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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (May 8, 1903)
Peculiar To Itself In what it is and what it does con taining the best blood-purifying, alterative aud tonio substances and effecting the most radical and per manent cures of all humors and all eruptions, relieving weak, tired, languid feelings, and building up the whole system is true only of Hood's Sarsaparilla No other niedioiue acts like it;, no other medicine has done so: much real, substantial good, no! other medicine ha restored health 1 and strength at so little cost. j "I u troubled with scrofula anil csma ' Bear losinf mi eyesig-ht. For (our months 1 j could not see to do anything. After uklut two bottles of Hood's I could see to walk, and ihen t bad taken air hi bottles I eould see as well as ever." Scan A. Hairs tov. Withers, N. C. Hood's Sareaparllla promise to cure and keeps the promlso. , Oarcla Salad. Cut celery, apples nJ fresh tomatoes In thin strips about two inches long, serve on lettuce leaves with French dressing. A slice i l truttte on the top adds both to the appearance and flavor. Good Housekeeping. New Danger la Submarines. The recent explosion on the sub marine boat I Francais has revealed a new danger in this type ol craft. The accident established the fact that in stormy weather oxygen gas escapee from the electric accumulators. Slow. Wabash How long did it take you to do that picture? French. Artist (proudly) I am en gage npon eet for eeex months! Wabash Just as X thought. You're dead slow over here. Why, I've taw fellers in Chicago tnrnin' them things out while ye wait. The Largest Serpent , The largest serpent ever measured was a Mexican anaconda, found to be 37 feet in length. Tt was measured by Dr. Gardner. Food and Paper. Articles of frod tbat are damp or juicy should Dever be left in paper. Faper is simply a compound of rags, glue, lime and similar substances, with j acids and chemicals mixed, and when j damp is unfit to touch things that are to be eaten. His Opening. Chumley How much have you got in your bank, Johnny? Johnny I'll have just a dollar when you give me a quarter. New York Sun. For Sleeplessness. A Canadian doctor, when called to prescribe for insomnia, always advises before drugs are employed a hop pillow instead of feathers. It is made of a thin muslin slip s'.uffed with hops and hop leaves and sprayed fresh witn alcohol every night before tbe patient goes to bed. Patience Rewarded. 8mith I hear Short, the coal man, has come into a large fortune. Jones Well, he's entitled to it. Smith Oh, he is, eh? Jones Yes. He's been lying in weight for a good many years. Want Lawyers to Wear Gowns. BritUb county court judges have re ceived a circular from tbe incorporated law society approving of solicitors be deeired to wear gowns in coart. Charity of the Fair Sex. He Mrs. Powderleigh certainly has a lovely complexion. She Yes, indeed, and she ought to be very grateful to ber husband. He Because why? She Because be buys ber every thing she want. 'Twa Ever Tha. He There are times when every man likes to refer to himself as an idiot. She Yes, but it always rrakes him mad if any one else agrees with him. An All the Year constant sufferers, while others have only occasional spells of Rheumatism but either kind is wearing upon the constitution, and in time produce! stiffness in the muscles and joints, and sometimes the acids thrown off b) the blood settle upon the valves o' tne heart and ends suddenly and fatally, It wont do to let Rheumatism run on. It is a dangerous disease, and) you can never tell where it is going to strike. Home remedies, plasters, lini ments and such things as produce counter-irritation, are soothing and may relieve the pain temporarily, but the polluted, acid blood cannot be reached by external applications. Rheumatism must be treated through the blood, and no remedy brings such prompt and lasting relief as S. S. S. It attacks the disease in the. k1wt neutralizes the acids, and removes all irritating poisons and effete matter from the system. S. S. S. strengthens and enriches the thin acid blood, and, as it clrctu lates through the body, the corroding, gnawing poisons and acid deposit are dislodged and washed out of the muscles and joints, and the sufferer abont their case will receive valuable aid and helpful advice from our physicians, for which no charge is made. We will mail free our special book on Rheumatism, which is the result of years of practical experience iu treating this disease. It contains much interesting information about all kinds of Rheumatism. fXS SWUT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA. tUU Te barred Road. "There is only one road to success in life." said the man who had made his lucky and retired. "And bow i-hall I know the road?" inquired the budding young man. "Well," replied the man with the lucky, "you go right along thli path ol adveisity until you teach the first turn to the right." "Ves, yes." "And you'll find a road barred off with a gate and a sign that says, 'No Tresspassing.' Well, that's it." Her Own Idea. "Your daughter," laid Mr. Oldias tle alter being conducted throrgh the newly finished wit g of the magnificent palate occupied by the Itullinetons, "has such a splendid vocabulary!" "lo yon thir.k cjV her hostess re plied. "Josiah wanted to get her one of them escritoires, but I made tip my mind right at the Mart that a voiabu larv would lot k better in a room fur nbhel like hers is even if it didn't cost quite as tniuh,." A Master Craltsmsn. t'lericos (fervently) Oo not eVra'r. my your.g Christian friend. Remem ber there is no wod like hope. Foeticns (disdain.'uilv) Is that so? What's the Iiutior with Foap and dope Why, in dia'et t I ron'd ring in m n any word y m have a mind to n tine. New ork Sun. THH T11RFE HUMS. The lure,'!"! nraneial l:,'ti" n; iou in t worl.l are the three Kfest l.i-e llo-tirsi.rt' I'oiui a.:l.! ot New York, re'ieii railed I he T! r - i.iants. " 1 .urine I'. - the coin rn;f-ci itt.-rvst- in atiumel ot iti.tirem-e hi lorce in ilresi'li lit three comj'atiie ws !'.!'. v. Iitirlns; the eme ttu.e the Penn Mntuel, of Phi' mad an lucres ol It.".!.. There are gee.1 reasons . 'or the vuUrity of the lYtin Mutual; eemt lor Ire com riirl-.ted booklet. "Hoe Slut why." t-hennall A Harmon, eeneral agem. Viarijueai building. Irllan.l, Oregon . The Evil of Drink. An Episcopal clergyman ofCimin nati was being shaved by a barb -r who was addicted to occasional sprees. Tl e raior manipulator cut the parson's face considerably. "You see, Jackson, that comes from taking too much drink," said the u an of Gci. "Yes, sah," replied Jackson, "It makes de tkin very tendah, sah. It do for a fack." Chicago Chronicle. TC Permvtnr ewM So ft er nw,eafnea M I e srtar rim t,of Or Klie.'tlirs Nfrns 3aOmt. Smxi tor rU E K f i.OO :riJ ri M1 trS a. a.K.U Kus-U4. tut srchitFailsd.lelus.fa The American Plan. American Youth I have come, sir, to beg your permiHeion to my marriage with your daughter. American Father Has she accepted yon? "Yes." "Has she promised to elope with yon if I refuse mv consent?" "Yea." "liless yon, my children." X. Y. Weekly. DEAF-MESS BE CCEID By local applications, ss tbey r-snnot reach tb diseased portion ol the er. 1 here Is on j one ws locuredeemess. and that is by eoustltu tiohsl remed.e.. peamens is caused by an la fismed condition of tbe mucous lining of tb Eiislscbisn Tuhe. When tins tub gels ln Itsrued , on lisve a rumbling -onnd or imper feet bearing, and when It is entirely closed OVainex is llie result, and unite, the Inflamma tion can tie t en out sn.l I his lube rest rwi to its normal condition, tiesring will bedestroyed forever; nine esses out ot t-a are caused by csisrrh. which Is nothing but sn inflamed eondinonol the mucous surfaces. w will g it On Hundred Hollars for any eassof llesmessicsused by catarrh) that ean not be rurrd by Hail s Catarrh tnre. Bend tor :,rcula,lree. Tado, 0. Bold by Druggists. 5c stall's Family PUi an th beat. Singular Statue. There is only one statue in Great Britain with an umbrella. This is to be seen at Reading and represents Mr. G. Palmer ol biscuit fame standing bareheaded with a silk hat and um brella in hand. Mothers will Bno Mrs. rDnstow's Sooth ing Syrup the best remedy to us lor tbeir jhildren during toe teething period. An Insinuation. Green Say, do you know how it feels to be kicked by a mole? Brown So, I don't and what's more, I don't want you to show me. Tbe Reason. Little Rollo Pa, why does popcorn ' pop? Mr. Hennypeck Because, my son, I popcorn, like men, doesn't know any better. Round Disease. Rbenmatism does not come and go with winter time always; in fact some suffer more during the Spring and Summer than at any other season. When the blood is charged with Uric Acid, Alkali and other irritating poisons, then the system is in the right condition for Rheumatism to develop, and an attack is liable to come at any time, Winter or Summer. Rheumatism, because it attacks different parts of the body, and is sudden or slow in its action, is given various names such as acute and chronic, muscular, articular, inflammatory, mercurial and sciatic, but it is the same old acid blood that causes all. Some aiC Portland, Ind., Jan. 10, 1903. After being terribly crippled tot three years with Eheumatlsm, and having tried well known remedies I eould get no relief. And having read ot the wonderful effecta of B. B. S., I concluded to try It, and am happy to say tbat I was entirely cured, and am able to work a wU as I ever did I cheerfully rsoommsnl 8, S. 8, to all sufferers of this terrible disease, and will say that If they will con tinue the treatment, as per direc tion, they will And a permanent core. H. W. BBE8. 18 nappuy reuevcu uuiu we uincuuiiui tat and misery of Rheumatism. S. S. S. is a purely vegetable remedy, docs not contain any Potash or mineral of any kind, and can be taken with Safety by old and young. Rheumatic sufferers who write us OLD f FAVORITES f A Oatck Lallebv. Wynken. Blynken, and Nod on night Sailed off In a wooden shoe Sailed on river ot crystal light Into a sea of den ; "Where are you going, and what do you wlshr The old moon ssked the three. "W bars corns to Bsh for the herring fish That live In this beautiful sea: Nets of silver aud gold have we," Bald Wynken, Wynken, and Nod. The old moon laughed and sang a song. As they rocked In the wooden shoe And the wind that sped litem all night long Kuttted the wave of dew; The Mule stars were tits herring Bsh Tbat lived in that beautiful sea; "Now cast your nets wherever you never afeard are w," So cried th Stan to the asberuieu three Wynken, Blynken, and Nod. All night long their nets they threw i For the ttsh In th twinkling foam- Then down from the sky catue tin wood en shoe Bringing tit fishermen home. 'Twas all so pretty a sail. It seemed A it it could not be. And soms folks thought 'twas a dream they'd dreamed Of sailing that beautiful sea; But I shall nam you th fishermen three Wynken, Blynken, and Nod. Wynken asd Blynken sr two little eyes. And Nod is th llttl head. And the wooden slto tbat sailed the skies Is a we one's trundle bed; Bo shot your eye while mother sing Of wonderful sight that be. And you shall see tk beautiful things A you rock on th misty sea. Wher th old shoe rocked th fisher men three Wynken. Blynken, and Nod. Eugen Field. Let Krla Remember. Let Erin remember th day of old. Er her faithless ons betray'd her; When Malachi wore th collar of gold Which he won from her proud invader; When ber king with standard of green unfurl'd Led th Red Branch Knight to dun ger; Er the emerald gem of th western world Waa set in the crown of a stranger. On Lough Neagh's bank as the fisherman strays. When the clear cold ere's declining. He sees th round towers of other dnys In the wars beoeatb him shining! Thus shall memory often, iu dreams sublime. Catch a glimp of th days that are over. Thus, sighing, look through th wares of time For the Inng-faded glories they cover! Thomas Moore. A MINISTER'S SNAKE STORY. Few Laymen Could Produce a Better Article In Tbat Line. Dr. Watklus. the veteran missionary, who has Just returned from a four mouths' evangellcnl trip through the outlying States, tells a strange s:ory of n wonderful snake which lie killed In an old. aliaudoned shaft of a mine down In the State of tiuerrcro: "My attention was attracted one day " .says Mr. WatWlns. "by the hor rifled cries of an Indinn miner who mine runulng toward me. his face glinstly with fright aud the pcrsplra lion dripping like raindrops from li t trow. 'J be man rushed up and cast himself at uiy feet, where he liiy trembling and gnp:ng. As kohii m he was able to get his breath he told uie th:,t be bad been aelzid by a horrible monster which had sutldeuly sprung uKn him from one of the hidden re cesses of the mine, anil that he hud tiari-iwly escaped being dtawu down Iu Us embrace. "My curiosity was aroused and I pro reeded to the mouth of the sluift wiii the tuna as soon ss I could Induce h.'m to return. We looked down, but In the ettase obscurity could see nothing. Drawing T revolver, I made the man go down Into the shaft a way, assur ing him that oo harm would befall hi in, as I would follow Hose with my socked revolver ready for use. "Tbe miner did as 1 comnmnded mid bsd gone down for a number of feet, when suddenly from the deuse black ness I saw a huge and Indlxcrlbabiy hideous bead with wide opin moulu shoot up. Tbe Jaws of the creature were wide open, showing Its slinrp fanged teetb. Its mouth looking large enough easily to take a man down at one gulp. "The miner screamed with terror and I feared be would lose bis bold and fall, but he cluug desperately to the ladder while t thrust tbe barrel of the revolver full Into the creature's mouth and fired. With a tremendous hiss It dropped its bead, and then we saw It was a huge serpent, like unto nothing I bad ever beard of before. "As Its struggling body came Into my view I Bred again, and tbe snake, slipping from Ibe ledge on which It had stretched Itself, fell with n squashy thud to the bottom of Ihe shaft, where we could hear It thrash log about in struggles which momen tarily grew weaker and finally ceased altogether. Then we went below, fasteued a rope ahout the body of tbe reptile, and hoisted It to tbe surface. "There was then unfolded before our eyes the most hideous creature man could ever dream of. Its bend ws like tbe huge stone head of a frightful ly carved Chinese dragon. Its hotly about tbe middle was as luige as a man's thlgb and Its length was so great that I dure not say bow many feet It measured. I very much regret ted being unable to preserve Ihe skin and bring It back for tbe study of scientists, but I was compelled to leave It behind." Mexican Herald. There are many hot spot In love let ters at nrst, btu after a Uuiv luug be fore tbe marriage there are but two at tbe beginning, and Just before tbe signature. I "Fibroid Tumors Cured Nute the result ol Airs. Pinkham's adv ice and medicine. Soiuo time ap;o I wrote to you de scribing my symptoms and asked your ad rice. You replied, and I followed Ml vour directions carefully, aud to day 1 am a well woman. The ue of Lydln I'. Plnkluun's Vo'fetublo Compound entirely ex pelled tlta tumor aud atrciitfthoncd uv.' whole system. I can walk milee no-r. Lyrtlti K. Plnkliftin s epre t;llIo Compound is worth five dol lar a drop. 1 advise all women who nro ulUet.'d with tumor or female trc'ildo of aiir kind tugivo it af.tithful trial." (Signed) Mtn. K. V. Havs, J,'. Dudley .St., tUosbnry) Itoaton. Mass. ;-, )0O '( I' e'l-lmi ef afcwe tttlu Oit -IHtf 7" .IS. !" l1-'tlf f'WW(l. Ji.'tn ti:i' of j;"''' eot'I'l nof pm-cli.t-e Kiiiii ii'stmiotiy or tako tin" l.ic l" tln health iitnl Is.iW'lii-'M wh It'll I.yiliu, II. l;:il,lruu' setnlleCiiiHiundl btit;lit to Mrs. Hayes. Such testimony should be accepted bv all women r.s convincing evidence L.yilUi 1'. PIiiUiiiihN Vege table Compound stands without a eer as a remedy for ail the distreae iuir ills of women i all ovarian troubles ; tumors; inflammations; ulceration, falling and displacement of the womb ; backache; irregular, suppressed or p.tinJc.1 menstruation. Surely the volume and character of the testimo nial letters we are dally printing la tlit spnpen rati leave no room for doubt In the minds of fair people. Pride. Pride does not consist in imagining yourselves hotter or cli ve er than other people, it is, rather, shown in a m-u-silive, irritable teni er toward other. ;ind an undue anxietv r to their opin ontfj-Hi Kev. W. K. I'ently. "The Kit-sit Ki-'I Kitchen Ktmt" i- tlie trs l.- mark on toT.e w riu h enstile )eil tu t-ovik ill comturt iu a MM1 Liu-hen. Authority. There are men who will accept Jone- pbtif and liutarch and the Greek and Latin authors as truthful bis'ortans and ret the Bible asii'e as having tic authori'y. Kev. I r. Simmons. AM'gelaUe PrcpflMlionfor As similalim? rtc Food antl Hcq ula -ling the Stoinaclis and Uovrcls of mi Promolcs DiijcstionChrvrfui nessarxl Rest Contdins neillicr (kiiuni.Monilune norMjiitral. ISOTlMAHCOTIC. ctsr afiW O-.UHl TL PtTOWi flxmim W Mx ,1mm mm,.ut- IWW aisjar Aperfecl Remedy forConstipa fion, Sour Stoowvch.Diarrliocfl Worms .(onvulftionti .Feverish ness And Loss of Slkep. Facsimile Signature of JKW YORK. exact copy or wrapper. romo - SjL For Infants and Children I fcjYW'Mssa, !SS w- -; V.':l Promptly cures all HeadacKes PRUCS1AP3 STOCK FOOD The f I rest Conditioner and Stock Pattener. MOPSCS de More Work on lss t:eed. COWS glvs More and Uictsse Milk. HOOti I stun (fukker II given this iood. Paokage, BOo and I.OO. MAKES l'IGH GltOW UOOU KOIt BTL'NTJCD CALVED. PausstsN Kkwriiv Co.. Ht. I'anl. Minn. Gksti.kukm : 1 haTe lien fredlnK your PaessitK Stock I'iioii to ms thoroughlirtd swine. It kIti-s them mi ttiprtitr, and miikrs the Diss grow. 1 also tried It on slunt.:d eulvcs with sail, fsrt'irv r...ielts. '' Ntl). ruHTLANI aai) to., Pertlaad, Oregen, Cossl A seats. IfsitlMIAN1 iTora-'soo I mm ..Scarcely a Day.. racftrft b'lt we urn c'Rllttd upon to fmrforrn Homo flp.icfili tl itril i)M;rH.tln tht Id tlie At'f r-piiIto( ni'nl'tlnj( th tftftri. We cannot ur$n tr,u Htrnt'Kly th be no fit rtd tvcfuiotny u1 -r i i -u 1 1 i n f dHiitutM the very liritt nlj;n of loMh trmi !). At Itie Piurt thi'Mti trtiiitilcM ftra (.rrectl fUlrlilv Mtid st miitill rout. Our melhoflH ftttf ii(Jin M.ri1 (jur vvirlt uinrnttP: i f;oIiiinbia Oi.imi oviilni,i till v. l)t. W. A WISE BROS., Dentists. ZXX1 fOBTLAMU. OBBUOM. Tired Out " was very poorly and could hardly get about the house. I tired out all the time. Then 1 turd Ayer's Sarsaparllls, and it only took two bottles M make nte feel perfectly well."- Mrs. N, S. Swlrt ney, I'nnecton, Mo. Tired when you ro to bed, tired when you pet up, tired all the time. W hy? Your blood is im pure, that's the reason. You are living on the border line of nerve ex haustion. Take Ayer's snrQflnarlIla and be quickly cured . . II M at haWltak tt SS s betlts All SfnilUIS. A.k nr doeler r.t UO" ' ATM' s,,..,i,,,l. II. knu. sn id e'il, nie.ll.-his. rJI sis sS.los sua. Warm Adks. Author Oh. well, If you don't choose !lo publish my t"ry I have outer lions I In the tire. I J'l.lili.liei Oh. yen haveT If I were I you. I'd put this story lu with cut ' PIo s Cure (V a rrinfdv foriMtistn. colds ! and ei.iiMtiuptioii. Try It. I'rtre & eeuta, at druggists. A New Life. There Is a new life granted to you j by coming In contact with t hrift j Thetm are thini;s upon which niieuro ! ' dumb Hut lu Jesus t'hiirtt you have j ;he solution In fact - the omy one ever ! ;lven since the world le'in We nrc lonstantty experiencing (hint; we cannot explain. - Uev. A, t". United. To Break in Now Shoe., Alsrars hske In Aliens K.s'l ae. a pew.ter, It rnrvs rhlltilaln. damp, wrslms, st linif. ,H..Ueu fe.-t l u re turn, suit ilti-iumi Al !l 'trnesl-ls aii.t W in-re., .' c l-ti I svr4 siit ciltiiUlute nsnr-'e msllr-l r UKt,. Address Alien . lllllltea.l, Ultns. N v Weather Death. There are about SOU itenltt yearly In Knttland due to weahter. One hint ilteil and forty of these are due to cold i and tho real to sunnttoUt and lljihtn intt. Whco Snake Poison Is Harmlcs. Nature seems to have provide I that no politon which acts externally shall have any rff-ct Internally, uud vice versa Thus the most tleadly snake venom tail he swallowed with Impuni ty, the Julie of the stomach priMiumtti ly det-ninpoNtuK It ami rciulcrlnu It harmless, in l isiiii ii s 1 1 mmm Mils i s s JIM ussMi i nil issii i isrf laiei.m STho linr. Vmi Unua IIIW UUIU IUU llUiO Always Bough! Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years TMff CttTUH IOHNNT, Ntw VO OfTf , tvy wij i a ajw isvi'eiaissi jisiij i i-mmmmmmi- Seltzer --SS"J4. IT. 1. 1 . 1W AW IF A MIRACULOUS ESCAPt. Thres Ills Orlaalles rrlaht.iie.l OrT lr Trivial Tlslwat. A writer In outnm iay '' cvsnly bear, III..' other feiwlnua and resourceful b aM.rrtl liens sl.le. which him "'' l cotMiidlce. ami It was au accldenta pl iy upon this weeklies which enabbd a 'huuler. Jtiuies l. Iloliuea. of l'aa deua, Oil., to live le tell Ihe following story : lu Annual. lt. Mr. Holmea was dialling with a niild up a molt tl Const Hauge MuuiiImIu. In Jll Valley, Callfoiula. Aa they talked they hianiaciaeklliigof Iwlga bihlnd Iheiu, believe It's deer." aald Mr. Iluluua. "No." said Ihe guide; but be changul his mind Hioimuil later, when the ciacklng became louder. "They're deer, sure. Look mil!" aald llnluica, softly. It men were then on their feet waiting. Mr. Holmes had a rllle lu his hands, and he and lh g'H'l" ,,H"1 watching the thicket abovs lltelti, whence the crackling sound came. Aa they looked, the gray nose of a grlssly was protruded through the foliage, and the men stepped backward. Mr lllines Is a crack shut, but he had never had experience with grUallee However, the nose of the Iwar made a tine mark, and he raised his rlM li i blane away. ll was nearly twenty 1 yards from the bear. Just aa he was about to fire there was more crackling of brush, and two other and larger missllee thrust their heads through the thicket toward the men. The guldrt turned pale. 'Peii't ahoot," be called. Mr. Holme loweml hla rlrte. Hun for the hill! Huu for your life!" yelled the guide, Mr. Iloliuea did Hot catch the Instruc tions to go for the hill, but he ran. Near the creel uf tha hill was a clump of lree, and he made for Oietu. hop ing to 11 ml stumer or hiding place. The hear, with frightful bellowing, went Isiuiiding over atones aud chap arral aft. r him. The old male grlsaly was nearest Just aa Mr. II. 'lines fell Ihe hot bienlh of tills beast, he resolve,) lu do some thing de-pemto. Ilo wheeled round quickly, made a last rffurt to gel bis Kim Into position, uud fired. Tlieu be was kn.H-keil down. The bear burled his teeth In Mr. Untitles' right leg jllst Ix-loW 1 list tllp. txirlng np.'ii the flesh. The pain was well u gh killing. The female llo n catue up and made a rleloti snap at Ills ribs, but aiiccntl.-d only lu dilvlng her teeth tlirougli a pastctard tuateh box, which Ignited the tuiilchre. Mhe gave ait angry r.-ar, ahmik lor head and suitpw-d at hla face, aud he gave tils hen. I a feeble J.Tk. It was Just lu tune lie lirard the teeth simp In bis face with a sound Ilk the closing of a ate.1 trap. Then he swooned lieu he recovered riuscitisiiwa and, rising, reeiiniioltered the situation, he saw the lurgi-r br. with the rub at their hiils. disappearing In the brush. I'rep Ing over the brow of the hill, he per. eclvrd the guide, who rushed Ion aid ti : in. say Ing: " I hunk t;od, sir, you're alive! li s the lutrrnwewt s.iiiese I r i er saw. there was one chance In a million fur jnii to escape alive from thr.-e grle l ies The (mix of buttling liiiltcli s seated lllelll off." A CITY OF EXTRtMKS. In Untie, Millionaires Nnb Kll.o.s Willi Haastetaiid lllrlv Kurely no city ever knew such ex tr.-lni s, such cuiilrasta of lire, aa llutte Here are iiiltlioinilri-e deitneralleall j riillblng illi '! with out at hiils,., for here opportunity, a gambling chance for wealth, hits attracted tilh su.ei-s aud failure. Here are college gradu ates, foreign tlolilelnell, I 'lillla tll.-ll, linl Inns. Welshmen, and s ilnn-n oilier na tloialitlee, wllh a uiiarrnhle reiiuiniit of Ihe nliorlKlnal Inillnns. all gnthernu and frati mixing In ilils Utile Isol.tii-.l city. The chief of i,lee hit a cite, k list of six hundred ex .-.ituli ts who are rinidenls of ihe clly; but that fuel alone Is highly misleading. It does Jii. the to llie active better eleunnt, for here are no fewer limn twetilj eight church orgaaglxatloiia. with iiiiiiiitou fine church clHlees, the aewlees well support. tl, and well altembsl. Here a.e crowding anloons. It la true, tint here are nl-o some of Ihe biwt eilppei of schools, housed lu tiiinsinilly Due buildings, a really notable llhrary, a college of mines set on Ihe bleakest of bleak hllla wlthaut an Inch of lawn or a tree anywhere near It. Voii will hear of the activities of the Woman's flub and the iIoIiik of tlie ThcoHophlcal Koclety, and there are i. cinl galhiTlnga which differ not al all In the proprieties) or In resplendence from those of the fnvored I'.nst (in n... other hand, you will hear, In the same breath, related wllh no more surprise, as though It were the most common! place of Incidents, sin h a story aa this, some of the details of which came un der my personal observation: Two prominent young society men having differed over a haaehall game, one chnl lenged the other to personal rombat. They drove out to a madhouse, chose seconds, stripped to the waist lu tbe presence of a considerable company, among which was the father of one of the young men, and fought out their differences wllh bare flats. Nothing ever seems unexpected. In llutte; what ever happens Is so much added u the public entertnlnmeiit. Century, r'un Rmwren I-oca. After (Jenerul Hen Vlljoen had enp tured Ihe forts at Helvetia and the 4 7 gun Ijoly Huberts, hla greatest exploit In llie Anglo Hoer war, he had a Utile fun with General Hiiilth Jtonien whlrli he describes In hla recent vol-' utile of "lleinlnlaeencea," "1 have been obliged to expel ,,t Huberts from Helvetia," , wrote Die British coniinnii.t., k.i.i. . . . . - ' ' 'ins limy !,.. In an undealrable Inhabitant of the place. I am glad to Inform you ,nt she seems quite at home In i,r ,,w smioundlngs, and pleuaed wllh tht cliniige of coiiipimy." tienernl Hinltli-Dorrlen replied n the name spirit and promptly; "Aa the lady you refer to la not ,. eilHlonicd lo sleeping In tl,. op,.,, r 1 would recon..n, yo , , (j next to the Kltlu." Hllffness and lonesoieness are, aft,., all, the two great grMa uf olJ ag0 I L, e ioii a"'?! ost Oast I r In lima xl4 kf Snissma 1 I ' ' Mill II Why He's mill Single, Mhe - !i you think two can live as cheaply a oif lie Yes; but nut so peaceably, Melbourne Weekly Times, ,..., enlistment Signatures. Ilefure a recruit ran be said lo have jnlnt'il the llrlllah army tils name must he entered 'J t lines, and that nf his mipitilor tifflcer l'l tltiiea. lu the docu ments reunited by the war olflce. KI M HMI.N MAtlll.M.KV CU, Hiinessors le Julia ISwIe, y.sil ot Xlnrrlsiiit street, 1'orllsnd, Dessna. He. Hll Ilen.l Nl"l I'l -KS. II III ,Nn 114. l I Vmtll IL' "'I I hilled liosis, It In. Iua, ! Iti l,,.l..Ml"'ll tsi; Neoluliasa n s.-sr. rin,.tste, all rllts.'l, silds ul iMii.t. i-.p I.iivstes, sl'ta S.rltigs, rsg ular 1.'. .i, now I m. I WINT TO BUT FOR CASH Chli ken, I'm k and Oimwd feath ers. A'blree O. O. SMITH. in mm Mil )Ht tllfftUt,. tllt M .)( ).) a. ro la. I ft (tl tha gtmiit.l , on l ti.fw vm muiii? with Hi. ix eelAt.y.U tNs) Jft U llltMttslt lir -tU u!n Ii fttUf ht liMl f b" mM h,lill. fttU hat. Il thtmli tix mtmif ltti, tnriiU . Mn iftrl f lu. , -y.. t!f tH f.rrrt ,..-tr( t!Ptil U ing vi .iM.trt K uthl ttbl -! 1 l'S tl ul gi, ullMrftt it, lim i mr Ui - '' ' lUr OREECX I PHtUCELPHIl SECURITIES CO. M.ksr riMU4i.i, rStld, Oiim. Austin Well Machinery Oil or Water any leplh. W ttte tot ts sl..ju- Ill'.AU. e CO., a Use I Agt. 119 I'nwmer. rtat llix PUUtljkNU, Ofl iKlt Alcohol, Tobicco Using Jt Wtilf f j . CaxctiLAixa Pmi is' r-cs. jr Sour Stomach fe l l, I Wttl Hi (lUIWMel a Its IW sVMH. Ml it t vasry f4 ( aeat mt tt4 4hJ 4 I h4.4 taMfh ttwttlsl U" ib i ri tu Mr tr a mmIciiI muu. fs turn JU. l-tHUNU, KUt Um4m leMM4. IHk eissssftt ests'ssie. i-.eM Tstia Usee, os vuS. As,sr s.isss. Wsstss ol U., WS. SW.BM. ... CURf CONSTIPATION. ... tuMt as, ihh, isiMe. .h. an ta. M MO-TO-BAC ltrsfi-M DR. C. GEE WO WONUIiHf liL humi; THt-AIMI;NT I hi tnMitrril l rie-wat dm-1 ssf Ig tMaVllM f- tiematiM raitM U(s) Will 4fffui mi' ttg still (ii allf sl y art- it let mtittssl tKl' Hi. Hi i II a . ,m,M , , ( lui .t. Usf IU' lreirti ) a tvHieslis) (h e daar tf fc Hu ihr sv i-M. nl iner . rtvriii wuit1! I.rti. i nil a M, lM lri, lisraMNL IU $ itsai mm (v It. rut ittMtttit. Miltiit, tnnjl. IIiHii. fltrtitiisUiAtii, itofvtiueMrsi, ttrnttw h, I ft, klilitm str , lm MuutlrtetU nf l-lri-'i t Immre MitMlemto i Mttt htm. I allf mi. i-ot uf ii,m eirr rn lur tlMii nt. rt ur. iv-it a i t.u mi BtaniML luatir 1 A I IO.N f MKke. THE C. GEE WO CHEESE MEDICINE CO. IJi , INIrd at., Ms-tiaitil, Oregsa. lacrrs'cj la Bulrif Somtltlne Comfortililr and Dursllt I MITCHIilL & BEE LINE BUGGIES ' Are at Ilia lus.l ,,( la.ilr class lor Comfort Eaiy RUlur Appriuact DarAblllly WANT To runw vinivt e . .i. , m - . . .w nou.T if il i I ailed (roe. MlTCilELL, LEWIS i STIVER CO. 200-iorj M 81i IHJKI LANU, OR. Also Kivikans, llulss. . N. t). ' No. io-IuoJ. 'II KN writine to SMlvertlsen please mannas, 11.1s paper. k sW I 'fcNsw vasol sssaa Masesiaee jf If "il a; -tfev J