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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (April 11, 1902)
Distress After Eating Nausea between meals, belching, vonv itiug, flatulence, tit of nervous head' ache, pain in the stomach, are all symptoms o( dyspepsia, and the lungei It is neglected the harder ft ia to cure it, Hood's Sarsaparilla and Pills Radically and permanently care it strengthen and tone the stomach and other digestive organs for the natural performance of their functions. Accept no substitute for Hood's. "I bad dyepepel twsetr-Hv year and took different medicinal but tot no help until t be tas taking Hood'a Kersapartlla. Hev taken tour bottle oj thia med loin and can now eat ala oat anything , sloso well, bar no cram pt in iny, no burnine; and no dialreaa." Ma. Wti.uaa Q. Baku nr. U Olaor St., Provi- denoe, R. I. tm ' . Takca On. Hoax Funny! Did yon ever notice itT Joax Notice what? Hoax Why, in the beginning of the world a rib became a woman, and now it's ribbons that become a woman Philadelphia Record. The druggist who advises yon to use Hamlin's Wiiard Oil for the cure of pain, does you a good turn ! A Good Mimic "I don't see what yoh all has to (tit so proud about, said Miss Sadie Cot ton ball. "Cohse you doesn'," answered Miss Miami Brown. "I'se been studyin' de , white folks. What yoh wants to do is jes' put on de airs yohse'f an' let de yuthuh folks do de gueesin' 'boot whut de reason is." MYtS Fei i naotlr Cored. So flta as aeiiuue fliei eitarSm tr. KltaelOreatNern Siluril. SeodlsrVaBKSSOtnaltxrtUeaiiatraa. He. im. s. a. mun.iML.tu areaaa. rnnmimania Wouldn't B a Party te It Tailor Can't you pay my bill today, sirr 1 need tot money, as 1 m going to oe married next week. Customer (a confimed bachelor) What? Going to be married? Such a foolish thing, and on my money? Nev er! Dvr Dorfbsrbier. Ladle Can Wear Shoes On sin smaller aHer using Allen's foot Cue. a powder. It make ties. or sew eh ore eaae Cares swollen, hot, tweeting, actaine- feet, in (rowing nail., eorns and bunions. All drtio nata and aline itoree, 26c Trial package FRES by mail. Address Allen 8. Olmated, L Eoy, Te Whom It Referred. 8unday School Teacher Now, Willie Green, what aie we to understand when the Bible epeakg of people who, having eyes, see not. Willie Green I guess it must mean policemen. Philadelphia Record. I am an re Piso'a Cure for Consumption saved my life three years ago. Mas. Too. Hobbihs. Maple street, Norwich, H. Y, Feb. 17, 1800. Conditio Improving. Easterner (on his vacation) I be lieve there is less of vice and crime among the Indians out here than there need to be. Is there not? Commancbe Pete You're right, pard. Th' haint ex many Injuns es they used to be. Chicago Tribune. MOT THIST We eter One Bandred Dollar Reward tor an eaae ef Cattarrb tbat can Dot beenied or Hall Catarrh Care. 1. 1. C a bhbi A Co., Prop., Toledo, O. W th andereignad. hare known r. J. Ckeney lor the paet lSreara, and belter bin perfect:? heaorabi In all buineea transactions and in and ally abl to carry outanroblisatlonsmade by their firm. Wan A TaCii, Whole! Dreifgltta. Toledo, Wildim Kissax Maavnr, Whokle Drogf ma, Toledo. O. naii ouaiarm care la taken Internally, arnnf Ireotiy en th blood and mucous larfaoesof eystem. race vae per Dottle. Sold r all JUiTa Family Mile are th beat. Onto Hit Game. Clubb My wife's going around with a chip on her shoulder today. Chubb That so? CiuDb Yes, sue found one in my pocket tbis morning. Philadelphia frees. The Oldest and Best. ' A. S. S. fe a combination of roots and berba of great curative powers, and when taken Into the circulation searchfaoct and rearng all manner of poisons from the Used, without the feast shock or harm to the system. Ob the uoutiary. the general health begins to improve from the first dose, for 8. 3. S. is not only a blood purifier, but an excellent tonic, and strength ens and builds up the constitution while purging the blood of impuri ties. S. S. S. cures all diseases of a blood poison origin, Cancer, Scrofula, Rheumatism, Chronic Sores and Ulcers, Eczema, Psoriasis, Salt Xbetrm, Herpes and similar troubles, tad is an infallible cure and the only antidote for that most horrible disease, Contagious Blood Poison. A record of nearly fifty years of successful cures is a record to be proud of. S. S. S. is more popular today than ever.. It numbers its friends by the thousands. Our medical corres pondence is larger than ever in the history of the medicine. Many write to thank us for the great good S. S. S. has done them, while others are seek ing advice about their cases. All letters receive prompt and careful attention. Our physicians have made a life-long study of Blood and Skis Dis eases, and better understand such cases than the ordinary practitioner who makes a specialty 01 no on disease. . We are doing great food to suffering umanity through lour consulting die- : ' partment, and invite ' you to write us if you have any blood or skin trouble. We make no charge I whatever lor this service. ' m wan rEcw ca. Atlanta, u. (I Ssalwk S r4klMe Ovoa Oa t LEVELING TENDENCIES. Eaarliab. Aristocrat Who Are Makta Moaey la Trade. Americans cannot lay claim to being the only people who now take the sensl ble view that no man Is degraded by engaging In a lawful business. England la coming round to the same way of thinking. The old order of thing Is changed. It la the aristocrats now who serve many of the retail buyers with groceries, vegetables, coal, and other necessaries of life. The following list of titled tradesmen would seem te pbaslae the statements: Lord Hampden Is said to supply the best cream cheese, and his carta, filled with all the fresh dairy produce of hla farm In Sussex, go dally on tbelr West End routes. tord Londonderry will deliver half a ton of coal with promptness. A grand- son of WUIIam IV. prefers a more re-1 become perfect, la gradually being re tiring method of meeting the demands placed by Quite unpleasantant flavors. of hla customers. Through the medium of the post he sends out bis nackets of tea all over the country. Amomr the smaller ahoo-owners who belong to the old aristocratic families of Enrland la Lord Harrington, who opened a shop a few years ago on his London property that be might sell fruit and vegetablea grown at Elvaston Castle. The late Lord Wlnchllsea was the pioneer of the fresh vegetable cm sad which started the shop In Long Acre where all kinds of British farm may be bought at the lowest prices. Lord Portsmouth haa gone Into th mineral-water trade, a bottling estab lishment for which he has started. Th restaurant business seems In high favor. Mr. Algy Burke was one of the first of the "upper ten" to put his en ergiea Into the management of a taurant He succeeded In making fashionable the restaurant known as Willis' Rooms. Two other young men of gentle birth have gone Into the ho tel business. These are the half-broth er of Lord Trevor and Mr. Moatyn, of the family of Lord Vaux of Harrow- Gen. They have opened an hotel at a new watering-place. Although the interest In millinery shops owned and managed by society women baa somewhat abated, tbla Held of trade baa found new worker. A man well known In society Is the latest milliner. He has taken a shop In Bond street a short distance from one over the door of which he painted "Th Countess of Warwick," and under the name of Camllle he successfully car ries on his business. Boer in a Box. A most remarkable story haa been furnished to an Express representative by the second officer of the R. M. 8. Goth, which has just arrived homo from the Cape. On the Goth's arrival on Christmas morning at Ascension Island, on the homeward voyage, a Boer commandant was discovered on board In a large wooden case forming part of the cargo. The "consignment" had been received on board at St. Helena, and shipped as a box of Boer curios for England. Th measurements of the case were: Length, 4 feet 3 Inches; breadth, 2 feet Inches; and height, 2 feet When the box was opened the con tents proved to be a live Boer command ant, who gave bis name as Smonerborg, and owned that he was a prisoner on parole. Standing over six feet In height, he was helped out of his cramped "room1 in a weak and exhausted state. He had there been cribbed, cabined and coo fined for Ave days. Enough food was stored to last him for his voyage to England, but In being stowed away in the bold his water bot tles had been broken. He was eventually landed at Ascen sion under an escort, to await res hip ping on a man-of-war for St Helena, where he will Join bis brother Boers In captivity. ine box In which the prisoner was found was a most clever contrivance. apparently of Boer carpentersblp, with eliding panels. It contained clothing. biscuits, potted meats, books, and a candle and matches. London Express. Spinster in Deamark. Denmark is the one country In the world, presumably, that place a pre mium upon sptnaterhood. A celibacy Insurance company has been founded. If the bolder of a policy In the Celi bacy la unmarried at the age of forty she Is considered Immune snd gets s life annuity. If she marries before forty she forfeits her policy snd pre miums. Between sn snnulty snd a husband a Danish maiden's heart Is often rent with Indecision. In Sweden and Norway there are several homes for spinsters. One of these at least Is as attractive as It Is unique. It Is the monument to the memory of sn exceed ingly wealthy old man who, dying more than two hundred years sgo, left the major part of bis fortune to the old maids among his descendants. A su perb home was built furnished, snd managed by salaried trustees. It flour ished and hss continued. Any unmar ried woman who can prove blood re lationship to the founder of the Institu tion Is entitled to sdmlsslon In th home. 8he Is given a suite of rooms, a private servant, private meals, snd Is subject to no rules save such ss or dinary good behavior demands. Grimly Grotesque. The following tale anent Li Hung Chang reminds one of th grim Jesting f Mr. Gilbert's Mikado, who will be remembered ss having Indulged In pleasantries regarding "something with boiling on in It" LI Hung Cbsng had, beyond all doubt, an Iron will and a very unsenti mental neart unce, wnen he was Viceroy of Cbi-Ll, a man who bad tarn- perea witn a teiegrapn wire was brought before him. The man wrung bis bands and begged for mercy, say ing that he would never touch the wire again. "Don't be vexed, my good fel low," said Li, "nor trouble yourself any further about the matter. I'll sea that It does not happen again." Then be turned to the gaolers snd gave th order "Cut off his head!" He Understood. Uncle Josh You know what the law yers mean by "alleged," don't you? Uncle Hiram Of course! They mean tbat the lawyers on the other side is 17 1 u , jruva. It sometimes happens that a man's boos is bis mother-in-law's cast, "SCIENTIFIC" BEEF. The Rom Beef of Old Kn aland Is Doterloratlna. England would not be England with out lta famous roast beef. Patriotic Britons are) atill uuder the delusion that by paying the price they can ob tain the genuine article "as good as ever It was, air." This la another of the pleasant Ac tions which the faithful journalist U obliged to shatter. a matter of fact, the distinctive flavor which won the admiration of King James has been slowly lost ow lug to modern methods of fattening cattle. Tenderness and Juicy quality uu- doubtedly have been gained by modern nreeaera owing to ueir scienunc reea- tag of oxen; but the original "beefy- navor, which took about three years to For instance, ana tne untisn rami' Association la the authority con- suited by the writer, Devonshire beef distinctly "turnippy- taste, aue th roots and turnips upon which the neaata are rea. In spring beef of this flavor la more noticeable, for It Is during the winter months, when pasturage Is scare, that the animals have to be fed on roots. If for one month only, Just before slaughtering, the cattle were fed on hay this objection would be removed; but our cattle breeders are In such hurry to send the animals to th mar ket that this month cannot be spared when th demand for English beef Is great and pressing. Oilcake la another artificial food that affects th flavor. Th taste of the oil Is most unpleasantly perceptible when th food la used to any great extent But it fattens very rapidly, so farmers us It Six weeks only Is necessary to get an ox Into market condition on oil cake. What then. I the finest beef for ta ble? The answer will com as a shock. It Is, according to an expert the American who "succeeds again." American beef, bred from the finest English stock, haa many advantages Over th home-grown animals. The pasturage In America is Ideal Sunshine Is abundant and sunshine has a great effect In the way of Improving the flavor of beef. The moat exposed portions of th animal, such as that from which the sirloin Is taken, are al ways the best American beef comes over in chilled. not frosen chambers. If the "ice geta Into the meat" the flesh becomes taste less, but a cold chamber, the tempera ture of which does not fall below freeaing point arrest decomposition without spoiling th flavor. London Mall. CUT OUT HER DOUBLE CHIN. Dellcat Piece of Bnraorr to Bare a Woanaa from BunTerina. To save herself from death bv an Va cation and Incidentally to cure a double chin of prodigious development Mrs. Florence Shipley, of Baltimore. Md, has submitted to one of the strangest ' surgical operations on record. Her chin was allt ooen In four olacea and a km quantity of fat removed from her neck. The operation was performed at th University Hospital on Lombard street A slip of the knife by s hair's breadth and the patient would never hare awakened from the ether. This she fully understood, but preferred the risk to further suffering. Mrs. Shipley Is a tall woman and stout In proportion to her weight. For years, however, an unnatural growth of flesh under her chin baa created pressure on the carotid arteries. All efforts to reduce It proved fruitless. The still healthy arteries, as time only In creased the deposit were crushed be neath the weight of fat The carotid arteries carry the blood from the heart to the brain, and their deformity soon produced not only pain but a lack of supply of blood that caused periods of unconsciousness. Res piration was slso so far Interfered with that the unfortunate woman dreaded suffocation. So skillfully wss the operation per formed by three surgeons at th hospi tal, says the New York World special, that It is believed the four Incisions will leave no scar. For two daya Mrs. Shipley remained in th hospital with her head In a plaster cast Th Olsigliiig Girt If you tell her she's modest or tU her she s vain, She'll giggle. She heeds not the feet that It gives yon a pain, That giggle. Though you ma address her la serious key. Make speech that pre eat so ooeaaios for glee. Or even for smiling, her answer will be A giggle. She runs to th door whsa her Chawlsy boy rings And giggles. WhUe helping him take off his oold win ter things She sissies. Whsa seated for sparking witala th bright rays Of dollar per gas or the grate's cheery bias he snswers the angary things that h eaya Wka giggles. la eharek If she catches a girly chum's ye She giggles. There's ao provocation, shs oossa't know why, Jnst giggle. Shell srch op her eyebrows like bsck of the est That steads off the dog la the rear of the at And give her eyelashes s humorous bat And giggle. If esUed to the bier ef s dead, silent friend, She'd riaeie. If Gabriel's trump should bring fim te aa end, She'd giggle. If op to the great judgment bar she were led To list to her fete wha th qniek snd the deed She'd think H wss funny and shske her fool hesd And giggle. Denver Post. A Chronic Borrower. Brown Jones Is borrowing a good deal of trouble, I guess. Smith Well, let him have all he wants; he'll never pay it back.-Detrolt Fro Press. A Rod I Hdtl. Mrs. Good sole Why, Johnny, are you just going home now? Your mother's been looking for you all alter- noon. Johnny Yea'm, I know. Mrs. Good sole Just think how wor ried she must be I Johnny Oh, she's near the end o' her worryin', I'm jest beginulu' mine. It look. Tenth, "Will you carve, Mr. Cleaver?" asked the landlady, as she placed th turkey on the boarding house table. "No, thank yon," replied th face tious boarder, "let Mr. Hackett. He's a stone cutter." Philadelphia Bulla tin. Three of 1 Kind, Ella Bella told me that you told her that secret I told you not to tell her. Stella She's a mean thing t told bet not to tell you I told her. Ella Well, 1 told her I wouldn't tell you she told me so don't tell her I did. Brooklyn Life, Pur Accident Ascnm What's the matter with Jen kins? Gobang Mot with an accident while bunting. A scum You don't ssyl Gobang Yes, ha wss hunting for trouble, and he accidentally ran up against me. Philadelphia Press. Doubled ss Alimony. "Oh. yes, daughter's fully twice as happy as she was with her husband." "How so?" "Why, he used to give her an al lowance of only 110. and now he haa to pay her fL'u." Shear Noamiuc "He never washes his hands." "Nonsense!" "N01 it's a fact." "then he's a crank, eh?" "Not at all. He says it would take too long. He employs 200 in bis mill." ANOTHER HEMAnKABta CAS Whleh lb Doctor Failed to Gar or Understand. A medical man, as a rale, dislikes to acknowledge the value of a proprietary medicine. In fact, professional eti quette debars him from doing so. There are many eminent physiciana, those most avanced in thier profes sions, who give full credit to the great curative properties of Vogeler's Cura tive Compound from the fact that it is manufactured by an old and reliable company, proprietors of St. Jacobs Oil, from the formula of a brother physi cian, who today stands In the front ranks of th most eminent medical men, and on account of its intrinsic merit it is largely prescribed by the medical profession. Mrs. hettleton graphically relates the particulars of her own case, which will doubtless be of interest to msny of our reauers: 1 "a Deen n intense sufferer for mny year irra dyspepsia, liver and kidney troubles, when a pamphlet was placed in my hands, and, although at that time I had been bedridden for more than six months, I determined after reading some of the cases similar to mine, which had been completely curea Dy V0Seler Curative Compound to try some, especilly ss my doctors failed to even benefit me, snd I had given up all hope of ever being well again. The very first does of 15 drops relieved me. It wss not long before I was sbls to get up and about; three months from taking the first dose I was enjoying better health than I had been for 14 years. I should not have been alive today had it not been for Vogel er s curative Compound." Mrs. Nettleton said: "I hava reconv mended Vogeler's Curative Compound lor inaigvation and eczema, and in every cam it has proved a cure, beyond doubt. Mr. Bwinbank, onr chemist, has sent me the names of no end of peo ple who have been cured by Vogeler's Curative Compound. By the wsy, th proprietors nave so much confidence in this great London physician's discov ery, that they will send a sample free to any person sending name snd sd dress, naming this paper." St. Jacob Oil Co., 205 Clay St., Baltimore, Md A Saint Upon Earth. "Pa," said Willie, "what does it mean to say a man is 'one of nature's noblemen?' " tint 01 nature's noblemen,' my son," replied the old gentlemen, with a significant look at his better half, "is a man who smiles when he gets some ridiculous, cheap gift for Christmas, and exclaims: 'How nice! Just what I wanted!'" Catholic Standard and Times, Mental Exsrcla. Bernice What is the nature of this brain work Cholly has undertaken? Hortense-He has mad his vslet take a back seat, and he thinks for him self what suits he will wear each. day. Sh Knew Mar liiubaad. Peddler Wouldn't you like soms mottoes for your house, mum? It's very cheering to a husband to see s nice motto on the wsll when he come home. Mrs. Daggs Have you got on that says, "Better 1st than never?" Week ly Telegraph. Th Tandem Habit 'Why do Mr. Paintbrush snd his wife promensde in single file?" 'They used to rid a tandem, and tbey can't get over th tandem habit." Fliegend Biaetter. Th fruit f faith, Sunday School Teacher Faith, chil dren, is believing in the existence of something we can't see. For exsmple, when you buy bananas yon know that there is a delicious fruit Inside the tough skin. Do you understand? Children Yes, ma'am, Sunday School Teacher Wall, what is faith? Children Bananas. Makes Monty Railing Popcorn. A. L. Schaeffer, of Edgar county, Illinois, last year harvested the Isrgest crop of popcorn ever gathered in the world. From his 102 acres he hsd 1,800 bushels, a yield of a little over 17 bushels to th acre. It cost blm f 17 an acre to raise, tort, shell and pay To rJotisaro of la thia workaday world few women ar so plaeod tbat phyaloal exertion I not constantly demanded of them in their daily life. We make a special appeal to mothers OX Urge ramlliea wnoae wora la never done, and many of whom suffer, and suffer for lack of Intelligent aid. To women, young or old, rich or poor, we extend an invitation to accept free advlos. Oh, women I do not let Mas. Cassia Bsuaviua. your lives be aaerl floed when a word of advice at th flrat approach of weak ness, may fill your future years with healthy joy. Address a letter to Mrs. Pink ham's Laboratory. Lynn Mass., aad yon will not be disappointed. When 1 began to take Lydla K. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound I waa not abl to do my housework. I sui fersd terribly at time of menstruation. Several doctors told me they could do nothing for me. Thanks to th rink bam advice and rood id n I am now wall, and eaa do th work for eight la lta family, v I would recommend Lydla E. Pink. im't Vegetable Compound to all mothers with large famtliea." Mas. Cassis Bbxlbvtuj, Ludington, Mich. Trouble Ahead. "What are vou crying for?" "M big brudder's gottin a llckin'." "Ah, 1 seal You're sorry for blm." "Naw, I'm sorry fer myself. He's goin' ter lick m fer tellin' on him." New York Evening Journal. Stddttt ef AIL He It is a pleasure to meet a woman who has a sense of humor. She But, really, one doesn't need s sens of humor to lsugh st th things you say. Life. Shs wss Right Wife Do you know I hav s very little mouth?. In the gla it doesn't look large enough to hold my tongue. Husband (testily) It doesn't. Ceatd Not Bt Called HouaawKe. "And so yon are married, Jack," said dear old Aunt Polly. "I hope sh is a good housewife." "Well," re plied Jack Ritchie, "she's been a good i fashionable hotel wile moat of the time since our wedding." Philadoplhia Press. A Model Child. Dickie Pa, were you a gooder boy'n me when you were as little as me? Father Yes, indeed, Dickie. I was always a very good boy, but somehow or other I had a great many serious snd painful misunderstandings with my parents. Lieutenant Governor! Is Offlcs. In Alabama, Nebraska and Washing ton th present governors were elected ss lieutenant governors, and ar filing vacancies caused by the death or renig nation of the governors. la Enjland. ."Kind sir, I s'pose yer don't know of no one what dont' want to hire no body to do nothink, do yer?" "Ye, I don't." Tsblt Decortllos. Four rather small fern dishes filled with growing ferns ar sometime used to outline the center square of the din ner board, the actual renter being oc cupied by a slender, rather tall glaos vase, which may bold any flower pre ferred, two or three stems with foliage being sufficient. .-ei t.,g' t XVrf elable Prcparalionfor As similallng thcFoodandReflula lingllKSlomoxhsal Bowls of Promotes Dige9llon,CheerfuI- ness and Kestconiains neither Opuim.Morphiite nor Mineral. WOT NARCOTIC. Jty tfOUa-SiNVIlPfTOHXM ffrnWfcr sal - eWsVw iftalast A perfect Remedy forCoiwllpa Tion. Sour Stomach.Diarrhoca Worms .Cortvulsions.Fevrnsh neaa and Loss OF SLEEP. Fax Simla gignalurs of NEW YORK. Iri.;'j exact eocY or wrappcr. mmf' Prom Enlliitd Mm te Admlril. Rear Admiral 0rr W. FarrmhiiH, United State iiavy, who wss inspection ofllcor at Charleston iiavyyard up Ui about a year ago, '! " on the retired lint, is the only ollltwr in the service who reached the grade of roar admiral from the position of en litsed man. Admiral Farsiiliolt ot tered the navy first a a volunteer dtir ing the Civil war, and lias a record of -noi than 10 years sea service. Jealousy, "I understand Mies OoMstnmlard's engagement has been broken. What was the cause?" "Jealousy." "Jealousy?" "Yes, hot dog became too fond of him." la Iht Ark. "Don't annoy your father," whis pered Mr. Noah to Shorn. "He's In a bad humor." "What's wrong with him?" quorled Shem, curiously. "Why," replied Mrs. Noah, "he went out on the hnrlcane deck to let on of the doves loose, and the wind turned his umbrella wrung side out!" Ohio State Journal. Horitihoti in th Orient The tye of horsoidioe common in the Orient is a plate fitted so as to rover tlie entire bottom of the hoof, with a perforation in th renter. The wolglit of tlie averngo hornexhoe is throe-fourths of a pound. The native smiths usually cut these plates from sheet of wrought iron and rudely shai thorn for tlie purpose in view. Deaf Mutt Uitd Threatening language. For using threatening 'Men I and dumb" language toward hi father and brother a dt( mute has been bound over to keep the peace at Illackbiirn, hngland. Mag,k Orchid of Java. In Java there is an orchid, the gram matophylum, a II the flowers of which open at once, as If by tho vtrke of a fairy wand, and they also all wither to gether. Woman's Atqualntance, Herr Do you know my wife? Frau Very well, Herr Rut I don't reneinber intro ducing her to you. Frau Quite true, but I have a new maid who waa with your wife two months. Fliegend Biaetter. Cut Up. "Doesn't your old barber shave you any more?" "No; he s entirely too musical." "Whistled while he worked, eh?" "Oil, no, but while he was shaving me th other day a street piano outaide began playing a ragtime tune, and he kept time to it with hi raxor." Phil adelphia Press. Two f Kind, McJigger I couldn't sleep last night. Fire engines dashed down our street and disturbed tne. Thingumbob A fir alarm wakened me, ton. McJigger That so?" Thingumbo) Yes. I dreamed that I had died. Philadelphia Press. A Natural Conclmlos, Mollie What makes so many cat tails grow on this pond. Charlie? Charlie Oh, they grow up from lit tle kitties that people have drowned here, of course. Th Source of laiormalloa. "flow are you feeling, today?" ssked the personal friend. "I don't know," answered the mon- : arch, wearily. "I haven't read th papers yet. Washington htar. So Mesa. Creditor (sngry) I tell you, 1 want my money. Voice From Beyond Well, you can't gei uioou oui 01 a turnip. Creditor No, but I can out of a beet. IN YOUR You Find the Difference nrnPCnPPfc'c llPP Klllpr f iP ' I'" ' twar ih ejulcklr Seetrorlnt all UlUGMJGb. O kibe nlllC! lice. Tlie nne. la nmhliis in imiarma t ihoonaiiiiT.i. vawi f mir Phirpn .Tl WUlC IUUI WIllvjAGIId. elilraetia - irvnta ala nvmlheolil. 'in rvnium sub vv., tarn r rawer For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears Sign For Over Thirty Years mire S Air M . I if AfiT Use Weak? " I suffered terribly and wis trsmsly wk for 12 yssrs. Th doctor said my bleed was all turning to water, At Issl I tried Aysr's Ssrssparllla, snd was sooa f cling sll right stain," Mr. J. W. Fla'a. Hadlyms, Ct No matter how long you have been ill. nor how poorly you may be today, Ayer s Sarsaparilla is the best medicine you can take for purifying and en riching the blood. Don't doubt it, put your whole trust in it, throw away everything else. li e s em. an A.k rr what h tkleaa at Area Saraaiiarlll. M. knewaall aa.Ml tat. stems MS raiiniiT eSfia. hM aSele aa4 "UTomCe,U.,s ...... ., . .L . ... ' -J..- - L L..X..,1J UafsfhMst Errr. "What do you mean by this, air?" demanded the angry advertiser. "What's the mattor?" Inquired the publisher of the Rlngtown Bugle. "This advertisement of 'our delicious' canned meats from the beat Chicago houses,' you'v mail It read 'horses.' " 00 VOU WORK m Tilt VET? THE ORIGINAL OILCO , CL.OTMIN&I svu tortcnoN "-..-. ANSIS v:himnun. rat itavicr 10S -atAi rxiiiFi , arKWINO FULL Line O SaSmcHTJ AND MAT A J.TQWeB CO.pO3T0N.MA3, i jftfH Buoancs. (llvIMasllavlloa MMiaaarihtaf ao th SMtrkei ai airuln Ilk tia prk-e. k csum uev ar aal '('- maMrial la atanS "orret road" Imm rfer on he-tiea, kreo oa .atria. ) . iiww m aia, .ei eiN IrrMwane ( foal aura tbat fna or mum rsr aieo ' worth, ask for s RBe (.In" or O Miti'isr(llMor Macs'. Weioares lo iheot. afWetsVatt, laerls A Mmwmm Oa. Seoul, Hfnkaas, Bote. rorlleo, Or. BISHOP SCOTT ACADEMY foi Hand, Oregon. rounl4 lef. i Rom School for Bert lilitvy ui iuiil Tralili. Writ lor Itliiairatod Calais. ARTHUR C. NUWILL, PrlaclpsI WASHING MADE EASY Ily using my Washing Tablets. No acids. Hend AO rents for tnekaa-e sufficient for 3 months, with full directions. Agents ,,,1,1 W, (J. POWELL, Bos 606, Portland, Oregon. POCKET! t "--sslltt loo Detween alekly. lon.jr rhli-tona anrt heatihv, ntntl fowls, on lirlnre no mi'iirf 10 rnur nonkel. the olhoi aiosn laoner In ,nn, I...,. U k..i. ill . t. a - froiH.r . ra t in mori.llly. I'ullrle be m laylua Sr or to At) per eenu mnr esse produced. mtrmml, fwjusf. Or. tlaa Sure la dllee. aad the seal null ahoa Sealer everywhere. Caallsa I The awaalae feaea W. L. Douclaa' name aad srtea a lain pee ea the boibM. rueuraie tl Mlm aa aasla aka jaeeaeiia toe run, ayasSfSnaSBafeaw I mw smm, I at pair. umtzz i.26tt, 74 Palm, Wis l.&fift,7i0 Pair. Suesea Mar Com Oevelee Is fur rears, TM RtASONS w. I..IoiirM umkM ae4 aalla more men fast Snrt ej.M.!ioe than any other ?W . I. loiilae a o ami i to alioea oUwen Mile bf MewllhSa ioaw! Sa.maWaof oiherm.kfeare imnd is be ma! aa smmI. Tir will outwear Iwe pair, ol ordlnarr la.oo and U U rtieoe. Mae of tm Seat eeisera, Imlailn fatest Corves KI4, Ooreos Off ' Sa(M jraeeerse. IM ftler Into,, w, arw.r. SIM Sat M W L.K.b,Im a ! e. LIMH aaaoet fe eaue. Shoo bjr msll.Sft els. euro, fistalo free. W. I,. IWIKll.m. Wrorkloa. . 1 New Yemr Resolution sejsrall, ba Ueaut, srHnaa a4 loo A ails, a4tipwilosiasi Initltiiti, ?&A1Z$SZ AT. T. K.O. Mo. 15-ISet. vrsltlng to sdesrtlssrs pleas I MA I SoMbraTCoa, .V -ft3ZtXa.fl. American m 'aWlles' ground rant. aisa tais paper. J