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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (May 22, 1903)
'.Imw trap OUEGON MIST F.uioied at Hie lVwtollire at 8t. Helena, Oregon, as necnmhcla uihII matter. COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER. Kvkbt Kbiuat Moknino By KKKI.KR U. OABBERT, Kmroa AMD IWalirroK. HfBUCRirTtOM PRICK: On copy one year, in advance. . Six months MAY 2S, 1W13. Thi paper is kept on file at the Ore - in Press Association 9. llninil- ton buildieg, Portland, Oregon. COXMOSIDATED. H litor of Mist- In the Rainier Gaaette of May 8 we auditor f - " f,tEU" r ad the following remarks bv the "The Uasette la in receipt nitirle on the county scat qutstton -I "A taxpayer'. Ihe question i. ot toe much importance to be dealt with tu Una manner. We did suppose the Rainier people tlmught much about the taxpayers in tne county eat fight, but that the (J xrtte should ignore the taxpayer! in Oils proposed removal question it a huge A ter reading hi xciue for not pul- h,hing "'A taxpayer." letter we are led ; to Oeleive that Mitchell wa the author ; ... the "Red Fir" letter to the Mist.; Could two .l!y uien be in on. little ; . c , ..-H.v,nw6 - ?ars yet to coma. It will be much cheaper and just as good. The county seat removal question is occotu- nig atale ,an.l will become quite addled lH-fore electioa d.iy. Are tlu- taxpayers of Columbia County t . be caught by your visions of the K'.ldeu sunset lighting up that graud t hutise that they wiil have to pay lor : no matter if it can ba seeu for eeveral miles before we get there? Itnill so big that Rainier would be the ro.intv seat forever and ever, t'he poor taxpayer owning a cow must iliive her calves to Rainier for the next . ten years, to pay for that seat of justha f....t "ciin ba seen several miles before! w-e get there." The poor w idow must contribute several dozen chickens and . ft every year, and may naver sea the . i .itliouse, (and we don't think the w ill ee it.) rnu man having a small holding, on w nica tie pays -u yeany w carry on Adams Fri.lge on June 4th at Vs. m. toe county government must then add j anl eBter upon their duties iu tins be muther f 10 each year on the new court . j,xf. Ii .use removal account. In the matter of the petition to make 1 q-tite agree with the Vernonia J alterations in the Ralhud road. .rrepoiidect. "Knock it out the first j Ordered that E. G. 8hanuahan, C. C. H-ction by leaving the couuty teat Keasey, and E. R. Tlimop are ap)int-wu-re it i, and save the expense of two ag viewers and W. T. Watts surveyor elections." Bcappoobe By. to view, survey and report on, same, , and that they meet for that purpose Ine Kttul Yac Hn Hwm fgsta of Darti Muckle have received a com-1 eie line of mens' clothing, ranging ' ... .is r-..i. : I ... ,..uv T'. v--.. I I j We ore still furnishing the Weekly Oresnnian and Mist together for a vear i cri'y $2.00. Subscribe now. Ketneni lier when you go to the lower h' halem, that yon can get clean bed end first class meals, t the new ho-el in j S.irt.s Mrs. F. M. Dippold, manager j presh fish in season every Friday, and; ,..-cial Sunday diBner at the St. Helens; I.otel. OKKATI.Y ALARMED hj a reraiatenr Cough, but IVrma- j In the matter of the petition of Oust nenllj Cured by Chamberlain's A. Johnson et al to alter Deer Inlan.t Cough Itemedy. I road denied as petition is rot detinue Mr. H. P. Burbage, a student at law, 'enough to give court jurisdiction. I . f eenrille, S. C, had been troubled I In the matter of checking tip the i tour or live years w ilh a continuous ' statement., of the several road .uper- 1'ih which he sav, "greatly alarmed ; .. i , causing me to fear that I was in the i . i atage of consumption." Mr. Pin -: On this day tha court examined and t having seen Chambei Iain's Cough approved the reports of supervisors oi h .... dy advertifed, concluded to try it. r,Jad district No's 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 0. 7. 8. 9. i read what he savs of it; "I eoon , .. , , .. ,r lei, a remarkable change and after using I 1U' n; l- ,, t . irittle of the k5 cent size, was com- j Adjourned. rT tely cund." Sold by Edwin Host, j May 8th. 3rd Judicial day. . j In the matter of the petition of A. H. THE MIST CLl'B RITES I !fJ . l'i,is paper and the Weekly Oregi i".-. vi per annum. , r, is paper and the Young People's j V. . kly. $1 per anunm. , paper gnd the Weekly Capital! J .utial, of Salem, $1 SO per milium; i o. months, 75-nta. j I 'd. nr.r and the Portland W.kl ! 'hi paper and the N. Y. Thrice-a V . k World per yem $1 80; six m lis, 90 cent. I he Chicago Weekly Inter Ocean and tl r ;jfcemne year for $1 60. piper and Conkey'a Magaxine ' o - year for $1 25. HI .-Lib subscriptions are invariably i i (Vance. LIPPINCOTT'S MONTHLY MAGAZINE A Family library . ': Bssi in Current Literature 12 Complete Novel Vcarlv . -VNY SHORT STORIES AKD AHEtiS ON TIMELY TOPICS ' 2.60 PER VEB ; 6 CTS. A OOPV ':'T COi'TfNUCD STORIES i. VSV NUMtttD CO.eLLTC IN ITSiiJ- -so: COUNTY COURT. Regular May Terra, 1003. Be It reinemliered that regular term of Hi countv court i.f th State ol Ore- 1 j ,, ! held in the County court "house in the j ,.jtV of 8t. Helen, in said county -ai d UU MCUIICWini Hir Itll Mill "I IMf... A. I. 1903. mid taint the time mul place w , fixed by law for holding regular term of br ul court, When were present Hon. J R. Pon, 'county judge; Hon. vy. i. Case, Cm... i ty Commissioner; Hon. H. h. Colvm. County Com mittoner. II. Henderson, Countv Clerk. R. !s. Hattan, Sheriff. Pus prclaiustion being made the fol lowing proceedings were had. Journal ot !al term read and approv ed. I 1,1 ,h "tlt,rof "'r11111 f viewer of damages on W. C. K.H.v road. Report of the vieWe,aofd:n:tgl,ail- proved and ordered that road bo opem .l vi,,eJ llut int11V8U.j ln ' ' , , . ,. amount ot damages aa-ess. d by si I ! viewers of damages bv reason of the ! t,.stioi thereof. And order further! ' tli :t the clerk draw a warrant on the ! general futnl ill the amouut off payment of balance of damage therein lallmvcd. j,, tiiw u,tter of the p-titioii of I). W. K,W11,8I11 ot , or it. Oc. p c,.eut rortJ, Ordered that J. II. Wilson, John W. Fost9r ,hll An.lcre,,,, William,, are a,.- pointed viewers and W. T. Watts Bu' veyorto view, .urvey aim repon ou ; l t)- pHJ.-alt on June 2nd 1003 at V A j jj nn( euA.r upon their duties in thi 1 behalf. In the laatter of the ptition of E I Holmos for a liouor hcenne Petition and proof of publication thereof t)reented bond approved, and Treasurer receipt for H(H) tiled with clerk as provided Wy luw mt ItiMrM Kuintf no re'itoiiM I rane. it i ordered that license i-uc to Hid j Ej .Holmes, lor one year fiom May 6th nflo In tli rmiia of t 'm n't it.ii n of FrVix ln tne inansr or p.ciioin ui reiix ! rebast et al for a county road denied; as petition is not definite enough to give tne court jurisdiction. In the matter of the petiii jn to make alterations in the John Triune r. ad, survey No. 61. Ordered that E. U. Shannahan, C. C. Keawv ar.d E. R. Throop are appointed viewers and W. T, Watts surveyor to view survey and report on same, and that I hey meet at ! after having viewed the Priugle road, on Tu thp ninitpr of rhsncrM in ponnlv I - i road, in district No. 10 by the ; lienson Ltgging unit LUin'iering Co. Ordered that the chamres be made bv ajJ Co are ,tTeple,i and HproveJ bv I .,,, court. In ttie matter ul t is DStitlOfl Ot A. . i neinU for rebate of taxes. Uranted in sum of (22 SO, and Clerk ordered to draw a warrent on the general fund for this amount, in favor of said A. S. Heintz. In the matter of county warrant over 7 years old on Julv lt 1903 Cc-tilied li-t of county warrants over ' 7yearsoldon July 1st 1903. presented ; fa; nnMy t,erk; Au,, u "u ordered i ithtUeaid list be published in the Or- gon Mist, as by law required, Adjourned till Tnursday 7th inst. Thursday 7;h iast 2ad Judicial dnv. Court came Diirs.iant to diournment Pi-ccif same, offii'pr. an on fir I, Inul ' . Due proclamation being made the follow- L j proceeding were had Hosta for rebate of amount overpaid on filing fee. t.ri.nrtl in tlip a.lln of IT, (Ul flnrt or- . . .... ... . ,., oere.l Liiaicie.a ims w imrniiiiiiu ine , general for said aineunt in favor of A. ! K HfjeM rj tlje lliatler of checking u the tax! ,. , . . ,, . i ro" nd ah 1,16 ,l"erl,r- j " ''' c"aTt eommcnced check- ! ing up with the Hlierilf. Adjourned. May 9, 4th Judicial d.iy. On this day court finished checking up the tax roil w ith the Sheriff and found tains correct. In tha matter of checking nn natd ntr wairant clerks fee Ijrs.ks and Treaeure receipt, for amount pain over on same. On thi day the court checked up the; warrants paid since laet teeaiou of court : also the fee books of county Clerk, and ; , receipts for amount paid over ou same: tr be correct, j j In the matter of the petition of II. M. ; CASTOR I A For Iafantt and Children. Tb8 Khui You Kava Always Bought Been the i lYMCIf Shvlock was the man who W.intCtl ."V pound of human There a 1" C Many , a .. . 1 bliylocks now, thC COIN AlCs. cent, the consumptive, the .LVl-1,r rliil.l tln iii1i vnnnor ""-""J -v. . ,. j r a woman, all want human flesh anJ they can g0( it take ,, , -. , . bcott s hmulsion. Scott's Emulsion is flesh ami blood, bone and muscle. It feeds the nerves, strengthens .,e diestive ortrans and thev f i .1 t t 1 I feed the whole btxl.V. por nearly thirty Years ' ! Seott S LniUlSlOn lUh been the. great giver Ot human flesh. e will send you a couple of ounces free. SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists. 40J-4I5 Pearl Street. New York, yic. aad $ i.oo ; at, druscivta. . ? ; F. Wr w ,,,,,. st ; .,, of I , ( '.''ler.Hl 't'i.a. J. f Tin. on, John Kll,. ,, Jlm ;,.lm,,v ;l(hlill, as viewer and W. T. Watt Miivevor, . virtt. ,.... r.IK1, , ,,, -,, that they meet at II. M. h'owlrr stole! i on .May 25th at 10 a. m. Adjourned. I i.,.i;..i..i .. ... j ' i xh '"alter of a.h.!iitiii; a ( ountv physician. ! Order, d that Dr. II. U. Cliff of St. ; Helen- i her. by arHi.ied toaid .'ntl.e. In the matter of relief of fu.nily of! ! Hopkins. i ir.iei.i in. u ( i.-rs in aw a warrant on . . . ... me g-ne.a fund, f.ivor of Mrs. Win. : Hop"" the sum of 2,i. In the mutter "t e. mis ag:iiR..t the road dis'.iict allowed. Ordered that clerk draw warrants on the road funds of the several districts in favor of the follow ing claiiitants and! in the mm ett opposite their names, to wit: I C H llatrey Dist. 1 J llighmiller " " J It Duucuii " " J Kauiyer " " ti lang " J Zeisaian " " J B Duncan " " C Alien " " J Highmiller R lirant " (i Ktirant " J Wi.ue " ' J White " II White labor Xo I H Bushman in.ulies Watts .v. Trice s applies Judsou IlrnamitH Powder Co supplies r I I ... IL.. . p,, iXr dnt no. 2 tver-ole o- o' kdivin o ii'kman 22 4 30 00 .1 1,1 61 w, w'i l'i ' IO no ' 6 10 I 2.S 00 ' 4 t)' , . ,( J W 14 00; tttwl 12 no ' ''ank Hoy l J C Clevenger Purm irewell l- I. usibi.. H Cornell J Beesle K Hazen P A Prantx John Know ies ". Fred I.ow ". Ha.rylwe ". lieorge Keliey ". K Hazen labor dist on. K ,,e , 6 25 W Tucker 8 00: u no J Chnii hley J Cliurchley 12 oo (To be continued.) A Farmer Straightened Out. A man living on a faun near here! 111 ,lM"1 l""e eompteieiy ne ago completely idoubled on with I handed .1. ..i. ..i ... . .... ....... t I,itie ol t iniuiDeriaiii a lain , ,.,,,1 him to use it freely and if not: .utitied alter n-ina it he med not i.ay a cent for it," says C. 1'. K ivder. of Pat-,; tens Mills, N. . A lew days laur lie ! walked into ihe store as straight as ai strinaand lianded ine a dollar siloing, I lain' I'aiu Bahm I want it in the house all the time for itemed me.' " For itale ' by Edam It .s,8t. lb-lens. fflEDFORD's' BLACK-DRAUGHT THE ORIGINAL LIVER MEDICINE x JSv- 1 1 Sw A ..ltn iwrt..!..;.,. flir.inui. S biliousness and a coaterl tonirue are common indications of liver and kidney diseases. StomatJi and bowel troubles, severe as they are, (five imrnediauj warning by pain, Dill liver ami Kinney though less painful at the start, are much harder to cure. Thedford's Black-Draucht never fails to bene fit diseased liver and weakened kid ney. It stir up the torpid liver to throw off the germs of fever and asnie. It is a certain preventive of cholera and Bright disease of the kidnevs. With kidney re inforced by Thedford'. Black Draught thousands of persons have dwelt immune in the midst of yel low lever. Many lunnlic live in perfect health and have no other doctor than Thedford'. Black- Draught. Jt ia always on hand for use in an emergency and save, many exxnsiv8 calls of a doctor. Mullini, S. C, March 10. 1901. I have utsd Thedford' Black. I)ruht for three yesri and I have not had to o to a doctor time I have been taking it. It l the beit medicine for me that It on tiie market for liver and kidney voueiei tne oytpepiia ana other complaint. Rev. A. 0. LEWIS. 11 a uhlenoksense. Th VounflaUr Who DI:covrd I Mew Kind of liuect. ' Tltere is a chikl kmmu to ni.i tvo tvero fsmtt in (ho cmitil ty ( last Mi.nt.icr-Avho once. wjl, ou the ilmtrtei Ik'M.Io mo. tlnmjjlit-j XSUA H 7 h,u. 1nri.H.a certitlitk hiul t'Mntlj:li, lillt if we llttd bosom flies here 1 just couKln'L stnml it " Uo,,m, ni!"mll. -What on. enrtl. re tlie " 'l ihm't know," she rotlimeJ, "hut they must he somothins; itwful. e about the... in church. I Lores aonu-thiitK l'u.t l.ul.i.8 old rocks to jret nwav from lliem, .. .. i .i . .i .. .". ..i ii...,. l.ilin so thrv .haw blood." Whv. what (ions; can vou posst- i lly nictttt?" 1 tiskcil, still unenM.t-i iai Co., 3.0. m . chicittf.t. Cltwl. ! ,. J ., u , , i-i,il e VI.- VltS Vhy,- ,h. ,.... know',,,' .. Vfm 'id.V:;.! 1," that soil','. Kvervliotlv .-inns It. It lltl,."t v,.,c,' pantuic. John Dolati, Wai .jvt , , Ul, lOSom flv.' " t.; .. i... , - I Even Vor;e. . , ,i .. , She lo vou know anWlung ., , , i unrse Ihnn n limn tiikm" n kiss j wil Don Bvkin.r for il' , , " Sl'.e What, for instance? I JJc Asking for It without tak :,. r. - Making It Easy. J4i 1 I '"My tlear sir," wrote the celitor to $11 (Xi ; the persistent .voting author, "in or is iu ; Jcr to simplify matters somewhat, 'it' IHI Wtf '"''""'"o " '"iticli of our Vic 'Sim clined with thanks' notices. If you 04 tti will put one of these in an envelope 16 w I with your mamiscript ami mail it to !' i yourself, it will make it easier for It! ou . ' , . 32 00 " ' 11 and you will lie sai;i.' 14 on jomctliiii.jr in pustule as well." 8 Oo Chiea.,") l'ot. 2.' uo j " 20 00 Profesilonal Jealousy. j 'i stand at tins head of my htu-i- j doss," rtmatko.l tlte profc.-sor of 2." W ! phrenolo'.'v, "while vou sit ut the 4.i 00 ' foot." Ii 0,1 ' "You have said it." r. iniucd the ,. ,-. .... .1 ciurooui. mil just lisc same tne laniruuKe of the torn is more forci- 1 1 ' .1 i- - . 1 - 1 ble than the litio of phrenological bumps." Chicago liecord Herald, j i I Thoughtless Mist Cutting. "That Miss Cuttiui; is a fierce . . proposition. j "Whv tO''" ! i. .' . , , , , . "well, I proposed to her by let- ter. and after reject inir mv nrono-al ; in plain terms he wound tip her reply with 'very truly vouri.' In - , .r J .. J J ' . . , . . ' . dianupolis Sun A Domestic Mystery. V (walking the floor Tt..l I .. ....II.:..,. .1 . .1' iiii'i'n aiMii me ijn'ii in. s u. m.) I'd just like to know' why this '. I.I.. : . ... ... t . .... oaov persists in tiuyin-awaKC every melit. mgiit Wifey Ileallv, I can't ima.'ine. 1 ..,,. ), .,,.,. r, l i.,,, i,;,,, n,,tr ''eatlV trouble kcepniK hill asleep III lite iliiytinie New Voik , I I Weekly. Harmony Desired. Knippc Why did Johnson hire ;, BUt h portly' people for his serv- ants ? Tlicoue He Cava tltul his wifi insisted upon haviiii; them like Hull ll.-.w ...... 1.1 i. ...... I. I... I r.' ui. nooi.i loot, o iv II' III ill. i ....... ui o i . , . fc. ... ... - . . !... I. HI. HrlfOi. t.lre, No. 117, mrrts (lining room funiilurc. Svracii. c e.rry sm. ninin, Dr. n. n. i inr. u ; Herald j OrtVlrs. srr. ' ' .. .. ,. j K. ff l. Avon ho'ltie, Kt, r.'J, tnrrt. vrry Tmc. lilihl. K K Qiiie. e. c . W. A. Ilsrr.a, Asked and Answered. jk olr nn l iJO y Olt Del.uve lit n lll,'( loi , in, st iino,,,, mis. KIi-ii 0.iri w i love ?" asked the ;:irl whose face was, ' fram-r. Jolm., -. hr.r mi ff.rlor... I Av 'IVrn.l. S., pi. meft. 1st ami V. HOT priill Iplll till tori tine. I Tl.ur. n'mlea. Mr. I.uey lj,y, i. ,. .; Mi. "Not necessarily," replied the . ''' '"ek, m. r. ai.l e. OT'iv h iireil i,,,r-oo' "1 I (. Honlloti Aw.onMy, s. so, inr, . r,. ray nanni pnr.ion. i Intvc o,, u ,n Krl. nUi.i. I .it. i;,un., iii. ..; Mr, M married for money." Cicveu.nd . J iie..i.t,u Plnirt Ih-iler ' W. o. W. Il,!i.n, N.. s',fi, mrrt I lam l.4lir. i.rn M.. ulKl.l. O. e.Cliirk.t. c, Fr.. Vr.llls, tlrrk. Stimulation. I W.O. W. Iloult'iu, Nn. 47A, inrrt. ffri ii tt -tit ,ii ever. I -no nlirl.t. Ml. VVIiiiiIij llalley. a n lie a pood boy," sind Uncle John, Mi.. Kate Perry, elerk. "and niuybi! when you grow up ywu 1 can be president." i - : Is that sor iinswere'l Willi! ex citedly. "And ride on the engine? free, you bet I'll he good!" liufralo Kipresi. Urban Felicity. First Dame How do you like tlie new neighborhood into which you. have moved? Second Dame-It's perfectly love- i a . mi. a i rtiiiw n rum wiuiiii u liiiJc! Xeir York Weekly. IT 1 fill'? I' Ik flirt A a , . i. I . . I . A I ; CAMP MORGAN. i A great disaster happened in camp Morgan the other day, w hen one of the boyt got a piece of steel in his face. A better cr-w would be hard to find thtn the one al Camp Morgan. Mr. Cae. of Piltsburg, parsed through here with a new cook. Ed Holmes find Mr. Hhaiiiiahaa r ' turned to Vernonia. classified Advertisements t-ort h.w..:a i.ioiit . 1 will, mix irr iri.-e, r. n. 0. HKMlV, Hi. ok R VI K A TWO YK Alt OLD J Jrt; . A,,,iy ,o John frw, tn' ! V:kK anda A )t). t,lU p. liU.SDN, Ml. Helena. "... ' ' ilKL W.VMKI-TO lo tiKNI'UAL homework. In.pMrcat. hi. o.lU.. ; W VNTKI SI'VKKAL IKUsONS 0 ,.,HM,.er and cmI repulaliona In' ,.,.. h atute (one in this comity ''""'J'J , j;;;-',,;,; , , ,ln,m.iB atamling. K,lrv .W --.kly Hl,h ,,,,. .I. AH p.ivai.l i. .i a.. i. n ...Iiii'.J.i v from j hnl otll,,.,. II.h.o and age- or- "V. '.i..,.,, ;,... ,, C..I..- ,,, ! ! wanti:d -skvkkai. IM't si i;i ; ion aiiin in ea. h "tale to travel lor ; ; house .Mal.ii-he.l eleven yea and with . a h.rae capiial, to call n'U nuochanl : ; and a;enl lor inve.sfnl an. I I hue, ruiuiai.ent engsg. n.ent. Weekly 'cash alary of l. and all ...clinrf cv ; peases week. nil.! h. ti-l l.llli. .el an.e.l eaeri j .'iM iiene. not i.eniial Men- I loo. refeience ml enclose ten y.nii. ; i envelope. TIIK N ATIO.SAI., j Oeaila. n SI., t l.icngo. I "WANTED-V 'CM! MK.N lopremrel for liovenintf nl ion. I'ine u.. j iiie ill all Departi i. Lxaminaiions j hiii. I'mti uhi.a 1'ier. Intel Slate t'.o. In.i . I'.d .r Rapid. I. ; HHl sl r v f.. oi hand: ty pea ril r in itood coieluioii, lh:s udice. Apply i (.ROAN Ihis olfic K'1! SAI.K--.UTI.V w Nrri ( in t MniA t ih n i y v. .ling luehelor denes t ci.i . w ilh .1 loiing la lv ill. a lew to ... it' I , iiionv. Is Hie owner ol M.n.e viioial le : Inula r I .lid. Write In X. V. .., e llheifoil Ml. I, St. Helens, I I' e. TilK PAHTY is KNOW N, Wild t..k the shovel l.oni Ihe gia.le, and he ill ,v t'oilhie hv r. 'I. lining ihe mi", i T. K. lifcwell, Road Sn.cmol of W ar ' ren pr.'rt net. i K IT'A V T.lule. i Jioelors tin I ; ' A i."ssl pte-rriptoMi ! t por inankin I 1 Ue t's, fcl f. cii.vk:i i ' .I i ceo.-tr. "ihe Umlo l...n! mil .i. .l. o..4i...l. . e..r ; s...l. '.ll .. r.:i ! t U ih'U' P. of H. DIRECTORY .Irf; II SI.r ll'un.'e res! i I'.if. . M,n . I SO H l. I -.! ( ,f.'iti t Mr iu(t'( , Mat s ll,n.oil. .re.; A T lot .ton, t I ..liOiii.u l'.. oor I' .-i. .',. i.riii's n.r. i ul V.0....1. ... - .1 . eit'l W ..., u.s.. It'l . h iltkO''. . I II O'I'hiu I 1, : sit .,rsu..:r, . m.-i-' at M.iroi' i. H l llrl s I ' r r t -it iu ... ... t VI A. I..... ma.trr Mr". K VI It..;, t. ,.; 1.. tan. I .-( .o kt'.ll ' Oiiti fr V.' til I..I-.0 ,.rl 1'., S'lt Ii kat'l Il.l- I. I I.OI.H (sr-tl. 1.C , s f.n -II ler . Hiytnt lo..lur, V. U.'. f. r. I. t S,0. J IV A'i.!.o..t i;.ii.s.o-r. .v.'il; II I'. In...!., -f A t. t'.u..liaii. Irs't. i.r.oij... Sn ! p-rfi, Mf.,1 a! Iu . s.ei el. rtr.. t.!..:t,' m,. on ...eil 1.. m.,i..u..c. V" K.. .n. i 1 vrn.., i.rau. t i i 1 l.ow. lousier; William ails..., tn-.; S. 11. h.wiiurr. i Mer vn .re. N .' ., !lrra.,le wsl mulit A I Alia., ii.s.trr. Ns.i- Ulc Ml K.H, O II A.lslltlr. I.'. l l r,u, ,, ,.. s ,. .. ,h, " h;,'"lv""" '' . "; ': W I,- ; 1 ol I r" I. I i .an.,,,,,,,,.,,,, so ...... ii....i lit : Sur..,y, W a Mikr.molir. Sin. I I . VII ter w. , n I, . IVrrn.r, led mui,,,, n,.,,,.,.. N u, , ' ' !'"" " sm- i. h ..iimi. ..... ; b'iiu n.',' .: ' ! Slrlnnati, .re ; J II htlollt ler. M-fttM I i..r, Mf.'., Wis (. H I 0.rlMll(, 1,-el. ' 1 1 ii .nl sr. m i.:r, l,rtl . .iiri.r. Ire'. Hull.. V (Oalis... S.. Xf; mrr'. ,,.! Ilh ! S.I.. Vlr., Aim. Crt'eil.!..', f. t J,ii, ' nan. 1. -.1 ; Mr- I .atl.: Ii .la,,,,,, r ."....if ..ransr, s... , mrri. i ! aiel It I) r ri .lay inirni. m i iMtirr, lut.irr, Miai1..!, ,e,; I,. IlLll'SV, .' f'Serr.-tsil. . jr ri-i.rvlr, In trml In eor- rt-t O'.a. .it tin. fllrrrtnrv. I'. it .NT I' Of I'll KIlS it.r.- f-s;iitti(iv0 V.rlln ll. tl,, llalnlrr i..r,h H liufln. I'.niirr s..r,it ' I'rrd.urer Sunt. ,.( ftfli,,oi V ,.ri.r . . n l). Ilanaii. SI. Ilei.n. . K U.os. HI Ifrlrnt , I . H l'.. rlu,t. Ilotilu,,, A T. nw, ClnlibHnir I S,ir. eor ( Olr, at npt.i.r II llioi.lri,..ti, M.tiirr. II I. . ol. III. Mni.lilaml . VV Ii I .r, rnfvl,ify lir. II. H l lilt. HI it. c-.n-ner . a a, . . SI. Ilelriu Mt: So. K, "'' "'i r.i "si i.iiii H. J.ilnis. v. ,"! K. h. y. Gi:OIxGF. A. HALL 1TT011XEY-.1T- LAW HT. UKI.ENS - OUEOO.N. TU 11 j,,a. wr . 1 JlC MlSl Hotel I'lt.ler the manainnioui o MRS. F. M. DIPPOLD Is tbs Leading House ItlltAN IIKII r"IKST t'l.ANH MKA1.S B A R NAN OF EE DJF 0 R H 0 RSES 3Iist, Oregon gWiio's Your Tailor? , . . ...a,u,.lUit hilll. W hat IS tllC il0 1 of pyiK fancy prices for tailored wht. vou can walk into our ClOUHS Wlim . . ... I T . , , .1 , 5 1 1 w 1 torc mul tfet all I I IICllllllH'll 1 for OUC- I 1 1 0 1" 1 1 III 1 OUU ",r half the onitial value f . c ; uiU'laittlcl cui, umi.o $ 150 12.50 1 op Cuts , ... , ..,..:,. ,. , r11-1, v n. hettVV-W U I 1 I'Ullsel'S ,bbtU , , RtMlietllher IIICSO SUC UtH'l.tlltH'i FARNSW0RT11--HERALD CO. .'IS Washington Si.. I'oit hied, i .J, J. F. (VDONNF-LL i& - lUf 71 'Top IJlliLXii'S so-" u"l "p. ( )ptn 1 u hlx i i '" t." a,ul P- Ui: It and IIrsc I'owtT II -ty I'lvsset. IVcriti).' I.iitileis, Muwers, and Rake,. H.k!;cs luu-kt-ytf " Hay Tools, l'h'ws, lt:'.n. ws ! Punips. New Oxford Cream Separators. Miilitirn Wagons, I.upt'ies and Hinds. Ctiliunlms I lilies and Caifiagrji. Have you ever hont night If not! Why m-t? Conic yourself. Send a friend. Or a mail order. Money refunded if shorn are not satis factory. All styles and prices fron 50c baby ftlJ to 58.50 logging hoots. (The largest and most tomptctc line of lK,;rrs' and cruisers' shora in the West, Chip pewa Falls brand.) Wai.kovkk and S'.;,-; i: , f3.r0 4. T Vkil,5 : 50 I i..ll rnkln, ll-lrl rartlunO. sjwfflmffwwwmt;;irt! - I THE NEVv7 YORK STORE . SL. lias just n c. l led fSpring Goods, Shoes, 51," Dry oods, Groceries, Boots, Shoes, Etc. II. MOKGUB. ool,,' Iiiiihlimr, Maiu Stm-1. St. HpIcjw, Oregon. 8T' !?f rMca IIo.iH.. Theodore S. Thomson, Dentist, Information and Appointments by Mail. Room. 50 ,( ft,, Bid., Ho.nhea.t corner Wa.h. ami 4lh Hi. PORTLAND, OREOON. Take Klevi.tor to pilih Fluor. $2 The Mist and 'j DOWN-COUNTY PEOPLE 8H0UL0 om I (ill tit Til - it " " Clatskanie Drug Store ron in it ia- Drugs and Medicines - enoir-R Toilet Articles and Perfumery Or. J. . HALL. Prapmto, Cl.ATNK 4NIK ' tlllRKOM. : 'Up ''1 i... I t $25.03 i 25.00 4.95 200 FPONT tTREET PORT LA NO. OREGON !;t a pair of duH- of the Shoe Co. itiwtttitiwwmfflmt!iww!ti huge linnlr of I'.ioa,. '"' i )Ur. a-aoat M7 The Oreonian, $U r i Owl Saloon 9 4 t ntQPltltTOM -Only Mi. Iit.l ol- j Lianors and Cigar. Kept in Stock t CYRUS NOBLE tnrl n'har p.M,lr hrnn4a of wblsklaa is) a In pii-. WEiNHARD'S BEER nu ilrsuchu 4 in w mm 7 WN "Tom Benton" Cigars. All lb Itwtrt ow.n,rr r. 4 aibar fif ular 'rrVr1 www rVrm v