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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (May 15, 1903)
THE OREGON M I ST. xx. " ' ::v :-:r::;;;;;f: z VOL. i ., JIKI'KH. OREGON, Fill DAY, MAY 15, 1903. NO J1! OFCSS I OXJ L N.ii'AHV I'llUU'. 'lNVKY4Nl'IK0. J. B.GODFREY. ITTOHXIlY-.l'i'- LIIK fcal Estate and Timber Lands Soli ..y ,,II1B, ,, , ytnf , V" "'" "'"'"I'". hV.Wm-k,v Journal. II to and Wenkly Jomi,,,! II ,., J -nr. 'Hi.. JfUiiinl nn lmlipii.,.t,t I). mucniHe w.,,,,t, wki In Ihc it,. , in. Ki.ui a. i t,,, IIU H.'IMl III mmiilc i I'. II 1 1 WlllTB loll. your Muhitciliiiioii ".l. dee A. I II.,, 'i-i j,.u,,,ui IJI, I'tiillMnil, lir, rT. A IIH'I'KAOl'H MA lKi iikikn. oitiviu.v S. 11. (iKUHJ-K, jTT()iixi:v-.tT-ur. nrr . r with K K g.iirk, sr. Ill I I SH, : : tililf.'io', ! tt 'll nil. I..'t IwMOh.l a(. Mill. .11 III .11 lafal te. in i,m n 111 Wu.ll, a 114 UIIO'I nu.U' The Steamer SARAH DIXON , 1 1 1 mill.. Portland M. iluy iimiiiiiiifH hi il;:iii kiinle, stopping t m Imnliiiga. I'l.iiluiiil at n et nliiuf. mlitjf an. I Tlmm n. in. Cist. Helena nml wiiv landing Hi (l.i I w. li. rowi'i.i., jrroi;xi:Y-jr-i..i I.H'I I V H I Mil.' II K I I S I imsi.r. (mc.i.ciN. 1)111. Nrx.'il. Ih.n Kirt.aV ruakl W. V, YMwt, jmi;xi:v-.iT-uv. u vi sun, I! I'. timu U. T. .1. ('i.rtTow. Attorneys ut-l.inv. iiiili.r.iif,- IVttUt!-, Oirf"H, Steamer JOSEPH KELLOGG I'nitlaii.l 1 ii..l . 1 ,,ir..ay u. Kul I'll.) at 1 a. in liir if, Htbn$, Kalama, Carroll o.r ftaimtr anil Hilto. Aillvlmal l'., M.iieliir. , ii... I;.) Kii'i Cii.U) i v , Steamer NORTHWEST jWa I'lillliin.l M.t.ayt il.iy ii.l Kil.lny nigliu t at lu i. in., d.r ih o kiiik point in ..mi, mi,) bhiv nml '(',,. I.hIm, iia.-liin tliii Intii-r plu,. nt i a. in. on On loll.initiK day, licliimlng, the Umi l.nvrit Ti.kil.) nt noon, and Jna'le liiK-k nt a. : i rt the afirriiimii, Tue-daita, Tliiir.ilay mil r-uiulny., lenvtnii l'.,t ll.ii,, t-uilv In llm morning. W timA i,l !aliniit k( tllfl. M .A N. Asxlit. kutaiim umn l7V JOHN A. HECK DKAI.KIl IN Watcks, Diamonds, Silverware, ....JEWELRY.,,, Ucimiiing u SjKifialty. Kir. I. I'OKTI.AND. U.irrlwu Hi, Hoi. rrum A FOR PORTLAND DAILY Steamer Iralda C. I. Hooghkirk, MaiUr. ItAII.HOAI) TIMK. I.n. Halnlrr .Hllf (ri i,,,t MundT) lor I'ort- H'l, .1 b A M. lr,,ariit,a ., ui H-U... I. k. MmuimIiw. Ihim fwrllnnil tr .,nrrlirlii at m. Iltltuiui a,. hmim aoi Fast FreiibL I'OItTI.AM) LANWXU. TAVLOft ST. A STORIA & COLUMBIA RIVER IX RAILROAD COMPANY. DAILY. i w i-.ty W II l!l I.Ala ft m ruirti.iMi.iuiii, f kJ -TAIKH li "America" i.LIltHAY. .irmi;xi:Ys-JT-uV IM 4 1 t ('(till ill t t.. tih .m ft W ir. VAw'm Hoss, J'insician and Snr'cofi. r. Ill I I .N.', I'HKUuN. in-, li. n.riiir, I'h ij 'k inn (iiitl Surgeon. M', in 1 1 .s',t'Hi:uo.N, Dr. .1. I-:. Hall, 'h list ci tt t tin 'I Surgeon, n.x rKAMi:.ont:ii(. ir.r. i.. H.itih-hi, J'liisit ittn tint Surgeon. Watts & Price, - Ill-Al l IH IS. Flciir and Feed Choice Groceries Staple Dry Goods Etst Quality Shoes Hardware and Notions l'nllM)S(, Oregon. H N Willamett Slough Route l-nvv Hi. lli.lrn Arnii- hi rorllmi.t l-mt i'.iiiliiiiil Arrm. nl M. IL Ii in fl 30 M III .'hi A M 1 M I' M U IK M UNI All 1 1. Will Ca.rj N t.loif but I'mk.ii. K la ah, I I ! I' it J H I . I.IIOII, naxar. jj U' :v I 1. i 41 i to j k ui i H : a: i 10 HJ i lu l . I , ID Ju i A M J AIADVr VfATIOM 0AIL. EVENTS OF THE DAY FIQHT WITH FIHE. FATHERED FROM ALL PARTS OF THE TWO HEMISPHERES. Ottawa, Canada, Su.talni Heavy Lot Hundred Lota Their Homes Ottawa, Mar 13. A fire, tunpecteJ to be of incendiary origin, thin after noon and evening deitroyed hundreds of liouHea and miliiona of feet of lumber in tliii city. Th fire originaUyl within a itone'a throw of where the great Hall fire of April 20, 1900, was checked The Hull fire started on the opposite side of the river and spread to the Ot tawa aide, destroying millions of dol lars' worth of property. It burned out near where the Ottawa A Parry Bound railway enters the who torn part of the city, and it was in the lumber yards near the railroad that today's fire originated An hoar lie fore the principal fire started two smaller blazes were dis covered and qoiikly eztingaiehed in the I u m tier yards near the Canadian Pacific railway. It was 3:30 when tbe third was discovered. When the brigade ar rived at the scene it was found that the water main had been damaged and no water could be obtained. When the hrllfulA iltll aut .In. ,a flea, m-aa iuusly injured at Haitford. Conn., bv an li,tt.rt i..n,l it. mnri uplimion resulting from the boiling along over the same ground' that the over 01 Wliaie Oil. formur Am ha,l Don. Hiff.r. The monitor Arkannas will 1 unable h"1" bein'5 t'"1 " WM 8oin8 ln t,ie P t proceed on her trio down the Minnis- po't direction Jomprchenalve Review of the Import ant Happenings of the Past Week, Presented la Condensed Form, AW Likely U Prove Interesting to Our Many Reader. The powers huve warned Tnrkey not to molest Bulgaria. Employes of the Great Northern rail way have voted to strike. China has broken off dlcumion with Anierira of treaty opening Mancbnrian porm. Suit for 1 1,000.000 back taxes has been filed against the Southern Pacific by the Htate of Kentucky. Rcariri lever lias hroken out amone the u,oo men pn the receiving uhlp Voiumoia at Hie Aew York navy yard. Two persons were killed and one ser- HAPPENINGS HERE IN OREGON i GOOD WORK OF BUREAU. il i l. I'orlland Ar II U) I 06 s i. k la i.'. H i . Ill HI 40 to li L Kl Ml 10 uu n.' i I 10 10 Ml! 10 Jl Til. 10 m 7 j . 10 fl? M. i; oj u i II II liolila . Kalulrr .. . Pyramid . ,. tlatmr.., . ijlliury ... C'lal.kanlc. Mar.liland. nr.l,rl... . llll.Hl .. . Kua..a... . ft Pimm... . .Julio llajr. II M W Ar, A.lona I.Y io r k U I Kl i n I 17 I M k ot m s u I 16 07 T a 1 s All iraln. maka rlnae mntierllan. II liuble allli N.inliain i'acinc Irani, to ami Iron Hi. I.a.l a,,J s,,ui,J .iiiii At I', inland lUi all irall.a Ifamil I nloli iI.jhiI. 4( Anuria Willi I. II. A, . i lal ami rail llna ma4 Btaaiuer i j i nirr io ana Ir'.m llwacu aui North nrarn Miiuia. I aurniforalnr or air .ilnl. mu II l Irani, at lli.iillnu Tram, will .t.,p m ial baa iriilfpl. t.rl at llou'l.Hi li lirn '.iinli, Irutu pullilA Urn. l a.. akI.. Aautrl. Or HltlUHT H DISKAHK. ?4 n hi I u I BO YEARS' V EXPERIENCE W , .tt Tar, LU.a.ak. f ryfYl COPVMtOMT C 4isiy n cur nfttitfii fro ltilipf n lt.v'ill.n w t rohKriiy tetntiMa ittintt.jil-t-lU.rta tUli-tlf ftitlt(XiMt. HfVttrttxH'k nil i"lft4 (v(,i fitsev t'Hajl mgmtirf fur nurtii ttil. 'i(i iki iLfitiicit Munu 1 (a rKlr r-vi,U fttt', ( ''. la Scientific Jimcrican. A hajrt.t'iie?r Ittnvl rf M . nrl cip ntiaitl. ii -1 mnf iM-iri'tliif f Mirtisjl, ) mtttt. II nr fik.rtitl.. It. Ik'Ki vrail nvlr-.'. I Co."""1-'' New York UraiK'B uk em 9 U WaahliiatiMi. I), C. 1 i ... i ne inrgi' sum ever paid lor a pre- rriiiiuu tiiiii;eij lunula m Man rran- cimii, Aiiiruiit ;m, iikiI, The transler is uiVKlvtHljn coin ami stock 1 12,600 00, and was pniil by a parly of linint iiifii fur a mh:i)c for Driglit's Oiteaae ami Iilnla-ti-s, huliprto incurable dia- rBf. Ilif v ccinii,rni'P the serious in j vxaiigaiiuii of the Hj-illc November 18, IWK). They interviewed si-ores of the niriHi ami tritil it out on its merits by pulling uvrr three down caws on the ! a ml waU'liiiig theiu. They ai-u ir ii piiiiii-iaiia io mine cnronlc, III cnralile cares, mid ailuiinislered it with tlie ilivlclniis for judges. Up to An. gui .o, b( per cent oi tlie test cases wi re eitlirr aell or progressing favora bly, there being but 13 per cent, of (tlurethe parties were atiatied and (rinsed the trankactlon. The Droceed j iiign of the invrfttigaling cuuimiltee and llm clinical reMirls of Hie teat cases were iiibiii-iii'i nml will be mailed free on ap. ' plii-aiion. A.hlrpsa the John J. Fulton , ('niiijiuny, 4'.V, Montgomery street, 1 fun r rancisco, I BUI. Kippi until neit spring, unless there is an um-xpectcd rfre in the river, The stvr.Mary of agriculture has raisetl the stock qnarantine, declared for fi ot and mouth dim aw, which has been in effect since November 27. ht. Peter s Catholic church, at Lowell, Mass., 'i year in building. has been dedicated. It is one of the n;it magnificent churches in tbe elate. The Urgent contract ever undertaken to prevent me pollution of New York's city watershed is now nnili-r way. and connist of removing more than 10,000 bodies from three ivnii lcricj. 1 he situation in the Palkan alatea grows more wrious. Admiial Cervuia, of Spain, has been gaietted a life senator. The Wiwopfin afcciuhly has passed a lull to prohibit backet shops in that state. A diplomatic rupture between the United States and Turkey has been narrowly aveited. Owing; to tbe discovery of bubonic Tbe fire was cn the flats below a large cliff which extends from the Ot tawa river into the corner of. Margaret and Preston streets. At two or three points it came very near gettinirjover tbe cliff, and bad it done so nothing would have saved the city. Fifteen million feet of la-nber, be longing principally to J. B. Booth, were destroyed, causing a Ion of $300,- 000. Tbe buildings burned were principally dwellings and stores, most of which were built since the laet great fire, and were mostly of brick It is difficult to place the loss on these There are nearly 600 families home less. Mayor Cook rays the city would oppose aid being atked from outride Canada. The loss on buildings is esti mated at (300,000, making a total loss of $600,000. MAY IGNORE FOREIQN BID. to War Department Want Americans Haodle Alaskan Business. Waabingtrn, May 13. The war de partment is wrestling witb the question whether a contract for trananortation plague at Callao, the priuciapl markets of troops and supplies can be awarded How About Your Title? Our Motuhly Publication will keep you posted on our work and methods. Mailed Fren tn the . ADVERTISING MAN y tof any responsible house m CI It P YtH' Hl'ltR it ti all rl, gf KKt ttHU (lint lutcrn. ll lb ns s rr rnrlraa. oualair,iiiir llr.iililli ail. News from all the world Well written, (,iiKm,l stnrics An vcrs to (iiiurios Articles on Hi'iilth, the IIoiiip, New Honks, wi'l mi Work Alwut the Farm mid (iaidcli. The Weekly Inter Ocean l iiicuihcr of the Assmlntcd Press, thu only Western News paper receiving the entire tolo K'")hlu news servlco of the Now Vork Hun and special cable of the Now Vork World dully re ports from over 2,000 special correspondent! throughout the foil ii try. ! I rlehl' Rrmainbar trial It It th II i. our tnikinvaa Io atareh th thev mntalll In rvlat un io lanil iiua. li )uii -.iiiiiii.iaia Ltti 1 1 itar laiul or leaning nionev ob real a.tals atTiirlli-. takn no mall a wonl, tmttiiaiat iiwn ktinwlng whaS Ihr rtnHinl alum. reKanttiiK Ilia litis. All Abstract laaastaantlal as s .li-l. liul.l on liailntf It. W liava ilia only .el ot allracl l.m,k. In ihi ruiiiuv. All i.ik .n.iu)itl' ami aatlalaoUon auaiuiili-r.1 inn have inifMv In iii.uranUa ua a fall. ar auriil. I.u Ilia Im.! llri. Iii.iiiatirif roin4iiilralli Ih worlil. II rou have tirojwrt) lur .alu II. 1 11 vtllti ua ami n Mill flud s buivr. of Lima have been closed. Twenty-seven letters from William Peon's voluminous cirreapendeDce sold it auction brought 12, 88.'. 50. I lie yarlit America, the first winner of the America's cup, is to be broken up because she ia no longer seaworthy. She was built in 1851. lbe westers insurance company, with headquarters at Ixmieville, Ken tucky, will go out of business on ac count of oppressive taxation. George Walls, a missing Pittsburg boy. is now alleged to have been kid napped, and a reward of 120,000 for in formation aoout him is offered, Tbe plant of thee Mill Creek valley distilling company at Cincinnati was lamaged f 75,000 by firo and an em ploye probably fatally injured. The theft of 110,000 in jewelry and silver from August Belmont has been plai-ed at the door of one of his serv ants, George Reynolds. The property was lecovered. Tbe board of agriculture has pro- uerun, way id. lbe laying of a hibited tbe importation into Great duplicate German-Atfantic cable was Britain of animals from Argentina and commenced today at Sorkum, an island Uruguay on and after May 12. owing In the North sea, 25 miles from Em- to the existence of foot and mouth die- den. A large number of people attend ease in those republics. led the ceremony, and cheers were given to a foreign company. Among tbe bids for Alaskan transportation for tbe com ing year was one from the White Pass railroad, which operates in Alaska and the Yukon territory. A hearing was given today by Assistant Secretary Sanger to representatives of the North ern commercial company and tbe White Pass railroad, but no decision has been reached Judge Advocate General Davis, with out making a final recommendation, has called attention to the undeeirability of transporting American troops over a foreign railroad and through foreign territory when the bid of an American carrier is but slightly higher than that of tbe foreign line, as in this instance, and the department is inclined to tnrn down the foreign bid. The entire set of Alaskan transportation contracts are awaiting a decision on the White Pass bid. LAYINa OF NEW CABLE BEQUN. acrmans Make Qlad Over Duplicate Line to United Slates. . . QUICK & CO.. ji Main Slrttt ST. HUMS. 0REG0H Greatest Clubbing Combina- TWO WKKKI.Y PAPKliS FOR THE OF O.NK-UKKATKST IlAKtiAIN IN GOOD KKAD1NQ. Bv a apcriiil arrangement we are able to furnish Tim Okkoon Mist and T1IK WKKKI.Y CAPITAL JOURNAL at the following club bing price for both papers: t'vr One Irar In Advancetl.AO t ar Nix n on i he In Advance, TSe The Weekly Journal, of l-'nlein, Ore., prints most inside news about our Mute government and the full legislative proceedings. Just w lint you wmit fur the coming session. The Journal is a large eight pitgii paper full of telegrnphic news of the whole world. Sam ple copy furnished free iihiii Inquiry at this office. For $1 WE OFFER YOU 5 12 .months' lubscrlptloo to THE OREGON MIST. sBsaOoe year's subscription to Conkey'i Home Journal One year's membership la American Musical Auoditloa. CONKEY'S HOME JOURNAL, iiailne which the d on inod paper, The new French airship has proven I great success. Japan is all ready for war with Rus- siajf necessity demands it. A. W. .Machen, superintendent of free delivery service, has been given a I leave of absence to expedite the postal fraud investigation. John Ctolgost, brother of the mur derer of McKinley, was placed under arrest at Lcs Angeles and kept in jail while President Itooeevelt remained in town. Estimates of the 1903 wheat crop place the output at 4.0,000,000 for Ore- iton. waeli liigton ana iiiauo. mere is a large increase in the acreage of barley and oats. Ten or twelve persons were severely injured and three business houses in the center of Stockton, Cal., were burned by an explosion which was fol lowed by fire. Willis Sweet, of Idaho, lias been ap pointed attorney general of Porto Rico. Ex-Mayor Ames, of Minneapolis, has been found guilty of accepting a bribe. for the German emperor and the preel dent of the United 6tates. In the even ing there was a banquet, w hich was at- tended by the principal representatives of the company and cable interests. Patriotic speeches were delivered, em phasising tbe pleasant relationship be tween Germany and the United States, the speakers pointing out in the latter country millions of Germans who make their home among a kindred nation. Congratulatory telegrams were received from tlie emperor and many prominent citizens of Germany and Ihs United States. Secures Australian Mall Contract. Vance aver B. C. Mav 13. The United steamship company, of New Zealand, has just 'secured tlie govern ment subsidy for two years more for the transportation of the British mails to and from Australia. Had the Oceanic steamship company, of San Francisco, a competitor lor tbe contracts, been successful, the Canadian route would probably have had to be abandoned. A new modern steamer will be placed on the run between Vancouver and Sydney in place of the steamship Miowera. Its ilk every YEAR Q E DOLLAR "rrlbe for Tlie OliMaO BUST "d Hi, Wneklf Inter O eta " puptire lor SI.0O. la a literary and muileal monthly fnmllr maiarlne which thould be In everv home, i,,.r ,l..iii ia ulwava In colnia. II ia on anon naner. and mechanically f i. ia a ii ihnt io the nrinlor'a art. Conkav Home Journal ia really two marannes ii one, (or Hie Hist half Is devoted to aiiei ial illu.iraled article on subjects prominently beliire tin- public, mm anoi I ami serial stories. I no auconu nan is utivoieu lo me Hilar rum ul Iho mother and Ummlitor. It alto contain WITHOUT EXTRA. CHARGE Practical lessons In lace and embroidery maUnf. 'ructlciil leaaona lu noma niiitinery. , 'lUi'iU'iil lesHon In interior ilecoratlon. ''ai-iicul autfeHlioiia lor home dreSHinaklnff. A ennui et f.ttfh'oii ilepaitmeiit ahowiini the newest dealms in hats and coitumtrS, llllil waiaia and Ihe ainaller article nl leinitiliin wear. A coinplele putlern ileparinienl. (roin which Palturnsmay b ordered. I'lioloiiiapln aliowlna how to ael the table. Keclpe and " 'I'nble 1 alkV which linpart Hi Information that I ncessary to the an who won ui no up louaie. i... i.wHU.,itf la bv a ileoartment of mnaic which contatna each month a copyi ik-lit souk, two aiep or wlu. a lesson un Vocal l iainuik and a leaion on Piano rlnyinir bv einiiieiii loacnera. .'li. ...u' !..." ia III,, aiililrl Ihoronulily in ucllcal ami lull how all kindt of poll may bo raised both for pleaaur ant moo woman who wouiil Liu itp-io-uaie. inenit-oieii 1 Itovs' Pets" Is Hi" sullied of a series of article: for the bovi. These articles are That Amerloevn Music.! Association enables Its members to purchase Sheet mime ami ullinusie iippH.' al ilncoinus ranslnt (roin S5 lo tW per cent. Saniple copy of Conkay'a Home Journa.1 mailed lo any address on request Adiiroak all communication ami remittances to THE OREGON MIST The Turkey-Bulgarian war cloud has disappeared, Turkey having withdrawn. Morris K. Jesstip, the well financier, has bean elected president of the New York Chamber of commerce. Secretary of War Root has purchased a plat in New York on which to erect a f 150,000 residence. Andrew Carnegie has been decorated with the Order of Bolivar, a Venezuelan honor, second class, as a benefactor to humanity. The British-American toliaeco com pany will buy out the T. C. Williams company, of Kiclnnoiul, vs., one of Its strongest rivals. James Haggin has filed pans for two five-story white marble dwellings in New York, ile will make one of the palaces his home. Try to Bribe Official. Honolulu, May 13. A committee representing the keepers ot Chinese gambling nouses has been placed un known der arrest, charged with attempting to biibe Deputy Attorney General Andrews to permit four games of paka pio to be run without molestation. Andrews arranged a meeting with the gamblers and concealed witnesses heard the offer of f6, 000 a month if Andrews would permit tbe conducting of gambling games. Harrlman Lines are Turning Thoughts of Thousands to Oregon. G. M. McKinney, who has charge of the immigration department of the Harriman lines, met with the real es tate dealer of Salem to discuss matters relating to his work. lie explained the plan of his department and talked the real estate men concerning methods of advertising that they must rely upon to draw immigration to tbU stataWavThat Oregon ia now the most widely talked of state in the Union tbe declaration he made, after telling how the resource! of this state have been advertised through the immigra tion buretu. As an indication of "ha has been done for tt.e Willamette val ley, he said t"at since his department has been working between 4,000 and 6,000 one-way railway tickets have been u.ed by Eastern peop.e, who came to the valley and did not go away again. He said that tbe immigration bureau of tbe Harriman lines is tbe most per lect enterprise of the kind ever org n iied in the United States, and that i reaches in the most effective mann.: those persona who are the most deeira b!e immigrants. seven months after be began work bis department had p ared the literature advertising this state into tbe h.nd of 2,000,000 people. The bureau has placed in the field six lecturers, with stereopticon views showing scenes illuitrating tbe resources and tnduttries of Oregon, and there lecturers are addressing Eastern audiences four evenings a wee. Six immigration agsnts in the different (actions of the midd'e Wed, are giving their whole time to disseminating in formation regarding tbia rtate, tuper vising the distribution of literature to those who are most likelv to come to this state, and aiding scores of Eastern real estate men who are encouraging Western immigration. By means of this vigcrom policy tbe people of tbe Eastern states have been interested in Oregon, witb the result that there is more talk of this state as a desirable place for bome-scekers than theie is of any other state. Little Change la Herd Law. Aside from the amendment of the law regarding the running ot stock in aiuitnoman county, no change was made by the last legislature in tbe herd law. Section 6 1 of the new roAd law prohibits tbe herding of stock upon the highways, thereby obstructing tbem witb earth, stones, or other debris, but his section does not prohibit herding stock on the highways so long as there is no obstruction remaining more than 24 hours. Plenty of Gold but Little Stiver. Clackamas county otbeera report an unusual scarcity of silver. Treasurer Cahill sat s gold pieces, in denomina tions ot $20, were never befoie as plen tiful as tbev are at this time, and he finds it troublesome to keep on band sufficient amount of silver with which to make change. No reason is assigned for this condition, save tbat it indicates in a suostantial way a greater degree of prosperity among all classes. Wool In narloa County Pool. From information produced at the Marren county woolgrowers associa tion meeting, it seems probable that tbe quantity of wool controlled by the pool this year will be nearly double that of last year. The soliciting com m it tee has not yet completed its work, but thus far 50 members have been secured, and it is expected that the total amount of wool represented will be from 75,000 to 100,000 pounds. Trains Meet HeadVOn. Utica, N. Y., May 13. Three per sons are dead and eight others are ser iously Injured as tbe result of a bead on collision between two passenger trains on the Mohawk division of the New York Central & Hudson railroad at Nelson lake, in the Adirondacks, between Mce'eever and Fulton Chain. which occurred about 3:15 this after-! will at once noon. IOregon.1 Survey ot the McKenzle. Professor McAlister, who is at the head of the University ot Oregon me chanical department, has completed ar rangements for a hyd'Ographical suivey of the Mckenzie river this summer. The survey will be made for tbe pur pose of determining the water power of tbe river with a view of locating the points where electric plants and the lixe may be established to the best ad vantage. Water Seeps from Ditch. The irrigating ditch belonging to Henry E. Ankeny, of Eugene, and Mrs. T. Henley, of Klamath county, runs through the town of Klamath Falls, and the village authorities have com menced suit in tbe circuit court to se cure an injunction against tbe owners, alleging tbat tlie property is a nuisance on account of injury from seepage. New Road to Crater Lake. W. 8. A rant, superintendent ot Crater Lake national park, reports that he will have the new road leading to the lake ready for use by August 1. It will be shorter and have fewer bumps and steep grades than the old one It will enable a journey from Fort Kla math to the lake, 25 miles, in 2 S, hours. Rainier Lumber Shipments. Ninety-five carloads of lumber ami shingles were shipped from Rainier in the past month. This does not include the cargo of 600,000 feet shipped to San Pedro by sailing vessel. Cattle Coming to Summer Ranges. Cattle are beginning to come into Staikey prairie lor summer range. The prair e summers several thousand head, principally from Umatilla and lower down, in Union county. WILL FIQHT THE RESERVE. Southern Oregon Citizens Readily Sign Protesting Petitions. A zealous protest is being made by the citizens of Josephine and Curry ' counties against the establishment of the great forest reserve, embracing nearly half of Curry and all of Western and Southern Josephine, as well as part of Douglas. -Josephine would be blocked in, so to speak, and Curry would be placed in a position whereby its advancement would be a matter of difficulty. Just at this time, when prosperity seems to be beading this way, capital ia becoming interested, new people ixming in, and new industries being established, it is a bard blow both to Josephine and Curry, o the citizens claim who are opposing the measure, to establish a forest reserve of so vast dimension!. Tbe argumi nt made tbat streams are drying up by reason of the removal of trees, seems not well foui.d ed. But few, if any trees, have been removed in that section, not enotiirb by any means to affect tbe flow of water in the creeks and streams. Even tbe miners, who need tbe water tbe most. oppose tbe establishment of the reserve. Petitions, begging that the matter of estab ishing the reserve b reconsid ered, or that the tract be not with drawn, are being circulated in Joseph ine and Curry counties, and are beinn liberally signed. State Labor Federation, Tbe first annual convention of the Oregon state federation of labor met io La Grande this week. About 100 dele gates were present. Tbe attendance was neither as large nor as represent ative as was hoped. By far the larger jart of thofe in the convention were from Portland, while Astoria Salem. Albany, Ashland, Baker City and Pen dleton have from one to three delegates each. Those in attendance are very much in earnelt in their desire to take up in tbe convention some of tbe knotty questions confronting organized labor and determine a courte of action in re gard to tbem. Clackanaa County Valuation. Tlie assessable valuation of all Clack amas county is beinz doubled bv Assessor Nelson, who is at work on tbe 1903 roll. Assessor Nelson reports tbat heretofore in this county property has been assessed at not to exceed 35 per cent of its real value. This year it is being listed at double the former valuations. -The amount of tbe tax under this plan will be about the same, since it will be cut down in pro portion to the increase in the property valuations. Bridge Over Santtasa. At a mass meeting of Linn county farmers held in school district No. 114 recently some resolutions asking the county court to rebuild Sanderson's bridge were adopted and sent to the court. This bridge was carried awav by the floods of last January. It was one of the longest bridges supported by Linn county and (.panned the Santiam river, connecting this portion ot the county with that rich section known as the forks of the Santiam. Eastern Oregon Geological Survey. T. B. White, of the United States geological survey, is in Pendleton and begin work in Eastern Insane Asylum Report. The report of Superintendent J. F. Cai breath, of the state insane asylum, for April shows the number of patients March 31 as 1,297; remaining on April 30, 1,293. Number of officers and em ployes, 160; expenditures for articles consumed, 17,749.41; pay roll, $6,064. 66 ; Cost of maintenance per capita per month, $10.66; per day, 35 cents. Eastern Oregon Pioneer. Julius O. Mack, one of the best nown residents of Eastern Oreiron. died at bis home at Tbe Dalles Sunday afternoon, after a short illness, from pneumonia. Mr. Mack was about 50 years of age. PORTLAND MARKETS. Wheat Walla Walla, 70a71c; val ley, 75 76c. Barley Feed, 21.50 per ton; brew ing, $23. Floci Best grades, $3.95(34.25; gra ham, $3.45(43.86. Mills tuffs Bran, $19 per ton: mid dlings, $24; shorts, $19.60(320; chop. $18. Oats - No. 1 white, $1.61(81.20; gray, $11. 24l. 15 per cental. Hay Timothy, $ISc513.50; clover. $10(311; cheat, $1112 per ton. Potatoes Best Burbanks, 60c per " sack; ordinary, 25(0c per cental, growers' prices; Merced sweets, $3(3 3.50 per cental. Poultry Chickens, mixed, llt2c; young, 13c 14c; hens, 12c; turkeys, live, 1617c; dressed, 2022c; ducks, $7.00(37.50 per dozen; geese, $06.60. Cheese Full cream, twins, 18Ji 17c; Young America, 17gl7i'c; fact ory prices, llc; less. Butter Fancy creamery, 22o "per pound; extras, 21c; dairy, 2022iic; , store, 16(18c. - Eggs 16(317c pur dozen. Hops Choice, 18ta 20c per pound. Woll Valley 12Ji15; Eastern Ore gon, 8(314; mohair, 35836o. Beef Gross, cows, 3,V4c per pound; steers, 445c; dreaaed, 7lc. Veal 88c. Mutton Gross, 77)ie per pound; dressed, 89c. Lambs Gross, 4c per pound id weed, 7.W Hogs Gross, 7(8X70 P pound! .dressed, WX.