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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (May 3, 1901)
OREGON MIST Entered at the rostntfit at W. H lens, Oregon, ai seennit-elns mail matter. COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER. Ikkukq Eriav Kkiuav Mok.mmi Bv DAVID DAVIS, ElHTO ANI pKot'BIKT. on lecord tlielroiniaalined belief in the existence of peiroleam. Ai elsewhere stated th rulley In an advam-ed elate nl oevelopnietil nt re gard it m icoltural mwiw. Well improved timii, erasl huiriliitKa, tine on-hards and hnwd acre id hav and grain land ar the visible evidence uf il productiveues and fntih which th settler ther have always bail in it future. These farm were otic for- rt of frest t rpti wliiih I'V inevitable DA in TA UCD1ICM V i 1 1 CV i acon.l nAU IU HiiUftllUHi IIXUUUI fya,,,,l for paHure or hae. and the rflHTUM) TKIiKOKAM SATS N. P. MKANS Ul'SlNKSH. Timber aad Coal JfeeessAry t Port land's 'mMrvUI Ialrts. year wheat, with clover, third I fourth and fifth war, rnrn. In KOTICi Or Mi A L StTTltMSNT. scBscKirnoM run t.: One copy ou year, in advance 1.00 Six month. , . M) COCSTV OFFICERS. RepreMBtatlrs Nonass Xarrtlt. Claiaat Jin , Joaeph ft. Ifcmn. kubM Cierl. -J. O. Wat, St Helens Sheri at . Hail. St. Helsoa T...n.r K. Rn. Helena not. l Srhooi I. M. ConaUad. H.wlioo j rntfn 2T1T!L " i i ini. h.u.ii.u. I which distance ia an almost uiiiutec Coroser. "...Dr. H. R. CUB. 8. Helens ! rapted inrowion tl well improved Co-mUsJer, e-lTZi!SSl l'Tm portion which j still ' w- P t -""tmr j ,ir)rin , covered with aa fine a body nf fgl- i timber aa ia to be found on lha coast and ia canity accrastbto to the watera of j the riv-r which ia capable of running million of feet of log daily, i At l"iit"bunr, here the rivet ia f lined I by it main east Uibutary, i a tine a fwmmi miiisiMr us we luwi ieieiiu T1.. Kir(Kurn li-ifL Brtn.rf.nttv I ! Into sere f..twl lo vh-M to the ainw I nieaut business with relerenvo to it ; for von can't allo.-d anr other. The old j'Joas of tlH farmer who destroyed . hratrrh rond Iroto ti'ipooM into thejltato hir thorn uneti to bo food, but Atthalem country. Tim road will do the ml uollvd ia a twtter and iKr(wtnal Miuething, mncti, to oja up that r- milker, and I her am anr to tnatnra giuii. U will dovbtleas b ot aonia ad- j early, niaking KHO p.imi of bevf at 1 vauUgato rortland. Too lon already t year oM. In buying breeiliug atnek of the rwurrv of that part ol Ureen j all kimla aelect urb a am of nood nire hav tireu twiclrt4. It ia eapecially , and that will mature early and are of rh'ti in timber. In common parlance, i excellrnt form. Ito all tint work pocai tlie timber of Northweetern OrvpMi ij bio from tha home, for hired help ia "V!l'c,,y inexhaustible." Thi ia often iujuriou to tha children. al they not literally true, a we are nrf inning i are our chief fntereeu in III. Let all thi I" VNDKksKiNEU. AD KXKCUTOH tP WHV von will kMu iK farut vrv . I mawmuij. a. Kluiruii, ikimw, n dno.ivein each rrop. and the Ust two ioiaiy t ort .4 ti ttwte ! (xwrvm for lh ytaia lh corn wuuid Le uunl to four j '"' f tvinaiMa. " l the ii h tw"i veara I mill vivintf lha a I i.l.m f.w-1 "". "i irni"i i . n AH the produrta of tlie form mIiuuM be All iwimom fe.vmi tn mI1 orun nil tui the farm, ami the beat bld that i ntmi.y ihmihikI io a t(-iiai MMUuia uiunt-y ran imi.t ia none too tpxiu lor tne tvmuHin farmer. Yon mnat hare the dnal porpoa cow uature'a ntt line pruiurt to rf(.lt- it with a gohfon hnrveat ol mau'a own nsakimt. These rich and eplerxliil farm alao atand aa a livinfr mouuuwnt to tha tai l that th nefulne.i of that acrtion will not be destroyed with the removal of the timber. The source of the N baletn river ia eighteen milea from the point at which it folia into the sea, and lenKin ia iw miiea, an oi wniiil iunn t-oiikl k for. At thia point enonh water can be eaaiiv on controlled t operate' all the machinery ' to learn, and a Uie inhabitants of Penu vlvama, Miclnsan and other heavily tiinlwred states iarnei before as. But there ia a rest supply of Hue timber in We tern Oregon, and the time has com wlies) there i such demand for it that f the sons and daughters of the home try w oe usetui aa writ aa ornameuui. Deat Lack Kerre. As ftichiUH raruarka Uiai thanhan the uwuera will soon begin to nianiifxc- j who ia forever askiug the countrv wlitur tare it and sell the product, fur this , to rive hi buainese or himaelf "a oh- purte a railroad, or railroads, are little puff," gratuitona, of con rex ia uerwsary. almost always an unbeliever in the "Of even more importance to Portland ! doctrine of advertising. Kvorr new are the coal held, u they are as Mien- j paper man is fomilar . with IhU tviie. rive as ha been reported, and of the: lie ceuerallr enter the (wnrtiim with nualitT rertilied. to br who have ' the remark of the Cheerful I. lint thai ho it will ewr tw foi;nl necessary to plate !xauiined them. With this of ; has an item that will do to "lill tip" there, in tdditiun to which are splendid jcual ami limber, Portland will have one , ami proceed to nubnrdea hiiuwlf of aHl ijar ud nmwil lh uiii ltmla Kl.MUN KII.UK K.twuiurkf lh will ef J. a. HIUMiwa. rteceamt. MAY 3. 11. a wis of tuairr. Tub result attendant Ituomaare fanlnie-, beuide which all the : vast foret! of timber on tttt the main I river and Kast fork ran be brought to thi point for manufacturing into lum j ber. ! At the town of Yernouia, fire mile m .i auuve nuNwiri, ta mn iieaj iie lor a i j half a column of dry rot of interest to ! no one but himself, lie's the kind that great a tut ecntial need, to makita iiiauiifaciurinat center and first-class e' port, supplied. owner else can thia , "encooragei home enterprise" by taking neeu oe eo vamy anu cneapiy auppucu j ine paper sixteen years wltltottt paying a Irom theee ctHtl U-da and this timber . a nickel. belt of 'tlie Nehalem country.' t r "For thi purot lurtland onght to " " . ,.. i . c : . i . . . . . i i . i . i . i : . . . . : .i.-. . n imnr umiiumciiiriiia iwui. ai oarv itKtiiirr raiinxw iuo iua rrsiuti. Z&SZZSZ of a raTli line i 'J" ' .b!' ! into new district are aoim-time not a"rZ. . Vi TL 7L u" V K i .?T7. . " ' "l lxHc al Eti.f.4ci.r in , : """. 7t.JZ -ill. .1 i .I.:. 7.. v, i.; Uiiiorrel section ol U-e iNenalew had ia the present attempt to secure railroad communion ion for the iSeha n fil StttM. NOTICIt IS HEREBY UIVKN THAT THI atxtemaaxi ailulnlMnitnr of lha mum r. Neer, tapi. bu ah- In Ue afflee ! : Tlaitxr Land. Art Jan . !. NOTICC FOR PUBLICATION. I'Mtrao Stats ta Ornr, Oawintt t.iTT, untaua, Marck i.l. Not Xturh K I HtJtKnV uhk-i HUT I.N COM & ltee atth tha nrovUlutia of ta act of UonTi.i4 Junt A. tKfs antlllett "Aa aet fu the al ol tlmtr la lh Malaa ul Caliror aU, Urua, M.u nn Wuhiuaiou Tfit tory." as axUixM tn alt lha Pahhr IjiimI Htn brat f Auauxi. IkU. buuuu A. tt. Hill air, i! rrUu4l, eumitv ot Muliioeah. state ot Ore"H, Km Uiia Oar Blot la IhM olllo hli Wura MatmHt No. W for la lelpr-haaa ot the aoHthMul W t hkhLmi No. . lu uahia r. norm, rwt Mktiai, sua out wn.r Kf t Au that lha laud auuabt ta asixa ! uM (ur It UaHwr ort'iicltM tut acilvullur at ournuaax. and to onabllah hia rlalui to aahl latKt bolurailio Maller an Hteatrar of this omat lirMrua Cnv, tfraeon, oa Mumtar. tha I7ia day of Jm. rl. Ha nanita aa wiiai: lx tt. oarrlamt. of Hortlawt, trvaoU Uvula Hto , ol WtnutukOtvtoa. W. tt. ANaa. ol Wt noiiA. Orvavo antl Witt. WaehUna. el fsrttau., Orcsn. Aa? attd all cwr.iu rlMiutttf a1rit ly me ahotadM itlacO iamhi ar reiieaied to H!e thet' rldlutt In tl.n ..ftta on or la-mrv aald mh ol Juua, Uul. t-UAS. B. XHiKks, aijt tioainsr. Ttatwr Uiut. ActJuo 117. NOTICC FOR PUBLICATION. and down it the fine timber alone its ' ! banks can be easily ran to a mill at Ver- r";. .""""r: ...... noma or Pitubarw; surveys, rraJes, etc, there appeared on . . . ilpn-j tomXZZltt1 convenient ouuide point ounters, and we were tmpelleil to say, - . . ..... grafter; but this term is probably a r" '1 J,?' brCH1 8 oul r-r nttle too strong-wlio ohjecV we. jrf j ,n h""- course, to get possession of the lst of , ; ; . , the country's uroei., ol whatever j roTtAKD' umnii siawnai having aub atora they might e-msiat. withont giv- "J created tt having ing anything of actual value in return. Fntn '. tK-lonety por,tble out ot W. are pieaaed to sar, ho.ecer, that in t, gambling n again almost as wi,l moat ctLses such mercenarr motive .n 'fl" hunented have been rewarxied by the failure crosmle swept over thai idegei.- rbich ther merited. Vere nstnrallr mm mu" P" oestnug to no so there is eonsideralUe ureties and some yindictireness on the part of the disap point! One and thi ill feeling hi be ginning to manifest itself in the form of a malic tout effott to depreciate the re source of the Mehalem valley, espec iallv the tinit-er. It has come to our knowledge that in several instance whej speculators have failetl in Uteir efforts to pun has timber land at their flgniv they have attempted, and in tdii cases have succeeded in giving the country ''black eye," ami keepinc legitimate investors" away from the country. The people of the Nehalem valley are tobicoiuweuded upon their goud judg ment in refusing either to sell their nomesaad timtier laud for a song or for bus than a conservative estimate will make them worth five or ten rears can airain get action on their money at faro, rrati or roulette. These ramee are known to be running in many of their former haunts and also in some new ones, and nearly all of these Rie practically wide open. Those wishing to enter one of these joint are obliged to pass a sentry at one of the outer doors, whose ostensible duty ia to admit onlv "respectable" people! but a hoe real business is to notify the player in time to allow them to escape should the police appear, a contingency which is not vet y likely to occur strain until an other moral wave strike the place. Vnltt-t Slate Uwl OMra, ..... (..- i. U.Mtlt .art. XJOTrl'K 18 HfcKKftY lllVX.'i THAT IN t'Utt. il kIUbcs i. ii th tnnWuii ai tba act ol eaireai l Juu A, IsTH, aatilla.1 ". a act aw lit sola Umber btntls lu ll atalea ol 1'alllornla. Orrtn. Kevwta ml kVahtuu TorrtturT." a at trie lad to all tl fuotls Laud ataiaa b aet of AuaaM 4. Pan. J-a W. Laovall. ot Vaucnatvr, eoaaty ol Uikv, aiato itl M aiilu4n. Iwa that day ale la ttita o(ltr h tarora utrmaul Nv Mat, lh pilRhaa ol tb Bonk W ol aiHllb- "h vi waviioa .u. UK ia aiwHtnip a north, raiutv No. S we-4, a4 will oftvr ieiMJ tu abw itiat lha la tet MMihl la mora alubla kt its forest and mineral riehe. TJ!??'? tf'' 1 iZwZ at. m f.o5 "And, unlike Some timbered areas, ; t,. ih. i .T .h. bM. ,t(J.!rJi ! "'' "o knsi.u.r and Kocdvar of tnuoffl. nl tt.iu laiul whan tha lii.iUr U . and .nJ .h, . f.. : at Ufa-am I If V, t removed, will be v: sble for farms. WTVTl . .i. . il Til.' . Tl.i. l .ill t. 1 .vimtuiaratorol Unastauol Baiy. f. Nart- ...... i" - - caaaau. slow, but sure. Thirty years from now, I or ieas, 'the Nehalem country' will be! OASTOItXAi e fine the magic hands of Capital and Kuter- an7J;,7ekfcrTi.e " vallee, prix are suun to grasp, and make use of , thon. hla aual rriwi. at aeromit l ku aaid ; on i'ta its forest and mineral riches. a-la. law rait. of aaid txaia, ai thai Motvla. . I " aitaiJl peopled and cultivated as much as the I Baarstas eastern portion of Uultnotuah county, eastwanl frvun tireehaiu and Fairview, is now. Then it will have an ontk t by rail in two directions, at least, and per hap the Nehalem river will be made more navigable for conaiderable dis tance. "All this region is commercially a Dart of Portlatula natural territory: but it will not awaken and make indus trial music and gladly yield up it treas ures in exchange for benefits received. of itself; it must be invaded awl sub- ilued. its ricbe wrested from nature's environments, and its resources trans muted sod the gulden profits divided sud in this work men of Portland ought to have a large share." s It I'm im tow www jagg Ogsstais r The United Hla tea will probable sUnd at the head of the tin in exports for ItWO. For the past tie years only Uie United Kingdom ami Uie United ti'tate have been cinilerel competitor in the hence, for whether they get railroad PT article thia esavr or neil it la nnlt nota. production. In ISM (treat Britain lot tfon of months when they will get one th United State in exports by nearly adit is also just a sura that their prop- tIW,OUO,ooo, but tu ISM her lead was ertv will never ba worth an leaa than it rexlnced to (3S,0U0,(MU. TIhj returns are Is at the present time. The possession m f. eleven months of the rear, ol the people of Nehaleui have cost " Sam is to.473,670 ahead, tbemaa mm b privation and hardship ich toul Uie December exports are as it is possible tor a pioneer people to "P, ,rdI K ' a respectable sum. know and it is neither just or reasonable Frn has shown no increase during to them to part with their possessions ,h qoner of the century. Ger wilhoot fair and equiiabie recompense, i ". daring the same period advanced On the other hand it is the dutv of the : J "T P"" bi' Oreat Britain was peopla of that seclioa to lilrallT and percent the gainer, but Uie United energetically assist sny legiuutateVifort l f;M,.e "- reased practically J0 per cent that will result in giving them rail cone during the same period. munication With the OUtside world. ! aaaaa-aaaa. CalnBiBU Gets $M.1S Tney should observe a strict line of; equity, while, at the same time, ther abould liberally assist in their own up-! Secretary of State Dunbar on Wednes ouikling; it must be n ntenibered ; day made the annnal apportionment of that a road to that country will co?t the I the United Ktatr 6 ner cent huid sales builders not leas than 420.UOO a mile, ' fund. Thi fond is made np of fi per ' hams A Kerr Bros., of Portia ml, was iu and it is to be remembered Utat tlie miv rent of the net proceeds from the sales ' town Monday. ooject ot a railroad in going into a dis- j of public laml ia this state. In Col urn-1 Mr. M. Oaston. of Portland, was the u w ore Mn vH.Hayr n .in... iijc uia cxiuiy tnere were ui ,uu acre sow, : ruest ol Mr. aud ai Reasea 5ew Xetes. John Burbee visited Portlamt Monday. Tboa, J. Calain is on the sick list this week. Mrs. Fred Koble visited friends in Ealama Friday. Mrs. W. M. Brown, of Deer Island, was in town Saturday. Mi Beri, of I'ortland, is visiting menu on ime creek this week, Irwin Seffert was in town Saturday on nis way home from roruand. W. A. Hampton received a fine milch cow irvm xe w ta river iieuneeuay, W. D. Satterlee returned from his homestead near Vernonia Sunday. Dr. If. B, Cliff and Walter Blakesley, of Bu Helens, were in town Monday. Otia Burbee, of Castle Rock, is visit ing hi brother, John Burbee, thi week. Mis Kowe Bishou returned home Tuesday from a two week's visit in Port land. Emil Wasser ami Henrv Wasser at tended I. O. O. F. klre at Kalauia Fri day evening. Dac Spencer,' of Etna, Wash., Is vis iting with Mr. and Mr. W. A. Hamp- tcn tnt week. H. F. Coleman, representing Wad Steamer JOSEPH KELLOGG Leara Portland oa Taoalae. TtianilaT sad aat' aixlar al I a. aa. lor St. Ktttrnt, Mama. CamJTt ftmt, Hmmnr sv Arrlvias al Pnnlan Mixutar. Wad Bwlajr awl Ftidar at t p. s. Snarl inm of Nalnoa St H. HOI..MAK. Acsnt. SST.iht.K-lIah ISSt ik JOHN A. BECK DEALER IM Watches, Diamonds, Silfenare, ....JEWELRY... Repairing a Specialty. 397 Horriaoa . Bat. front ti Fttat, PORTLAND. Geo. L. Perrine ....Contract or.. BRICK AND PLASTERER House-Raising, Etc. Estimate furnished on application. AU work guaranteed. CLAT8KANIK. t : : ORRDOK. Oreri.u . ti v. Itwaon. on VXatlimalar. loa Atfc rt.y ot Juna. Ism. Ha nasaeaaa witueawa Alvla H. lvw.ll, Joaa Parker, A. farkar a.Hl Llnv.t U Dettl. k. of fillborf. UrasuD. Aay aad all lam.mtlalailas adraraeli tha sbnra daaerlbad lamia ara reuaaaied lo 1 I hair rial ma la lb la ottlre B OS Dalur -aid Slh ittr ol Juaa. IStll. sst&ukM cu.ia. a. MouKKii, kaslatar. State rlr l'remlnat LIU Secretary M. 1). Wlmlom ha Jnat re- ceiveu iroin in prinwrr in nieis r ir Premium List lor 1UUI. Over tlO.IXX) is offure'l s preiritiin on livetick nd farm products, and is by far the largest ami beat premium list ever tillered in this state, Th list has been thorough ly revised, and brought up to data in very deiiartuient. New premium have been added, and nthoia im-reaaetl on ar ticle in o t worthy of merit. Oregon can uow laat ot a complete and lib eral premium ai any state in the union, and if hard work and most etIYirts on tlis part of lha management ooun'.S lor anything, tha fair itself will compare favorably with those of older state, and will be tha beat aver held this slds tli Rocky Mountains. Hekaal Report. Folkwln la ilia renort ot tha Valley school for Uie month ending April 1U, 1901 1 Attendance, 38; number of times absent, ; no tardlneas. Nelthsr absent nor lardy during tha month, Johnnie Sobieaki; numbar of visitors, 5. Daisy r,m Teaciier. Beware of a Cough. A cough I not a disease but a symp tom. Consumption and bronchitis, which are lha most dangerous and fatal ilia.aara liaira t,.r their Hrat ) l I l . "i 'I .I" - - . ii I w " i.(iaiiiii w niouii larasp a coumi, anu il properly crowUS tlian they did last year. . Inviiiw treated as soon as this cough appears ol this fact, it is fair to presume that sr saaily enre.1. tlianiberlam's fjougli t,y will hsve sows usw advantaiei ta fnafcalaarlllllt ft It A I fln U..ulaJ. " ILATHOP BKiCM. Many Valaabla Improvement. Bn Made Ther. 1 Tbs popularity of Heasldsas asumms, reourl la ('VKleiiued by the many Im proveiimut being mat) there for tlie an" otimmodatlnn if viaitom during- th. ensuing season. Mora than kcors ,! new cotlsge are either . pleted or In con me of eonstruutinn si.ri several mora will b added ba,ure ,i . caaoM opsns. Patorn of this restiri which ha all tha natural sdvantaao.' will hall with delight tha ddiil",, VL modern water and sewerage system upon which aotlva opsrations havs bal guu and will be completed ln ,lmT supply pure, wliolesoms water from a nearby mountain stream, to sll of thus w ho follow the thron and tha sfforu of tha promotor of a pro! greaslv summsr resort. Many paj,,. who formerly spent llisir oulliigi ai olhsr North wast beauhes, ara now and have bten permanent patrons ot Clatatm besch svsr slnca the completion of th As'orla A Columbia River Railroad from Portland to Heaslde. Ihtring Uie iota, mer irasoii this cointianv has n.aiU and ollnred tha public a train srl.T th, tor Phtpns ami conveniene which, roil Id not be approached by the rival transportation Hue. Tha railroad has not yt announced Its rates and hJul vr too rraaju wimoii is auoui VO OUtttt hn proven wondorfullv sue cesslul, and gaineil it wide reputation and eatensiva ssla by its suovesa in enr- ing tha disease winch cause coughing. It It i not beneficial It will not coat you a cent. For sale at tha St. Helens Pharmacy. Real Estate Transfer. . g Akla aaa wt la b Sailing, airt of C hrtuk te J Baksr,' rut abiook' iki Vr- Bultla. 0 K KallT aud wife ta bora Lake, lot ois a, iMarrsuan. Ttattwr Land. Act Jumt t Kit. NOTICC rOR PUBLICATION. I totst tmst 1 MeUror te V ruror, rtl ol land la seeiiiMb a aad asiuia.rsw C L farkar aad wita to I M aarkr, aW ase so, to n. r Soma aa saw, ST and U-IOS arroa la as ( la I s, tt v , , tt ft Paarsoa to 1 liotaioa aad V bona Sua. awl. ol wV,. a at, Ip t a, f w. ISO) and M m Moth W U Nest, U of sH sas H, la , r t m, enli. ; .; ft C sauanala lu Calaaiitt Sauarvatn. WV( vat aaa st w aa, sea nnia, a Bekou lu i, Laaiia'se'Wot aes liitBS a, r w U LTIebeaortoO W rrrjr, aaAi ass t, 1 H Waal le U Wait, rVH, sad Hall d I a too 00 Waal te H Waal, U tniaraai la B M J L Hail aad tf lu L C Italiihl. a of aeU, aaa w, la I a. r ar. mud tat,' of nw, as io. p t b. r 4 w, aud ail of I'ama fraras Lamb Ureter. tias.eiK Cm . ur . a.rrh mo. Hot VJOTU-k 18 HKKKHV tilVkN THA I IN fOSf it ollaBo iih tha uroTlakui of lha act of CotMrre-aiol Ju A 1K7S, eatliled "Aa art aa-th salool limber iaotta la tha staiaa t;all(raia. Oragnn. Natada, aad w aahiustoa Tsrritorv." aa (Headed In all lha Public Land Mates br art of AouM.l4U. Wlltlaoa Xttnkada. of Oawaao. coaHlr of I laekaraaa, atals .l Uraaoa, kaa ihla najr Slal la tola oince lila aarura aialaaaaal So. Kail, lor Ibo ptirehaa of lha Kg ta ol arctioa No. SI. In hanHia No i N. raui Ki A W ! will otter to thaw Itiat tha laud anoint ts aur valuable ht lis Umber or ana tltaa for acrteulmral Mrpaaa. and lo eatabltah hi nam in asm HUM oatoe IBS Utfl.t sad Ka eelesrnf thiaomeaat tirepai flir, Orewoa. ua Moular, tha ITIh day ol Majr, Hail. Ha Bans aa wlutea-a.: William a.lsjr A I leu aad Ura ... urrawr, of varuottia. ir.,alMt hi mors a anaaeti and jaha B. Uardnar, el Or Aar aad all narauna elalMlu advar aly tha dent Of th Villa ol tirav aboae daawttwd lands ara raouaatad tn ai. la... . . . ' . " rtalaiala ihUeAo oa or before said 17th day aVtaJ4 Jtactalar, 100 T08 SUJ0 00 aefa. and nr. ol Beta, ol an sa. lua b. rw. 7. V. . la J L You us, oaisut; aaass to 0 aar- awa. Baiaaii asai to I. I loo H wikma, paieai. SO 00 la oar- fvrdjos, pataut, aaaia Mis florenca Newman, who baa been a great sufferer from muscnlar rheums tisro, aays Citamberlaln's Pain lialm i the only remedy that affords her relief. Mis Newman is a much respected real ty. N. Y.. and make this stalauieni for the benefit ot others similarly arnk-ted. This liniment is tor sale at th St, Helen Pharmacy. offer to Seasldors. OAOTOniA. SSJt vllWt0lllrljeAl 44 i'artl af Tkaak. W dsalra to egtend our most slnrer thanks to our trieuds and aslghhor for their many kindnesses during our lat trouh I. Every kind act was duly aa, preciated. r Ma. ago Mas. W. C. Btavms. FOf SALC. Mllrbcows. Also a No, ID Lays cream separator. Addreat or call oa Cms. Miaaitt, toS-W Deer island, Or. "It is with a good deal ot pleasure n satisfaction that I recommend Chainbsr Iain's Colin. Cholera and rnarrtiram Remedy," says Uruggirt A. W. Haw tails, ot Hartford, Conn. ''A lady eualotnor, aeeing tn renieor sxposerj lor sale ot my stiow caw, said to ma: 'I really bt lieva that medirla saved my III Ui fat summer while at tha thora.'aaa sli larcaiu so anthnsiavsUo over it merits that I at once mad up my bjId4 lo reeommend it in th tutor. Ra cently a gentleman eana into my atur mt overciin witb colic pains that h auk at once to the floor. 1 gay him a do of thia remedy which helped him. I repeated the due and in Bileen misr ute Ii left ui store smilingly Infona lag uie that ha felt a well a vr. bold at th tit. Helen Pharmacy . w. d. Mors. T. a. WAIXACS, country ts a We to produce, and that ic and the share of the proceeds due is order to make the enterprise a paying ; g3.I8, which ba been apportioned, one to tha road the traffic must lie con- i . aiderable; nor does a railroad go into a country to create traffic; it is necessary , that the tonnave or traffic ah all have Tha V.erha-at Tniia A been there in advance in order to justify elation which held a sere-ton at Portland StaaaaH lppie Beien, Mrs. Wm. LM.rrtr inarmiay ami rrKiay. Emil Waaser, Antone Wiae and W. D. tiattertee appraised the estate of U U. Jaqniali, deceaseo, Mootlay, alias Anna Simpson, who lis been visiting with her grandparent, Mr. ami thia great outlay of capita! to secure it. recently adopted tlie fulloa ine report of '. in- Jr B- Ken,M-y. during the last two an the case ot the Nehalem valley It a committee that had been a..oint.l m moom. returnea to ner noon il M cannot be truthfully aaid that an amount prepare a standard aize for apple boxes: eo Welne"T of traffic actually exists there at present Inside measurement, nainelr. 18 inches: to justify the expenditure of the niouey in lengih, incbe width, 10U inche j The Amity Time man moralise a row woum cost, but tt ta a fact, aud deep, containing S173 cubic inches aud tliualy: "Tha Time force works tilt on which w wish to trotigly emplia-: to be known a "lUndard." The com-; to week a year: that's labor. Now and sue, uist the INehslem country has such ; mUtee recommended the following sire : then some one conies in and pays for aiv uu .a.ieM reeuurces ami is in sucu , to raj Known as special:" Length tne aper; that's capital. And once in aa advanced state of development that ; inches, width II inches, depth 10 incbe Sa while soure son of a gun of a dead th advent of a rallnwd or the awor- aud that ends of box la sevtn-eiitt.u of ww w. ..o vuw uivaij rmias vl- au IUCU ttUCK. nme of bnsinea which would amply I 11 ma a, mm a.iaer. A Missouri editor recently took a vaca tion, leaving a minister in chsrga of his olh.e. The preacher had been lit charge only a few days when there ranie to the office the following letter: "You know damned well I paid my beat run up a big bill and vaniahe without paring; that's anarchy. Kul later on justice will overtake such creature, tor there Is a place where he will receive bis just deserts; that's bell. Owe irgssseat Mae by All. Every merchant in the city claims to come down there and man yon." The minister promptly replied: i nave oeen irying to maul mat onim th editor lor ten rears, 'r"A ii i ml tM ,mw lnt 0o" " selling It, attfj II I ; onr,. vithoal ..roflt nelUier .loea J.,h.. thi one, I II ; jjbii., on th. o Firii smt v,,, t iten wit oi : justify any railroad cottipaiiv spending th neceseary money to reach it. Thoogii the people of that country own conaid erable valuable property tirey have little of anything else, ami are, there- ( rure, bos unanciauy able lo give larne bonuses to railroad companies, mi they can eive and am eeadw ami ...r iu.. b. give rigtits of way, terminal facilities, last time I was in Lexingtoi moral support ami suine nnanrial a-eiHt- g-i any more tetters liae ance to any sincere railroad eouiaiiv that will show them that the aie wil ling and able to build a road to that country, but the people of Nehaleui bav been flim-flammed and jngirled with so long by sky capitalirts and rain bow chaser that they are not to he con demned for treating with silent con tempt or ooea violence anr stranger who goes there and talks railroads to them. It is the latter class of irresnorr , rw,-.. , .,, 1HI, , ,r;. .mlrm ...... ....a. Sllal I attempt to secure a mortgage on every- "ftotnmg oi tha sort, my dear sir, I ' " fri.hin. avwri. .Ta.. thing in Nehalem in coo.ideration UU Christian Kclentist, and know;, " W "If " .1.. " "q. .1- " J'. '" " hill streets. The reason Mr. ttcllar cits ,. .!.!- r"lT '"wjiti tiu.fl onabTUWFl IS ne- "1 " ft 'cans his expense are stunll. He claims yon really come down and maul it out of "ZT U'T. "'" " . !! him. Uien, my dear ir. I have 2U mem- 'lh. 5J ' n'ftt o C-TJll la-ra of niv rl.nrrh arm can r.nar.t. r.n ' ! n,a " -J.UU. tJII B toy ( snlt Mr. tier ot my cnurrn yon can operate on. iniar considers t.00 profit is enough, trier th. i.eida.i j where other store must make J.O0. Alter UeAeeldeaU J Hi, rUirk , ,,,. , ,, ,y "Poor fellow, von have both U.Mi',h?'!r ln eii' proBt on a r " , pair oi si Hies t enough tor linn, where their alleged ability to build a railroad ' t to it, have gone away, sad out of mere spleen at the failure of their own mer cenary motives have depreciated the re source of the valley and thereby dis couraged the effort of those who have the ability and inclination to do what they proles. These ar a few ot the reasons why railroad company should neither hesi tate to build into that countrv nor exact too much from the people in considera tion of them doing so. The Nehalem river vail and the entailer streams directly tributary to il ia a district which contains an altnt inexbauatible forest of the finest of Br and cedar timber. This i a fact which can ba demonstrated as well bv an im partial inspection of the timber itself as also by the record at th county seat which latter show that almost dailv transfers of this timber are being made lor considerations of from 11.000 to MOOfor a quarter section. Fields o( coal of a good commercial grade is also a well known resource of thatrection, and ia tb immediate vicinity of both Vernonia and Pittsburg are strong sur fan evidence of the deposit of bctro leum which ara believed to underlie the valley. Tbi belief i based iiejn sur face indication and the opinion of all expert who have, at various time, why don't you get tip and y lears I 'TI walk?" "Because I am influenced by the pre vailing impression, and because I have inherited the wakne of believing that person lose their legs in railway acci dent. After a little time we will out grow tttese erroneous impressions. The Saturday Evening Post ia tha! oldest journal in America, having ap-i peered regularly every week for tha past 173 years, except for th short period i when Philadelphia was In the hands of the British armv. aava the Trad. ke. ?J i i? t. VabH,lh'1 bT I largest sale "I n medicine iu the civ i""" 'n, iu whose days h was j ilised world. Your mothers' and grand f.?T .ii n?-lvanla jtett. motlier' never thought of using anr- ill lltiB the DUblltnUOM naavt (.......I:-.-. -!. .f .. int.".. ' ...1.. l..-.l iTa i. L" 7 . """ eiaw r inuigniiuu or in nous lies. other hand, but it waa changed to tlie Doctor, wen. and tl... petiae. Strictly one price to all. CASTOR I A For latitats wbA Childm. Tli thi Yea Hs?s fhzji Zzzl Q a est low Answered. THE St. Helens Hotel Waliacs Morca, Paor., Is Now Repened to the Public. Meala Served on Short Notice, Bed ii Cent, Meal 28 Cent. rtSD BARN l!f CONNSCTtQH. TO HAT 10 CENTS. St. H sulks, : MORStS Oajtoon. Reopened to the Public Oriental Hotel. EUGENE BLAKESLEY, : Proprietor. 8T. HELENS. Board by Day, Week or Month At RsAsoK.tsLc Fionas. Visitors met at steamer landing and guest rwggage Ksikeil alter. THE OLD STAND ST. HEIiCNH, i j OREGON. . DS O A-t- li iiiii Druuicrs CAFE ST. HUSNS, - - . OREGON. NEW PLACE. If Too want smaethln rood la tbs I liii otvhbky try SHAW'S MALT -Only thlkiol Liaaon antl Cigan test in Stoct OPCN PROM A t. TO lg O'OLOOK MIONIOHT. VV'VaV V TtattMS Ua4, Art Jaa t. tsn. NOTICC FORJMJBLICATION. I'umm TiTrj La as Ornr a. ttaaM ri IW u.k a tent XT OTIC HKKKrJV (ilVkfi THAT IN lta. 1 IIbbc Bilk lha BraTlalnaia ulln.MiS i ourraaa oi jans a ikjh. a roll la-1 "Aa art lor lh aal ol tie. her laiela la th Htataa of Call lunila. Ore . Nrsta, and V. aaliiurvna Tsrrt as ajileaoad to sll Ik Public Laud stales kr act ol Aufuat 4. ll, 4w.rd H U. ol r .riMiel. eouaty m ah. ataw a4 Ora- I vn, has iktadav Sled la ihla omrbiaawnrn ataieiaein rfx aj.w. nrf pureBaa of tti .K. oi aaruoa ao. ib lo.aaai so. ran a. I .No. i W. and will offer pmol ta anuw that tie Uad soucbl te aaora valaabl I lis Umksr or I at.. "a man iw asneuiiurat parpaaaa. and losa. I .au.i.n niactaiss aa aakl land tetM tbs Kala- vrawj nareivar or mis one- .1 lrau ttlr, vraw, o arwiaaanar. laa UM da; or Maa, 1SOI. H naiBM as wilmmu; O. b. Larawiar a.. I wr w . 1 1. Ai v. .i. i i . . Orrsoa. aad 6. W. tianai sa4 J. a Mavena, ni I fortlaB.1. IrraaOB. A fir a;i.l all aalw.aMclala.lna I advsraela tha aaualanrltid la tel. ar raquaat- I ad to Hla thalr stains la this eatvs a or tnlur amiq zau oay f Mar. nsn. aaaau? 1. HAS. B. SWUM, Kaflalar. Timber taod, Aei Jus 1, lSTs. NOTICC rON PUBLICATION- Uarrss ovAVaa Lak Ornr. oaaooa CtTV. ixw.n. Matrh ilau IWJt Jl .. IS lllKlll (tlVB.M THAT Btiaaea wna lfta VIN THAT U COM- ol lb art ni I KJOTICE ISHKKka a a Balaam wllb tb. ro Coosreaa of Jua a M7. anuilad A. tbaaalaof U id her laada la tbaauiasol talllur-1 bib, uracoa. Karsna aiel washinataa Tsrrt- inrr. a. aaiaaraea a. all iaut ..a. k- i aet ol Aacnat i. Um, William WaehUua. al PorC-1 ...I, eounir oi Muitnoaaaa, atsis ol Urscoa. I baa lb I. dar Sled In this ontwa bis awora aiaia. bhi no. ari, tor tb iorebaB ol tha Borth- ol aselroa No. SI. ta liiaukluK. murtt. I a .ra, a.wi win oner uroiH sa anow that lh land snot hi Is asr valuabl fnr Its ilu.twr or aiiM tbaa fur aarleuliaral rarra ana tosaiabllab bis slaiai lo said land brlor iDiaananim tumairerof ibis onia at in. aoa t in. urasna, oa atorelay. lb I7lb dar al I a..ira..awi. na names aa wunsaaaa: i; B ii... i rtMia and Haul. A. R. ltl. iim. I iw. aud Lmita sleeart and W. W. Altsa.oi v. I-1 Bona. Oraann. Any and ail asrsi.ns rlalmut I .wu ui. .raiMaaviiaa iM..i.MniiuL I t to SI ibelr elaliaa la thlsowoaoo or balors sain l?ih uat wl Juaa. twit. t-n as. B. sitMiKKa, aaglstar. sii ; KShiW ii vUl ill slmQatin ihcFixxJaiKlRefiula Uflg tot Stoaatla antl liamsa of SUM HODS ft PlttUCiTIOK. Ia the Clrenll Coart th giat ot Oregon, tor . ..(.. - Kelt. bold Relebardl.Plaintlg.1 vs. t A.MI I. Brothsni and Walter! VMMONlt. anrtbara. Iwladaoia. I To Artal Ida Brothers and Wa.tsr Brothers, lbs I BkSBAVab.lW Sa BBBBarl lt.I...dl -Sa " I 1 N.TM NAMK OK THg HTATg Of Ok BOON: A. I 'Ml and eaeb ol voa ara barabv amiiMi a& I ippaar ami anawsr tha onsaoialnt Had aalnt I jr.a IB lb. aloar.mie.l eauw on orTslor I "n. iin. wnraa nai is all waaa anr I slarth wb. ll. tba data ol ib. am ......n I ' - an., il J .. iaiOSOSB-l pearaod ao.war. lor want thsreol Ilia plain' ( Will SBdly IO Ills CiMIrt lor Ib. fallal un.a.. .... I and nsmandad la tba complaint file. I airaliist i rem beraln. t.e.n- will lak a.l(met aaaiM I aww to. ior ins Hum ul faJB iaj, to- 1 Bather with lotsreat lhareoo lna tha oth .laa I ol Jan, law, al tb rat ol tan par reot par aa- " udiii paid; lor tits mrtbaraomol 17100.1. 1 toruar'a la. bsrslo. lor hla anala .nil fi... I wants ot Ibis suit, and for a daera loraeloaln .In.llP. n. . . l . ... .."I .-a ,u m maaoar proTHied Or sw, sort r surb other sod limber mial to tbs Court Baajr sesra lust and auulMble, 1 his awmaiona ta hf order ol Tboa. A. Ma "' J"'ira ol tba aoor:atlll1 Coait, a. ads aWiaMVal HHU, IWIi UHAHAM A CLKgTflX. AtU.rosrslur fl.irnlir. Protnoles DitstionCkfcffur ittss and Rrai Contains rteliher Oriumoqtiiin nor riinexal. Not Narcotic. jmmp,mmAYSiMauiran amaAWata I iaafVMMawawaaMf m Apflrfect Remedy rorConsib. Bon . Sour Slotwith.DUBTtvwa and Loss or SUSP. fac&iiaats Sigaarnr of NEW YDHK. VUT COPY OT WtArKlt. J For Infant! end Children. The Kind Yea Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of AH For Over Thirty Years Wwf wkaMToMffl MM 'I'wJwaal How About Your Title? 1 at rMTL.m. DAILT. M sj ay aji ay ajy t TgAattw "America" Batortlay Evening Post. Tlie mairasitie ... Iiimiiiiini m isu nv tlie t;urti( FaMisbiiif Company. It now hae a l"t eircttlaUon of more than 9(10,000 wipie weekly. Q4 Fana XaaareaieaU Suoc- ss on the farm denend mnrh iieant ol aprrnll'itla, nervous prristra- ikiii or neart liilinre, etr. Ther userl Anirnat KU.wer to clean oat the system and stop fermentation of nnl ideated f'rrsl, reyniata tlie art ion of tli liver, stimulate the nervous ami orvanir.aRtion of the srslein, and thnt I all the took alien feeiinz dull and had with'head- : aelies and otln-r achrv. Yon only need Willamett Slo0 Route Leave St, Helens..., Arrive at Portland. Leave Portland .... Arrive at 8t. Helens. 6.30 AM 10:) A M t:W PM 0:00 PM tUHKOMS Bf HIUCTI0H. Ia tbs Clrenll Conrt of ik. aimi. ni m. I j Mast t. Wibusas, Plalbtlir, vs. Wiluas Wll.i.uas. DshmdanL To Willtsaa Wllllsais, th abova-naaiad dafsad- N T E NA Ml Or TH STATE OF OKROON: A Yoq are barsor rammoned and reonii. t o. appearand aiuasr lb eomplslot HM ajralnat I you os tbs 12th dar ' March, mi, in tha soars-1 entitled .all in Uis above named court, oa or "-""a wn "ay oi M.J, A. u. IW, ahleb la lbs tin ptewrtiaMl la tba order ol publication bereia nf lbs summon. I..r yt to so spnaar aud answer, and if to (sll lo as appear and snswsr ih aald u)piaiut within said Urns, lha ptaJailir will aplvio lbs t nurl bu-lh. rsllsl dsmauded la lbs said eomi.lalnt. lo-wH: list .rvn-a .n in. aa.i t.ourr, UIaolvtOff lha boada ol matrisaonjr now and haretol .rs sxlsiln ba. tarseu you and the said plalntlir.oa lharounda ol tba daasrtlon for nor than oae far Im- m.vii-1 , snare in. ..i . 1. 1. i aiilt brjou. Wiiiiaia Williams, ol lbs plaintiff, CZ Mary T. William., aad oa lh smiiuds ol hate E liuai roas druukannaaa lor mora than oa I Aw rear, son roi ma r.euatodjr and control ol I .... ... vo.i.ira.. in. iaa.lsota.lea aiarrta ami for anab otbsr rsilal ia lha pr.mi.aa aa id ' ".a. ar. nam soq UaS, KYOD RURI It Is all rli nuisuiti.1 rit.roi. I ithtr Rstarbr that It Is th I Is onr bualaaas to sesrrh lha eannrna im ahiia ..Kai Ik.. ... ...... . . . . . . II,'. 1 1 ..... . . . . . f in ,aiu m raiaiioa ." ana " I? "jampiaw ouyins land or limn IDS monar OB real s Ilij U" " f" But IW upnii kwoeln what r aZ!3. . rseajtliiHi lha till. Aa Abalraei la sa rUsl sa tSJaVi- iD' " hv,,!F It. W have tba only sat el sbatrsol boobs In lbrountr. Allwork un.,.iiu.....lA .a I."!.,!r?k.,.'j.w. ewimrly to u. s Call s srs!S,wA"u,!TO't,,,'",',th world. It vo . r..., , lm WB BS Slid WS Will Si I Bud buysr. AT ttrt E. E. QUICK & CO., sr. hcum. emeot in ibis sum. Tl . w,b 7." j . , i P,".,lV' ' '" O"'" Af-aH Flwar. I ...a..i. ,i . - . - e ... iiuuui i". in, ki uiii.t' ion eaiisneti tnentsare the first reauiaites. Rotation .i.?i.. .....i.i ' .i .i. .... .... carefully asamined th section and put o prop is necessary; first year oats, you. u,H i,Ws Prise Almanac. PA BE 14 C'BK'IN. uriti f . .... k.i.i.. !... n-. ..a, ..iitiini. w. . iwwcii- r; ers and rat Kislght. 9 JA.HKM tlAOn, Ulaeir, W . t Jw all am aTk.arsi Ai.atBi ssona Is pul.llabad la Tna tiaaooa tltav for period ol six week., nwrausst lo au ordar ma. bv lh Hon. J. h. Diss, Imla. ol lhat:o.i..iv t'mirl of asl.t Columbia oounir, tiresoa. dsled lh mod .isyol llsreh. A. fl. ItsnTtnths "sb. aeorani iip.ssoi saiai ireutt iurt Imoi said mtuolvrit Colmnbls. Th'dit ot lbs Hrat pub Ural I. .n ol Ull amnmona l Mareh J, A. V. 1111 sod lh- last publloailua Is or will be Msv loii. '" K.tilll Bh'll. waiiiiio Allra)' for riaimiir gwiiitiiiiiiiiiiiitiiwiiiiwffiwiiiiiiiffiifmiiiwiiniiiifK THE NEW YORK STORE 1 IS OFFERING GREAT BARGAINS IN -Clothing Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots. Shoes, Etc. . Ma,. MOHGrUO.' Cooper Building, Main Street, St Helens, Oregon. ' sSl