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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 8, 1901)
OREGON MIST Oregon, aa eecoiid-r-lasa until matter. COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER. I Tax law tlotitoring in Oregon la rapidly i becoming a nuisance. Each eeaelon of . ; he legislature soma panut politician v....,,.l nt tl. vwftW at St ll-ki. ! h h" a hnkorlng to become states- i uiati intronures a dim mat is wuuumi I lo revolutionize nirthotis of asmfasiuenta I and taxation, and it generally does, to the disguet of every property holder in the state. The idea that some little pettyfogging lawyer ia competent to draft tax lawa of real utility i a growi error and one that ahould be frowned upon severely by the voters. A com mission, composed of the beat talent iu the atate, ahould be delegated for thia purpose and from their work good result may be obtained. Tax law tickers arc much too prolitia in the Oregon legis lature thia session, as they have been at many pait sessions. Ibsi-kd Everv Friday Mok.nino, By DAVID DAVIS, Eni iKB ami Proi-riktwh. tl'BSl'RlrTION PRICK: One copy one year, in advance (1.00 Six months , SO COCNTV OFFICERS. Representative JtMire..... Clem Sheriff Treasurer gill, of School. Aitr. ....... Purveyor Coroner Coreiuiasionera ..Norman Merrill. Clatskanie .....Jownh 11. lioau. K&lnu-r J. (1. Watta, St. Hvleiis R. 8. lialtaii, 8t. Helena K. Itoin. St. Helen. 1, H. foreland. Himllou .Martin Whtte. St. Helens A. n. l.i'Ile. llo'tmm ..Pr. H. K CIHV. St. Helens P. A. Fiukea, Scai.. W. D. , flttsburg jjJfiiJ J FEBRUARY 8, 1901. Put your boy to work if be ia not school. If there ia nothing else for hiui to do, put him to whitewashing the back .fence. Keep the lawn mowed and even cut the winter supply of wood Auything ia better for hiui tbau loatin about town at the end of a cigar stump learning all the evil and contracting a! the vicea the devil keepa afloat to catc idlers. No honest labor w ill hurt your boy, but the evil habita he may contrac on. the atreets may kill hia soul and poison hia moral nature so as lo make hiui a detriment to the commnnitr in which he Uvea and how down bia gray' haired parents with sorrow. If the fathers and mothers of today woul learn the importance of training their sons to be industrious and keep them off the streets, the coming genei ations would be inestimably better off. Tna supreme court of this atate has ruled that the bicycle tax is illegal. The decision was bauded down by Judge Moore. Four points are decided. First the burden imposed by the act ia held to be a tax rather tban a license. Sec ond, it ia decided that the act ia local The law ia void as contravening 4he atate constitution. Fourth, the act operates to produce a double assess men of bicycles, in violation of the state constitution. The Illinois case declar ing unconstitutional the act nndei which the Oregon law ia modeled was cited on thia point. After citing sev eral text-writers and adjudged cases the eonrt saya: "It ia evident, we think from a consideration of the entire act, Mat it was primarily designated aaa means of raising revenue, and the bur den thus imposed must as tax and not a license." Ia 1800 our country was plucky, fledg ing, healthy, vigorous, ardent ia hope high on resolve. Our total population was less than 5,500,000. Germany and Bntan each had four times our number, Spain twice as many, and even little Portugal had as big a family of sons and daughters as Uncle Sam. West of the Mississippi all waa wilderness. We had ia nine siaiee ana lew cities ot promi- ence. except Philadelphia, New York, Baltimore, Boston and Charleston. The entire revenue of the United States government under oar first adminis iraiion was only 4,o00,000, while it now coats annually $98,100,413.33 to de fray the expenses of the government of Greater New York. Washington was then a new settlement, with only a few thousand population, and had been only lately made the capital. A Bill has been introduced in the bouse of representatives providing for higher salaries for the vice-president of the United States and for members of the cabinet. The bill proposes to in crease the salary of the vice-prenident to $25,000, and of the cabinet officers to 15,000. The hill as introduced does not call for increased salaries for supreme court justices, but before it cornea up lor serious consideration it doubtless will. The present bill ia to teat the temper of the house on the proposition to increase salaries. The supreme court should command the services of the be.-t lawyerain the United States. At pres ent it ia not infrequent that a lawyer argues a case before the supremo court and receives for that single argument a fee larger thau the yearly salary of evati the chief justice. Private interests aie more liberal in payment of services than the public. AutiMALDo ia reported to have been interviewed and to have stated that he and hia alleged government will never accept amnesty or any condition except absolute independence, lie saya that at the beginning of the present troubles the representatives of this government promised him and hia people their absolute independence on condition that the Filipinos should help the Americana drive the Spanish out of the country. He eaya thia government bae broken every promise made to biin and that lie will never trnst ua again. If Aguinaldo or anyone else can show when thia administration ever broke a The supreme court of the state of Oregon haa decided that the mortgage tax is valid, ami that taxes levied on that law can be collected, and under the decision of the court, land on which the mortgages were laid can be held for the levy. The county courts of the stal will take up the matter. Aa uiaor tinfan have taken place there will lie much confusion over thia deciaion. Il ia more than likely that all owners ot land againat which there ia a tax on thi. score will be uotiiied, so that the matter can be adjusted. VVx have roada, but they are deep down under the mud. There are aeveral remedies presented in the legislature for this wretched state of affairs, and it i to be sincerely hoped that from many we will receive relief. Thia ia one of the moat important subjects demanding the atteut:ou of our lawmakers. There must be a good, practical measure passed or there will be some mad farmers. It is fortunate that thia is not political question, and that members of all affil iations can work shoulder to shoulder. Rrprswestativs PooRXAic, of Marion, haa an idea that a law making brake- beam riding a misdemeanor will strike terror iuto the hearts of professional hobos and probably drive them to pur- chaae trotters or bicvcles in the event they find travel on tie passes too mo notonous. He has therefore, introduced a bill in the house to prevent people from beating their way on railroads. A penalty of from $5 to (26 is provided for a violation of the act aimed at bv the bill. The greatest objection against a direct primary law made by those not boas ridden ia that cities would have. an ad vantage over rural distircts on account of more opportunities for personal con sultation and convencience. It sucb a law ia enacted the country precincts will feel themselves fortunate and will not be found lacking in interest. The fact that the objections to such a measure come principally Iroin cities indicates that the rural localities would not lose bv such a atatnte. ? 8HINGI.K MKN TOUKTHKR. Combine Heor,tanlecit for Another Year In Washington. The Washington Red CVtlar Shingle Maitutat-tnrinir Association lias been rooiirwiiited with headquarters it t Seal lie. It was decided to make a fresh atartand an effort to open the shingle aeneon of HKU with a strong organization along the lines lormcrlv followed. Officers have been elected for the en- sninir. vear. Including an executive com tuittee. euuiowered to appoint insneotore to travel among the mills of the atate to ee that tlienuuiniartiirera tinner to me standard ot grades established by the amociution. This has been a rather troublesome matter in time gone by, the tendency beiue in some mills to neirlcct the standard iriving brokers chance to manipulate urices. Another important feature ia the ea tahltxhment ol a schedule of pnew which the members ol the organization are pled god to maintain. Tho price for iurs is 1.40 per thousand, and of clear $1.(10 per thousand. A New BUI. Human beings are often shot by care less lain tors and to avoid so many accl deuta and cause those, who hunt to ex ercise a little care regarding what they shoot at. Mr. Mrhols. of rienton county. haa brought before the Oregon legisla ture a lull calculated to check thia reck- leasneaa. Following! the text ol the bill Section 1. If any iierson, wiiilo hunt ing for anv kind ot irauie. DMtnke anv human being for any game or inanimate Hviect. ami snoota at aaiu human being and kills the same, such person shall he teemed gulltr of rolonv. ami upon con viction thereof, shall be punished by iinpriaontneut not leas than oue year nor more wart ten vears. Section 3. If anv nersou. while hunt ing for anv kind of game, mistakes anv human heing for any game or inanimate biect and shoots at said humane beiue and wounds the same, out not lataiiv. such persona upon conviction thereof! shall be punished by imprisonment in the county jail not leas than three months nor more than one year, or Dv fine not less than (100 nor more than 500. Will skis II U BanluNK. o r h! m i. .. . i rv.n... t... writes: "I thought I would have to give np business, after two years of suffering from general debility brought on by overwork and long boura, but four bottles of Electric Bitters stave me new life. I can now eat anything, sleep wen and teei like working; an the time. It'a the beat medicine on earth." It's a wonderful tonic and health builder for tired, weak, sickly and run-down people. Try it. Satisfaction guaranteed. Only au cents at tne st. Helena f harmacv. Sore Lungs mean weakened lungs all caused by a cold and cough Weak lungs sooner or later mean consumption, Shiloh's ; Consumption Cure will heal and strengthen the lungs, cure cold and stop the cough. "I eoafhed far years kad eeawerhafn. last stage vf naauir completely. Aia tail mu tiott. - Had aivatt up all hope. I finally tried ana it Smut and U ourad todav in pafttct alth. kiu. Bi.nuiuit rBw fcaat Oakland, CaL fellah C'niaaanttoti Cur la aald by all rittrtata aa mmo, ava. at -ua a tiiu. m rriutad auatnuttaa mft with avarf bottla. I ywa ar ai aatuttad ar-a a your drag-atal Yfnta lar Ulaairalaa took aa conauiaptina. 5 . a. ithuat coat to yoa. I. C Walla C, UHoy, N. For Rent or Sale. A160-acrefarm. For particulars write to or call on bdwin Merrill, Deer island Uregon. BK.NATOUIAL. VOTE. Senator McRrlde Gains Two Votes liast Saturday. The only change in the senatorial con- teat since our last isaue waa in Mc Bride's favor, when, on Saturday he Rained two votes, lho vote Wednesday waa: Oorbett...., 30 Smith (deml 2 McBrule 21 Hermann 2 Fulton Moore ; 1 Lowell 1 Teachers' Examination. Notice Is hereby given that the count Htiperintendeut of Columbia county ill hold the regular examination of applicants for atate papers at 8t. lid eua aa followa: Oomnienrinir Wednesday, Febrnarv I3tb, at 9 o'clock a. in., and continuing until Saturday, rebrnary Kali . at o'clock p. in. wedneaday-lenmanaiiip, history ,apei ling, algebra, reading, composition. Thursday W ritten arithmetic, theory ol teaculng, grammar, DootReeping, i'.ngliau literature, civil government. KridAV WsioliHTv. irenfft-anhv. nhvsi- cal geography, nicutal arithmetic, school law. Saturday Botany, plane geometry, general history, phyBica, psychology. 1. It. UOI'SLANR, County School Superintendent Houlton, Or., Feb. 1, 1901. tnm f Cawsier or Die. "I waa iust about gone." writes Mrs. Rosa Richardson, of Laurel Springs, N C, "I had consumption ao bad that the heat doctors raid I could not live mntv Uian a month, bnt I began to nan lr tuners new Discovery and was wholl cored by seven bottles and am now stout and well." It'a an unrivaled life saver in consumption, pneumonia, la grippe and bronchitis; infallible (or coughs, colds, asthma, hay fever, crou or whooping cough, (.tuarauteed bot- tlea 60c and fl.OO. Trial bottles tree at the St. Helens Pharmacy. PROFESSIONAL. S. H. GRUBER, ATTORXE Y- AT- Li IP Office with E. E. Quick, ST. HELENS, : : ORKUON. Will give bnt wruiDal attention to all ten natters entrusted to me. Will practice la a the atate and I' tilted atatea t'ourta. W. H. POWELL, ATTORNEY- AT- L.1 11 DEFflY UtBTRICT ATTORNEY. ST. HELENS. : OREHON. Lr entering into the spirit of a thing with intense interest moans aucceas, then, indeed, ahould aucceas follow the efforta of the people of Scappooae bav for the improvement of the channel of that waterway. Our friends up there have undertaken the work with vigorous spirit, and there is an apparent deter mination which signifies that they will be unrelenting in their appeals. B. P. Graham. T. J. Clxkton Attorneys-at-Law. 208 Marquam BulMlnn. Portland Oregon. Columbia Coaotr boalne1 will metre prompt aiivnuou. 1. W. DAY W. B. DII.LAR1) Rcprbsektativx) Crack, of Baker county, introduced a bill protecting sage hena. The Latin name of the old hen waa in the bill, in full, and not even the cartoonist of the house could guess what the import of the bill was, until the words "eage hen" in our mother tongue ppeared at the end of the title. The next in order will be a bill for the pro tection of aand-lizarda and horned-toads. Working Overtime. Eight hours law are ignored by those tireless, little workers JJr. King's ew Life Pills. Millions are alwaya at work, nignc ana aay, curing indigestion, bil iousness, constipation, sick headache, and all stomach, liver, and bowel troub les, basy, pleasant, safe. aure. Only 25c at the St. Helena Pharmacy. A paragraph concerning registered mail which appeared a few weeka ago nas raised aome controveray la straighten the matter regarding indem nity for lost registered mail. Postmaster Oroasuian makes this official announce ment : "It ia the practice of the postal department to return the full value of lost registered matter where such loss has occurred through the negligence or carelessness of any persona in the pos tal service, sucb persona being com pelled to make good the loss without regard to the limitation of value. But wnen . nrst-c aaa matter ia unaccpnntamy p, . -j C. loet tuen tne government indemnities I 't;on'i'U Usivuu KJUt n&vii DILLARD & DAY, ATTORNE TS-AT-L.1 Jl Office neit door to Court houne, 8T. 11KLENH. OUEtiON. General practice In cnurta of Oregon or Waah- Ingtou. Abstracts mads directly from couutr recoras. Dr. Edwin Ross, senator nciEir has introduced a bill in the senate to regulate the aalary of the district attorneys iu the atate. ine attorney lor tbia district now receives $2,200 annualy, while bia deputy in thia county receives $200. The new bill proposes to raise the principal's salary to $3000 per year and allow $500 per year for the deputy, to be paid by the state, the same as st present. for its value, not to exceed $10, Bsaiatke 8igaataie of TOHIA. IDs Kind Yoa Haw hwrs BogM ST. HELENS, OREGON. jy ioo kino 10a Haw unwrs A bill ia under conaideration before the aenate committee on military affairs providing for the expulsion oT any cadet of United States Military Academy who may be found guilty of participation iu azing. A measure along tbia line is most sorely needed one which will for- ver stamp out that infamous and de grading practice. Senator Clem has introduced a bill in the legislature to prohibit "treating." thia measure becomea a law it will cut no ice" in, Houlton for there's noth- ug of a wet nature to be "treated" to. Senator Clein'a bill is evidently another stance of class legislation and that, too a very pernicious quality. A Ueatle Hint. In our style of climate, with its sadden manges oi temperture rain, wind and sunshine often intermingled in a single nay ii is no wonder that our children. friends, and relatives are so frenuentlv taken from us by neglected colds, halt the deaths resulting directly from thix cause, a bottle of ISoschee'a Oertusn .Syrup kept about your home for imme diate use will prevent serious sickness. a large doctor's bill, and perhaps death bytheuaeof three or four doses. For consumption, hemorrhages, pneumonia evere congh, croup, or any discern of J me inroat or lungs, its anccesa ia pimply wonderful, as your druggist will U-Il you. Get a sample bottle free at the St. Helena Pharmacy. Regular size. 76 eta. tjei ureen a raze Almanac. Dr. II. R. Cliff, Physician and Stirgeon ST. HELENS, OREGON. Dr. J. E. Hall, Physician and Surgeon CLATSKANIE, OREGON. Steamer JOSEPH KELLOGG Leaves Portland on Taasday, Thu radar and Bat uraaj at i a. m. tor Sf. Hlin$, Kalema, Carnlft Point, Rainitr and Ktlto, - Arrirlrnr at Portland Monday. Wed neadajr and Friday at 2 p in. Wharf fool of Falmon at II. II')LVAN. Agent. CASTOR I A For InxmsU and Children. Thi Kind Yea Han Ahrajs Bougbf Steamer G. W. SHAVER. v. Bears the Signature s TW K ISM ""Wi'li ininaiawiiiiiiai ia.iin.iiaiiiiia''' Triaiiaiatmi miriiatr Tukhk are two families living in the western part of Kansas, named Day and Sunday, who are neighbors. Mr. Day ia im her of seven girls, while Mr. Sunday aa an even numlr of suns. Four of hia sous have married Days, another la engaged, ao it now appears "every day will be Sunday by and by." ESTABLISHED 172. ...11100 Tim Clay ton-Bulwer treaty iaanagree- ! ment not to build an interoceauic canal, j It is at liest a negation, and no one will : be injured when it ia superadded by J something that will benefit the com I merce of the world. JOHN A. BECK DEALER IN Watches, Diamonds, Silyerware, ....JEWELRY... Repairing a Specialty. Ml Mnrrfatm 81. Bet. Front A Klrat, PORTLAND. Iavaa Portland, foot nf WMnhlntnn for Clatukaftia and wav landlnaa. on Montiuv aud Thursday at l a. nt. Leaven Claukanle I Tueadajr and Friday at i o'clock a. m. Shaver Tiansportation Co. cninnact or failed to k.n a .,;.,.! MII"'tA" manuiacturce valued at there might be a reasonable excuse for ! 1441 '000,000 were "P01-11 lt year, a biaobatinacv. We are keeping our com-! gain of (i0'000'000 over 1899- At thi pact with Cuba aud would do the same I r"to of lnCT the Prt ' n'nu with Aguinaldo if we had ever made I y8, would double ",in in bini any prouiiaea. Besides, the state-1 a aaa, ment that this government ever needed Ip the groundhog has been hiding all anybody's assistance in licking the ' thia time under the imprepaion that it Spanish ia too much of an absurdity to j ia winter, the sagacity of the animal has require comment. 'been greatly overrated. Reopened to the Poblic Oriental Hotel. EUGENE BLAKEBLEY, : Proprietor. 8T. HELENS. Board by Day, Week or Month At Brasomahlk Fionas. Visitors met at steamer landings and guests baggage looked after, THE OLD 8TANO M STeAMCR i 4 H H M IUH POU TLAIVD. DAILY. &j H H H H H H M uAmerica,, r i Wiilamett Sloagil Route Leave St. Helens 6:30 AM Arrive at Portland. 10:30 A M Leave Portland 2:30 PM Arrive at St. Helens. 0:00 P M riHK tl t-Kia ra. Will Carry Kottiinar but Pasaen. gera and Fast Freight. iAMCH CIOOO, Blaeler. M lilllKAUIKti KOH HCHOOliH. House Passed Ulll lleg.ilrlng Coun ty Tax for Tliein. Stewart's bill eatabllahing libraries In school diatrlots luia passed ine iuii M. nl jim. lino ill llm I'liiuillitli't on education, warmly advocated the of the hill In the inUueal rural achoola. Kddv anid the bill alinn really be entitled A bill to entourag' education iu the Itnal districts of Ui " Hu rvferretl to the Ulldenmii teachera atrixing lo plant the anutis of knowledge in the mluda of the growing voiith. hiunticrvd bv thw lack l Ihki miuI nMai.arv niiftimcut. vet hritvel iiiturulimr on. doniu the U-s't they could ... foltllf tituir iduttton iltilin. The main uuriioati of the aoh'tu It brarv bill la to be found in sectiou 1 which Is its follows: '"Section 1. The county con rta of II jcterul counlica of this atute are bcruli ttouiretl to lew, at the aamu tunu tin' li-w other taxes, a lax uimu all taxali nnutertv in their nullities for school ihtarv nurnoaea. whit h shall attreitste an nmnmlt which shall 1m no It'Sa tlia III cents iter capita for each and all children within the county between tl the aires of 4 and 20 years, aa shown I the then last preceding school ccuaua which shall be collected at the aame time and by the aaino otficere aa oth taxeaare collected, and auch aggrcgat turn, when so collided, ahall be known aa the ut'neral school library fund of the cotiutv, and such fund shall be aet aside and used for no oilier than school library ptirposea, in the manner here inafter urovided for." PiHwlainna aa bt the inetboda bv whit' the library fund ahall be handled are made, and it ia aet forth bow the book ihall be purchased. The hooka must be elected from lists prepaied by the atate hoard of education, submitted to It i nrvatdants of the Slate University, Slat Agricultural Colleire. and of the aeveral Normal achoola. The school clerk ahall he the librarian, unless otherwise pro vided by the district board. A CeiBvlntilng Aatavrer. "I hobbled Into Mr. Blackmail's drug store one eveniuic. saya Noslev .Nelson jf Hamilton, Ua., "and be anked tne to try Chamberlain's Pain Balm for rheu matiam with which I had fullered for a long time. I told him I had no faith in anv medicine aa they all failed. 11 niil : 'Well if Cbaeuberlain'a Pain Balm Joes not help you, yon need not pay for it.' I took a bottle of it home and used it accord in it to the directions and in oue week 1 was cured, and have uol since been troubled with rheuuiutism Sold at the St, Helens Pharmacy. Ietler from Hon. John ('a pics. L. 0. Burton, of Skamokawa, received in interesting letter, alvo a package of 'linos, from Hon. John r. Caplea, United States Minister to Chile, the ther day. Following ia an extract from the letter written from Valparaiso: "1 suppose you are now beginning to have ome good Waahington ahowers. Here we are iust beginning tne long dry aunt tner. As the sun is lust now beating lown with intense beat, and the warm wind blowing the dust in all directions at once I feefhke congratulating you Ho rn the climate in which yon live. After all, my dear Link, the United State .-onstitutee the best country In th world, and I am glad I can aay I believe that you are proving yourself worthy of it. 1 nnu rayseit growing very an x ion to get back to that good country, am trust 1 may return by early spring. judge uaniea lor many years was resident of the city of Portland, and prosecuting attorney of Multnonia county for twelve years. He also held several other positions of honor. He la a man of atong character and deep in tegrity, and la perhaps aa well know and esteemed aa any man in the North west. OABVOnXA. A STORIA & COLUMBIA RIVER II RAILROAD COMPANY. BSABDOWS aL on- iy DAILY. 21 r M r. a. au M va a 05 3:47j S 20 oil a as 4:07 8 44 .11 8 W 4:221 8 s !:.' 9 OS n in 4:.W X! V 17 10 00 5 28 10 OK ft 38 10 20 5:. 10 SO a. a. r s w a 06 a 4 IS -t'l.H as 63 5 40 4S ). no m. io oo a.i 10 io aa.4 10 21 71.2 10 M 7a 7, u 02 sa c 11 10 MU': II 22 0S.4' 11 30 VPS' TATIO!a) DAILY. k. m. 1.1 Portland Aril 10 lliihlo ...Rainier .. ,, Prrunild.. ... Mayser... ...Qilfncy ... . Clat.kanle. . Marahland. . Wentport.,. ...rilfton... ...Knapiia... .. Kvanson... ..John Day.. Ar. A-turla .l.i 10 V a fa t m ao 20 a 12 I 02 a m a S7 a 17 a 07 7 M 7 45 23 r. 40 a aa a 20 a on 7 M 7 4 7 as 7 2 7 7 02 S 42 a wi a 20 a io All tralna make cloae connection at i.olilt with Northetn faeltlo tralna to and from the Kant and Hound iulnta. At F.irlland with all tralna leaviua Union depot. At Astoria with I K. Ac N. ti.'a boat and rail Una to and from II waco ana norm neacn pointa. pasMnaera lor Astnna or way point mint Haa alna at Houlton. Train, will aton to let nan. angers off at Houlton when nomlnjt front points . Aatorla, Or J. :. IHa lien. faaa. AsL, 0. R. A N. CO. DaAT Chlraao- Portland Hrieclal ISa to. Atlantic Kxtircs 8 .00 p. m Bpokane Flyer 8:00 p. m, (p. m. Dally x.Huuday 8 p. ni. Saturday iu p. in. ft a. m. Ex.Huuday 7 a. m. Tiles. Thur. and Mat. aa in. Tues. 'I'hur. and 8at. Lr. Ittparla 8:8a. m. dally Halt Ijdta, Denrer, ft, Worth, Umaha.Kan a City, at. Loula, t'hlcaKo and Kaat. Salt Uke, Denver, Ft. Worth. Omaha, Kan sas city, w. Loula, i;nicaao ana East, Walla Walla. Lewis- ton, Spokane, Minn- eapons, Ht. raui, Duliith, Milwaukee, Chicago and Kaat. Ocean Steamships. All salting- dates sub ject tn chanxe. For Kan Francisco Ball every Ave days. Oolumbla River Steamers. To Astoria and Way- tauaiugs. Willamette Rlvar, Orr-Bon City, Kewbery, naiem at nay-iano gs Willamette and Yam hill Rlvara. Oreiton t;lly, Dnytcn, and way-landings. Willamette River. Portland to Corvallft and Way-laudiuaa. Aaaivs 4 p.m. 7:00 a.m. 8 40 a. iu. i p. m. unday 4:a0B.m. Ks.Hunday 8:30 d. m. Mon. Wed. aud Frl. Snake River. Rlparla to Lewlstnn. 4:30 n. In. Mon. Wed. and Frl. Lv.ftw'lon I lly st 00 a. iu. W. H. HURLBERT, General Pasaenaer Agent, POKTI.AND ' ' wfimM - wl .:.... si r . a . a : -r' ml! r l F 11,1 1 I S tt3 If ' ;H1 k f 1 AVl'8t'tabk Prepornlionriir Aa slmitatlnft theFoodnnilHctf ula bnfi tat 5fcato nrtllVrwvls dt rromolcs DigcsllonChwr fbl- ness and Ht'siumiains nciuier Oiuiin,Morphute norUiuaL '0TNAaCOT10. XpatsWl Remedf forCanaflrvv rVM, Sour StoiruKh.DiariivMa Worms .(kirmilsiurw .Fevcn sh nu and Loas or Sleep. racSimits Signsiltars of KEW YORK. .itf 4Faaj-.,. afiaa tXACT eosv or wwAMcn. For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Boars the Signature " Mr In Use For Over Thirty Years IB ,li oa aaarawa eaaiMav. mtw vaaa am. r How About Your Title? i fit nr. vim KKl'l'l 4 roiurts 'OV at'HK II Is all rlahl? Remember thai II Is the t'OUIMIiat eorerns. It Is unr tnislne-ae lo rrarth the i-onls and show Hhat they rtiiitalu In relation In land till.-". If urn I'imtenii'lata Luili-r lai d ur loauins niotiet on a.ta'e aeeutlty, take tin man s arurd, but lutst ut-n kui-wius what the rvt-iird .Imtf. rvi:artlln the Itlle. AU Allraet Isas SMM-nnsI aa adtHl. lu.i.i on havltia it. We have lto oittw et el aliract Ii.miS. In the iMiutuy All work pn'iai'lly let ntmi and n(i lli.a gilarantiwl II iui hava ih'ierty I" InaitteRlve u a wall Weere aa-uts tor the hi-ni are liisitrani- i-otiiiiile4 in the world. II fun have property (ur sale list It with us and aa will aud a buyer. E. E. QUICK & CO., Jfa ifreer ST. HCltMS. .ems. ontcon ! The Weekly Oregonian I! pae a week aVeilainns ' paj. a year. ii ouiumua ' ;j CONTAINS reties and by wall- iS OUR CLUBBING OFFER 4S - fc We have tiorftt:le.l arranrMiienta whereby wo are enable)) to fur- ZZ tilth The Weekly Ornronlan in finnwtion with Tna Miar ur r only Two Dollars. The price ol The Orfjioitlan alone la $1.00. All the news well written. Articles ilvncrthiug Western HKuleiiia. Storiea ol love ami ail venture known author. Brilliant illustration by newapaperarliala lnterrntinc ekrtcht-8 and lileralure (r liova and iclrl. fashion articlos and illustrations (or women. THE OREGON ZiU.W.U.U.ttJtt.U.U.UW MIST 3. katka WHEN IN NEED OF MEDICINE... -00 TO- THC CLATSKANIE DRUG STORE Drugs, Patent Medicines, Toilet Articles, Etc OH. J. sT. HALL, Pnprittor. CLATSKANIE, - OREGON. I THE NEW YORK STORE IS OFFERING GREAT BARGAINS IN I ClothingS I Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots, Shoes, Etc. n. MOEGue, (hooper Building, Main Street, St. Helens, Oregon. SB WHITE COLLAR LINE -sktwrsr.nl1 i i, i-inirir ftrtr rtrr lnn.. . .. . mwMu KIVBK ANU I'L'liKT HOUND "AVIUAIION (JO. PORTLAND-ASTORIA ROUTE. Steamer Hercules lo place ot Bailey Gatzert Landing Knot nf Alder Htreet, Portland re. I'ortland dally (ex.-o.itKi, , ly5l7 A M Leave Antnri K. W, Dfll "HI V Is'KPotil Ui...,t. i . n ii Brinn Brothers! CAFE ST. HELENS, ... OREGON. NEW PLACE. If yon want something ennd In the Una of whisky fry SHAW'SMALT Only the beat of Llprs and Clears Kept In Stock: a OPEN 'ROM S A. M. TO J 13 O'OLOOK MIDNIOHT. 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 OK BOON A.J, TA 1 1,1 K, Aitent, Astoria,