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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 15, 1901)
Ccrafuia Tliis root of many evil C.jnJu'r tumors, abscesses, pimples him) other cutaneous erup tions, Bore ears, inflamed eyelids, rickets, djfipeiia, catarrh, readi- nest to catch cold and inability to get rid of it easily, palenees, iierr ougn-sM and other ailments includ' ing the consumptive tendency- Cn be completely and perma nently removed, no matter horn young or old the sufferer. RACE FOR A MINING CLAIM. Ovtr S0.0O9 Pu$n t few. HMmater t - The Northwestern elevated road ol of Kick Disslng im Wwkiaitoa. vmcago, wtilcn flat DMO 10 operatlso Hnnd'Srnarilla was given tbe daueh ..f uii. v .. f ; v V who limi hmketi out with errofuia .ore mil OTrr her face and head. Th brat bottle h;U her and when .he had taken vx the sore, were all heard and Iter lace waa mooih. He writes that ah haa never aliown any jijit of the scrofula returning. Hood's Sarsaparilta Promises to cure and keeps the promise. Ask your druggist for it today and accept no substitute. Different Sort "My daughter." remarket) Mrs. Sex dore, "bat developed a perfect passion lor music." "Yet, returned Mra. Peppery, "I'll waraut it isn't as etrong aa the pas- Hon roar daughter arouse in my boa- baud." Stops th Cough mnd Work Off the Cold. Laxative Brono-Quinine Tablets care a cold ia one day. So core, Xo Pay. Price 25 cants. An exciting race for a mine took place ,l . "PO" an everave daily U February, lS&ni. For many year. It; lr, 0 ,.' '" K ,h h..i h-. .,.., th- rwdvin. tn. J period, and in the la three month dUo reservation trsa rich Id mineral I ' 0.0 and prospectors had .lipped to. eluding ; . SUB Mow Ceuat.rf.itta, '","""" "'"u' " ""' l TbeSermSen-U ha. unearthed another explore tbe mountains In northern baud f counterfeiters .and evure.i a large Washington. But long before white! quantity f bonus bill., Inch are soelever- men bad entered the Indian knew that U!W person would . , , never iiteci them of being nupriny. the top of a low mountain near tbe na-) Thing ,.f irvat value are a.y. twlerwd tlon'a border Hue wa covered with r imitations, notablv Hosietter'a biom bright blue atonea. so gaudy that many j "., which ha ii.n.iv iruitaiars, " , , ,7 , , . hut fin eotial furdisonler likeiudigeMioti, were carried off and placed In tbe w.g- U,,,W. constipation, nervous.?, and want. The nrosDcctors knew that these! avnrral deblhtv. Alwats go to reliable gay stonea betokened the existence of ! a.1" who have ih reimteuou of Cost f the Buff ale Expositiea. It eon 110,000,000 to boild tbe Pan-American exposition at Buffalo. Many ttamplirated disease, and much .offering remit fium eon. tiiatioa. G AKF1ELU TA care the aoit obstinate case of etomaefc and bowel derangements. Eacoonjed. Jane It it always a surprise to me what a lot ol homely women get mar ried. Bertha No donbt it is a reflection that give yon a great deal of encour agement, dear. XAtm to a Lasy LI rest I jut, teaf'en liver, cause sine tenth, of all " death. OiTe roar liver -lie vita caocarei .out ceihattic end save Jour own Uiel Ail arbtiuu. l.iic. ioc The Sous, Mr. Henpeck 1 wonder why they the weaker Insist on catling women Tern!?" Mr. Hen peck I can't imagine, generally carrie tho most call. She fVia alfsatara i. a every hoi of th geaauw Laxative Brorno-Quinine Twaa ti rd7 Uat ejr m d tm mmm Stay Mineral Product, of the L'aitcd States. In 1890 tbe mineral products of tbe United States a moon ted to $619,000, 000 and in 1899 to f 976,000,000. copper veins aud many a hungry eye wa cast at that rock-trewn patch of ground before the government lifted the ban that kept out pale-face Intru der. But Congress passed a law open ing part of the reservation to mineral location. Waiting for the President to sign the formal proclamation, two parties quiet ly entered the forbidden territory and camped alongside the promising vein. At Marcus, the nearest telegraph (ta ttoo, two young meo waited with tense nerves for the first tick that would tell that tbe President bad signed the proc lamation. It was a cold, gray winter day and the snow was piled high. Late in tbe afternoon the word came and there was a simultaneous dash for the hors that were waiting outside. Then the race began. Plunging through drifts, tumbling down declines. toXng desperately up steep hills and bound ing at full speed over tbe level stretch cs, these two horses bore their riders. Sometimes one was ahead and some times the other. The sun disappeared j and the hurrying pair blundered along i through the deepening twilight, and then In tbe light of the stars reflected by the glistening snow. Spur were plunged so deep that flecks of blood stained the snow. Almost side by side they scrambled up the mountain. The yells of the riders were heard In the distance by the rival watchers, who did not wait a further hint but drove the stakes that were to locate tbe La Kleur mine. Then followed wordv disputea, llt lights and the flourishing of Winches ters, but before the mine was chris tened with blood one party concluded to withdraw and fight its battle In the courts. Ainslee s Magaxtne. gn ing a hat yuu a--k fvr. Art sad Nature. Freddie What's the difference be tween a portrait and a photograph, dad? Cobwigger Sometimes a photograph look like von. SAN FRAXCISC0 ATTORNEY STRICKEN WITH PARALYSIS. BtMMk tm the Sy.taaa Briac Nerve a Fratratia Hew a Car Wa atXerted. JPS AND DOWNS Or MCRCUR. Moher! will hrd Urs. Winjlow Sooth lex; Svrnp tbe best remedy to nee fur tbee ahiidren during the teething period. The Bat Kill Hud. It is said that the "ew Enlgandi make the best mill hand. Valuable Abuaac Free. We hare rereived a copv of the new al manac lor iv'l puomiml bv the Kuval Basing fowdrr Co. it u an artistic and oselul O.H.X and will be of interest to bou&eceeper. A notewurthr feature of the aimauac is a prediction of the weather lr every oav ol the year, ov Prof. DeVoe. who correctly prupneied the treat Galves ton cyi-haie and otoer inii-ortant meteoro- irical event, ne are authorised to tar that any woman reader of this paper emit secure a ropy without cost bv rename a re- ew lore. WorM Ltrjest OUmoad. Tbe largest uncut diamond In tbe world wa the Braganza, owned by tbe bog of Portugal, 1,630 carat. Its catting reduced it to 36T carats, but ten thai it retain it inpremacy; and the next largest i the b tar of the tooth, 254 carat. P.hentnatic pain, are the cries of protest and distress from tortured mnscles, aching touts and excited nerve. The blood ha been poisoned by the accamulation at waste nutter in the avstem, aad can na longer supply the pure and health sustain ing food Uiey require. The whole systesi feels the effect of this acid poiaoa ; and not until the blood ha been purified aad brought back to a healthy condition will the aches and pains cease. Mra. Jaaes Ke.I, of joy Kiath afreet, 1. X, Wamftoe, D. C. write, as tallows : "A few ntu ago i Ma ea ciaca of n ra tu warm lone. Tae waul wu m tmeave that I Miaac complete!? proa, true Th anack was as After havferl' I lies my ceadllioa was regard ed aa Mk eery dauxrr M. 1 was s:Uiacld by ne f the a4 able doc tor ia Wubiagtoa. who t. aUo a asemlor of Ike fae. wliy of a leadia BMdical oiiee bne. He Um me cunttaae ana areacTip tosaad I worn) 4 ael welL Jwrlve Uascs wuboo feceivtnw tae aHwhtem Wwent, I aerliswl to centime ka treitaaeat say loafer. HavSae hoard of a S ( Svrlfi soeaSe) rccommendea for aaeaasaumw, I oedded, alatoai ta do-pair however, lo give the awdidae a trial, aad after I had lakes a few hot 1 In I eu able ta hobb'.e aroaaa oa eratrbee, aad very aoow theiw after had so aaw for them at all. S. S a kenaa cated me wad aad welL sit tbe diatreesaag yaiaa kae left aa. my aeyaeite ks retarwmt and I am happy u he agata rmtored to sosms boo lib. the grest regetsbl I purifier aad tonic, is the ideal remedy ia all I ruenmauc trouble. There are no oatata of sninenl ia it to disturb th digestion aad lead toroinotM habit. We have prepared a special book oa Rheumatism which every (ufferer fan this painful diaess should read. It i the tnast complete snd interesting book of tha kind in existence. It will be sent free to sny one desiring it Write our physi eian. fully and freely about yonrcaM. W bake no charge for medical advice. m m i mtfK co, arusia. sa. aWisJilvJi r mie av ' r " ' '"aoTT I f ik ail ht fus. f 1 I i Sam Courh arra. Tom Good, Cot ' 1 ! 1 hi I'm Soia or arQeii'au- 1 fr ew .ws-'t e -' v t i-- w fc -,...a.. , J Ml Smt ARMOUR AND HIS EMPLOYES. Aa Iacideat Showing the Kiadaea al the Great Chicago Packer. Perhaps "Phil" Armour had less trou ble with bis employes than almost any other great employer of labor in the country. He was exacting and re quired punctuality and energy, but he always paid good wages and showed a personal interest in the welfare of each one of his employes. He never permit ted himself to get Into debt, and he tried to impress upon hi employes the rule which be bad followed. It is re lated that one day. on going into bis office, he found a policeman In the cor ridor. "What are yon doing here, air?" be asked. "I am here to serve a paper, wa the reply. -What kind of a pperT" asked Mr. Armour. "I want to garnishee one or your men's wag" for debt." said the police man. "Indeed." replied Mr. Armour, "and who Is the man?" He thereupon asked the policeman Into bis private office and ordered that the debtor eome in. He then asked the clerk bow long be had been in debt. The man replied that for twenty years be had been behind, and that he could not catch np. "But yon get a good alary." said Mr. Armour, "don't you!" "Yes," said the clerk, "but I can't get out of debt. My life Is such that some bow or other 1 can't get out" . "But you must get out" said Mr. Armour, "or you must leave here. How much do you owe?" The clerk then gave the amount. It was less than f 1,0W). Mr. Armour took bis check-book and wrote out a check for tbe amount There." said be as be handed the It Is donbtful if snything could b written more convincing than the in teresting story related by Mr. Edward T. Dudley, a practicing attorney (or 23 yean in San Francisco, with oifice at 83 City Hill s venae. Mr. Dudley lost hi balance) while standing upon the rear platform of a street ear, causing him to fall, striking the ground with the back of hi head, which brought on a feeling of numhues and eventually paralysis. Mr. Dudley tell hi ex perience in his own way aa follows: "After the fall from the car I passed it by as an accident that had left DO apparent ill effects; vet a tew week later, in endeavoring tu get on a car, I found I could not raise my foot. From this time paralysis began in my feet and io time mv loser limbs became nomb. I became pale a a ghost and it brought on a bloodless condition of my system. From being a strong, healthy man of ISO pounds, I was re duced to 14S pound, and my doctor told my wife that it wa onlv a que tion of time when I should bare to tak my bed. Medicine prescribed by tbe doctors did no good, snl. at the time I started to take Di. William Pink Fills for Pale People, il 1 fell down I could not possibly get np again nnassutance. I could scarcely walk block. Now I can walk three or four miles without fatigue, anil a yon see. am altogether a different man and all from eight or nine boxes of Dr. William.' Pink Pills for Pal Peo ple. "After trying Dr. Williams' Itnk Pilis, could in a very short time that I was picking np color and my health and general system was much improved. I did not change my diet. nor did 1 take any other medicine, and my increase in weight from 145 pounds to 185 pound I can lay to nothing eUa than Dr. William' Pink Pill for Pale People. Signed. EDWARD T. DCDLEY. Suhecribed and sworn to before me this 10th day of July, 1900. Justin Gates, Notary Public, At all druggists or direct" from Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Schenectady, N. V., on receipt of price, 60 cents per box; 6 boxes $2.50. Origia ef Sing. Sin. Ping Sing' name i derived from "Sint Sic," the title of a former branch vt the Mobegan Indians. The inhabitanta of tbe town want to call it 0sin:og, which is the name of the townbip. it Career Only Typical mt a Taoaaaad Mladast Caasaa. The story of Mercur, Utah. Is a strik ns illustration, ol the up and downs f a typical mining camp. Many years tgo the Indians there were supreme, krrowheada and other relic picked up war the site of Mercur Indicate that .he tribe have at times contested tniong themselves for that supremacy with these bill a a battleground. . In ISiO silver was discovered on thla dte aad two years later the Carrie Steele mine took out $83,000 In three tuoutba, and the Camp Floyd boom eaped to Its height LewUton sprang p alinowt In a day where Mercur now statute. Tbe town waa In a fever. foece were rich strikes, ahootlngs, wild rouaals and. claim jumping. Tbe Mormon Chief mine was transformed nto a fort, aud battles for Its posse. tlon were frequent Then the bottom dropped out The .tmp waa deserted. Tbe sound or pick and blast were gone from the deep me. Bats fluttered unmolested about the rotting timbers. Coyotes slunk Into the tuuneai and from thla vantage ground howled defiance at the tlcroe wind of winter. For a time tbe !ectral buildings stood gloomily on their stilts, their panelese windows i taring vacantly. Then decay made them alnk gradually Into dewolate heaps, to be swept away later by fir. In 1$) only one house waa left In the entire canyon. There lived sol.tary j Mows! Mauuing, keeping up asaessmeut : work on a few claims. In 1SM1 Arie i Plncdo thought be had found quick-j silver in the old ramp. He staked out i a claim and named It Mercur. But tbe mercury never paid to develop to claim. In 18S3 gold waa found in as says, but It could not be extracted. A few nten became Interveted aud car- rled on mining io a desultory way with out success. The Mercur claim waa sold as a "gold brick" to a party of Ne- j braska "tenderfeet" For years they j worked away. Ore waa to be found lo plenty, and the assays showed large ; amounts of gold. But every process they tried brought no result in ex- tractlng the precious metal. They ex- j bausted their capital, and in 11 they : were $50,000 In debt and at tbe end of i their rope. Gilbert Peyton, one of the owners, who was a Nebraska druggist vlsiied tbe mine. Going through tbe drawers of" tbe office desk he came upon a pamphlet which had bevn sent to the foreman. It waa a brief description of the cyanide process, then new In Amer ica. With his druggist' experience Peyton had no difficulty Io mixing a cyanide solution and testing It In a cupel with some pulverised ore. But tbe solution did not seem to percolate tbe powdered ore and the experiment were failure. 8!ck at heart Peyton left In the cupel a solution with which he bad been making tests until It was much diluted, and went to bed. Tbe Dext morning be noticed that the weak ened solution had penetrated the clay cupe I If the weak solution will go through clay like that. It ought to go through large pieces of ore." be reasoned. The problem waa solved. A weak so- lution and larger pieces of ore were tried, and the process worked like a ' charm. ! The owners of the Mercur mine were transformed Into rich men. Moses ; CAUGHT BY THE GRIP. RfilpflspH hv Pe-ru-na Congressman How- wsy I T "" J w w ' " t ard's Recovery Congressman Geo. H. White's Case. la Grippe I epidemic catarrh. Ill "Following a spares no" clan or nationality. The' grippe! teenied culture.! and tbs Ignorant, the aristo- all over, crat and th pauper, lb masses and i "Une of mv the clssses ere alike subject to la grippe. None an exempt sll are lia ble. Have yon the grip? Or. rather, ha. the grip got yen? Grip i well named. Tbe original French term, la gripie, ha been ahortened by the bosy Ameri can to read '"grip. " Without intend ing to do so a new word has been coined that exactly describe the case. As if some biileoo giant with swful GRIP bad elotcbed a in it fatal elasp. Men. women, children, whole town and cities are caught in tbe baneful grip of a terrible monster. l".ra-aa Foe Orlw. Mrs. Dr. C. D. Powell, president or Epwortb League, also president of Loyal Temperance Legion, write from Chehali. Wash.: "I have used several remedies in cases of severe colds and la grippe, but none I consider of more vain then Peruns." Mra Dr. C. D. Powell. sever attack of la to be affected badly U.nnln, natlonl hvnill m,d. "-""" '""" " - tu. o . vi. j-..: r. r.i t $15,000. The town of Mercur sprang, va .-t v., vv.uiui, up. phoenix like, and Is to-day one of . - Grips. tbe richest gold camps In the United i ', prewusu. vtoioeu fol- States.-Eugene B. Palmer In Alnslee'. '' 'f writes from GIRL'S FIGHT WITH A HAWK California Child DUplared a fal Aaaoaat of I'lack. Ida. Duffy, the 0-year-o!d daughter of Thomas 3. Duffy, of the Palatine In-; ma Jouri. t Burling street, Chicago, 111 lows: "Thi spring I suffered merely from Waader-; th after effect of la grippe. At tbe doctor did not seem to help me I bought a bottle ol Perun." Miss Km- Btati or Osno. rrrv ow tolxdo, ( Faurg j. i wn make, oath that be Is the senior porter of the firm ol r. J. . arsnrr fc Co., doing bouneaa in the City of Toledo, County and mate a'or-na d, and that aaid crm will par WW, fi ni UULL, IU in- MC aad every caar of Catai rh that eanaot be Cored oy we tue oi utu. s HTmn ctaa. ikis, j CHrrr Sworn to before me and sabocribed in nr presence, iis tts day of December, A. D. im. A.W.GLEASON. I Aobxry inue clerk tbe check. "There Is enough to ! fil!,St7? '5rJS 'JS'B lntmtUT and ecu . . , B ; directly oa the Mood and moeoos luriacea oi pay ail your ueoia. i want yon uesynem. scad lor textimra.als, free. to keep out of debt and If I bear of yoo again getting Into debt yon will have to leave." The man took the check, paid hla debts and remodeled b'.s life on a cask basis. v j mirsEv a i :ii Sold by drnggitu. "oe. MaU's family PUl. ars lb beat, lutedo, a Varutioa of the Loot "That friend of mine In the British . army acnt me a keg of Chinese wine that be looted in i'eiiin. Tbe Muff i wa half water." "Evidently diluted." Bow Trees Are DwarfedL Interest in tbe dwarfed forest trees nroduced by Chinese and Jansnnw nr. I. A,Mrfn In M. t riwivitre annul i-c i iji?mit rpQirn "6 " urease inira Ave., Minneapolis, .Miuu., Jan. a Drancn rrom a tree, just oeiow aa : ' the branch he cuts eye on the Drancn he cuts and re- mores a ring of bark. Then be sticks tbe branch in a ball of specially pre pared earth. This be crams Into a flower pot and keeps It moist enough to start the roots. After tbe roota are well grewn tbe water supply Is lessen ed. As tbe branch puts out limbs these ire clamped with wire bands to pro- duce a rugged and ancient look. Tbe roots are kept down by cutting. Honey is smeared on the trunks to attract la sects which give it a worm-eaten ap pearance. It often requires twenty years to perfect tbe dwarfing. Bess la Palestine Cnder rational treatment tbe aver age yield of a beehive in Palistins i 100 ponmJa. Lirs or Qtmms Victoria. Complete llfo mt Qaeen Victoria. Hoot French Elections. Connected with French parliament ary elections are some curious features. For instance, no wall literature Issued by a candidate or his friends may be printed on white paper, white being the color reserved for offtdal announce ments. In tbe days of tbe empire. when official candidates were known n tbe land, tbe addresses of tbe gov ernment's nominees were printed on white paper, snd this no doubt bsd due weight with the more Ignorant voters. Again, any elector whose name Is men tioned In a newspaper can. If he feel himself aggrieved, call upon the editor to publish a reply. This, however. Is not confined to elections, but 1 a right njoyed by French citizen under the aw of tbe country. Want Americana to Do the Work. Tbe Siamese government has asked 'or American bids for the construction if a plant for the manufacture of am- nuolrtoe In that country. The love of a woman la more dauger jus than the enmity of a man. term. OutBt mailed I A-tdrvws a. C. Miller A Co.. Portland. Or. Dsaiscd. Adversity is often a blessing io dis guise. surance Company, of San Francisco, had a desperate battle with a wounded chicken hawk at San Rafael and nar rowly escape with her life. Several day ago the bird waa given to tbe hild and It haa aince been kept a pris oner In the yard of the family residence it that place. The other morning tbe hawk succeeded in making its ew:aoe io d flew to a near-by tree, where a piece of string attached to Its leg be came entangled in the branches, again making tbe bird a prisoner. The Utile girt seeing that tbe bawk waa unable to fly away, ran to tbe tree. and taking advantage of It spreading limbs, rapidly climbed to a spot many feet above tbe ground, where the bird was entangled. She attempted to undo tbe string from the tree, when sudden ly tbe bird swooped at her and burled tbe talons of both feet in tbe little girl's face. Tbe child screamed with pain. but plucklly fought tbe hawk off aa again and again It attacked her with beak, talon and wings. The child's face waa terribly scratch ed and her hauds cut In tbe struggle, but tbe little heroine clung to the tree and eventually securing a bold on the bird's legs prevented It from doing; fur ther harm. Slowly and painfully sua limbed down tbe tree and still cling- ng to the struggling bird she brought it with ber to tbe ground and placed It in captivity. Then she ran to tint bouse, where her cut and bleeding face waa promptly attended to. Lo Ange- lea Time. Cowg-rwe.iaaa Howard, tetter. Fort Payne, A Is. The Peruna Medicine Co., Colum bus, Ohio: Qentlemen"l have taken Pe runa now for two weeks anil find I am very much relieved. I feel that my cure will be perma nent I have also taken It tor la grippe and I take pleasure In rec ommending Peruna as an excel lent remedy to all fellow suffer ers."M. W. Howard, Member of Congress. La Orlwmo teeveo two Syatea. la a Uoplorablw Condition. D. L. Wal'aee, charter mem Iter of the International Barber' Union, writes from 15 Western avenue, Min neapolis, Minn.: costomer who w greatly helped by Parana advised me lo try it, aud I proonrsd a bottle th nine day. Now my head is clear, my nerves are steady, 1 eojoy food, aud rs.t well. Peiona has been woitb a dollar a dose to we." L. D. Wallace. Oris Cnnaoe tfteafweoa. Mr. M. A. Sharick. chaplain G. A. B. Woman' Belief Corps, writes (torn Fremont, Wash.: "When la grippe was th prevailing illness in this Western country 1 was laid np tbs whole winter, 1 partially lot iny hearing, and had a very bad case of catarrh of th head and throat. "I read of reruns, trisd it snd had my besring ventured snd catattb cored. I cannot speak too well of Peruua." Mr. M. A. hharick. ta l-iipee Cared la lie rir.1 Stage. Lieutenant Clarioe Hunt, of th Halt Lake City barracks of ths Halvation Army, write from Ogden, Utah: "Two month ago 1 was suffering with so sever a Cold I could hardly peak. "Our captain advised m to try Pe runa. and procured holt I (or me, and truly it worked wonder. Within two week I was entirely well." Clarice iiont. Coagreeemaa TVhlla'a teller. Tarboro, N. C aentlemenl am more than satisfied with Peruna and find It to be an excellent remedy for the grip and catarrh. I have used It In my family and they all Join me In recommending It as an excellent remedy."-Qeo. II, white. Member of Congress. Remained In ro-bto ll.ol.b. Artor C.'orrd oi ,ri,o. Mrs. T. W. ColMo.. treasurer Inde pendent Order Good Templar, of Ever ett, wssn., write: After having a sever attack of la grippe I continued lo a feeble condi tion even sfter the doctor called me cored. My blood seemed poisoned. reruns cored me." Mr. T. W. Col lio. Addr The Peruna Medicine Co., of Colombo, O., for a free book on ca tarrh. SEED DEALERS. viw dIt you S.oJ for FREE PEED CATALOG I' J Portland SEED Company, 135 Front Slrt. Portland, Or, rum mmwi mm Annual Cal.lnen now ready. M.iios free ou tv.iiK.t full lino of upulle, ma fairs, pvubry, beo. of teiden, i BUELL LAMBCRSON-8 SONS, 180 Front Street. Portland, Or, FEUEIlfS in fcr-i "- Yon II r ka.w what I I you're diamine I 1 JF W wlwn yott plant f Jf Ferry Howie, it you f buy eaea teed, ytnt oaat 1 1 Ih nir. Tak no chaocea I 1 1 terry's. tiealer every. A where Mil then. Writ ar IWI need A usual mailed (res, yf jf Ostrsft, lrf1 nnmv rnri arM-BTrs 0 ot.EDS C' (, ?JLL "K1 ,ou ' S'Tt wtt 1Mt.Ur.tlaV SISMnsrnl tH,,mk L, Jr" 4 vl rmyakf- 4 ut 9tJ Urn PV' Com bin ni 'o Corn. i'X tst nwn vnto - swinti U III, m.ii',i , :k i'wte " inpouunrr " Q 'i nNjxllotlMMiitf!,!, f-mM ".'."oK. 'itiolirprs. WW Cambrwu I J " t rH : iraWt IrH -v'l I ,1 'i- e"'t -m .i .ti 1 it: m.M ra ) iheK ivma'aei ! ayt, eiinM .wM,.ia woaftooa. p F Jean A. Sal ser Seed Co. U tfieaa, to. I I I I MM M SI mrj NOTHING BETTER MADE tes ta. t mat. a tl.tak U y gett ..Mitchell,. Mitchell, Iteoiis & Staver Co. PORTLAND. ORECON. r-v;.H'r: pensTon f SICKfu i. WoKioetes. M C. tiier mil n I rvivtoiitr ti4ie. M. th N. U. Volt, stag sBihCotpa rruwcuting ctatm. .tuo 17. on. Gu;;;rSu fills ONI rOt A DOSK. 4tf fttftt Raailark. ad fret. p-i, Kem-.'sy fiWii-J'tirtrF UktUiwi, AH ltfr li-rt.l reivnn luwa.4m titurtppr.l-rB. T V-e'nr-e.-ti W't,tlf 'mt IrifiaUrsBI.JkL DR. QtAWKQCO..n allllgtoy l)fiigTmsH4, DOWNFALLS trp tbM is dancer ef SPRAINS BRUISES which cripple or Itvrt 4e.jr, but t anjr tian irotm vuifftr V) w Vi An I'nfortnoato Name. Mr. Peet, a rather diffident man. was unable to prevent himself from being Introduced one evening to a fascinating young lady, who, misunderstanding bis name, constantly addressed him aa Mr. Peter, much to the gentleman's dis tress. Finally, gammoning courage, he bashfully but earnestly remonstrated: 'Ob, don't call me Peters; call me Peetr 'Ah. but I don't know yon well enough. Mr. Peters," s'd tbe young lady, blushing, as she playfully with drew behind ber fan. St Jacobs Oil will ear em-cry aad promptly All Bhe Took. "Did she take anything when she left ley husband' bouse?" "Nothing but ber departure." Then I waa misinformed." "In what way?" "I understood she took ber maiden I name. Cleveland Plain Dealer. "Bridget told Mrs. Nextdoor that I was henpecked fool; shall I discharge berT "At once! Bridget has no right to tell our family secret to the nelgh-bors."-Uf. Iowa th "Hawkeys SUU." Iowa almrst from the dats of it ad mission baa been called tbe "Hawkeys State." Ilawkeye in the name of a noted Indian chief, who, in the early day, caused no tittls troubl along tbe weitern border of American civiliza tion. 0KrlMt.DTApnrlelh blood . and cures all form of Indigra tlon: a dear, healthy eonplesloa sad good health result from It asmlsasadefrom HISSt. A Big Warclwus. Kansas City I to nave a big banana warehouse, large anongb to hold 26 car load. TO CVII A COLO IBf OKI OAT Take tmxativ Bromo Quinine Tab let. All dmggirta refund th money if it tails to cure. E. W. Grove ig- nature ia on each bos. 16c. Electrical Work of Germany. Tbs electrical works of Germany repteaent an investment of 9300,090, 00). ' riT. rnamntlr Oir-d. e U or mrmuaiiw 1 1 ettr Int '!,' fr Klo'tir-l rvv hoof SMorurPHBKt'i.wOuullxxlloa.ltroU. no. Ka.a u tui.m..ui Ai..a..rMii,i1.r. Otitpvt sf Russiaa Geld Hints. Russian gold mine average an an nual yield of 66,668 pounds. too stove wait too akctakixo When yoo Uke Grove' Ti.tales Chill Tonio because th formula i plainly printed on every bottle sbowlog tlisl it is simply Iron and (jninins in a Usts leu knrn. Ho Curs, Ko Fsy. 600. Boaatt Nearly 4.000 Ysrsi Old. Ths oldest bonnet was found on sn Egyptian mummy, that of a princess who wis interred about J.000 rears tmiore vnnst. rWiastd a SUU Coavict PUnUUsn. Th penitentiary board ol MlaItlppi ba porobaavd 1,000 acres for slats convict plantation. Tk Heat freaerlntlna tor Malaria vuiiiaaaa rsvertsa bottle of Grove.. jsawuesa will Tonln. It 1. simply iron and quinine in a tastelt form KhIImm V.. TJ . , ... -w wwo, t ny. rues coo. ladisns Whs Art Frehlbitlsaitt. Tbe remnant of th once great Pen obscot tribe of Indian now living on ao t.iauu near uiutown, M. K., have tnsir own form of government. At tnetr recent eleotion they cboaa a Pro. btbitionlst chiel, named Mitchell At tean, by a vote of 28 to 8. Sour Stomach I a, I olll aovor ha iilwol lfe.ia la the aoaM Sf uvor ou la. M .aaee ai,a mv h.M aa I aa. aumach Uoobla Roe .la, ut is laoeania I fool See. Mr wlf. ...alto aw ihom oita Moolelal roaalia for m, twm J, --. Loarom v. . Lovli, hja If kjt CATMARTIO Vwvo mass Msamara Ueo. ft.ver We...,, Ur'Je SW fcl' IS? ... CURK CONSTIPATION. '.. "ii.i.tnoM, imna. s Ioa. Ttf i , K re envoi a " A re. latiod tmm. wawh oofUo. the akia, giving laa yooiaful row. I' which hvaay UmUAS lllt.MKKS. If .rmlrw and ahoululrly tnrtvible. yt.oo prr bcrttlt. Mend v reH lot Uuao.v od book. "Meanly Herrrta." u, Wioii.aaco, oM Sn New Vorh Ulg, neaule. U You Nd a SAW MILL, ENGINE or any pleeeef Marhlnerr, II will pay to write u. lev sals' BOILER, logne and prior. RUSSEll at CO., Portland, Or. POULTRY NETTINC. Buy from the nanufaeturer. frit m lull rolls t feet wide. 10 Iret long gl.s t ' O M f .1 . O .. M " " j all Kind, ef Wire and Iron Work. PORTLAND WIRS at IRON WORKS 14V rron. SI., furtlaad, Oregon. t Sic? Tobacco Suddenly It Injure, neivou. .y.irta to do M. Bt- vt'lttt I. Iho milv .nr. euro. and notiilm ynu wbin lo hob. Hold wub a gu.ranire thai tnres bn.ea wlllenre .or Binn.rilRfl ivrriablandheruileia. It ba -. lr.j ihout.n.l., it wlllenre ton. ail iliu.s'.via ur tr mail prepaid. II a boss Ml onim t:.u. iukLioi ir. Cmkm io-i. t'o., ta Crueae, WU. rue kuss hi.i ruts to BvipLOTriis. Cook., Waller., Ixit gera, Mlllnen, Knl en, ak,. If U . I............ ,.-.a. I'arnD li-ra. Woodrhnper,, llotiM lilrla, U.'lel.. r" tanrania, Km nut aitenilon lo malt onlrri. mi uriitau iat. m , aaaisi. rnaM,it 1 . r. k. v. i. ., - -- - i ivartiasr aloaao I I mil fi5H m lii U5 i!ft on. VUJULBf Will ECcep You DaY Taat No Susvivuvi . Tail OVAlocut, SnOwiH FoliLinc Or CashCNTS arioHMa. A Bosron. Mass. CUTLER'S CARBQUTEef UBIK A f oaranleed Car. for Ctarr aa OMSsraptlon. Hot. lc. Ho lot. 1. 1. SMITH I CO., Iiifftli, R.T.rriF'l