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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (March 27, 1903)
i t ? THE BIG STORE DOWN W -Hv The Bier i j .0 In Ileciving New Goods THE MUCKLE STORE HAS A REPUTA tiou of Lone Hlsndlns (or Onlv the Best In GENERAL MERCHAMSE-- 0 Dcirt & Muckle, ht. IiYIpiih, ST. HELENS PHARMACY A Patronize ft il want pure, Drugs and Patent Medicines Perfumery, Toilet Articles, Etc. HEADQUARTERS FOR SCHOOL BOOKS A Tine Line of Writing Supplies. Plain and Decorated Crepe Paper, Ktc. Direct from Poblishcr Regular 25 cent NoYels Only lOCents 'VWVV'V"W"'J,V"VrWV S M. C. GRAY THE PEOPLE'S MERCHANT Carries a Large and Well Selected Stock of GENERAL MERCHANDISE Flour and ST. HELENS. t. r TOOTHACHE DROPS. Oil Cmvca, Creosote unit C'iloi-"(.rm. enirl part cotton J thi will .ion'. " loo'luche mnf. f.rvn an xpnsd narva, hut th v loeure il, . to I.vj tho by DR. KNOKER'8 NKW MKTHOD. 4 4 3 4 4 Dr. KHODER, Dentist, 9 TO I2J ,. Hoi as. Theodore S. Thomson, Dentist, information and Appointments by Mail. Room iO and 51, Wa.hing'on BM., Southeast corner Wash, and 4th 8t PORTLAND, OREGON. Tak Elevator to Fifth Floor. JAMES The Houlton aUltST Milburn Wagons, Houlton Buckeye Bitiders, and Farm Implements. X0TF.S. The steii.'r L'lillio has taknn llio .., . .,f ti... it , II . i u:i th , A at '.. rn The Miiscn,, which waa on the Aatoria in, for a few iliy. h rcsumnd her old , plats ou lite I i l iver '"'it", rellvviii. tha Unnn, which lemporurlly d. ing dnfy nil trial roWei. The rfc.iiiier Ucptiolic is being ovpr lianlnl at Portland. Thu steamer Abcnlci'ii Ml Wedneatlay evening I FruMiseo, tsarrjed with lie. Sawmill!- Kvcry day in the.Week, Oregon. rug store when vou 'fresh and reliable 4 4 4 4 Feed OREGON . atVa. 317, Failing Bld'g Portland, Oregon , llonn 414 Fbont 147 SPEWCE Blacksmith rot All Kinds of Oregon HUDSON The Yeon, Pellon Company i doing a hind nllico with their new machine. The little girl ol A, (1. lUpgin fell on a Miing and win budly hurt laat week, but is getting along nicely. A. L. Morgan aold hi place last week to Mia. Peterson. If thia er leap year there would be several matches made, as the girl seem to bo tho worst struck. George Hnggin is at Ciatskanie paint ing some kuiUting". 3 LOCAL Canned good al rtall or wholesal at M. C. Gray'. 1 Almost anything yon want in (tit gro cery line CHn be had at M. C. Gray'. Tli Ht. Helen Hotel take the lead under tli management ol Q. A. and A M. Brlnn, Klilcr Ketchain, recently from Kan- , preached at the north end chapel lait Sunday afternoon at 2 p. m. The buiiebHll leu ton will loon be ber. Lent Sunday the St. Helena boye played a practice game oat in the dlrecton ol lloulton. The steamer Aberdeen loaded tie at the Lone Star Company' mill (or shipment to Califoruia, and aalM Wed neaday evening. Mri. Josephine Bryant, daughter of Mr. and Mr. K. 8. liryant, of Ciats kanie, wai married to Kay Aldrlch at Seattle March 13th. Ariuin Btietlkofer, of Vernonia, anade final proof on hla timber claim at Ore gon City yesterday. Ilia wilnease were A. N., and David Karly. The Dally Kveninz Journal and Tm Okkckim Mint, ail luonlha for i. The bveuiug Journal la Portlands live. In dependent daily democratic paper. Special service were held attheClata kaui Methodist church laat Hunday, the service being conducted by Preaid ing KUier Rockwell, of the i'orlland dia Irltt. A hymn service with lecture, espec ially for boya and men, will take place at Chrial Episcopal church thia Friday evening, March 27th at 8 o'clock. All are invited. Nine application for membership weie received by Ihe ltainier Odd-Fel lows lodge laat Saluiday night. Then will he initiation next Saturday night, and a bentuet will be served. The many Columbia county friend of Dr. A. F. Knoder, the well know den tist in the Failing building, 1'ortland, will be pleated to know that he recov ered from hi illness a couple of weeks ago. Miss Ida LengJeher, of Vernonia, made final proof on her homestead at tiie Oregon City land office yesterdsy. Her witneases were P. I. liallard, of I'itlsburg, aud 1'hilip Glahn, of Verno nia, ere the witnesses. T. B. Lou's dwelling narrowly es caped destruction by fir laat Sunday The blase accidentally atarted from tli stovepipe, but was eilinguished before J serious Uamages resulted. Mr. baa j since put in a brick flue. r ! For the neat 30davs new su j i Thk Ui.r a ill rei-aive Ilia A mar ran i Farm Journal without additional chant for one year. For $1 25 C'onkey Home Journal, an excellent magaiiu will be included in the list. Money i being raised iu St. Helen to build a aulietantial sidewalk all the way to lloulton. Thia ia an improve ment that will not only be appreciated by the traveling public, but by many people who enjy promenading out to Htulton of evening and Sunday after noons. Tk concert to be given at Rainier i ab at III middle ol Apt il by Profeesor J. W., promises to be Ihe musi cal treat of the year. Mr. Belcher will hare the nsaiatkiire of some ol the belt titlrnt Irom Ht. Helens and Scappoose to help In in in his concert, the date o nliii h will he given later. Henry Morgtts ha received another elegant tot ol silverware, the sets cou .Ming I I Knives anil loras, spouus nm napkin ting. Each customer at the store ia civen a ticket with each each nei tmrchaee aud when the total reac the amount of t2S, the pnrchaaer will be entitled to a set of silverware. 8. A. Miles has been appointed re- ceiver ol the bankrupt Ft. Helens Lum ber Company by Judge Bellinger, of the United Statea Court, ami took posses sion of all the property, lumber, etc., that could I found In eight. The cred itor of the bankrupt corporation were to Imve held a meeting iu Portland yes teniae, . M. Knighton, a former resident of Bt. Helens, has opened a larber shop adjoining the New Home hotel in Chta kan'e, Mr. Knighton was in the lar kx liiiaiuea in Portland for a numlier of years pnt. His paternid grand father, II. M. Knighton located the do nation land claim on which the town ol .St. Helens is built. and rewvt'd W new men's ati'tirtrt-.late in atvle tor (he least money poaainie. 11. M. McKiel, Ciatskanie. Henry Colvin last Saturday aold hia (WO-acre ranch on Chinook river to F. Kinney, of Aatoria. It i reported .that coniideration was a timber claim on the Columbia, which muat be worth at lat ,0(X, a thi I the figure which Mrt Colvin has set for mm time as tha sell ing price for his place. Mr, Mo Her shey ha been notified to vacate, and Mr. Kinney says he will take immediate pnsaeaainn when the preaent tenant leaves. I1 waco Journal. Rev. CI. A. Tiiggnt t, of Rainier, h been ill, but is now improving. He will not preach her next Sunday, on ac count of it besng the fifth Sunday in the month. Hi regular appointments hare HI regular appoinunentsner. Hrst and third Sunday, while are the Rev. Moya, ol Rainier, preichr in the Metholiat Ep'Bropal church on the sw orn! and fourth Sundays, Mr. Moy accompanied her husband here and re- with 1, 1... auap Tl was K .V ; i. .-tMin . - I . - i udtivr una vjur i-Micr nuu j;,.lirifts Kilter air ol' liv-b.e l-ft Spring attHk, all new goods, nothing J Hendricks, whocame down fro... j Vuuia Kn .t. lie Mouh Li.....,i;o.' I,. I. ami die.. Ivwwr Wmu. Waal... to nay tu the taxes , r , ...i..j I dcclaietl a spenuilirill, ami tniti a guitt U.v,.inrs is liniHfi ml mf U n.T IlOW -vmtww . bjusw. . Is , i . -. I1.,l,... -...I II... . I I ai,ii a ... . .-- ... anu ni. iieie.'s peopte nu .imiuicu mo ,.- ,,;, .,1 Ti.a uiHtter came goo,..,genf.f.,rni.hing goo,.,, and ..I on hi. Cclumbia county property, ,e- Q KaiuiBr la8l JE,, ICnn i up locate notion, th,. store leai !. all. tuirSU-i fridwr, ... , , ., . TbrV. . . Mondav afternoon. Deputy D etrict At-; the rest. A dollar will buy more in my V:U. wow brought over . load ol n 8nJ Uggelu , CUls. . A 1,uW, o( ! a . . Iliun una s.liiiU ( II I IlltS fU.ll 11 IV J II -if I .. . I . ..1 ... f..e Uairiti tutu aSN. .. .. - announced that there would be service. , egon Short Liae Raiboad Cotupauy and . For ri1h b, M. C. Gray. St, Helena; at the Methodist church next Sunday "'" I'uion Tacitic Railroad Company, Bll!i,y & Biinn, general mer llIh, IwaaittXt. Helena Frbiar. errirri" t WUKCff. I v . I Ii I Vk. y I'w 1 V iJ j George Copelnd,of Warren, was in town Monday. J. ft. Mow, of Warren, waa a visitor in town Thursday, A. N. Hildebrand.of Washington, waa II town yesterday. P. Lund, of Warren, was a visitor in Bt. Helens Friday. J. 8. Bacon, a Warren merchant, was in Ht. Helen Friday. T. C. Watts, the Reuben merchant, was in Bt. Helen Monday. Dr. C. E. Dalton is down from the medical college at Portland. 8. P. Ballard, a prominent resident of Pittsburg, waa in town Wedueaday. T. R. McDonald, of Tualatin, Waaing ton County, was in the city Friday. A. N. Karly and ton, David Early, of Vernonia, were iriloVh Wednesday. Mra.'Ha.iiiah Tiikiewiei!, of Bache lor Island, visited frie .ds Ut Ht. Helens Monday.. " " Ueorgn Fowler -accompanied the Oo ble band to' Clatakanie Saturday as drummer, " ' "'.! -. j Arthnr Oeerge, who has een conflnel to his room, with Uinta, is somewhat Improved. - .t .l ' - Miis (irace Mile went to Clatekani Saturday to visit Misa Kora Coityera tor a few dsrs. r ) L. K. Bailey, of lloulton, now hold a position in H. O. Howard's aawuiill, t.ear Rainier. Mia Surah Giltnore, of (iladsto'ne! Para, visited her fattier, John liilwore, over Sunday. Oeorge h. Foster, jr., and R. It. Fos ter, of Portland, were visitors in Ht. Ileleus Monday. ' Alex Sword, a prominent resident of Vernonia, waa in St. Helens Tuesday and Wednesday. - F. M. Hoyt, of" Warren, accompanied the delegate of Vail Orange to Rainier last Thursday. J. 8. Cloniuger, a prominent mer chant of Kaiauia, Wash., waa in St. Helens Thursday. L. B. Wood and family, former reii dent of Ciatskanie, now live at Fern Hill, Clatsop county. II. West, of iL-appooee, was a promi neut visitor at the (.range uiwting in Rainier laat Thuiaday. Mrs. F. L. lUdgs aud children, of Rmir tin. vitiunir Ler sister. Uft KuMU, . , .hot.,.- , " " .7 , ..: , plier, of Portiaud, was yiaiUUK old f , u yesurd.y. ' ' Ed Holmes, proprietor of the Scap- t pooae refectory, and H. K. Maxwell were iu town Tuesday. . Captain Patterson, one of the beat known rtrer. pilots, was in town for a couple ol l lliia week. Marion Perrine, ol ClaUkanie, left Friday for "Kritisu Columbia, wuere lie. eict to make hia home. ' William Brewster, of Vancouver, was here Uii week inapevling the ties that were loaded on the Aberdeen. C. 11. Uriw baa returned to lloulton frouj Kalaiua, Wash , where he was em ployed IU Uaher's logging camp. Cuarls II. Johns ha recovered from In recent and is now at bia old place in lHrt A Muckle's store. Mis. R. W. Morton, of Astcria, who was visitiug per moiher, Mrs. J. B. Uodltey, returned home Saturday. C. W. Herman, formerly publisher of the Raiuier Uaxttte, has returned to ' that place, after a year's absence at thai place. Mr. J. II. Stine, ma ron of the dor uiitory at the State Normal School at Monmouth, ia visiting her ion. Jay Deming. Peter Smith, who has been employed in California lor the past six luoiulis, has relumed aud gone to work iu the aawmill. Mr. J. W. Weatherdon, wife of Rev. WeaihurJon, of Portland, who was vis itiug Mrs. Dr. Clitf, returned homo Mon day morning, Hany Low. . who i employed in Muckle's logging camp on Mia Cowee tuan, is at Ins lioine at lloulton ou a abort vacatio l. W. F. Slaughter attended the meet tug of the state democratic central som lutito in Portland, aud was a Rainier visitor Tuursday. ,,nli,tJj;'jUeiril, Die pant week ghipped to Portland . " A. M. Holton, who represent tieher, Thoraeu A Co.. dealer ill paints and uils, has moved bis family into the old school building ou the water front. H. ft. Duncan, of Wanen, was a visi tor in town Friday. He n-ported that she poatottice at Warren was moved to its new location on th provious Satnr day. ' Rev. C. E. Philbrook, who had been j visiting at his old home at lloulton lor . a lew days, returned to Sylvan, Wash , ' Kalunlav. l.e was accompanied by one ! of hla ons. K. H. Higgin. who wa. lormerly an 0. R. A N. locomotive engineer, is run- niu. one ol Bnnsoti's big donkey engines - , , j, r,,n ,tW,,, viaieaaiue. ' Ic n.,l,..h traeelln. freiirbt v' " - and passenger agent ol the Oregon Rail- r t l the Oreeon Kail j a i 1 ...... ti.. I'.., i-oati i-tavmiito'i, v.m, , .... .... land Asiatic Steamship Company, Or At via Mr. M-lvill and Mist Freda ICobW, of Uohle, attended tbe Band concert at Ciatskanie last Hutarday night. II. M. Fowler, a (loble merchant ; Ed Fowler, R. Link, 0. E. Hunter, Oeorge 8. Foster, Mr. Sheets and Mr. John Lindsay, all ol Ooble, were In town Monday. Mrs. Eliza Imhrie, ol Hillsboro, Grand Chief of the Rathbone Sisters, was the guest of Mr. W. A. Harris over Hun day, She inspected the books of the lo cal lodge while here. Mrs. Minnie Crandall. of St. Paul, Minn., who had been sojourning in Cali fornia for the past three month, (topped over Wednesday to visit Dr. and Mrs. Edwin Ross. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Slaughter at tended the presentation of the drama, "Fishermen' Luck" at Rainier laat Thuraday evening. They also attended the dance that followed. John W. Rowland, of Portland, well known to a number of people here, has been recommended by the Oregon dele gation for the portion of chief clerk in surveyor-general's office. ' 'P. Harris, a former resident of Co lumbia county, was in town Monday. He returned a couple ol wees ago Irom the Eaat, and has secured a position in a second bund store in Portland. Judge C. Ksllahan, a prominent at toiney, of Kalama, Wash., and J. N. Pearcy, ol Portland, were in town Mon day. Several years ago Mr. Pearcy was a practicing attorney in Ht. Helen. E. W. Keasey, of Keaaey, was a pas senger on the Astoria train Ha.urday night for Portland, where he will visit : his son, D. E. Keaaey, manager of the L'nique Tailoring Company, for it few day. ! Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Sheldon returned . riday from a visit to Astoria. - Mr. Sheldon brought up hia gasoline launch boat, and will be prepared to buy aud j ship sal mou as soon as the soason opens. Caplain James Good, ol the steamers America and Republic, ha leased the large I-ake rancH on Sauvies' Island, several miles abov fit. Helens. He will ttoc k th; place, and operate it as a dairy ranch. Mr. and Mr. G. C. Beaver, who h?e lived Lake farm on Sauvies' Inland for aouae time past, hare changed their, res idence to the viciuity ol Houlton. Mr. Beaver has leaned a farm back of that place. E. L. Rose, of Weport, ia here tal lying a lot of cedar lumber, being loaded ou a barge for Liudley Bros., of Port land. There will be between 100.UOO and 2U0.UOO feet in tbe cargo. Mr. Rose recently arrived from Wiaconsfn. L. F. larger in M C. Gray's atore, j recently took a civil service exaiuina-j . '. .- r. f - l lion as teltgrapn line repairer, .wu Monday lust, he received his very eredi- tabl rating, which averaged 81.80. lue lowest er ceuL at which auy one cau j paaa is 70. Hon. F. L. Mintie aud E.J.Russell, of Oswego, were visitors in bt. Helens Monday. Mr. Mintie was a metubei of the legislature that elected Oeorge W. McBride, United State Senator, and was tubaequently iu the customs ser vice iu Alaska. Albert Tozier, secremrv of the Oregon Press Asaocalion, and well known to many St. Helens people, is uow busy at the stale Printline oiiice iu Salem. A weeks ago he was appuiuinl slate prim ing expert by Governor Cbaiuberlaiu, a position fur which he is eminently qual ibed. Dr. Edwin Ross and bride, nee Miss Tillie Muckle. niece of Muckle Bros, at St. Helens, returned lrom a bridal trip to Seaside. Tney were married March 11th. Dr. Rja is county trea-urer ol Crluutbia countv, aud is a popular and successful young physician of Si. Hel ens. Astuiia Ahwk. S. U Sehoonover, of Vernonia, organ izer for the State Grange, was in St. Helens Monday. He revived the Grange at Scappoose Wednesday night, and will meet the citizens of Uohle Sat urday niglit lor the purpose of organis ing a Grange iu the Red Meu's hail. All persons wishing to join the order are re quested to attend this meeting. Forty one uamei have already been secured. Superintendent and Mrs. I. II. Cope- laud, .S. A. Perry, C. W, Emerson, W il- liam Speuce, Mr. and Mrs. L. b. Bailey, I jyS t(, answer. The divorce suit of Ma Mr. aud Mrs. K. 11. Gabbert, Mrs. Wil-1 ton V3 jl.tson was referred to R iiiyou. kinsou, Misses Leota Lowe, Ida Morgan, Gwrge oslt j..., nnj Uetibeu 15. Sarah Kelley, Grace Adam?, aud MeSais. j-uBeri 0 Portland, filed a petition in Will Broyle. Frank Kelley, Herman aakiulI ...... . . - iftrtiniJl a H. Mli.OV. ill IflllllH : i n,v.llo.t.l ats...v I " w , - , - - - 1 v1 nil , Piiickuey, A. C. Gore and Son, Deer Islhiid; K. J. Bloweth, Qiincy; James Bpence, Houllon; C. C. McUougal, Co- DR. FENNER'S KIDNEY and Backache All dlssases f Kidney. tUadder. Urinary Orsana. CURE ehs.HsartDtaeass.Oravsl. impsy, xsntate tr.iaw j duoenraged. Tnsr. 1 ft swrafor you. It necessary write Ur. Fenstar. !-- A,!e,.5 JrSj." ,";, Kldm.y and Uackacbe Cure u vhVVu oit nty heins allvo to-duy. I bad su'terea. areauy tn.ioiwj - .., . i T.YT.... ...i. i ' V".. Hncttl nit.- r,,, n." - " . t. T"55 Prtisiflsta. 81V.. ft. Ask for Coon iionK-rree. ....,, - Ol'VUUO UMf.Utlfen.ter, lredouis-N.y MJMMOMft. In the rin alt Cmirt of Iris Slats of Orsg.O fur Columbia Counijr. Wllb L. Taylor, I'lulntlrT va. Arthnr K. Taylor, Drfrmlsnt IN THK NaMK fiPTHKxTATBfia'ORF.dnS J yos arc iinlrl in upt'tar unit allvwcr the tb coni),Uliii iflr.1 flKKlnxt yon in tha shore iilHlel court oil or Uilort Ihe nth day ol May, Httl, lo wll: im or before ! wi-fkn after March 27, MB, that h.'trtK nx week, after the rlnie of the lirt piihllcalton of thin .Mntirioit.. Awl tf you lafl lo no nnjiitr or almwer ihI'1 eoinfilit, the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief therein urny"i lor. rut a ui-or r rnvorre aii' elllK belwr-eii plalnlif) an 1 defeiolaiit shore iiamwl and aivlnv and sranilns; to plHlnllff Ihe care aad ot-todyol ihe minor riilld, the lueof I fu, iiinn tHjin, i.niiir,;. r.wiii. mnttrt injM.i, and .Im Judiruient HKalniit you for the aum of IiVijO per month urilfl the .ahl child H.ther Malal Tavlor, become, of aire and alwi for Judgment for the eo.m aul dlwhurHcntcui. of tin. .uit aud for Much other and lorrher relief aa to Hie court ahull .ceiii etlltahle. Thl. .mumoii. I publi.ite-l for cnn.ecn tlvn wi-ka l,y orUcr of the Hon. Thonnt. A. McHrfde. Judec of the Mid court made on the 21.1 day ol March 11.0.1. MlI.f.KK 4 MII.I.KR. rn27mA Atlornej. for I'lalnllff. The Black Percberon Stallion r,A FAYIITE will make the season of 1903, as follows: Wednesday, April 1, at Warren and continuing every ninth dny thereafter, the rist of the time at home. Pelt;ree ol Dam ef l afatelie. Ferchron mgre, Sophie. vn CiVO) foa!"d IWti. liuN,rtcd Wi', '-ol ,y Nartiorif, 777 frMl, he l.v Brilliant. 7."i. rl.:.9;; he l.y Cie If, 711; he or Vuex Chanlfn. 7I.fI; he hr '.'oco, 712: he by Mlgnon. 71.1; he by Jean 1 Hlanche. 7IW. a direct de-cendclit of Silll-.Fla. an lmp-,r!cd Arab that .food at Pirne. lK2u-.ce "Oincial Keoorl and History of I'ereheron Race" by I'h.a lu liny., Kia.ierof bor-e under Np.deoo lit. Ifam Hotialia. f-aiwoiiel; he by b illiai!.! he by l orn 11,711: he by Vucx f:ha-llli, 7!H; he bv t'.K-o. 712; he by MiKiion. 72.: he by Jean 1c B l.liehe. :a. etc.. etc.; daui of .Varfv-ne, 777, Ma.lelon bv fAviri 11.711; he b" Vuex Chatlln, 7t-i; by Coco, 714: by Mianon. 71.1; by Jean le Blanche, 7;w. eic, eic; niirn oi nriinani, iw: Kfaettt by Minj. a .talllon beioustufc lo the French sovernmenl. J. JOHNSON. Owner and Manager SCAPPOOSE, OREGON Ininbia City ; Mr.. Celia Wilson, B. F. Coe, J. P.. Yeon, C. Wileon, Rainier; O. D. Bonney, Yankton; Mrs. J. B. Prinjtle, Deer Island ; Mrs. Colma Wil son, Kainier, were among me Colum bia rnnnty people registered at Portland hotels, during the week. H. Morgus this week received a lot u" spring and summer goods in great va riety, rouii-tingpartly of ladies' hate, dress goods, shoe", etc. The refcidence of C. P. Clark at Ciats kanie accidentally caught tiro Thursday evening, and" was burned to the ground. The loss was about $l,0u0. County Clerk Henderson iesued mar riage licenses this week to Maude Suudbv and Edward W'ebeter. of War ren; Grace Marvin and Claude E. Lewis, of Ciatskanie. A. M. Holton, who recently arrived from Portland, ia preparing a set of ab stract books, and will open up an office in the old school buihiing ou the river front. A sister of Mr. Ilolton ia work ing on the books, ami another one be down next week to assist in work. j the Mrs. Hilda Larsen. mother of Laren, ol Warren, aged 78, died on March 17th. The funeral took place at the home of her eon on the following day. The interment was in'the Soap noose cemetery. Rev. Ballantyne, offici ating. The decease! wa a native of Norway. . At the meeting of the city council he'd Tuesday uight a call was issued for the annual election to bo held Monday, April 6th R. Cox, A. King and J K. Blakeeley were appointed' judges, and I C. W. Blakesley G. A" Hall, clerks. Thei councilmen and city olticials are elected j loroneuear. and their ternia of otlice all expire. The retiring omcera are ' lanoa Dirt. Dreeident of the council ;! I K fi.alfrer.S A. Miles. W. F. Slauaii - terand M. C.Gray arei the ret i ing -i n!. ...i ,K .!.,t Councilmen. i lie uttier reiiruig uuici.iib are D. J. Switzer, recordt r ; E. E ymck, treai-urer and . II. McKie, marshal. Judge Mi-Bride held an adjourned term of circuti wurt yestertlay. In the suit of R. E. Sew all vs J. B. Ei ielt.-un, motion to withdraw motion ami file general demurrer allowed, kordhy-v Deitx diami-ssied. Fluhrer vs ordiy, motion for new trial dismissed, judg ment for plaintiff, 60 days to filu bmf. Jennings v Parker; judgment. De crees of divorce were granted in th ... i, t. . ii.,..ku. .n.l .. - suite tit uuiiakci a i 11" . ..-. Ian vs Allan on the ground of des, I In the damage suit ol Johu H:triii vs F Vivian, the defendant was giren 20 appeal while Juiljje C. Kallahau, of fCitl.itiui ; J. N. Pearcy, of Portland, and S. il. . timber, nf St. llvleus, conducted the tie- j fen-e. It was a one-lid. d cure from the ! iM-giun'ng, the bulk of the te timony . favored the defendant. It was shown . that Mr. lo ter, sr., owm-d property ....l.l... ...I . i. Miiie in the value i.f,25,000: tlmt he was a goott Hiniucier, Hid only spent a amount lor drinks. The Court denied the pciitloii uf the yeung Iro tuif. Banger of Colds and (rlp. The greatest danger from odd and grip ia llieir rceutinu lit pneitin-diia. li rbs.i.i,iilileie tn nactl. Iinwevcl'. ami ! Chamberlain' Co gh remedy tnke... nil" ,langr will be avoided. Amoni! the ten" ! of wholiave used mis ,e,.i. .ly for these disease we nave vei to .eaii, ol a wngie ,.ase having lesn'tc-l in . men lno,.H wi,t., snows coui-.iu-ireiv mai it is a renain preventative ol iu.-.i dansferous disease. It will cine aold or an a tack of the grip in lees tin e lltuii itnv other treatment. It i - I'leae.u t tiul sale to take. For sale by KUt.. Il ia. Snbacvite h Mar. Timber Unil, set Jut I, Wt. NOTICK rOH lULICATION. Vnlted State, band OJloe. . ir.Ku i:i y, oresuti, January J, 10. N'OTlt'R IU H KKKHY ill V KM THAT Iff coiiipllanre wlih the vrovtHloni of tb sl uf Coii(re.. of In uc i, 1j7, eutiileil "Aa al lor the .ale ol Umber Inu.l. in Hip at ,iee of Califor nia, Orevotl, Nevitriu, and IVa-hliilttin T.rrl lory," a. ealeiiuefl to all the Pirlie Umil atali'S by .01 of Aiiko.i 4, twj, William h'ra er. of Fori la.ol, I'nu ity of Miihnontah, Hiale of tHefr.a, h. thl.tlay hlel In thf. oihi-e hla aworu ment, ho. ittlltt for the pnrfhaee of the ae of .ectlon No. 2a, In lown-hfp No. a, n. ranx No.S, w, anrl will oltar proo lo .how that th 'and soiiKhl la inori. vttiimhle for IU itintier or .tons '' lr aiM'UltiKal p,ir,., ,, aud to r.UMHh hi. i lalin til i.ald land liefore thu Kcul.lar and KwHver of Ihl. olllce at tj.eKon I.Uy, urefoii, friday, Ihe lUih dav of ,url. 100:1. lis uauiee a. wnueaaH; Kohrt lakmt, Koherl Uolden and Kdwanl lturka.of Portland. llrea-vll and i. . Ilurke, of Molalla. orexon. Any and al peraou. tlailutna adversely Ins ah ve- tewrita.,1 laud, are rcuue.ted to rile their claim, in thl. otfh fl on or before .aiii 10th day oi April, iuu. CH IKI.KH B. MOOKKH Keglater. SUMMON3. In theCIrcHft Cnnrt, of the fl:aie of Oregon, for the Counrv of Columbia William Hrobat, 1 i'ltlmlfr, v.. f Murjr K. flroh.1, j I'efei.d.ut. To Mary K. Ilrolvt, the above named ds fcndatit : N TH K NAME ? TH K hTATK OF OilKtKIMi 1 You are hereby required 10 appear ami answer toe co.iiulaiul hied aealit.l yotl In Ihe above entitled .uit on or helots the lllth d.iy of April I'll, that belli the laat day prccrllwd iu the op't-r ol publica tion of tlii.-. .timuioti., and if ott fall to .o appear and an. er aaul coinpiaiut the plain' iff will apply to the court lor he relief therein prayed, to wit: a ifl.orce from lbs marriage exi.iina between ou aud plaintifr, Thl. .iimmoli. ia puhli-hed tor .lx conwea tive week, bv order ol llulioialde Ihonia. A. .Vlcllroie, )ttd.e of .aid circ lit court, ru.deoa the 24ih day of f. bru.ry, I'.KU. Die tirl puhll citiwu ieinti ou the 271 h day t.l r ebroaty, lvon. . K HAKHIXOTtlS, Attorntiy tor plaintiff. SU.V3US. In f,;r ill 0 irt a.' t ie SLt of Orsgae fjr UoltM) ii .I.IUIV. J, C. K jlui .te, I'l ilntlff. v.. Allace A. HjlUt n, Dxfanlant. T i ill ,'te A. tSjlUe.1 ia. 1 1. a'jre-mrael fesdaut: IN T.l?. SWZ W TrtK ST ITU l)f OHK gjn. Yo.i ar twrahy re.pllre l to appear . and ait-urjr tiie ;o itpi.iiut- ltlel against y-o In ttie avd entitle 1 i:ourlaii! t.'au.e on it twf re tli... K!i d ol Mara, Wrt. which will be alter the e.tiirati.ui of ix Wees, from ths rlate of the nrl pii'il.catioi, of thi. .titntnon.; and If rmi f til to o apoe tr au.i ai.wer on nr before .'aid 2th day o March, Pall, the plain, till wtll apo: to the court for the relfei therein pra.ed, towit: a d.Tcree of divorce from ths hon la of matrtm uy now exiitiiu between you and the puiut.rr. Tht. .itmra ,n. i. puMf.he.1 f-r aix cnn.eeti rive wet-it. bv order n, tna Hon. J. H. Lan, County Ju lite of uot dm tly an I Htate, mails and enie-ed in ttiia ciuk ou the 9th day of Feb-ru-trr. l:.rt. The dar ,r Ins Arrt rmbiialion of thl. summon-1 f'euruaty 13 t i0.i. a id trie in.t M trert 27, lltB. s WI.U'II MTZHCUII, Atiurnay. for Plaiitltir. Pel if ion For Liquor License. T"!! tiif boiionihle t'oiinlv Court of 1 Columbia County, tireKon, lirecting: We, Ihe nnderel'.-ne I. residents and leicl vote, of Scapponse I'reclnct, Coluiohia County, and . t lie "I eyon vuutil reipectftllly ietitl,.a Vuiir Hoiu'ralde Hialy at It. next eaolitr action Willi h n ill l held oh tbe Sin dny of May, I'.O. in the Court hiu., in the c,ty of t. Helena, 4:h lmobia Conutv, and State of Ureicon, that a li cetiiM: 1-e irrn'.e! to Ktiward Holtnca toell apie irou. viuou and mat' litoior in fnantitiea leaa than one Ballon Iu -aid wear poo.e Precinct in vaid County and state, aud that said licene b sranleii lor a Jieriiai ol one tear for ail of which vour pcthmer will ever nrav. D.itcl III,. 24th day ol March. IMM. Mcned, 3 Fveinutil. C. Allen, M Ti-tat. Onatavs H. rHercfc-, Verna Krw.n. K T. lio.-e. 8. Newman, K. A. McKav, H. Huhnian, iiiituv Lauire, F. I R Atlam. V. I.otiitinl!t. O. Neiiniann. John 1 tieiutlntJer, rr.iih j, nrow, jvtiy ai:niiiiTuj I Andrew M"nnart, Henry Futhniau, Anton ! Kamwafcl. W ill MeKar, Y L. I nancy, J. W hite, ! IV ui. Wolt, M., A. Anderet.n. A. Han eernJ. lltto A Miller, ' W .tirant. C. Rahlnaky Henry i; C. Ral.iiuky, John Ki-nblatter. I.ewi. lirutit Ernt hrtieer,. Henry Nettmati. tmaiave eautc. M. Tenkofilv, Isiaae Craig, A.Zicnian, Henry Hiwiuller, Flank "avne, Lewi. Pavne. John Callaban. V 1. knv. J K. Morgan. Tho. II oi- , doninse-, Carl H. Kreidl. Frank rtpcr, J. I. jaontau. ii. "cat, n. a. .-i.'miio, i. ... ran. A. H Laneil. K. S A-'ani.. it. Aidner. C. Hiil.tnann. A. J. Amcll. Joe forth. I. H. Dun can. A.tump, li. T. Kamneyer, Fred Kam uiever, a: .Vewman, Thomaa hennett, N. H. Mi Kav, Toav Moeer. lleo. W. Haniwy, . Atide-jon. J. I. McKov, Clarence Scudder, John Trtecrs W. E. Meve f. M. Hearer. J. H. Hearer. A. Hutler, H. C. Oomeyer, I.. Bolder, K. Snider, lrl i.wt. 1..T. Plr, li. D. Higlta, tlof Svan. in, ti. Svaii-nn. A. Joigematu, lleorK l a hdoilar. I. llalclt, K. llager. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Columbia County. : w P. lihon, Ptaiutifr Alice M i'aVinn. Dcfen lant To Wee M. Uu'.s.-vn. the atxive named defendaut i TN the name of N the name of the State of Oreiron: X Vow are he e'.v re-iutred ,o appear and an-.tve- ihe complaint died ajruin-t you in ths a'fiveentnle I cou-r xiidcau nu or before ths (iv WI . 1'ju:, wl-.Tch ta .t wecaa alter the2(-tn dav ., M-:,-.., PaaJ, the dale ordered for the licl ttf this notice ami If you fail to toappeur :ind an-er, the plwlntifT 111 Kpplv for the relief prated for in the complaint. to-ii: tor a '.ecrce disohitl the bond, of matrimony nott exi-tins between a'aive n.niett pi ituriffuhd del enditut, and for audi other and further leiief a t-. toe court seems meet and iu.i I'hls sninmoiia ii prthlihcl bv order of 111 Hon. Thoi.iai A. M.-Brt 'e Jtldue of Ihe ahvv court, made uu.i entered ou the IKtb day of Mr, h. . '.a.t- I.. T. HIRI", . ui-.D l Atioritey lor Plaintiff. ADMIUtSTRATOR S SALE. I V " ' i- r. n- n relr given hat hv vir r d i he c tnitv Court" ci' th . i,mfntir S'aieof Ore'ton, for the C unity of Columbia, made and elitereo on Ihe ib'h day ot March. 1-ai.i. in the ma'ier ot the edatu of Jeremiah Orti lo, ilecc.i.e-. ihe underiKued. the adinnt i l-lra'oi oi i I claic, a ill, rn or after the lllth j dav ,.f .tpnl. l!si.i, eil at private Mile lorcab Iu : nan1, rt: .t. Helen-, rei.011, i lie followlos da i eiitM i,n,teriv bei .n'un t i the estate o' i Jc einlJ'i ileccneil. (n tho County of t ',, Male oi iirt-a .li, tvewit: Ttie lollth i Ka-t uur hi-ol' -ecti iu se e:i ( In township J xix ((',) N-nh KanxeTwoCi) .test of the W 11-j t I.Mo-ite vjui-idia.i. C'lttutiiitiK ue hundred and : IXtl' ItcrrHI Of lull . j Am on de-l.ili; to hid otr ash) or Wl.h-I 1 intr Iiih.riu.ili .n Clarive lo Hie smue. will apply to me til .arieii tiieiruii, or lo my attorney w. II. rowan, at t., Ureuoa. JOHN nol.AN. Adinini-trntor nf the IC-iate of Jeretuialt Uitl vi:t. deceai.e 1. W, II. P I.V I LL. Attoruur tor ArtmltiUtrator StOTICKOP KIVAIj sf'TTI.KMrUST Iu the circuit Courl 1 the Stale uf Oregon, fit t. oluntbta lottuly, Iu the MutuT of the Esttte oft 5 Kollcs. iet.n Blawham, la-advent D -'il r I XTfirH'K is hervbv uirr.. that on thi I let It ibty of .inrcli. lauf, Mnrlln rlnth, III ur.-iiriiee. ot tne estate oi .knu louio-oaro. i at ,,w,iveM, ,i.i,,r. tt'e.i with ihe clerk ol t ttaraad Court, hla tlnill account, and thl nit the t.Siu.luv "I Mi.-.loii in nnetl Court, the ton iron ot .ititl ''oit,t,,it ihe hour of no'ock it said ,uy, or a s,mui thereafter aa t to otei t an be :e id. lie, the .at.) at..ixnee. w a' ply t.i Hi I Co, -r :i aellicuiewt of hi. i a c -.n:. At t :'o.' a ilJai-.liariiS lr.Mil all liabil , a. .iicii atien-e. M.vitl'lX lioril, AH trntw I iiiXiil) liKO. A. HALL. Allnniey : II tt -! at lit. IIC. nr, Ihit lait h day uf M uch, I NOTICH fOH I'UBlJCATIOf. . liei iltnetit rVf the Interior, 1 l. iu.l tlllii c at Oregon Cltv, tiret' i Mrci, :l, I f VOTtOB W HHItEHY filVKS THAT 1 1 hd owiui-.uiuo-d .ellier ira liled ootir his intent. on lo m ike liii.. I proof lit .itpiae hi ch.irn, tool Hint said fl .-. pron, wliiv ttia.te iailor,. the County Clvik of ( oiun C'oitlltt, al eH. Ili-leu. tlveKn, on April Hi 'AMU MOW, II. K. X". Ij al. ,.r ihe ite'.' ill reetlon 11 tf It., r 'J i He nun. e. tbe foil, wins' whtie's" t e ! hie c.iilit. nous residence uion slid culttvav ui'.at,l land, t Is: Lar. i Kllson hal'-ertt l.'idwiK tv. .-iKiiIaud. i t, rtsu, Oie.iiou, i John f. Y .itnir, "f ,l.i ilu.n, urernn. I I