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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 8, 1901)
THE OREGOI 11 VOL. XVIII. ST. HELENS, OOXOON, FKIDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1901. NO. 8. MIST m or the From All Parts of the New World and the Old. Or INTEREST TO OUR MANY READERS Comprchtnilv Review f th Important Hap. pcnlnjiof th Past Week la Condciutd form, Cousnl-Ooneral Pleic suy tbe Boer er nut heatcu, Governor N'lmli ays ho will prevent the Jaffrlee-Huhllo fight. F.uloglea to tht littt Fenutor Davit Were delivered lu the bouse. Htute o( Washington cannot have on of ib Daw battle-ships named lor It. Edwin Markhani read a poem iu Philadelphia dedicated to (juuou Vic torm. Ki-Hanatnr Hill declares tlmt ha la mil a candidate lor tin prestdeucy la w. Iron Dyke oopjier mine Id Keatern Oregon change bauds; consideration $60,000. A plot wm discovered to tur aud feather Mr. Natlou, tlia taloon wrecker. Klra la tha trimming departments tin Krug Packing Company', plant, bt. Joeili, Mo., did $100,000 dningae. Fir (nun an unkunwn oiiua de stroyed tlia large pltilit ul Ilia Nattouul Wlra Company, at Fairhaven, Conn., entailing a property loss etimatd at $:!I5.0U0. Fire at (ha W. H. Kurthman Lum ber Company' plaut, Nashville, Tumi., destroyed lumbal, warehouse, 12 ii mailt liouaea, and Dlue freight car. Loss, 1100,11(10. Ilia worst atoiin nl the wlntr pre vail! throughout Kansas, Nebraika, lo, Colorado, Michigan and Wie rouiln. Railway trallio it aoinewhal interfered with. Mra. Thoiima Green, an aged womiin, wife of an old-time mine pnmpnoior, was burned to iluitth lu bur home In tb auburba o( Aspn, Colo. It 1 sup posed tha Ore wa of accidental ciriln. The Union Pacific Railway Com puny, by purchasing tlm entire buhl Inga of tha Huntington !tle mill Stan-ford-Crocker estates, haa eecured con trol of two-flftb (if the Southern Pa ciflo railway atock. The preelilent baa lMiied new cre dential to Mr. Choate aa ambassador of the United State to Great llrltain. Tbev are almlliir lo form to ihoa held by Mr. Chnaut, wpu the exception I lint they accredit him to King Mward VII Instead of Queen Victoria. The Duke of Vork 1 alok. The annate paused the Indian appro priation bill. Bethuen will try to drive the Doer oat of Cape Colony. President McKinley may vlait Port land, Or., tbia apring. A revolutionary plot haa beon die covered In Prnulun Polaud. A prisoner escaped from the Grant Paw Jul I aud 1 atlll at lilxiity. Cieuerala Wada aud Ludlow liava been ordered to the Philippine. New York men ana A. It. Hammond for part of Aatorla railroad bonii. Milliliter Loom la line postpnud til preaentation of hi ultiiuiituui to Van aiuela. The prenidoiit reoommenda that ad dittnual ooplea of the oouaul report ba printed. The oltiion of Hkagway are grnatly agitated ovor tha decision of the aeore tary of tha interior grunting the greater part of the townsite to II. Moore. Tha body of Judge N. Pearl, of Port Glbaon, waa found iu the Missisxippl river ueai that pluca with heavy weight tied around the bauds and ankle, lie had beu ml.-iug about two weeka. Major-General Arthur Mite Arthur will be relieved from duty a the com manderiug goueral of the division of the Philippine in April next, and will be succeeded by llrlgadior-Geiioral Jamo F. Wade. Tha dead body of Jaoob Runts A her mit, waa found in a miserable cabin near Peoria, ill. The body waa clurt In rnga. On bia irarnou waa f458 lu mouey and a deed to HO aurea of vnlu able laud. He bad literally atarved hlnnell to death. The preaident hn aeut a nimt!;a to congress recommending the appropria tion ol $100,000 for too piiymvut of tb claim of Spain for Kibutu and Cagnyan ialanda, In the 1'htllpplue archipelago, iu accordance with the terms of tha treaty recently ratlllel by the aoiiate. Koine troop eioortlng laborer en. gagtid in opening road lu the aouthern part of the peninsula of Yuoiitan were deaperately attacked by 1,000 reliel In diana, who were only driven oil by tha mploymeut ol machine gtina. ' Tha ngagemeut took place ueur Sauta Cru. Columbia university ha appealed to it friend for f 100,000. The vohool children of Mississippi have voted iu favor of the magnolia as the state' flower. American, Canadian nnd Kugllsli iron Interest have prautioally uuitod to push trade iu Kurope. Consular report say llritish iner cbanta and manufacturer continue to worry over commercial invasion by Americans. ra uk i fill Taft Commission Passed Munici pal Government Act PROVINCIAL BILL HAS BEEN COMPLETED Th BUI Provides for a Governor, a Secre tary of the Treasury, Super, vlior and Flicsl. Manila. Fob. 2. The act organising municipal government iu tha Philip pine waa paaned by tha Taft cmmnU ion today, aftor tha adoption of amendments, luclu ling a provision din. qualifying from voting aud holding otlito auy jmrnon who alter April 1 la In arms against, or aiding those opi. lug the United tSatea authority. The power to revise election trregulnriiie la trans erred from the governor ol tha province to the election Judge. A provision la added for return aud reo orda of births, marriage and deaths. The president' yinbol of office ia da IgnaUid aa a gold-bended tassel cane. I'rlor to tl. passage of tha act. Judge ih, president ol (lie i ommisslon, said the greatest pains had been taken in the preparation of the act. lha provincial government bill haa been oomplntad. Tha puhlio consider atlon will begin tomorrow. Koon alter tta enactment the commissioner will visit tha Luzon provinces and witness the organisation of the provluciul gov ernment and the elections. Later they will vlait the eonthern island. The provincial bill provides for a governor, a secretary of the treasury, a enper visor alio liscal. Tha ofhYer may ie Americana or HHplnna. The gov emor I to be elected by the joint bal lot of the councillor of organized pueblo (townships) and hi election mut be confirmed by the Philippine commission. The cither provincial of' fleer will be appointed by the com- tnittee miller the restriction ol the civil servi. e rule. The uovernor mav sua pend any municipal ollicer tar inlscon (loot. rexirtlug (he facta to the com mission. The treasurer is required to supervise his assistant in all the puelc lo aud collect all taxes. The anper vlsora will have clmrge of the road aud pnblio biiildinga. The llai al will be-tha legal adviser of the piovlncial goveriiiiient and tha public prosecutor. The law is to h tint applied to the provinces of I .a union and i'auipsgatm, ( Hptnin Cameron and AO Philippine ravalijmeu bad a fight Tuela with liiaorgcnta at lliuuloopuriiy and routed them, killing two and capturing a quantity of arm. Ueronimo was pre tut, but escaped. Minor rapture and anrreudor con- tiiiua in the I'lnnd of Lun u. Many rilitduos are tak 'ig the oat'i of alleg lance to the Li.Knd States. The cabled statement that the move ment toward PrntexiMUtl.ui in the Phil ippine i growing with astotilhlng rapidity ia exaggerated. Die Metho dists, Presbyterians, Kpisi-npaliaus and llritish and Amor lean societies have worked iu Manila aud its viciuity for two years and the membership of tha Methodist mission i 400, and iu a constituency of a thousan I the Presby teriau mission ba a native membership of 80. DEWET LOCATED. - The Boer Leader li Still In the Orange River Colony. Loudon, Fob. 2. Geueral Kitch ener, telegraphing from Pretoria to day, ays: "Dowet'a force crossed the ltloom-(intelu-Ijitlylirand line, near Israels poort, during the night of January 80. Hamilton' men, at the water works, were ouuble to get iu t inch with them. "French, with cavalry and mounted Infantry 1 (weeping the couutry cast ol tbo Pretoria-Johannesburg railroad between Pelugoa bay aud Natal as fur as Krmelo. II engaged about 2,000 of the oiicmy at AVilge valley. The fnmny rctlrml with four killed and nine woiuidud. Our casualic were one killed and seven wounded. "Knox report that he engaged De wet' force lontll of Welcome, Janu ary 21). There waa continuous lighting for live hours. The Doers' dead were buried. They removed many of their OHMialtio in carta. Our oasualtle wnro one officer and one man killed aud 13 wounded." Jamaica Wants iteciproclty. Kingston, Jamaica, Feb. 8. The Jamaican government and public are much concerned about American in action iu the case of the leciprocity trpaty. Tha prospect of Jamaica re maining outslde.wliile the other Vest India oolouin get preferential treat ment is regarded with alarm. Exploilon in Mine. Wtlkeebnrre, Pa., Fob. B. A email keg of dynamite, whloh wus to be used for hlastiug purpose, exploded thl morning in the Fern wood mine, at Pittaou, owned by tha F.rie Iiailway Company. Joseph r-'antlno'a arm wa blown off nnd one of his eyes destroy id. Anthony Kantino sustained a frao tirud skull. Huth men will die. Admiral Kautz Retired. Washiuton, Feb. 8. Rear-Adiniral Kauta, who ha just been relieved from command of the Fnoiflo station, wa placed on the retired list today on ac count of age. He Iihb bnd a long and distinguished cnarcer, of which nearly 18 years wa spent at seu. During the Hanioan troubles about two year ago Admiral Kutz was iu command ol the American force In that quarter, and it wa mainly through hi flrmnee that erloui complication were averted. KILLED A BURGLAR. San Francisco Barber's Struggle With Deiperado, Han Francioco, Feb. 1. Kdwaid H, Hall, a barber shot aud killed a burg lar here tonight ia a lodging houan at 129 Taylor street. Hull, who live in the house, went to hi room, whUn was opened by one ol two men who were engaged in rilling the apartment. The burglur instantly drew a revolver, placed Its muzzle against Hall' body aud pulled the trlggor. The cartridge (ailed to explode and Hall giappled with the man. A descrate itruggla ensued, resulting iu Hall getting pos session of the pistol. The other burg lar then rushed toward him in an at tempt to escape. Hall fired at him a b reached the door. The bullet en tered hi biain and be crashed bead long down , the itairs, falling dead at the bottom. Not until then did Hall release hi grip on the other man, who at once 'ook flight, jumping over the dead body of hi companion, aud reached tha street. He was captured by a citizen a block away from the sceue of the tragedy. lie win identi fied a Fred Keefer, alia Wilson, who haa served term in the house of cor rection, lie refused to give the nam of hi dead companion. TO INTERCEPT ANDRADE. Venezuelan Gunboat Cms lo Head OH th Supply Party. Fan Joan de Porto Kioo, Feb. 1. It 1 reported here that the Venezuelan gunboat tiestaurador. formerly Oeorge Oould'a yacht Atlanta, is on her way from Brooklyn with order from Preii dent Castro, to intercept in the Carl bean sea. Seuor Aodrnila'a filibuster ing expedition. Passenger on board tha 'Ked li" line ateamer Philadel phia, from La (itiayrs, January 2, whli h left for New York today, assert ed that Caracas wa iu a state of sup pressed excitement whea the ttoamer left Venezuelan waters; that President Castro' tioops had defeated the insur gents near Cuomana and that a com paratively unimportant mutiny among tha troops lu the barraok at Caracas had been qnellod. They also reported that the Venezuelan congress would meet February 20 to legalize the act of Preiddent Castro, who, since the expe dition of A non He, has been a dictator, acting without electoral sanction. It was further gathered from the passen gers that a general uprising might take pi non about the time of the as sembling of congiess, but that the Na tionalist party, a prominent organiza tion in Venezuela, had offered it serv ice to Castro to maintain pence. Meld Up by Drunken Yaquis. Tutann, Ariz., Feb. 1. La Ca nauea, the mining camp of the Green Consolidated Mining Company, in So nera, wa held for three day by a band ol Yaqui Indians, aud the people of the cumji were at the' mercy of the Indiuns. It seems that a large number of the Indiana who are employed at the camp got drunk when paid and pur chased all the mescal tn the camp. The Mexican police were driven from the camp aud held outside by num ber of Yaquis. Their gun were taken from them, and the Yaquis also took gun from Americana who attempted to interfere with them. There were a number of seriou cutting affray, but no one wa killed. The American set about to quiet tbe Indian aud sober them, and, with the assistance of the Mexican cavalrymen, were successful iu queliirg the drunken rebellion. Creek Trouble Ended. Henrietta, I. T.. Feb. 1. Peaoe among tha warring Creek ba apiar ently been reached, and all that now remaiua to be done ia to give untto Hai jo, the chief Snake, who haa caused ail the trouble, a priliminary hoarlng and eeud him to Muskogee for trial for treason. Iu the meantime a few mora of tbe minor leader will he arrested and the troop of cavalry nndery Lien tenant Dixon will probably remain here a fow day longer, nntil tha last vestige of an uprising has db-appeared. Last night tbe Indiana burned lignal Urea on tbe hills aurrouudiug the town, aud, fearing an attack, the sol dier remained up until daylight, armed aud ready for instaut action, but the Indiana attempted no depreca tions. New German Warihlps, Berlin, Feb. 1. Aocording to tha Berlin Post, eight new German war hip will be plaoed m commission tin year, including the battleship Wit helm der Crosse, with a displacement of 11,152 tons; the twin vessel Kaiser Brubarossa and Kaiser Karl der Urosse, the cruiser Prinz Heinrioh, with a dis placement of 8,081 ton, and four small cruisers, each of 8,600 ton.' Five battleships, one armored oruiser and one gunboat are building, aud two battleships, ona armored cruiser and three protected cruiser will be plaoed under cod tract during the present year. Jap Soldiers Killed bv Explosion. Bhanghal, Feb. 1. Tbe North China Daily New asserts that while a quan tity of Chinese gnnpowder wa being destroyed at Hhan Kai Wan thera was an explosion and 40 Japanese soldier were killed. Fortune for I Recruit. San Frauoisoo, Feb. 1. Louis da Burgh, a recruit in tha provisional bat talion at the Presidio, claims to have fallen heir to a fortune of $10,000 and some valuable property near ran, which has been bequeathed to him by the Couutes deLavon, of Franca, who, he says, was bis aunt, lie claims to have seived in the Boer army, and says ha wa taken prisoner by the English, bnt escaped on a Portuguese aloop wbila on th way to St. Hlaua, (WITH Petition Filed Against Delegate Wilcox, of Hawaii. SOME SENSATIONAL LETTERS SHOWN Offered Hta Services to Aguinaldo to Fljhl Against the United States -His Election Was Illegal. Washington. Feb. 4. A petition containing charge waa submitted to day to the house committee) on elec tions No. 1, against Delegate Robert W. Wilcox, tha Hawaiian representa tive in tha house of representative. Tha oharges are made in writing by George D. Gear, of Hawaii, who sub mitted letter put porting to be eopie of letter written by Wilcox to Fili pino officials. Tbe alleged letter are of a highly aensational cbaiacter. One of tbe letier said to ba written by Wilcox i given in duplicate. It i dated Honolulu, January 81, 1899, aud addressed to Dr. J. Joseph Loiada, Captain Marti Burgo and fieuor J. tiiina, aud introduced to tbeui a "friend of mine who i a very able man to help yon in your cauae. Among other things, tbe letter says: "Mr. will be a useful ally to fight for tha causa of the Filipinos. One thing is sure, that you could re sist any army ol invasion yon have a population of 13,000,000 and alrealy a disciplined artry of 80,000 will be equipped with modern arms. 1 have already made op my mind to join with yon In your country against America in case tbey insist to ignore tbe right, the justice of your causrf. 1 know well my profession as an artilleiy olli cer. 1 have no fear of the whola world when f fight for a legitimate cause like yonrs. Between General Aguinaldo' determination and myself, it will be but a very little chance left to the in vading army of tha United States to conquer your country. Tell General Aguinaldo that I am already giving my service for your country and I am ready to obey orders to go to your conn- try aud fight lor the independence of yoor people and country at any u o meut." The letter bears the alleged signature of Kobert Wilcox. Another letter dated Honolulu, March 8, 1899, says: "I am thinking of going to the Phil ippine ialanda and give my assistance to Aguinaldo against tbe invaders the hypocritical Yankees, tbe carpet-bag politicians. Mr. Wilcox declined to make any extended answer to the charge filed by Mr. Gear. He lays he has no (ears of the charges made. He admits that he wrote a letter to Dr. Loado. Cap tain Burgos and Senor Lnua C. Caesar Moreua, an Italian of this city, whom he bad known while tire latter was in Hawaii in tha '80. Moreua had a meteoric career in Hawaii. For a few day be waa secretary of state. Wil cox ay Moreua la the person to whom the uuaddressed letter filed by Mr. Gear was addressed, but says be wa unable after a cursory examination to say whether tha letter tiled were ex act oopie of those be sent. The petition of Gear recites that there wa no election machinery when Wilcox waa elected delegate, Novem ber 6, 1900, aud that muuy voters did not believe that a valid election could be held without it and therefore, made no attempt to vote. Tbe petition then bring forward pergonal charge against Wilcox, relating to hi mar riage and also to hi career, nnder tha kingdom of Hawaii. It is also alleged "that Wilcox, in hi speech? prior to the eleotion, made nse of anti-American ntteranoes for the purpose of car rying the election, telling the native Hawaiian that the Americana had stolen their country and that a rote for him wa a vote for the restoration of the queen, and that, if be were elected, the qneen would be restored; that Wilcox waa and is guilty ol trea son against the United States' in that he did, a petitioner is informed and believes, since the annexation of laid Hawaiian island, write and send thtongh tha United states mail let ter highly treasonable in their nature, wherein be did counsel and incite oth er! to engage in open rebellion against tha United Statei, and did offer bis service to Geneial Aguinaldo to go to tbe Philippine to fight and engage in open rebellion against the United State, copies of whloh letter are here with flled.'j Kansas City Theater Fir. Kansas City, Feb. 4. In the total destruction by fire last nigbt of the old Coates opera house an aggregate loss of $150,000 wa suffered. The building wa valued at $75,000, the furniture at $50,000, and the property of the Walker Whiteside Company, which had just begun a week' engagement, at $25,000. The opera house aud con tents were insured (or but $t0,000, while Whiteside carried absolutely no fire protection. Mr. Whiteside lost, in addition to hi trunk and proper tie, several valuable manuscripts that were to have been produced shortly. Helen Gould's Gift New York, Feb. 4. The statement 1 published here that Mis Helen Gould ha given $400,000 for the land, building and equipment of a home for a naval branch of the Young Meu'a Christian Aaaociation. Rumor of Earl Li's Death. London, Feb. 4. The Tien Tain oor- reapondeut of tbe Standard, wiring Thursday, says it i rumored in Ties Tila that LI Hang Chang i daad. ONLY FOUR BIDDERS. Centred! Will Co to Newport News, Bath Work and Neafie A Levy. Washington, Feb. 4. Bid for the construction of three protected cruisers were opened at the navy department today. Tbe attendance of bidder waa neither a large nor a representative a in the case of the last opening. It i doubt ful if the Cramp or the Union Iron Work have been unrepresented before In any bidding since the birtb of the "new navy." One of the Moran Bros., of Heattle, wa tbe solitary representa tive of tbe Pacific ooast interest, but did not bid. There were only four bid in all. Tbe first bid opened wa that ol the Newport New Shipbuilding Company. They offered to build a 0,700 ton cruiser with a speed of 22 knot in 86 ! month (or $2,741,000. Tbe Bath Iron : Work offered to build a oruiser of the ' ame proportion (or $2,750,000. Tbe I William K. Trigg Company, ol Rich- I mond, offerd to bnild one cruiser for $2,780,200, being the limit of cost fixed by congress, or two cruiser for I $6,480,000. Tbe last bid waa the i lowest, and wa submitted by tbe Neafie & Levy Shipbnilding Company, of Philadelphia. It often-d to build a cruiser on the department' plan in 86 month (or $2,740,000. These cruisers are designed to be the most formidable vessels in tbe world of their class. Thar wlil reaemble close lythe type of econd-olae armored crnlaen and might be easily mistaken for inch. The act ot congress author izing thi class of cruisers states that tbe vessel ebon Id carry "tbe most powerful ordnance for vessel of their type, and have the highest speed com patible with good cruising qualities aud great radiu of action." Admiral Hiohborn, chief constructor of the navy, who ha been foremost in the preparation of plan for tbe building of the "new navy," eay that in an en gagement the new cruisers would be able to cope with and prove more than a match for some of the armored cruis er of foreign navies. The new vessel are to be named the Ht. Louie, the Milwaukee and the Charleston, the last to continue tbe name of the ship wrecked November 2, 1899, in the Philippine. THE NEW YORK FIRE. Caused by an Explosion of Chemicals la the Wick Factory. New Yoik. Feb. 4. The extent of the destruction wrought by the confla gration which destroyed nearly a whole block of building at Thirty first street and. First arenne last night could be better appreciated this morn ing. The huge factory of tbe William Wicke Company wa almost level with the ground. Contractor Joseph Cody, of the building department, with a force of J00 men, had labored at the ruins allliight pulling down dangerous sections ot the walls. Other property destroyed wa tbe six -story building, number 404, 406 and 408 East Tbiity-aecond street; tbe fivetorr tenement at 546 and 548 First avenue tbe five story tenement at 462 East Thirty-first Btreet; Jackson's iron ionndry and a two story brick building on Thirty-first street, occupied by tne Swift Dressed Beef Company. About 70 fa in i lie were rendered homeless by the homing of tbe tenements. Fire Chief Croker Baid today be be lieved the fire wa caused by an explo sion of chemical in the Wicke fac tory. He wa iu formed that a watch man had gone into the vault in the cellar with a light end that tb vault contained the exp'oi-ivea. Tbe chief added that be did not know what had become of the watchman or who be i. lie said the explosion that started the conflagration might have been caused by illuminating gas getting into the cellar from tbe gas main, but he did not think this was tbe case. Policemen Thomas J. Fitzpatrick and John B. McMullin, who were on duty at the fire, are reported miasing today. BATTLE IN ABYSSINIA. It Is Supposed the Chiefs Rebelled Durin the Absence of Menelik. Paris, Feb. 4. A dispatch to the Francaia from Cairo says news has been received thore from Abyssinia of a great battle in which 7,000 were killed. It is supposed the chiefs re belled during the absenoe of King Menelik, who ba gone to the Egyptian frontier in connection with the delim ination of the Egypto-Abyasiuia fron tier. . ... . London, Feb. 4. A dispatch to the Exchange Telegraph Company from Cairo un a severe fighting is reported in Abyssiuia. Tbe causaltiea are said to number 7,000. Tbe foreign office officials know noth ing of any difficulty in King Menelik' territory, but it 1 not unlikely they think that certain maloontent chief may have taken advantage of King Menelik'a absenoe from tbe capital to foment an insurrection. Belgium lias no Navy. Belgium has no navy execpt a train ing (hip for the merchant marine. Accepted a Reduction. Youngstown, O. Feb. 4. At all the blast furnaces throughout the Mahon ing valley today the bottom-fillers and helpera have accepted a reduction of 10 cents per day in wages, taking effect today. Killed by Highwaymen. Dr. James Gibbon, nephew of Car- linal Gibbons, waa shot and killed bf highwaymen at New Orleans. news or Tins amp Interesting Events and Gossip Cities and Towns in and OREGON. The Bine Mountain Ice Company of Perry, ia storing ice at the rate of 600 ton a day. An old man of the name of Webster waa found dead in hi cabin on Dead wood a few day ago. Rainier school district has levied a special tax of 13 mill. Tbe total tax iu Rainer district ia 42 mill. O. W. William ba old the Vander mulen farm, near Island City, contain ing 157 acres, to a Mr. Stein, a late arrival from Utah, for $9,600. J. Bonner'a grocery store at Baker City waa bnrned. He had an insur ance of $400. The stock wa small. The machinery in Clayton Bros. 'a broom-handle factory at Coqnille, ia being moved to a place eight miles be low Bandon. Malcolm McFarlane has resigned as justioe of the peace at West port pre cinct, and David West wa appointed by the county court to incceed him. The breaking of the boom on the Siuslaw dnring the late flood caused a heavy loss of logs belonging to loggers on that stream, but tbe Lake creek log ger report their losses were smal1. Tbe Astoria Box Company is mak ing preparations to increase the capac ity of its box factory. The -old ma chinery is being replaced by the most improved kinds, and several new ma chine are to be added. - A fine team of horse wa killed at a logging camp near Berry. A tree, in falling knocked another tree down, which fell in an unlocked for diiec tion and atruck the borne, killing them almost instantly. Sam White, an old and well-kown resident of Kerby, was drowned in the Illinois river, lie had been at Kerbv and started home iu an intoxicated condition. He succeeded in crossing the river, but after lauding walked about dazed and fell into the river. Andrew Houk, a miner waa acci dentally killed near Rye valley. He was working alone at the time and was in tbe act of placing a set of tim ber when a cave-in occurred. One of the timbers struck the unfortunate man on the aide of hi head, breaking his neck. Mr. George F. Eglin died at Cor vallia of pleuro-pneomnnia. She was a native of Dallas, Or., and waa united iu marriage to George F. Eglin at Al abny, October 20, 1884. Her maiden name was Cynthia Ellen Mount. She wa aged 84 year. Tbe survivors are husband and four children. Jacob L. Myers, a Mexican war vet eran, died at the Soldiers' home at Roeeburg, aged 79 year. He wa one of tbe oldest member of the home, having entered the institution soon after its opening. Tbe remains were hipped to Olympia, Waah., for inter ment. A fine Jersey cow was stolen 'rom W. H. Lindsley, who resides on the Sheridan farm, near Roseburg. A few days latter a etranger, probably 5 tramp, appeared at tbe Chad wick (arm, near Myrtle creek, aud sold the cow to Mr. Chadwick for $20 and ha not been beard of since. Mrs. Ray E. Watts, who has been appointed postmistress of Reuben, Or., haa filled out ber bond and sob scribed to the oath of office. Tbe Reu ben office will be in operation aa soon as the papers can be returned from Washington. The office was discon tinued about five year ago. A man. supposed to be a hobo, took two shot at JSightwatchman Kann, of Cottage Grove. Tbe officer called the marshal and ' others to his assistance, and set out in pursuit ol bis would-be murderer. The man, with two others, was lo-ated in tbe brush near town, bnt as tbe nigbt waa dark, it was im poscbile to effect a capture. The nigbtwatchman bad been keeping olose watch on a suspicion character who was about town, aud he is quite cer tain that this man waa hi assailant Lobec & Barry, who are construct ing a water system for Seaside and tbe property adjacent to it, expeot to have their plant in operation before May 1. The city of Seamde is amending its charter so aa to give them a (rancbise, and tbe county court w ill grant them the right to lay pipes across tbe coun ty bridge over the Necanicum. The source of water supply ib in the hill about two mile east of Seaside, which has been secured, as well a the site for the reservoir and the right of way for the piping. The supply of pure mountain water is estimated at seven miner's inches, which is much more than neoessary at present and it can be loubled at very little expense. The cost of construction of the plant will not be great, so the service will be a relatively oheap one (or tbe consumers. An addition . to the Cobnrg townsite haa been platted. It commence at tbe church and runs north and east, being part of the old Vandoyne place. The machinery for a pressed brick plant purchased at Chicago by K. E. Angel, of Baker City, haa arrived. The plant consist of a press maobine weighing 22,000 pounds, a 86-horse power engine and a 40-horse power boiler, in all weighing 37,000 pounds. The oapaoity ot the plant is 80,000 briokt per day. t . . flnonpomnQ STATES of the Past Week Reported From Washington, Oregon Idaho. I WASHINGTON. - A high school i to be established at ' Yakima City. J. S. Kikendale, a carpenter dropped dead while at work near that place. Deceased waa 65 years old. Tbe citizens of Snmmerville have organized co-operative creamery as sociation and elected officer. George Weatherwax, who reside up the Wishkak about 16 miles, wbile en gaged in logging suffered fractare of both his legs by a oapstan. Spencer Jones, of Wilbur, killed a large cooger near that place. The animal measured 6 feet 9 inobea from tip to tip and weighed 80 pounds. Tbe Legal Tender, in Keller camp, baa resumed work with one abift, and is to enlarge its force shortly. Tbe Bomine, adjoining it, started work this week. Tbe Inland Telephone Company's service ia to be extended from North Yakima to Moxee and Snnnyside, and thence to Walla Walla to connect with the line to Spokane. Upward of 20 tea ma are engaged in bauling ice to the varoua ice bouses of Republic. Every available team haa been pressed Into service. The quality of ice could not be better. Information ba been received of an explosion in mine No. 7 at Franklin, whereby two men were killed and sev eral person injured. State Mine In ipector Owen haa been summoned. F. E. Thompson, of Parker, has con tracted hi hop crop to be grown on 24 acres to New York people (or 11 cents per pound. The hope are to be deliv ered in October at Simcoe station. The estimated crop is placed at 40,000. The Big Bend dour mill at Daven port, which has been running single shift (or some time on aooount of sick ness among tbe men, is again running night and day. Its shipments for Jan nary will be 7.650 barrel. Gene Johnson, 1 7 years old, acci dentally shot himself with 88 caliber revolver wbile out banting near Lo rene. The ball entered the yonng man's leg above the knee, passing nn der the knee cap and ont on tbe oppo site side. J. W. Harper' store at Palouse, was burglarized and lot of cigars, candy, tobacco, etc, secured. Tb store waa entered through a rear win dow whioh waa broken. John Powers, aged 14. waa arrested and confessed the crime. Frank and Ephriam Miller have leased the Dodge coal mine, which waa recently opened up on Coal creek, east of Cbehalis, and will operate tbe prop erty. Two coal mines are now being worked at Cbehalis supplying the local demand and shipping some coal t outside points. Tbe Gettysburg Mining, Milling & Townsite Company filed art ices of incorporation. The company ia capi talized for 1,000,000 $1 shares. The incorporators are: P. C. Shine and C. G. Pence, ot Spokane, and J. G. Scribner, A. Coolin and A. E. Coolin, of Coolin, Idaho. Natural gas and oil are reported to have been discovered in large quanti ties on the farm of M. F. Mitobell, south of Walla Walla Several leases have already been secured by E. K. McCoy, who a here from Spokane in tbe interest of a California syndicate, and the sinking of oil well, and pros pecting (or the source of the gas. whioh is said to be in paying quanti ties, will begin at onoe. The Selah Valley Canal Company has put a force of 80 men at work im proving and enlarging the oanal which irrigate the land of Selah valley. About 200,000 feet of lumber for Burn ing purposes have been hauled by teams from North Yakima and will ba pnt in place within the next few weeks. This is the only iirigating en terprise in Central Washington, where the hillsides are farmed and planted to orchards and vinyarda. IDAHO. Fire at the mammoth compressor at Wallace inflicted a losa of about $500, fully insured. E. B. Blaine, an employee in M. D. Wright's logging camp, waa caught by a log and severely crushed. The bridge that will support tbe flume for tbe new flour mill at Kend- rick is on der construction. Chris Teissan, the Clearwater sheep man, is having plans drawn for a three-story pressed briok structure at Lewiston. , , Mis Dorcas J. Harvey, ot Fort Hall Agency, Idaho, ha been appointed assistant matron at the Fort Belknap, Mont., Indian lohoul. The framework of the Bolts railway bridge at Nampa is now completed, and will soon be plaoed in position. A report haa been received that Abe Harper, of Grangeville, had accident ally (hot and killed himself. He was a member of the A. O. U. W. Jamea Rutherford, an English min ing expert, is at Uak, Idaho, making an inspection of several mining prop erties along tbe Pend d 'Oreille river. bat refuses to disclose the names ot th parties he represent. ., ,