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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (May 8, 1903)
OKEGOX MIST Kliii.iii mi n n ii i ji jiijii i.ijMiwMiijiiiiiii mm iiiiiL.iiiiiMBiiiMMi.., . --sf Zntered St lb Pnetofbcr al ft. He'en. Oregon, a teeood-clttt mail Batter. COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER. lx an Kvtev Faiuar Muuui Bt KKKI.KR II. UtBBERr, Kimtub abd PaoreirroB. eiBarairnox rtirt: On eopv one year, io advance is month tl-00 . Ml lattrtal.t kf Y .kit. 6r.Br-1 IWVl & O Th ttoc belmj boill lo ... ' . fcraB W W V a M V ! Uian ai,l n be completed, and reedy , A Urt AUBaw .erf Ul.f Ma,.... AR An lor orvuptu. v. qnartwly meeting of the I olumbis . s tod ill tooa 1 1 nuiahed. Pa G.tng. Saturday. The filth or. Emulsion IS fhe ,. MHWf I. p.thl.g kit rt.rfwl- Pomona drgrr wttconf.r red on 3 n w a i-r t t .i i llnK Kvond umi, Allien av, nnwn. means ot life and of the en- ue. whitim ... hv a houteoi ! At tattrtaintr., Yanktoa Graare joymcnt of life of thousands 0 ' . ' ' mo' 001 rved , .i., that .rp.i men. women and children. iuL .'.u. To the men Scott's Emul- to hit hout Second d Walnut clatskanie I Classified Advertisements r-OB KALK-A l.UIIIT KOWIIOAT I' with out t! ilr , " I'rir. :. . C. IIKNRY, ,,,;,,H i-viu met TWO YKAR O'.l) rjrrwjHull. Apply I" J"''" ''. Houlton. MAY 8, 1WU. pre v too basque! Wp epreade brreto- : . lor aertrd to Colombia coo my people. The member of M.lti.n Uraog coatrib a? uted toward tht refreshment. Ytnkton Ore- Grant having pe fornrtd a timilar of toa bflildiag, Portland, Oregon. 1MPR0T1SG THS ROADS. any watin-j disease. Thla naner if keot on file at the rr"?. 4w;ok;o 9. ii"oiii-;6at H.iit..B ia Ot-tober. Tb U- repairing: of bodv losses from . ... V dirt of tankton Grange did tba took ; in i the bail kitrben, and aerved the I Ubln The rrporu from the rarioai Clatekaoia ia letting a more on ia tht , Cintnrw aere eovonraf in an1 iotaref t Bialter of improTiDf Hie roadt by meant ir j. AH art proeijertmt and ateadiiy of pr in It aabMrictioo, ia addition, to ( aduirif ne Dieintvrt. Depoty Slate tht liberal food raived by conniy lery. OgiainrW. A. Young reported that The eaterpriaiof citixeaa ol that teen, he bad iutitaied nee Uraaee at Uuiti- laohave raited fS.W to baild a tide- rr and Mareer. ali in a DtMri ,-or - a!k to tht df pot, and will fit op tht ' Uiuon. Ivputy Organiier S. U. S-huou-depjt raad io a tabetantiai aay. Money, over reported that he had iiitlimtrd tlao baa beta piedfed to pat tat flau-, 8iuriehig Uraneea at Rainier. Step-kinie-af in road in excellent condition, j pouee, tiohle and LVer Uland. Torre Clattkaoia kaa ikaogarated a move ! are rto UUraogeatn tla r-anty eiih that ia worthy of tht practical following a total membrrbip of 65 and tht ' of other aectiona. Tlit principal thor-; growth ha only fairly begon. j ougbfare to Ibe interior thou id befirtlj C'edr Uroie and Vernoaia Grange IniBrored, to tbat no-plt fruoi the Ne-: hare planned to boild new hallt, and ttaleai can get out to the aeler front. ' other Grange mat fHow. Ca,lr ilrov. witboot going throogh Wanhingtoo j Graae ha twared the building it, i for their rery ere,lital,lt entenainmFat cooatyby way of Forett Grove. The and will Ugio construction work at an ol tht Bat ailrr of the l omoaa Uraage. road from St. Helena OTer U the Jieba- early date. I lea Taller it reported lo be in a morae Mr. and Mr. G. L. Tarbell, of Yank"! OTHra arxo wrrrit. coadilion than for e'eral yer put. ; ton Granre, were elected drlega:t-at- j A letter read from tin. M. S. There thould by all mean be a (tool j large to attend the State Grange at Ore- Howard, t.f Mulino. atating thtt thert ... v"-u... , a-" xnm regular one- i were mi urangrt in Urrym, appor water front to tht upper Nehaleui rat-J gate were elrcted at tht county eoateo-' tioned among the rari,.t rountie ley. The demand for thit improvement! tioo held tt Rainier in March. folio- CUckaiua, 18; Linn, U ; Co ll urgent. Ia a abort time, there will A resolution wa pasted to the effect lunil.ia, H ; WahiBfton. II: I'ol'k. 8- T'OR 8AI.K-TIIRKK AM' A QUAR I irr Inch faini wagon; alto a gl work liorett teartoM. itll. HW (I. Apply l.i ti. I). Ull.WlN. Ht. GIRL WANTKI-TO INMIKNKRAL sion frives thf flr.h arwi Kevertl puna- runttnphiU houatwnrk. lequire at Inn oltlre. ' t'v , , boiHing new in thai part ol town - strength so necessary for the in u.. sear future. wantkiv-kkvkhai. i-krsosh Cure of consumption and the1. W. A. Youn, ol tht npper ClaUkaa- of character and rl repulalion In le, wa in the city rri.Ur, doing Duw 'earn aiaie tone in n nee with our awrchaot. i lo reprrernt and a.lrle old rl P1..K-. .j u ... A.. Iihed wealthy bu.lneM linn a ol aolnl For women Scott's Emu!-'-? W '- ? ! I'lltAZ&l sion does this and more. It is .hw".. nTkKh" "'h "li'uZ a most sustaining food and J. '".'" Z : ton C fnr thf l''.."".'-!' T . ', .T-7... i I- -.M,l envel..,. l l women haw tO bear. I y"- The hot- r hnttlert and on- T ! 'I I c T I dertnl their bnaiote To children Scott s Emul- j s,,, . 4 th, Nrh.m sion gives kxd and strength ley, doing ban iit-e with uur mar for growth of flesh and bone l!'0 ';.''' ne . tiu 1. , , . . . BiUaaied to tome legal bunore. and blood. For pale girls,! Wt notKr4 ti. yrrin. for thin and sickly boys Scott's f"oB.i un thw week wuh a or ex- Emulslnn i 1 trr.'at rln ; tmguwlwr on hi. back. George tay emulsion IS a gnat Help. , lh,t t ur city roum il can't afford Are Send for fret aampte. J protection here, tkat tht ciuiri.e will SCOTT A BOWNE. Chemlett. 'hate lo protect ihemwWe and li 409-415 Ptarl Street. Now York. ' band txtinguithrr aa ht and a uumter SOc. and I.OO all druaHtttv ( of other citiaeat-ware dout recently. - - - nlal Co.. XM, lN-arl.rn St., Clm-Bgo. "MrKKTtrRsTf.K-KI'nif YK tUS old ; weight. lW 'uii'li; can I teen in Hurt WeM paaluie. J"n ll'lan, War rvn. "w A.NTr:l-?K V KR A 1. i N IMS T HI oui pei ton In each ltt I" travel h.r home eiiahlithrd elevtB yeatt and with a large capital, lo call npon inerchanla and agent lor iwrrlul and pn.StaMa line. Permanent enmnicnt. Weekly !rb r-alarv ol lrt and all tra'eling ai i eiie and h.'trl hill adoanred each r.inerienc not eMenuai. be B good rotda-ar from Clattkame to i that any resolution introduced in a tub- afiet, aod otber linproTemenu thoold 'ordinate Grange lor coofidrratioa bv follow. In Bilking road improvemeata the noil important aad economical feature i thorough drainage. County Jndge fcott, of Marion conoty, preeidect of tba Oregon Good Eoadt AstotUlion, ttatet that drainage eboold be thorough ; tb Pomotia Grange, be forwarded to it aeeretary, who wiil tiibtiiit it to all the Granget through the county otwtja ptr. The vriou ulordinat Grange will then report at tht following tueet iag of the Pomona Grange. J. E. Iiow. on behalf of Vemnnii Marion. 6; Con. 4; Yamhill, limn, t, iiuanxma, anile Multno mah, BVnton and Ijne have one etch. The membeisivp of there N Granget it about 4"). If the p wot rait of in continue, Columbia county wll an lead in the number of jfranga. The CU.kaina County I'oinona (irnnge appmpriate 2 to each tuboidi- 1 uaie urnuge tnai rnieriaina Hie loriner tverl Dew piann have ben told in i ... . ' j Un jto.othj. week The miuic kuut,. olifll4,, Til K NATIONAL, XX, I ..rtl.ud art well reprternted. Tb.r, ,,ttMn S, VhKt. ) I aonte talk of the nlaolithoient of t' . . . .... tiort io thit city Pi deal eiclutively ia V ANTEI YOl'NG MKN to preirt muaical liKtruuaeoU, etc. fur Government poaitkin. Kin c-iwn W. H. Foul received inforoialtoa hv inc H IVpartinent. Ktamlaation teleerabhon Kriilav ni.vmun iki k n. I n rlu uian Free. J had beva appointed a guanl at th pern- liiter-Ktate Cor. lnl.. Cedar Rapid', la I lenliarr at ifaltaa. lie fell tu atvent hi ! " " new petition Saturdae. FOR SAI.K-A S KCON 1 IIAM The diaiigt luit tried before J0,tic I ,Tr'''r " f"0"11""'- 'H''? ' j Bleikford-Joba Wallace vt J. II. Wil-1 "" m''- u, a verdict wa reudered in favor of Who's Your Tailor? No nutter quit him. Wht is the nse of paying fancy price for tailored clothes when you cn walk into our store and get an 'UllC.II illH'd Tnilor-nmdo Suit for one half the original value? Suits, unclaimed $ 7-50 Top Coat Special reduction on hcavy-wVt Trousers .95 4.95 Rememlrr these art unclaimed. to $25.00 12.50 to 25.00 FARNSWORTH-HERALD CO. '.'W WathingtoB Ht., Portland, Of. J' r J. F. O'DONNELL 208 riTONT STRUT PORTLAND. OREGON 3; Gil-j the plaiBtitf. ln J. Malaikry, of fortlesd. wat in tb city thia week attreding the trial ol Wallace vt Wilaoo. ORGAN ' t la i at office FOR 8AIX-AITLY AT MIST. e water j the Augu.t meeting at that pUce, . hick . oy. Thi U for tue pu. poe, of paying ! pTk,ng ft" e" iuLd.v alu . j T'T!; . . i "T'i 'n 'h' 'h,t i r C-rr H.natn. . ho k e. Tlitj Beaver alley, the banner Grange of ! r ene.. The annual dne of the j living with t taper l.ill lor II to con-j Columbia county, wa represented by i Clackaaia County Pomona Grange it 1 nionth. ha gone to live 10 cent frir each tneu.ber. The next meeting of IVer laland mat no Dole taoaid la lelt In toe ditcb Grange, txtende. an invitation to bold lo form ttandiag poolt; that the lha left (tandiug toaka into the bed and doe ttrioua damage, aiu-oe ana arain moow oe to con-1 volumnia county, wa represented tract! that ail tht accumulate! water toe oIlowir.z membera- will be carried away from the ictdbed, J Mr. and Mr. A. C. Atton, Mr. and to beeffective. i Mr. R. N. Lovelace and two daughter, Orange will be on the fourth Saturday It it tuggeated that it might be well Mr. and Mrt. T. J. Ererman of thi month. for tbe county court of Coiumbiacoaaty j Mia McKee, Tlier- Lindbloro, Thr to irnpre the road tupervir withfea Lindblom. B.P.Morton, Ida Mor the importance of thorough drainage, j -on, Ambrose Levr-guv, John W. Tliurt- ton, Ciaade and Earl Kanzer, Frank and Conkev'i Home Journal for Mae nri ; W it Kice, ictor Mdlclui. that tbe woman who would bt a popular! There waa a good representation from entertainer (hoold reuiember that there j Milton Grange in attendance. I an art in listening a well aa talking. Cedar Grove Grange waa represented A rnipathetic word dropped now and j by Mr. and Mr. W. A. Yoong, Albert gain helpa out on a one-eided converta-' GeriKjo and M. P. Young. Indeed The beautiful month ol Mv it at hand the month lor hanaina? Mav ba- ken, picking wild Bower, t'c. A party of ladies ami children were teroouo. a hern he tiaial Grange i'fw montht. ha gone to live with bt nucie on nora t. reea. n bop yoo a ill come buck to cur dinrirt Car)er. in time to draw erhool n uuev. W ANTKI A COI.CMBIA COCNTY young bachelor drairea to rorretpond ith a oo:: it b a view to m-n I inonv. Ittiienaner ol tome va'uahle' timlwr hind. Writ to X. Y. rtrt tre;iin Mill, l. Helen. tH. THF PARTY IS KNOWN, WHO look the ttif.trl from Ike g'ade, and he . will aav tronl'lr hv retorninff the tame. T. K. tirewrll, Road Supervisor of War ren prerini'l. P. of H. DIRECTORY tion worjdertuuy. Indeed, manv wu. to have been known to gain the reputa tion for being a charming hoatea through thi rery art of liiteuing. The ttrt ia biilt upon the fact that tacceta ia ernonia Grange waa represented by J. E. low ar.d S. G. Schoooover. Natal GranTe was repratented By J. W. Armstrong and Mr. Peterson. G. R. HigKint wa pretent from Clata- tocial lift dpemi upon the desire to i kanie Grange. plea. Important poinU are not to j Rainier Grange w represented by elect B guest, not to tire by too aauch ; Myrtle Stehman daring the entire tes- Scappoie Grange hn chanjted it meeting date to the second Saturday at 10 a. iu., and the 4ih Wednesday night. Depotv Organizer W. A. Young will complete the orranizatioo of Mayger Grange thit evening, when the remain der o( the officer will be elected. m 'a Kiata a. Dmm Cl Antone 1'e.Jerton has been buav haul-'1"1 u, ,"u '' i -r-i-. . tr..i.r . alar; ng baled hay to CUukanie. ' t "". . T. isiti.a. .. . DigHmi . oiihir ronma f.rtiift marta tl vraoia. al , Jkvt l.ria: W a J I vjjtataaakwIlaaaBBW'iaBa ' 'h"A'' "''ifl DEER ISLAND. Miaa Minnie Lane had t q nt tch xil ob account of throat trouic. Mia Hilda Ptteraoo. of NatiJ, vii:d tcliool Monday afternoon. Charlet Convert and G. L. Perrin made a flyini trip over to our bore Thurlay evening, slier key held I pusn ciud meeting. Mr. Ida F'ooU and rhildrtn, of Clat knie. are visiting reiativet aod Irienda ia Nehak m. Mr. Meier look oot a load nf Uled hay Mondar. .v I 11 . 9.. mreu t .'1 aiaiW. Irf i . t Wartaa a -4 . taa.a. ansaivt . Jt.ho tnaa. Irrt, .SSI. merit atarv alia'- ul-r. kaaiua Taiurtl. attention, nor to give the impression j tbat an effort ia being madt to enter- j taiB by overdoing either in ipetcu or action. .Mitchell, duiiiiga part Portland it getting more than her o kal proportion of tire of late, but the fcMMt disastrous was the conflagration j but Friday morning, that destroved tke plaster 4 Western La ruber Company ' Valley; lecturer, I. H. Copeland t.oti, and K. II of the time. Quincy Grange was represent.! by E. E. Chipmtn and Mrs. A. Partliua. J. H. HolarUy and 8. L. Mulcolm rep resented Ijeer Island. The officer of the Pomona Grange are: Maatar, W. A. Yoong, of Clata kanie; overreer, R. N. Lovtlact, of Bet- of Mm. Tilli CUt and Mr.. C. L. Smith were PiKiland vieitors Tur.lay. Mr M.i1ivj!mi and Uaf,l,-r, Mi lientie, attended tl- Woodcraft Sixiul at Houlion Tuexlay evening. Ed Enyart and family, ol Clattkanit, have moved back to lleer Itland. R. E. Srwall. of Portland, wa a visit or at Oeer I.Und Tnesalav. j Mr. C. H. Engliah wa callel to Port I land last Fridnv by th illnett of her lather, who aunt-red a stroke of paraly- : ter, but aa there ia no indi.-ti( a na on Wednraday, April 29th. He it ing Sunday tchool here tin Btwrnill, Martin's door aad lanh factory j "oa IPjii ; steward, T. J. Evermaa, of nd the oniuo stock yards. The fire ! Hudton ; ataiatant steward, Frank J. turted in a dry kiln, and waa not ! Peterson, of Mitt; chapinin, G. L. Tar cbteked until 1290,000 worth of property kH. of Y'ankton ; secretary, G. R. Hig. Wat destroyed. The lots it partially ! gins, of Clatakanie; treasurer, Albert covered by insurance, KterUon, of Kyaer; gatekeeper, 8. G. I .livinrMrr V I Alhrrt Jolinwn i get ing ahead ol j the other farmer, lit t .cared bit flock i of a thtrp Tuetday. j There were services at the 'Swtdith I.ulheran church iat Sundav. If the minuter will pie. h it Ec'glith next ;time, somtof the Americaat will at : tend. I We have about two dozen Stndav ' school oiiaMerlira on hand lor thi of hav- eumtiiar. tome better at tins writing, but notable and the qaarteniee will toon bt oat of to bt ap. date. Any Sunday-achool, detirint Mr. H. C. Gore ttd babiet vi.ittd qotntrliet art welcome to them. Tt.ev I i lar (i h II ii j Vail ..faoea. N. ' el aft.r f-,il uti.i 1 Mta r at II. M. we i Yai'fttoa lltana Sn. : aata al K Kal-flat, i arr.. K 1 Falun terl ! aalat (Iraiif. In inffii XI tut. J VI . '" '. luaalrr. 1U B. I'altraat.M. ; A i Kud liuiaD. levl. j HrlBimwlmnp Nr. Wl; mrrtl M Sal al tt !l .,iMI!bl ,11(1,' Hilliara rar.tH aa tar, a l. llo.a.lij M ra K'lta aiu. to. I l.ranta. Vrt le n al t al 1 I tww Biaaiar; l,h.m vdUug, w., a !M-ho.uovr. Wei. Saatae allav raaft. S'o r. maata erv alitrn.iaMi msai A C ahou maaitr. a ait Xcle. ate.. II. It Anallna. lari. Cerla Oranva Ni. maf. at Ik arh-io! hntata on a K.i w A.Yn. .aalvt: ' U r VwiDi.m., luliiDihlat rnaa lael. I Clai.aaait iran,a. No XVI am l an t Sid ' ai,ut.fa . Uulai. inaalar. Mia. A I.. Mil tt aar ; u. L rarrlat, lect. Bilt.n (, N ra; nrrltal tlMKa o ! lilan-lXtl Iliiira. lKri. t. II. oplai.'t. ma, i lar. Ula I we. ate., Mia. I Ii . rupeland. ! fcalnlerflranira. !io m.ata ih and ; nnn Bt('iia. mn a;urnarl,, Mrrtla. matioiao. arc.; i. b f:. luumt. lac, Uulney i.ranct. Sr. xr.: mean Irl tad tik Kri. Auna I'a-eli.,.. m.i.r V r Top Bullies OptMi I iiLru:i.- J."i,") and up. , J." and tip. Hclt and Horse Tower Hay Trcuse.. Deering Hinders, Mowers, and Rakes. Hodges " M " Huckeyc 44 " " Hay Tools, Tlows, Harrows and Pumps. New Oxford Cream Separators. Milium Wagons, Buggies and Harks. Columbns IJugks and Carrbgev aiaa.lm ; Mr, UjIi,, lkw,iu. .er. with her mot tier. Mra. Gray, last week. ' n . nndenomiiiational, publiahed by WARREN W r:ht and children will tnend nint at 1 Hon. A. 8. DresMr Btsumed the du ties of regiater of the Oregon City land pBict oa May 1st, lucceeding Hon. C. ?. Moo ret, who ha creditably filled the anitiou for the paat tiz year. Mr. lreeer waa at one time a reddest of fit. Helen, and it competent in every way to preside at chief officer of one of tht moat important land ofjkei io Ore' "n. ernonia; lady anitt- ant steward, Mr. Jennie Peterson, of Mitt; Cere, Thertta Lindblum, of Bea ver Valley ; Pomona, Mra. Anna Cope- land, of Houlton; Flora, Ma 11 Boia- Mrt faWtti BB(lfM,fl x l'i 1 1 .:!. t- . , . ... . w ' aa iviauui k wiiii ner in James Kacon has built a new lance in.r. Mri. Mill,, or until Mr. Wrighlget front of bis residence. We undented hi new houae pat op. he is to havt tht houae, stura and ball! : ..i painted I Al Mr" " Pu'"l ' a coo pie of i i'n.1. v. . . . j !" of Pt toe to winter th aumer- . ..i. . ; oot little atelistt. Belter put io a with hit unci for the tu miner. j -if potato too, AI. nev. tw uaviet preactierl in tnt Mr. IWertev. of Vernonia, Metbodttt church BJn-lav eveuinc. nil , . ,iP-.i.'l... OoMe Oranta. "In . Dm and b rn- Uavid C. Cook A Co. Anvon. rail i ! . .S?Z .L."- mM"- '-". lor them at Mr. Mclit t raa have them, i ' , ' ' . . ... rrnr.ian IS atnt la - tMtiaaa wf 11.1a rlireelurv tvu sTY orr-K-kim RapraatnUllr . Juas hen a Treaaurar . . Sum ol tv-aoola. next appointment will l ia two weekt. H. H. Clark hat been adding consid erable stock in hit new posiorhce store. He now hat constantly on hand a full line ol choic oi.lectionerv, stationery, crop ! tiirvaior Wa teen iClart... Goramlaal?nera Coroatr .. . Manln BV-th, a.lal.r .Joaapn R Uuan. Halalai B t Hailaa. Bt. Heteaa ... K. Mom, Ht Helena ,..1. H, C.eleiMl U tm i U ....A. T. Ij.. Ctaukeaie J T Walla, krapauoM j . n llrarfaaaoa, Manar. ! U I. lolela. Manbland W. b Caa. riliahara Pr II. tt. ( ,f. at, Uetaua Have you ever bought a pair of iW of the Knight Shoe Co. Knot! Why not? Come yourself. Scud a friend. Or a mail order. Money refunded if shoes are not ati factory. All tyte aud prices fron 50c baby hoca lo f.8.50 logging boots. (The largest and most complete line of loggers' and cruisers' shoes iu the West, Chip pewa Falls brand.) Walkovrr and Sorosis, 53 5o & 1 4. Rilt Weil, t a.50, rerklaa it. el twrttaas. vert, of Clatakanie. The 'ullowing filled ! f''"1 niedictiies, fialnng tackle and bi vacaacie. at the Yankton meeting: A. -7" -""'iru-t. C. Alton, aatitunt reward ; Mr. R.N. Our minister wat called to appoot , , ' . ' "-' Sundnv to conduct the funeral oi Mr. Lovelace, lady amittant steward, a. id ; Elizalth W who died in Portland on Croq.itt plaving ia tht chief occupa tion of old and yoaog, Sunday and avenings. X f. 1..... al: i .1 . . tl. Helena Lode, ft". old adar thai, "The early bird catrh : K- K. Ual k, ter ' th worm." Rube Sesatsutn, of Claiia-1 t. O. o. t. (tt. Helena Ix1r. M.lt7. mi kanie, pasaed through our borg before "V"1- Cli. a t Uw o'clra k at a break neck aneerl Anmm k. I road. Wt didn't aak him whart ha waa I t,. . . XT"? " .V'JrT"..''"' the aecond of Mav. She as buritxl in 1 Mrt. W. A. Yoong, Flora. Tbe officere of Yankton Grangt are aa , lhe ricappooae cemetery, follows ; Maater, R. Kappltr ; overseer. i . liiela-indry atrike in Portland willi- R- Hyde; lecturer. E. S. Faxon;' have the efftct of causing a lot of gt. j trn, H. O. Oliver; assistant t w-' Helen people, who tend their white 'r1' Eber ""'' chaplain, G. C.. Bar-, hir to the metropolis, to wear toiled ' J.X. Brinn; tecreurv, 'iaen, The Chinese Uondiymen nd!Mr"- E""" lijKi gtekeeptr, C aellers of cheap white, thin timber land butineat. will do a' Jv:ttD' Ceres. Mr. Alice Brown; Po mona, Mr. Helen Hvde: Flora. Mra. ICella Kale; lady aaaiatant steward, Michie Hvde. TUB MCSICAL AMD LITE BABY PBoeKA under the direction of Lecturer I. II. Tb Federated Trade of Portland kavt threatened to ifivf.kei th dam voht on the Levis & Clark fair, and T , 1,.. . T- " ! C1'"1 " -peei-Hy enteruining iwttihillty that the ttnkt may be ttt- ,JZ ,.i .v,- ...:" " ' f M by ,rbitr.tion. . V" ";"" i ' a- "'lllliatl V.a IIIT3 BT II I I IP I program, and each participant received appreciative applause. Following wat tbe order of exercise : A vocal tolo, by Miss Theresa Lind- ! hlom.of Beaver Valley Grange. Recitation, by J. E. IJow, of Vernonia Grange. Guitar tolo, by C. O. Clark, of Milton i Grange. i Original poem, by G. H. Klggint, of GHEATLY ALARMED pj a pertlaient Cough, but Prrma UFRtly Cared by Cbamberlain't Cough Kemedy. Mr. H. P. Burbaze. a student at law. U uretovillt. b. fj., had been troubled I or four or five year with a continuous I gopgn wnicn he aayt, "greatly alarmed i: pie, canting tat to fear that I waa in the Clatakanie GranJa friHtage of consumption." Mr. Bur- . . . . g . bage, laying teen Chamberlain' Cough I cal tolo, by Mi J i I tut r a 1 itt r, u va. - - - I Wi nam atwi. 1 1 ' going. On of Mist't bovt bad better luck I tl.tu tht Fi'hhiwk boy bad, at he killed three swan Tsetday aod got no ducking either. He cr.old have killed the fourth one, put thought that three was all ht conld get away with. So the hint twtn will havt to finish in journey alone, un let tome lucky boy thoota it. We are having regular June weather. The thermometer regiatera Hi in the shade. People thoold ttnd thtir chil dren up on the bill to catch tht whoop ing ctugh for thit nice weather it a line time to wbtop. " REUBEN. Attorney Fischer, of Rainier, wat in town Wtdnetday. Henry Bauer and Frtd Ltngacber, W. a. Harrla. 1.- J -.1 . t . . avcuwuy a.rrriiBe., to try It. So read prhat he say of it: "I toon fall a rtmarkablt change and after uiibe two bottles of I he ia cent tit, wta com .ltwly cored." Bold bv Edwin Boat. aa Ida Morton, of Beaver Yal'ey Grange. Recitation, Fred Briggs, of Yankton Grange. Instrumental tolo, V. W. Clark, of Milton Grange. Recitation, L. E. Bailer, of Milton Mall Buhncr-ilicr-a at 1 . .. - m . .1 . if.- , fice for the Evening Telek-ram. Oreeon'a ; 0r"e' greatett evening paper. Quartet telection ifrt. I. ' - . 1 j ' Mi Grace Adams, $. A. I J. E. Dow. . E. Bailey, Perry and CASTOR I A for IiitaUita and Children, fit tki Yea Kara Always Bought j Reciution, Blip Efhel Mathews, of Milton Grange. ! Bolo, Mrs. I. H. Copeland, of Milton Grange. A t r as, J. W. H daday, of Deer Is land orange. 1 On motion cf Mr. Hi.laday a vote of ( thank was exttnd.d to Yankton Grange UaVHietJ -i draadtd tf crauaj ol Ua whadl raUsipKitiUtt, I aetkaaj Watt W Cardei, awd oaodoaf tatyitai. tkv I ajrpajauittd tonal rWkf tt rtrat BioBth. so kapt eat tskint It it tnrwt mor.i.a and aow 1 aiimili ttti wtta at pain and I ahall take It 6 awd tti Bovjr antO J bst ptattd tritcliaata. fontis weokueta, diaca-dsred men tew, failing of tht womb and orariaa troubles do not wear oft. Tba follrnr a woman totheciianajfj of Ufa, -. not wait but taia Wum) ol Cardoi sow tad avoid tba troo bla. W:B of Cardni sever fails to benefit a tafiering woman ot an Bfre. Wine oi Cardm Klirrred Urt, Wbb when tti!) was in dao gtt. Yftten yon numt to !i ciuuurt of lib Mn. Yrebb'j letter will a man to ywi thaa it duet bow. But yo may bow avoid th toffnring g eadureri. 1 Droirtfirta til (U bottlut oi V'it cf Cardal. nenry nauer and rrtd Ltngacber, of T Tide Creek, v.titrd Portland Thursday. I J. B. K. Bourne, of Rainier, wat ia 1 town Thurtday. 1 Rolxrt Mcfrtyrt moved hit ftmlly 1 ftom Portltnd to Mooretville Tburdy. : Mr. Mclntyrt it foreman in onto! tht irevlea, aee. It. tt r. Aran Lntee K Tuea. nitnl. K f. Unlet, c. c n. ..I r. mail a. O.K Miinah Ch.pier No meeta 2nd ami Uh tat nlchu. Mra. Ellen bail, w. m -M ra, France Jot.aa, ate. at. n Arm Temple. Hn It nweta lei and Xrd Thnr alab.t. Mr. Lurjr (.raj, ra. t. .; Mra. anran Quick, m. of r. mu e. I . A. Hnuluw Aaaenhlr, So, KB. tcaria v ary Crl. nlfiit. I . H Coutland. iu, a. ; Mr. M. J. Hrnatianr, aee H'. O. . lloiiHna rams. Hn lift, ment ' , frau Pranit, srerr mi. nlnht. V. O. Clark eiert. W. a. mr. Iloultnn Clrela, N , meeta .e. num. airt. niunia nailer an If.., a..,, .i.a . 0 HUDSON Coiambia Timlitr Coin pa ay 't camp. Miseee Martha and May Campbell, of Portland, and Mrt. T. H. fotttr, of Kidgetleld, V,eh., vitiled Mr. Fotter'a brother, Htmuel Mann. Thty jetaratd home Monday. Mis Nellie Witt it viritlng with her itttr, Mra. Tempett Clark, of Aberdeen. With. Albert Laraon returntd horn Monday from a week't visit with hit aitttr, Mrt W. J. VanOuten at P Kll. Wa.h. Mrt. J. M. Lindsay vitiu-d friends in Kalama Monday. Tlit director! of tchool district No. 20 closed the tchool Monday for a week on account of tickneaa in thit viclaity. The Columbia Timber Company aeut away two raftt of logt to Portland Mon day. . Mra. M. R. M irel aad Frel and IJat tit KotiU, of Tide O.tck, wer in town Toeailav. ViTlEorCARDUL OABTOniA. i Btarttu ) Tin tad Vw Haw them BMjM Twenty of Betvtr Vallty Grangen Bl. tendeil tht Pomona (irangt at Yanttoo and all report having baT a good time'. ItB Burnt, ol Colombia City, wa uowu vniiing witn hit partntt, Mr. and Atrs. R. P. Burnt 8uaday. Mitt T. Lindblom, of Dt.r Itland. who had been vititing with tht Btnzer family, rtlurntd homt Frida. A. G. Haggin will Dtxtwetk. J. Baldridge, foreman for Yeon. Ptl ton Company, ha gone Into hiitinttt for hunulf. W with Mr. Baldridtt luck in hit new camp. move to Rainier TTT m m m m mTTnfrTWm m ffiA THE NEW YORK STORE Ha Jail rsceivtd a lift lavtict tl Spring Goods, Shoes, i I Dry Owls, Groceries, Boots. Shoes, Etc. i I P' Iiuiltlinfir Main Strivt. St. Helens, Oregon. 8T I?( 0mcw He a. 'Paaaaa JO-. Mo 414 1 ' r" R-. rT 147 Theodore S. Thomson, Dentist, Information and Appointments by Mail. . &0 . .d II, Waskiagum Bid., Soathea.t corner Wath. mU 4th lit PORTLAND, OREGON. Tak Kltvator It Fifth Floor. The mist Hotel Under the manttmat of . MRS. F. M. DIPPOLD Is tba Leading House $2 The Mist and The Oregonian, $2 J AtT1 flha Ct BAN BED! IBBT CtAi MCAI. DOWN-COUNTY PEOPLE tHO.Lll TO TBB Clatskanie Drug Store Ai". ! J J1LD f0 " 0 1 8 E 8 ' I Mist, Oregon roa Ttxia Drugs and Medicines CBOICt Tcilet Articles and Perfamcrj : Bti Rbotbim, rtoftiirots -Only tkt ktat mi- L DRSn ill Cit in rist ia Sfsrr WanWaV fj M IBJ aj CYBUS KOBLE aiwtyt IB tlttt. WEINHARO'8 BEER at traaajbL "Tom Beptoii" Cigars. 1 tf7ZT4&UK in .... M prmiftui, I rVMAw1iM