1 -'u' ha;.,t -I an 1 eui"l '..! "7 hn 11 .") ! aia. with to'eresi thereon at the :ate t H i-e'-e, tl i. r . .,.,11 a iro ., .Ill lav ol .l"v 'aloe., rsi,. . ' . .... .... u... .1,. .- ,i.ii a i.- ' I . iiunr-l th.-reon hi lue .ale .' ,er ,.-r lii'iii lltir isia ., ay .....e.....,.., Alt. sue i he lortii. r ttalil ol thir y one au.t -t-V luo ,:a .1,1 iollars will li.leie.. irteeou at k rale el ti r"-r eeni tier ami In, a the sin ,-a' .Ink. 1-a.i-l iu,l the cost., anon I III- writ.- wi'.l.oNSUU'KhlY. I'-IK lsTH UAV H .1-l'y Ml. -.t ''-.' lum " o, Hoi'lo.kA.U . ,ll Itll ir'.'O .t.s.r a iae ,:,., no , I b.,u.-.e la Ilia ,o.vl, of Si ll.'i-as. i s.hl !' ullly inel slHIe, s-11 lit l.'l'-il,- aimioll. sa .)e.'l la rf.1i'n.tiell lot!,.' ; I ile-l oi ! 'er f .r C. s. , .-.,ia ., In hail.sll itl. 'i'tai. litle ia I interest wiuell Ihe ah,,.e n..wl,'it l.'a 'l'i '''Is. ".' '--li'tf ..f -hen, list 1-IH'ila.e of uUh.tiit -. : i .s,y a-' lis.l In s".l i., lhe Iwe e- 'eserilifi r-,.l ooea.-rry, lo tt M IUTTAN. Sheriff of C U. Il-ae.1 !,' IS h ' ' , itll.rthlrt C't'laty, i'lrt .hli.e. hill. J.,11. Dirt 4 MiKkie havo r. et ivid a roin- ;.i.-!e li ,e of in -' i o.-iV ''lii.inK ir.i'ii f"..J to K'i ii iiisjei-t ,'l ' U.. . , . ... .... 0 BEST 3 OVERLAND 1 3 TRAINS : 3 DAILY 3 It does not cost you any raor to travel on the "North Coast Limited 1 than it does any other train. Try it and your verdict will be It's the crack train of them all A. I. CHARLTON, 25& Morriton Kt., ol " i : r , Portland, Otftcrm. r 0 f !$ Owl Saloon Im.s.f Bhothkb.1, PROPRIETOKS Only the tel ot Lienors and Cigars Kept is Sfjc's CYRUS NOBLE W Amt other ponular 1, rands of ahUkiea , aluaya In slock. t WEIMHARD'S BEER on drunbt. ? "Tom Benton" Cigars. All lite ltt newnpirerbaind other Uuur pc.ru4iical. w- TiniWr lAud. Act Jun? a, NOTICE FOR PUBLIC ATIQH. I'm tki Htatu Lavd Orrur, Oregon City, Orefon, Arll 11, IMS. NOTIKIS HEi:fcBYiIVE.N TAAT IX COM pi tunc- wuii tte proviiou of ti. A:l tii iUta-:tvtl Jun;3, 17, entitled 'An act lor tu ale oi umber Wuua in the "'tatea of L r i:oniA trpou, NevnsJa Hi V avUington IV rxi:ot;- a..AH'iitia to bit in ruoiit- i.ann ft"i i ai l of AtliLnt 4. J V. ( aui v;l .jf p.-rt'U(t f ouaty of M ilttiotnuh, s-iutv ui Ort Cnii, Ink 'hi?viiiy fileJ lit thUortice t;. svoiii ntatemtrtit No. t iiiST, fir the imithioe ol ;li ut MH'tn-n Sj. -!. i lowushfji No. -i ii, rit.ui ,V j w., ik' will olfer pro if to .-how tiiat -Jt land sou:!it Is more ;ou.biv lor Ji timber or s'.ml thai .ur (U;.iA'ulitira) (.iiri ow;., nti u rfKilj.-: hi- I'luim to siiitj land tjfor the K.ur ai d Ket-eiwr of this oilu-e ut Oitrgon Cuy, Oron, on a'.itimlaj', to? fl U iiay ; Jul' , lie littittte. a? HitiieJWa: Jtili; 'J. o;.r?. MoUllii, Uifgirl : lt ilurkc. J.'lj y, .iiuruii-i J tiiutt Mu'.et. oi 1 rtUnd, OrvuL. Any iti all erMiiw t-laimiois .ivr'i-,1y vb aU)vc dcicritxrO luttua are reqLeliJ to Hie ihcf cluit;:iu this othooaor btoe Hair) Uth uf Of Jn!v. uJ-je6 CHARLKS B. MOOKSi, Resteer. i imber Lund, Act ) xae Iff". MOTICC FOR PUBLICATION. ( t'MTSD ijiTATEa Lami OrrirE. ' Ort-:ou t ity, Oregon, .May 6. N'OTICE IS HEREBY UlVfcN THAI IN '.OK phauee with the provisions of the net of Congress of June a, 17, emirted 'Vh ai-t i,-r the iile of tiniler lauds in the Stares of L'aUioi um, Oretou, Nevada, and Wahinirtou' Ttrri torv.' a- eM?mtd to ail ibe Vwhlic Lati-t Staic hy act oi A im! 4 l. w.'. lva Me.eeu. lorn erty ita It. JtTi', (H PonlrtiHi, onniy o; Mnit Utonati. fe.atf oi Oteifi u.has thU uay f;lM in tins o:i i-e her swoni ?taienu in Nn 5.1, for piir cli c of theej oi m-1 oi etl' u tt. im t..u hin 4. u. rauc N. 3 wwt. uiot wiil ufiur proof tt i-ii.nv thai Uir lautl Mu.tfht t. more u: ;tai0 iur n liuiherur Ntone tliau for ajfticnUnr-ii sjr jMrsv, nut ioiiniH"h tier claim toij.ii !u-d tm ;oie Hie Keijilt'l Utccit l ! Itiia j,.-c ..t OifyoU t iiv, oieyon, uii uturtly, the i-.Ui dny ot Jnl, 1WB. Mhe imn.t's ii wiineases: 4 BUkt-, F. . Vnrnev. and Jlilex K. MeU-en, of l-oriU-ui, Orinoit; MU.l Al Parker, til I'l.tur. t,'ieua. A i .mid nil persons rlnimi' l- eraely tiae ubtne-deM rUd 1nih ft 9 rt'q'ifMed to tile I heir rid tin- .n 'h iiticeoiioi teforu buiu iMh Htty ol Jul.- , V''-'S niU A UiKKSON S DUGSEH. KfMivtor. Dtprtn ent of the Interior, Laud uttice at Uieguu City, urej-a. June 2' VOTICE is hcretiy givwn that tin UU X lowintf lumed ettlr hits tiled uUct- of Iks intfUiiuB t uittke nnI pr-jof ui ''4iwit i't hir rlni'ti. Mud ttmt eid prtKt wiH it Ji3n. t-e-ure Ute oitntv Olerk ef .iuut, -i t i. Heieus, tuLon, tm Angiibi Tth, i'Jy'i, ri; .xEl'Uh HOtit.-rvA. U. V. N. lUtM, fr Hie be1- of of .-.eetit Q '- toviislii. i luolh, ihltK 4 t- t. She t ues the fo.i .Htuf w.toeMe to pro tito coiiti.iu .u- reIdeii- e upii ud I ; vt . a M'vid !ft U' ?(ee 1 it pi, Amin tC-r Joe oI4jW,. of V ill UM', OrKOi,, UUU trtuk Uii ia i.- ki. of Si. Ili-let,. Oregon. Al.tiKUNoN UKKPKH, Kei-u r. SOTICt ?UK rVbLUAlluA. Dei.artn.eiil of the Interior, l..,ua OUiee at oreeu i.u Juua t:oa V"TICt5 III HKBKBY 1IVN U.AI , 11 S loltoWioa-uaiMeJ .etiler iius til. 1 ', -",'; "l P " UM?.S Hi I .,,. i-ioie ,he CountV clerk of i.a-o.'v ; ciiniv, a, si. Il.teiis, Oie. a. on Jioi 'U; At.oLr stHtcvK, .. j. E. Sa. tafctt, 1 lUa etj .t ! ; : w I K-t of -ecuoa ii aurt ... uH W rc-uoli M. i HH'm. t. wl,.,e3 to frov. U, ivuin.i.oi'. r.i. euee m on ami cimivaiton . 'h' 'tik 'f.l liiu,'!- ioa'o r' VvTi! i ,,,. oi mk,,.ii. ai.u E. ... Va.ney.ef i.'iu.lo.a. - ' o.estoi.. AUiii:kSi,. UiiE-SHU UsiriMer MOTiCE OF LAD S'lCff f TliTtCK 18 HLMKBY Ul V KK TU ,'f a surrrv i.l seetu-i. S3. ..."snl 4. 1.....I,. rrnet ., e.-l. VVii'i. ii em l. ri..iu, Hi.d ,;i .lli U, linva a.." 1-uli.eia "f li noitfiiis.. V, t he lo ot .. . V , I . W A'l IS, Coun: yurv y..r. t'otiiiei la Ciaiicy, Oi.ii'ait. nonce or lako svnvsY. N otii'K is tiKltl l Y t.tvt. s r Coutiiv ..rll,.l wiiii-iijno n i- .-ei. .u i;.l.,i-.-i.l.n.i" ra,.s i.,e.,l. ,.lil..,eite Meri :'.,-. Hh v. i !! t-'h ' llie lines sii. , it me s ot 1.,- .-i.'ll. H ot ir ei w eelil ! u ,. . ,ew!. a..., it-e i.m.' '' II- 'Illl' I me ' UPPIIICOTT' MONTHLY MAGAZINE A FAMItV 1I3BARY Tiia Bast fa Current Umw 12 CoMPttrr Novets Ym. MANY SHORT STORIES AND PAPERS ON T1MCLY TOPICS $2,60 pfimai: !5ct.wp NO COftlTINUED STORIES viy iioeii coiit i iTLr W A ' f! IHR Cor. Thlr d and Washington ls"